icebreaker oaiues To Free N.S. (CP) — The Carson radioed last night that . SYDNEY. ^^^^^^ department of transport icebreaker John A. Macdonald was battling 20-<foot drift ice today in an attempt to free the CNR Newfoundland ferry William Carson, stuck in the Gulf of St. Lawrence about six miles off North Sydney, N.S. The ferry, carrying 58 passengers and 400 tons of cargo, has been stuck in the ice-clogged entrance to Sydney harbor since it left North Sydney Saturday night on a routine six - hour, 100-mile run to Port aux Basques, Nfld. CAPT. JACK REAM, skip- J£ per of the Carson, said t h e I icebreaker was attempting to | turn the ferry around so it 1 could back out of the icefield = and proceed to Port aux Bas- § ques. 1 A CNR spokesman said the | Trawler Radios, Ma (CI every time the ferry, which is also built as an icebreaker, moved back to take a run, the ice immediately pressed into the open lead. The spokesman said he did not know if the Carson would be able to head back for North Sydney. The ferry is about two miles from the nearest land. Three freighters reported to be trapped in ice near Anticosti Island in the northern gulf of the St. Lawrence, were freed today as the ice shifted. HALIFAX fCP) - The Newfoundland trawler Grand Bay was reported early today to be taking water but in no immediate danger in heavy seas about 170 miles south of Cape Race, Nfld. The Canadian Coast Guard ship Montmorency is proceeding from La Poile, Nfld. to the aid of the 107-foot trawler out of Grand Bank, Nfld. The Grand Bay radioed late last night she was taking water and unable to make headway in heavy seas and strong winds. * 'fToSfiiSi The navigation season on the St. Lawrence Seaway opened Saturday as the Imperial Windsor became the first ship to make the full passage through the Welland Canal. The vessel entered the canal from Lake Ontario and made the upbound voyage to L a k e Erie. The Ontario Power is expected to make the first downbound passage today. NO SHIPS are destined yet for Hamilton Harbor, delaying the start of the shipping season here. Harbormaster Floyd Day said he did not know when the first ship of 1967 would sail through the Burlington ship canal, although the harbor is ready and waiting. | TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1967- """Miumiiliriim". ¦fflfflfc —St. Lawrence Seaway Authority WELLAND CANAL SEASON OPENED BY TANKER Imperial Windsor opens 1967 navigation season on Welland Canal section of St. Lawrence Seaway. The 256-foot tanker owned by Imperial Oil Ltd. was bound for Sarnia. I