Index Acacia,ITSCG. Agawa Canyon Aime Gaudreau Arrow,tanker Arundel,TTSCG Athabaskan,^CN Atlantic Cinderella Avondale ^6,55 12 10,11,12,13, ]> 27 6 56 55 62 Baffin,CCG........ Beavermondo Beaveroak Beaverpine ..^9,52 1+7 h7 Canada Club................5 Capitao Jose Vilarinho ^2,1+3 Capo Mele 20 Clara 6h Part Europe...............50 Pigby,port of, 1 Eastcliffe Fall 33,3^,35,36, 38,Mf,if5,itf,»f7 Eglantine 23 Empress of England 5 Endeavour II 50 English River 17 Enterprise 22,23 Grand Haven,car ferry......h G.R.Geary 2 Griffon,CCG 66 Gulf Gurd 23 G.W.Rogers 26 Hudson,CCG............^9,52 Imperial Acadia.........5,11 Irving Beech 6h Irving Maple 1+7 Irving Whale 1+7,^8 Irving S.Olds 1+ Isobel Suzanne 67 John A .France.............15 John A.Macdonald,CCG 20 Kingston,port of,..........7 Lac Manitoba..............19 Lena 1 Liddle Brothers 65 Louise 2Louis S.St.Laurent,CCG 20 Manchester Miller...........2h Manchester Renown 20,21 Man cox 53 Manes P. 9 Manhattan,tanker 8,20 Marion Crouse 5 Meteor,tanker 6 Mid land, port of, 57 Monks garth 58,60,61,6*+ Nanticoke,port of,..........29 National Sea Products Ltd 56 N.B.McLean,CCG 65 Newfoundland Eagle 1+3 Newfoundland Falcon *+2,l+3 Newfoundland Shipyards Ltd. 5 Nonsuch (HBCo) 3 9, "+0,1+1 Northern Trader If Orefax...................1+8,*+9 Patrick Morris....... 22,23,38 Pennyworth 67 Petite Fo^te 12 Philip R.Clarke h Point Tupper,port of 25,37 Prince of Fundy 32 Ralph S .Misener.... rrrrri.. .20 Rhine Ore 23 Ridgetown 26,28 Rochambeau 20 St.John,NB,port of......... 57 Sampson V. 30,^8 Sillery 55 Simcoe 20 Souris Trader 53 Stonefax 2H- Susan Constant 59 S.W.Lawrence 5 Ta verner.....................1+ Tupper,CCG 1+7 Ulysses Reefer..............38 Wearf ield...................5V Welland Canal 2l+,31,32,63 Wolfe, CCG 8,U-7 Yankcanuck...................3