rolled fpr the purpose and made of a thickness decreasing towards the periphery ; while the second objection is practically futile, the broad rudder of these steamers being held only about four inches out of the centra! line to steer the vessel in a straight course, when moving by steam alone. I conclude this article with a few statistics of the vessels in which this principle is carried to the highest degree : the " International," of 473 tons register (burned last winter in Niagara River), the " Buffalo," 689 tons, and the "Oriental," of 950 tons, all three being impelled by single non-condensing engines standing vertically over the shaft. INTERNATIONAL. Diameter of cylinder, 33 inches. Stroke of piston, 4 feet Diameter of screw, 17 " Pitch of " 23 " Pressure of steam, 75 lbs. above atmosphere, cut off at half stroke. Revolutions, 46 per minute; average speed. 11 1/2 statute miles per hour. One tubular boiler, with drop return flues. Weight of cast-iron centre of screw, 9,500 lbs. " blades, 4,800 Total weight of screw, 14,300 " Draught of vessel loaded, 8 feet. BUFFALO. Diameter of cylinder, . . . 32 inches. Stroke of piston, 4 feet. Diameter of screw, 15 " Pitchof " 23 « Average revolutions per minute, 42 Average speed, 10 statute miles per hour. One tubular boiler, up return. Burns one half ton of coal per hour. Weight of screw centre, 9,000 lbs, " blades, 3,600 Total weight, 12,600 Draught loaded, 10 feet. THE ORIENTAL Has a direct acting engine, of the style generally known as "square" engines, but called by some in the south " cross-head" engines. It stands vertically over the centre shaft. Diameter of cylinder, 36 inches. Stroke of piston, 4 ft. 8 inches. Diameter of screw (six bladed), 18 feet Pitch of « 23 " Length of screw. 26 inches : len^h of hub, 30 inches. Pressure of steam, 50 to 55 lbs. above atmosphere, cut off at half stroke Average revolutions, 42 per minute.