THE PRACTICABILITY OF SIDE-SCREW PROPULSION Messrs. Griffiths & Bates : The interest which you have taken in my plan, of applying the screw power of steam yessels at the sides instead of the stem, has given me great satisfaction; and, with your permission, I would include another scientific journal of New York, in the same, or a similar remark. I allude to the Scientific American, With your remarks upon the advantages secured by my invention, I am much pleased, and have only this to say with you, that whenever it becomes demonstrated, as it is in a fan- way to be,, that elevated screw propulsion is superior to the same power immersed, it will follow that the application will be changed from the stem to the sides. As you have not yet given the dimensions of the Baltic; I will finish the same : Length on deck, 230 feet. Breadth of beam, 30 " Depth of hold, , 12 1/2 " Having published the engineer's endorsement of a statement of the performance of the Baltic, from Buflfalo to Cleveland, July 22d, 1854, would it not be well to show your readers what that statement is ? The following if from the Buffalo Democracy: