Schooner Signal Ashore
- Publication
- Oswego Times & Journal (Oswego, NY), 30 Aug 1856
- Full Text
Schooner Signal Ashore. - The schooner "Signal" of Erie, Capt. Zimmerly, which cleared this port Thursday last for Erie, with 315 barrels of salt and 100 barrels of water lime, sprung her foremast when off the Devil's Nose, put back, and in attempting to come in the harbor this morning at 1 o'clock, with a heavy sea and little or no wind, was driven on to the east pier, and finally went ashore under Fort Ontario, where she now lies exposed to the sea, and leaking badly. When she struck the pier two of the sailors escaped, and the remainder got ashore by means of a line, though thoroughly drenched with water. Her cargo will probably be discharged before any attempt is made to her her off. We understand the vessel is insured.
Propeller Sunk. -We learn that on Thursday morning the propeller "Protection" was run into by the steamer "Boston," at Fiddler's Elbow, about six miles below Gananoque, sinking her immediately, and it is feared she will prove a total wreck. The "Boston" was bound down to Montreal with a cargo of flour, and the "Protection" was bound for Toronto, principally freight with European goods. The "Boston" was somewhat injured, but was able to get back to Kingston, where she transferred her cargo uninjured into barges for shipment on to Montreal.
Sunk With a Load of Lumber. - The schooner "Southern," loaded with lumber, sunk at the dock in Charlotte yesterday. She was from Canada, bound to Oswego, but sprung a leak in the recent gale on the lake, and put into this port for repair. She is being pumped out, and the lumber put upon the dock, until the vessel can be overhauled. -( From Rochester Advertiser)
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 30 Aug 1856
- Subject(s)
- Collection
- Richard Palmer Collection
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
New York, United States
Latitude: 43.4689413273774 Longitude: -76.5062999725342
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