Sessional Papers (No, 12J. incut shewing the number of steam vessels lost, and such information as I o gather in respect to accidents on steam vessels, endangering . ne period in the Dominion. Your most obedient servant, (Signed,) Samdsl, Chnirmmi oftho Hoard ol'S. li I WtViKST of'Jwwfi and Accident* t<> Stcavt. Vemeiv «»,/ t/us Domiiu'i,i.fiM- the year ended 'M«t December, 1868, Bd n.ivicL and M. S District.â€"None. I limbec District.â€"Steam Tug "St. Marie" burn tat [lie wharf at. (Iiubi.-, jtli (letebei 1...â- -.. -.1 was no: in commission at the time. Steamship " MsrwiStts It- way up from Montreal mi the "illi September, burn I her steam <â- ],!.::'â- â- . 11iL.ilmy. Mid srverrH- scalding: the second engineer. ':". -«t [â- i _r rvidanca In rest.....t to i'a,. einnunBfamees......nooti d witfi th â- ' â- """jiiiinn that the chief engineer I'enjatmn 1'ili.eau was to bbime in deputing â- -.v: mini' n â- iâ- â- IV-1-1 in (In' boiler, however slight without â- allslVn â- Latent and danger, 'the Board did not feel justified in revoking PilteBB â- â- levereli eeusund him. ami caii;ii:'..,'l iiiin against guch neglect in [ TlrteRivors District.â€"Steamer " Relief sunk on the 5 th May, opposite Sorel, in a Li of wind. The Captain and one of the firemen lodt, I .Steamer 'â- Vnniaslia" hiinli byja collision with 11 Mailing I-ral't. The steamer n total wreck lires lost, Montreal District. â€" Steam Tug " Lily" burnt at ilreun|ioiiil In llie tlivnvillc I'anal. Ui of August. Steam Tug â- ' Leeds" sunk in the Chute a. lilondcsu Rapids, iin live. !.,.[. Steamer "Spartan" of the Royal Mail line sirucfc on her Waj down llie Si l.ianviin-iring her forward compartment. No lives lost. Kingston District.â€"'â- Steamer Empress" burnt at the wharf at Kingston. West Ontario District.â€"Steamer "Frances Smith" running between Collingwood J Owen Sound, run ashore in a fog in Georgian Ray. N'o lives lust. Steamer " IVrscverancc" the pro|jerty of the Welland llailnny I 'itnipany lust |.y Lire on it Onlariu, in (leiel.: â- â- \ IJoport of Oil Iom mi lie ivardeil toyoui Department shorlly er it occurred. I may state here that the origin of tho lira which caused the total hiss ut' i vessel nnd the loss of several lives is unknown. The vessel was well equipped in every feet and well officered; the fire was so rapid that the boats euuld not he properly launched: aieers did their best., and appear to have lot their lives in their efforts to save life and Frtj. (Signed,)