33 Victoria. Sessional Papers (No. 11.) A. 1870 The passenger steamers "Princess of Wales," and " Est. Lawrence" owned by the P. K. Island Steamboat Company collided on the night of the 5th of August, when off Se Head, at the entrance of the Harbor of Summer-side, P. E. Island, tin; "St. Law, was cut down below the waters edge by the colision, and was only saved from sinking by great exertion on the part of the crew and passengers until towed into shoal water by the "Princess of Wales." Fortunatly no lives were lost; the oidy notice the Inspector received of the accident was from the Engineer of the " St. Lawrence." The cause of the accident or who was to blame for the collission has not been made public, the Inspector wrote to the Agent requesting information in the matter, but never received any. The Inspector was not notified of this accident by the owners and no action was taken by him, the collision not having occured in the waters of the Dominion. The freight and passenger steamer "M. A. Starr," owned by F. W. Fishwick, of Halifax, N. S., Captain Thomas Wasson, while on tin u-orn Yarmouth, N. S., to Halifax, N. S., was run aground near Cape Sable, N. S., on the evening of the 9th August, she was got off at high water, and proceeded to Halifax. The cavise of the accident was attributed to an error in the Captain's judgment. The Inspector was duly notified of the accident by the owner. QUEBEC DIVISION. Tug steamer, " Lake St. Peter," burnt on 15th of January in winter quarters at Diamond Harbor. There have also been two steamers broken up in this Division during the winter, viz.â€"tug "John Bull" and " City." Gross tonnage respectively 117 and 66 tons. THREE RIVERS DIVISION. No accidents to steam vessels reported in this Division. MONTREAL DIVISION. Steamer "Maid of Canada" on the 21st June, being her first trip of the season, in consequence of her rudder chains becoming entangled when leaving the wharf at Montreal, ran on the rocks. No lives were lost at this time, but while getting the vessel off, the carpenter was killed by being struck with a capstan bar. Steamer " Albion " on the 17th of August burst her steam pipe on leaving the wharf, No person injured by the accident. Freight steamer " Dalhousie" on the 28th of November struck the rocks in the "Long Sault Rapids," on Ler passage to Montreal. She stove a hole in hor bottom, but managed to reach Montreal. Steamer " Her Majesty," on the 6th of November from Pictou to Montreal struck on the Whitehead Reef, at the entrance of Bay Chalours, near Percy Village, at the lower point of Bonaventure Island, and sunk. The forward part of tl e vessel only remaing above water. No lives lost, vessel total wreck. Steamer "Wood," November the 20th, while on her trip to Ottawa, sank opposite the Indian Village, Oka, Lake of Two Mountains. No lives lost, No explanations as to the cause of the above accidents are given. Steamer " Grecian " of the Royal Mail Line, in addition to the al ov» record is reported to have struck, while running the Split Rock Rapids, on the 18th of May, and immediately sunk in twenty feet of water. One life was lost by this accic'ent, that of a soldier who jumped overboard after the vessel had grounded. 218