Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 99

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to Buffalo, the propeller New lork obtained 3c on Ooshawk,-Maria Martin, George Steele. Aug. 7— cost or re; ^ PASSJb |ont. N ^ I corn, and the propeller Bostom 2S4C on corn. The I B. J, McVea takes corn to Ssarnia at l?ta The following shows <he quantity of grain taken by each craft engaged: THS RIVEIU3. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocesan. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 3—Auig. 1.—Up—Props jl Idaho, Oceanica, K. J. Hackett and consort, Ben-¦ ton and barges. Down—Proips Empire State, Chaffee and barges. Aug. 2—Up—Props B. W. Blanchard, America, Potomiac, Arabia, Ger-mania and barges, Minneapolis^ and consort, Se-lina and barges, Rudolph aiud barges, "Williaia Edward and consort, and M. W7. Paige, Handy-boy and barge; schrs Mystic Stsar, Acorn, William Howe, Fleetwing. Down—Prqips Conemaugh, H. E. Packer, J. P. "Clark and bargees, Rube Richards and consort, Garden City and 1 barges, Mayflower and barges, Fred Kelly audi cdhsort and D. E. Bailey, Michigan, Kate Moffat. with rait. "Wind west,*fresh; weather clear. The new pchooner Golden Agee passed this forenoon with a cargo of 2,505 tonffi coal. Lake Freights—2c on wheat tt-o Buffalo. PORT HlJBON, Mich., Aug. 2, peller 1" "" «wm#W ;rday, ana reports that sev-Luaw Valley lines are laying up : aceconnt of the low freights on lumber. It is undderstood iliac several Detroit will follow their exam-| ' ¦. 'i has been missing from I for somy time is to be replaced by a spar bbuor." Buffalo Express: "A heavy foe prevailed yes-. Lorning. Tfihe propeller Indiana of the Bake Superior Tranusit Line ran aground near the . water and I had to be pulled off by the tuffs Anna P. Doner, F. H. Goodman, and George R. Band. The proppeller Passaic, lumber laden, got aground on thetfsouthern end of Squaw Island while going down to Tonawanda, She was released about 1 ::J0 ( o'clock in the afternoon by the tugs International, , Fisk, and Hand.".....^ F?REIG-HTS. GBATN CHaiETfiBS YESTERDAY. Corn to Buffalo, ,2c; wheat to Buffalo, 211c; corn to Kingston, -U^c; wheat to Kingston, 4%c. Engagements were s: TfO BUFFALO. Bushels. Propeller Waverlv,, corn..........,...... 34,000, Propeller Dean Ricfchmond, rye............ 10,000 i Minneapolis and consort, 8 . :30. Down—Pro TO ERIE. peller Fred KeMy and consorrt and D. E. Bailey Propeller Alaska, coorn..................... 4=5,000 5:30; H. E. Packer, 5:45; Atnnntio.7:lO: steamer tco kinghton. j City of Cleveland, 11. Wind north and gentle Schooner George HJ. Sloan, wheat....... 21,000 j Weather fine. Schooner Jennie Maatthews, corn.......... 20,000 ; —•*»— m '* i * ,i T^rrr" I Welland canai*. Total to all poorts....................120,000 «noni,,-roW . J , . ~-u*--"-"-"' No phaTiwiii roft-wap irri*hin Special Telegram to The later Ocean. no change in coaage freights. j Pop.t CoLiiOKNE^Out.^Aug . 2.—Passed Up- . ________,_______________, _____,,_________ „„„. .________ ^jpairs will be about $150. The Leo was Up—Props Ogemaw, R. Wallace, and schrs Thos, ready to leave last evening, but now lies over Gann, Camden, Raleigh and consort, and Niagara, for repairs. Weston and barges, A..Everett and schrs F. A. Morse, S. Minch, City of Concord and contort, Superior and consort and Fayette Brown, 8. J. Til-den, S. P. Donaldson and barges, A. A. Turner ant? bargss. Jay Gould and G. T. Hazard, Relief and barges; schrs Morning Star, Frank Morals, J. R. Pelton, W. II. Vanderbilt, Jenny Mathews, Pathfinder, John Rice. Down—Props Vanderbilt, ftt. M. Drake, Avon, Waverly, J. L. Roby, John C. Gault, Clyde, Niagara and schr Garibauli, KiUy M. Forbes and barges, Egyptian and bargees, Ohic and consorts, and Sweetheart and Nahant. Wind, East; light; el ear. THE BITERS. Special Telegram to Tne Inter Ocean. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 8.—Aug. 7—Ut>—Props At the Union Shipyard at Buffalo the mainmast of the echoonej ugh, which was being lifted out with the derrick, came down with a crash, on account ot the breaking of the chain. It struck the vessel's deck, breaking three deck-beams and doing considerable damage to the rail. Luckily no one was h The schooner Bavaria, at Kingston, sailed from Grand Marie, seventy-five milee al ove Sault Ste. Marie, Lake Superior, in seven days. Her luck is not continuous, fur upon that lake she lost a small anchor and forty-live fathoms of chain, and on the passage up had her main gaff, topsail, .and standing jib-boom jjarried away iu a sgu&lLj The repairs on the schooner Golden West7at| ilwaukee, have been completed, and she is now Arctic, Inter Ocean, Cowie,and barges; schrs fan fully as good if not In better condition than Craftsman, K. Kelly, Hartford, O. M. Bond, J. It. (before she went on the North Manitou. She re-Benson, Penokee. Down—Schr Charles Wall' fceived about eighty feet of new keel and rive or Aug. 8. Up—Props Philadelphia, Sw< i i con- Jsix streaks of plank, including garboards, re- sort, S. D. Caldwell and barges, Edward Smith listenings, etc. The whole amounted to some and barges and schr A. L. Andrews, Bay City and |$2,500. Special Telegram to 'The .Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y.. July 18.— Coal rreigui at 50 cents to Chicaago and Milwaukee. _ Engage SSedW-Pra* ^f^fepi?^ ^MfS?' Cle™iaidrnd barges" fl^B^yemment lighthouse supply steamfc . . - *-. sehr Uolden F1ao™> M.A«,„.^h.-------¦"-•"•-"Dahlia arrived at Milwaukee Sunday morning with supplies i'or the lighthouse, and remained in port all day to give the officers a chance to see the ...i,,. u;. Til "n ' ~-~J— r~,' ~" "•"*""•<> and* city. Since she left Detroit, which is her head- S', ,„ a? ' Pa,ssalla"? barges, Hubbell and* quarters, she has visited all the lighthouses on HSffLI4 ra"' _c- N- Prat* and bargej Lake Superior and along tne west snore of Lake Handy Boy and barge, J. 8. Fav and consort, and" -' ¦¦ ...... -' ' ' ' - J. Y. Cord; sohrs J. R. Pelton, Monterey, Geor-e C. Fenney, John Magee, Michigan, E. A. Nichol son. Wm11 east, light; clear. WELLAND CANAL.' " Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean Poet Colboene, Ont. ' Ie. She gees back to De-T""j| 'il'T 1"'^^. b™,.™' xi v i„i,-i.!r°r'o,ni'fre1vht<.ste-,riv Schrs R~H. ButherfOTd7lIa"inliton to Cleveland, VmT'K^"l'!'.,n^\°]'u',MlKA s-~p»8sedDown Bui™. N, Y.. July la-Coal^eights steady QeDgn>i Ogdensburg to 0I*£ SSo^eam laiie'S ag-r^ °^>»'«- m** w -p p-,,^.- land, ore; props Myles, Hamilton to Port Arthur, ^ v*L„„r__ * . ^^"'.aanu merits—Props Bosicon, Fred Mercnr, The schr Bruce wass taken for ore from Marquette to Lake Erie porrrs at $1.15 per ton. C. C. Blodgert, owner of i' hve crafts, has decided to place them all in orcdinary until freights improve. "Wind southwest, fftesh. Toledo Tetegrarm: "The propeller BTorley ! left port Sunday with a full cargo of wheat for Buffalo. On thie black cdn rang-e she met a big raft which sine undertook to ste r clear of. In doing so sheegot out*of the channel and ran hard agromnd in ten feet of water while drawing-fouirteen. The tugs Spinney and Andrews jyoriked for several hours in vain to get.hef olr.'. At last accounts she was still on the bank, vwith no chance to get off without being liglntered." . ¦ to Tillie Inter Ocean. DETBOIT, Mich.. A4.ttg. 8.—The tug Cnisader, with the schrs Michiigan and Nicholson in tow, broke her shaft on Ilaake St. Clair last, night. The tug "Wilcox took -her tow to Lake Erie. The Crusader will berepwn'red here. ¦ w steamer (City of Mackinac will make her trial trip on the rriver Thursday evening. :. Telegram to Tim: Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis.*., Aug. '8,—Cleared—-Steam Oneida, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; Porter and barges, Kingston to Saginaw, light-Down—Schrs J. H. Mead, Chiccago to Kingston, corn; Marinette, Cleveland tea Brockville, coal; P. M. Kuapp, Milwaukee to Kimgston, corn; propa Prussia and California, Chicagoj to Montreal, general cargo. K. Merritt. tor Chicago; Annide. Sherwood, lor Milwaukee, f f*£ cargo;Brano, Kingstoni to mdland,^ght k c t t (;1 v } i,,,^0',!!"'..1.^ Sat,e. EKc]e*- Thorold to Cleve .._________ .-.^.^uxa »uu consort, ' to Kingston, lumber. Up—Schr T. "' " v*-»<-+~- *- ^'~- >, Jight; J. H. Br ,te Eccfes, Thor alker, Oshawa t„ v.v.c«wui Prussia, Kingston to Grand .««/ ^.yy^icn, moiuiQ to Cleveland, light; Ida "Walker, Oshawa to Cleveland; light; Siberia and Prussia, Kingston to Cram1 Morais, Light; Nellie Hunter, Belleville to Clove THE BIVEBiS. Special Telegrram to The Inter Oceian. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 3.—Aiog. 2.—Up—Props -C. H. Green and barges White: and Friant, Argo, 5 Philadelphia, W. L. Frost, City of Concord and consort, Nevada and eonsort-, Isaac May and, barges, Newburgh. Aug. 3.—Up—Props Sanilac, I Allegheny, Ogemau, Escanaba, Fred Mercnr, J. E. Mills, Myles, Oueida; schrs (Oomanche, Monti-cello, D. G. Fort, P. S. Marsh, 83. L. Watson, Dot, Moonlight, Sunnyside, L. A. Lasw, Porter, Florida, l S. A. Foster. Down—Props Morntana, Cormorant, > Onoko, St. Paul, Boston, Oscodia, Keystone,.E. D. -Smith and barges, OtegO and barges, Mackinac _ and barges, Georee King and bairges. P. Chamber- 1 lin and barges, Bust and consorts, Columbian, Gratwick and barges, Columbia and consort, j Kauny and schrs, :Negaunee, Huron, ii. Stewart and barges, Samson and consorts, Yosemite and consort, Geo. L. Colwell and barges, Wales and barges, Keystone; schrs H. W. Sage, It. Halloran, f'l t barae Oceanica iorrChicago* schooners Porana Grantham, Keindeer. Wind northwest, brisk; and Typo for Klngstton. The demand for grain cloudy. mjm carriers to-day was .heavy, while but one vessel T3TTT,T T ...rr, „A-TtTa.T re to load. Charters: Schooner Typo, Wi^luUS-^U OJUKA1,. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceam. n, I Pout Dalhousie. Ont., Aug.. 3.—Passed Up wheat to Kingston att 5 % cents. — „ . „ . , . - , , „ Schr J. K. Norris, Oswego to Raxcine, coal; schr O. Gram freights weere very strong yesterday, pi. Bond, Oswego to Chicago, coal; steambarge J. and rates experitenced an unexpected ad- ttDavidson. Oswego to Chicago, coal; schr C. B. vance. Numerous; Eastern orders for grain, »Benson, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; schr Kate with light offerings of tonnage, was the cause J Kelly, Chartotte to Chicago, ccoal; schr Jennie of the advance. 11 vessel for Kingston and IMatthews, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal; schr A. L. ¦pro fnr hprfi vp«. 1 Andrews, Clayton to Chicago, attune; prop Europe, one for Buffalo wcere inquired for here yes t-oi:day, but no vesssels of the size desired were on the markelt, and no charters were reported. There wenre inquiries here from Chicago for carriers, amd during the forenoon 3 cents was offered-on corn to Buffalo, which is art advance of \% cent over Saturday's rates, and the t-schooner J. (I. Case was chartered at this roatie to go to Chicago to load. Later in the day Chiicago shippers offered a stillfl further advance, 314 cents being paid on< corn to Buffalo, amd 5^ cents on corn to! Kingston. The steeamharge Y. H. Ketcnaml was chartered to gco to Chicago to load wheat for Buffalo at 312 c;cnts. These are the highest rates paid since! the opening of the season. Ore freights ; are firm with a good demand for vessels, ;and rates are $1.10 from Escanaba to LaMte Erie ports. Lumber freights are firmer,, there being an increased demand for carrierrs, Kates from Alpena to Chicago have advanced 25 Vents, shippers having offered $2 between these ports yesterday.—Milwaukee^ /Sentinel, Tuesday. .laud, ore; steambarge Albion and consort, Kingston to Serpent River, light. THS SlIjLWATIKEe" DAMAGED. COLLISION AT GRAND HAVEN. Special Telepxam to The Inter Ocean. Grand Haven, Mich., Aug. 5.—The elegant steamer City of Milwaukee, Captain Smafllman in charge, met with a serious accident this raiorning. While leaving here on her daily trip to Milwaukee, for some unaccountable reason she was run into the south pier while running at tfi trateoi eighteen miles per hour, breaking her pi and a largo number of her braces, etc. It is ascertained that her damages will amounl fco several thousand dollars. Where the blame rests is not exactly known. Competent marine men say that the captain had placed a green hand at the wheel, which explains the whole matter. It will be several days before she can attempt another trip. Hi". -':al T(ii"irr'-m *n The [i\'< ;¦ O:-; an. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 5.—As the steamer City wm leaving Grand Ha ¦¦ morning 1 struck the south pjer, ¦ if her side wheels. It was thonsrht po i le to bring her to this port, but she v^ould not answer her wheel, and struck when a short distance outside of the harbor and returned. lie-" i.irs will be completed next Wednesda; f Montreal to Chicago, general eairgo. Passed Down —F. M. Knapp, Milwaukee to Kimgston, corn; schr Maria Annette, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; schr M. L. Breck, Ashtabula to Hamihton, coal. THS BIVE&iS. Special Telegrstm to The Inter (.;;¦¦¦¦ n. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 4.—Amp. 3.—TJp—Props Oswegatchie and barges, H. Cmisholm and consort, and H. J. Webb; schr Laaura Belle. Down Prop F. Hodge. Aug. 4.—Up—IProps Manisthpie, Chicago, A. D. Porter and bairges; schrs West _ Side, P. B. Locke; Birkhead amd barges, Clarion. ^ Down—Props Saginaw Valley-, Alaska, Wissa-hickon, China, Business, Civ.rtis and barges, Fountain City, Relief and barges, John Osboni and consorts, Minnesota and consort, and E. C. Hutchinson: schrs Rival, Hal-;ted, Monitor; Ontonagon and barges, Rochester. Wind northwest, brisk: filnn.Ky __ jr^ , s !ed States revenue steamer. Ee^w^lidon, built by the Union Dry .Dock Company, of Buffalo, made a trial trip Tuesday and "proved a success. The craft is 192 feet in length, 28 foot beam, and 1 1 feet depth of hold, she is a side-wheeler, •witrlj wheels 28 feet in diameter,, and is schooner rigged. The engine is of the vertical beam type and has a -Is-ineii cylinder with a 9-foot stroke of x'i^ton and jet condenser. }ier main boiler is 33 feet in length by 11 feet i.) inches in diameter. The Fessenden has been built under the supervision of Captain A. A. Fengar, of the revenue marine service, assisted by Lieutenant A. ].). Lit tie fie Id and Chief Engineer D. C. Chester. Her commander will be Captain 8. S. Warner, late of tile revenue cutter Ewing, of Baltimore. Her crew will consist of fifty men, and her battery will he four 24-pound rifle br. guns and one 30-pound pivot gun. Her station will be Detroit. schooner Seea Gull, coal loaded, was dismasted oif the LDevil's Nose, Lake Ontario. The foremast brokte off about twenty feet below the erosstreesa and the mainmast about half way up. Boteli topsails, foresail, three jibs, and rigging were blown away. She also lost her jibboom. There are frequemt complaints by vessel captains going Urrrough the Welland Canal, about the manner in "which their tow-lines are worn out on tShe rough stone coping of the locks. A captEatn says it costs him a $20 line every time he passes thrbugh the locks. SUNKEN" VESSELS. THE E. PARSONS AND 0THEES. Collector Hall yesterday received a (dispatch from the Deputy Collector at Charlevoix, asl&ng (that the revenue cutter Andy Johnson be sent to ¦remove the schooner B. Parsons, which is an obstruction to the harftor. A few weeks ago the Parsons, while sailing into Charlevoix, stnuick the north pier and sunk so that she formed an obstruction, and that vessels could not ge;t in or out. The owner of the Parsons is a poeor man, and unable to pay a wrecking bill, which! would probably amount to as much as the vessel is worth, she being an old craft. The whereabouts of the Johnson is not known to Collector Hall at u v-r;-'-v I " young sailor named Roger M\ Scriver was present, but she will in all probability be sent to j|i08t overboard off the Canadian barge MAffgifi THS GOLDEN AG-jB. DIAPPOINTMENT AS TO CABEYING CAPACITY. Cleveland Leader Tuesday: "The coal cargo of the big ship Golden Age—all she will carry on her first trip—has now been put aboard of her, and proves to be just 2,405 tons. To carry this she stands at an even draft of 1-1 feet 3 inches fore and aft. This is not as much as it was thought she would carry with this amount of draft, but is about the same as is carried by the Oncko draw- ] ing the same number of feet. The latter vesse.. while carrying 2,Gil tons, her largest cargo, had] a draft of 14 feet 10 inches. This, however, was caused not only by her cargo but with snSicient fuel aboard of her for her trip, so it is believed the two vessels would have about the same* draft with the same number of tons burden. She will j start on her voyage for Chicago this afternoon or .1 evening, as she now only waits for the steanS barge William Edwards, which is also taking on fcoal at Thomas Axworthy's dock, to-complete her 'cargo when the start will be made, and the , chooner M. W. Page. CaptainD. H. Si arfeer, mae* ".....~~~J '~- the same parties, will jom the , does not mention the fact that the \ steamer, and that her ponderous ma- I would make a-couple of cargoes raise the obstruction as soon as she is heard from. >Thf,stfBiiiiiilrimitK'........"smiitoii-Milnirii'dny ¦jfifc when off Brie Tuesd; ay. in Lake Erie, about h\A miles up the Canadian \ Schooners C, Gr. King, C. H. Johnson, and shore from Buffalo. Shawas in tow of a tug, when [Wabash, coal, Sandusky to Prince Arthur's the wind freshened up Jid the seas washed into : Landing. ftl.SO frfla.. ffth^rfltei^BfrMlv| her, and she went dpftm in about fifty feet of ^ffffttr" water. Her crew were Rescued by the tug which had her in tow. nail schooner E lith Sewell is sunk off the head of Wolfe Island, Lake Ontario. No lives were lost.—JiiUcaakee J^entineL FBEfcHTa GEAIN CHA1HBBS SATURDAY. Com to Buffalo, 2;U@3f;:7ae; wheat, 3c. (Corn to Midland, l^c. The engagements were as follows : "WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pobt Colboene, Ont., Aug. 4.—Passed Down— Schrs S. Neelon, Detroit to Kingston, timber; Pulaski and J. T. Mott, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; P.M. Bogers, Lorain to Brockville, coal; props W. L. Frost, Chicago to> Ogdensburg, general cargo; Pacific, Toledo to Cbgdensbug, eeneral cargo. Up—Schrs Speedwell, Tlhewald to Toledo, light; Kate Kelly and C. B. Bemson, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Jennie Mathiats, Oswego to Mil- ~------- waukee, coal: A. L. Andrews, Claytonjo Chi- | WRECKS AMT> WRECKING-.. Wtf'M 'pxeWoW charters re'i.v*v««. •The tug John G-rcgory, just purchased byl Tbiud & fiurger. the Manitowoc shipbuilders,! Ifor $6,000, cleared for her former owners in [three years $27,000. The new purchasers twill probably use her for wreefcing purposes 'in connection with their dry-dock. ^^^^^ cago, stone; props Europe, Momtreal to Chicago, |EESCUE OF THE bukton-wbecks fob sile. general cargo; Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, , - ^^^^-^ -c^xv n-axje. general cargo; steambarge J. Davidson, Oswego A 4-^ .-1K4--------- >,„„1 Advices from Washington Island have been [received stating that thp wrecking expedition iwhich had been at w^rk on the stranded • schooner C. H. Burtor| since June 15 have Qak stringers placed along the top of the Down—Prop Sparta and consorts. Aug. 5.—Up— n' masonry would ot»viate the"difficulty. _. Props Lehigh, Oscoda, Westfomd, Ira Chaffee and r< "**%, barges, D. Lenty and barges. Garden City and ,, The tug Uncle FSlfrn, wElcli went ashore near Duncan City at year ago, has been got 'oft and taken into Cneihoygan, where a new hull] has been built for Iher, and her boiler and en-I gine given a T.horomgh overhauling. The newi boat will be out ini about two weeks. 111111 THE STEAIWDED SCHOONEES. Special Tele gram to TThe Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., July 18.—The schooner Lu-clnda Van Valkenbrargh ia reported ashore at THE EIVSE',3. Special Teleerarn to Tlte Inter Oceam. Deteoit, Mich., A-is. 5.—Amg. 4.—Up—Props suoceoded In releasimr»iei-, and that she is New York, Portage, and Burfei, ami .schr Laura. 1 „ , , ... , . . T . ^T. . Sow juiiv, i^iw, a i . _ „ _ jnow at Waslnnfi'ton Islaajd having temporary ¦epairs made, preparatory to beinj? towed to bargesi Iron Chief and schrs David Dows, James ^njtowpc, yhere s), ¦ *U berebuilt. Couch, H. D. Coilinberrv and consort. Down— The schooner living Mist, which ran on Props Commodore, R. K-Pac&ev Tacoma, C. J. Pesfchfcigo Reef Tuesday night, arrived here Kershaw, W. H, Barnum, H. J. Jewett, Ogemaw, . h ¦» * » » Buffalo, Huron City and bargea, Torrent and raft, yesterday. Part ot her deckload ot lumber Forest City and consort, Hiawatha and consort, was jettisoned to relOuse her. She will be Mongaugoh, J. N. Gliddcn_a,nd consorts ^and docked hpra fnr ;m oxami nation and j- irchased the wreck of in the river he re for age bills. Th ey incut themaeki nery. Leonard Hanna, Nelson Mills; and barges, Dennett and barge; schrs II. IB. Hayes, Gulnaii David Stewart. Wind west, liizrht; clear. and ilfi&k&l here for an ex J. W. pfflfeTo parties have "WELLAND CAKAL. Special TeloErram to Tlie Inter Ocemn. Pobt COLBOENE, Ont., Aug. (i;.—Passed Down- Torrence Bay and the schooner Hackley ashore Schr Anglo-Saxon, Toledo to Kingston, timber; on Bound Island Kctef, Big Bay Denoquette. The I Blazing Star, Detroit to Oswegco, wheat; Huron, Leland reports the Hiackiey has been released. Kagawan to Thorold, lumber; J. G. Worts, De- Bpecial Teregram to TJhe XMer Ocean. ! troit to Kingston, timber; Hadsted, Chicago to Belleville, Ontt., July 18.—The schooner \ Kingston, timber; prop Saginaw Valley, Chicago Paragona, with^doOJ^tons of coal, is aground on to Ogdensburg, general cargo; D. R. Van Allen, a Camp-meeting Cove; Shoal, three miles below this city. She will probaably be got oif. FLOTSAEffi AND JETSAM. The schooner Eeulben Doud, coal, Sandusky to Green Bay at 75 cemts. The tug Alert, recesntly destroyed by fire at Menominee, is being retbuilt. W. O. Helmholtz iisnow engineer on the tug John Gregory, vice l^red Larson, resigned. Captain HcCulloufcgh died suddenly at Port Huron on Sunday, agettl 75. He came from Canada twenty years ago, amd built several wclbkiijvvn lake craft. The schooner J. Mlaria Scott takes wheat from Milwaukee to Kingston at 43±c; propeller Lake Michigan, wheat fnnm Milwaukee to Montreal on through rate. The Milwaukee Smntinel says Mr. W. H. Wolf, the shipbuilder, is uelling the x>eople at Cleveland and other ports belo)w that his name is "Captain Joseph Wolf." The can-buoy at Lxong Tail Point, Green Bay, has been carried out!; of place, probably by a raft, and lies about a mikle to westward of position, and inside the point. T, Mich., Aug. {).—Thomas Marks, of rince Arthur's Laanding, has parch .steamer E. M. Fosteer of Port Dover parties: consideration $'S,000. The Foster will run Prince Arthur's Lannding and Nippegon, Lake Su- Jf*Captain Thomas Cleveland to Port Hope, coad: T. Kingsford, Cleveland to Brockville, coal: Itonoke, Chicago; to Ogdensburg, general cargen. Up—Schr Hart She tug Vulcan lyi il,500, and wdll j)"ay end to raise her and. JEbfi L^huuKor i T through the Detroit. down, with her forw aged, the result of a ci River. The disi pairs y probabilities are that the schooner B. xsons, recently sunk at the entrance of hailevoix harbor, will not be raised She is * Qm*yk> PBS! • Wednesday, bound rigging badly dam- dision in the St. Ciair ford,"Oswego tb Chicago, coal; W. Keller, Oswego; Considerably damaged, but her owner has not to Cleveland, general cargo; prop Northerner, fculfioient means to pay the cost Of wrecking, Oswego to Chicago, general car^o; Scotia, Brock-MJaptain Casey, of the propeller Champlain ville to Port Arthur, general cargo. fctates that the severe gale~ol' last Saturday Cobnwall, Ont., Aug. ft-TJw'barge Argo ran fcearly completed her destruction, as the tSn ^^SSSf^Jw^ NaViSa" fcRf^ bf°kte 0TerheraPdraia&J ^ d^ Special Teletrram to The Inter Oetuan. __ y^cdssj.w liiiY^mmH 111"' "¦¦" iiiWHWUm] liBW THE RIVERS. (Special Telegram to The Inter Occam. Detboit, Mich., Aug. 0".—Vessel passages Aug. 5.—^Up—Props H. B. Packer, ..lames Davidson, Vlusic and barges, Hubbell and! barges; schrs N. 1 teddington, Charles Foster, (Constitution, Idal feith, Jura, Our Son. Down—Props Wm. * Jowio and barges, C. S. Hall; schirs A. J. Rodgers, ^loretta. Aug. 0—Up—Props Miilwaukee, Badger state, Conemaugh, Progress, Wo-co-ken, Northerner, (Delaware, Cumberland and schrs fiel-ireita, Delaware, Olego and bargees, B. W. Jcnness ind barges, S. J. Marcey aiud consorts, II. J. Cleveland; schrs Higgle, Sanuana. Alpena and barges, John B. Lyon and c;onsorts. Down— Props Arctic, Japan, Coutinemtal and consorts. Sheldon and consort, Mineral Htock and barges, Cleveland and barges. Bay ffirty and barges, [Michigan and barges, Lycoming; and Annie Sherwood, Oakland and bartTcs, Itobert Holland, large Empire and schr Chamipion and barges; ohrs Leadville, R. Mprwood, Cliinton and barges, -.^r-f n„A hsTjjPB Win(|_ oa::it. lieht: cigar. ^^^^ _ __ for sale the wreck of the steambarge Mary Jarecki, including engine and boiler, as she now lies on Point au Sable, Lake Superior; also, the wreck of thy schooner Wells Burt, as she now lies sunk off Evanston, Lake Michigan. All bids should be addressed to Xo. ;>5 Central wharf, Buffahj, , 'IKISSSfSI ^^^^^ Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Deteoit, Mich., Aug. 6.—The steamer Evening ; i Star, running between Detroit and Pore Hu which broke her shaft at St. Ciair yesterday, \ towed here by a tug, The steamer Fortune ta] her i^lace until repaired. The steambarge H. E. Packer struck at Lirne-kiln Crossing and.broke two buckets off her wheel. She will be towed to Chicago by oni the Lehigh Valley Line boats. Many of the smaller tugs in the harbor yesl i a mark of ; of Isaac Sutor, an old ti er, who died from consumption yester* i Mr. Sutor was about 00 years of age. The Rich- I f mond elevator will be closed to-day out of repect | I to the memory ot Jeremiah Cavanaugh, who h one of the builders ut the elevator, and has for en years been employed there as chief shoveler. The funeral will be held from St. Bridget's Church at y o'clock this morning.— , Buffalo Express. DEATH OF CAPTAIN DOHKETY. FOUND DEAD IN HIS BERTS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. MUSKEGON, Mich., Aug. 4.—Captain Thomas Doherty, of the steambarge Anna-Laura, was found dead in his berth at 4 a. m. this morning. He had been ailing for some time past from injuries received br a fall. Out of respect for the deceased flags were hung at half-mast on all vessels in the harbor. i KJKiTUD i" i uu .mter uccau.. • l i Buffalo, N. Y., Aug, 0.—Coal freights remain aged at 60centsfor Chicago and Milwaukee. rements were: Props Philadelphia, C. J. Kershaw, for Milwaukee; props Tacoma, R. A. I Packer, Wissahickon; schrs A. M.Peterson, H". W. Gage, for Chicago; schr R. Hallaran loads salt for I Chicago at 70 cents per ton. tthe steambarge Saidina and tow, has libeled tha Law, which was :- seized last night while bound down, all lumber 3 laden. The seizure is on account of ownership^ as Captain Allen is m the controllings nount of stock. The Law is anchored in the' tit?.________. „_ FREIGHTS. FUEE CHARTERS AT FIRM RATES. Buffalo, S7s@3o; wheat, S^c. Corn to Sarnia, l^^l^c. The engagements were: Richard Neville, master of the stearner Jarvis "¦¦¦lllii propeller a hi , with two schoonersj L below Thousand f-! '"" " when tlie Smitn attempted to run on the --" t of the buoy. It wi ereral day can be taken olf, but the Hiram Calvi: to the reaci'e..... -----....... ! PREIGHTS. CHARTERS TO ARRIVE. There was a good demand for tonnage, but little or none offering. The rate on corn to Buiialo pfain Thomas BD. Alien, manager of the Au§ rrh* inai&t~,*T^ ii™T^YrmVht - is vprv tirm and Sablo TranSportati„,m which.inclufej| ^fiSSf S'fiSnSo^er* to 5«S3 Totall grain to all ports................277,000 _he feeling in lumber freights is very ii from Alpena to Chicago there: is an advance of Iu.v, m,«™ ,/s. LJJ^ 0116 tlIUY1 The damage to the engine of the Iron A^e Lord, was fined if-iO and costs at Cleveland byf^USed by the piston rod letting go and aUowiift ( Judge Weiker, in the L'nited States Court, for as-l ihii Pi«ton-hend ,;o ^° through the cyi ¦ saulting Alfred J. O'Brien, a seaman under liiiu, I r,a,lln-- tJ-e cylinder and causing a d^mag" < May 22, whiie the Jarvis Lord was in the Sauilt larnomiting to $1,700. The engine will mirl ¦ River. Captain Neville claimed ffhaf-.P^ade oOmpCiund. with cylinders 27 and **Ja^ "he only punished tlie sailor for ittcitirug a dis-L.^riince on board the vessel." 25c, shippers freely paying $1 m to The Inter Ocamn. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 9.—Coal freights steady at former quotations—60 cents to Chicago and Milwaukee. Engagements: F'or Prince Arthur's Landing, prop Huron City, ibarge W< $1.25. The barges Goshawk amd Sam Fl! railroad iron to i ice at $1.35. nosha—Prop Nevada at 85 cenl ¦¦; for Milwaukee, iomrade at 60 cents. Wind east, light. ¦ ;.;<.;nt advHuce hi grain freights has caused a similar change in ore freights. As soonasgriin advanced a large number of graim-eafri-ers, which had gone into the ore trade on of the low grain freights, chartered for grain, b caused a scarcity of ore-carriers. Hates a! 'u .' $ 1.10 from Escanaba to Lake Erie ports, an : 1.20 rom Marquette to the same ports. rJ he si eau . .¦ .¦¦ ¦; '¦:¦] Sheriffs was ¦ terdaj L'oi on from Escanaba to llrie at 5^1.10.— Milwauket Sentinel, Saturday. The Wabash propeller Russell Sage collided with a ci in the harbor to-day. The panal Cruiser filled with water in a few moments ,\ Wind southwest; fresh. Special 1' • »ueau. ATSHOBTAGS CASE SETTLED. THE MISTAKE OCCURRED IN CHj Some time ago the schooner F. B. from Chicago, fell short on her Kingston nearly 500 bushels. The 11 the vessel received was only 4c per bushel, .a i she had to pay for 500 bushels of corn it w have been a great hardship. The vessel loa< at a single elevator in Chicago. The n fully investigated, and the ¦ i (reimbursed him) and the ¦ blaming her when- she is blameless. *n ."

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