; /W less ttian six days.—itgaensourg .journal. propeller Xsew York damaged the oner C. J. Roedder, as well as the steam-barge Aberoorn. TThree plunk were crushed in. Repairs were nniade at the Chicago Company 8 yard Captain John MtfcKenna, stricken with paralysis at Chicago J last fall, is still in the Sis-fcexj*' Ho&nibU hesce. SubsoripUoB li&ts axe being circulated *yy hisfriendafor his begirt —Buffalo Uommerci&al. irges, Indian antd barges. AlRskar schrs Clara Parker, Ciienev Amies, 1 Ira • ing, D. E. Bailey, D. S. Anstiin. Do\. Empire State, Jim Sheriffs, Saalina and Aug. 9, Up—Props China, J. S. IRuby, Montana, C. ¦\v, St. Paul, Onoko, Tiacoma, H. J. Jew ett, Grotwick and barges, R. A. Packer, P. Cham-berlin and barges, Michigan ;and barges, II. P. Ranney and schr Thomas Quajyle, George King and barges, Rube Richards and (consort and N. C. Richards, Yosemite and bargee; schrs Angus 1 :, Bolivia. S. and J. Collioir. Down—Props ! Atlantic, B. W. Blanchard, lira Chaffee, R. J. I lackett and consort and John Westley, 11 l^nd barges, Benton and barges, Oscar. To-firmer at Milwaukee, end consort; schr Mineral Stcate. "Wind east, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; ^acitic, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up—Schrfl Hammond, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; Mediterranean, Mary Copley, G-. M. Case and Blazing Star, Oswego to Toledo, coal; J. M, Scott, Oswego to Chicago, coal: M. J. Cummings, Fair Haven to Chicago, coal; Owasco and King Sisters, Ogdens-* burg to Cleveland, ore and general cargo; Grantham, Kingston to Cheboygan, light; J. G. Worts, Kingston to By rig Inlet, light; steaimbarga Clinton and consort, Kingston to Toledo,, light; prop Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, ^general cargo; Acadia, Montreal to Prince Arthur, general cargo. _ i are grtrowing_______, _. ^^^^^ id to have 1 light; clear. been charter' on ore from it freight ¦ . ¦ ¦ i do L-owners wi ¦ ney equal the ¦ ¦ ¦ . LI probata is to their seamen, ¦ at $1.70 peer c On her last trip time Chisholm, having the City "WELLAND CAIETAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocoean. POBT ColboknK. Ont., Aug. .9.— Passed Up—D. R. Van Allen, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; schr Defiance, St. Catharines too Cleveland, light; a, Kingston to Toledo, liight. Down—Schi Gulnair, Manistee to Kingston, timber. jjlllllHIWOl II.¦¦ [ When a di | propel THE I&rV-SRS. Special Telegram to Tne Inter Oceatn. Detroit, Mich., Ana. 10.—Autg. 9—Ud—Props Smith, Moore. D. M. "Wilson and consort, Bennett and barges, schrs J, E. Gillmore, Hercules. Down—Props N. K. Fairbanik, Mary Pringle, Lowell and barges, Minneapmds and consort, schrs John Keldurhonsc. M. I. Wilcox. Aug. 10— Up—Props J. E. Potts, Rochester, A. E. Allen, W. ii. Barnum, Russia, Oscoda, Boston, K. Mills and barges, George L. Colwell and barges, Rust and consorts, Oakland and barges, Wales and barges, schrs Atmosphere, Acacia, L. S. Bacon, M. E. Tremble, Montinorenci, Reindeer, Montgomery, Republic, Montcalm, Mount Blanc, H. Fitzhugh, A. M. Peterson, Curtis and Ibarges, Colorado. Down—Props Arabia, D. F. Rosffi and barges, Iron Duke and consort, J. P. Clark and barge, Michigan and raft, Music and ratffc, Rudolph and "Barges, H. L. Worthington aind consort, John Pridgeon and schr Nellie Gardiner, Balize an draft, Hecla and consort, and Redwing. Wind-east, light; clear. "WELLAND CA:HAX. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceam. Pout Colborne. Ont,. Aug. 10.—Passed Up— Steambarge Anna Smith and semr J. C Kingston Oswego to Lake Linden, coal; F. C. Leighton Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Albatross. Kingston to Georgian Bay, light; Belle Mitchell, Oswego to Chicago, coal"; Oeorge B. Sloan' Oswego to Chicago, coal; straar \V. L. Frost ^^ Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; o" ;enumts were asj Mitchell, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; J. H. Meade - j Oswego to Chicago, coal; W, I. Preston, Oswego of ( Levelaud %nd the ¦ Ahira Cobb in tow, east th< Cobb off near tho Beaavers, to rake care of herself. The Cobb came throvugh all right except for tin loss of a jib, Mown aaway alter she was inside tin White the fleet was under the Beaver out of the waV of thee squall and gale'of Sundaj night and-Morklay, Cfclaptain Greenlee, of the Cit; of Cleveland, pk'koid up a Mackinaw boat, be longing at Bejnrer Hiarbor, which had capsized in the squall at 10 o'eMock on Sunday night, and to which three men and! a woman had been clinging up to their necks in water, until 2 a. m. on Monday, at which hour they were rescued. Captain Greenlee not only sawed them, but their boat, and sent them home, wvet, but rejoicing.—Escanaba Iron Port. F3REIGHTS. the conidition ov things. Some of thoprowroller trai i lines do not seem to want freight rates to go above the Le corn too Buffalo. The Anchor Line put in two boa y, which cannot load t. The propeller Tithe Commercial lino;, got 434Conrye. bail vessels were asking 4%c on corn. The rate on corn to Sarnia was 212C, amd to M . Corn to on, 7c. The " " WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Poet Coleoene, Ont., Auir. 16.—Passed Up— Schr L. Seaton, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Colonel ¦Cook, Oswego to Toledo, coal; W. II.Oad.es, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; steambarge D. R. Van Allen, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; Schickluna, Toronto to Detroit, light. Down— Sfcmr Baldwin and three barges, Pequa Ogdensburg, lumber; prop Northe to Ogdensburg, corn; schr M. L. Breck, Ashtabula to Hamilton, coal. a-----jBifpolo^m *-'^" T"tf- THE RIVERS. he Inter Ocean. Deteoit. Mich., Aug. 10.—Up Aug. 15—Props Wm. Rudolph and barges, Dickenson and barges, Fred Mercur; schrs I. M. Scott, M. J. Cummintrs. Down—None. Up Aug. 16—Props Toledo, Arabia, a, J ten! y ana barges, John ¦; schr Nellie Gardner, Aco] naw a;ul bar.1 I' rantham, M i Nicholson, J. G. Worts^Genoa, E. C. Hut) "Willie Keller; stmr Queen Victoria, Clarion. Down—Props II. J. Jewett, IraChaf Schr BlsMarck, Kingston to Toledo, light; Ante-telope, Kingston to Cheyboygan, light: Gh C. Finney, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal: Ii. Dudley. St. Catherines to Bay City, light., Down—Schr Charger, Cleveland to Ogdensburg, coal; J. E. Bailey; Chicago to Kingston, wheat; steambarge D. Ii. Van Alien, Cleveland to Port Hope, coal. WELLAND ClNAL. « legram to The inter Ocean. Poet Colborne, Ont., Aug. -j-j.— Passed Down —Schrs Nevada and James Wade, Chii n, wheat; Jennie White, Lorain to Brockville, coal; prop "VV. L. Frost, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up—Schrs Norway, kings-ton to By'ing Inlet, light; Pulaski, Ogdensburg to Ashtabula, ore; M, Grover, St. Cathurinus to Cleveland, light. m 'the bivers. Suecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Deteoit, Mich., Aug. 23.—Aug. 22.—Up—Props Delaware, Fountain City, A. Everet and consort, AbercornI and barges. Down—Props Empire State, Arizona, City of Concord and consort, Ira Chaffee and barges. Aug. 23.— Up—Props Colorado, Rochester: R. A. Packer, Michigan, Montana, Onako, Sanilac, Geo" King and barges, J. P. Claris and barges, Iron Duke and consort; schrs City of Sheboygan, John Tibbits, D. W. Rust and consorts, S. C. Hall, Nelson Mills and barges. Down —Props II. E. Packer, Atlantic, Clyde, City of Rome, B. W. Blanchard, S. J. Macey and consorts, H. G. Cleveland, H. B. Tuttle and consort, Fred McBrier and barges, Don M. Dickerson and barges; schrs North Cape. D. E. Bailey, L. A. Law. Wind northwest, brisk; clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Enter Ocean Poet Colborne. Ont., Aug. 2;;.—Passed Up— Alcona and consort, Torrent and raft, Natt Stick- Soars M. L. Breck, Hamiltonto ishtVbula* liffht ney and barge.-!. _ Wind west, brisk; clear. Ella Murton, Hamilton to Toledo, light; Mary St * rd'iver wenit down and examinerl- the rope! id that £ he had been B very !- ¦ v'i.ng a large hole inb< f abon .'iloug her bow. I Itwa L that her injuries were of a^ "L PLAY SUSPECTED HAINS KRVZ. Special Telegram to Thee*Inter<l Green'Bay, AVis., Aug1. 27.—There appears to exist a Strong suspicion that the cut found on the head of Hanss Kruz, the cook of the schooner Kate Hinccheian, whose drowning was reported yesterrday, did not come there through accident, ,anid that there was some foul play connected! with* his drowning-. The Coroner's jury has Ibeen in session through to-day and adjourneed till 1 o'clock to-morrow to Chicago, coal; F. D. Barker, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Ella Murton, St. Catharim.es to Cleveland, light; prop Pacific, Ogdensburg; to Toledo, general cargo. Down—Prop Caniada, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo; schr Iliismarck, Toledo to Kingston, timber. 1 THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter < I Detroit, Mich., Aug. 11.—Vessel Passages— Aug. JO—Uo—Props Minnesota and consort, Wasahickon and schr A. Sherwood, Ballentine and consort, W. T. Graves and consort, R. Stewart and barges. Down—Steambarge V. H. Ketcham. Aug. 11—Up—Props C. N. Pratt, Clyde, Commodore, Sparta and consort, Isaac May and barges. Cormorant and consort,, Handy Boy and barge, Henry Howard and barge, Robert Holland arid barges; schrs Alice B. Noirris, R. Hallaran. Down—Pz'ops New York, Idahoj, India, gOsceola, W. L. Frost, Lincoln and barges*, Garden City and barges, Gordon Campbell and yachts Oriale, Atlanta, Enterprise, and schrLilliy; Hamilton, D. Lenty and barges, ^Vienna amd consort. Dean j afternoon, the captoain and crew beirnr bound ^Richmond and schr F. A. Georgeir, Don M. Dickin- ^ ** son and bnrcres. Mackinaw andf barirt over for appearancco as witnesses in the siun of $100 each. Adisjpatchcame to theKnigfhts of Honor here tlvis; afternoon to send'the body of Kruz to Chiicago. The body, which in the rneantlmie been buried, is being" disinterred and will! go forward to-night ipr chaa'ge of a delegatea of the fflEtternity. DI^^STERS. * Special Telegram to Thae Inter Ocean. Port Hurox, Micha., Aug. 11.—The steambarge Wayne ran agroundl on the head of Herson's Island this afternoon.^ The tug Champion is now working to release hear. SEAMIEN'S WAGES. MEETING LASST EVENING—ADVANCE. At a meeting of the Chicago Seamen's Union* last evening wages were advanced to $2.50 per diem, to go into effeect this morning. i The steambarge Edward Smith, which was ashore on Racine reeef, was docked here to-day. Her injuries were sLiight, and she will be out it dock to-morrow. ^ Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y.,. Aug. 21.—Freights quiet today, and cargoes were comparatively scarce. The schooner Hazard was in the market and up to noon had not beent taken. Engagements were for Green Bay, schr {Havana, 75c; for Hancock, schr Kingsister, 90c; foorMilwaukee, schr Porter and prop Business. Tihe Inter Ocean was reported as chartered. Canal freights firm at 5c on wheat; . 4%conoorn. It is exoected that the repairing ; of the lock at Syrnaeuse will have a tendency to jj advance the rates; boats are holding off. VESSEL ' SALES. THE ELLEN ! SPRY, D. E. BAILET, ETC. Several importsmt transfers of vessel property were recorded at thhe Custom House yesterday: Schooner Ellen S$pry, John Spry to II. H. Gardner, the whole, $15^,000. The Spry measures 546 tons, was built in " 873, rales A 2, and is valued in the Inland Lloytds' Register (for insurance purposes) at $21,000. There may be some mistake at the Custom lionise about the whole vessel being transferred for- $15,000. Schooner Daniel-E. Bailey, H. H. Gardner to interest, $10,000. The tons, was built in 3 871, valued in the Lloyds at son and barges, Mackinaw and! barges, Torrent and raft, Clarion. Wind .east, lught; clear. WELLAND CAINAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oce&B. Port Colborne. Ont., Aug. 11.—Passed Up— Schrs Watertown, Oswego to Cmicago, coal: Emerald, Kingston to Toledo, liglitb; Bavaria, Kingston to Grand Morals, light; G. M. Nceion, Kingston to Toledo, light; stmr Aettive and consort, Kingston to Toledo, light. Down—Sohra E. Fitzgerald, Toledo to Kingston, wheat; Undine, Cleveland to Hamilton, general cargo; Antelope, Ashtabula to Kingston, timber; Floretta, Milwaukee to Kingston, corn; Ameirican, Lorain to Brockville, coal; Leadville, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat; George Steele. Cluicago to Oswego, corn; E.'H. Rutherford, Cleveland to Prescott, coal. _ i M TEC£\RIVEBS.' Special Telesram to Th r 12, Up—Prop ¦,:¦¦. and coiiKort; schis J. H.Mead, G. B. Sloan, Oliveir Mitchell, . Down—Props Oscocd, Chicago, Myles, Kate Butteroni, ancL schr T. P.'. Sheldon and consort. Aug. 1'S, Up—Props Amnio Young, Juniata, bilt, Nevada and co tson and consort, Colonial and c Down—Prows .(¦(¦: ¦ges, Hub-, -lehtsi-' and '.- id win and '¦-. ¦¦ Bay City and I: on of the West and schr Queen City, M;;.vie . ¦¦¦. Araxes and barge; schrs Eliaa Gerlacm, Elizabeth Jones, Ellen Spry, Smith &. Post, D. X-'rovoost, Sunrise. V.'md northerisi, light; cloudy.. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 17.—Vessel passages Aug. 10: Up—Props India, Huron City and barges, Wallace and schrs Goshawk, Monguagen. Down—None. Auer. 17: Up—Props Gordon Campbell, Ogemaw, Sanilac, Yosemite and bargre, Allegheny and barges. Dean Richmond and F. A. Georger, Brickhead and barges; schrs Katte Rich-mond, Home, F. L. Dani'orth, John S^huette, Julia "Williard, "W. R. Taylor, Thomas Pfcrsdin, Three Brothers, J. B. Kitchen, Sweetheart, L. Hanna, Chisholm, and schrs City of Cleveland, A. Cobb. Down—Props Rochester, Oscadai, Europe, Lake Michigan, Montana, Scotia, Howard and barges, Enterprise and barge, Mayflower I and barges, N. Mills and barges. City of Concord and consort, Curtis and barges, R. P. Raunsey and schrs F. Palms, Swallow; Wm. Edwards and schrs Golden Age, M. W. Page! Marv Mills and barge, D. W. Rust and consorts and'F. J. King; Geo. King and barges; Siberia and schrs Lnfrienier, G. C. Houghton; Minnisola and consort; David Vance, Oakland and barges; Handy Boy and barges; schrs Save-land. Havana. Wind, southwest, brisk; clear. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The I Detroit, Mich., Aug. 18.—Passages Aug. 17: Up—Props Edward Smith and barges, Hiav* and consort. Down—None. Aug. 18: Up—Props Clilcago, Empire, Ohio and consort, A. A. Turner and barges. Tempest and barges, Whitney and consort, J. S. Fay and consort, and J, T. Card, Oscar Townscnd and consort, Ira Chaffee and barge, Egyptian and barges, H. S. HubbeR and barges; schrs Snow Drop, F. C. Leighton. Down— Props Delaware, Shickluna, Scotia, S. D. Caldwell and barges, Michigan and barges, S. C. Hju.11 and schrs Mary Lyon, Nassau, Rhoda Sfcewaort and barges. Wind southwest, light: clear. •WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Ausr. 17.— Passeid Up— Prop St. Magnus, Hamilton to Toledo, light; schrs L. Neelon, Kingston to Bvng Inlet, light; George Steel, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Clara Youell, Hamilton to Bay City, light. I))own-Prop Lake Ontario, Toledo to Montreal, general cargo; tug Active and barges, Toledo to Kingston, wheat; Porter and barges, Detroitto Collins* Bay, timber; schrs Nellie Hunter, Cleveland to Belleville, coal; Ella Murton, Cleveland to Hamilton, coal: F. B. Gardner, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Parana, Milwaukee to Kingston, corn; L6m Ellsworth, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; Itasca, Chicago to Kingston, corn. _-_.......„....._..,, St" Catherines to ^Loraine, light; Wawauosh, Kingston to Detroit, light; steambarge Saxon, Oswego to Toledo, light; prop Nort herner, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo. Passed Down—Schrs Jamaica and Mystic Star, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; L. S. Hammond, Loraine to Brockville, coal; Wm. Heme and Agues Smith, Milwaukee to Kingston, wheat; Myers, Otis, and E. P. Reals, Chicago to Kingston, corn; props Saginaw Valley, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Alma Munroe, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo; steambarges E. Albion and consort. Serpent River to Kingston, limber; Tecmnseh, Chicago to Kings-ion, corn. THE RIVERS. Special Telecram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 24.—Aug. '23: Up—Prop Mary Pringle and schr Antelope. Down—Props Arabia, Nahant, Wocoken, Clarion, Burlington and barges, schrs A. M. Peterson, C. B. Benson, Kate Kelly. Aua 24: Ur*—Props Tacoms, Oscoda, Newburg, J. M. Osborn, and schrs Exile, George W. Davis. Southwest, John B. Lyons and consorts, Michigan and barges, Mineral Rock and ;lirs Fleetwing, Montana. British Lion, Moriticello, VV. Ii. Rounds, Eliza Gerlach, Elizabeth Jones, J. N. Foster, Uitadil.a, Saveiand, Empire and barge. Down—Props Juniata, Progress, Ogalaw, Rube Richards and consort, H. C. Richards, Rudolph and binges, Indian and barges, Tempest and barges, Howard and barges, schrs A. J. Dewey, Samaria, J. E. Gillmore, Laura Belle, Aria Medora, Constitution, Delaware, Ne-gantee, F. A. Morse. Wind—Northwest, light; clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Aug. 24.—Passed Ud— Schrs P. L. Rages and Leadville, Oswego to Sandusky, Coal; J. R. Benson, Kingston to Toledo, liirht; Defiance, St.Catharines to Cleveland, light; Floretta, Grindstone Island to Chicago, atone; Hyderabad, Kingston to Detroit, light; props , Armenia, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo; j . Nashua, Ogdensburg to, Toledo, general cargo; stmrs Porter and consort, Kingston to Byngilt, light; Chieftain and consort, Kingston to Toledo, light. Down—Schrs Westside, Guiding Star, D. G. Fort, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Comanche, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; St. Louis. Cleveland to Kingston, coal; props Celtic, Toledo to Montreal, general cargo; Prussia, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo: steambarge T. Kingsford, Detroit to Oswego, wheat. THE RIVERS. ; I >cean. tROiT. Mich., Aug. 10.—Aug. 18: Up— Props Cntua. FarwellVid consorts, Escanaba and | schl'T. L. Parker, Enterprise No. 1 and barges, POrtage, Oceanica. and schr t). Stewart. Down— Props Lord, Kingfisher, C. .N. Pratt and barge, Hoffat and raft, Cuba, schrs Southwest and. ¦ Monticello. Aug. 19: Up—Props Alaska, Sta-rucca, Conestoga, Progress, Argonaut, II. J. Jewett, Minneapolis and schr George, Jim Sher ins and schr Sunrise, Enterprise and si-hr i.il] Hamilton. Down—Props Milwaukee, Newburg. R. A. Packer, Ageman, Tacoma, West ford and ud raft, Benton anil barge, John B. Lyons and consorts, Colwell and barges, Mineral Rook and barges, Bennett and barge, S. Ckamberlin and consort, and It. M. Scove, Forest John Spry, one-hialf Bailey measures G848 rates A 1^, and is $25,000. Steam yacht J, W. w^tt ,-Kfn ^ -*-*TA-r City and consort, and Jura, schrs Marengoi Young o ,,-pi WELLAND CiANAL. America, Marv Battle. New Dominion. Wind Special Telegram to£he InterO&ean. " ,,. ' ,.,..,. ..".po-her clear P0RT< i :¦..;¦ , -Passed Down s ontb, hght, weatner c^jT- -* —Schr G. 0. V ¦ to Kiu^on. 1-£±ii KiVtK* own; J. Magee, Chicago toj Kingston, wheat; Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. General Franz Sigel and Kats Ecc Det^it. Mich., Aug. 20.-Aug. 39, Up— to Brock1. ndon to Kings- pops City of Concord and consort, Howard mid ton, corn; M. Grover, Cleve! Ld o Tj iroid and barges, Hocla and oonsort, Music and barges. St. Cathe Do* Pron Buffalo, schrs Florida, J, Bailey ¦ {j ^.r J. R. Benson, Toledo to Kin?: I "¦..*¦¦ -,------------ -—---—»-i —-----"1J';.J '¦¦-•""' • Aileeft and Oriole, Chicago ¦: prop D. Milwaukee, Natt Stickney and barges, Kate But- R. Van Allen, Cleveland to ¦ !,:;"!ii and consort, Chicago and Montreal, Don- Pringle, Grindstone City to St. Catharines, si one:/ ;d(lsou an<1 barges, Lehigh and Schuylkill, A. J. Celtic and Armema, (. kic-nro t- Smith and barnes, East Saginaw and barges, treal, gener&l cargo. 1 Jewess and barges. Worthington and < Oswego to Chicago,"'coal; F. : ¦> hoIus Monterey. George Steele. Down—Props MUwank- » to San- J red Kelly and consort and Thomas Qu.ayle, A. dusky, c . i Toledo, Yj^"^ Jay^Gould and Hazard,^ Philadelphia. nsburg to Cleveland, ore; WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., Ausr. 25.—Passed Ud— Steamer Active and consort, Kingston to Toledo, light; steam yacht Dolphin. Moutrea Arohur, light; schooner M. McRae, Kingston to Detroit, light; Redo Hanscomb, Oswego to Toledo, liirht; J. Magee. Oinvogw to Clilcago, coal; ¦ Belleville to Cleveland, ore; Armandale, BeHeville to Cleveland, ore; Parana, Cha i Chicago, coal; Lewis Ross, Port Hope to Cleveland, lighi; j. T. Matt, Ogdensburg to Clevelaud, coal, Down—ProoellerPacific, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general careo. THE BIVERa Special Telegram loTlie ..,,_.. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 2(5.—Aug. 25, Up—Props ;hr Lily Alcona and consort, J. Lord and consorts, West-ford and barges, Scotia; schrs Marengo, Porter, iters, F. D. Barker. Down—Props Enterprise and barges, A. A. Turner and barges. Aug. 26, Up—Props Armenian, Wissahir-kim, Ogemaw, Inter Ocean, Buffalo, 0. J. Kershaw, United States; stms Fessenden, Passaic and barges! . Continental and consort, William Edwards and • with schrs Huron v.'ui. H. Du , Holland and schr George Houghton and barges, . Business and schr Moonlight. Dowi Alaska, Oscoda, Havana" and consort, V. Swain and conson and Monitor, Columbia and consort, .. and schrs T. L. Parker and M. S. Bacon, Iron Ag;; and consorts; schr^ Zn.ok Oh;,.;.- Brastus Corning, H. Eitzhngh, S. H. Fos-clear. of Cheboygan. Auk. "20, Uiv^Sps ' d^codo; L"'1'- W& ! "<>rthofs» Ji<£ht 1 airbanfc, Conemaugh, Havaua. Empire, light;_ Owasco, bgd ¦ Alleghenv, Cowia, and barges, Cleveland! aad propeller Alma ; to *Mirwteukoe!i ^f.^tl lQter 0oeaI?- and ?orter^ Continental and Parmelee, H. Dahlke to William R. Kuehl, the whole, $6,'500. j. ne repairs om the schooner C. J. Wells, ' badly demoralizeod a few weeks ag;o, have 1 completed, and amount to about $3,-500. She receiveed almost an entirely new port-side, three sttreaks of plank, stanchions, rail. etc. She goit also a new jibboom and wire ringing forvward, and is rtow in good genera! cargo; Prussii to Chicago, gen- eral cargo; Saginaw Vj ¦ oanoke, Ogdens burg to Chicago, gel Montreal to Toledo, genera Special Telegram to Th< ln.1 au._____ THE RIVEB-.S. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaui. i Deteoit, Mich., Aug. 1-4—Uip Aug. 13—Props .'Arizona, James l-'isk; schrs F. W. Gifford, Water- consort, Germania and barges, Passaic and barges. Minor and raft, Balisee and raffc^D. II. Lake' Ontario, ^ic^n^:!)ai"5iJS;.S;>;i'i;';,^-j SumatraTT. W*. .Valnier Richmond, R. J. Hackett and'consortsiSparta and THE BIVEBS. * Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Dethoit, Mich., Aug. 27.—Aug. 2G: Up—Props E; B. Hale and schrs A. Bradley, J. C. Harrison, D. Wagstaff, S. H. Kimball, Rudolph and barges, . and barges, Vanderbilt, Annie schrs J. B. Merrill and Floretta. Down—Props H. Chisholm and consort, schr B Aug. 27: Up—Props James Davidson, S. H. Hodge, H. E. Packer, Jim Fisk, Jr.. Empire State, VKrn M.Dickenson and barges, ,1-iy Gould -and G. S. Hazard, S. ( ' onsorr. and K and Ogarita, S. V. It. Watson, E. L. Coyne, Robert Holland and barges; schrs Nevada, James Wade. V'k;' Bputhweat- freah* n\*&r r WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oc ¦a, D. Balentine and consoi Dominion, Parana, Champion, J" M. Ai Muir, Red Wing, Pathjinder, G'. VV. S! G. M.Case. Kate Winslow, .1 ¦' yer, Selkirk, ; ¦ Tops Nyac"v. / | has just made au remarkably fast trip. "She ! left Milwaukee f-Saturday night last with a full cargo of wheeat for Kingston, and arrived at Port Colboorne at 1 o'clock Thursday morning, making tho run in four days and live hours. This is$gratifying to her owner, ~he receiyed (>fg_ceeiits f{ [town. Down—Props Arctic aod consort, Cones-toga, and schr Schuylkill; R. Wallace and schrfl H. A. Kent, Joseph Paige, Empire and barges. Aug. 4 4—Ud—Props Waverly, Colnm.bJa and consort, S. !. Sheldon and consort, tug Miner and Ger-lania; schrs Hoboken, Bavarian, Reuben. Down— rops Argonaut, Lehigh, Milwaukee and schr i. L. Parker; Havana and consoort, J. P. Donaldson and barges, A. A. Turner amd barges, E. B. "ale and schrs Alva Bradley, JJ*. C. Harrison, D. '- gstalf, P. H. Kimball andl James D. Saw-; Oswegatchie and barges, J. I. Case, Pen* ankee, A. Boody, F. B. Gardnerr, Lena Ellsworth, 'arana, Ganges and Donaldson, Red, White and hip. Wind ArtRt. hriilr? weathter clear. WELLAND CANTAL. lecial Telegram to The Inter Oceain. , Port Colborne, Ont., Au^. 115.—Passed Down -Props Glen Aulas, Duluth to Montreal, general argo; Myles, Toledo to Montrceal, wheat. Ui)— Ichr Huron, Thorold to Clevelamd, stone; Lewis loss, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; St. Louis, lelleville to Cleveland, ore; Ang^lo-Saxon, Kington to Toledo, light. PORT Colborne:, Aug. 20.-.Passed Down—Schrs berland, D. M, Wilson and consorts, Jeuness and Rival, Toledo to Oswego, wheat; Augusta and G. ]>¦¦¦ 'Vel and barges, M, Neelon. Toledo to Kingston, timber: Erie and J. S. Fay and consort, Music and barges, Alpena Stewart, Toledo to Kingston, wheat; Nassau. Chi- and barges, schr Louisa. Wind northeast, brisk; cago to Kingston, wheat: Owasco, Cleveland to clear. _ Brockville, coal; Lewis Ross, Cleveland to Port ___ _ ,1-- 4.--,- Hope, coal; Mary Lyon, Chicago to Kingston, WELLAND ffANAL. corn; steambarges Clinton and three baraes, To- Special Telegram to The [nterOcea» • ledo Kingston, wheat; Lincoln and two barges, P< 1 :t C< leorne,Ont., Aug. 27.—Passed Down— Toledo to Kingston, wheat; schrs Mary, Toledo Schoonei Jura, Erie to Port Colborne, coal: Kate to St. Catherines, wheat; Mary Battle, Chicago to Kelly, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; Ada Medora, Kingston, corn; props Nashua, Toledo to Ogdens- and Samana, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Antrlo-burg, general cargo; Lake Michigan and Europe, {aaxon* Toledo to Kixiijston,timber; yacht Atlanta, Chicago to Montreal, genei . Shiokluna, % THE BIVBBS. recial Telepram to The Inter Oceam. Detkoit. Mich.. Aug. 15—Up Ausr. 14.—Props / THE MARELET CONTINUES FIRM. Grain charters were limited yesterday he-cause of a ecarcrftty of tonnage. To Buffalo the rate on eorrn was 4c; to Sarnia, corn, \ corn, 7c; wheat, T^c. The eng e as i'oiiows: LUMBEB FBEEIOHTS ALSO ADVANCING^ Lumber freig-htas are also firmer. An ad- ___________ —« , ^^^^ yanee of 1 Bhillinp.l>: was ve.'-.tordav paid front Co\jic and barges, City of Concotrd and consorts, Manistique to Cliicr;i . the r d" received i,„^ Hormania and barces; schr F. HI. Knapp. Down lnsrSl.S71o Hlirhher flirurps n"re looked for ^ProP Sanilac; schrs John Q'ifeiil, Kate Winslow, allTaround m»LI11'1 n»urtb are looked tor ^ r> Merri(,fc st Peter. Al-4,, i5_up_propS -^^^ Oscoda. Keystone, B. W. Blanch;ard, M. M. Drake, J. B. Mills, New York, Idaho, .John N. (Hidden, and schrs George H. "Wariningtom, H. J. Webb, B, J. Hackett and consort, D. F, lltose and barges, Cleveland and barges, Bay C^ity and barges. Down—Props Starucca, Nortliierner, Alaska, Conemaugh, Manistique, Ogemaiw, Badger State, Oregon, and schrs B. F. Bruce, W. S. Crosthwaite, Tempest and barges, Republic amd consorts, and inter OeonTf, . >x' .Ont., Lug. 26.—JS tUB, bares elief of the" ndria Bav. Three W been saved ; red from Chioa; ««orn. 1 urwardera arn-e fully .mnloverl _-W7r»TrncrTmi¥lnter Ocean. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^^_^^^_ ¦ Micch., Aug. 23.—The schooner schrs Montana, George Shermam, Yosemite and '•"'foD. in ttow of the steambarge Rube consort; schrs M. A. Muir, Typo, Marquis, J. foretonm, '"' this morning with her gentley, Stawpel. Winduorthe.nst.Sbrisk; clear. riedavr i' '.,'a;n,1;rll,ra<1' atltl headgear ear- ......... ----------*" '-—a------ a«a>. fehe lost t tho same on Lake Huron. Detroit toSIcml real, general cargo;' Buotia aim St. Chicago to Toronto; propellor Boanoko, Chicago Magnus, Toledo to Kontreal, general carfrt t ,._ - . . ^^^^^^^^^ Proos Pacific, Ogd i Toledo cargo; " *^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 cargo; Celtic, Montreal to Toledo, light. il^nul,,-J.?led0.\0 Meiitn-aCgencmj? argo! Up- t(, Ogdensburg/generalcargo,;"steambaifge India „.,,,, — to Toledo, general ..,,,, ^'.^V Ogdensburg, to_ Chicago, general ^x„n, Toledo to Montreal.wheat con sort, E s canaba THE BIVSUS. Snecial Telegram to The Inter Ouean. Dktboit. Mich., Autr. 21.—Aug. 20, Ud— Prop Badger State. Down—Props "W. L. Frost, Raleigh and consort, and Niagara, Massachusetts and consort, and E. P. Minch. Aug. SI, Tip-Props C. N. Pratt, Thompson, Kingsford, Mary Mills, and barge It. Wallace and consort, stnd II. A. Kent, Richard Winslow, Kitty M. Fori consorts, Agemaw, schrs Halsted, Maria Martin, Donaldson, T. C. TrnrnpfT, Theodore Vogoafc Aril, Down—Props Saginaw. Valley, Sanilac, Avon, Vanderbilt, Annie Young, Wissahickon, Mary Pringle Point, Abino, C. J. Kirshaw, Oconto, Russia, Xew York, Waverly, Albion and cuansort, C. II. Green and barges, R, J. Hackett amd consort, Tarrent and raft, schrs P. IS. Lock. Ji Smith & Post, John B. Merrill, Barbarian, William Home, Our Son, Moonlight, Pathfinder, My-osota, Mystic Star. Wind southwest, light; cloud v, Tliomas Lelers, one of the crew of tide tug1 Wheeler, fell overboard near Maaaistee. Wednesday night, and was .drowned. A man named George Grant, employed as a deck-hand on the schooner Iron Cliff, died suddenly at Duluth while the schooner^ cargo was being- unloaded. Heis thought to o Kingston, timber: _ ^^^^^^^^^^—~~ 0n—Schoonei'S himerald,Augusta,ICingston to Toledo, light; Gul-nare, Hamilton to Cleveland, light; steambarge Clinton and consort, Kingston to Chicag-schooner F. B. Gardner, Charlotte to Chicago, .coal. THE KIVEH3. Special Teleerram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Aug. 29.— Aug. 2R;'TJp—Props Oregon and Bchrs Crosihw;d; ¦ and R F. Bruce; schrs Jura, David.J/anc. Dovyn-^-J kee, A. E consorts. Aug. 29: Up— Props Chauncey, Hurlburt, Boston, Europe, Clarion, Siberia, W)\. es, Mack- inaw and barges, Bnckeye and Schr ¦ T. W. Palmer and consort; schrs North C ;\ S. Marsh, Young America, F. Gardner, Ida, Keith. Down—Props Onoka . Agamon, R. P. Raney and sch : Winslow, Republic and consort, Cormoranl consort, Germania and barges. East Saginaw i itarges; tsnlan, ¦-¦, 0. M. Boi a, ¦¦¦(-, Cheney /¦ i Camden, Leo ¦,(<¦. ii. Mead, Monitor, j „¦ ¦:,"., Auii." 27.—The United j Scates revenue cuttfir Johnson, with Si Folgcr, and Superintendent Kimball, o£ the Life-saving Service, aboard, arrived this morning, j and left to-day forjjand Beach.