Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 103

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V $uw PASSENGERS' ' hhe propeller St. Paul, of Ward's Lake Superior Lihne, ashore at Whitefish Bay, Lake Superior, on t Friday last. A jtug and lighter were sent 1 o her frrrom Sault Ste. Marie. The St Pan] liad on board ! a large cargo and a number of passengers, p. S.-,— The St. Paul has been released., / The propeller Gletehfinlas, destroyed try* tire n, Bt. Catharines Fridday night, was owned by CSJj- tain II. Zealand, her-r master, and Turan <fc Co., of Hamilton, Ont. Heer cargo of over 20,000 bushels of corn, and hiddes and liquors, is a total loss. Captain Zealand annd the engineer left the vessel about 10 o'clock Friiday nieiit, after trivlng orders j to put the fires out.. The tiro broke out about half an hour after. Tin; captain and engineer . lost all their clothinag except what they had on, \ and some of the ccrew had barely time to get ashore. The boat hhad stopped at St. Catharines to tret some repairs i done to her engine. How the iire originated or in'what spot is not known, but it was somewhere inn the stern near the engine or boiler". The ship buurned steadily until about 9 this morning, when.i, having burned to the water's edge, she sank. Tl'he Glenfinlas measured 447 tons, was built at Sfit. Catharines by Shickluna in 1851, and was therai known as the Brantford. ffiome years afterward a Montreal house bought her and changed herr name to the Calabria. Later her name was again i changed to the Glenfinlas. s Owing to her large? size she never could pass further up the old canaal than St. Catharines. She was valued at $25.(.000, and her cargoatJ£3Q^U)0 CHESrjr?S5SrflShTrAu^2a-^he schoo Sunnyside, togetheer with the schooners S. H, I Poster and Dewew, in tow of the steam bargj j Barnum, was stauckk by a squall at 9 o'clock la . night, off the Norrth Fox, bound down. Thj Sunnyside luffed ujp and struck the Foster aba: ; 1 he starboard main rigging, carrying away th> Foster's rigging anid mainmast. The Sunnysid* i pounded alongside the Foster for over an hour, when she finally dropped back and went down in probably thirty fatmoms of water. The crew got on, the Foster, and /arrived here this afternoon. The Foster is insideo leaking and badly crippled. Both schooners wene loaded with ore for Cleveland. TSPWSWWWfc continued yesterday. The prroi ; Commcdore and the steal :. tows (the schooners John M. Hutchinson and J' G. Masten) got 3-hc en corn rco Buffalo; peller Rochester, 4c on corn tto Buffalo. On com .to Sarnia, the schooner. Minniie Slauson got 'J^c On wheat to Kingston, sevearal vessels got 7Hg. The market closed firm. JFollowing were the dav's engagement:_____ W—~——*&-"-. . I - - - III ¦!¦¦!¦¦!¦"* Pat^chon, of South~Tolcdo, which sank off Gibral-Island five years ago, while towms several the canal, was found yesterday j &THE NELLIE TORRENT RAISED. ANt> TAKEN TO DIRY-DOCK. The steambarge Nellie Torrrent was raised last evening and towed to the Chiccago Company's drydock. Two tugs had her. Wlhen she passed the market the pump was not working; it was not necessary for it to be in operation. The damage to the steamer is very light. ______________"__ Saxon, which was ashore near Wilson, in tow, arrived here Saturday night. When the Cumnxings arrived at the scene of the wreck, Thomas Bates, the diver, went down and examined the boat. He found that she was not badly damaged, iind after fastening a few butts she was pumped out and towed into Wilson. Part of her cargo of wheat j|was put aboard the schooner Plow Boy and The schooners Bismarck and MasKiie Burns l&aken to Port Dalhousie. Several hundred bush-mlHdflif in Hamllfimi a f-w davs affo the result I £ls were also placed upon the lighter and brought hPin2th«?thS^n^ *ere- 0n arrival here the Saxon was docked at ^t^V^andwaS^iSt^ TheUrSS,Mr. I Mitchell <fe Gallagher^ Her shoe is gone, and she to badly shaken up, but otherwise uninjured.— tar dredge scows to by J. T. Clipper. J T> Thompson, of the M. T. Company, says that the present high freight rates are caused by L the demand for grain in England. Tino crop w h short, many millions. He thinks the rate on wheat rnav advance to 8 cents or 0 cents to Kmgston.- JUngston Whig. CARGO INSURANCE. BATES CONTINUE AT TEN CENTS. The insurance on the cargo of the propeller Potomac is $27,000. It is in the; Chicago Cargo Insurance Pool. Notwithstanding this loss the pool rate on grain to Buffalo comtinues at 10 cents. The "Big 4" have not written Buffalo risks for several days. They seem to hiave withdrawnfrom Bamford, had his arm badly injured in the confusion that followed. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Kenosha, Wis., Aug. 14.— The schooner Alleghany, grain loaded, lies out in the lake nearly opposite Racine, dismasted. The fishing tug at this point brought in a dispatch from the master of the Alleghany for a Milwaukee tug. :¦ Ocean. Kenosfa, Wis., Aug. ;;i.—The Goodrich steamer Muskegon broke her crank-pin trip north to-day, and was towed into thus port. She has a duplicate crank-pin, and will soon re- THE RECEKT WRECKS. rHE PENSAUKEK, WlNSLOW, AND IAUKA BELIZE Mr. Dunham yesterday received the following the business for the present. I his, or course, „ . , . - «., , „u^„ ,*. p^n«»ni.-pf throws all their season contract business into the from the captain of the schooner Pensaukee, pool. ashore and full of water on Cheboygan 1 oint; One or two more losses will wipe out the 10- . rHKroyr.vsT Mich Sept. 10.—J. S. Dunham, cent rate and send the figures booming. klcago:'I hava got large tug Champion here, OUTSIDE End a small tug to O.votUr.. Have seven feet of Water under bow. Found rock under bow. Got this morning. Think she will Bay City, Mich., Aug. 20.—Tho steam dome of the tug Annie Moriles exploded this afternoon. The fireman was scalded. Tho stack and part of the cabin wezre destroyed. The propeller Marry Martin, of this port, was Fold to L. F.. Johnsom, of Superior, Wis. She will jply between Supericor and Duluth. COUJlisE JTEEtGHTS.' Iron ore freights continue firm at $1.25, from Escanaba to Lake Ehrie ports. Lumber freights were a shade nigher yesterday, and firm. Special Telegram to Tffhe Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., /Aug 14.—Freights remain at former quotations, (id) cents to Chicago and Milwaukee. Engagements: Props Fred Mercur, D„ C. Whitney; schi Waiyne, for Chicago; Schr Thos. Parsons, for Marquettte, 70 cents; stmr Smith, for Racine, 70 cents; ibarge J. W. Ha una ford, for Ludington, 85 centsi; barge Nelson Bloom, for Kenosha, 80 cents; schr W. R. Taylor, lumber, French River to Toimvwanda, $2.25, tree on raiUI EXCITEMENT' IN t/THE HARBOR. TUG BUP.STTS A STEAM PIPE. The tug Wolf burst!, a steam pipe while in tho draw of Wells street bridge vesterdav. The escaping steam made a great fuss and noise, but tho damage was very ligtht and none of the crew were scalded. The accidemt caused considerable ex- i citement for a little w/hile, and a large crowd con- j fcregated. Wells street bridge' was closed again vesterday j afternoon in the face: of a tag and tow, and a ter- i rible collision was narrowly averted. L'EP.S. \j DEATH GA3XOSS LOST OVBEEOAB iSSELS, Thie schooner Fearless, Caprtain Crangle, from Ogontz Bay, came into the harbor yesterday with her colors at half-mas.. ttz Bay one bf'the orew, Chris Sorrenson, fell overboard and was drown. Deceased residedl at Racine, where he leaves a wife and'family. The schooner York State, Cajjptain Joseph Hays also .came in with her flag at half-mast. While off Milwaukee, at 10 o'clock Smnday night; during heavy wind and sea and pitash darkness, Owen Toner, one of the crew, wa;i ordered to haul tho main sheet. The unfortunate man lost ing and went overboard, and was not s seen or heard. If he made a . all it did not reach those on board through the howling tempest. Nothing could be dome toward a rescue, and the vessel came d ivin yesterday, as stated. Deceased resided '>, was a, widower, and leaves a little sou, of V roars. ,_ — AliANnON.-^ TO THE ITNTrEnWglTEBS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Ahnapee, Wis., Aug. 14.— The propeller Potomac, with a barge in tow, struck a rock about two miles north of this place at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and tilled with water so rapidly that the cap am found it impossible to keep her afloat Ion : enough to reach this'harbor, and was obliged to head her for the beach. The barge she had in tow sailed for the south this evening. The Pofo- I sey. The vessel's freight list was also insured in mac had on a cargo of 38,000 bvushels of rye con- the same company. The two-thirds interest in [signed to Buffalo. The captain thinks the propeller and cargo will-prove totail losses, and has a, ste im-pump ... some off. Let me know where you. want me to take her if 1 get Mer oft". OK. ^AJSON. The large four-roasted schooner Richard Wins- j low, ashore and sunk, is insured against total loss j and general average only. Siiecial Ti'lcgrain to The Inter Ocean. . TolEBO, Ohio, Sept. lO.-The Laura Belle is insured for $10,000 in the Toledo Fire and Ma- «pfne Laura Belle is a canal schooner, and measures 200 tons.] THE KEITH'S CARGO. KOW IT IS TURNING OFT. TTp to G o'clock last eveninc 29,200 bnwhels of the corn cargo of the schooner Ida KeiTh had been discharged at the Fulton elevator. The cargo 18 34,300 bushels. The inspectors said Vsioeyo Palladium. DISA STERS. Special Telegram to Tlie Inter Ocean. Kingston, O nt., Sept. 5.—The schooner Maggie Mc Rae, wheat from Detroit, discharged to-day when it was found that over 2,000 bushels were damaged. A survey is being held. Last evening, while the schooner Monitor was coming into the harbor loaded with 21,000 bushels of Milwaukee wheat, she ran onto the Point Frederick Shoal and remained fast during the night. This morning sho was lightered of about 2,0u0 bushels, when she floated. The cargo is not thought to be damaged at all, and the hull only slightly. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pakey Sound, Ont., Sept. 5.—The schooner Annie Foster, loaded with grain from Owen Sound, lost all her canvas in yesterday's gale, between the North Limestone and McCoy's Islands. The cargo is supposed not to be damaged. The tug Huron, which got on the shoals at the Limestone on Friday last, is reported a total wreck. '•»i>'"i;ii ¦'.'¦:.'¦:.-:¦...;, . ¦¦ OclTanT....... —t-j MFbankfobt, ^Mioh., Sept. ;{.—The schooner Yankee Blade, laden with iron ore fronlrBt. Ig-1 nace for the Elk Rapids Iron Companj , sprung a leak on the morning of the first while th> crew were eating breakfast, and filled so rapidly that the crew barely had time to save their luggage 3 and papers and take to the yawl. She sank in t three minutes, taking a lurch, going down ^ first, raising her stern high in the air, and in settling the compressed air blew out her stern, scattering the debris a distance of fifty feet. She , sank about eight miles south of Skillagalee Island ¦ - light Captain John O'Donnell, who was in com- i mand of the Yankee Blade, says .she sank in fif- rhnt 6 000 to 8 000 bushels of the cargo would be !< teen fathoms of water. The crew la: ,',,. ..^..-.^,, „„4f™*«d«.TTm. Onlv about. ' village all safe. They arrived! Here graded as rejected, as it was damp. Only about :;no or-too bushels are wet. The work of unloading the vessel will be completed this morning, when she will go into drydock at the Chicago Company a yard for repairs. THE YANKEE BLADE. ARRIVAL Or CAPTAIN AND CREW. Captain O'Donnell and the crew of the lost schooner Yankee Blade came to Chicago on the propeller Champlain. There is nothing additional in regard to the disaster. The cargo of iron ore (507 tons) was insured in the Thames and Mer- ianded at Crop. OUT OF THE DEPTHS. ANOTHElt BODHT FROM THE SEA BIKD. The bodies of tho victims of the schooner Sea Bird disaster are beiing found one by one. Thai of Mrs. Conway waa; found at South Haven, <m the east shore, severeal days ago. Yesterday yie steambarge Sohriglew brought into Chicago body of Mrs. Conwaiy's little daughter, a gill of about 11 or 12 years;. It was discovered flowing ance out and was picKeii up and landed at the llii'e station here. A BJlitrol wagon was summomed and the child waa conveyed to the Morgue?, where thestriokei went and identifi . Mr. Conway, cated, lost wife and cchild at one blow. Theyfwere ere trip) on the vessel when thi aatcr occurred. ) dxs- COLLISION, S'TEAM, CONFTJSIO: BUT NOBODY HIUBT—NAEKOW ESCAPE. When the schoonenr Taber was towing throi tho river at the lumlber market yesterday aft! noon, the tug Uncle bain at her head, the tug "W. Parker, light, atttempted to cross ahead of hi [on was the reesultin which the Parker lot section of her wearing piece, narrowl; escaped capsizing, amd had a steam-pipe disconnected. ..' of steam escaped and there : confusion. The crow, however, escaped unburn. ^"advised the owners to abandoni her to the underwriters. She lies on a sand bottom in twelve feet ^>f water, An attempt to lighte.-h her of part of her cargo will be igfliiejo-morrnnr.... .JIL||-rir—m on arrivetfJ yesterday frtl^i^ o of iron sm*e. der scorched tched wiflth rough boards,.] As soon] ttnto dry-dock fori which will amount to She lea ves : ¦ i ; (nice' tabula. IThe three brought — Hiifia. :. juwini mffti wn' m infua^mtiafitM— ¦, towing the schrs 1 f. A. ICe . awn and Jo . . ni.i. The the-wharf, former l< iibboom. Tht . rear. The VVallaca got t tie Line it: her wheel and was delayed before il was The cause J Is took steambarge was trying to clear a small schooner that was at anchor abreast of the i :ii Sarnia. ._______ THE HIGHEST BATE. FOUB AND A HALF CENT'S ON WHEAT. One of the Western Line propellers got 4^ cents on wheat, and 4 cents on corn to Buffalo yesterday. These figures are above what the regular rates were, but the fact of their being paid indicates the condition of freights. There is a big boom and it cannot be repressed. Beside a hold full -of corn at 2^ cents, the schooner E. B. Blake takes 50O barrels of pork from Chicago to Collingwood at 40 cents per barrel. f the vessel owned by the Messrs. Beckw.-ith was insured in the Mechanics and Traders". The other third, owned by Manager White, of the ; Boston Marine, was insured in the Umion, of j Philadelphia. _ FREIGHTS. THE CONDITION; OF THE MARKET. There was a good demand for tonnajge, and rate;; were firm at 4^0 corn and 43sc wheat to Buffalo and 7*4C corn to Kingston. Tine day's FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. B. J. Berentson to Bernard Sweuson, one-quarter interest in the schooner Horace Taber $3,125. Schooners Arctums and W. H. Prlngle, coal, [ Toledo to Sarnia, 10 cents free; James A. Gil-more, coal, Sandusky to Sault Ste Marie, p. t. Schooner Fleetwing, oak and ash lumber, Toledo to Buffalo, $3.50 per m.; nropeller Campbell, barges Senator and Moss, wheat, Toledo to Buffalo, 2% cents. The wrecked schooner Groton was sold at auction at Buffalo on a libel made by Thomas May-tham for wrecking services. Hhe was taken by It. P. Wilson for Smith A Davis at $2,t>S0. The sfeambargo Georgian, aground I The steambarge Oregon, recently burned have an entire new after cabin put on her. . _»« uu.u ^k^-^^^. ||Siiecial Telegram toThelnterflfiflaj^___ Point on Sunday, amd was pulled off by tne ra*. s orio"r aTld y^as towed to tWs port by the tug Michigan. Mystic from the Saulte for repairs. Departed— Several vessel-owmers who have ore contracts p^pg Champlain, Idaho; stmr Flora; schr Hig- will I^J; say that they will Msend their vessels up light from Lake Erie prartfl to Escanaba, rather than accept 60 cents on coal to Milwaukee and Chicago, and be subjemt to several days' delay m A survey made on the schooner S. H. Foster, I damaged by a collisiion with the Sunnyside, esti-mated the cost of reipairs at $1,750. On removing I her cargo It was fomnd that her injuries were I more serious than smpposed, and another survey I as been ordered. ^trtr- ,,^ A^ty^^^^j^^j^^-r^-^ fooner PileTrim. loaded with ties for Chicago, ran into the haarbor Monday morning leaking badly, but the w/ind being fair she left for Chicago yesterday rntorning. The schooner Belle, which ca'mc inside Monday evening, and another vessel which was at amchor in the bay on account of head winds, got taway yesterday.— Milwaukee Captain Nelson Pceterson has taken command of the schooner Nortlii Cape in lieu of Captain John hader. The scrlkmer Hal&ted, just unloaded at Kingston, overrun sixty--four bushels of corn. Kingston is improving raipidly. The James Fisk, White & Friant, Alma Munro, and Prussia are airnong the arrivals. The two latter are from Momtreal. The Green Bay ttaig L. B. Goderfery is In port. She is owned by trhe Green Bay Dredging Company, which are doting work here. 1 Arrived—Steambarge Whiting: tug Mystic, prop Messenger. Wind northeast, fresh; cloudy. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. When the Ralph Campbell got off Sherwood's Point she dropped her anchors, but they were not equal to the strength of the heavy northwester into which the vessel was headed. She dragged her anchors and her stem was soon on the rocks at the point. The tug Gregory released her, however, soon afterward. l| OBE BATES. The offering rate on iron ore from Esca Lake Erie is $1.25. Vessels demand $1.35 and ¥1.40. fapecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. BUFFALO, N. "Y., Aujg. ia—Co;U freights fir me at the advance reported yesterday, 05c to Chi catro and Milwaukee. Engagements: Prop J. B Lyon, schrs J. G. Masten, C.J. Wells, blizabeth Jones, and J. M. Hutchinson for ( i nji>^ ]». W. Powers and consorts, Crosth , Mays in the Detroit Biver at the Llime Kilns 1 [Crossing, was lightered and released by tine ferry boat Hope, and towed to dry-dock at Detroit for j repairs. The large tug Wm. L. Proctor, building by I George H. Notter, at Bufl'alo, for George Hausler, of Ogdensburg, is launched, and will be fitted out J at once. She is 115 feet long, twenty feet .hi iiud ten feet hold. , M m mi *" The tug Colt on, which sank near the foot of; Belle Isle, Sept. 6, was raised Friday night, and! towed to the Springwells Dry-doct. An attempt I was made to put the tug in a slip, when the) chains parted, and she again sank in deep water. 'is being raised again, ^^^^ DISTRESSING ACCIDENTS. THREE OF THEM, The name of the young fireman drowned from the steambarge Daisy Day was John Balendred. His father resides on Larrabee street, on the North Side. William Shortle, of the tug Ferry, ia a, victim of those villainous elastic slung-shots which are sold to children. A stone from one o>f them struck him in the left eye yesterday an the eyeball, putting out the sight forever. Backing out of drydock yesterday, the propeller City of Fremont got a snag in her wheel. The snag was thrown against the rudder, and the twomenatthe helm were flung bodily several feet. One of the poor fellows was struck in the face by the spokes, and will be badly disfigured. The steamer bad to go back into drydock in order to have the snag extricated. _hey arrived here this mo on the propeller Champlain on their ruute to Chi-; cage No further disasters occurred in this vicinity. DISASTERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 6.—The tugs Balize, '¦. bound down, and the A. W. Colton, bound ud, | collided just above the head of Belle Isle Park, . about 1 ;30 this morning, sinking the Colton. By I the assistance of the Balize and the tug Beard, 1 which was passing, they got the Colton in shoal [ water below the lighthouse on the island, her stern being in 10 and her bow in 18 feet of j water. Both captains claim the other at fault, as ' they had exchanged whistles. The tug Crusader, while running light in Lake Huron, threw off her wheel, and was towed'here for repairs. Bpepial Telegram to The inter Ocean. ^RI'HiDIt,'Stlpt. 0.—There is a well-founded rumor here that the steamer Keweenan, of the Mackinaw and Cleveland route, Will be withdrawn and plfced on the Detroit and Cleveland route as an opposition boat to the Detroit and Cleveland steamers. , ' THE LOTTIE WOLF ASHOEE. Special Telegram to '! \n' '. wt ¦¦•¦ -¦ K-t:v.n. Cheboygan, Mich., Sept. 7.—The schooner Lottie Wolf ran ashore at daylight this mora ing-at Cheboygan light, one mile below this port, and has pounded heavily all day, and is thought to be badly i She was fly- ing light, and was to load at this port. Thq crew have not yet voipe ashore. The last night and to-day lias been blowing-a gale from the northeast, and sho is exposed to the full sweep of Lake Huron. FKOM MARQUETTE, bpecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean Mabquette. Mich., Sept 7.—A heavy northeasterly gale is blowing and the worst; storm of the season prevails. The Republic, Hall, Carl, Jura, and Wagstaff ran back here for shelter. The Idler, Sparta, Sumatra, and H. G. Cleveland arrived during the storm. The Sumatra dropped her anchor in the harbor, but it'would not hold. She is now high and dry on the beach. An attempt will b to release her when the sea goes down. Mer headgear is all gpne, .<uti rudder ; The tugs Morse and Maud S. lust over one million feet of l6gs last night outside. The Canadian steambarge Isaac May and consorts, barges Severn, Waubaushere, and Muskoka, are now in the possession of the United States Marshal at this port. It is understood they will be released by the mortgagee before a sale takes place. Mr. McCallam, of Stratford, holds a mortgage on the live crafts amounting to $84,000. The City of Rome, on a cargo of 102,000 bu of oats, was short 302 bu. The stmr George T. Hope takes coal to Duluth at, ur.c pei: net, luu. ¦ mpmhmmmw COARSE FREIGHTS. No advance in lumber freights as yet. A further advance has been established in iron ore freights. The schooner Elizabeth Jones was chartered yesterday at Milwaukee (a_s a private eny, has The schooner A. P. Nichols sailed into the ex-H , snorted In There was a good, ?aroh of the Allegheny after sh tenor breakwater y esterday. bright light at the time-daylight.- Her damage is slight. The propeller Curmberland waa docked in the old canal at Sault Stbe. Marie on Sunday last. It was found that her vwheel had become loose, and, ( working back one off the buckets, came in contact | \iiiwaiiji(:i, n&ntinel yesterdau. "the former was broken oft. M 7- M --s——¦ with the rudder andL the former The propeller was docked so that the opposite bucket could be kneocked off. The steambarge W. II. Barnum was in drydock at Wolf <fc Dav.ddson's main yard, Milwaukee, yesterday to have a leak stopped. The steambarge H. A. Packer will be docked at the same yard to-day too receive a new wheel, having broken her old one ton the Lime Kilns on her up trip, line, bringing lumber froni Menominee to dispatch says) to take iron ore from Escanaba to i:au: iw :.;¦ $L\f>0 per 111 feet. Cleveland at $1.55. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. r«Wl SS BuiTALo. N. Y„ Sent. 5.—Coal cargoes continue scarce, and only an occasional load can be secured; rates remain unchanged at 60c to Chicago and Milwaukee. Engagements were: Schooners Sunrise, Homer, and John Kelderhouse, for Chicago. Canal freights are firm at He on wheat and 5^0 on corn. The propeller J. R. Whiting, with corn from Chicago, wet. 1,333 bushels; the M. J. Wilcox, from Toledo, also wet grain, about forty bushels. The Minneapolis and consort, George, unabieto secure coal cargoes, leave to-night light for Chicago. ¦MHM Captain "Wilson, of the barge Allegheny. iled a protest. The damage, including two bills, 3tc., was placed at $1,200. Her steering gear was Repaired yesterday and she was ready last evou- ave for Erie in tow of fcbe propel] idelphia. Five tugs, the Arctic from Grand Ha->en. Alpha and Admiral from Chicago, Sill from liacine, and TVelcoine from tula port, ail went in tut the Welcome was I Bae 1f^ccesefnl one. he tug Alpha arrived here from ( hicago ann re at she was unable to innd her and 11 urnedto Chicago The Arctic, which let ¦ yr. 1 a laven, has not been heard irem The tna^mu vt to the Allegheny first, but parted her line. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Erie, Pa., Sept. 30.—The term of enlistment'of the crew of the revenue cutter Perry expired today, and according to the contract the ship is to be turned over to-morrow to the Union Dry-dock Company of Buffalo, in Dart payment of the new Perry, now in course of construction. However, Captain Constable, her master, has had no orders as yet from the Hon. Secretary, even to the preliminaries, and he will therefore hold on to as many of his crew as he can until orders are received. ,..... n m .... 1 1 1 1 w -" iiessrsv Corcoran and Wilson, the purchasers of the Oakland, swamped off Conneaut, took the tugt, Erie Saturday, with the Perry's hawser, and went where the Oakland was reported to be with her bow eight feet above water off Conneaut, but tafter cruising around all day, fifteen, miles out, [found nothing but a piece of the Oakland's gangway, and that in the vicinity where she was re-; ported to have been seen. It is the impression Ithat she has gone down. Messrs. Corcoran and . Wilson will take a fish-boat at Fairport to-mor-5 row and further the search, and if found will be pulled to Erie and beached. tmXm I'n., Sep*. 30. Sailed fur Chicago- -Props Conemaugh, coal; Juniata, mdse. ^^im KEILLIE TORRENT. \/ ONLY LIGHT REPAIRS 370UND NECESSARY. The steambarge INellie Torrent, recently sunk, came.out of dry-docik yesterday and discharged the cargo in her hold. Some recalking was all that was found necessairy to do. The whole cost of Lg, however. very respectable sunn. The Torre for sea again to-moirrow. FREIGHTS. GRAIN CHARTERS YESTERDAY. Corn to Buffalo, S^c; wheat,, 3]-.-c. Corn to Kingston, d]4c; wheat, 6'-hc Engagements _ ivere: FLUSH TIMES. TBEIOHTS CONTINUE TO "BOOM." The demand for grain vessels was again urgent, and every craft ready was taken. Bates were firm at 4%q cornand i^ic wheat toBuffalo,3c corn to Midland and Collingwood, 7^c corn and 8c wheat to Kingston and 8^c com to Prescott. The day's engagements were as follows: Cleaveland Leader'. "During the day yester day dispatches were received at this port stating that the steamers Cormorant and Egyption had each suffered the loss of q mast, the one i ,aken out while in s imethlng of a storm at the pper end of Lake Huron, off Detour, and the •tkeron Lake Superior—this last. disa*6 ieved to bo the result of decay in her timber, " oth vessels are owned by Mr. R. K ¦' his city, and beyond these ml;d'orMmes are under-fctood to be all right. The k. H. Foster, which had the 1 Svlth the Surmysic'le on Lake Michig: a, and Resulted in the sinking and total loss of tb vessel, arrived in this port yesterday, having put In here through some misunderstanding . bug Oswego having der in tow. So far as fee ascertained her loss by the nnfortuna ,'is a main mast, twenty-eight stanchion bulwarks, etc., which are so badly shati Btonecessitate them being replaced. Also the lot ¦of the main mast rigging, a i ow line, and top mast. The full and exact extent of her damage will not be known until she gets j. dock. She left-last night for Ashtabula Harbor, where she discharges her cargo of ore and then is likely to proceed to Buffalo for he Captain John Anderson, the owner of "the steambarge Daisy Day, desires The INTEK Ocean to announce that he has the clothes and the $7.30 due the late John Balendred, drowned frilm the steamer a short time ago, and that the relatives of 1 be deceased can have the same by applying to him. The parents of Johnny Balendred * reside somewhere on Larrabee street, but Captain Anderson has been unable to Bind their number. They hardly understand the English language and 11 seems are still ignorant of the sad fate of ,lemte-v___....-— . The H. A. Richmond broke her foreboom out-Bide, and is shipping a new one. The schooner Lavinda towed to South Chicago, ,nd is discharging her lumber there. Captain Disher and his family have returned .'here from Dakota, and come to stay. ' The John Mee 100k out 1 -<,3sl bushels of corn; 'the Telegraph. 14,140 bushels of corn. The vessel at anchor off South Chicago was the schooner Thomas IX Howland. As already announced, she made the harbor there in safet v. eamship Massachusetts and baj rimac, of toe inter Ocean Transportation Line, take out 190,000 bushels of grain between them. The large propeller Magnetic, ore laden, while running into the port of Sandusky night before last, missed the channel and ran aground. Attempts thus far have failed to Release her.

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