/8tt Jtmii PA^ENGERS' . Jim Sheriffs, and ; Starrucca, Chi- ; <ehigh, Germania and annd barges, J. P. Clark and I consort, and H. :'i consort, and H. G. ileaheny, Nipegon an a ¦ :ort, Monitor, J. S. Fay a Cobb. Down- Props iladelphia, Com iw, City of Home. For- fcett and consort, Kate ¦! barges, Glasgow . Don M. Dicken- :. Passaic Robert Hol- ¦ Steward; and barges. - Wind northwest, bri TUB RRIVERS3. Special Telegram to The Irthter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Seppt. 3.—Up Sept. 2: Props Alma Muriroe, Scotia NNo. 2~, Chisholm, and Ne-gaune, East Saginaw i and barge, Lincoln and barges, Lisgar, Music: and barges, schrs II, C. Richards, P. A. Locke, H. M. Scovell, Heroules, Barbarian. Down Septa. 2—Props Cuba, Howard and barges. Up—Sept. 3;PtodsV. S. Keteham, R. P. Ranney and consourt, Iron Age and consort, Jewess and barges, Isaaue May and barges, City of Concord and consort, Oonnemangh, and Annie Sherwood, Argonaut, scchr T. L. Parker, Republic and consort, schrs Geenaral Franz Siege!, F. W. Gifford, M. M. Drakes and consort, Oceanica! Down—Props Vanderhiilt, St. Louis, Oconto, Buffalo, Kate "Williams - and barges, Cowie and barges, Centennial amd consort, Abercorn and barges, schrs Garrett KSmith, John Kelderhonse, Sunrise, F. L. -Danforfth, J. G. Mixer,'George B. Sloan, Grantham, Gemoa, J. G. Worts. Wind east, light; cloudy. __ _ W33LL.flSND CAKAl. o, oiyae, ureorge hing una aatrgea, v. (nam- ; (jo„i(j .LJlij gcnr G. Smith, i bargeK. Do- berlain and barges: schrs ii. Wihsslow Atmosphere, Ganges. Down—Pfrops Progress, Otsego and barges. Colonel Wellls and barge's. Mackinac and barges, Ira Chafffee and barges. Sept. 7.—Up—Props Newburgh. China, Philadelphia, MaryPringle, United En'-phe.1, John Prldgeon and Nellie Gardiner, Scotia, Lycoming, Curtis and barges, Oakland and barge?, Ittrhineapolis ;,:sH consort, Rust and consorts, Bay (City and barges, Whitney and consort, SelHers, Jamaica, Comanche, Mystic Stau, J. Matheaws, Mary Lyon, ' Emerald, Reindeer, Mineral State.-. Down—Props Smith, Moore, Jay Gould and G.. S. Hazard, Columbia and consort, Southwest, Cleveland and barges, Birckhead and barges, Wienna and consort, Farewell ¦¦•-ml consorts; schrps E. Oerlach, A. Boody, Wind west, light; weatbher cloudy and " rainy. WELLAI^ CANA9L; Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pout Colborne, Qnt^Sent. 7.—iPassed Down— Schrs Craftsman, Detroit to Kingstton, wheat; M. .1. Cnmniings, Chicago to Kings tout, corn: Cataract, Detroit to Kingston, wheat; crop Nashua Toledo to Ogdensburg, general can-go; Armenia Duluth to Montreal, general cargo; W. L. Frost. Chk-ago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up— Bchr Singapore, Toronto to Toleido, light; Ada i Charlotte I . Chicago, coal; Kate Kelley Oswego to San lugky, coal; Guiding,' Star. Oswego to Chicago, coal; tug Active and comsort, Kings-to Toledo, light. i THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Detroit. Scot. 10.—Up Sept. 9>—Props James Fisk, Sanilac, Ira Chaffee and barges, Ed Smith and barges: schrs Donaldson amd Wm. Home. Down—Props India, Ohio and consort; schrs John B. Merrill, Thomas P. Sheldton, W. B. Taylor. Up Sept. 10—Props B. W. BHanchard, Russia, J. E. Potts, Canada, St, Magnus, Wissa-hickon, Alcona and consort, J. MI. Osborne and . ., „ , i rrh^Tntprnrean consorts.' Otego and barge, S. VS.. Sheldon and Special Telegram to Thw inter_uc 3 pMBedTyB- consort, Niagara and schrs Montgomery, Mont-Q^^SS Clw1oJtMto Chicago, coal; Mary m0rency, Mont Blanc, Montcalm, Republic, J. M. t^Si Si r i i > 1 t( C r, Glidden, and schr George H. Wanmington, Mack- lg0£* GAL"SS ?ft TnTledo coal: prop Roanoke,' inac and barges, Kate Williams and schr L. ^f^^fo^S^^d cargo; Lake Hanna and barges; schrs Higgle, F. L. Danforth, O^fdenshurg to onitcagi ] : general cargo : Mvosotis, Samana, Ada Medora, (Guiding Star, H. Michigan, Montreal toChj"^0, general cargo; D, Root,, H. A. Kent, Saveland, John Schuette, to Toledo, general cargo. Mayflower and barges, St. Paull. Down—Props G. S. Hazard, Germania and Prop Raleigh and consort, and Francis Palms, Ira Chaffee and barges. • Sept. 1 -1, Up—Props Avon, India, Jarvis Lord, Arabia. Progress, Lehigh, City of Concord ami schr Owasco, Niagara. Columbia and consort. Kincardine and barge and schr Josephine, Hecta. and consort, Fred McBrier ana barges, schr Joseph Paige, George B. Sloan, .Monterey, Con:-snelo. Down—Props Oceanica, Celtic, Dominion, Montana, Gordon Campbell, R. J. Hackei and i Bennett and barge. Bay City and barges, MacArthur and ratt, Clinton and bargee, schr Ifillen Spray, l>. V.. Bailey, IDavidYance, F. B. GardUner. Wind east, light; clear. Celtic, Montr Joshua, Ogdensburg rT If'^hTfe^ H. Chisholm and schrs A. Colt P0WT?wft V, S:Prussia Grand Morals to Thomas Smayle, E.Jones, Hiawatha and WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. POBT Colborne, Ont., Sept. 14,—Passed Up— Schr M. Copley, Oswegq to Toledo, coal; Senator Blood, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron and mdse; Watertown, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; M. McRae, Kingston to Cleveland, light; Prussia, Kingston to Algoma Mills, railroad iron; Hoboken, Oswego to Chicago, coal. Down—Schr Edward Blake," Chi-; cago to Prescott, corn; props Europe, Chicago to i\ Montreal, general cargo; Pacific. Toledo to Ogdensburg; Munro, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo; Roanoke, Chicago to Ogdensburg, genera! cargo; steambarge Teeumseh, Chicago to Kingston, corn. THE RIVEB3. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Slioh., Sept. L>.—Up—Props Ogemaw, Kate Hutfcironi and consort, Tempest and barges, . ami bargi s; schrs Monitor, Siberia, S. ¦m, J. R. Benson. Down—Props Sanilac, Scotia No. 2, J. M. Osborn and consorts, 8. Cham-berlin and consort and S. H. Kimball, H. G. Cleaveland, J. N? Glidden and F. A. Morse, Champion, C. C. Barnes, Albion and barge, R. Stewart and barges. Sept. 10—Up—Props Cones-toga, Juniata, Manistique, W. H. Barnura, Bnrlincvon and barges, Bennett and barges, Ira Chaffee and barges, A. Townsend and consort, H. Chisholm and consort and H. Cobb, Music and barges, Benton and barges. Down—Props Cuba, Lvcoming- Delaware, M. M. Drake, Vanderbilt, Oakland and barges, Maseachu-' setts and consort, Mackinac and barges, Passaic and barges, G. Sherman and Maria Martin, E. Doud, John Magee, Antelope. Wind west, light; cloudy. ^ _ riuiiH i-iuiaoeipiiia, i, ,i. Macey anri consort; schrs S. Neelon, Morning Star. Down—Prop Jarvis Lord. Sept. 20—Up—Props Nebraska, Cuba, V. H. Keteham, Lycoming, Montana, Smith, Moore, Bennet and barge, Huron City and barges, Oswe-gatchie and barges, Geo. King and barges, Gordon Campbell, and schr Allegheny; Wales and barges, J. P. Donaldson and barges; schrs Daho, Vance, D. E. Bailey, Pathfinder, Moonlight, Michigan and barges. Down—Props Arctic, Germania and barges, Isaac May and barges ; schrs Julia Hillard, Canton, H. P. Murray. Wind east, brisk; weather cloudy. WELLAND CAISTAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pout Colborne, Ont.. Sent, 20.—Passed ' Up—Schr Mary Grover, Toronto to Port Arthur, 1 general cargo; steambarge Glasgow mid consort, i Charlotte to Duluth, coal; tug Meiamora and consort, Kingston to Byng Inlet, light. Down—Schr i Hyderabad, Toledo to Kingston, corn; Garibaldi, f Cleveland to Toronto, stone; John Magee, Chi-j cago to Kingston, corn; Defiance, Toledo to St. ! Catharines, wheat; prop Oneida, Chicago to Og-I densburg, general cargo; Scotia, Detroit to Montreal, general cargo. ___mas Smayle, H. Jones, Hiawatha and con ¦:, Ashta- sort, Germania and barges, Huron City and : ' ' ,__,____'_ _ and barges, EatBt Saginaw and Ross," Cleveland to barges: schrs F. C. Leighton, Ciolumhia. Wind to Kingston, corn: Prusi Sf 1o^^SnASa;aSefg^,-C;ev,)an. to iSS» J«i» St. Catharines, conl: Lewis iortSSSf V^S^vS^^p^ east, light; clear. J T.Mott, Clevelamd_Jo .Brockville, coal, Ella , Murton, Clevelandtos Hamilton, coal; Annondale, Cleveland to Kingstom, coal; Oriental, BiamuK, Denmark, end J."R. Ilicnson, Toledo to Kingston, ; Hyderbad, 'Toledo to Kingston, wheat: Barwick, Bvng Inlet to Kingston, timber; A. Falconer, Sanduskv :o Kingstop, coal: Senator Blood, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat; W. I. Preston, Chicago to Kingston, rye; American. Loraine to Brockville, coai:; prop Dominion, iolcdo to Montreal, general carrgo. u„„^ini T,-.Uu.TMm iaTm,,. tntcr Ocean. THSE RIVERS. Special Telegram to T'cc Inter Ocean. ', Mich., : iept. -L—Sent. ?>.— Up—PrOpi Gordon Campbell, Etochester, Scotia, Lowell, and I bcutnseh amd schr W. IT. Vanderbilt, Superior and schrs F. Brown, S. J. Tilden and consort, Bennett amd barge, and A. J. Dewey, Westford and babees. Down—Props Arctic; schrs Middlesex, Hoboken, Watertown, Three Brothers. Sept. -i: Up—Props Manistique, Escanaba, A. Everett amd schrs F. A. Morse, Sophia Hindi, H.J.Webb, Erina: barge Rudolph and barges, Osceola: selhr L. Watson. Down—Props Lycoming. Jim Fisik. R. A. Packer, J. E. Potts, Forbes, amd schrs F. Perew, Kingfisher, J. S. Richards anna barge, N. K. Fairbank and schrs, P.M. Knapii), David Vance, J. M. Osborn ami consorts, and J. M. Scott, H. L. Worthington and consort, and J) essic Drummond, Monte ey; schr C. G. XrumpffC. Wind southwest, heavy, cloudy. _^ WELLAND CAISTAL. Special Telegram to Tine, Inter Ocean. Poet Colborne. 0)nt., Sept. -1.—Passed Un— Schrs Jamaica. C ymumehe, and Jennie Mathews, Charlotte to Chicago,, coal: J. E. Bailey and Mediterranean, Oswego too Toledo, coal; Owasco, Ogdensburg to Cleveland!, ore; W. Howe and Aticus Smith, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal; Mystic S,ar, Oswego to Chicagoi, coal; Nellie Hunter, Belleville to Cleveland, (ore; Charger, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, general asargo; L. S. Hammond, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; Gibraltar, Toronto to Cleveland, light. D)own—Schrs G. M. Neelan, Clara Youell, and Augusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber and staves; prop Northerner, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general: cargo; Pacific, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general osargo; Glasgow and consort, Peunamiug to Ogdensburg, lumber. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The inter Oceiah, Port Colborne. Ont., Sept. 10.— Passod Down —Schrs T. E. Merritt, Toledo tto Kingston, lumber; Hyderabad. Toledo to lumgston, light: prop Saginaw Valley, Chicago to Ogidensburg, general cargo. Up—Schrs Bolivia, J. H. Mead, D. G. Fort, and Hartford, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; J. White and E. P. Beals, Oswego to Toledo, coal; J. B. Noyes, Oswego to Chicago, coal: Queen of the Lakes, Toronto to Cleveland, light; Hyderabad, Kingston to Toledo, light; props St. Magnus, Montreal to Port Huron, general -cargo; Pacific, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo; Canada, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo. THE RIVER.S. Special Telegram to The Inter Occam. • a*£. ------ft~__. ^ _xfj>sep>. 10—PronsClarion, THE; .tii v iiixa. Special Telegram to Tine Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Bent. o.~Sept.4.—Up—Arctic. Ogemaw, Benton amd barges; schr Canton. £)QTO Props United Empire, Bay City and barges, Wo coken and consort, Samson and consort; schrs Muir,_ Neelon, O. Mit.chell, Michigan. Sept, 5. r T^\,T,snrt Michigan a Michigan and Ud—Props Celtic, Si. H. Johnson, __ barges. Dean Richnuond and schr F. A. Gorger. Aristone andbargew; schrs C. G. Mixer, Nevada, Tempest and bargem. Down—Props H, J. Jew- ett, Boston, C. J. Kershaw, Russia, J. ii. Jjaius, Inter Ocean, Wissahuckon, Armenia, AnnieYoung, Niagara, St. Paul, Elmpire State, Ed Smith and Niagara, t5L. r*u.t, wnupv------- barges, Kate Buttirconi and consort, Seth, Emma C. Hutchinson, D. Stewart, Higgle, Schuylkill, Unadilla, C. R. Mimch, Cataract, J. I Case and barge, Jas. Davidsom. Wind west, brisk, clear. THIE RIVERS. Special Telegram to "me inter Ocean, Detroit, Sept. «;>.— Up—Props Point Abino, Cumberland and i-stmrs Helvetia, D. M. Wilson and consorts. Fountain City. Down—None. Sept. B.-rUp—Propjs Delaware, H. L. Worthington and consort, Ircon Chief and. consort, R. Stewart and barge's, Deolkensbn and barges, Cormorant and consort, N. M'Ulls and barges, D. F, Rose and barges, Solina amd barges, Handy, Boy and -¦*-"""¦"- o"^ 'wvnfwvrk Belle Cross and Solina anni barges, Alleghenei Bennett barg^'A^&ene, and f^--^^ John barges, JjcnneiiL auu. a^^.±. ^^^^ Tibbets ami barge,, Camden, Mary, Angus Smith, Down—Props Btlffiine^s, W. L. Frost, Sanilac, Coloradoj, Avon, H. C. Akely, Waverlv, and schrs H. J. Mills, W- A. John B- Lyon and Oscoda, George T. Hope schrs J. M. Hutchimson, C. J.Wells, J. G. Masten, __.:. 'Q.Xadia.fcpr with raft, John Owen A. Nicholson, L. W. southwest, light; Sherman, American Union, schrs J, M. Hutchr—" « J ' KateMotrat, and (L—__. with raft, schrs, Saweland, E. Drake, Wawarmojsh. 'Wind weather clear. ^^^.«un»w WELjLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to "Tin? Inter Ocean. Port Colborne:. Ont.. Seot. 5.—Passed Un— Schr Cecelia, Kimgston to Sarnia, light; W. H. Ordes, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; steambarge G. Buno, Kingstcon to Toledo, light, ^^ww— Detroit. Sent. 11. _,. _.,_____ J, B. Lyon and consorts, Alipena and barges, schrs Three Brothers, H. BisaielL Cheney Ames, Bolivia. Down—Props Winslow, Lehigh, Portage. R. P. Ranney and consort and .J. D. Sawyer, Fred Kelly and consort and Sweethemrt, J. P. Clark and barges Music and barges, Howrard and barges, A. D. D. Porter and barges; achr Morning Star. Up Sept. 11—Props Empire Ktatte, Algomah, Jim Sheriffs, Waverly, Toledo, Convtinental and consort, Cleveland and schr Thomas Parsons and barges; schrs Erastus Cornintg, H. P. Murray, Fellowcraft, Louisa, D. Stewmrt. Down—Props City of Cleveland, W. H. Barmum, William Edwards and schrs Golden Agce, M. W. Paigl, A. Everett and schrs Sophia, Mimch, G.G.Houghton, Lothair and barges, Willliam Rudolph and barges, D..Dority and barges; schr Acorn. Wind northeast, light; clear. WELLAND CAJSTAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. Port Colborne, Ont., Sent,. 11.—Passed Up— Schrs O. M. Bond and Pcnokete, Charlotte to Chicago, coal: Nellie Teresa. Oriental, Denmark, and Anglo Saxon, Kingston to Toledo, light; Bismarck, Kingston to Detroit., light; Barwick, Kingston to Detour, light; J. H-Breck, Belleville to Cleveland, ore; Bavaria, Kingston to Algoma Mills, railroad iron; B. W. Polger, Kingston to Cleveland, ore; props Lake Omtario, Hamilton to Toledo, light; California, Momtreal to Cnicago, general cargo; D. R. Van Allen, Port Hope to Cleveland, light. _ THE ¦RIVBSSS. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceain. Detroit. Sent. 12.—Sept.ll,Ujp —PronsNevada, Forest City and consort schr A. JR. Norris. Down —Projjs Sparta, Rochester, Irom Duke, Empire and barge, D. M, Wilson and comsorts. Sept. 12, Up—Prorjs Colorado, Smith MIoore, California, New York, H, E. Packer, Annies Young and schr Schuylkill, Gratwick and barcstes, Northington and consort, Vienna and schrs "'Verona, Genoa, A. A. Turner and barges, schrs Maary, Hattie, Anna Smith and consort, J. P. Black and Arago, James Davidson and schrs Mt dlesexs, Nelson Bloom, H. Hallaran, D. G. Fort, C. P. Minch, J. t. pase, Michigan, John Ii. Noves, J. H. VIead. Down—Props Siiarucca,, Milwaukee, Con-estogo, Oscoda, Nahant, Arctic;, Kincardine. Europe, S. J. Marcey and consorts and. Albatross, N. Mills and barges, Queen of the West, schr Queen City and barge, Golden Rule, Benton and barges, Oswego, Chicago and barges, Stepublic and consort and Jura, Lowell and ibarires, "Wales and barges; schrs Leadville, Badjger State. Wind east, light; clear. Welland' carnal. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. Port Colborne, Ont., Sept. 12.—Passed Up— Schrs W. L. Breck, Hamilton to Chicago, light; Kate Eccles, Thorold to Cleveland, light; G. B. Bloan, Charlotte to Chicago, coaal; prop Dominion, Hamilton to Toledo, light. Down—Schrs Eric Stewart, Ashtabula to Hamiltcon, coal; Emerald, Detroit..to Kingston, wheat; Jtura, Erie to Stone-jridgc, coal; steambarge Brumo, Toledo to lung- THE ELVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 17.—Sept. 3 6.—Up— Props H. J. Jewett, Iron Duke and consort, A. Everett and schr Sophia Minch: schrs W. I. Preston, Minnie Slauson. 'Down—Props Smith Moore, Alleghany and barge. Sept. 17.—Up— Props Indian, Nahant, E. B. Hale and schr Alva Bradley. R. P. Rannev and schr Thomas Quayle, ;D. M. Wilson and schr C. B. Jones and Manitowoc, T. W. Palmer and consorts, Cumberland and schr Niagara, Lenty and barges, Don M. Dickenson and barges; schrs Prussia, Hoboken, Watertown, A. Muir, S. H. Fosier. Down— Osceola, Japan, C. J. Kershaw, Argonaut, Commodore. R. A. Packer,-L. Shickluna. Henry Howard and barges, S. D. Caldwell and barge, Forest City and Richmond and sclir F. A. Georger, nd consort, Rube Richards and and schr H. C. Richards, Escanaba and schrs T. L. Parker, Itasca. Relief and barges, Cleveland and Grace, Amelia and barges, schrs Parana, Elgin, Acontias, Constitution, Typo, Golden Fleece. North Cape, Two Fannies, Scotia, Monticelio. Wind northeast, fresh: clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceau. Port Colborne, Ont, Sept. 17.—Passed r>own— Steambarge Clinton, barge Gibraltar, echira Hal- THE RIVERS. Dkmoit. Mich., Seat. ai.-V«HteI OTaafcOM I ,20th: Up—Props Johnson, A. J. Wright and barges, Massachusetts and consort, R» Wallace consort; schrs Swallow, A. Boody, S. Iv Down—Props City of Concord and consort, Lin-:.¦.¦.¦:¦¦ Saginaw and barges. Sept. 21 : Up—Piops R. A. Pa Ogemaw, China, Delaware. R. Chamberlin and barges, Argonaut and schr Ellen Spry. Farewell and consorts, Curtis am! barges, Holland and barge: Dowd and barge; schrs D. Sawyer. 1). K. Clint, Law, Howard and bar/. rbilt. Down—Props Annie Young, Empire State. Russia, Atlantic, Missouri and barge, Salina and barges, Oregon and schr B. F. Bruce, Hiawatha and consort, Columbia and consort, Birckhead and barges, Winslow and bargo, Iron Age and schrs .lames Couch. Red AVing. Westford and barge, McBrier and barges; schrs Norway, H. Fitzhugh, Young . America, Maumee Valley, Ganges. Wind south, brisk; cloudy. ^ WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., Sept. 21.—Passed Up—Schrs Cavalier and Cameron, Collins Bay to Bvng Inlet, light; Ella Murton, Hamilton to Sandusky, light: props Roanoke, Ogdensburg to ¦ Chicago, general cargo; Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo. Down—Schrs D. Freeman, Cleveland to Brockville; Parana, Chicago to Kingston; Laura. Cleveland to Toronto, coal. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Detroit. Mich., Sept. '23.—Up—Props St. Louis, City of Concord and consort, Relief and barge. Down—Prop South Moore. Sept. 24, Op—Props Onoko, Europe, Dean Richmond, II. C. Akely, East Saginaw and barge, Alleghany and consort, Minneapolis and consort, Mackinaw and barge, A. D. D. Porter and barge. Down-Props Fred Mercur, Rochester, T. W1. Palmer and schrs Ogarita and E. L. Coyne, Bay City and barges, R. P. Ranney and schrs Thomas Quavle and Alvira Cobb, Jay Gould and G. S. Hazard, A. .Everett and schr Sophia Minch, Leutv and barges, Benton and barges, V. Mills and barges, Tennessee and barges, Arapes and barges, H. Chisholm and consort, Lowell and barges, Wind southwest, gale; cloudy. sted,W. H. Rounds, F. c. ^eightomF. B.Gardner, andNassau, Chicago to Kingston corm barge Houghton, Milwaukee to Kingston WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., Sent. 2-1.—Passed Down—Schrs Elgin and Maumee Valley, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Rival, Detroit to Ogdensburg. _i—-.- «___,-... ^0 pj-ggQQtt, corn; Cor- Kate nelia and M. Copley,' Toledo to Ogdensburg, ,, , ,,,„„„,„„« r^ H<niliri,„ ,-„«.. w—!ii of wheat; J. H. Breck, Sandusky to Kingston, coal; «SrSr£ cCSand to Tsrookvillerooall; M. E. Antelope, Bheboy^n to Kingston, timber; Lewis' SS^ShShJfi^ Hamilton! coal; A. >. An- Koss, C eye and to Port Hope, coal; Jnna, Cleve- Cleveland to Prescott, stone; Eccles'rCleveland to Hamilton, coal; Queen of 'J^^^S^^^^^^^*1^^1 " " es, Cleveland to Brockvi dre'ws' DetroitUto O^Snf^t^yhtd^^aSn land to St. GatherinesVcolxlT'Sinrapore; Toledo to ^aTutJ?Sfi tn KlnSton wheat; Banga- Kingston,- corn; Mediterranean, Toledo to Os-fore AT^Pt?MaStS?«SK NeUie' Hunter, wego corn and wheat; Augusta/Toledo to Kings-lore, loiedo to Kingston, ooiu^atro^^^ Stokes' ton, timber; props Northerner, Chicago to Og- . „. ,- i . Pacific and Nashua, To- cartro; steamers Chief-, to Montreal general cargo; K. Alien, ^uiciLain ana consort, Toledo to Kingston, tim-Clevelindto Port Hope coal; Nashua, Toledo to ber; Nipegon and consort, Pequaming to Ogdens-oSw ucSfcS Mvles. Duluth to burg, lumber; steambarge Macara, Chicago to M5SSSSl^n«!nSwSrW--^ Bdsall, Tor- Kingston corn. Passed Up-Props Europe, Mon-J5S tn ,^SSSr liffht* prop Lake Michigan, ;real to Chicago, general cargo; 'Canada, Montreal ^i^S^&^i^^j L- Shick-[o Detroit, light; schr W. J. LafTei, Hamilton to Bav to Kinestoi tiX" J » and Blazing densburg, general cargo; Pacific mlr iSSSfc fe 0?w1«o wheat;- prop Celtic, ledo to Ogdensburg, general CnSago'^IontreXlSneral cargo;,}^}^ ^?^^^^!:Z^Z^}. -Up- lund, Montreal to Windsor, general cargo. ^^^^^^ THE SIVSRS. pecial Telegram fcoThe Inter Ocean. i DETRO} L', Mich., Kept. 18.—Sept. Prop Lothair and barges; schrs John B, British Lion, E. VL Rutherford, S. H. Down—Props Buffalo, C. N. Pratt and i Keith, Parker and barge; sear Delawai- .'¦¦¦-1-8.—Up—Props Starucca, Badger State, kee, W. T. Graves and consort, Bay Ci , and Republic and consort, Nethon M I barges; schrs Mary, C. G. Truinpff. Props Wocoken. Jim Fish, Goodhow and schr John 0'..;¦¦ M. Case, Ontonagon and barges, C. H, i\\ barges, Buckej schrs Charles B'oater, Flortila, T. J. King, Helvetia, U. B. marck; steambarge Onoke. Wind brisk; clear. t'ort Huron, light. Arrived—Steambarge Hubbel, Chicago, wheat; schr Mary, Lorain, corn. 5p.ec;jil Telegrani to The Inter Ocean. THE RIVERS. SpeciaJ Telegram to The Inter Ocean. DEa.'RoiT, Mich., S«pt. 25.—Up—Props Oscoda, Cowi-8 and barges, Alcona and consort, schr Geo. Sherman. Down—Prop R. J. Hackett and consort, schrs Charley Crawford, West Side. Sept. 2*;.—Up—Props Ogemaw, J. E. Miles, Oconto, Belle Cross and barges, Mineral Rock and barges, schr North Cape. Down—Props Milwaukee, Saginaw Valley, Conemangh, Htameoa, Winslow, Colonial and consort, Superior and consort and Fayette Brown, James Davidson and schr Middlesex, N.K. Fairbank and schr Saveland, D. F. Rose and barges, Juniata and schr Schuylkill, schrs M. E. Tremble, Angus Smith, Annie M. Peterson, S. H. Foster, Camancue, Mystic Star, Geo. C. Finney, Charger, John Kilderhouse. Wind south'/. i tear. WELLAND CAISTAL. ¦ -Pass sd i"i ¦¦¦ i J. Cummings, J. M. Sco Mitchell, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Lev Cataract, and St. Louis. Kingston m ( the rav.i Special T Sept. 25.—Ve ^^^^^ THE BIVERtS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocesan. Detroit. Sept. .1 ii.—Sept. 12 -,___..__ uu awt.v.v, — „_-. Down B. Sloan amd Hoboken, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Waterttown. Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; J. G. Worts., Byng Inlet to Kingston, timber; Grantham, Olnebogan to Kingston, timber; Queen of the Lakees, Cleveland to Toronto, coal; propL. Schicklunaa, Toledo to Montreal, general cargo. Cleared—Schr Banglore, Tolodo, light; Stewart, Ashtabui'.la, light: Shan don, Chicago, light; Emerald, Mlichael's Bay, light. WELL^Kl/cANAL. Cataract, tuiu. u>;. *,¦—-, -----„.___ light: S. Neelon, Kingston to Port Huron, lig American, Ogdensburg to Ashtabula, on : North "v Star. Toronto to Stokes Bay, light; Pulatski, Og- 9,c densburg to Ashtabula, ore; ii. :.¦ -.um, v1 to T »iedo, light light; steanibar Detroit. Sect. r.>.—Sept. 12, Up—Props Bennett e and schrs Rival and A. Ford, Yoseniite ,nd consort, Iron Duke and cions-trt, N. K. Fair-ank and schr Albacaie, Western and barges, »own—Props Roanoke, Ocontoj, Alma Munroe. E. | ;. Hale and schrs D. Wagstad, J. 0. .Harrison, A."' iradley. Chrs Porter, ^----------, ... __. ioiitana. Sep;.. 13......Up—Propss Alaska, Business, /"ocokeii, Howard and barges, Wallula and schrs ¦oshawk, Mongongon, Sanisson and consorts, Emerald, Kingston to chicag u „„„„„____„e Abercorn and consoi Chai lotte'to Port Arthur, coal; prop Armeu treal to Chicago, general cargo. Down . i). Barner and M. L. Higcie, Chicago 1 ton, wheat: steambarge Albion and cons ort, Bay City to Kingston, timber. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The later Ocean Port COlboene, Ont., Sent. 19 —Passed Down-Tug W. T. Robb, Buffalo to Knigston, light. Up—Prop Pacilic, Ogdensburg to Toledo general cargo; schr Annandale, Belleville to Cleveland, ore. .. Sept. " 25.—Vessel passages Sept. 24: Up—None. Down—None. Sept. 25: Up—Props Hv City and consort; schr E. G. Benedict. Down—Props Sanilac, CoJ-orado, Conestoga, CH v of Rome, Cumberland and ';;,' sciir Niagara, V. M. Wilson and consort, Ohio and ' consort; schrs R. Norwood, L. Hanna, Jamaica, Colonel Cook, Gulnair; barge D. Balentlno and consort. Wind west, fresh; clear. irekhed and barges. Colonial :-and consort,George Tacom f,"'"'nl1 •¦"« ha.TcrA«< anhrs W. M. IiuaDI). J. S. Scotia, SpeolalTelegram to Tine, Inter Oceaa. Port Co'rboene. GOnt., Seut. G.— Passed Ud— .-osotis, Chartlotte to Milwaukee, coal; Defiance, St. Catherineea to Cleveland, light; 11. Mar-wood, Thorold to Detroit, light; West Side, Charlotte i" Chicago, ccnau Down—Schrs J. T. Mott and P. M- Rog' ••. < ieveland -to Brockville, coal; Paragon, Cleveland to Cobourg, coal; J.Drummond, Chicago 10 Quebec, walnut logs; J. M. Scott, Chicago to 1 Kingston, corn; O. Mitchell, Chicago to Ogdcnshburg, corn; A. Muir, Serpent River to Kingston, lunmber; Spec dwell, '^Toledo to :, corn: S. 1 Neelon, Byng Inlet to Kingston, tin, barge Abercorn and consort, rn; Niagara, Manistee to Quebec, walnut Idogs; prop Lake Michigan, Toledo to Montreal, gccneral cargo, Bpecial Telegram to TThe thfcerOcean. EastTawas, Micbh., Sept, 27.— The barometer is 'ailing and wind 1 northeast, 'Vessels were making anchorage at dark. The steambarge Belle • arrived, left tthe barge Clement, and then ¦ pro;- The tug Relief left the Saginaw to looad lumber for Sandusky. The cinaw had too mauch headwav, and, herJudder ikingaboui tweelvefeet ot her rail The^ugs tilth, and one small tug ted with a raft ttids afternoon for Bay City. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. •^in7auai);;r^,Me!-!noraaiicl barges; | c Detroit Mich.. Sent. la-Vewal Passages "ortei- Halflted,~-W. H. Rounds, Swallow, i Sept. 19: Up-Props Conemaiigh, Egyptian and ¦oluJl'- ' - ...,.- 1 Consort. Edward Smixn ana barges, O. F, Rose and barges; schrs M. F. Merrick, J. B. 1 Down—Props Boston, New York, \V; Tacoma. Sept. 19: Up—Px-ops Inter Ocean, . Saniiac, Oceanica, J. S. Fay and consort and J. F. Card, R. J. Hackett and consort, Fred Kelly and schr Negaunee, Wm. Edwards and consort*; schrs M. 1. Wilcox, M. J. Cummings, Atmosphere, James Wade, Oliver Mitchell, J. M. Scott, Abercorn and barges. Down—Prop,-; Canada, Ogemaw, A. A. Turner and barges* Mayflower and barges, Havana and consort, Wissahickon and Annie Sherwood, Belle Cross and barges; schrs T. L. Parker, King Sisters, Kate Williams and barges, Handy Buy and barge, Progress. Wind east, light; cloudy and rainy. ichards, American Union, Scoutrnvest, Pehokee, . C. Hutchinson, O. M. Borad, Hartford, E. A. > icholBon, Bessie Barwick, Bavaria. Down— Props H. •)¦ Jewett, Inter Oceaan, Ogemaw, Tempest and barges, Cumberland ;and schr Helvetia, Burlington and barges,Tecumsseh and Conemangh and sehr Allegheny, F. W. Pailmer and consorts, Fftward Smith and barge, Oteg^o and barge; schrs Frank T>. Bs-rfc-ftr Pothinrior j xr EWtw v a Gifford, barge Arctums, Moconllght, Marengo. ' Wind'east, light; clear. WELLAND CAIN AL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. Port Dalhousie, Ont., Sept.. 13.—Passed Up— Sctirs J. R. Benson, Kingstton to Cheboygan, light; G. M. Nealon, Kingstoon to Cheboygan, light; W. J. Preston, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Watertown, Charlotte to Chneaco, coal; Mary Copley, Oswego to Toledo, coad; Senator Blood, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, gemeral cargo; props Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledto, general cargo; W. L. Frost, Ogdensburg ten Chicago, general cargo. Down—Schr Emerald, 'Detroit to Kingston, wheat; prop Bruno, Tooledo to Kingston, corn. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. Port Colborne, Ont., Sept. 13.—Passed Down —Nothing. Up—Schrs Augustta, Kingston to Toledo, light; Belle Mitchell, Chtarlotte to Chicago, coal; Monitor, Charlotte to MSilwau&ee, coal; Si-, beria, Kingston to Byng Inlet,, light; Laura, To-| ronto to Cleveland, light; J. Ri. Benson and G. M> J Neelon, Kingston to Cheboygam, light; W. J. Pres-ij ton, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; props Nashua. Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo; W " " "" DISASTERS. ON THE BEACH AT MANISTEE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Manistee, Mich., Sept. 28.—The schooner Melitta, of Manistee, with lumber for Manistee, missed the harbor here last night and went on the beach north of the piers, and stove m hole in her stem. The life-saving crew, with tire assistance of the tug Wright, got her off and. into the harbor about 2 a. m., full of water. She will be repaired here. Wind northwest; rough sea and very dark. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., Sent. 25.—P&fmeC Down—Schr Mary, Detroit, to St. Catharines, wheat; prop Walter L. Frost, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up—Pj 1 go, general cargo; Aima Munro, Montreal to Detroit, general car»j;oi Oneida, Ogdensburg to Chicago, e go; tug Active and consort, Kingston to Port Arthur, railroad iron. ine laJ 1 ¦-:¦: ram Tne Jr: Ocean. THE RIVERS. Special Telegrani to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., Sept. 27.—Vessel passagw, Sept. 26.—Up—Props Idaho, Ira Chaffee and ' barges; schrs Delaware, Champion. Down-Props Nyack, Arizona, Eb. Hale; schrs A. Bradley, S. J. Tilden, Negaunee. Sept. 27.—Up-Props Oneida, Mary Pringie, Lehigh, Empire State, Chauncey Hurlburt, Otego and barge, Bennett and schr, China and barge, Burlington and barges, Missouri and barge, Annie Young, W st-ford and barge, Don M. Dickinson and barges; sohrs Monticelio, Erie, Stewart. Down—Props V. Swain. Shickluna. Yosemite and barge, Minnesota ami consort, Osweuaiehie and barges, S. E. Sheldon and consort, II. D. Cofhnbury and consorts, Counbrant Fand consort, Garden Ci barges; schrs Reindeer, D. L. Austin, Homer, ,T. I. Case, Three Brothers, F. L. Danforth, 0. P.y Murok, Unadilla, H. Bissell, Cam'den. Wind southwest, brisk; clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oce in. Port Colborne. Ont, Sent. 27.— Passed Up—Schrs Paragon, Thorold to Cleveland, light; Arctic, Port Dalhousie to Cleveland, light; Defiance, St. Catherines to Toledo, light. Down — Schrs Leadville and Pulaski. Toledo to Oswego, wheat; Jamaica and West Side, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Gulnair, Frankfort to Kingston, timber: Ella Murton. Sandusky to Hamilton, coal; T. Ii. Merritt, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Annan-dale, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Senator Blood, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat. Cleared—Sehr ¦ Mary Lorain, light, WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Int*rQoeaa, Pom Colborne. Ont., Sent, 2G.— Passed Up—Schrs Craftsman, St, Catharines to Cleveland, hghf M. L. Breck, Hamilton to Ashtabula, light; proj'-^akc Ontario, Hamilton to Detroit. light. Do a—Schr Bismarck, Detroit to Garden Island, turn ber and staves. . L. Fr