Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 109

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/& 0 $tm.. PASSENGERS' N- V Moore. Down—Projpa Jim Fisk, Gordon Campbell and Alleghenv, Salina and barges. Oct. 2, Up—Props Nyack. /Agemaw, Starrucca, Junileo, Oregon, and schr B.. F. Bruce and barge; schrs M. L Higgle, Three Brcothers, Iron Chief and contort Down—Prop3* Roanoke, Boston, R. A. Packer Japan, Wii^sahickon, Sucoma, Torrent and raft S. Chamboerlain and consort, Passaic and barges; schrs .James Wade. W. H. Oades, Theo Voges, Amerrican Union, Atbacore, Monterey, E. B. ilutchinison, Lem Ellsworth. Wind southwest, brisk; ckear. THE BIVHR8. Special Telegram to Thee Inter Ocean. . Detkoit. Mich.. Oct. 3.~-Oct. 2: Up—Props City of Concord and (consort, W. L. Wetmore and . consort, schrs Young America, F. J. Xing. Down —Props Oscoda, S. J. Macev and consorts, C. Huriburt, and schr^ F. W. Gifford. Myosotis, Forest City and contort, W. Edwards and enn- j sorts, schrs Siberia, 31. B. Merrill, Cheney Ames, Belie Mitchell, E. Corrning, G. C', Trumpff. Monitor. Oct. ,'J, Up—Prrops, Newberg, Montana, Tecumseh, sand schrs E. It. Blake, G. G. Houghton, Hiawatha'.- and consort, Bruno and consort, Jame* D.-jividson and Meddlescx, Heola and consort, E. B. Hale and consort. Argonaut and sc;hr J. I. Case, Ira Chaffee and barges; s.ehrs Parana, W. H. Pringle, S lkirk. Down—Props Dean Bichmond, "St. Louis, u. Q. Kershaw,, V. II, Ketchaic. Escanaba, Kate Butteroni and eomsort.'Westiord and barges, Kittle M. Forbes and ibarges, Indian and barges, Alpena and barges, "Jowio and bargee, Mackinaw and barges. Harody Bov and barge, Tempest i and barges, Baiize and raft, Kincarde and con- : sort. Wind north, briisk; clear. WELLAJND CANAL. Special Telegram to T e- Inter Ocean. PoiiT CoiJiOBNE, Ont;., Oct. 3.—Passed Up— Schr Mediterranean, Qtewego to Toledo, coal; Antelope, Kingston to Shtawattagon, light; Oriental, Kingston to Toledo, ilidU; F. C. Leighton, Cane Vincent to Chicago, light; F. Campbell, Belleville to Cleveland, ore. Down—Schr D. G. Fort, Chit-ago to Oswego, wheat; M. A. Muir, Chicago to Kingston, corn; M. Battle, Port Huron to Kingston, timber: B. Barwick, Bftour to Kingston, I Bradley,' D." Wagstaff,' B. H. BtanarteWTOlala? p. 0p—Props Iron Dnko and consort, Yosemite ana barge. Down—Props Milwaukee, Oconto, H. Chisholm, and schrs City ot Clleveland, A. Cobb^ Negaunee. Oct. 10: Up—Propsa Dean Richmond' Dickinson and barges, Kittys' M. Forbes and barges, S. Sheldon and contsort, Bennett and barges, Laketon and barges, lUelief and barges, Germania and barges; schrs 2aaeb Chandler, C. Q. Trumpff, Myosotis, H. A. Kentt, C. Nilsson, Red Wing, Camden, Nipigon and consort. Down-Props Arctic, New York, Emp)ire State, Cones-toga Nyack, Cumberland and :sc!lr Niagara, City of Concord and consort, Ira (Chaffee and barges, P L Johnson and barge; schrrs Oliver Mitchell, "VV P Croswaite, Marengo, William I. Preston, J F Joy, W. H. Oades, Jay Gorald, and schr F. A. Oeoi-ger. Wind north, light; o;loudy. . .**¦. . - - - "' DISASTI3E3.. Special Telegram to The Inter Oeenm. Evanston, Oct, 11.—The scow Planet, Captain Chas. Jolmwon, with a cargo of grravel from Kenosha, consigned to parties in Clilicago, sprang a leak near Grosse Point early tlhis morning, and not being able to make Chicago lharbor, she camo to anchor off the light-house, and by the help of the Evanston life-saving crew was kept afloat until the tug Eiving came to 'tieir assistance, at -1 o'clock this afternoon. Hpecial Telegram to The Infer Ocean Cheboyoan, Mich., Oct. 11,—Tlhedivcr repaired the damages to the AboTCOrn and Casey, and both left last night for Port Huron (dry dock. They will return and take the Maize in tow and proceed to Chicago. ¦ THE RIVEBS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean- Detjioit, Mich., Oct. 10.—Up—Prop Ed Smith and barge. Down—Prop O. Towmsend and consort.; schrs H. M. Scove, 11. Jones, L. Hannah. Oct. 11.—Up—Props 15. W. Blancihard, Kate But-tironi, Allegheny and barge, Donaldson and barges, Eriu and barge, Rudolph ai:d barges, Coffinbury and consorts, Anna Siniith and consort, Alcona and consort; schrs New i) nminlon, Monitor, Moonlight. Down—Props Winsiow, Escanaba, M. M. Drake, E. B. Hale anwfl schooners, A. v^u. to. ijo—r-rops Clarion, Juniata, Cumberland and schr Niagara, Kate Moffat and barges, schrs E, Corning, Itasca, Canton, Jenny Mathews. Horner. Down—Props Oceanica, H. B. Tuttle, C. Hurlbut and barge, J. H. Farweil and consort. Oct. 16: Up—Props Nyack, Argonaut, Escanaba, Badger State, Jim Sheriffs, Conestoga, Atlantic, fountain City, S. D. Caldwell and J. W West-cott, C. H. Davis, Jay Gculd and F. A. Greorger, Mayflower and barges, T*nipest and bargtes, schr H. M. Scove. Down — Props John Pri dgeon, James Fisk, Boston, W. L. Frost, Georgian, A. Sumner and barges, J. B. Lyon and consorts, Swain and consort, Iron Age and consort, Passaic and barges, Commodore, Cuba. Wine northeast, brisk; clear. timber; G. M. Neelon avud J. R. Benson, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber; Midland Rover, Ashland to Kingston, deals; M. Lyon, Chicago to Prescott, corn ; Satnatta and Penokee. Chicago to Kingston, corn; 8. Neeion, Detroit to Kingston, timber; props Aremenia and Lake Michigan, Chicago tu Montreal, general cargo. ¦WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to THe Inter Ocean. Poet Colborne, Ont., Oct, 2.—Passed Up-Schrs Bangalore. Kinsrston to Milwaukee, salt; Anglo-Saxon, Kingston to Toledo, light: V. P. Murray, St. Catherines to Detroit, light; Hyderabad. Kingston to Chicago, salt; Albatross, Kingston to Bay City, light.- Down—Prop Pacific, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; sour J. T. Mott. Cleveland to Brockville, coal. THE KiVEKS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., Oct. 5.—Oct. 4: Up—Props Fred Kelly and consort. Cormorant and consort. Down—None. Oct. 5: Up—Props Buffalo, Oscoda, Oceanica, J. E. Potts and barge. Sparta and consort, C. F. Curtis and barges, Mackinaw and barges, T. W. Palmer and consort, Robert Holland and barges. Down—Props Onoko, Point Abino. Missouri, R. P. Ranney and schr Thomas Quayle, J. M. Osborn and consorts, Alleghany and consort, Dickinson and barges, W. T. Graves and consort, Relief and barges. Mineral Rock and barges, City of Concord and consort, Raieigh and consort and D. Vance, Weston and barges: schrs Swallow, Higgie, J. D>. Sawyer, Pathfinder, and Jessie. Wind northeast, gale; cloudy. Sheriffs, Ogemawa, Clarion, A. Everett and schooners, S. Minch, Jura, O'swegatche and barges; schrs A. Brady, R. Dond, D. E. Barley, Prussia, C. C. Baincs, Rutherford, J. M. Scott, M. J. Crunmings, Our Son, Montana, Huron, St. Lawrence, Milwaukee, Louisa. Wind east, light, clear. THE EIVEBS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 12.—Oct.. 10—tip—Prop R. !'. Ranney and Schr Thos. Qmayle, Buckeye and barges, 'Benton and barges, Wales and barges. I)OWn_Props Fountain City, U-trtg er State, Scotia, Fred Kelley and consort and P.. Winsiow, schr H. F. Merry. Oct, 12.—Up—Props H. E. Packer, Keystone, Arabia, Onoko, Alaska, H. C. Akeley, Raleigh and consort, Minneapolis and consort, D. F. Rose anil barges, Mineral Rock and barges. Garden City and barges, Otego and barges, Alpena aiidconsort's, CN. Pratt and schr Pandora, Jenness and barges, Birkhead and barges, Lehigh, schrs David Stewart. Lem Ellsworth, Jamaica, Comanche, Mystic Star. Down—Props Sanilac, Montana, Starueea, Buffalo, Newburgn, Westford and barges, Missouri anil barges, Wm. Cowie and barges, Jas. Reed and barges, City of Rome and selir Helvetia, Cleveland and barges. D. C. Whitney and consort. Barge :'and barges, schr Thos. P.'Sheldon. Wind southwest light; cloudy and foggy. THE BIVEES. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich.. Oct. IS.—Oct. 17, Up—Props Lycoming, A. A. Turner and barges; schrs Helvetia, Muir. Down—Prop S. S. Chamberlain and consort and J. C. Harrison, Philadelphia. Oct. 18, Up—Props Montana, R. G. Stewart, Clyde, Starueea, George King and barges, N. C. Wrhit-ney and consort, H. Howard and barges, GsWe-gatchie and barges. Republic and consort, Fred Kelley and consort; schrs Sweetheart, C. Crawford, R. Halloran, G. B. Sloan, Golden Fleece. Down—Props R. A. Packer, Nabant: schrs Theo. Voges, Porter, A. M. Peterson. Wind southwest, brisk; cloudy and raining. WELLAWD CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean PobtCi Ont., Oct, 1 s.—Passed Down —Schrs Magee, Cleveland to Coburg, coal: ( tofts-man, Cleveland to Toronto, coal; prop W. L. Frost, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Ut> —Schrs Kate Kelley, Oswego to Toledo, coal: Ada Medora, Charlotte to Green Bay, coal; barge Man-ley, Collins Bay to Byug Inlet, light. **»: up—rrops ouba, Kitty M. Forbes and consorts. .Down—Props S. Clarion, Atlantic, Milwaukee, Tecumseh and schrs E. Blake, Josephine, Montlcello, Cleveland and barges, Howard and barges, Alcona and consort: schrs E. Gerlach, R. B. Hayes. Oct, 24: Up—Props Cuba, Iron Age and consort, Dickenson and barges, Passaic and barges, Lothair and barges; schrs Fanny Campbell, 0. M. Bond. Down—Props Portage, Myles, Annie Young, Europe, Avon, H. C. Akeley. Jim Sheriffs, Oscoda. D. M. Wilson and Manitowoc, Bay City and barges, Continental and consort and Thomas Parsons, Belle Cross and barges, S. D. Caldwell and J. W. Westcott. C'. S. Davis. Samson and schrs c. H. Johnston, C. E. King, Wabash. J. F. Cord, Kate'Williams, and E. Sherman, Iron Duke and consort; schrs F. W. Gifford, Reindeer, H. Fits Hugh, Missouri and Wind northeast, light; cloudy. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 24.—Passed Down— Schr Nassau, Chicago to Oswego, wheat; prop Lake Michigan, Detroit to Montreal, general cargo; Schickluna, Chicago to Montreal, general oargo. Up—Schr Willie Keller, Oswego to Toledo, coal; prop Pacific, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 26.—Passed Up—.Schr J. Magee, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Shandon, Kingston to Cleveland, ore: stmr W. T. Robb and consort, Toronto to Owen Sound, light; prop W. L. Frost, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo. Down—Schr J. P. Noyes, Chicago to Kingston, corn; prop Cuba, Chicago to Montreal, corn; Myles, Duluth to Montreal, wheat. Arrived —Steambarge Tecumseh, from Duluth, wheat. THE THE EIVB30. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 4.—Vessel passages Oct. 3: Up—Props New York, Nebraska, Fountain City, Republic and consort, Oswegatchie and barge. Colonial and consort; schrs E. Gerlach. A. J. Rodgers, Halsted. Down—Props Burlington and barge, J. Reed and schr Ada Medora and barges; schrs Geo. B. Sloane, David Stewart, P. Halloran. Hoboken, Moonlight. Oct. 4: Up— Props Clyde, Clarion, W. H. Barnum, R. J. Hackett and consort, Mary Pringle and scow, Irving, A. A. Turner and barges, Salina and barges, Philadelphia; schrs T, L. Danforth, J. H. Ma-gruder, Hyderabad Bangalore, S. L. Watson. Down—Props H. J. Jewett, Idaho, A. J. Wright and barges, Lowell and barges, Bay City and Wind southwest, light; weather clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 4.^-Passed Down— Schr Mary, Toledo to Kingston, corn; Craftsman, Cleveland to Toronto, icoal; Belle Mitchell, Chicago to Kingston, corm; Paragon, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; prop IRoanoke, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo ; Lake Ontario and Canada, Toledo to Montreal, general cargo. Up— Prop Dominion, St. Cafeharines to Toledo, light. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., Oct. 4.—Passed Up— Prop Cuba, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo; schrs Maumee Valley, Oswego to Toledo, coal. Passed DoW—Prop Lake Michigan, Chicago to Montreal, general cargro; schrs G, M. Jfeelon, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber; J. R. Benson, Cheboygan to Kingston,, timber. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 5.—Navigation in the canal had just stairted this morning, after repairing the break at hock 5, when the steamer Cuba, bound up, ran Into the head-gates of lock 7, taking one of the gates out, and thereby stopping navigation again. This break will likely be replaced by to-morroTv. The schr Albacore arrived to-day minus heir .iibboom, which she lost by a collision with the' schr Laura, which was in tow of the steamer Briuno. He reports considerable damage done to tine Laura. Passed Down—Schr Siberia and steambarge India and consort, Byng Inlet to Kingston, timber; Albacore, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber; steambarge Clinton and consort, Detroit to St Catherines, wheat; prop Nashua, Toledo to Og-densburg, general cairgo. Up—Prop Niagara, Kingston to Lake Supeirior, railroad iron. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct, 12.—Passed Down— Schrs W. I. Preston, Chicago to Kingston, corn; American, Lorain to Brockville, coal. Up—Schr Queen of the Lakes, Belleville to Cleveland, ore; prop Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo; steambarge Clinton and two barges, St. Catharines to Chicago, light; sciir J. R. Benson, Kingston to Cheboygan, light. THE B.rvJSH& Special Telegram to The Infer Ooean. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 21.—Oct, 20, Up—Props Northerner, Delaware, Manistique. Down— Props New York, Rochester, D. Lentz and barge, Mineral Rock and barge, schrs C. Parker, P. B. Gardner, Homer, General F. Sigel. S. L. Watson, Saveland, Anna Vought, Joseph Paige, Is orth Cape. Oct. 21, Up—Props Ogemaur, Kershaw, Boston, A. B. Tuttle, Curtis and barges, .E. B. Hale and schr A. Bradley, Negaunee, S. H. Kimball, J. B. Lyon and consorts, schrs John. Blading Star, Thomas P. Sheldon, Ellen Spry, E. Jones, Ada Medara, R. A. Packer. Down—Props Chicago, India, Escanaba, Ketcham, Lehigh, Raleigh and consort, and barge Oregon and schrs B. F. Bruce, Queen City, T. W, Palmer and consorts, Allegheny and consort, Manistique and raft, Sibierra and schr Middlesex, Bennett and schr F. A. Morse and barge, schrs Seaman, Reed, Case, Una-della, Skylark, Three Brothers, Constitution. Wind northeast, brisk; cloudy. THE BIV.EBS. Special Telegram to'The Inter Ocean. t>.„„ Dethoit, Mich., Oct. 22.—Oct. 20, Up—Props Lake Michigan, H. Magnus, Jamos i isk, Mota-mora and barges, Salina and barges, schrs CO. Barnes, Belle Mitchell. Down—None. Oct.J—,— Up—Props Business, Philadelphia, Japan^S. H. Johnson, City of Concord and consort, S. O. Halt and barges," Hackett and consort, schrs H. O. Richards, M. D. Ayer, H. Lawrence, S. A. and J. Collier, Yosemite and consort, Oconto. Down-Props Alaska, Wallula, Lake Michigan, Camo and barges, Cormorant and consort, Rebel and barges, Garden City and barges, schrs Josephiene, J. li. Noyes. Wind is north. Light and clear:. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont. Oct. 22.-Passed TTJp— Schrs 0. M. Bond, Oswego to Detroit, coa,; W. 1. Preston, Chariotte to Detroit, coal; J. I. M»«i Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore. Down-.Schr Oriental, Toledo to Kingston, timber; prop Craltic, Detroit to Montreal, general cargo. Special Telegram nj The Inter Ocean. ____ EIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., Oct, 26.—Oct 25, Up—Props Chicago, Wissahickon and schr Schuylkill. Dowa —Props Nyack, James Reed and barges. Oct. 26, Up—Props Hecla, Rochester, V. H. Ketchum, Sanilac, Atlantic, D. \V. Powers and barges, Bennett and barge, R. Wallace and consort, Garden City and barges, J. H. Farweil and consort, Anna Smith and consorts and Grace Amelia, Mary Hattie and barge, Cleveland and barge; schrs Delaware, O. Mitchell, Guiding Star, Tempest and barges, Siberia and schr Groton. Down— Props Buffalo, Oneida, Idaho, Newburg, Juniata, D. W. Rust, Osceola, Winsiow, Salina and barges, H. D, Goitinburv and consorts, Geo. King and barge, H. S. Hubbell and barges, S. E. Sheldon and consort; schr Selkirk, Monterey, John Tibbitts, Weston and barges. Wind east, light; clear. THE SJVEKS. Hneci&l Telegram to The Inter Ocean. DETPOIT. Mich., Oct. 14.-Vessel Passages Oct 13_TjSf:props Nevada and consort, D. Leafy and * schr Lizzie A. Law. Down-Props D. W. Rist and consorts, Michigan and barges, D Vi. PoweS^ schrs Ellen Spry, It. C. Rlcliards, Flor- idaT Ud Oct. U-PropH Portage, New Yorlr, Gonemaugh, A II. Jennie, Music and barges. Fred I McBrTer and barges, Continental and consort and B 6 Hutchinson, Clinton and barges, Schr Fan- I nie Campbell, Cowie and barges. Down-Props ancterbilt Jewett, Manistique, Waverly,Jlmpire Va and barges, Sweetheart. Republic and consort, Wind north, light; clear. Havana, THE ] SpecialTe] to The Inter¦Ocea .-Passed Up-Pe!!rCra.;-i an, Toron nd, llgh ; prop : ght; Armenia, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo. Down—boM 0. Mitchell, Chicago to Og lensburg, corn, 0 M. Bond, Detroit to Oswego, wheat; M. J. Cnm-mings, Chicago to Oswego, corn and wheat, J. Jl. Scott, Chicago to Prescott, corn; W.J. feuffeld. Port Huron to Kin s; E. P Bather- ford, Chicago to K.m;ston, corn: Erie Belle, Cleveland to Port H Morwood, De- troit to Kingston, wheat; Prussia, Byng Inlet to Krngston, timber; V, -salon River to Thorold poplarlogs. Artived-Tugs Bdsall and ,v for Collins Bay. The schr W. Y. Emery Is - cargo of l-llosr' i and taken to * Port Dalhousie to-day to be doc Detroit, D. Sawyer. Up- speclal Telegram to I ' 5Mi:"- "-nett and.bargo. schr J ipfon. Oci, lo, , Milwaukee, Abercorn, Baldwin and barges, Jno. George L. Colwell and ,,.:,.. Marengo, Co- Jura .Swallow, Milwaukee i,own—Props Oscoda, ¦Oct, 14, Drake, Down—Solo Up-Props Inter Ocean. and consorts, b. C. I Osborn and consorts, barges, schrs W 8. . 0. a. Fort. Belle, W. H. Romms >;:;»;;^'~£hn Dela-China, Northerner^N. KFan-1 ^^^ - ware, Reuben clear. brisk; THE RIVERS. ¦>< Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich.. Oct. n.-Vessel passages: Oct, nV7^,p"oP™!' *'¦ J"™?1?, schr J. s. Richards. Down- Props Geo. L. Colwell and barges, J.P. Clark andjbarges Oct. B.—Up-Props OgemaW, Wallula, h. J. Macev and consorts, Forest City and consort; schrs Clara P.-arker, Perrett, H W'Sa-e A. B. Norton, John Sclhuerte, Southwest, Teuto-nia, Leadviile, Lewis Ross. Oswego and barges Down—Props Conernamgh, Osceola, Smith Moore! Portage, Kate Wiihnmss and barge, Egyptian and consort, Edsall and rafft, Otego and barges Ohio and consorts; schrs Bawaria, M. a. Muir' Wind southwest and brisk; eiloudy. ' WELLANTD CANAL. Special Telegram to The Imter Ocean. Port Colborne. Omt„ Oct. 0.—Passed Un— Schrs Mystic Star, Oswtego to Chicago, coal; West pnie, Oswego to Toledo., coal; Elgin, Kingston to Cleveland, ore; steamBmrge Nipigo nand consort, Oswego to Duluth, coall; prop Bhicklnna, Montreal to Chicago, genoraii cargo. Down—Schrs «. li. bloan, Chicago to Oswego, corn; Blazing star Detroit to Oswego, wheat; Guiding Star, Detroit to Ogdensburg, whea.-; abandon, Lorain to Brockville, coal; Emerrald, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Glenilier. Deitroif to Kingston, wheat-Jnn::i:'>:-, f°euoto St. .-Catharines, wheat: Kate Kelley, Toledo to Oswetgo, wheat; Arctic, Cleveland to loronto, coal: tmg Mctarnora and consort rVi,- J£3£.."nd ??nsowt. gyng Inlet to Collins Bay, timDer,?rop EuroH»e, Chicago to Montreal, The case of Starke vs.' The Barges Keystone and Mohawk was an admiral I ty libel, brought to recover damages for iujuriies received in a collision while going through the i canal in Lake St. Clair. Judge Blodgett found tor plaintiff, assessing the damages at $380 againstt each of the above-named barges. In the case of H*urvis vs. The Schooner Lily Hamilton the actiom was brought to recover the value of grain shippted by plaintiff to Kingston, Out., and which was damaged en rou.e t ,t ,, through the alleged unsreaworthiness of the ves- een ' , »t"J sel. The court held thatt, when defendants made a charter to carry grain, they were bound to see that it was shipped in at seaworthy vessel, and found for plaintiffs, the tamount of damages to be settled by private agreeunent. TEE RIVEES. 1 Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. l Detroit. Mich., Oct, 17.—Oct. 10, Up—Props Bay City and barges, Cleveland and barges, H. t Chisholm and City of Cleveland, A. Cable, W. T. r Graves, and S. Neelon. Down—Props Cowie and -barges, J. P. Clark and barge, Baiize and raft, Bennett and barge- Oct. 1 7, Va—Props Armenia, W. H. Barnum, Buffalo, Canada, Oscoda, Oneida, Morley, H. J. Jewett, Newburg, Burlington and barges, A. Everett and schr Sophia Minch, Columbia and consort, Egyptian and consort, Lowell and schr Maumee Valley and barge. Smith Moore, David Wagstaff, Michigan and barges, A. D. D. Porter and barges, schrs Sumana, Pewakee, Nevada, A. Boody, A. L. Andrews, Ferrett, H. D. Root. Down—Props Delaware, C. J. Kershaw, Edward Smith and barge, P. Watllace and consort and H. E. Cleveland, S. C. Hall and barges, R. J. Hackett and consort, W. H.. Gratwick and barges, Iron Chief and schr David Dows, D. Bal-lentine and consort, Kitty M. Forbes and schrs Frank Perew and Kingfisher, Glennania and barges. Wind east, fresh, clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean Poet Colborne. Out., Oct. 17-— Passed Up— Schr Mary,, Kingston to Cleveland, ore; prop Celtic, Montreal to Chicago, light- Down—Schr Mediterranean, Toledo to Kingston., wheat; props Pacific and Nashua, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. WELLAND CANAZ,. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 21!.— Passed Down-Nothing. Up—Schrs Midland Rover, Belle', ille to Cleveland, iron ore; E. P. Reals, Ogdensburg to Ashtabula, iron ore; Erie Belle, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; prop Europe, Montreal to De-, Ogdensburg to Toledo, THE RIVERS. V Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 24.—Up—Props Oceanica, Georgian, R. P. Ranney and schrs Thos. Quayle and Kate Richmond, Cowie and barges, N. Swan and consort. Down—Props Opio and consort, Worthington and consort, Michigan and barges: schrs D, S. Austin, S. L. Watson. Oct. 25.—Up-Props Ogemaw, New York, Lehigh, Dean Richmond, Mary Pringle, Iron Chief and David Dows, Mary Mills and barges, Alleghany and consort, Chaffee and barges, Forest City and consort; schrs Atmosphere, Ida Keith, Julia Willard. Down—Props W. II. Barnum, Conestoga, Fred Mercer, Montana, Burlington and barges, Weston and barge. Handy Boy and barge, City of Conr cord and consort, Geo. L. Calweil and barges, J. E. Potts and consort, Oswegatchie and barges, George T. Hope and schr T, L. Parker, Lowell and barges, Baiize and barges, A. A. Turner and barges, Fred Kelly and consort Wm. Edwards and Golden Age, W. W. Paige, schrs C. B. Jones, G. M. Neelon. J. R. Benson, Belle Hanscom, Parana, Challenge. Wind northeast, brisk; cloudy and rain. ¦WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocsan. Port Colborne, Ont., Oct. 25.—Passed Up—Schrs American, Ogclen&ourg to Ashtabula, iron ore; Oliver Mitchell, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Guiding Star and M. J. Cummings, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal; Gleniffer, St. Catharines to Toledo, light; steambarge Clinton and consort, St. Catharines to Parry Sound, light. Down—Steambarge D. D. Calvin, Cleveland to Brockville, coal: schrs M. J. Wilcox, Toledo to Ogdensburg, wheat; F. B. Gardner, Chicago to Oswego, corn; G. G. Houghton, Skylark, and Halsted, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Jennie Mathews, Detroit to Oswego, wheat; Canton, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat. THE RIVERS. Y Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ^ Detroit. Mich.. Oct. 23.—Vessel Passages Oct. 22: Up—Props John Pridgeon, Edward Smith and barges, C. Hurlbut and consort; schr Groton, Down—Props Sauiiac, Empire State, S. F. Hodge, Music and barges. Argonaut and barges, Jenness and barges, W. Mills and barges, Johnson and barges, Mackinac and barges. Oct. 23: Up-Props Commodore, D. Ballentine and consort; schrs Nellie Reddington, John Tibbits, Hercules, Porter, A. M. Peterson, Montana. Down—Props Onoko, H. E. Packer, Conemaugh, Saginaw, H. J. Jewett, Mary Mills and barge, Otego and barges, Lincoln and barges, Anna Smith and consort, Rhoda Stewart and barges, Tempest and barges; schrs Stampede, J- E. Gillmore. King Sisters, Owasco, Vienna and consort, A. B. Norris, Maria Martin. Wind northeast, light; clear. I' THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. j Dbtkoit. Mich., Oct. 28.—Oct 27. Up—Props Alaska and A. Sherwood, City of Concord and consort, and J. II. Magrnder; schr Watertown. 1 Down—Prop Bennett and barge Yosemite and ! consort, Oct. 28—Up—Props ,T. H. Ruby, Cali-i foi-nia, Progress, Clarion, Buttironi and consort, R. Stewart and barges. Otego and barge, West-" I ford and barge, Gordon Campbell and Allegheny, m and barges, Burlington and barges and schr Three Brothers, Gladiator and barges, Mineral Rock and barges, Mackinaw and barges. Lowell and barges, Tecumseh and schr F." L. Danforth, Hiawatha and consort; schrs Midland, Rover, Erie Belie, J. Bcntlcv, P. S. Marsh B. F. Bruce, Clara Parker. Down—Props M-. M. Drake , Lycoming, Morley, Ogemaw, Badger State, Porter and barges, Curtis and barges, Germania! . and barges, Ed Smith and barges, S. C. Hale and barges. Windsonr.h fcu-i°fr.<»»i' •*------'—' - ^ THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit.Mich.. Oct. 2!i.-Oct. 28—Passed I None. Oct. 20—Passed Up—Props Wallula, Fred /Mercur, Milwaukee, Tecumseh, Escanaba, Manis-—* tique: schrs Scotia, John Magee, C. N. Ryan, Lucerne, Constitution, Champion, F. Palms. Passed Down—Props Tecumseh, Waverly, Manis tique and raft. Wind northwest, brisk, cloudy. WELLAND CANAL. * Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., Oct. 20.—Passed Up—Schrs Gulnair, Hamilton to Cleveland, light; Emerald, St. Catherines to Cleveland, light. Down -Steambarges D. M. Wilson and consort, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; Glasgow and consort, Nipigon and consort, Pequaming $0 Ogdensburg, lumber; props Alma Munro, Amherstburg to Montreal, general cargo; Acadia, Duluth to Montreal, general cargo: schrs W. Shupe and Rival, Cleveland to Toronto, stone; Ella Morton, Sandusky to Hamilton, coal; J. H. Mead, Milwaukee to Sodus Point, barley; J. R, Benson and G. M. Neelon, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber: West-side, Toledo to Ogdensburg, wheat: Blazing Star and W. H. Oades, Detroit to Oswego, wheat; [ Queen of the Lakes, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Albatross, Bay City to Kingston, timber; O. M. Bond, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat; Mary Battle, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Hoboken, Toledo to Oswego, wheat; Mary Lvon, Cleveland to Prescott, coal. Arrived—Scr Mary, from Biack River, coal. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. w The propeller City of Traverse rolled her mast off outside. S The schooner Experiment, on the bar at Sauga-^tuck, will be saved. The dead bodies of two unknown men have just been found in the harbor at Racine. They are , thought to have been sailors. S The steamer Wo-co-ken arrived at Escanaba with a broken crank-pin. She must be towed to some point where repairs can be made. The Canadian Pacific Company's steamer Ar-thabaska has been cut in two at Montreal, and prepared for starting through the canals for Lake Superior. i A good deal more lumber will be kept over this winter than expected. One shipper will carry over 7,000,000 feet. The cause is the high rate of canal freights, the owners preferring to let: their stock remain here than take it to Buffalo and Tonawanda and run the risk of having canal freights come down to a shipping figure.— Bay Ciip Tribune. The schooner j. G. Masten is repairing her jib boom before leaving with her coal cargo, but will not need to go into dry-dock. The Wells was somewhat worse shaken up on her passage down, and is in dry-dock. She will be ready to load coal to-day.—Butfaki Express, Tuesday. ^ ' cargo, TfeB BIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Oc^an. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 18.—Oct. 19, Up—Schr Gaiitfcs. Down—Prop Ogemaw, Saginaw Valley; K. P. Kannsy, and schr Thomas Quayle. Oct ly Up—Prop Toledo, lioanoke, WocoKen, Ci' ' of Tiome, Celtic, A. L. Hopkins, P. Caamberlii id barges, Missouri and barge, Bennett and b^ ° and schr Havana, D. "W. Kuat and achr L 0 Butts, Wes.-ford and barge, Idaho, Oceanica Down—Props Point Abinn, Dean Richmond, Taccina, J. S. F&y and consort, Sparta and schr Genoa, City of Concord and consort, Hiawa.aa and consort, Wissahickon, and Schny Kill; scu*-s Ida Keith, Eric, Stewart, Francis Palms Angus Smith, Kitty Haight with Ontario, Mary Prinze Wind southwest, brisk; ciear. "WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean Post COJ.BOENE, Ont., Oct. 19. —Passed Up— Schxa Blazing Star, Oswego to Detroit, coal; Mary -Lyons, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Eiia Mnr-ton, St. Catharines to Sandusky, light; tog Met-amora and consort, Collins Bay to Byng Inlet light. Down-Prop Scotia, Duluth to Montreal' w heat; steambarge Clinton and consort, Detroit **» Sr TJatliarJnes. whpar. WELLAND CAlTAh. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean Pout Cousouxe, Ont., Oct. 16.—Passed T_TTp— Sehrs Nevada Penokee, and stmr Swan, OBw ogo to Chicago, coal; Samana, Chariotte to Chicago. ooal; M. A. Muir, Charlotte to Green Bay, coal; Hoboken, Oswego to Toledo, coal; L. S. Haun-mond, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; S. Neelion, Kingston to Bay City, light; Siberia and Mary Batt-Je, Kingston to Toiedo, light; B, Mitchell, Kingston to Cleveland, iron ore; M. L. Breck, Hamilton to Ashtabula, light; props Boanoke and Onedia, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; Canada, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo: Lake Ontario, Hamilton to Detroit, light. Down —Schr \V. Keller, Toledo to Oswego, wheat. Cleared—Tug iirie Belle, tor Lake Huron, wnn tow o.£jrflfia^^ 1 GOOD SERVICE. THANKS TO CAPTAIN* OLE CrEOH. We desire to state that the schooner Petrel, which was wrecked at Sheboygan harbor, after becoming water-logged in the lake during a heavy gale a few days ago, would have lost her entire cargo of wood, belonging to us, had it not been for the immediate and t?moly assistance rendered by the life-saving crew of the Sheboygan station, under the command of Captain Ole Groh. "We not only tender our hearty thanks to Captain Groh and his worthy crew for the great kindness we received, bnt we also feel to heartily congratulate Captain Groh in this undertaking, through which he manifested extremely good judgment, and daring the entire operation, which resulted in saving the greater portion of the cargo. His com -mand was exercised in the mosc skillful and efficient manner, all of which we are happy to acknowledge, is fully appreciated, Geo. Buexham & Sons. THE NEW PJ2IYSAI7KEE. A THOROUGH MJBUILD. The schooner Pensaukee, a3hore some time ago, but rescued and taken to Manitowoc, was thoroughly rebuilt there, the owner, Mr J. S-Dunham, laying out a great deal more money upon her even than the underwriters allowed. The rebuild was closely watched by the master and by Mr. Dunham In person, and the work was well done. That well-known authority. Captain Rounds, of the iEtua, inspected the vessel when comj>leted, and gives her a rating of A-2. It is said that she is as good as new. From Manitowoc the Pensaukee went to Cheboygan and loaded lumber for Chicago, arriving here yesterday in the northeaster in fine shape.

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