Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 118

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Clinch down the Kmnitcinnec River to-day the tui: Maxon struck the bank, roiled over,* and sank. Her starboard rail after is five feet under v.ater. A man with the yawl from the Minch took off her crew. THE SHEKMAN FULL OP WATEE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Huron, Mich., Nov. 27.—Captain John received a telegram from Captain. Lynch saying the Sherman was off Black liiver and' full of water. The tug Sweepstakes leaves here tonight with pumps for her. The steamer Manitoba is still ashore. She has been moved twenty feet and can go no further until lifted with pontoons. ___ ! I ¦.. ¦' ----- E LOSS OF THE ECLIPSE, peeial Telegram to The inter Ocean. Wiarton, Ont., Nov., 27.—The following is tin statement of John Drew, the only known sur. Captain Bury le" Algoma Mills Nov. J 5 for Port Sarnia, with the barge Etta in tow: ran into Kattlesuake Harbor. Manitoulin Island, and left there Wednesday, Nov. 21, intending to make Southampton. Captain Bush, of the barge Etta, left me alone on the barge and went aboard the Eclipse. The weather was fine, and 1 was up until we passed Cove Island light, about 10 o'clock in the evening; then I turned in and slept until About ia. in. I dressed and went on deck, and could see nothing of the Eclipse, and realized that I wast cast adrift and alone on Lake Huron and a fearful gale raging. After a while 1 heard the steamer's whistle several times, ami then saw nor beard no more of them. At daylight I saw land about a mile distant, and about 4 p. m. the barge went ashore on the beach at Little Pike Bay, and I jumped ashore* and started for Wiarton, sixteen miles distant. T do not know the names fit the crew. There were seven men on the Eclipse. Some, fishermen were out in a boat at Pine Tree Harbor and saw three bodies floating near the shore with life preservers on, marked "Steamer Eclipse," and what appeared to be the upper works of a steamer. One of the bodies had a watch and $22.25, another a watch and $22, and another $8.95. By papers found they identify one as Captain Bush of t lie barge Etta, and j. Moore, en '" e Eclipse. Til TiMimiT'li I"1 T m H.oni.TON", Ont., Nov. 27.—The steamer Enter prise, which is reported lost on Georgian Bay, was formerly owned here and known as the Juliet. She was built in Hamilton by Mr. Cooper, of Buffalo, and ran tor throe seasons between tire city, Oaklands and the beach. When first built Bhe was so narrow and crank that she was liable to topple over. As she lay at Simcoe street wharf one holiday she careened so far that but for touching the next dock she would have turned upside down and a terrible calamity would have been reported, for many people were on board. The steamer was given more beam by false sides which were attached and was afterward known as * De Eclipse. She was sold and went to Sarnia, where she ran as a ferry, and afterward was bought by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The vessel was taken to Algoma Mills and ^n on the Serpent and Spanish Rivers with stip- THE HABVEV BISSEM, IN TROUBLE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. '. East Tawas, Mich., Nov. 2,.—\iolent gale from the southwest. The tug Moore arrived in • earch of the Gladiator's tow of schooners, and was just in time to rescue the schooner Harvey Bissell from the violent pounding she was receiving outside the East Tawas Salt Company's dock. The tug struck bottom several times, in getting a line to her, but succeeded in getting her to anchorage without damage. She pushed about ft < teen thousand feet of lumber into the lake try-' rig to get away .from the dock. Sheltered here— Steambarge Jenness and tow: scow Greenback. No mail boat since Saturday. THE BAIKF, MARINER SUNK—DEATH. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. . Detroit, Mich., Nov. 27.—The barge Manner, coal-laden, in tow of the tng EltaM, Snuth.struck tbo east pier at Lake St. Clair fiats canal Sunday ri'lit, parting the tow-line. She drifted a short distance into Lake St. Clair and sunk. The tug, with pumps, is at work raising her. Captain Dan Einlanson. first mate of the propeller St Paid, who fougnt the fire so heroically on Saturday last, and sustained injuries by inhaling gasscs, died a<f 11 o'clock this morning at the Marine Hospital. THE LILLY E. SUNK AGAIN. Special f elegram to The Inter Ocean. MA-SI8TES, Mich., Nov. 27 —This morning at 9 oV'ock s crew commenced to puznpout the waterlogged schooner Lilly E. At 2 o'clock it was blowing a gale and they had to sink her again. Nineteen men were taken ashore by the life-saying crew's boat. RESCUE OF THE TOUNO AMKF.ICA. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. . Sand Beach, Mich., Nov. 27.-The boats rying here wind-bound got away this morning. The Young America was released this evening. The diver is at workstopping up the holes. She will then go to Port Huron. _ THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The InterOcean. Detroit. Mich.. Nov. 27.—Nov. 26, Up— None. Down—Prop Havana and consort; schr Selkirk. Nov. 27, Up—Props Onoko, Johnson and barges; schrs Smith and Post, City of Con-Down—Props Oscoda, H. S. Hubbell, Milwaukee, Goodnow, and John O'Neil. Kate "Wlnslow, H. J. Smith; sohrs Maria Martin, Venus. Wind southwest, brisk; clear. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. POET Hurok, Mich., Nov. 2 /.—Down—Alcona and barges at 12; S. J. Macy, John Burt, at 12; Buffalo at 2; J. Pridgeon, 0:15. Up—Commodore, 3: Onoko, 3. Wind, south, fresh. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont.. Nov. 2/.—Passed Down —Schr Bene Mitchell, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Mystic Star, Toledo to Oswego, wheat; Hoboken, Detroit to Oswego, wheat; D. G Fort, Toledo to Oswego, wheat; O. M. Bond, Detroit to Morristown, wheat. Up—Nothing. «n^i«i Teleeram to The Inter Ocean. Speccial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., Nov. 28.—Arrival—Schooner Coluimbian. The schooner L. C. Butts, coal laden for Milwaukee, came in during the night with her foredoom broken, mainsail split, and leaking. She made two feet of water during the night. Her master is having a new boom made, and will tow to Milwaukee. She reports very rough usage on Lake Huron. The schooner Halsted, coal laden, ran in for r. The wind was blowing a gale from the northwest last night. Wind to-night northwest, lightt; clear and pleasant. THE H. 0. RICHARDS ASHORE—OTHERS DAMAGED, bpemial Telegram to The InterOcean. Manitowoc, Wis., Nov. 28.—The tug J. N. Iks, of Escanaba, was towed in here by the tug (Cominodoie Nutt this afternoon, with rudder and wheel broken. Thte scow Dunham, of Milwaukee, was towed in by tJhe tug Gregory, waterlogged. Tine wrecked schooner M. L. Collins was towed In bv the tug Welcome. AU will make repairs here. The tug Gregory leaves to-night for the H. C. Richards, ashore in the South Manitou harbor. THE EUREKA SUNK. Kingston, Ont,, Nov. 28.—The schooner Eureka., of Oswego, loaded with coal, was abandoned yesterday near the Main Ducks, and sank shortly after-ward. The crew were saved. r-¦it'll TYIr-minr trrlin In L'"-O^'ir Ki:\-<;stox, Ont., Nov. 28.-—The schoon tircika, owned by Chambers * Chadwick, aild bounid from Oswego to this port with 270 toil* of cmal, sunk in Lake Ontario yesterday. Til Eurelka left Oswego at noon with a fresh win, blow ing. Off the Main Ducks she sprung a leak and i:he crew were ordered to the pumps. Aftet, three- hours' hard work and finding that the waterr was steadily gaining on them, Captain Charmbers made an attempt to beach the vessel on Sumcoe Island. This proving unsuccessful he ordered the crew to leave the vessel, which was accomplished just before the schooner went down in deep water. They reached Simcoe Mated in the yawl at 0 o'clock after suffering considerably from cold and exposure. The I Eureka classed B 2, was valued at $2,500 an, insured for $1,800 in the Thames A Mersi sXomoany. ^~—R- ,..........."II I.J.KTLESS ASHORE. epeeiaa Telegram to The Inter Ocean. '->" rv Sound, Ont,, Nov. 28.-The schooner s, from Tobermory to Owen Sound is on the northwest point of White Cloud Island, Georgian Bay The crew are all safe. It is thought a tug could easily take licr off I he steambarge Lothair, Captain Svmes with Her consort, the Corisande, have been in Tobermory since Sunday, waiting for better weather to Parry Sound. steambarge Fortune arrived here Ta*t ^4^ A1S°ma MiUs' aud «4'ing ?,p'?or ABOUND THE MANITOU'S. SpeeiailTelegram to The Inter Oee::n. FEAiStKroRT. Mich., Nov. 28.—The tug Hall re-turnewl from the South Manitou Island this noon, bringiing Captain Tostenson, of the schooner H. C. Ricihards, of Manitowoc, and Captain Thomas Myers.. of the schooner Daniel E. Bailey. It was the Baiiley in distress as reported yesterday. She is coalf-laden, from Buffalo to Chicago, and was disabiied, iced up, and leaking badly. Her pumps will not keep her afloat, and the captain is tier,.- to get a crew to work the pumps. She is now at anchor at South Manitou. The schooner H. C. Richards, with 1,150 tons of coal, from Cleveland, consigned to Platted Co., Chicago, parted both cables, and went ashore on ttie island one mile north of the dock last night. She lavs broadside and easy about one foot out. She leaks some and her rud-iroken. The tug Hall will dredge her out She lays in a good place. There is sixte-water du ?- quite a fleet sheltered there. Among them ar, Noyes,-Higgle, Three lielis: steamers Philadelphia, Nyacfc, Collin Campbell, Nellie Torrent: tug Kate Wlnslow, and others,. The schooner Bigler could not fetch the island,, ami is thought to be at the Beaver Islands. The propeller Weston departed for Manistee. The smhooner Norman and tugs Arctic and San-ford aire in port here. Wind north, cold. FROM MILWAUKEE. Special! Telegram to The- InterOcean. Milwaukee, Wis., Not. 28.—The schr Gypsie, ashore, at North Bay. was stripped to-day and abandconed as a total loss.' She is insured for • The i tug Maxau, sunk in the river, was raised this evreniug. The tthree tugs sent in search of the Manistee HUIK I). B. KAILev in Tuot'BEll!" Sir. Spry, the owner of the schooner T), !E. bailey, coal-laden for Chicago, received the following dispiatch yesterday. "Frankfort, Mich., Not. 28.—The Bailey is at the Manitoras leaking badly. Want a tug. 1 have got four extra men to work at the pumps. Had to come) to Frankfort to telegraph. "Thomas Myers, Master." - m * -"'"'¦" : Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Northport. Mich., Nov. 29.— The steamer Peerless loft here about I o'clock and the barge Business at 3 o'clock yesterday. The schooners H. D. Moore and Watertown are laying up here, ihetug Williams left at 10 o'clock to-day for Mamstee. Blackburn is with her. saugatuck. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Sand BEACH, Mich., Nov. 29.—In for Shelter To-night—Steambarges C. H. Hall and one barge. Sarnia and three, Roda Stewart and three, Don M. Dickinson and two, Mocking Bird and one, tug Ramond, sichr J. B. Kitchen. Tlie Salina left ?,er,°, t ls aIterD0°n and was towed back by the ml „ ,!' uer enBIne being a complete wreck. i he Chester B. Jones, loaded with coal for Chicago, is going back io Port Huron to lay up. Weather bad. Wind southwest. . , buffalo. Especial Telegram to The Inter Ocean Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 29. -The schooner Maria Martin, with -ore from Escanaba, arrived last night. She will go into winter quarters here. J. he propeller Buffalo, with grain from Chicago and the Escana-ba. light, from-Ashtabula, arrived to-day. The liast-named craft will take a cargo of coal to Chic-iitgo. It is expected that she will leave to-night.. The propellor D. C. Whitney, coal-laden for Chicago, left during last night Captain Drury, owner of the barge Hnugerford has no word of her whereabouts. He fears that there ls little prospect of her turning up safe. _ . , THE PRINCETON, bpecial Telegrara to The inter Ocean. Saugatuck, Mich., Nov. 29.-Nothing was done toward getting the Protection off yesterday and nothing could be done to-day. The tug \ H. Hunter went in the sling this afternoon to have her wheel fastened. While on the beach this afternoon your reporter saw a steambarge about two miles out making bad weather of it. She had her sail up, a new one, and it was flapping as if it wvcre torn. It is thought she was trying to make tthis harbor, but she went by In talking with sonne fishermen about it later in the afternoon they said they thc*s:ht it was the Swallow, but ware not sure. The wind this evening is southwest. • WilliII UUUM1MIU. jussing. Special Telegram to Theo Inter Ocean. Parry Sound, Ontt;, Not. 30.—Nothing has been heard of the schojoner New Dominion, which left this port on the 2tHd with a cargo of lumber for Amherstburg, altihough inquiries haTe been sent by telegraph to *very port along the lake shore. It is feared she was caught, in the gale of last Saturday and has foundered with all on board. THE H. C. BICHAEDS AND D. E. BAILEY. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Frankfort, Mich., Not. 30.—The wrecking tug D. P. Hall released the schooner H. C. Richards from tho beach on North Manitou Island yesterday, and turned hor OTer to the tug John Gregory, which will tow her to Chicago. A steam pump is on the Richards to keep her free. The tug Allie, Captain Cahoosie, arrived from Green Bay, and will tow the disabled schooner D. E. Bailey to Chicago. The following craft were at the Manitous: Propeller Commodore, Kate Williams, M. M. Drake and three barges, Belie Cross and tows. Also the schooners Three Bells and J. B. Noyes. Ine schooner Graham Brothers arriTed here Irom Manitowoc withi supplies. The steamer Lawrence departed for Cheboygan; the George V. Sanford and Weston for Manistee. The life saving station at Point Betsey has closed for the season. *"=•-¦=* "•» The Harry E. Packer n..nd Metropolis got off without- damage. The Packer jettisoned a portion of her cargo of coal. LATE MUKIKE NEWS. Special Telegram fcoThi Port Huron .Mich., Nov. 29.—Passed Downj— John Owen, P. S. Marsh, 1 : India; 4: Castiei Monguagoii. M. Fillmore, 4;10: J. M. Osburij Exile, t.. W. Davis, 5:15. fjo—Iron Chief, 6 Wind west, i'restn. Special Telegram tto The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Michi., Nov. 29.......Nov. 28. ftp—Prop. II. E. Packer, Tennpest, and barges. Down—Prof, Cuba; schr H. A. Kent, Nov. 29,'IJp—Props Iron Chief and cousoilt, Glasgow and barges. Burling, ton and barges., Peter Smith and "barges; scow British Lion. Dtown—Props Wissahicjkon, Juniata, V. 11. Ketchaun. Jay Gould, Dean Biehmonol and schr K A. CUeorger, Forest City and consort. Wind southwest-,, brisk; cloudy. !y: r Dei :., East Tawas,, Mich., Nov. 2!i. Cleared—Steam-barge B. Wj/Je-uness with barges Sweepstakes, Wyandotte. !fll li.mber to Cleveland. Arrived-. Prop Saruiao. 1— Harbor—Schr Ijisaeil. WHERE THE FLEETS ARE. ADVICES- FROM TARIOUS POUTS. Special Telesram to) The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., Nov. 29.—Heavy snowstorm, with a high west wind prevailing. Tho schooners Danf onth and Ellon Spry have not yet arrived to load for Chicago. Departed—Schr Pen-saukee, tug Leviathan and tow. In Harbor— Schr Bed White and Blue; barge Huron City in tow. TH1E LOST MANISTEE. Special Telegram tco The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis.. Nov. 29—A gentleman who arrived in the citw to-day from Ontonagon says the latest informaitlon places the loss of life by . the disaster to thee Manistee at thirty-eight. The 1 - aS.\^i^^„nM?fl£nS 5„_^as crtmlaalby overloaded, ami has been on CliEVESjAND. Special Telegram to'Lin- Jt.- ir Ocean. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 'Z.—A heavy sea has been ruaninvr here all day, and blowing a gale tonight. No vessels ventured out. A large number of craft sought, refuge in ttthe harbor. Milwaukee. Soecial Teletrram to Tint iut^r Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis., l>ee. l\—The tugs Alley and Leviathan, lowing the disabled schooner ]>. S. liailey and barge Hazard, bound for Chicago, came in for fuel to-day. The disabled barge .!.. C. Butts, in tow of the tug Delta, and the wrecked barge Eureka, in tow of tho tug W./l.-rived. The Eureka goes tto Jtacine to unload and will be towed back to tro >ni to dock for repairs. The schooner George Steefle is in the harbor for shelter. BESCUEO, Slierial T'-le-irani to The Inter Ocean. HAICBOB Hpkixgs, Mich., Dec. li.—The schooner John Bigler, waiting for a. Chicago tow, drained her anchor across the bay to Che Petoskev shore and was hauled in by the tug Chicago, The Hehoouer Pensaukee, liyin.y: a distress signal, was also pulled in by the samte tug. TUG THS^liLEI.t. Special Telegram to The tnOer Ocean. BoiiT Huitox, Mich.. Dec. 'J.—The tug Mocking Bird broke her shaft olT WTUtc Rock, while towing the steambarge Salliua and barges. The steambarge Manistique to>wed her back to Sand Beach. The tug Castle will tow her here for repairs. The schooner Donaldson arrived down with grain from Chicago, and will go into winter quarters hero. SAND BJ2ACH. VAEIOUS CRAFT' MENTIONED, Special Telegram to The Inttw Ocean. Banb Beach, Mich., Dec. 2.—A heavy gale from the northwest is prevailing here and freezing hard. In the harboi': Steambarge H. C. Green and live barges, propeller Myles (CJaua-diau). The tug Mockingbird, which started last night with the Salina and tow, broke her shaft, and was picked up by the propeller Toledo and brought into the harbor. A tug was seen to round to and pick up the balina and her tow. 'XHJl tSSING BARGES. Erei inter Ocean. KvsfVV v. \S, Mich., Nov. l>8.^The tug Wm. Moore reports concerning 11k; b(uv"J searching ?ur: The Sherman made Aipena; the ged, made the river; the other ¦ ¦ at Sturgeon Point. The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. \'., Nov. 28.—A private dispatch to lay from Tawas to L. B. Fortier, owner at the barges Mills and Sherman, states that they are is waterlogged and minus their deck-loads of lumber. The barge Hungerford which was in the : same tow, and which has not been heard from since last Saturday, it is feared by her owners has gone to pieces. The tow was bound from Georgian Bav to Buffalo with lumber. .. 'Die, Inter Ocean. i. Mich., Nov. i>'.— The barges H. I. /.MHs and V, dter Sherman have just been brought here by the bug Castle, both waterlogged and lumber ladi n. The barges lost part of ithcir deck loads. They loaded at Georgian Bay for Buffalo. [G STAT. OFF. Special TeicKran. to The Inter Ocean. Pout Colbobnb, Ont*, Nov, 28.—The schooner .•, which was ashore on Long Point, was got off to-day and is now in Port Dover, v THE YOUNG AMERICA. . Y Special Teleeram to The Inter Ocean. V^ Sanp Beach, Mich., Nov. ^S. — The Young holes in her bottom vatcbed art Huron as sooir-as the ¦ ¦ ¦ . g Mocking Bird started froins-Port Huron l' B. Jones and Ellen Sprv, loaded with coa] can. While on Saginaw Bay last night the Ellen Efpry parted her tow line. She ran back to the river. Th< ing Bird with the C. B. Junes arrived hero this ¦ ing. ¦ ¦ • ¦—" - | Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 2H.—The arrivals include: Stmr Northwest, Detroit, mdse; prop ' Arctic, Duluth, mdse; prop H. E. Schnorr, Islands, stone; prop Mackinaw, Harrisville, lumber; f prop Oscxla, Au Sable, lumber: schr Selkirk, i Fayette, pig iron: Behr Helena, Marquette, ore; schr Venus, Grindstone City, grindstones aud salt: schr Seabird, Port Huron, lumber. The clearances Include: fttmr City of Detroit, Detroit, prop Henry Howard, An Sable; schr M. J. Wilcox, Detroit; schr E. C. Roberts, Au Sable; schr G.W."Wesley, Saginaw; schr Owasca, Huron; schr Colonel Cook, Islands: schr Nellie Mason, Chicago, all light. The steamer Northwest leaves here to-night for on the last trip of *he season/ She had a tost successful season,arid her master, Captain Dugald McLachlan, who took eharge of the vessel this year, ha8 proved himself a good seaman. The CitS of Detroit, which, on her regular trrhte. ¦ leaving here on Tuesdays, Thursdays,; and Fridays, lays ©ver here to-morrow, J'Uanks-a v, ;md for the rest of the season., which will likclv be some two week.-, she will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. . hex 'crew. Zbe stcftmbarsw "William. Ed-warda with, her maehimery disabled came into the bay last night. Cleared for Chicago— Schr Nashua. THE STRAITS. ^r'^isf Telepram to The Inter Or- Cheboygan", Mich., Nov. 2S.—The wind blow great guns from the southwest last night, with Hurries of snow. The wind has moderated some to-day. but is still heavy, andfreezing hard. Some of lb- craft that cleared yesterday are in the Straits;. The creek is full of sail, and steam craft, awaitimg a change in the weather. Passed Down Last lEvening—Prop Cuba. Up To-day—M. M. Drake.. Special I Telegram to The Inter Ocean. MACJKINAw CITY, Mich., Nov. 28.—The wind blew a. gale from the west last night. To-day it is northwest, with cold, cloudy weather. The mercury lis 12 degrees below freezing to-ni^ht. I o—Props Chicago and Montana. Down-Prop IPortage and John B. Byon and tow. The Portaffie stopped here several hours to repair her ery. The schooners Gardner, Jamaica, and Saimana are still here. Special! Telegram to The Inter Ocean. - nace, Mich., Nov. 2^.—The pchooner Melvina, Orkney Bass, aud steambarges W, T. Graves and Oregon left here to-day. Windnorth-west, cold. THE RIVERS. 3'ASriED DKTBOIT. Special Telegram to 'The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 2.—Dec. 1, Up—None. Down—None. Dec. 2, Up—Props Kitty M. Forbes, Keystone, Geo. L. Colwell and barges, Mackinaw and barges. Down-Propis Vanderbilt, To! Manistique, Wm. A.;Moore, and-schrs Walter Sherman, H. J. kills. Wind northwes;, onsk; cloudy. THE RIVERS. Special! Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich.. Nov. 28.—Nov. 27, Up— Prop Ogemaw. Down—Props Buffalo. B. J. Macev and consort, Alcona and consort, O. Townsend and consurv. Nov. -Props Henry Howard and barges, and schr George M. Case, S. C. Hall and barges., Cleveland and barges, Farwell and consort. Down—Props Atlantic, Queen of the West, Jarvis, Lord and schr Uafnenier, Abercorn and bargew; schrs Ishpeming and Unadilla. Wind north,, light; clear. Speciall Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Poe'.t Hulon, Mich., Nov. 28.—The steambarges Ogenuaw, Cleveland, and 1. Chaffee are in winter quarters. The schooners A. J. Rogers, O. J. Hale, E. C. 'Tvson, Danube, Van Allen, J. H. Butter, J. H. Maigruder, Hotchki^s, Pandora, Home, and D. Provowt, and the tugs T. Moffat, Walfta, and Tru-der hwve put their chains out for the winter. WEI/LAND CANAL. 1 legram to The In«r Ocean. Colborne, Ont.. Nov. 28.—ra&srd > v Schr TKing Sisters, Oswego to Sandusky, coal; prop Armenia, Whitlev to Buffalo, barley. Down —Sohrrs G. B. Sloan, Toledo to Opwego. wheat: Lewi* Buss, Erie to Port Hope, coal: Hartford, Detroilt to Oswego, whe"at; G. JJ. Neelon, T< to St. Catharines, wheat; prop Cuba, Cleveland to _ Toronuo, coal. THE IDA KEITH IX TROUBLE. J5peciad Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Shjejboygan, Wis., Nov. 2S.— The schooner Ida Keithi, laden with coal for Chicago, came to anchcDr In the bay last night. When the life- pavin;g crew this morninc at daylight boarded v found her steering-gear broken and all iced up, the crew all being worn out, the lifer saving crew a-ssisted them. Captain McCulloch I to Captain Groh that he lost his steer- t off Two Pavers Sunday afternoon, and it took him until Monday morning until he could steer. He was then off Grand Haven. MILWAUKEE. Spccia.l Telegram to The Inter Ocean. MiLWAUKEE.Wis., Nov. 29.—Arrived Coal Laden —Ste;unburge C. J. Kershaw. An aittempt was made this morning to tow tho schoomer Ashtabula, sunk three miles off North Point, into the harbor, but the hawser parted and she wras abandoned. To- imorrow the tug S. S. Coe will go to Charlevoix to remove the schooner B. Parsons, which forms an ob^tiuc'-ion at the mouth of tho harbor. nearly every trip this season. Everybody expected the boat to go down lust as it did, and the news of the disast-er was received along the Bake Superior points in a matter-of-fact sort of w«.v. DETROIT. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Detroit, Mien., Nov. Tiu.—Down Nov. 20— Props India, Burton and barges, schr P. S. Marsh. Up Nov. 30—-Prrjps New York, Tacoma, Birck-head and barges., Kitty Haight aud barges, D. C. Whitney and consort. Down—Props Portage, Boston, Business. Smith Moore and schr Guiding Star, Cormorant and consort, I. Id. Osborn and nd schr PJchard Winslow, John B. Lyon and schr J. M. Hutchinson, Belief and barges; schrs Monguagon, M. Fillmore. Yyiud, north,; cloudy. CHEBOYGAN, Special Telegram to The Inter Oces.n. Cheboygan, "'Mich., Nov. 30. —Up—Steambarge Farwell and tonv. Arrived—Schr Ellen Spry. The propeller Mtessenger came in to-day and reports Mud Latee clear of ice. The tug Morgan and tow, Unitted Empire, and City ot Owen Sound were in Ithe Soo River coming out. The Osceola, S. F. Hodge, and Siberian will get through all rigM. The schooner Bigler was at Harbor Snrings Thursday aud wanted a tug from hern to tow her -where she coidd lay up. Wind to-day north, gemtle: clear and cold. TETE T1 Special Telearami to The Inter Ocean. Bay City, Mich., Nov. 30.—The tug Mnncie. after a fruitless effort to secure her tow barges near Muunsing, Lake Superior, returned to port. THE WELLAND CANAL. ¦ - i . Port Colborne, Ont., Nov. 30.--Passed Down— Steambarge Abercorn and consort, Pequs-ming to Ogdensburg, lumber; props Liucoln, Buffalo to St. Catharines, Light; Armeifia, Buffalo to Toronto, light. Up—Prop Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general! cargo. The propeller Canada, bound to Buffallo with barley, started badly yesterday, and for a while they expected she would sink, but late last night th< ceeded in stoppling it some, aud she left this morning for iuer destination. The propeller Nashua, bound mp, has been lying here all day awaiting more favorable weather. She -this evening, EAST 1 I Special Tele^rs-p East Tavak. Mich., I he tug Kate Moffat arrived iium Detroiij after the schooner Bissell, loaded with salt for Cleveland. Both are at anchorage waiting the Weather, The steambarge Maiiistiaue, from Bay City, unloaded a passenger coach and baggage car for the Detroit, Bay City and Alpena Railroad, and is now loading lumber f/»- n^trnit B1RGKS MILLER AND SHERMAN. Special Tel^trram to The Inter Ocean. Alpena, Mich., Nov. 30.—The barges Miller and W. A. Sherman that were brought here waterlogged, have been pumped out and left for Buffalo in tow of the tug Moore this afternoon. ST. IGNACE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ST. B1N4CE, Mich., Nov, 30.—The schooners Orkney Bass and Melvina and one other scpooner and one three-masted schooner left their anchor-St. Helena this morning. Wind light, north all day; indications of snow to-night; thermometer 24 above. THE R. B. KING- BEACHED. THE CREW TAiKEN CEF. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. St. Joseph, Mich., Dec. 2.—The schooner B. B. King, light from Chicago to Muskegon, was beached here, south ot the south pier, this morning. The damage is slight so far. Captain J. C. Dunbar and three men were Raved by the hie erev/ here. Arrived—Barge G. P., Michigan City to Ludington, light. The storm has abated. The Bteainbarge Minnie Destroyed by Fire—Loss, $1-5,000, Partly Insured. MILWAUKEE. Special Telearami to The Inter Ocean Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 30.—Arrived, Coal-laden— StB;iTi:oa,r;;e Gordon Campbell. The barge Emreka,' coal-laden, was raised today and wiH be> towed here to be docked. She has a steam-pumrp on board. Chains and a. steam-pump are used to raise the schooner Gruido, sunk at Cheboygan. To-day the stseambarge Hilton was a on her. The Steamer Enterprise Ashore on Green Island and Full of Water-Dispatches. ESCITEJia'ENT OUTSIDE. THE PEOPELLEB LAWRENCE ON ) 11 The propeller Lawrence., with passengers and freight, took fire Thursday on Lake Michigan and a scene of terror reigned on board until the crew, by persistent effort, succeeded in cutting away the burning woodwork near the smokestack and extinguishing tine flames with hope and buckets of water. The propeller finally reached Harbor Springs and the passengers were sent by rail to their destinations. The damage is trifling. The Lawrence arrivedin Chicago yesterday. THE MICHIGAN. BEBUTLT. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Erie,' Pa., Dec. 4.—Commodore J. C. P. De- (, Kraft and a corps of board inspectors were received with ceremony aboard the United States man-of-war Michigan, Commander John J. Reed, just rebuilt, to-day. Inspection and drill concluded the dav's work. 'The Michigan has been . fully equinped and does giood service in saving life and property during t.^e j^revalonoe of ^nlefl ¦-—-^ STEAMBABGE MINNIE BURNED. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Green Bat, Wis., Dec. 4.—The steamer Minnie burned last night while lying at Fowlor's shipyard, in Fort Howard, awraiting hauling out. The Minnie was ar screw steambarge, 233 tons, belonging to Hagen & English, of this city. Her hull came from Detroit in 1877, and she waa rebuilt and lengthened in L8B0. She had been in 'the bay freighting trade, .-!:.ud was a money-making boat. The cause of lire is unknown. The loss is placed at $ir>,000;; insured for $8,000 in t he Standard, of Londom; Pensylvania; Providence, oX Washington; Aimerican, of Newark; Fire, Assciation, and National, of New York.__________/ THE ENTEBPEUSE ASHORE, Special Telegram to The Inttc^JS^ean. St. Ignace, Mich., Deec. 4.— The ste;imbarge Enterprise is ashore on Gtreen Island, at the head of Lake Huron, and is in daad shape, as her bottom is stove in. She lies in (eight feet of water A tng, lighter, aud steam-pvnmp have been sent for. Wind south; weather finee.

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