Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 121

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m$ ink PASSJSJSTGERS - ndenre of Tltie Inter Ocean. Detboit, Mich., Dec. 1 lCJ. —Ifc was not possible Che vesseels laid no here earlier There have beecn arrivals up to to-day, and |a number of vessels here a week ago have towed to other places aloDng the rivers to winter, fcome of them to ports wi'here they had .secured adranttffeotts contracts four repairs, etc. The list may change n now, but craft at present here are r.s CollOWffS; Propellers— Ontario, Paoblflc, John Pridgeon, Jr., B. -I. Gordon, Nashua, Atlantic, B. F. Hodee, Oconto, Paswaic, St. PanL fiteamera—Spartan, PearAl, Alaska, Flora, City of Mackinac, City of Detrobit, Northwest, Keweenaw, Saginaw, Gazelle, Ivaanhoe. Steambargea—Ira May, AA. A. Turner, Minneapolis, K J. Haoket, Annie ; Smith, Mineral Rock, Empire, George A. Marsh,, Saline, Weston, OMas-jrpw, li. W. Jennesa, Oteago, Alooua, Michigan, Mary Mills, Manlstique, Mdaokinaw, \V. F. Graves, Don M. Dickinson. Tujrs—J. p. Clark. L. L. ILyon, Quayle, Oneida, Torrent, Shoo-fly, Champmon, Sweepstakes, I. N. Masters, Crusader, Miciiiesan, Charles Kellogg, A. J. Smith, Gladiator, KaUe Moffatj William A. Moore, Kate Williams, IBob Anderson, Balize, Wilcox, John Owen, Riven: Queen, Stranger, Oswego, Winslow, Remora. Schooners—I. X. Foster, Swallow, William McGregor, Helvetia, Et. H. BSrown, Fetrett, 11. Tnt-tle, Consuellor. Merrimacbk, San Diego, St. Law-rence, Mona, German, Hiraeral State, M. I. Wilcox, A.. Boody, Wayne, C;;anton, James 0. King, Acontias, Reliable, Louisa,, Hat-vey BlsaeU, Donaldson, Dauntless, James F. Joy, G. W. Adams, James Crouch, Middlesex,, I*. S. Hammond, Geo. W. C&se. Towbarges—Lillie May, Magnet, F. M. 'Dickinson, G. W. Bissell, W. H. IPrinjfie, Dacotah, Star of Hope, J. M. Spaulding,, Sylvia Morton, Mary Hattie, John Bauberieau- and Godfrey, M. B. Baker, India, Vannatta, Samuel Bolton, A. H. Moss. Jane Ralston, DasUntg Wave, Plymouth Rock, Wyandott, Sweepstakes, Meajs, Vir^inius, Waverly, Fame, Emerald, Mariner. Elma, Hattie, Superior, Senator, Oliver Cromwell. AT MII/WJ&UKKE. Craft laid up at Miiwaukcee are a« follows; Steamers—Andy Johnson, John A. Dix. Propellers—D. Ballentime, Nahant, Minnesota, C. H. Stark, George Burniuam, Superior, Mono-nassett, <k O. Markham, «L J, Kershaw, D. W. num, Massachusetts, Cojlin Campbell* Gordon Campbell, Schooners—Wallula, Eimma Leighton, Three Bells, La Petite, Alvin Brronson, Two Brothers, Adin, Alice B. Norris, S. P.. Ely, Oil Otson, James Garrett, S. J. Tilden, Najpoloon, Oneida, L. A. Simpson, Fayette Browm, Anna Maria, J. H. Mead, Nellie Hammond, William Aldrich, E. Sco-vill, Celt, Boar, Starke, Thomas Parsons, Spartan, H. Thad. Lewis Luddiiij-torn, Three Brothers, W. W. Brig-ham, George Barbejr, G. T. Trumpff, Flying Cloud, J. B. Merrill, Luike Foust, Penobscott, L. A. Burton, City of Toledo, A. It. Nelson, Joseph Duval, Stampede, (Stranger, David Vance, Belie Laurie, L. W. Perry;, Madonna, Challenge. Sandusky, Massasoit, Eureika, Julia Willard, J. C. Bauer, Saveland, Reed Caase, Transit, Monterey, Tennie and Laurie, C. P. Mineh, Pulaski, Pride, Black Hawk, Rob Roy, Elitda, Eliza, H. M. Scove, C. G. Houghton, John Semoette, Richard Mott, Active, C. Ainsden, C. C. Biarns, D. C. Clint, L. C. Butts, Metacomet. Scows—Hunter, Gladiattor, M. N. Dunham, L. Mav Gutherie, J. B. Prime,, Albert Smith, Milton, Agnes, R. H. Becker, J. M. Hill, Blue Belle, South Side, Sanday Morrison, Triio, Ahnapee, Supply. JV* f. J ¦J%- 60 4.0UJ i 25,000 6.000 6,000 60 1,000 400 400 500 WRECKS AND CASUALTIES OF THE S1EASON OP 1883. The following table shows the (principal tOssea of American and Canadian vcsseils on the lakes which have occurred during the Bcea^on which is just closing. The table anowa that 3549 vessels met with serious losses and 102erafi weero totally de-stroked, or nearly three per centt. of the whole number of registered vessels on uhe lakes. The approximate valuation ot the vessel*? lost and their cargoes is $1,328,160. The tabie sgives only ap-proxiniaio valuations and losses, butt m most, cases they are correct us they were takeni from surveys ami wreck reports. All vessels mal iked *are total losses, and the others were reiea e<H or otherwise saved. The following is the compleste list :— Apiproxi-rma-e Actual Vessels. V alue. loss. * Vacht Stlgnance, capsized April 17..............................? 'Schr Speed, ash >re, April 18 — Prop C 11 Starke, engine oroke, April 19........................ Schr. Clip per City, collision, April 21............................... Sclu- Joe Duval, collision, April Prop Milwaukee, collision, April 22............................... *Sehr S Bates,ashore, April 21... *Schr Arrow, ashore, April 21----- Prop Pridgeon, disabled. May 1... *Schr KVorleigh, ashore. May 4.... Schr K FitZKor:dd, ashore, -May 4. Schr Corsica:), ashore, May 4...... Schr Lookout, ashore May 3...... Schr Gilbert Kuapp, ashore,May 2 Prop Goi'don Campbell, May 5 — Schr William Sherwood, foundered, May 4...................... Schr Maumee Valley, ashore,May Schr Ki.tehum, ashore, May 7----- Schr Kate Howard, capsized. May *3chr Capella, ashore, May 10.... "Tug W tl Doane, sunk. May 13.. Prop Westford, collision. May 15 tichr W S Crosthwaite, dismasted, May 14...................... Tug John Harris, ashore, May 14 Prop Tacoma. accident, May 12.. Tug Lorena, collision. May 15___ Schr Lucy J Clark, collision, May Schr iiattie Wells, collision, May Barge Sunburry,collision, May 16 Schr Harvey Bifcseli, ashore,' May Hcnr Hercules, astiore, sept, za___ Schr Lucy J Clark, ashore, Sept. 25 •Schr Minnehaha, ashore.Sept. 25.. Prop East Saginaw, ashore Kept. 25 Schr B;iy State, water-logged. Sept. 25—................------. Prop Barn am. collision, Sept. 25... Schr Typo, ashore, Sept. 25...... "Sloop Tourist, ashore, Sept. 25___ Schr S.irpeta. ashore, Sept. 25..... Schr Geo Al. Case, ashore. Sent. 25 Schr Georger, ashore, Sept. 26..... Schr Avery, collision, Sept. 26..... Prop Tacoma, collision, Sept. 25.,.. Prop Arizona, ashore, Sept. 26----- Schr Pilot, collision, Sept. 27...... Boat Frontenac, sunk Sep!, 27..... Schr Spy, ashore, Sept. 28......... Prop Colorado, exphsion, Sept. 30 Schr Sweetheart, aground, Oct. 1.. Boat--------, sunk, Oct. 3........... *B-u-que W. Treat, foundered Oct.3 Sohr IS. U, Blake, collision, Ocr. n y,wu o,uuo 10,000 , . 200 0,000 / 3,000 22,000 v 25,000 13,000 iiooo 1,200 7,000 40,000 1,800 17,000 1,200 60,000 9,000 3,000 4,000 f 7,C00 250 10,000 1.200 2,000 600 1.000 4u0 500 '1,400 12.000 600 30,000 1,500 500 4,000 200 500 75,000 1 8,000 4,000 4,000 18.000 1E0 3,000 i 3,000 2,000 , 2.000 40,000 300 5 000 6.000 9,000 600 3.000 1,000 7,000 2.000 4,500 800 40,000 2,500 50,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 2,400 1,200 3,500 15,090l 23.000 2,000 iiiooj 9,003 , 15,000 2,000 700 50 300 500 1.200 3,500 5,000 9,000 600 1,600 500 150 12,000 2,000 > 1,700 V IN WINTEB QUAETEKS. AT DEITBOIT. Steamers—Keweenaw, Saginaw, Spartan Pearl, Alaska, Flora, City ol Maickinae, City of Detroit, City of Cleveland, Northwest, Ivanhoe, and Fes-senden. Propellers—Ontario, Paicifle, John Pridgeon, Jr., R. J. Gordon, Atlantic, Gazelle, S. F. Hodge, Ilemora, Oconto, Passaic,, St. Panl, Nashua, and Dahlia. Tugs—Qnayle, Lyon, JT. P. Clark, Oneida, Crusader, Michigan, diaries Kellogg, A. J. Smith, Gladiator, Kate Moifat,' William A. Moore, Kate Williams, Bob Anderson;, Balize, "SVilcox, John Owen, River Queen, Strraucrer, Shoolly, Chanv piou, Sweepstakes/J. V. Masters, Oswego, Wins-low, Swain. \J Steambarges—Iron Affej, P.. J. Hacket, Minneapolis A. A. Turner, Alcoiua, Michigan, Mary Milis, Manistiaue, Mackinaw, W. P. Graves, Don M. Dickenson, Anna Smith, Mineral Hock, Empire, George A. Marsh, Salina, A. Weston, Glasgow, B. W. Jenness, Otego, A. H.. Jennio. Barges—Mly May, Magjnet, F. M. Dickenson, 6, W. BissDll. W. ll..Pringlie, Dakota, Star of Hope, J. M. Spaulding, Sylvia /Morton, Mary Hattie, J. M. B. Baker, Vannatta, Virginias, Waverly, Fame, W. B. Clinton, G. H. Woirthington, Genesee Chief, Maumee,'Emerald, Sainiuel Bolton, A, H. Moss, Mona, German, Jane utalston, Dashing Wave, India, Plymouth liock, Wyandotte, Sweepstakes, Elma, Iiattie, Superior,, Senator, Oliver Cromwell. Schooners—I. N. Fostter, Swallow, Babineau Ar Gaudrey, WilliamMcGrcegor, H. H. Brown, Helvetia, Louisa, Harvey Biissell, Donaldson, Dauntless, James F. Joy, Gieorge W. Adams, David Hows, James Conch. L. 89. Hammond, George M. Case, Ferrett, M. Little, (Consuelo, Merriniac. San Diego, St, Lawrence, Miineral State. M. I. Wilcox, A. Boody, Wayne, Cantom, James C. Kina; Aeon-tias. P.eliable, Mears, Mitddleso:. / AT SANJDDBKT. ' <S The following craft halve thus far laid up here; Steamers—Cooke, Wallter, Hayes, Ferris, Lutts, and Ella G. Propellers —Ohio, Westford, Yosemite, lied Jacket, Bessie, and S, Slnepherd. Tags—Mystic, Davis, sand Robertson. Schooners — Lucerne, King Sisters, Joseph Paige, and Irene. Barges—Ryan, Wend-tihc-Wave, Emeu.Crocker, and Saginaw. The J. B. Kitchen will leave for Huron, where she will lay up. She Willi bo towed by the tug Johnson, which came f roim Sandusky to have several leaks stopped. >^ AT BELILEVILI.E. Schrs A. G. Evan, Pictcon, L. D. Bullock, George Snffel, Belle of Hamilton!, Mary Foster, and Belie of Port Dover; tug Elizai Bonar; stmr Prince Edward; scows Glasgow, E'rank Smith, and Pride of America: steam yachts ltosamohd, Ometa. and Annie Gilbert. The soihrs O. Storrs and Forest Queen are laid up at P.ecllnorsville. AT OWSSN SOUND. Owen Sound, Dec. 12..—Reports from different \ points on Georgian Basy and Lake Huron state that no ice has yet formeed in any of the harbors. The C. P. It. iron steaamers now at Buffalo are expected here yet this ii'all. where they will have their cabins put on and vupper works completed. The following craft halve gone into winter quarters hero: Stmr Campama, Frances Smith, Magnet, Africa, Enterprise, ¦ Georgian, C. N. Pratt, A. E. Neff, Kendrick, Mctceor, Fortune, Secord, W. T. Robb, Matham; schirs Lilly Hamilton, Lady Macdonald, Bentlev, J. 0. Woodruff, Annie Foster, Restless, Phoebe Cattharine, Fairy Queen. AT TOOI.EPO. Vessels laid up at Tolecflo as follows: _ Steamers—Chief JustUce Waits, William St John. Propellors—John C. Gsaull, Russell Sage, A L Hopkins, Morley, Gerauumia, Morning Star, Lafayette. Schooners—It. Hallorann, Maumee Valley, W. H Oaiies, Willie KeUer, Joosephtne, J. E. Bailey, William Shupe, Atrnoapphere, St. Peter, Mamie Belie, C. B. Benson, Weest Side, Delaware, Comanche, M. Fillmore, llivei"t-i.le. Barges—C. N. Johnsomi, H. C. Sprague, Orton, Theotfore Perry. Tugs—A. W. Colton, A, Anderson, Jr., J. A. Crawford, Joseph S. Sppinney, Farragut. Syracuse, Mary A. Green, \VY. E. Rooney, Thompson Brothers, Maggie AshtOOii, M, M. Drake, Oscar Folsen, Mary French, HI. Dudley, Empire, Belle, Bad Boy, Alice, Grace, Saallie. *Schr Conklin, ashore, May 19 — *Schr Jennie Lind, ashore, May 21 Schr Mary E Cook, collision, May *Schr II B Burger, ashore, .May 21 Schr Persia, collision. May 21..... Schr E H Blake, collision, May 21. Schr Lillie E, ashore. May 21...... 'Schr Sailor Boy. ashore, .May 21.. Schr Maggie Dull, dismasted. May 21......................... 'Barge Wyoming, itshore. May 21. "Barge Orontes. ashore. May 21. Schr Wiiliatn Kaynor, ashore, May 21........................., Prop Ontonagon, ashore, Ma.y 21.. Barge H M Barker, sunk,May 21.. •Schr Wells Burt, foundered. May 22......................... Schr L J Conway, ashore, May 21 Schr Little Wissahickon, ashore, May 21.......................... 3,000 •Schr dementis, ashore. May 22.. 4,000 Sohr Col Ellsworth, ashore, May 21 ,:Schr C G Moisel, ashore. May 21. •Schr 1) Wagstatf, ashore. May 20. Schr Kimball, ashore, .May 19 — *Tug Conqueror, sunk, May 3.... Prop Shield una, su k,.Muy22 — Schr J Boyce, burned. May 25 3,300 7,500 / 1.000 2,500 7.800 1.500 y 3,000 4,500 6,700 , 2.800 8.000 3,000 33,000 4,000 8,000 4,000 7,500 8,600 8,000 19.000 17,000 Proot'ouemaugh,collision,May 25 x... Schr Moonlight, collision. May 25. J<.. Tug John Leathern, tire. .May 25........ •Scow 11 H\de, ashore, May 25.. ,. 900 Schr A G Moray, ashore. May 26.. 6,000 Prop Lawrence, ashore. May 27........ Schr .Miami Belle, ashore, May 25. 6.000 Schr Green Bay, ashore. May 17.. 12,000 Schr J II Meade, collision, i\Iay8....... Prop John Pridgeon, collision, May 8................................ Sohr Tecumseh,astfbre,May 10.... 5.000 Schr Metropolis, collision, Juue 5....... Tug Vulcan, lire, June 7.......... 15,000 Schr Hercules, collision, June?,. 9.000 Tut Albatross, lire, June 8........ 5,000 Solir Mystic, collision, Juue 9___ 3,000 Schr Evelyn Bates, ashore. June 3 ..... Schr Wollin. ashore, June 8...... 2,000 Schr Elbe, ashore, June 10........ 3,500 Prop B \V Blanchard, ashore, June 4.......................... 55,000 Tug Crawford, ashore, June 12.... 5,000 StrManitoba, disabled, June 11....... Schr T H Merrett, ashore, June 10 8,000 Schr J B Pentield, collision, June 12 8,000 Str Meteor, ashore. June 8...... 38,000 1.800 2.000 1,700 1.500 7,500 300 190 2.000 1.500 500 4,500 6,700 800 2,400 500 33,000 300 400 4,000 250 4,000 7,500 1.500 8.000 12,000 17.000 300 300 250 900 4,500 2,000 300 10,000 1,000 4,000 6.000 2.000 9 000 3,000 400 2,000 '"566 300 9,000 7,500 10,000 4,000 10,000 28,000 2*l*,6bo 3'.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 3,100 90,000 3,000 75.000 8,000 4.000 3,000 Ileavy 500 Heavy 34,000 ' 2,000 5.000 1.000 4.000 , 1,000 I 4,000 900 200 ¦ 3.000 4,000 600 3,000 500 400 1.400 3.-00 21,000 r 6,000 460 . 875 * 3,000 / 90,000 Y 4,009 30,000 r 30,00 800 500 1.500 500 10,400 2.800 1,000 4.000 7,000 '"266 400 y 4.000 13,200 Str Magnet, ashore. June 7...... 36.000 Tug------. tirc.June 14.............. 9 000 Schr Melvina, collision, June 15.. 9.000 Schr John Miner, ashore, June 16 8.000 Tug Favourite, ashore, June 18.. 19,000 Schr Ironside, collision, Jane 17.. 3.000 Schr Ontario, collision, June 17.. 3,200 *Schr Benson, capsized, June 19.. 4,000 Prop Canada, ashore, June 10..... 67,000 Schr E C Uutchinson,ashore,June 17.............................. 25.000 •Schr Wanderer, sunk, June 14... 3,000 Schr Eva Fuller, collision, June 25............................... 5.000 Barge Guiding Star.coilision,.I line 25............................... 8.000 Steauibarge A C Akely. ashore. June 25...................... 90,000 Str Spartan, ashore, Juue 15...... 50.000 Prop .1 anal 1, ashore, June 23........... Prop J C Gault, astiore, June 13........ Str Saginaw, ashore, June 20...... 25,000 Schr S L Watson, dismasted, July 2...................................... Schr Ganges, dismasted. July 2........ Schr Columbian, collision. Julyl....... Steambargo Mary Jarecki, ashore, / ,lu|v4......................•¦•¦ 28.000 / Schr Golden West, ashore, July 8 13.000 Schr Francis Palms, ashore, July 7................................ 13,000 Schr Evalina Bates,ashore.Jnly8....... Schr La Petite, ashore, Juiy 12.... 4,500 Steam barge Oregon, explosion, July20......................... 34,000 •Schr beabird, capsized, July 22... 4.000 1 Schr Eliza, lightning, Ju!v 21..... 2,000 Schr Trio, capsized, July 28....... *U> Prop Potomac, ashore, July 26----- 4.800 Schr C H Burton, ashore. July 25. 4,600 Schr City ol Milwaukee, collision, Aug.5........................ 110,000 SteaiutiargeNellie Torrent, sunk, Aug.12 ....................... 35,000 Prop Charmer, sunk, Aug. 12..... 6,000 •SchrSunnyside,colli9ion,Aug.20. 17.000 v Steambaigc Ed. Smith, ashore, Aug. 23.............................. Str Mary, explosion, Aug. 24...... 20,000 Yacht Rambler, ashore, Aug. 26. 1.800 300 •Schr Dot, foundered, Aug. 27..... 5,500 •/ 7,000 •Sleambaige Saxon, ashore, Aug. 29............................... 24.000 Str F'Ota. disabled, Aug. 27..... 15,000 •Schr Yankee Blade, foundered. Aug.25 ........................ 3.000 . •Schr Acintius, ashore, Aug 25.... 6,000 Tog Coulion, collision, Sept. 6... 17.0i-0 Tug Balize, collision, Sept. 6...... 20.000 Tu [ Nellie Co. ion. ashore, Sept. 6. 8,000 "Scow-----. ashore, Sep' 6......¦ 2,000 •Scow -----, ashore, Sept. 7........ 3.0C0 Scbr Sumatra, ashore. Sept. 7..... 31,000 Schr Lottie Wolf, adim-e. Sept. 7.. 11,500 •Yacht i'.xp oiei'.loundered Sept. 7 4,000 Schr Pensaukee., Sept. 7... 20.000 Barge Colorado, sunk .September 77 4,000 Barge William Uaynel, ashore, Sept. 9....................... 6,700 Schr Richard Winslow, ashore,. Sent. 9........................... 2iooa 2,800 3,800 300 400 1,600 16,000 5.400 500 1,300 700 600 1,000 28,000 2,800 1,200 300 600 6,000 4,000 400 62a , .3.300 4,600 4,000 24.030 3.000 6.0J0 r 7,000 21.000 1.000 5,000 2.00J 3,003 3"»1 10.500 V 14,"j 700 300 50.000 7.00) 42,000 2.000 22.000 4.000 24.0J0 2,000 10,000 f 15,000 500 200 4,000 300 12.000 < 12,000 2.000 200 1.800 9.Q0U •Schr Helvetia, collision, Oct. 4 Prop James Davidson, ashore, Oct. 5.......................... * Prop t 'asey, ashore, Oct. 6........ •Scow Milton, ashore, Oct. 10...... Boat-----, sunk, Oct. 12.............. Prop Lycoming, ashore, Oct. 12— Schr It. P. Mason, collision Oct. 12 1 Prop Ontario, ashore, Oct. 13...... Schr Nellie Gardner, ashore, Oct. 14............................. 34,000 'Schr Petrel, ashore. Oct. 17...... 2,000 SehrGracic M. Firer, ashore,Oct. Sclu- Ralph Campbell, collision, Oct. 20 ......................... Tug Osgood, collision, Oct. 20..... Tug Wright, collision, Oct. 20___ •Barge Marsh, foundered. Oct. 22, Prop Fountain City, disaoled Oct. 23............ •¦¦............... Schr Reed Case, ashore, Oct. 22.. Schr Geoi'ge Sherman, ashore, Oct. 25......................... 16,000 Schr E. O. Hutchinson, pounded, Oct.25........................ 18,000 Tug .1. H- Hackley, collision, Oct. 25............................... •Schr Kxperiment,ashore, Oct. 26. 3,000 Prop Oscar Tovvnsend,lire,Oct. 27...... Schr R. Winslow, ashore, Oct. 20. Prop C. H. Starke, ashore, Oct. 28. Prop II. A. Kent, ashore. Oct. 28. Barge J. 11. Kutter. ashore, Oct. •Sohr Mary Xan. ashore, Oct. 30. Boat O. Walker, collision, Oct.30. Sohr Oapella, collision, Oct. 29... •Schr Dart,ashore, Oct. 28........ •Pi >p Oneida, sunk, Oot. Jl....... •Sohr Homer Hina. foundered Oct. 30.......................... •Str City of Toronto, hie, Nov. Schr Sophia "linen, ashore, Nov. •Schr Ketclium, ashore, Nov. 1... Schr John B. Merrill, ashore, Nov. 1.......................... Schr Arab, ashore, Nov. 1.......... 'Schr Laura Johnson,ashore,N'cv. •Schr Monitor, ashore. Nov. 2..... Boat-----. collision. Nov. 3......... Tug Swain, collision, Nov. 2....... Prop St. Paul,collision, Nov. 2... Prop Michael Groh.ashore.Nov.o. Str Keweenaw, Ashore,Nov. 3. •Prop Mayflower, ashore, Nov. 4, Schr Arrow, collision. Nov. 4..... Schr Ella Ellinwood, collision, Nov. 4.......................... •Schr. Lucy J. Clark, ashore, Nov. 6............................ Prop. J. M. Osborne, ashore, Nov. 6.................................. Scow Speed, ashore, Nov. 4...... •Scow Banner, ashore. Nov. 5.... •Starlight, foundered, Nov. 8...... •Schr. Guiding Star, ashore, Nov. •Schr. Maria, ashore. Nov. 6...... •Schr. Lincoln Dull, ashore, Nov. •Sclir. H. M. Todnian, ashore, Nov 7 .......................... •Tog Conqueror, sunk, Nov. 6..., •.Schr. Cecelia, foundered.......... *Schr. Gladstone, foundered...... Schr. K. Jones, ashore, Nov. 11... Barge J. T. Johnston, ashore, Nov. 11........................... Sohr, Ou.nsuello, Bda, Nov. 11....... Schr. Ashtabu a, 1 Hindered, Nov. Schr. Louie A. Benton, collision, Nov. 8............................ Schr. llelos De Wolf, collision, Nov. 8........................... Tug Sweepstakes, disaoled, Nov. •Schr. Arab, foundered, Nov. 12.. Schr. Lillie E, ashore, Nov. 12..... Schr. Chas. Luling, ashore. Nov. Schr. Edward Blake, ashore, Nov, "Schr. H. M, Perry, ashore, Nov. 12.................................. Scnr. Mary, ashore, Nov. 12 ...... Prop. Quebec, ashore, Nov. 12.... Str. Manitoba, ashore, Nov. 12..... •Schr. Maggie McCrae, ashore, Nov. 12.......................... •Schr. Vision, ashore, Nov. 12..... Tug Protection, ashore, Nov. 13.. 'Schr. Clara Parker, ashore, Nov. 13....................e............. •Schr. George C. Kinney, ashore, Nov. 13........................... Prop St. Paul. sunk. Nov. 13.. Prop. Escanaba, storm, Nov, 13.......... •Prop. Leadville, ashore. Nov. 13.. 18,000 Schr. LizzielA.Law, storm, Nov.13 ....... Prop. Nyack, ashore, Nov. 13............ •Schr. Maggie, foundered, Nov. 13 •Prop. II. C. Akely. foundered Nov. 13......................... Schr. J, I Case, ashore, Nov. 14... .Scow-----. ashore. Nov. 14....... Schr. James Wade, foundered, Nov. 14........................... Str. Michigan, storm. Nov. 14..... Prop J. B. Lyon, ashore, Nov. 12 •Pioo Norman, ashore, Nov. 12.. •Schr E. Fitzgerald, ashore, Nov. 16..........^..................... 10,800 ¦+ 10,000 •Barge Milwaukee, foundered, Nov. 15........................... •Scow Venture, foundered, Nov. 15................................ •Schr Blazing Star, foundered Nov. 16,..........;-.-.............. •Schr L. M. Mason, ashore, Nov. 15................................. •Schr Trio, ashore, Nov. 15....... Schr Annie Nelson, ashore Nov 15 Tug .Magnet, sunk Nov. 15........ Schr 11. D. Aloore, ashore, Nov. 15 Pr'ob FredMerour, ashore. Nov.16 Schr S. C. Butts, shore, Nov. 16.. •Schr Regulator, ashore, Nov. 16 •Schr Flying Mist, foundered, Nov. 16.......................... Prop Avon, ashore, Nov. 16...... 1,800 'Schr Maple Leaf, ashore, Nov.16 60.090 1.200 1,300 10,000 3,0j0 6,000 4,500 28.000 4.600 4.50) 40,000 ^"40,000 2< .010 3,600 1,800 19,000 6,000 4,000 7,800 8.000 10,000 21,000 5,000 25,000 34,000 15.000 6.000 7.000 38,000 / 38.000 9,000 42,000 9.0C0 8,000 6,000 1/18,000 ....... 1,200 ....... 700 600 ^ 600 125,000 • 125,000 80.000 28,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 ^ 10,000 ...... 5,000 1.200 9.000 \- 9,000 23,000 </ 800 9,000 28,050 900 9.000 24,000 3,000 10.C00 7,000 3.000 1,500 600 2,000 ¦ 3,0 JO 30.000 2.00J 1 4.00) 10.000 2,000 830 aooo "Schr Laura. Belle, ashore, Sept. 8 14.000 / 14,000 •Sohr Graham Bros.,ashore, Sept. 7 3.000 3,000 Schr Slarlight, ashore.Sepl. 10 .. 8,000 / 6.000 Sn.r 1 inn! win. sunk,Sept. 12...... 4.000/ 5.000 jueen Victoria, lire, Sept. 15.. 75,000 » 7o.0G0 Schr C Harrison, water-logged, Sept. 16......a.................. 3.000 600 'Prop Oakland, foundered,Sept. 17 15,000 V 15,000 Prop Ingersoll, disabled.Sept. 15........ 1,400 lendship. stuik.Sept. 14... 7.000 4,600 >.i!;nnijari,e Ontonagon.lire,Sent.24 25,000 f 25,000 Sanilac, ashore Sept.24 ...... 6,000 Fitzgerald, Sept. 25........ 10.0J0 1.400 Schr John ivealey, ashore, Sept. 5 12.000 3,000 Schr Veto, ashore, Nov. 16... Schr Norman, ashore, Nov. 16----- •Tug Ontario, tire, Nov. 17....... •Schr Wabash, ashore. Nov 17 Schr M. E. Cook, scuttled Nov. 17 Schr W, S. Collins, ashore, Nov. 17................................. •Schr Potomac, ashore, Nov. 15.. Schr Red Wing, collision. Nov. 15 Schr Richard Molt, ashore, Nov. 17................................. Schr Presto, ashore. Nov. 17...... Schr Barbarian, storm, Nov. 17. ]. •Schr Monitor, ashore, Nov. 15. Schr Driving Cloud, ashore, Nov. 14................................. Schr Wm Johnson, ashore,Nov. 16 Schr Newcomhe, ashore, Nov. 14. 'Tug Thomas Coleman, fire, Nov. 10.......................... Barge Iowa, waterlogged, Nov. 20 'Prop Manistee, foundered. Nov. 20................................ •Tug Erie Belle, exploded, Nor.21 Prop. J. J. Jowett. ashore, Nov.21 Schr Hazard, ashore, Nov. 21.... Prop H. B. Tuule, ashore, Nov. 31 Schr Fisheivnan, ashore, Nov. 21. •Schr Florence Howard, sunk. Nov. 20........................... Schr Young America, ashore .\ov. 20................................. Sohr Gipsy, ashore. Nov. 24. Prop St. Paul, lire. Nov. 24........ Prop. T. W. Snook, sunk. Nov. 23 7,000 7,000 1.000 1,000 Y.600 1.600 2.600 600 6.000 • 6,000 86.000 11,000 Slight 8,000 8,000 12,000 f 12,000 80,000 Heavy 2.700 J 2,700 3.000 3,000 4,000 . 1,500 4,000 V 4,000 17,000 k 17,0o0 Slight 10,000 4,500 11.000 4,000 7.000 '4,500 1,000 5,000 1.000 600 9,000 9,000 8.000 700 9,000 3^666 4,000 / 4,000 700 26,000 i 30 000 9,000 v 9.000 200.000 Eleavy 30,000 5,000 ----- Heavy ----- Light 9,000 ^-9,000 ILarge •\-chr China, ashore, Nov. 2,1...... Sciir Gmdo. =unk, Nov. 25.......... Bar^« -Eureka, collision, Nov 25 ^chr Pncemx, co.lision, Nov. 25... Scnr Laiiu Kuokh, ashore, Nov, 27 *Ti"U Eelip-se, foundered, Nov. 2& Schr Kui-eUa foundered.......... Sieani har^e Norman, burned___ Besides the disasters s'lven ihere were nunferous lesser accidents, which car.not be mentioned, as it would be almost impossible tu compile ihein. The season lias been unusuaiiy disastrous to insurance companies, and it is sate to say that altogether they have lost over §500,000. MARINE REVIEW. 4,600 ti 4,500 5,000 2.000 ¦ ___Heavy 4,000 600 9,0001(. 9,000 2 51XV 2,500 • i Important Matters of. fieoord for Vessel Owners, Vessel Masters, Sailors, and Underwriters. The Disasters to Shipping on tho Lakes the Pas! Season—The Sacrifice oi Life. Tonnage Old and New—Complete Accurate Statistics—Other Comparisons. r 3,000 ¦ 6,000 % 4,500 ' 28,000 . 4,500 8,000 700 1.800 2,300 1,800 2,200 4,000 1,600 200 600 2-1,000 1,600 1,800 4,000 15,000 6,000 2,000 MARINE CASUALTIES OF 1883. CLOSE OF AN EVENTFUL REASON. The navigation season of 1883 has virtual!y come to a close. In its introduction and the closing up thereof it has in many respects been an eventful one, the disasters numbering nearly as largo as any previously recorded. The instances of fires, which are the most terrible that can befall a vessel at sea, have fortunately been rare, while those of vessels foundering (springing aleak and going down with many lives) have been sad enough, and are precedented only in two former seasons—those of 18t>ti and 1S72, in the former of which years the lives thus lost were 445, and during the latter 120. The number of casualties during 1881J of a prominent nature were 918. The losses on hull I and cargo foot up $2,825,343. Outside that Bum the estimated losses of logs and timber ^ rafts are placed at $15,000, thus footing a grand total of $L>,84(),34.'>. The comparisons with the past seven years will be found carefully noted below. The Lime Kiln Crossing in Detroit River, which for several seasons was a terror to our lake shipping, has for the past two seasons shown up a large reduction in the matter of losses, resulting from the vast sums expended in improvement by I he removal of obstructions. The tonnage which has vacated daring the season just closed^ shows a passing out of 26 steam craft a~jd 64 of other kinds, with a valuation of $(147,400. The number ot disasters on Lake -tliuhigau were 522; on Lake "Superior and Sault River, 4 1; Lake Huron and Saginaw River, 111."; Detroit River, 24; Lake St. CJlair and River Thames, 11; Georgian Bay, 1 r>; Lake Erie and Welland Canal, 142; River St. Clair, 20, and Lake Ontario, including the St. Lawrence, 78. Lake Michigan, as will be scon, outrivals all others, having eontimuiliy twice the number of the other two lakes combined. Northeast gales cause more damage than elsewhere, besides which many of its harbors are more difficult of entrance. Northwest gales are alike destructive, and the results follow for like reasons. BY MONTH AND LAKE. The following tables give the number in each month and on each lake, with the nature of casualties which occurred: March___ April..... May...... .June..... July..... August.. No. 38 188 74 March. April .. May ... June .. July... Anunst . September......... 8H September. October............ 10; November.......... 274 December.......... 19 October. November , December. liases. 24,132 300.870 11 7,000 148,925 !W5,2fi5 :i:;7,-i7« 355.071". 1,200,400 57,400 Total disasters... 018 Total......$2,825,34:1 Losses on logs and rafts estimated___ 15.000 Grand total............ No. Disasters in 1882. Sill) Disflstersdn 1881..1.052 Disasters in 1880.. OGO Disasters in 1879.. Disasters in 1878.. Disasters in 1877.. Disasters in 1876. SO! 004 7-ii; 030 Disasters in 1875..1,Q56 Lake Superior and Sault River— No. Stranded......................... 0 Cargoes damaged............... 9 Went ashore...................... 13 Heavy weather.................. 8 Disabled.......................... 5 Sprung aleak.................... 4 Foundered............... 1 Kiro............................ 1 Exploded..................... 1 ..............$2,840,343 Amount of Losses. In 1882 .....$1,478,300 In 1SS1..... 2,019,900 111 1SSO...... 1,678,000 In 1*79...... 1,1140,490 In 1878...... 810.000 In 1877.. In 1876.. In 187 1,460.700 1,173,200 3,791,300 Valuation. $58,400 57,000 71,900 15,000 10.200 12,500 20,000 3,000 500 Total......................... Lake Michigan and the Straits-Stranded......................... Fire.............................. Heavy weather.................... Went ashore............... Collisions................. Sprang aleak.............. Disabled...... ............ Cargoes damage!.......... Htfhtning.................. Exploded......,........... Capsized.................. Foundered............... 41 $249,100 $148,100 35,950 21,600 212,700 97,640 38,700 27,200 214,700 5,100 10,000 8.125 142,100 50 9 104 74 104 33 37 07 4 1 0 ' Total..........................r Lake Huron and Saginaw River Disabled.......................... Collisions........................ Went ashore....................., Cargoes damaged................. Sprung aleak..................... Heavy weather................... Stranded___........_............. Foundered.................... Fire........................ Exploded......................\. 22 $991,914 20 34 39 27 56 12 8 Total.......... Detroit River— . Stranded.......... Collisions......... Went ashore...... Sprung aleak...... Disabled........... Cargoes damaged. Fire............... 7000 6.00J 42.000 17.000 9.000 L600 Total........................ i!4 Lake St. Clair and River Thames-Went ashore..................... 1 Disabled......................*" i Stranded.......................""," 4 Sprung aleak...............*.*.".'.'.' 2 Cargoes damaged...... 1 Fire..........................."" 2 Collisions................. 1 Total......................... n ...105 $537,900 ... 11 $15,300 ... 2 S.000 ... 2 1,500 .. 1 300 .. 2 2,100 .. 2 1,300* .. 4 23,300 $49,000 8500 2,000 3,300 500 100 18,500 300

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