Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 123

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yi jMm. PASSENGERS* l nion Bailors at .1 u'v ".—A. like occmrrence also on this date. JulV 5—Schooner Lizzie A. Law receives 1 -loo ton's o'f coal hn two hours at Buffalo. ¦ju!v 5— Propeller Glenlilas, with 2,000 bushels of corn, burmeu in Welland i.anal. Bept l>—-Tugfl iCborse and Maud S. lose 1.000,000 feet of lofps on Lake Superior. Sent. liO—Propeller Colorado exploded on Lake Erie killing t'oiur persons. gept 29-^tembernp: Elevator burned at Buffalo with grain—UOSS $155,000. i )c-. | —steamship ..Tames Davidson wrecked at Thunder Bay, Lalfce Huron. Oct, HI—Steamer (City of Toronto, burned at Port Dalhousie, $::$0,000. Xov. 13—NorthwessC ffale sets in, with intense cold, jrreat loan of life and property. Nov. 13—Bcaooneir Potomac, the oldest - forty-two years on the lakes, lost on Lake Michigan. Nov. 15—Steamship H. C. Akeley founders on Lake Michigan wnth four'-Uvea. Nov. 21—PrOpelleur Manistee founders on Lake Superior with twenty-seven lives. Nov. 21—Propeller Eclipse on Lake Huron with six lives. Dec. 9—Staambarge Enterprise g'oes down in Lake Huron with eight lives. Dec. 12—Sciioouer Mary A.Hii£lfcertin«.t..on. Dec. 17—Ice hi Chicago harbor. A vessel in distress off Eyansfcon. Doc. 17—Salt River unobstructed on date. Tug Mystic arrives at tine Soo. Dec. 20—Navigation closed .at ail points. Oummings ... K. Eccles..... Conqueror.. Gardner*.... Delaware... v Beniea*.. ..-ft E. L. Covne.. Saxon......... Sen Gull..... A. Smi'h..... Glentinlas*..'. Montreal..... Prussia..,— Saxon......... Typo.... ..... Sarepta...... Sea Bird...... Picton*....... Nevada....... Frontenac— Peerless*..... Julia.......... Augusta___ John Marsh. Oneida*..... ! City Toronto Breck......... Skylark....... Conqueror... M<M ¦¦¦"•....... Albatross .... Julia........v Vision........ G.O. Finney. Marquis___- Milwaukee1. F. Howard*... jFureka*.. Vote. Rig. LAKE LOSSES FROM WIND AND WAVE.. + Carefully-Compiled Statement of the "Wrecks and Disasters; Occurring on the Inland Lakes During- the Present Season. The season of lake navigation for 1S83 has been an unusually disastrous one, Booth in loss of life and property. Fully 100 craft, of all description, have becomes total losses, while the aggregate damage to shipping: will amount to upwards of $3,000,000. It is impossible at the present time to give a correct statement of the actual loss, as many vessels now on the beaten will doubt, loss be released. The number of lives offered as a sacrifice to the wind's fury will not fall short of 200. The insurance companies have been very unfortunate, as after their piremiums have been collected and their losses adjusted they will still have a balance of nearly ^$950,000 on the wrong side of the ledger. Insurance rates have ruled low, while the losses have been greater < than any previous season In a long series of years. The rates on cargo imsurance have Jyeen only one-third as high as prevailed last year and on hulls seventy-eight ome-hundredths. The^Wmpanles engaged in cargo-insurance at this port have been divided lntoo two factions, which have waged an incessant war against each other. The result has been a gemeral slashing I of rates, and a determination on both sides to figuratively cut each other's throats.. The contention for the business on hull-insurance has not been so bitt.or, but if. has terminated almost as seriously in financial loss. Vessels that are rotten from keel to rail have been giVfflh a rating and . risks taken on them. In proof of this, it is but necessary to glance at the year in which some of , the vessels were built, as given in the table below. It is to be wondered at that Comgress permits ¦ mercenary Vessel-owners to jeopardize the lives of their crews by sending them out in unsea- ' worthy craft, but the underwriters are also to blame in encouraging them by insuring their boats. At the opening Of navigation and for several months after dense fogs prevailed and rmany collisions and other mishaps resulted. There have been three great storms. The first commenced Sunday ". morning. May "0, and lasted for three days. It was conrlned principally to Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. On the former nearly one hundred vessels were more or less damaiged and four-were completely demolished. Eighteen lives were lost. Off Chicago Harbor one vessel foundered " and drowned her entire crow, and two others went to pieces. From one of these hint one of the crew survived. September 25 an equinoctial gale swept over the Lower Lakes and! caused many? disasters. The toss was confined to property. The most fearful storm that has-; occurred In years bega*n Nov. 11, and lasted nearly two weeks. In fact the wind has cointinued witlL^ almost unceasing violence ever since. During that brief period the loss; to Shipping1 exceeded the combined losses of the entire, seasons of 1881 and 1882. The actual damage to vessel property during this last storm has been estimated by the insttramee agents at $1,160,i]qQ. About 100 lives were lost. On Lake Michigan one of the finest steamships on the-lakes foundered and six of her crew were drowned. A passenger steamer, with axil hands, was;, lost on Lake Superior. Two schooners sunk on Lake Erie, and left no one to tell tine tale. Lake "Huron and Lake Ontario were also the graves of many more unfortunates. Thefoillowing tables have been compiled from wreck reports filed at the Custom-Houses of various ports, and from statements furnished by the leading marine insurance companies. Besides thosu? given in the report, a large number of vessels sustained minor accidents or were stranded and ireieased with out serious damage. All vessels marked with * have gone to pieces, of lives lost indicates narrow escapes without actual loss. LAKE UlCHit.A.W May 2 M;;y 2 Mr.y .1 ¦Miiy g ¦-May 3 May 8 p> May i * May :-; Ma v 7 . Mar 9 I May 13 . May 15 ¦ May 2, **Juiie 7 tJune 18 .lane IS ...)uly 20 Auk- :-yept. o Tug 3fe°r.i >jny/f^- Oswego....... Napanee..... Suebee....... gdensburg.. Oswego...... Sackett's Kar Detroit....... Belleville — Osweso....... Detroit...... Hamilton — Montreal'..,.. St.OathTmc* Belleville___ Milwaukee.. Toronto...... Kingston------ Hamilton ... Oswego...... Kingston.... Hamilton ... Kingston..... St.Catharines .Montreal___ Buffalo........ Oswogo—;. Kingston — Chicago — Kingston___ Toronto..... St.Catharines Kingston----- Chicago...... Toronto..... Montreal.... Belleville... Montreal___ N.7 is;:: i •¦!¦:¦; is;:! 1*51 1873 is;:; is-:; isu- lsir, INI 17 186 is.;:; f ~.Vr im isi is';'} ist:;. is;:; ]s<;:; !. ; •: a 1S1 isi is it 1S00 181 iS2 isY.i !¦ Light. Coal... Light. Tow .. Grain- Goal..... Lumber Coal..... Lumber Sunds .. Wheat.. Wheat.. Corn .... Lumber Ore'.'*!" Corn___ Corn___ Ore...... Barley.. Coal...., Light.... Sundry's Light.... Light.... Corn — Light..,. Light,... Lumber Barley.. Coal. Oswego River Presque Isle. (¦lilVtOTl...... Midlake...... Cape Vincent Coal..., Barley. Coal.... Brockville. .. Midlake...... Bt. Lawrence. SLCath'rines. St. Lawrence. Brockville . Wilson..... Amherst I'd Oswego..... Midlake_____ St. Lawrence Picton___ Oswego______ Four-Mile l't, Midlake..... Clayton....... Pt. Dalhousie Pt. Dalhousie Midlake.. Clayton .. Ward's Isl'd.. Texas........ Oswego...... Oswego...... Charlotte___ Midlake..... Salmon PL. Midlake...... Collision___ Ashore..... Sunk........ Wire......... Ashore..... Collision ... Ashore..... A.fhore..... Dismasted . Ashore..... Fire......... Sunk........ Sunk........ Ashore..... Ashore ..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Disabled.... Sunk........ Sunk........ Sank........ Ashore..... Sunk........ Sunk..:..... Fire......... Fire......... Leak........ Sunk........ Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore____ Foundered. Ashore..... Foundered. _i^5 EEH1K-_____n*M*Mtd Prop Sell!'. Schr. Prop Schr. Sehr. Schr. Schr, Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Tug. G-. Campbell.. A. Sherwood. 10. Fitzgerald? Business...... < iosican...... B. Kverleigh* Volunteer*.. M. Valley.... Doan...„.... Conklin5xu.. Crostnwa.te.. H. H. Hine... M. Belle.... Vulcan*____ eanaba*..-gcbrJj. K. Bensoi Prop Oregon....... Erie........... Coulton Home port Sept. 12Bg"e.. I Baldwin*.... jX - Heel.. --a Vici Sept. 17 i Prop Sep,. ¦ , Kept. 26 Schr. Erie.......... Erie.......... Buffalo....... Milwaukee.. Ynnngstown. Cleveland— Cleveland___ Toledo........ Cleveland,... Yq\ tuition.... Buffalo....... 150 Vermilion — 2<lsToled<......... ......... ¦ sio...... ...Cleveland., Cargo. Coal.. Coal.. Coal.. Ore... Coal.. Coal.. 12 Wheat. LI Light.. !.-:¦;; H:: Light.... ¦ Grain.... (Ml B2 Lumber. Corn..... is;>2 A2 Sunds.. . Sept, 25: Schr. Oakland-___ John Wesle;. W. "it Van- derbilt ,. Norway......, U'hMontreal.. ¦.eland. 102 Detroit..... Al ,'Schr. C J. B. Meir S.Mineh..... : ¦ ¦ - 320 Buffalo..... n l&la'd mtiAi ! Light.... Stone.., Light.. Lumber Ore..... Ore...... Lumber Lumber, Lumber Mdse.... Milwauket Cleveland Detroit... Cleveland Shickluna — Shickluna___ Point Pelee., Island......... Pelee Island. Point Pelee., Marblehead.. Etondead...... Cleveland..'.. Loraine....... Midlake...... Loraine....... Gull Island... Midlake....... Midlake...... Midlake...... Cleveland — Brie........... Detroit....... Midlake...... Chatham..... Midlake...... Windmill PL. Long Point... portColborne portColborne .Midlake..... Buffalo...... Bass Island. Long Point.. Cleveland. b< ind.. ¦¦;>r-ky___ is;:; .-\'l t*w......¦( i, '. eland... A Ashore Bl Lumber sandiu>ky.....EpUisio .................................iOuIchui-ier... ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ !,or-: | On rocks... On rocks... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore.... Ashore ___ On rocks... Ashore ___ Sunk....... Sunk....... Dismasted. Sunk....... A: bore ___ Foundered l-'o'indered Fire......... Sunk........ Sunk........ Sunk.;...... Fire........ Sunk........ Ashore____ Foundered. Ashore____ Ashore ..... Dismasted. Explosion,, Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore ..... L< Ste:::: "> y\\ 1u';mi!;("!.. :[r;nd... iffal........ . Burwell. . I'litnd... trott....... inilton ... . awiHuron....... iflll A'! "• i oal .... . CoaJ .... l.iBht,... ter,i bi Towibs, amlAXl.......... K Point .. • lint... ;aut — Silver Island. and— rilty .... .ind — ke...... i'uhit... iinlfiilo........ i:n:-~ lilane I. Amherstburg Midlake...... Detroit....... i.-;.a»i i:;.r.(»i 8,000 2.1.(M! 2,m 1.300 :;,:m :i,an i.sim 1,1KB 500 lOiW $ W.O'Kl 31.000 10,.'«K> The mark % mnder the head April l: A [H'U 22 Anril W May May - May May May Aliiy May ..May 20 „Atay 20 May 20 May 20 May 20 -May 2i:felir. Mav 21 Schr. May 21 Schr. Hij. Schr. Si'hi'. Scbr. Schr, Schr. Schr. Schr. Sd.r. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Prop Schi. Schr. Schr. May May 21 Al ay 21 May 21 Slay 22 ~May 35 May 20 May w June 1 June " June 10 June 12 June 15 . June 10 June Kj July 2 July 7 July 10 July 12 July B July H July 19 July 20 July 21 July 21 .lulv 21 • Ana. 12 Auk. 11 -.Aug. 14 Aug. W Schr. nae.. Schr. Schr. Sehr. Schr. Schr. Schr. sehr. . Till!.. S"!u-. Schr, Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Scnr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Sehr. E'rop l'rou Schr. Prop Schr. Schr. - 4i; -y in A"j: * iv:s!.' Sept. Sept. Sept. -Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 12 Sept. 16 Sept. 1(1 Sept. 28 Sejit. 7i Oct. ¦': Oct. I uct. II lie i IS (let. 1-Oct, '- Oct. » Oct. f .Nov. ,Nov. »ov. Nov, Nqv. Nov, NOV. Nov, Nov. Nov. -"Nov. Nov. Nov. „Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. 12 Nov. ¦ Nov. - NOV. - Nov, Nov. - Nov. - Nov, Nov. lb Nov. W Nov. .Nov Nov Nov Nov. 21 Nov.n?* Nov. 25 Nov.|25 Nov. 27 Nov.P27 NOV. 27 Nov. 27 Nov .128 pe«d*...... 8. Bates*/.. Arrow*...... C-. Knapp.... AHen*jCL*..... Lookout'..'... . Ketch urn..... K. Howard., . Capella....... Condor....... M. Dall........ H'elis Hart*. . :vi'.:iot:ansett Lillie E....... Petrel........ it. p. Mason.. Jenny Lind*. H. B-Bi M. E. Cook.. . J. L. Boyce.-. Carpenter... Sailor Boy? -Clara Parker. Red, White and Blue.., Metrojoojte. . A.C-. Morev.. .J. H. Mead.., F. Palms_____ Mystic....... WolUn....... Alert......... C. A. King.. . J. Miner...... Guiding Star Era ma*......"< Golden Wea*. B. Baie-'..... . La Petite...,, A. Piffany*. .. i». parsons*., Columbian . .. C.J. v, i Sea .Bird*..... Elian.......... Potomac..... N. Torrent... Allegheuy.. . Potomac Sunnyside*.. S. H. Foster- BJ. Smith..... Yank'e. Acontias..... Walbridge----- Sardinia ...... 1. Keith....... Graham Bros. Clinton....... Ingersoll..... C. Harrison.. Pilot.......... Spv'..... N, Church*. .. ..*--- Petrel . G. M. Filer.... i;.:.i".k. ¦ Radical...... R. Cam;, Fxperimen t... C. H. Stark Dart*....... Arab....... Ketchum*. .... Monitor*. . . VI. Groh... ,. 4!Schr.lL..L( i ¦rii 1 Schr, Schr. Schr S-'hr. Schr, Sehr. Prop Prop Selir. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. Schr. . i i ¦, ¦ Schr. Schr. Sehr. Prop Schr. :;l iS.-hr, Racine..... Cliiciigo... Chicago.... Chicago.... Grand Haven Kenosha...... Chicago....... Chicago....... Racine........ Chicago....... Chicago....... Milwaukee... Milwaukee... Milwaukee... Milwaukee... Chicago..... Grand Haven Grand Haven Grandllaven Marquette... Milwaukee.. Chicago...... Kenosha. . Chicago ... Buffalo..... Sheboygan Cleveland. Chicago.... Holland... Chicago... Kenosha. . Chicago... Chicago... Milwaukee Chicago ... Grand Haven Milwaukee... Racine....... Sheboygan... Detroit....... Buffalo....... ('hieago...... 1 teuton H'b'r Bctralo....... Manistee..... ........... 1-hitfalo....... i'iand----- i'laud----- te2: Algonac...... caco...... 3S»B€troHi....... 25V Chicago...... U'.; (lie-ago...... 4G5iChicago...... SijGreen Bay.... 397 St. Cathr'ns.. (S-l I Chicago....... m White Lake.. i:51 Chicago....... ¦:-<i Milwaukee... •- 'Frankfort..... e,i.: Milwaukee... 'MMilwaukee... ',¦0....... ¦ il <0....... 2!S Chicago....... r>l!Milwaukee... ¦;; .'Milwaukee... nits is.; 1S.V; 1S74 1 :r»4 is* ISiil 1853 1 is.,s isc:.; is;V; lSh4 l.vii; Cargo, Wood... Wood... Light.... Posts.... Liuht.... Posts___ Light.... Light.... Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Coal..... Ore...... Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Coal..... Place. Racine........ wtunetka..... Two Rivers.. Jaeksonport.. .Muskegon — Manitowoc... Pilot Island.. Evanston..... Racine........ Racine........ Midlake...... Kvanston..... Fseanaba..... Milwaukee... Milwaukee... Cbicajio....... Chicago....... Nature Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Fire......... Leak........ Ashore...... Foundered.. Ashore...... Ashore...... Dismasted.. Foundered.. Collision.... Ashore...... Leak........ Breakwater Wrecked ... Chicago....... Ashore. Chicago.. Chicago..... Chicago..... Milwaukee., Chicago..... i.-.v,! ls.y, [SSI 1st:: ex:: is',:: i.ti; 1S.V. I. V, 185: 1ST> ist; 1ST t 1ST4 1881 1854 Is-is 1S.V< IW> h-xv. 1SS1 is; 1 ago.. 4 Schr. B'Schr, 5 rchr. t;;Schr, 11 Schr. II Scbr. III Schr. 11 Schr. IF Prop U Schr. 11 Schr. Schr. 12 Schr. Sehr. Tug . Schr. Prop Sehr. Scbr. Schr. Sehr. ¦ Schr. Sehr. Schr. Schr. Bge.. Schr. Schr. Schr. Sehr. Bge.. Schr. Sehr. Schr. Scbr. Banner G uidingS Maria'.... L. Hall...... ¦. .: E. Jones*------ ........ C. Jailing...... Norman*...... Lillie E..... . Potomac*..... H. D. Moorre.. Fishboat*..... Arab*.......... L. A. Burtcon. Protection: ... Clara !'¦ H. C. Akellej .1.1. Case....... Leo............ it. B. Moone.. L. M. Mascon. Norman........ Flying Mil It*. ¦&& Chicago ne...... M Oawegp..... ; wc.ukee. Icago..... .(Milwaukee. tfalo...... Frankfort., Chicago— Manistee.., Milwaukee, Chicago .... Chicago .... Mackinaw. Milwaukee line..... a). Chicago — v-o.... .1 Haven 1; id Haven 249 Chic Coal..... Posts ... Lumber. Lumber. Coal..... Lumber. Lumber. Tow,___ Coal..... Corn.... Coal..... Light.... Corn.... Lumber. Light... Gravel.. Coal..... Lumber. Coal..... Lumber. Wood... Wheat.. Lumber. Grain... Rye...... Ore...... Ore_____ Coal..... Ore...... Lumber. Lumber. Lumber, .... Corn — Bl I Wood... A3 Corn.... A3 Light... BI Lumber. B2| Shingles B2 .......... B21 Lumber. 00;Wood... 00 Wood.... A3 Lumber, A2 Fruit.... Posts.... Light.... .:&y>;a2 ore....... 188LA! Lumber Fruit... Light. .. 1855 Ui Lumber i-iT A ! Ore...... 1867 Bl Light. .. Wood... VAM- 00 Wood... Coal..... ISWi 'X) Wood... \s;\\ t',1 Lumber LongTail Pt, Death's Door. Bailey's Har. Midlake...... (irosse Point; Winnetka — Menominee.. Fox Island... White Shoals Racine...... N. Manitou.. Two Rivers. Manitou...... Chicago....... Charlevoix... Milwaukee... Midlake...... Midlake...... s'.Ma'nitou... Chicago....... Midlake...... Two Rivers.. b'ox Island... Fox Island... Racine Reef. skUlitittlce.... Bav ieNoque Midlake., WhitehaH Pt. Au Sauble Green Bay... N. Fox Isle... Midlake...... Midhike...... Pt Washing'n Sheboygan..-Jaeksonport.. Sheboygan... Cedar Kiver.. Midi.City.... Ft. Au Sauble Chicago..... iSaugatuek .. North Point Two Rivers, 22:t ls:>4 is;:: ist; 1st-.7 1SS1 IsiifiiBl Sundr Corn..... Wood... Coal..... Lumber Pumps.. Lumber Light... Corn C a:ul 11; veil Gill's Pier.... Seul Choix... Muskegon — Cross Village Sturgeon Bay PL Vilas...... Hedgehog.... Detroit Isl'd. Milwaukee... Racine........ Midlake...... Pentwater... Pentwater... Manistee..... Frankfort.... Lei and........ Petoskey...... Midlake Breakwater Collision. .. Breakwater Ashore..... Breakwater Ashore ... Collision. On rocks.. Collision. Ashore... Collision. Ashore ... Fire...... Collision . On rocks-Collision. Sunk........ Atshore..... Ashore.....w Ashore...... Foundered. Foundered. Collision.... Collision.... Foundered. Ashore...... Ashore...... Foundered. Disabled.... On rocks — Foundered, Collision — Ashore...... Foundered. Ashore...... Leak....... Leak........ Leak....... Ashore-... Leak....... Disabled,.. Leak....... Collision .. Ashore..... Sunk....... On rocks... Spntt....... On rocks... Disabled... Leak....... Collision .. Ashore..... On rocks.. Ashore..... if 4.SIX1 1.1KKJ l.JUU a.™ ],:«> 2,:VS1 i.Ui) 1,500 m 2.1W1 :is.u«) I-..OU0 r,..VK) 1.0IK1 i.iai C.4UU li.lXi 1..V.I.1 1,«'.0 2.S(>'1 1.IM) 2,!«2 2.01)0 •' . ;'.,ikx) None. 4,000 None. . ?¦ ,r)..MKI 4.1)00 4,000 None. None. ¦i.llOO S1.VII0 26.000 2,000 None. 3,500 None. (1,000 None. None. None. None. 19,500 2.400 ;:,'. iMJ Iii.Kfl l.OOO j.:«io 500 700 5,680 1,100 .',. 00 500 l.'T.I •(.000 500 660 1,200 K.S00 2,20(J 4,600 2,;ioo 1,100 4.500 2.SO0 1.000 :v,.ooo 2S.C.JI1 2,:J,-"> 1,200 •1..TO 800 550 1,400 150 SOO 7,000 1,500 600 1,700 1,000 E.AKE nUROSJ. •May lOSchr. • May 14 Prop May is Sclir'. May lmsehr. • May 20!Schr. .May 20 litre. M11 211 Sehr. *V!av 21 Hire. *Muv 21 line. May 21 Itrrc .May 21 Bt'C. Mac 21 line, ¦nlune O.Slair ¦ .lime 10 Schr. .lime 20 Schr. June 20 Schr. July 16 Scar. Sept. ¦ .. Sept. Sept. s , Sept. M6?" Comma. Presto ......... Monitor*....... Monterey .. Kxchange Gipsy*......... Guido......... Eureka....... Julia Larson. I.iilla Ro.'teh. Skvlark ...... H.O.Richards Sctar.l.l. Bigler.. Iliicaiio... ChictiiiO... Ciiicayo... laven 1 ..... Detroit..... Sheboyg&n, Sheboygan. aistee.. '.'it..... ¦aia).... 00 Manitowoc 312;Ch icago.... 700 Manitowoc ¦go.... sturacon Buy Sauiratuck— Grand Haven Corn.....[Midlake...... Corn..... Hog Island... Lumber Midlake...... Nortbport.... Chenaux I'd. Traverse Bay Kranktort... So. St. Joe... Sister Bay... Grand Haven Manitou .... Midlake.... Midlake.... North Bay. Sheboygan. Sheboygan. rentwater. Rentw ter . Midlake.... Manitou----- ISR) Bl Shing .......... wood... Ore...... I .umber i'osis ... 112 Lumber I toil..... . 18(16 Bl Coal..... .......... Lumber Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Sunk....... On rocks... On rocks... Ashore..... Foundered On rocks... Leak....... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore...... Ashore...... Foundered. Foundered. Collision.... Ashore...... Ashore...... Foundered. On rocks.... Disabled ... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore..... Sunk....... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Disabled... Leak....... Ashore..... Sunk....... Sunk....... 1 16,000 4,000 8,000 18. IDO 14.000 Xone. None. 2,000 won 16,600 »a» None. 80.000 None. 3,000 None. None. 10.00" 14.000 None. None. 1 50.IM 30.1I.K) 23.000 ¦ l'.'.IW) 25.000 7.00(1 8.KI1 7,000 4.000 4,000 33.01") 2,000 23.01 «> 7.000 4,500 2.000 600 3,600 None. 1,200 None. 2,800 None. 2,700 8,000 1,0001 10,000 600 None. 900 4,000 1..500I ¦ 1,000 1,000 None. ' ..'•i : 6,200 4,000 111,500 14,000 7,000 - 1 Sept. 25 1 Sept. 25 l Sept. 25 Sept. 27 kOct. 4.. BDet. 5.. ? Oct. 5.. ' <':¦ 10. .Oct. 12. •-.Oct. 27. ¦•()<.'!. 28. ..Vv. 11 .Nov. 11 BNov. n ¦ Nov. 11 I Nov, 11 ' Nov. 1] N.,v. 12 S< Nov. 12:. Nov. i Nov. lv Hire.. Nov. 15 Sehr. NOV, hi'Scdir. Nov. h'cSehr. Nov. mTufr. Nov. aolproji Nov. 2(i Scbr. Nov. 21 Tug. Nov. 21 Scbr. Nov, 2l> Scbr. L.J. Clark.... Westford .... IL Bissel..... CitvlPn Bav. Krie Belle... Iriy Sehr. Scbr. Schr. Bge.. li^-.. Schr. 'Prop Pro;') Bye.. Schr, Bye., Prop Schr, Prop Schr. Prop Prop Bge.. Schr. Prop Schr. Schr. Sehr. Sehr. Schr. Schr. _. Schr. L. C.Butts. Scow..... Starlight1 122 Col Ellsworth St. Joseph___ Orontes'...... C.J. MeiseL. Clematis*.. B. M. Baker.. .Magnet........ E.c.Hutch'sn M. Tattle..... Wanderer.... McClellan*... Explorer*... Pensankee___ R. Wlna!ow.J 885 Wm. RavnorTJ '-327 Colorado....-V 18H Starlight*. ,,-iV SOT-Ontonagon^,.: "S!J S. Saginaw',. «J Arizona..... . ___ Bav State..., 251 Wm. Treat ,L Davidson* L. Casey...... Aberborn___ Granger...... Ontario....... Keweenaw... Butter........ H. 11. Hine',. .Manitoba — 'tlad.stone___ Bvening Star Ontario___ Nemesis' Chicaso...... Alpena....... 4i»i Detroit...... :Wi Chicago...... "-' Pt. Burwell. Pt. 1 [uron... Cliicauo...... . - Marine City. ,V>T Cleveland... 13? Buffalo Detroit...... E. Saginaw.. Montreal — Cleveland... Black River. Toronto 2;M Bay City..., a l.i Ch icago...... Cleveland... Port Huron. Detroit....... Chicago...... E. Saginaw.. Alpena....... getroit...... hieago...... tturr Cltv ¦ ¦•¦¦:' Bav City 1456 St. Clair...... ^Marine City.. 2w.) .Marine City.. o'iT Traverse City 723; Sarnia........ SOI [Detroit........ '22PDetroit........ I;0 Vermilion.... 'LSarnia........ '^Kingston..... Ii9 Goderich..... 210 Goderich..... I 781 Southampton ll.N.Todman 112 Wellington, Merrljnae*___11380! Chicago..... -| JOtfiMHwautee... Iowa.........A 4221 Montreal..... 12J Picton........ Amneratburg Chicago...... Port Huron.. Buffalo....... Hamilton .... Windsor...... Buffalo....... Montreal..... IfWS'AS l.-ritMD 1-72 A2 1^7:( A2 1SM2 (ifJ I-GI BI 1SKI P? l*W R2 1S171A2 1^7! ,\2 ISO L!2 JSOii Bl 181 lm 1871 18fi2 1 sttf 1S50 1S5E ISWi l.-i o IS,". J 1874 lHt;?'Bl 4 . ¦ ¦' ' IS74IB1 1S7LA2 f>->: m i*7'-i A2 isri B2 . ¦ Bl Cargo. Corn___ Lumber. Coal..... Coal..... Light... Lumber. Corn Lexington.. . i>et. kiver... Last Tawas.. Thundr. Bay. Lion's Head. Lakeport..... Sarnia launber. Kittle Port.. J. N. Carter, .1. C Koifage. H. W. Sago. Ontario*... H. J. Jeweti China*........ 214 ErieBelle*. Young Airier, i 242 Restless......i 70 1722 is; i) im 18S2 1873 is5:'; 1874 IS.') ISMi ¦ h-7,4 Lumber. Lumber. Lumber. Coal..... Sunds,.. Coal..... Stone... Coal..... Stone.... Salt..... Light.... Lumber. Light.... Light.... Light.... Light.... Corn___ Lumber Coal..... Lumber Lumber Grain .., Mdse.... Sunds... Coal..... Lumber .Mdse.... Light... Light... Sunds... Light.. Pt. Hjdward.. Pt. Edward.. Pt. Edward.. E. Saginaw... Cedar island. Ham'nd Bay Colchester... Kincardine .. Midlake...... Georgian Bay Chebovgan... Port Edward. Lexington___ Crane? Pt----- Georgian Ray Detroit River Sand Beach.. Forrestville.. Alpena....... Point Albert. ThunderBav. Spectacle RT Spectacle H'f Collingwood. North Point-Pipe Island.. Detour........ Point Clark Southampton Southanyjton Soutl ampton Kincardine. Bavtiekl Lumber :Goderich., Corn___ Light... Wood... Wreck.. Lumber. Lumber. Staves.. Coal .... Light... Sunflri'B Light... Light ... Rails ... Goderich, (huierieh..... Midlake...... "Midlake...... Greeno'ghPt. Goderich..... Midlake...... Port Huron.. Sand Beach.. Georgian Bav Kincardine... Sand Beach.. W.Ohmdli'd. Collision... Collision ... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore_____ Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... :Yshore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Sunk........ Ashore...... Ashore...... On rocks... Sunk........ Foundered. Foundered. Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... On rocks___ Fire......... Foundered. Leak........ Leak........ Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Sunk........ Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore,..... Ashore...... Ashore...... Ashore...... Leak........ Ashore..... Foundered. Foundered. Ashore..... Ashore..... Ashore..... Disabled... Fire:........ Ashore..... Ashore..... Explosion . Ashore..... hore..... LOW .1.500 000 0,740 2,-'i(; 1,000 009 .1X0 < ¦V«> ,vW) 4.500 3,500 :.„s:;o 1.200 LoOO 1.S00 LUX) 2.000 20,CJiJ 2.S00 two 2.500 3,ono 1.000 14.400 22,500 None. None. 0,000 7.000 None. "20,icV) None. 58.000 0,500 15.000 10,;'jOO tai.iHW 20.00!) ;;; 2.00U 00,000 3,000 " ibo.oJo 1,500 8i» 1.000 S.UX) 30,000 5,OliO 11,UW S.CWJ 1..500 None. None. 27,000 l».5O0 175,000 :i.t!00 7.000 23,400 None. LAKE S0PERIOB. .¦lay 20 Hay 28 June 10 Lily I Aug. 15 Aug. 21 Sept. ti Sept. 7 Sept. 7 >et. 11 KOT* 3 vov. ii SOV. .15 A'ov. 10 »OV. 10 Nov. it; Ilia. Prop Stmr Prop Prop Pro;> Sehr. Schr. Sehr. Scbr. Schr. Schr. Prop Schr. Pi op Sehr. Bge, Sehickluna... Meteor........ Hour tan....... M. .Jarecki*... J. K. Whitine Dot*......... King Sisters. Sumatra...... Laura Helle Geo.Shermnn 320 Cecilia*....... 298 imborhtin. 1207 Waba.-dP. ., 316 Manistee"___< 070 H. 1L Brown i----- Newcomb.....J 013 :;oh :;-o 452 K45 -C'5 .xhi 846 Home port. St.Cath'rine's HontreaJ..... Montreal..... Chi.-ago...... Chicago....... Detroit....... Cleveland — Cleveland— Milan......... Cleveland.... Windsor...... Cleveland----- Cleveland— Chicago....... Buffalo.'.V.'"'. Cleveland. Cargo. Light... Light.., Sur.dri's Ore...... Lumber, Ore...... Ore...... IS',5 H! ;s::-A2 is;; i\-> 18071 A3 isTiVX'i Coal..... Ore...... Wood... CoaV..'."!! Sundri's Coal..... Algo Caribean ll'd. Point Sauble Whitefish Pt. Grand .Marais Marquette.... Marquette.... Marquette___ jid Island. Midlake....... Isle Roval... Pictured li'ks Midlake....... Sault River.. Sault Ste. "M.. C wil.....IPirt.nlied R.'ta Mnaant i Sunk....... Ashore____ Ashore____ Ashore____ Disabled... Sunk........ Ashore____ Ashore..... Ashore____ Ashore..... Wrecked... Ashore____ Ashore..... Foundered, Ashore..... Leak..:..... 4.0 48.000 ;-;2,soo 1,200 10.1100 BIT -;xw K.000 2.00(1 7.000 0.500 ]5,(Ki0 30,000 2.;.ou 8? $ 17.000 21,000 5fi.000 20,:H!0 18.000 1x000 8,180 27.000 8.000 9,500 4,500 68,0® 11,000 20,500 "hii'neo 11,0I» 9.200 1.SO0 . ' ' 12.500' l.Jill None. i;.;n! 4,001) 4 .SHI -LJK.II 42,000 1.310 1.2H1 5,500 18.00!) ;!,:-«: 7,000 7,501 :>,n« I.O.i i.a« None. A."h, 10,000; ;,.,„„ 2,000 0,000 ll.OOOlNoni'. si.osv '112.KIJ, 07.500 15.000) 37.000 850 2,000 3,001! 2,500 6,000 2.000 4.IMI 12.000 7.011,, 3,000 6,000 2,500 0001 2.00(1 11,000! awl 9,o <i 600|Sone. 8,500] 5.0110 .1,000 3.SIX) 3,501! 7,000 2.UKI.NOHO. 1,000 111. 1"

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