Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 125

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I fOHt /M>>7-;.\7//-7,',v .A •, rsville, Ky., amdwera drowned...... 4 \ brick huihdiug fell to the ground corner of Chvurch and State streets, eter................................... 3 capsized at Promt New Year, Sun 11a- ounty, Cal............................. 4 April 12—A cave-in occcurred in the Keel Hidge Mine al Escanaba, Mich...............'.— S April 13 -The steamer Wyllcy, from Celnm"-bus, Ohio, struck au. pier at Port Gaines BS........... 12 A cyclone passed oover Milan, in Lorain Gounty, Ohio................................ 3 April 15—Fire-damp exploded in the coal mines at Lourchess, Department of the . France................................ 7 April L7—The Atlantic.:: Hotel at Albia, Iowa, was desl royed by fiftre...................... 3 April \ 9—An exploslom of dynamite occurred in an establishment at Carbelleno, Spain.. 3 April 20—A sailboat was capsized on Lake "Washington in Washington Territory..... 4 Gunpowder exploded! in a fireworks factory at Bonstettin, Switzerland................. 4 Two boats filled witln workmen were upset in the river at Willi[amsport, Pa........... 4 April 21— The English; steamer Thames and the Spanish steamier Magdalena Vieenta collided oh Bilbao.......................... 7 While the Grand Arnny Hall at Sacramento, Oal., was burning, a wall fell, crushing an adjoining saloon............................ G April 23 —An explosiom occurred in a dynamite factory at Lamerucca, Spain.......... 7 April 26- -The ship Coiunty Aberdeen collided off Owner's lightship with the ship British Commerce.............................. 25 An explosion took paace in a mine at Bes-seges, in the arr-ondissement of Alais, France...................................... 21 April 27—Several towns in Mississippi, Georgia, and Soutm Carolina were visited by a terrible tormado, not all the deaths from which could Hoe reported..............250 A. fire occurred in a cabinetmaker's shop at W a rsaw, from which many workmen were unable to escaipe...................... 16* Gas exploded in the greenroom of the Am-l >igu Theater, Partis........................ 3 April 28—A child was .drowned in the canal at dletown, Ohio., and, its parents were drowned in attempting to save it.......... 3 The Pacific Express on the Chicago and Grand Trunk Raiilway collided with a freight train at Oliivet, Mich............... 3 April 30—A cyclone visited Benton, Texas., causing great doomage to persons and property.................................... 6 May t—A gas explOslQ i took place in the Keystone Colliery at l-"ottsville, Pa............ 5 May 3—An oyster buiat was overturned in Cnnckatuck Creek., Virginia............... 3 May 4—The steamer Grappler, plying between Puget Somnd and Alaska, was burned off Seymomr Narrows. When the boats were launclned they were swamped by excited Chinese; passengers............ 70 A rope broke while used in drawing a car filled with miners out of amine at New Glasgow, N. S...........................___ C May t; A.i explosion took place in the powder magazine on PrMdy's Head in Portsmouth Harbor, Ehjgland................... 7 May 11—The Standarxi Oil Company's tanks at Communipaw, N. J., were struck by lightning and burmed..,................... G < May 12—A boiler expanded at Guyer's mills, • j near Nappanee, Imd\....................... 5 i May 1 -1—A cyclone swept over portions of the States of Ohio, Illinois and Missouri, devastating whole villages—............. 22 May 17—A bomb filled with dynamite exploded in a crowd during a fete in a village near Lisbon, Spain...,................. 4 May 1 y—Illinois and Wisconsin were visited by death-dealing cyclones—Racine, in the latter State, was tine central point of destruction ................,................... 54 May 19—The steameir Granite State, from New York for Hartoford, Was burned in the Connecticut River........................... 4 May 21—Two mining (towns near Deadwood, D. T., were destroyed by mountain torrents ........................................ 4 May 22—A petroleum warehouse was burned at Oporto................................... 5 May 23—Two schoomers were wrecked on Lake Michigan in ea severe gale............ 15 May 26—The steameir Lakeville burst her boiler near Lakeviille, Cal.................. 8 May 27—During a stoirm at sea encountered lie steamship Bremen a shacklebolt fell to the deck anuong the passengers..... 3 May 30—A gang of laborers was buried by the "caving in of an eimbaukment at Consho- hocken, Pa.............. .................. . 3 Terrific storms vishted the towns of Clay City and Edinburg, Ind.................... 13 May 31—A panic was started by a woman falling down a stairway on the New York and Brooklyn Bridge............................ 12 A disastrous fire occurred at Lynchburg, Va., and men were buried under falling walls.. 5 June T—A boat filled .with workingmen capsized at Oleggio, mear Milan, Italy......... 22 June 2—A boiler exploded in a shingle null near East Saginaw, Mich.................. 5 June 8—Lightning spiiit a rock near Ashland, Pa., a piece of wfiuch crushed a tenement house below it..........................___ 5 June 9—A powder magazine at Scutari was struck by Hghtnirag and exploded........ 17 June 12—A boat containing a pleasure party-was capsized in Pirovo Lake, Utah......... 5 June 13—Au explosiom occurred in the Rio Chuelo, Brazil........;". *................... 8 June 16—A tenement house at Inverness was destroyed by fire............................ 4 June 17—A panic occurred among several hundred children who were attending an entertainment in ai hall at Sunderland, in the county of Durlham, England. Many of the children were (crushed to death at the foot of a stairway...........................197 June J9—A wagon loaid of persons striving to escape from the floods at Baker's Ford, Kan., was caught tin a current and upset.. ? mentioned ns resulted hi fchio ^oss of three or more li\ ose been irnentioned where one or two were killed tlhe record would have been more than doiubled in length, and the sum total greatly Increased. Also no account is made of the: loss of life by war, pestilence, famine, crrime or but in these ways untold thunisands made ;i srniserable exit t'Vom the worhtn The yellow fever in Mexsico depopulated villages and cities, and the ochplera in "Egypt and India reaped a plentiful and ghastly harvest. The imagination of the reader must supply the desolation caused in fche1 first pal ¦ year by the destructive floodis in the valleys of the Rhine and Danube, the Miss! the Missouri, the Ohio, and! other Western rivers, for no well-defined ^estimate of the loss of life in the agsTregraite can be published, nor can the loss of prroperty be estimated The year throug-hout has been prolific in earthquakes, tornadoes, eyoi ones, and shipwrecks, as well as railway accidents and mine disasters, while the item of boiler explosions is the most numerous in fatal results. The awful earthquakes in Java, Syria and the East are simply appmUing in loss of life. -Vs far as possible In tlhe list the events are given on the date of thenr occurrence. When classified according to the months in which they wore reported, tine deaths are Ui-.. vided as follows: No. of No. of deaths. deaths. January........... 06b" July............... 4,468 February.......... 360 August...........75,306 Marcn............. 423 Beptermber....... 355 April.............. 551 Octolner..........10,432 May..........;___ 254 November........ 474 June.............. 348 Deceimber........ 370 The steamer Clita, ffrom St, John's for Bar-badoes, was sunk ait sea...C................ 11 June 'JO—A barn in which' some men had taken shelter at Eioxana, Mo., was struck by l ightning................................. 3 June 25—The British steamers Hurunui and Waitari collided off Portland, the latter sinking___'. ............................ 25 June 20—A collision occurred on the Havana and Matanzas Raihroad.................... 8 June 27—A fisherman'^ skiff was swamped by a heavy sea at Toejpassey, N. S............ 6 A gravel train, carrying a large number of Chinamen, collideal with a wood train at Elk Creek, BI. T....................;........ IS Total......................................2,31)5 k A YEAR OF DISASTERS. Over One Hmn<h-e<l Thousand People Klllerf by Accident in 1 883. Without Including the Multitudes Swallowed Up by War and Pestilence. A Record Unprecedented in the Hiistory of tho World. The year of 1883 has been a memorably one in the extent oil its disasters. a au calamities. The following list has been compiled J from'THf: Inter Ocsban, and includes all no j1 tic^able disasters, accidents, aud calamities from every part of the world, for a great daily newspapergatmerseachmprning within its columns the evemts of all countries and eJimes. The disasters happening upon land were in nearly all cases detailea u] next morning after ttheir occuj r Total {to Dec. 28).........................94,307 lulled. Jan. 1—An explosion of giant powder occurred near Meeksville, M. T.'...................... 3 Jan. 8~A flatboat loaded with convicts was upset on the Tuckaseegee River, Jackson County, N. C. Home one cried that the boat was leaking, which caused a panic... 18 Jau, 4—An explosion of dynamateoccurred on the Kentucky Central Railnuad extension. 3 Jan. 5—A boiler explosion occmrred at Black Horse Landing, YG Va...................... 3 A boiler exploded in a hour lrni'U at Fillmore Center, Mich................................ 3 A boiler exploded in a box faictorv at North Muskegon, Mich............................ 4 Jan. 8- The Inman steamer Cilty of Brussels collided in a fog in the Miersey with the steamer Kirby Hall. The Cilty of Brussels bound from New Vork. to Liverpool, and only sailed with eighteen .passengers, of whom two were lost. together with eight of the crew............................ 10 Jan. 10—An explosion of fire-damp occurred in a coal mine near Coulters ville, 111....... 9 A boiler exploded In a blast furnace at Bethlehem, Pa.....................*......... 5 Jan. 11 — The New hall House in Milwaukee was burned to the ground hii the night and when it was filled with guests. In addition to those killed very lmany were injured. Terrible scenes weBB enacted, aud they . so impressed Themselves upon the mind of the lessee that he host/his reason 59 Jan. I'J.—A shanty occupied b»y negroes was burned in Mobeilv, Mo ................... 3 Jan. 14.— The American brig Cioldiiuder was wrecked, after encouncerimg fever and i I'ost. on a voyage from Porti-au-Prince to Boston..................,.................... 5 Jan. 1.5.—A fire broke out in rlie Planters' House, St. Louis, which created a panic among the guests......................... 3 A circus building was set on fire in Berdit-seherr, Russian .Poland, thnough the carelessness of a groom, who threw a lighted cigarette on the str&w-cawered stable. The doors were few and narrow, and opened inwardly, and the [people who escaped did so mostly thrteugh the windows; 120 women and 60 children were among the lost.........................«___'270 Jan. 17—A tenement house uu Widegate street, London, was burned............... 5 Jau. lit—The boiler of an emgfne on the Manslield Gap Railway, Suouisiana, exploded....................................;. 5 The steamer Josephine. Ijouik! from Seattle, W. T . to Skagit River, bftew up in Port Susan Bay.................. ............... 8 A calcium light explosion tools place on the stage at the Grand Opera, House, Milwaukee..................................... 3 Jan. 20—Three powder explosions occurred in a manufactory at Mcridem, eight miles from Amsterdam.......................... Jan, 21—A train on the Southerm Pacilic Railway, when detached from; tho locomotives, ran down a steep grade at Te-hechapi Pass and plunged down an e'm-bankmeht. The cars fell in a heap ami caught fire instantly. Some <of the passengers were burned and some- were crushed to death............................ The Hamburg-American steamier Cimhria, which left Hamburg on the 1 7th for New Yoric with 380 passengers amd 110 officers and crew, colbded on the 19th with the Hull steamer Sultan, off Boirkum Island. The' Cimbria sank almost immediately. Some of the passengers amd men were picked up in the small boar s by steamers : to their rescue........................ Jan. 22—The Atlantic Giant Powder Works, near Oakland, Cab, were destroyed by a series of explosions. Five white men and a large number of Chinamen we*re employed in the works at the nine.......... 20 Jan. 23—A boiler exploded iu the Ledger PaperMills, near EltOn, Md................ "3 Theship Vorwarts was uunkojifl! Libau...... 8 A party of fishermen belomgiug to the schooner James A. Garfield were lost it a '..'.•! te off the Massachusetts comst........... G Jan. 24—Three coal trains on the George's ("reek and Cumberland IKailroad tan down a steep grade near Cunnberland, Va., and jumped she track over a tressel...----- 4 Some Hercules cartridges e -ploded in a l)iacksmit h'^ shop in Pine B [11, Ky........ 3 A mine was flooded with water near Sydney, Australia...... ___........................ 22 Jan. 27—A floor fell upon firemen who were lighting the flames'in a Milwaukee build-. ing..............,.......................... 4 Jan. 29—The shaii,< ¦ . from Sar- dinia, was wrecked off Swansea, with the los - at ail her crew........................ 12 Feb. 1— A snowslide overwhelm-ed a miner's cabin', near Crested Butte, Col;: thirty men were sleeping in the cal in, of wTiom twerity-three wore rescued, \ hough nearly all were seriously injured:,................ 7 ¦1 The Italian steamer A nsonia wias wrecked on r the coast of Tripoli.....;................... 20 An explosion occurred in a fireworks factory a! Ain;u-usea, Mexico, the paoprietor and fonrothers being burned to iteath........ 5 Feb. 2—A panic in the wool factkory at Bombay was occasioned by the er5 of fire, raised because some dnst was suddenly o into* one of the room*.............. 23 Feb, ¦ Two coasting steamers were driven on the isle of Man and wrecfeed........... 13 Feb. ' The steamship Tacomo was wrecked off tHe California coast..................... 9 ¦ Feb. 5—An iron bridge crossiing Oil Creek at Tltaaville, Pa., was washed away by the iiood.................................... 3 Feb. 6—A passenger ami a i'rei;;.;ti: Irani collided on the Dayton and Michigan Railroad at Kirkwood, Ohio.............,....... 4 A cave occurred in the K¦¦: Ine at Deadwood, D. T............................ 3 Sis railroad cars fell down a stfieep mountain side in llmiirar','___.,...................... 10 r.ib, •- A oave was caused in a coal mine at Centerhill, Pa., by a tniscalcmlated.blast.. 7 The (Jastle Line steamer Kemmare Castle foundered in the Kayo!' Bisosay.;.......... 32 Feb. 9— A schooner was wreoiked near the Shethmd Islands, Scotland................. 9 \ schooner wait wrecked neau Portaferry, [relaud...........................-......... Pel). 10 \ boiler ex t>ioded in simue file works at TaylorvUle, i!........................ 7 The steamer Gem took tire in Pugef Sound, W. 'J'., and some of i Qgers jumped overboard................................... 5 A steamer was wrecked in a gale oft* Harwich, England.............................. j:; An accident occurred in a «hai I of the Severn Tunnel Works.......................... 4 Feb. 14—The floods drove thousamds of poo-' pie from their homes in LomisWlle, Ky., »ud five were drowued...................... 5 40 22 398 i ue pjj#r-r>oat A Hani a was wrecked off the coast of South Carolina.................... 4 Feb. J 6—An explosion of sewer gas blew up a house in Cincinnati.................. . 6 Feb. 17—The Columbus and Cincinnati press was derailed near Gabon, Ohio-.-. ___ 7 'i A cave occurred in the "Diamond coal mine, atJoiiet, HI.; 117men wore imprisomed, of whomTo'rby came out alive............. 77 Feb. 1 8- A sleighing party was run over ttjy a locomotive at Wallingford, Conn.......... ;> An explosion took place in a powder milll at Corbett, France............................. <.; Feb. 19—Two freight trains collided on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad nearBelitetre 3 Feb; 20—Black damp overcame some mlztiers in Cumberland County. X. C............... ;; Feb. 22—A lire and panic occurred in a Caitii- olic school in East Fourth street, , York, where 700 children were attendiing. A balustrade broke down with the weight of the struggling efflkiren and caused "the loss of life................"................... 15 The Allan Line steamer Buenos Ayrean (collided with and sank a steamer off Laun- lash, Scotland............................... 11 Feb. 22—The United States steamer Ashuieiot foundered in the China Seas................ 11 Feb. 25—The steamer Glamorgan, from f ,iv-erpool to Boston, foundered in mid-octean in a hurricane..........„................... 8 Feb. 27—A dwelling house was burned at New Brighton, L. i.............................. 3 A farm house was destroyed bv fire in M t>n- tague, Mich................................. 3 March 4—The walls of a burning elevator in i Albany fell on an adjoining building and crushed the occupants..................... 3 ! March 5—The steamer Vazoo, or New Orleans, was sunk near Gypsy Point, about t wentv- ftve miles from the citv.............'., ig : March 9—The vVatk'ms liloek in Nashville, Tenn., was destroyed by tire, and several persons were crushed by railing walls___ 3 ¦ March 10—Some dynamite caps used bv blaster* exploded near McKeesport, Pa..'. *J \ The Hull aud Yarmouth fishing licet wore caught in severe gales and several boats were lost...............................:..135 = March 11 —A boat was driven out to sea from St. Pierre, Can., and Its crew frozen to death....................................... 9 ' J. The steamer Navarre foundered at sea while on her way from Copenhagen to Leith. ... 40 March 12—A lodging occupied by laborer the western terminus of the Black I and Fort Pierre Railroad was destroyed bv hie.......................................'. 11 March 13—A mail hack was run over by a locomotive on the Indianapolis, Bloomimg-tou and Western Uaihoad at Truntmau's Station, Ind.............................. M A boiler exploded on a plantation near raua, Cuba.............................. .. 7 March 18—The" ship Dunstaffnage, from Calcutta to ijirerpool, was wrecked on ooasl of Aberdeenshire..................... 25 March 19—The walls of a burned building in . . napolis, Ind.. fell upon adjoining buildings three days after the fire......... '.1 March 20—A dwelling burned in the vib of Maglione, Canada....................... 3 The Glasgow express from Bdinburg collided with a train from Glasgow, ¦ Central Station.........'................... 4 March 20—Snow avalanches visited several. localities at the foot of Mount Ararat......150 April 1—Six fishing smacks went down in a terrific gale off Yarmouth.................. 40 The boiler of the tugboat Polar Star, on tin-Ohio liiver, near Columbus, exploded____ 5 April 2—A boiler exploded in St. Di-zier, France, whereby thirly-one persons were killed and sixty-live were injured, some of them fatally............................. 31 April 1 —A boiler exploded m one of the Gruf- hn Mitts at Moss Point, Miss................. :; April 5"—A gas explosion was caused in (.'inew street. Baltimore, by a boy OTOpping a lighted match into a sewer opening filhed wivli escaping gas.......................... '•'< Some ice on which children were playimg gave way near Valatie, N. Y............... 3 April 0—A powder donor/ near the Passo ('<>>r-rese, Home, for the use of engineering works, exploded with tenable results. In addition to the number killed many waste fatally injured.............................. 40 A farmhouse was burned near Kartwiek V 11- lage, Otsego County, N. Y................. 4 April S—A saii in L' party was upset at Northeast. Md.................................... 3 The Ende lioiei at Greenville, Hunt County, - Texas, was destroyed by tire.............. 13 j April 9 A toll gate-keeper and three children attempted to cross a rough stream at O'w- ingsville, Ky., and were drowned.......... 4 j April LI—A brick building*«H to the ground at the corner of Church ami State streets, Kochester..............*................... 3 | Askin' capsized at PoinL New Year, Han io County, Cal......................:.. 4 April 12— A cave-in occurred in the Keel Ridgemineat Escanaba. Mich............ S j April 13—The steamer WarUery, from Colun bus, Ohio, struck a pier at Port Gairaos bridge, Ala., and went to nieces........... 12 A cyclone passed over Milan, in Bora in County, Ohio............................... ¦» April 15—Fire-damp exploded iu t he mines at Lourehes, Department of f ire Nord. France............................... 7 April 17—The Atlantic Hotel at Albia, low a, was destroyed by fire.................t. „„. 3 April lit—An explosion of dynamite occurred in an establishment al Carbelleno, Spain. April 20—-A sailboat was capsized on Lake Washington, in Washington Territory.. .. Gunpowder exploded In a ftwrworks factory at Bonstettin, Switzerland:. ............. Two boats filled with workmen were upset ill the river at YVilluunsr<c \ I'a........... April -Jl The Rnglish steamer Thames and the Spanish steamer MagdgJena Vicenta collided off Bilbao...................... 7 While the Grand Armv Hall at pacramento, Oal., was burning, a wall fell, crushing an adjoining saloon.......................... 0 April 23—An explosion occur;-,-i in a dynamite factorv at Gaperuce-tt, Spain......... 7 \priJ-2(i---The ship County Aberdeen collided off Owner's ligntship with the ship Brft- isnCommerce ..............'............... 25 An explosion .took place in a mine al seges. En the arrondi^sement of AUG-;. France...................................... 21 April $1—Several towns in Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina were visited bj r terrible tornado, not all the deaths from which could be reported...................250 A fire occurred in a or.bmet-makor's shop at Warsaw, from which many workmen were unable to escape........................... 10 Gas exploded in the green-room of the Am- bigu Theater, Paris........................ 3 April 28—A child was drowned in the canal at Middletown, Ohio, and its parents were drowned in attempting to save it,......... 3 TbePaeit'o Express on the Chicago and Grand Trunk Railway collided with a freight train at Olivet, Mich............... 3 April 30—A cvelone visited Benton. Texas, causing great damage to persons and property......................................... 6 Tj,Tay i —a gas explosion took place in the Key- " stone Colliery at Pottsville, Pa............ f> j j[ay -;_An ovster boar was overturned in 'Clmckatnck Creek. Virginia...............¦ 3 mil ntvi uu. k-ic.> iii\j in iiouuiin. •> m i i vnn boats were launched they were swamped by excited Chinese passengers............ A rope broke while used in drawing a car filled with miners out of a-wine in New Glasgow, N. S.............................. May G—An explosion took place in the powder "magazine on Friday's 1 'cad, in Portsmouth Harbor, England................... May 11—The Standard Oil Company -; at Communipaw, K. J., were strnok by lightning and burned..................... May 12—A boiler exploded in Gn iar Nappanee, Ind........................ May 14—A cyclone swept over portions of the "States of Oldo, Illinois, and Missouri, devastating whole villages.........\......; May 17—A bomb fitted with dynamite exploded iu a crowd during a fete in a village near Lisbon, Spain.................... M-r. IS lline:1;-n:i '¦;¦i>cons;n were \isitfl bv death-dealin« cyclones—Racine, In the latter State, was the central point of destruction................................... May 19—-The steamer Granite State, "New "Vork for ffarl ford, was burned ii Connecticut River......................... "May 21—Two mining towns near Deadwood. I>. T., were destroyed by mountain torrents........................................ May 22—A petroleum warehouse was burned at Oporto........................'........... May 23—Two schooners were wrecked on Lake Michigan in a severe gale............ May 26—The steamer Lakeville buj ¦ boiler near Lakeville, Dal.................. May 27— During asto encountered by E'he steamship Brempn n shackleboli tell to the deck among the passengers.. at Consho- ¦ lis of Clay • A gang of laborers vifa gr in of an eml en, Pa___.............. Terrific storm ¦ visited I Oity and Edinburg, Ind..................., .„ May :>l—A panic was started by a woman falling down a stairway on the New York and ......................... 12 A disastrous fin occurred at Lynchburg, Va., and men were burled uujder falling walls___.............................. 5 June ! A boat fitted with wurkhi si/.cd at Oleegio. near Milan, Italy......... 22 June-j-A holler exploded in a shimde mill near East Saginaw, Mich................... ;> June >¦- !.!-•:;: 11it = l- split a rocl '[land, Pa,, a piece ol which crushed a tenement use below it.............................. '¦> June'.' A powder magazim iri was struck by lightniug -^'X exploded......... 17 June. 12.....A boat containing a pleasure party was capsized in Provo Lake, Ctah......... ."» June 13—An explosion occurred In the bio Chuelo. Brazil....................:......... 8 June 10—A tenement house at Inverness was destroyed by fire........................... 4 June 17—A panic occurred amomr several hundred children who were attending du entertainment in e hall at Sunderland, in the countj' of Durham, England. Many of thechildreh were crushed fo death at the foot of a stairway........'..............___197 June [0—A waeon load of persons striving to ¦>:.¦ from the tiood at Baker's I'ord, Kan., were caught in a current and np«et.. 7 The steamer Clita, from St. John's for IJar-badoes. was sunk at sea.................... 11 June :>0—A barn In which i had taken shelter at Roxana, M ¦ , was struck by lightning................,—•#•?•... June 26.....The .lirdish steamers Hururmi and Waitari collided off Portland, the ¦¦ siukhig..................................... 2o June 2d—A collision occurred on the gfavana and Matanzas Railroad.................. 8 June 37—A fisherman's skirt was ewamped by a heavy se-a atToepassey, N. 8............. C A gravel train, carrying a large number of Chinamen, collided with a wood \rniu at Elk Creek. M.T......."..................... 18 June 29- l>ock i : egott, ^1 Lch., with 800,000 feei of lumbta.'.............. A- By a boiler explosion at VVhitttesey. Wis___ ¦> July I— JJy the capsizing of ;i boal in ti River, Prince Edwards island............ From black damp in a well at I Pa.................................... July 2—Train broke iri two on the Rochester and Pittsburg Railroad, near Brad Pa., the runaway portion colliding with an approaching engine................ Julj 3—During a severe s tori i at Port "Wa G ingl.on, Wis* drowned......'............... July 4—Launching of the steamship Daphne at Renfrew, Scotland.......................l 50 July 4—Express train m '.'ic C. II. and D. R. R. near Cincinnati, struck a huckster wagon...................................... July 6—Boiler of a saw-mill blows Huntsville, Texas......................... By upsetting boat near Wbiteviile, X. i ¦, drowned.................................. July JO—Embankment caved in at Exeter, N.H........................................ July 11—Tenement house fire at Milwaukee, Wis......................................... , Accidental explosion of a bomb in Tripoli, soldiers................................... Storm and flood at London, Ont............. a . Tornado at Ho!ton, Kas...................... 4 Railway collision of excursion train with freight, near Jamestown, Pa............... 3 July 13—Portuguese bark Pimpoa, from Boston to Lisbon, wrecked................... j Falling derrick at Lemont. HI......,........ j Hotel bums at Cockatoo, Minn.............. I July 15—Large fire in Liptozenthaikle, Hnn- "aay........................................ During a rainstorm in Barns! large numbers of children took refuge in a culvert, aud a sudden rash of flood ..............j^^^^^^^^^^^H July 16—Boiler exploded in Glenn's Fails, N. V....................... July 1 s—night boilers exploded in an anthracite furnace at Reading, Pa................ 3 Drowned while bathing in River DuLotiu, P. Q................................. July 20—At an explosion in a powder-mill m St. Petersburg.............................. 9 July 22—A railway train went- through a bridge at New Haven, Ky............. 3 July 23—A yacht, aaid to have been s o went, down off Chicago G board....................................... g In a blast-furnace explosion at Gedden, X. V ................... 6| 3 up at ti 3 12 30 f 20 paper-mitt at :¦ 7

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