Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 31

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|rmn.._ PASSENGER® N // < yti ^ it naa been, stated already tnat tne simple scheme of this serial paragraph must exclude anything so complicated, nnwieldy, and really superfluous—for are they not readily accessible elsewhere?—aa any considerable compilations in the way of names, bulk of products handled, ed idomne genus. Nor shall the anuounc euient be ruthlessly violated. Yet some few vertebras iriust now be lumped together, if for no other reason than that the narrative may have backbone sufficient to walk rapidly over to t the more interestins field of personal reminiscence, where ye bovine and ursine not merely buys and sells, but lives and moves, bellows anti roars, plays tricks, and is himself the victim of sport, or corner, or— Jirlian Bumuey'n fist. Be it, therefore, said—a rather base-line fact— that the Chicago Board of Trade was organized in 1S4S, no $1,500, 000 dome being its EOOF-TBiEE AT THE NATAIi moment, dug the over-arching, leadon sky of an April day, high iioom. in the latitude and longitude of South Water and Market streets, by the dock. Its first chamber of Commerce{VJ that tooasted of a roof is variously described as a "rniaeon-hole" and a "liixl7 loft," but as the diitterence of characterization is bo vital, the render is referred on to the respective witnesses, first Ihand. A second fact is eequally authentic. That the active membership, now several thousands, was then, as a rule, somte three or four, the offices at elections not infrequently going the rounds of those present twice;, and even thrice(l), ieaving quite respectable [pickings, too, for the non-at-« tend ants. It is likewise historical—and here let this chapter draw towaird a close—that during the first quarter of a e:entury (come next April) of the board's existemce the following executive officers have borne .*way: SUCCESSION CfflF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS. Vear Presidents, 2S-LS 1S4D IboO ] *o:j 1854 1855 1W> lSi.7 3S;,8 IStiO 18U1 18(52 1 ,•.-(>:; 18(14 1805 3 8o0 18(i7 3 8U8 1870 3 871 1872! 187a 187-1 1875; 187 (j 1X77 1878 18711 18S0 1881 1882 First Second Wice Presidents Vice Presidents, Thomas Dyer. Thomas Dyer, Chas, Walker, ChaB. Walker, Oeorge Mgile, Thomas Hale. Geo. A. Gtibbs, Hiram Wheeler. C. H. Walker, U H. Walser, J. 8. Kumsey, J. 8. Bumsey, ira Y- Munn, Stephen Clary, U. T. Wheeler, J. Xj. Hancock, J. L. Hancock, Onus, liandolph John C. Dore, Wiley M. Kuau, E. V. Bobbins, J. M. hiehards, S, H. McCrea, J. W. Preston, J. W. Preston, C. E. Culver. Geo. Al. How, Geo. Armour. J. R. Hensiey, IJ. H. Lincoln, N. it, Fair bank, Asa Dow, John H.Dwight. H.W.Kogeis,Jr., R, VV. Dunham. Chas. \ViUk;;r, (Ohas. Walker, -iioliii P.Chapin, John P. Chapin, Thomas Hale, vj. H. Witiker, Wm. D. Hough-tulinj?, a, B.Pomeroy, Oeo.C. Martin, ,<*eo. W. Noble, Thos. H. 13eebu, Ttios. ll.Beebe, Eli Bates. «Jiinton Briggs, Ada Dow. K, K. Pairbank Thos. Parker, T. Maule, P.L.Underwood Lyman Blair, Elijah K. Bruce, >¦, II. McCrea, ¦ IB. F. Slurphey, < I. E. Culver, V. K. Culver, w. N". Brainard, H. Prieatley, Iff. R, BetfBley, JD. 11. Lincoln, Uosiah utiles, 'Wm. Dickinson. John HJJwignt, U.\Y.Ko;a>r.»,Jr. E. \V. lXmhaoi. W. E. McHenry, John P. Chapin, John P. Chapin, None, None, Noue. None. .None. None. None, ivone. None. Stephen Clary. J. v. Farwell. E. (i. Wolcott, J. L. Hancock. Chas. Kandolph. Chas. J. Gilbert, John (J, Dore. E. VV. Densmore, C.B. Goodyear. Jirah D. Cole, Jr H: A. Towner. Philip W. Dater. .Brainard, Wni.N.liramard, H. Priestley, JohnK. Bensley, D. H. Lincoln, Josiah utiles, Wm. Dickinson, John 11. Dwisrht, il.W. Ropers.Jr., '.:. VN. Dunham. W. E. Mchenry, 1. H. French. UECKBXABIES, 1848. W. L. Whiting. 1849 to 1851, inclusive, and part of 1852. John C. Dodse. ' 1852, part of official year. James E. Dahba. 1853, Laurm 1J. Hilliard. 1854, James E. Daliba. 1855 to 185.Smclu.sive. W. \V. Mitchell. 185'j to IStii, inclusive, and part ot J8U2. Seth Catlln, 1802 to 18U8, inclusive, except early part of 1802. John F, Beaty. 18G9 to 18S2, inclusive. Charles Randolph. .Note.—During 184b and 184y the beard was a voluntary urgthutafttign; ixQto. l&yV to 1S*9 it wwt organza , ' under a general incorporation law of tne State. Since early in 1859 it has remained under a special charter granted by the Legislature in February of that year. PRESENT OFFICIALS. The gentlemen clothed with authority this current year of and corners are: E. W. Dunham, President. \V. E. McHenry, First Vice President. J. II. French, Second Vice President. DIRECTORS. Term Expiring 1883—S. A. Scribner. S. H. Larminie, J. T. Lester. L. C. Huck, F. A. Howe. Term Expiring 1SS4—A. W. Green, W. B. Walker, G. H. Sidwell, E. N, Blake, I. S. Youuje-love. Term Expiring 1885—N. B. Ream, G. 0. El-dredge, G. JD. Baldwin, J. B. liobertson, S. D. Foss. Chas. Randolph, Secretary. A. H. Gunn. Assistant Secretary. Byron L. Smith, Treasurer. BTANDISO COMMITTEES: Executives-Messrs. French, Howe, and Ream. On Finance—Messrs Lester, Younglove, and Green. On Membership—Messrs. Larminie, Green, and, Ed red ire. On Rooms—Messrs. Sidwell, Huck, and Ream. Ou.Market Reports—Messrs. McHenry, Blake, and Baldwin. * On Provision Inspection—Messrs. Younglove, Robertson, Thomas Kent, Thomas E. Wells, and' Henry P. LWlinston. On FJOitf Inspection—Messrs. Scribner, Blake,' Gilbert Montague, John B. Phelps, and Stephen-B. Budd. Ou Flaxseed Inspection—Messrs. Foss, Sid-.... well, James Wrighit, William- B. Waters, and.f' John M. Wallace. On Other Inspections—Messrs. French, Fossj and Robertson. On Commercial Bmilding—Messrs. Huck, Fosi, and Sidwell. On Rules—Messrs. McHenry, Lester, Walter. BTj~XL3DXlNrC3-. THE g..1 ft. 12 MICHHi«.i\' ,IS» I.UtESII'ERlOR TRASS PORT AT ION fO The boats owned by the above company are now being fitted out as fast as men can. do the work, and |] they will be put in unusually good condition for the season's work. The five boats which have been laid up at Chicago all wintcf have BiakeL8Bal ^iYice~ Mesar9- Green- french, an<| j received a general overhauling. The Howe, Soribneri j repairs on the Joseph L. Hurd, Huck, an<| j which is at present in the dry dock there, have been so extensive that new boat I this spring. . The following appointment i hi | been made for the various boats: Peerless—Allan Mclntyre, master; J H. D. Haddock, clerk; William Con-| ly, engineer. Duluth—Lyman Hunt, master; S. ! Walker, clerk; George W. Mack, engineer. J, L. Hurd—H. C. Page, master; H. J. Seaton, clerk; William Leland, On Transportation!—Messrs. and McHenry. On Warehouoes—Messrs. Blalce, Baldwin. On Weighing—Messrs liobertson, Walker, an$ Larminie. ... . On Commissions—Messrs. Walker, Lesterf Slie Will De practlCaiJV Eldredge. William T. Baker, and William Sj( Crosby. On Distiller! Spirits—Messrs. Baldwin, Huck,* and Scribner. On Meteorolosioal Observations—Messrs. Eld-redtce, Howe, and Walker. On Miscellaneous Business—Messrs. Ream, Larminie, and Younirlove. INSPECTORS. Inspector and Registrar of Provisions—C. H. S Mixer. Inspector of Flour—K. W. liatbborne. Inspector of Flaxseed—S. H. Stevens. Inspector of Sampde Grain—H. B. Ow> WeiKlier of Packimi: House Product—C H. S Mixer. Weigher of Other -Commodities—John Wade. COMMITTEE OP ARBITRATION. Term Expiring 18S3—1L G. Gaylord, J. Hodson, i\ A. Crittenden, A. C. Thomas, J. Piatt. Term Expiring 1SS1—G, G. Parker, Georso 0. r Ball, A. Eddy, William Gardner, Z. K. Carter. L' engmcCl. COMMITTEE OF APPEALS. i V?fi-,™ **.¦,4- 17' >T o 'il. a Term Expirina 18SH-J. II. Dwiaht, L. G. HolJj ITCmOllt—£,. IN,, bmitn, master; ley, J. M. Ball! II. D. Warner. C. H. Adams. I r;,,,7 \rp-,.np,. plQ,.l, . Q VI. Term Expiring 1S84—H. W. BoL'ers, W. F ¦ ""V «tercer, OlStB.ra. \\ Blair, H. H. Aldrich, W. S. Seaverns, 0. H. Black engineer It wopld be impracticable to give a list o the members of true board, but sketches of i number or" the prominent firms are erivei below. 1^> The People's line consists of the steamers Pearl, Keweenaw, and Nashua, and Grummond's line Include* the steamer Flora and propeller Atlantic, the latter bavins been purchased by him from tne Union Steamboa*^compauy this SDriug'. The steamer City otOreveland has been Withdrawn from the Lake Superior Transit line, in which she has operated for two seasons, ana will now take her piace between Detroit and Mackinac. Being a swift and commodious steamer, she is expected to take the cream of the passenaer trade. Tne propeller Pacific has been purchased by (i. A. Cheseburoush from the Union Steamboat company, and will probably run on tips rou;e. A new line has been formed here this year, called the While Slar line. It consists of the steamers Sajfiuaw and fllilton 1). Ward, and will operate between here and Lake Huron ports, going as far as Port Austin. This line is formed from ide. j. B. J. M.j Armstrong, .^ The following captains will sail the boats named thi.s season; Schrs. H. N-Todman, Capt. John Mnnroe; Jenny Rumball, Capt. Robert Petrie ; Rathburr; Capt. Norman McLeod; W. J. Suffel; Capt. Wavy; J. <G. Kolfage, Capt. Mux! docli McDonald; Elgin, Capt. Alex. Law-son ; Evening Star, Capt. Jas. Johnston . steamer Josephiine Kidd, Capt. John Thorburn ;' tug Mary Ann, Capt. Hall. Capt. M. McGregor, with Gapt. Trawnch as mate, will, we belive, command the. steam barge Isaac F. May. Capt. Dan McLeod has left tor Sarnia to tit up his' vessel. , master; K. Bur- Manistee—John McKay George L. Seaton, clerk: iingame, engineer. Whiting—Daniel Finlayson, master. | , guiding Star—S. C. Cole, master, \ " *......¦ 'TrmrnrnTTi ...r Special to 'Hie Republican. ' Cheboygan, March 24.—The tug Messenger, the first arrival of the season, is sheltered here. Since last night the wind is southwest, heavy and freezing hard. CHICAGtTcHiBTEBS. Special to The Republican. Cm< ago, March 24.—Vessels were wanted at 2Ke for com to Buffalo. Carriers were generally asking 2\;a> 3c. Charters were: To Buffalo-Schooners Pensaukee and J. p. Sawyer, 80,000 bushels cor.: pt ".! cents. THE REMAINS OF THK STAR LINE. Members of the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation company have for over a year been purchisinu Star line stock, and at the last annual meeting of the line they fouuq that they had a majority, so Si. L. Montgomery was ousted from his position aa manager of the Star line,' and David Carter, of the Cleveland line, substituted. Montgomery, and those who considered him a competent manager, then purchased from the Star lino the two steainer3 above named, and gave in return their stock in the Star line. They then formed a new line, differing; from the old one on:y in the prefixing of " White" to the name. The people of the Cleveland line are taking measures to prevent the new line from using this name, but so far nothing has been settled. The Star line this season consists of the steamer Idlewild alone, but the Evening Star will run on the same route her between here and Port Huron, making a steamer from each place morning and evening. MurpHy's fleet: lugs Ballze, Capt. W. H. Huteh-lnsoiKW. A. Moore. Capt. S. H. Currv; Gladiator, Capt. Al Huutoon; Kate Moffat. Capt, iohn Miller. Hurley^ Steam-oarie Emfrfre. Capt. M. O'TuVf schooners Groton. Capt. Edward Lohr; A. H. Moss. Capt W. 11. Hayes; Plymouth Hock, Capt' li. Miller/ • Merrl«ft& Co.'s fleet: Tug Niagara, Capt. John Doii^r*; schooners Montera, Capt. James Savage; Monticello. Capt. Charles Tucker; Montcalm. Capt. Edward Ellis: Reindeer Capt. Patrick Ryan; Hepab-lic. Capt. William O'Tule: Clayton Belle, Capt. V. A. Culvin; Montmorency. Capt. B. Caihoon; Montgomery Capt William Brokoer; Montana, Capt, 'f nomas Raleigh; M. v. Merrick, Capt. N. h. Miner; Jlont-blanc. Capt. Peter Johnson. WardXLake Superior line: Propellers Northerner, Capk>-A. M. Shepherd: ne* propeller building at Bay City, Capt. SI. H. Murd; Samuel E. Hodge. Capt. William Cummlog. THE STKAITS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ** Mackinaw City, Mich., March 22.—A small steamer came down through the straits this morning, and went into St. Ignace. The Algomar had some trouble gettine to and from her dock here acd at St. Ignace, on account of the ice being badly piled, along the shore, but outside she had no trouble. Weather cool. ypecial Teleirram to The Inter Ocean. St. Ignace, Mich., March 22.—The fishing tug Messenger, from Detroit Sunday, arrived here this morning. Weather fine and warm. ~ Very little ice. Mil Tnsfftatioi 003S^Ii-rV3Sl"S'. STEAMERS LEAVE Gran&Haven for Milwaukee DAILY, At 8 p. m. (Sunday excepted) and ar-! rive in Milwaukee early the following morning. These Elegant Steamers I Conneot at Milwaukee with Goodrich's Lines I Steamers for Chicago, Bacine, Sheboygan Man-itowoa, Urten Bay, Escanaba, Jitc. I For further information inquire at the office of the D., Q. H. & M. R'y Co. or to m _ .... 1 9i8ra* W, Fj nUJEPHRBY, / THE iiEGULAR LINES. Betrrjlt Transportation company: Steamships Irdu/ihlef, Capt. Jams Mtlien; Iron Buke, Capt. V. U. Milieu; Iroa Age. Capt. Tnomas Honor; barge Iron ClrffyCapt. William Mlllen. Inter-0cean Transporiatlon company: Steamship MassVaiusetts, Capt. W. Spencer; schooner Merrl-mac, Gap^Samuel Bdson. Peuiusufiir Transportation comp my; Steamship S. J. Mae . Capt M. (iottaam; schooners Ishpemlng, Capt.1*. Gqtham; John Burt, Capt. A. Kade. OaudieKBrother.a' fleet: steamships C. flurl-burtjOapt. P. C. Basset'.; Mineral Hock Capt. Hurl-burt llureury; b.irges Boulton, Capt. John Lemay; Senator, Capt Tho nas Caa field. John a/tiillett's tugs: Champion. Capt. Chrlsto-pherriioore; Sweepstakes, Capt. Hugo htephenson; Masters. Capt. FranK Hutchinson; stranger Capt. Thomas Cupfle. Whitejjrar due: Steamers Saqlnaw. Capt. George Tebo:Ofe.ltou D. Ward. Capt, F. Kenyon. People's line: Steamers Pearl, Cant. John Ed-wardaf Keeweenaw, Capt. 0. Chamberlain; pro-beile"Nashua. Capt. W. S. Shay. S. B.Xrurnmoiid's line: Propeller Atlantic, Capt A. BMga; steamer Flora, Capt. Comer; tugs Wins-low,"Capt. Martin Swain; Swam, Capt Edward Tormyv- Detroit aud Cleveland Steam Navigation com pany: SteWueis Cit; of Uetroit. Capt. William McKay-City or Cleveland, Capt. Albert Steward; Northwest, Capt. D. A. iieLachian; Idlewild Capt. J. P. Hodges; Evening Star, Ca pt Duncan McLachlau. 7 5/

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