Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 43

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from PASSENGERS I / SaugYtuck. ILoh., Sept. 8.— Tbe steambarge A. K> Colbyra, owned Uyi;. 0, Brittain and A. R. Colbern. burned last Sight, fcjlie cuuRbt lira off South Haven at 2 o'o.o ok a. m., aad was sishtcvi at 3 a. m. by the Btenambat'JJe Seavorms, of the Brittain Line. The SffiayerusHuoJi off the crew, and, after scuttling thse Colborn, towed the hull la-Grand Haven. The Qolbo^p will berebuilt at j once. * f Specif Telegram to The ttnter Ocean. BauqaTUCK, Mich., Kept. 8.—Shortly after midnight lasfc^aisht firue was discovered around the boiler of the new stteambarge A. XV Colborn, lumber-la den, from Mluskeicon to Michigan City, and the boat was prcctty badly burned. The propeller J. S. Sea vermis saw her. and made all hast 3 to the rescue, reanderiug assistance in snb-duing the flames. To pprcveat total destruction she was scuttled and soon water-logged, when the Senvet^ns boxan thee work of towing her. to a por t of safety, coming? in here about 4 o'clock this afternoon, leauviug the wreck outside, to unload her freight and wood up, whe a she again toot the line and made for OftraRd Haven, the only port / / having water en ouch ftfor he r in her present eon-j^ ditioii. The crew of tithe Colborn were token off ^"" by the Seaverns, OapntaiuH Brittain and Amen, toe former one of the oewnersof the boar, remaining on the wreck. Ttiae crew loss all of their ef-ects. The damage Us variously estimated at from £0,000 to $10,0000, but this cannot b1* said with certainty until a survey lias been made. Siio was bin t this sgpring. and was an A No, 1 boat rti every resbe'efri. She is insured, but do not km.w tu what i xteeflt. PKOPHLLEft OTjENBTINX.AS BROKEN DOWN, Special Terrain to The linter Or,'an ALPKN4, Micu., Septt. &<—Cstptaia Parsons, o( the tire sa. viiii: station,, reports that i he propel let* (Jrieulinifta broke her ahaaff last nlgut at- £ o'cook. and is saw at anehonr. The tug Golden Eagle has gone to bring her too Alpena. Special Telegram lo The llalei' Ocean. Alpena, Miou.,Sepo.. 8.— Tuo propellor (Jleri-ftn>as has just arrived»tu H. Zealand reports that he will tret, rireuaired Uere. Thinks it will take a week. Ilde compliments Captain John Parsons, of the liMe-pavtug station! and his j crew tor their valuable i assistance and kind attention, Clearance—Prop Cowiae; eciir-i Spademan, Can- Tho cireumstauijee oi t theSault; River- diswHerf .. :re these: The steainiibante Northerner, bound1 up, collided in tlio Sail I tliver with the schooner (Jr. D. Russell, in tow of ; -he tug Good now, bound down. The accident orceaned a tittjo below Little Lake George. The IJtpsseil, whhih was loaded with iron ore, stink. Inhumed lately in about seven fathoms vt water. Tims ¦ Northerner was not »e-riously damaged. Therce wae a report that three of the Uus^eli's crew weere drowned, Tue Russell -~ ¦ pures 030 tons. Shce is owned by .1. H. pa( The special revenue agent hats been busy at /Cleveland lately, and the following list of vessels in papers there is some irregularity was sent to the River Custom House on Tuesday. lb niost instances the names of the entire crew were not entered on the government time-book. The captains will be ordered CO re;,':-. Revenue Headquarters to pay whatever line the law demands. The vessels are: Propel] ncss, H, .0. Coffibury, Clj le, N. R. Fairbanks, H. C. Schhoor, Columbia: schooners Goshawk, S. L. Watson, L. C'. Butts, S. P. Illy, George Sherman, H. ii. Brown, John Tibbies, A. C. Maxwell, tJavid Vance, Deaue, and tug Quayie. From Bayfield, Lake Superior: "On Saturday piitht last at about S o'clock three men belonir-iug at the stone quarry on Bat-eswood Xstand, nui-? bei'e, started from the towa in a smal,l boat to row back to their lodisinff.% and when part way across the channel becaiuo engaged in a drunken brawl, upset the boat a;ad cwo of them were drowned. The third man dlxifced about on tho unturned boat till 10 o'clock Sunday morning, when lie laaded more dead than alive, bavins been on the lake thirteen U ours in a severe storm. The drowned men were Gallagher, of Cleveland, and Hemmati, of Mil waukeo. Word has been aeut to their friends." Detroit ffeivs: "The Colchester- light-ship is now over a quarter of a mile to tine eastward of her proper position, having draggled her anchors in a recent gale. Tue authorities ait Ottawa have been no tided of the fact, but have not yet taken any steps to have it replaced." Casper Suoelt, a Hollawder, was drowned at Whitehall on Wednesday while attempting to make a line fast for the propeller Ii. V. Brittain. He had Just takenKhe place of Mr. Bourmeister, who met a like fate under similar circumstances some time since, both be.onginft to ihe same ^^^^ rAT HOME- v^K2aBaaaaaaaaaaai The ateamburkreTMisyv Day oroke hsr shaft in the harbor at Soutn G'hicaauo. A tug went there and towed ht-r to ChicajtfiO, where the repairs will ¦ repair yesterdav be made. ^^^^^^^^^^^ Tne schooner K. Anderrson arrived mioua bee Jibboom and bbobstays. pyfoullDg with the {Kbboom of the schooner h;*L..\ m tbe harbor, toe rtcoooner Ju'ia B Mer rdl bad her riagiug torn5,nod her lore topmaiu The scbooaers Pilot fttmd Giad Tiding arrived leaking and went, into dr-y-dock. MISCSLLAINEOUS, Port Huron, Sept. 8.—The i tug Kate Moffat lost her raft three wuo3 above Port SanoSlac, at 7 a.tQ. to-day. The schr j Wattera ran Into the achnr Moorwood while the latter was at anchor in the river lastt night. Both vessels lost their jibo-wms and head gear. The scow Mona loat h*r liiain-sail on Luke Huron last dbight. named. The Whitney 13 of the very fiuestt build, aod pro-[Tided with double iron arehes inside jwnd out, eighteen liuches wide, au unusual feature for this* ciasa of ve*i^Ia, Her length overall is SM6 feet, beam 40 i'eeet, andwichher present cartro draws 15 leet aft, and 14 ffeet 9 Juchea fori ward She la in command of Captain P .July, who tbiuki her the finest of her elais on the lakes. Hie has taken her tO the f'nion dr>-dock to-day tor a motditteatiou of her ruddei, wnieh does not seem to be quite wiide eiioush. CHAI'.TJ tlS ASP t'BElGHlv.; -¦--.,.., .„..i) Detroit, Mich., Sept 8.—Yesterday's cihwten were as follows:—8chrs John Uarton, wheat, Toltedo to Oudens-* burg, 5c : Unadilla, iron ore, Kscanada to' Cleveland, $1 : Clematis, staves to Buffalo, $4, $6, and $8 um barrels, hogg* heads, and pipes, C'HrcAoo, Hi., Sept, rye to Kingston at 5ic. 8.—The schoooner Floretta takes Tlie tug Active broke her wbheel off Port S' Ontario. She was not disabled i and proceeded t and on Lake Ontario was jaektiod up by the pre Ontario and asalsted to port; Lake iS&ton, |r Lak« CAT7GHT IN ESPEHIENCE A STORSC. THE CCOUNTESK—DA8TAKPLY CONDUCCT. Special Teleerram to The later'- Ocean. Habbob Spbings, Mich., j Sept. 11.—A hard rain and heavy windstorm passsed over this section | last night and this morninas: early, doing consid-j erable damage. Three scchooners put in here dtirins theniRht, but tdc water is so rouch we are unable to set the namoes. The yacht Countess, of Chicago, with her owner, W'm. Borden, and party on board, tied heer up here while undergoing repairs. She waas run into when four miles eff Point Betsey, duriinsr the night, by an unknown steamer, stavintrr a hole six feet long and four U&b wide in hers side. After striking her the steamer stood off aabout a mile and resumed her course. While puttinK off, the capbtain of the Courrte3s cried out, "For God's sakee, are you goin<? to let us go down?" The reply came back, "Goo to hell." The yacht barely reached 1 here by stuffing the hole with canvas and thro wring her ballast. The owner left by rail, too head ofi: and ascertain, if possible, the namna of the unknown steamer. Special Telegram to The Inter OOcean. / Petoskex, Mich., Sept. 1.1—The fo^f-masted schooner Lookout, from Chhicago, loaded with bark, was nearly driven ashcore here durinir the heavy storm last night anad is uovr at anchor here. (She escaped with sliight damage. The stormjwas the heaviest of thao season. """ ** THE J. T. BCOTT ASHORE. LOST OVERBOARJD. Special Telegram to The Inter Oc<:an. Buffalo, N- Y., Sept. XL— Captaiin Davidson, of the Siberia, reports the washing: overooardof his mate, John Norris, in Saganaw Bay Friday night. He leaves a wife and chiicd residing in I Chicago. ^' BUFFALO NOTES. ; ¦ ¦ • ¦ .. - ';il. 14.—Captain .lames Davidson Capt. SUICIDE ON THE LAKE. A PASSEISTiEK OVEIJUOAED. One :ii jro suicide has occurred outside on the lake, this time from the propeller City of Fremont. Oaotain Smith, of theLake Superior Line. Al tiie Custom House yesterday Captain Smith n.ade a report on the sad affair. He states that a assenger named N. Halvertoa ¦came aboard the ¦'. ity of Fremont at Hancock (on La!;o Superior), ¦aking passage for Chicago. Some time afterward he disappeared, and it is supposed he committed suicide. At all events, he went overboard and was drowned, whether accidentally or otherwise. Tlie opiniou of Captain ¦ Smith and the other officers is that it was a case of deliberate suicide. Where IVTr. Halvertoa resided, or where his friends are are facts Captain Smith does not state, an i is is presumed he is not informed!. It was on Tuesday last that the unfortunate iinan disappeared. SPRtt&TG ALEAK. LPEBIHNCE OF THE CHANDLER J. WKIT.LS. Captain Davis, of the revenue cutter Alndy Johnson, reports as follows: At 10 a. m.. on Wednesday sighted a three-masted schoouer fly-lng a signal of dtstresy. Bore down and foiuud her to be ii:e 0. J. Wells, of Buffalo, v/itn coali tor Chicago, leaking, with fourteen inches of water in her hold". The master refused tho sorvld \ at ¦red Iron; the cutter to work1 the pumps, so the' assistance of the tug Fred fcSIll, alongside, stating that he did not wtah to incur expense. Tne VVells was then six miles from Kacine, and off Wmd Point. Under these cir-ciimstaoces the master of the Weils requested the cutter tu tow him to Chicago, which was declined. The Wells arrived in Chicago safely yesterday, and is discharging her oar go. VARIOUS MISHAPS. By collision in the harbor yesterdav, the schooner Topsey had her starboard bow stove; in to the water line. The tug Chicago had her- in tow at the time. The breaking of the tu4?'s ibell cord caused a misunderstanding in the engineroom which caused the damage. The schooner Peerless, just chartered for graain,' had a collision by which she had her jibbooom broken. The barges Windsor, Bronson, and Golcojon Harvest, all arrived in leaking condition, aand went into dry dock at the Chicago Compauuy's yards. The tug Nonatum_ls„_aj3p there for re- McKay. Kingston, Sept. 1.—eteambarfea E Ajj^Uu arrived from Rideau Canal with ties twi<i cedar posta, Schr Hyderabad, from Chicago, with 20,030 bushels o* wheat,.reached port thia morning. Bar^e Otooabqa, from Portland* arrived with 125-tons of soap stone, which goes to Montreal, to be used in th« man>afactirrc oi fire-proof paint. Schr Pride of America has readied port. She was lyin^ inordinary •• Milwaukee for a ioi>? tune, but was tfmdry-charterod zny whoat to ICm^sion. She left on Au«oj4 7fch, and e er way ctowu tho lrdrusi sprau^: ii.leak«nd haA toeo o3B doek a* Port, Jmlfaoarift, She had a car^o* 91,GOO bus i of wheat, of w',.jeli 375 bushels ivere damagaw" Captain K . ... »nald adds hl»ft»t!mony to the iatpoaOiam practiced by tlie Welland Canal tug men. Ho was charged' $80 for towage on the way to I^jagsbon, g8i) on *he return trip, and JlWin^anal toils will make a bill at $300, whictt is simply oufcras&otia. There «re i» fa** iVeHs-ud Canal B3& tj^, twice ftSjCiaay as ntedeS, but they have a ring ana' chsirgo high rates th;it pay well. The .Kjay to stop thla..» harft»een suggested, woidd be to bonatj or snlisidixe an op* position line to do the service rjjraiutjy perfofflMd fa^ a Calvin's line on the St. Lawrence. The schr Blazing Star ran over lOd bm'bels short,, and haft that amount exempted from dnty thereon oft 7n&kin(i a'de* -claratioa in accordance with thu newregulationa prosuttl# gated by tho Minister of Customs. repL val of ¦ ,-¦ y- l'ouv iiuur^, Aavloefi were received yesterday that tBe sohoOB*r .St Andrews had sunk near Loaff Point Cut* oo Monq^y night, while at anchor. She had on about 15,ooo Inushels of wheat from Toledo for Lake Ontario. She is an odd vessel, having been built at St Catharines, in 1874, by L Shickluna, who ia hev owner. She registered 259 tons atud classed A2|. The .St Andrews is down in about siity feeat of water, and will likely prove a total loss. Her cargo; was insured at MISHAP TO THE TUG PRINCE AMTtED. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mien., Sept, 4.—The wrecking tug Prince Alfred ran aground on the Canada side of the river a few miles above Walkerville, on Sun-| day, while getting ready to be used in raising the tug Mocking Bird. All attempts to work her off with anchors, proved unavailing, and the steamer Hope was sent to her assistance. At last accounts the Hope had not returned. This mishap is doubly annoying from the fact that it delayed the removal of the Mocking Bird, which is now a much-dreaded obstruction to the navigation of the river. - yS BUFFALO NOTES. . Bpftalo, N.Y_ Sept. 1.—TIiq expected launch of tii»* j flic now steamer M M Drake, from the stocks at tho U&loaf j L, y dock, met with an interruption yesterday afternoon,', I ?A Urge crowd of spectators assembled on the spot eariy ini 1 the srtemooii and jok up positions at advantageous points* 1 After considerable delay the straps were cut at a few roinu*. * tes before 5 o'clock, aad the big boat started majestically I down the inclined plane. Al! of a sudden the motion I cttb&ed. and the mass of symmetrical tiinber stood stoofc 1 sfcill. It positively refused to go another inch. The reasoa; I mvsaoon aonarent-there wasent enough gxsase on the I runners. Workmen hurriedly replaced the tall timbers J against the vessel's slides to hold her from alipph^ Tin*/ morning thev will Bhorehgjj Uj^-im^ ^m_aj^i^—^-__ M CHAliTEES ASP rREIOHTS. Detrott. Sept. 1.—Yesterday's charters—Steam barg» Mary .Mills, coul to Toledo and Sarnia. 40c : barg-e Worths ineton, coal to Toledo and Marine City, 40c: ateaanshhi David C Whitby, LJelroit.,; iiulfi lo, 2c. CuiOAGo, IiL. Sept. 1.—The,schooners Starright. Jessis DrumBond, A G Money, and Lady Dufferin take corn to Midland at l|c : Abbie L Andrews and D G Fort, wheat to KinystoiL at 5e ; prop Oneida, corn to Collingwood, oa through rates. Buffalo, Sept. 1.—Coal freights^not so firm owin^to a scsvrcity of coal. Charters —Prop Jos Davidson, Chicago, at 80c : and schr Senator Blood, to Detroit, at 25c ; yester* day J Godfrey and J H I£atter were put in for Chicago at Soo. Deseronto, Sept. 1, £ p. m.—Thermometer, 74 deg. Wind north-west, velocity 9 Imles an hour. Weather MIS GEPLANE 0 PS. Manistkb, Sept. L—The steamharge Albert Millen j. valued at $30,000, left here Wednesday evening loaded with [;¦ lumber, and when out about two hours caught fire. She t wae beached at Point Au' Sable, twenty miles south of I Manistee. The «rqw escaped. The har^e and cai'^o wer« owned by Michael Engelmann. of that city, and wili, pro-i :jjbably, jprgve a total loss. ^Insnrance i;15,p00._______^^—^M rf*""Jr>Rfrio'rJ, Sept. 1,—'Captam Miu^ffini^ui!!'^tf^£epr5» Pavouribe, reports that about six o'clock a.m., on the 26ta ult., near Centerville, Lake Michigan, Chas lilrfoltson fell overboard and was drowned. He w&.s not seen tu go over by anybody. The mate was filling the water-taint at thf> time and thought he saw something black In tho wain resembling a man, and called out '* man overbaar«L* The steamer was stepped, and the barges behind the "tow notified, but nothing could be seen by erther the barge off the steamer. The crew was then mustered, and Eriksoo found missing. Nothing came to the surface. He is sup* posed to have been strock by the wheel and killed. The Canadian steamer Bryan Trevice isfin dVy^dock for a*new wheel, having brokena bueket out oi Aier old on* while on Bear Cr-ek. ;d out AN EXAGGERATED)REPORT. There was a report on LaSaalle street yesterday that a dispatch had bten rreceived announcing tho schooner John T. Mott, 1 corn loaded, ashore and full of water. There waas some littie excitement and members of the Chiicago Cargo Pool, in which the cargo insurance is, felt a little uncomfortable. Thev have had 1 no big loss thus far this .season and had hoped thee fall losses would not commence quite so sooon. It was learned later, however, that the Mcott's stranding was a most trivial affair—it turned out so at all events—and the usually urbane gentlemen again put on their best "give-me-your-insurauce"smiles. lit seems that the vessel grounded near OCape Vincent. A dispatch received during time afternoon said: "The J. T. Mott has been got coff, with no apparent damage to ner cargo." The cargo is 20,800 bushels i of corn, and is insured for $17,400. It was shiipped by D. B. Lin-sted, and is consiened to tfche Ogdeusburg and Lake Champlain Railway. Captain Peter Cronley. of thae Mott,is one of the most skillful and one of the nraost lucky masters -.float on the lakes. I Messrs. Dunham and Higgkc took a look at the damaged schooner J. W. Doaine yesterday. The transom is not broken. The tcost of reuairs will bo about $300—not to exceecd $300. She will be ready lor sea again about Tueesday next. The steamship Jesse H. iFarwell had a hard time of it setting up the rivecr to her elevator on Wednesday night. She "rrubbed" in several places. In a "rub" with thae barge May Itich-ards, both sustained cousiderrable damage. > Captain T. S. Pope, of the» Colorado, belonging also to the Commercial Lime, has accepted the command of the Lehigh Waller steamer, Ired Mercur. . , , [¦opeller Roanoke diamaged considerable deck freight during the recient gale on Lake tyrie. :'i George McLeoid re:J that the schooner John T. Mott, n?ecently ashore, has been released and *s at Ogdensburg. Her geu-¦ only foots up SS200. The tug B F Goodman, of Maytham's ILine, started for a tow about 12 o'clock Tuesday nisdit.. When oat in lie lake her engine became disabled by ?¦-the breaking of a alve stem. Captain Charles Maytham allo»wed the boat to rift over to the Canada shore, and canu<? to a couple of __dies above Wind-mill Point, in three t'i. ..juiaoi water. Word was finally communicated to the shoive and help summoned. The canal tug Oneida was sent to the disabled craft and brought her in about .two o'clock .yesterday ufter-. ,, ™'l'he schooner H M Leone, which left here yesterday, ran back last night for repairs, having struck a full-sized canal schooner off Dunkirk about midnight,. The Leone lost her jibbooin and cathead, and received other damage, for which Captain Coyne says he will hold the unknown responsible. The captain waa making diligent search this morning for the name of the craft and her destination. John Barrows, seaman, ear bitten oft, has gone into th.-marine hospital at Chicago. Tne last time he wa,g in a thumb waa bitten off. Gradually his euemies are eating him up. CHARTERS ASD FB.KIOHTS. BUFFALO. Sept. 14.—Coal freights were stronger this j morning. The strs F A Georger and B P Bruce being ' taken at 60c to Chicaeo. Canal freights ware quoted at ojc on wheat and 5c on corn to New York. Lumber to New York is S3 1U to S3 15 per M. and ;f2 50 to Aidbauy. Staves $1 GU to $1 62£ per ton to New York- Drtroit, Sept. 14. —Lumber freights at EJay City remain the same as when last reported, but the mrob&bilities are that there will be a raLne 01 25c perLeoo tc:et very i. ¦ " SUSCSLZtAKEOUS. / Df,troit, Sept. 11 —A short time agonotace was made of jthe schooner Mary Merritt'-* orphaned condition, her name having been stricken from the Canadian register. Since that time efforts nave been made to obtain for her an Ann erican register, and a few days s£o fcbese efforts were crowned with success. Heretofore a foreign vessel could only become an American bottom after Toeing •recked on the coast of the United States and jjuzehaF-ed and repaired to the extent of three-fourths of its value, when repaired by a citizen thereof. The Merritt was so wrecked and repaired, but her repairs did not amount to three-fourths of her value, and in accordance wi;h thu above law she waa |; not entitled to American papers. A decision was, how- j] ever, obtained, by which the wrecking bill w^s included in H the bill for repairs. This brought ;he amount considerably |: above the required figure, and the schooner was according- J ly declared an American vessel. j The schooner Russell, VhlcTi sunk'in tbe Sault Ste Marie River, was purchased by J R Palmer three years ago for f W19,CU0. The cargo of irou ore in her is valued at yi'J.OOO, on which there is no insurance. Her hull is insured for about §14,(100. Probably no effort wilt he made to raise her, as she is so heavily laden and lies in forty-five feet of The life-saving station at Sturgeon Bay will not be built until next season. The site for the new building will be decided on this fall. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceau. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14.—Coal freights were a trifle more active. Coat was arriving in large quantities, and in consequence rates w-re advanced 10c to Chicago and Milwaukee. Engagements were: Props Osceola, Roanoke, for Houtrhton, 95c For Chicago—Schrs John Kel-derhouso, B. P. Bruce, F. A. Georger, K. A. AUchaelson, Michigan, oOc. The steambarge A. J. Wrigh and consorts Ham J.'Mil'* and W. A. Sherman were chartered to-day I v lumber. Parry 801 ¦ id to Buffalo, on. Vjp,, ai fc, 25 per m. The Lehigh Valley Transportation Company's new steamship Fred Mercur was launched at 3:45 this afternoon from the yard of the Union Dry Dock Company. A new canal tug was launched at the Union Yard to-day. She is AS^ feet long, 13 feet iu beam, and 6*3 feet deep. Her entriue is 13 by 14 inches, and tne boiler is 41*! by 9 feet. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. MABQUETTE, Mich., Sept. 17.— Arrived—Stmrs Republic and Ohio; schrs flf. Holland, Camden, J. T, Johnson, C. Ryan, and Three Brothers. Passed Up—Prop China. Passed Down—Prop Samuel F. Hodge. THE ST. ANDREW SUNK. SHE GOES DOWN O^V LONG POIKT. Another canal schooner ha=* gone by the b.oard, but fortunately her crew escaped. At leaait, no mention is made of the crew, and it to concluded that they were saved. This time it is the Sit. Andrew. The following was received by Captain Finn, tho vessel-owner and agent iu this city: Pokt Rowan, Ont., Sept. 112.—-The schooner St. Andrew sank last night off Long Point in si sty feet of water. Thomas Murray, Master. The St. Andrew was loaded with wheat for 1 mgstm. Hull and cargo are insured—the cargo 1 i Toledo and the hull m Canadian companies. The loss on the cargo is about $20,000, and on the hull about $12,000. The St. Andrew measured 234 tons. She was built at St. Catharines in 1S53, was owned by Shickluna, and rated A 2*a or B 1. Where she was sunk and the depth of water preclude all hope of the vessel being recovered. The freight list was insured in a Chicago aj-ency for $650. Captain Murray was notified by telegraph last evening to forward protest and proof of loss, and the risk would be immediately paid. One by one the old-fashioned (small) car^alers are passing away. DisAfc^g as. Special Telegram to The li.sLt Ocean. PoftT Colborne, Ont., Sept. 18.—The schooner St. Andrews, of St. Catharines, is rep>orted foundered off Long Point. She was bound from Toledo to Kingston with wheat. AU hands saved. The schooners Penokee and American collided in tbe canal this morning, both vessels receiving slight injuries. The American is lying here repairing damage. Special Teieirram to rue Inter Ocean. 'Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Button's Bay, Mich., Sept, IL-Tfao new The Convention at Dn*uth for takrn^ action on the pr»* posed canal between the lied River of the North and.Lake Superior was unanimous in favour of the sthyine as the best means of bringing the wheat from the ^'orth-tWes* ;*^The Canadian gteambarje Niagara came j#ifc of Detroit 1 [dry-dock yesterday, after being lengthened to the full canal J Jsize and considerably rebuilt. She .jiow carries three spars i !|aml prt ¦ "its-- a very fine appearance. She ljsavgj[lf^J ^^^^^^ DISASTERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Oaiides Island, Ont., Sept. JO.— The schooner Prussia, coal-laden, for Brockville, ran ashoro early Saturday morning on Snak\ Island reef. Captain J. P. Allen, with the w^e^king tug Hiram Calvin, went to her assista1^* and succeeded in pulling her off, and U ved her to ftrnrilflnil"" i i" irrimnii......i i Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean! J/Owek Sound, Ont,, Sept. 10.' ;A report comes from the peninsula that the tug Mary Anna was wrecked while endeavoring to maki Tcbermorv harbor for shelter during Friday night's storm. The Captain and engineer are reported lost. The Marry Anna was owned by Mr. Jos. Kidd, of Dublin, and has been engaged in rafting on the j>.^riL e-.isoa.________j$ schooner built in this port by Bahle & Nelson was successfully launched Saturday afternoon. She is named O. W. Johnson, after one of the owners, who will sail her. Her dimensions are 101 feet keel, 116 feet over all, 25 feet 6 inches beam, 8 feet 8 inches hold. Her owners think she will carry 200,000 feet of lumber. She will take her first cargo for Johnson & Hitchcock, lumber to Milwaukee. ~ Grand Haven", Mien., Sent. 9.-s-Thii morning at 11 o'clock the steanibarge A. XI. Colbron, of Michigan City, was towed in hare, water-logged, by the steam barge J. S. Seaverns, of Saugatucir, She was lumber loaded, and lest about 100,000 feet of lumber bv getting on lire thirty miles off South Haven, which burned about six hours. Damage, $10,000; insured for $12,000. The few are all safe. II. C. Brittain, the captain and wner, is at Sauant uc k, Aicp^ .^ im n hi11¦*„ ' LwajJKEE. Wis™ Sept. 10.—The schooner Fearless put in here this evening minus her main srafftopsail. A northeaster drove a fleet of outward-bound vessels into port, including thy yacht Idler, bound for Cleveland. Among the arrivals to-day were the schooners Champion Uiid 1.: tiiiiidiu: and dtuaiuij.-rrfe kxmm^^m i TS3 th:- -a ^BoWMAt, VILLE, Sept. ES ERDAY. A hea~ / gale blew the south-east. Last night the Algadan ran in Here for] Bfislter and left at aix a.m. this mortnusf. The Trind. has r dfted to the sauth«west all day aad is blowing a gale. nere Ib a heavy sea on the t-ke. The yacht Micuie Gray ame in th'smorning and remains till the storm pasaes over. STORM WARNING* OAOKIUSP UP. ToHONiO Oesesvatokv, Sept U.— The Mt .eorological, Cffic. has o inred up cautionary storm sigual No. 1, at CoK lii-^wood, r squ'itlo. Owen Sound, Sarnia, Kiucardine,: Goderich, Saugeen, and Bayfield; and storm signal No. 2 at Port Stanley, Port Dover, fort Colborne, Port Burwell, Amherstburg, Port Dalhousie Bi 'ington Beach, Oakville, Port rjredit T.-r-o, Oct .v. rt Hnpe, Deseronto.: T"": ' And (H ¦- ¦ '.il No. 3, at Fatht Jape' ;., and. Dalhoush THE RUSSELL VICTIMS. The names of the three persons drowned when the schooner G. D. J^ussell was sunK in tbe Sault River the other d\jt were: Mrs. Robinson, cook, of Cleveland. Oliver O'Hara. seaman, of »«ter. JN. J. Joseph ClauBson, seaman, of Pottaville, fa. AMAGE TO THE DOANB. BY COLLISION-JAMS AND DELAY IN THIil SOUTH JJltANCK. Another serious collision occurred in tbe har-ior yesterday, by which heavy damage was in-flieted. There were numerous jams and fouls in the South Branch during the day, owing to the crowd of craft in port; but the collision occurred abouc noon near Madison street bridge. The J lar^e schooner J. W. Doaue, in charge ot tbe tugs Miller and Van Sehaiek. was towing up the 'branch stern first, and the new steambarge Pahlow was coming down, light. The Doane was under charter and was proceeding to an elevator, There was a confusion of signals, and the Pahlow went plowing.into the Doane's stern, cntting her down from the tafraii to the transom. It was stated that the transom is broken. Anyway, there is-a hole chat a pony might pass through. Of course there are two sides as to the responsibility fa*.' the.eoUisiun, but the general verdict seems to be that the Pahlow was to blame, as she got tbe proper signals from the j tugs. The cost of repairing the Doaue is es- j timited at about $500, besides wnicb she of I course suffers delay while the work is being done. Her grain charter was declared off yesterday afternoon, and another vessel taken I* instead. No damage to speak of was sustained' by the Pahlow. . .______- ^-^* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and at the u*pp- ranroad bridge greatly delayed craft. bouu<' and down during the afternoon. Tugs •.. caught, and lost the whole afternoon and ,)' ing. Some of them lost as much as $50 w towing.

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