Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 3

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.«?«(•: tHE worls of preparing FIC. 7 \leave for Aipena as soon fc theTica will Jt£tDove- wlU •Dunlao will come up from Detroit ai ,Lrenmt' anQ th'! practically opened. Ve undo SrM\E3 ." Tv"gaJ,ion is -Will sail the fiunlap aid SSu„ ,ha,' ' »Pta" Riplev :last season, and thai ther>5m hi h1"T the Vm* as |tte™jSran.teoffl0e^iS1r?SiltJS.if,?,?y <*»<>«• -.Ben/ City Chronicle: COPEMAN'S SEAT RAFT. LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES AT THE NAVAL AND SUBMARINE EXHIBITION. LONDON. ; JANUARY attyitflH '8S6 cwen sotjhd. Tib. 23. «nd M«y II. Cleveland and Detroit LiNE.-Tne Detroit Poet of the Uth says: • the steamer R. K. Rice, of the Detroit and Cleveland Line, is expected to make her first trip to the latter place on Monday, the 20th inst. She is in the hands of the workmen, getting painted and put in the best of Si? »;^TWay- lhe .v<=Ierau M<:Kay will aeain pull the l,. „«„ ,be a,00°mPahied by the same corps of gentlemanlypincers as last year. The Korthwest, now ir? dry dock, A,HiV^d5;t0,ake.her Pl** ia the line about the Isfof ™Kl}i. „ as a pLn' aild havin& been most thoroughly n?K ™?« °ng aLthey make them- McLaughlin and the othe.courteous ofBcejs who were on her last vear will be found m the same position this season." The Cleveland Board of Trade has unanimously adopted a resolution recommending the reappointment of Captain John Varcer as Harbor Master, iiit was necessi Cleveland, as it is " Another Steamboat Company Enrst. The recent attachment of the property of W, R. stone 4 Co., who were the prineipal owners of the steamers Manistee and Metropolis, puts au end to the Duluth Lake Transportation Company, at least for the present. The boats were lately sold under mortgage and purchased by the First National Bank of Duluth, the heaviest creditor of the company, the Manistee, which cost $55,000, bringing $21,000, and the Metropolis, costing §r*.\000, bringing but $8.000—a cleat loss to the company of $16,000. The loss of these boats, which ran from Duluth to the mining towns of Marquette. Houghton, Hanectak, and Ontonagon, is serious, as their arrival and departure was about all that made matters cheerful there. A rumor is now prevalent that a new company will be formed, which we hope may prove true.— Minneapolis 3V."..v.. First arrival of the Seaaoa. Owhst Sotjkd, Jan- 1 — The etoamer Susan C. Doty, Capt:. J B Hallaok, amved hero this afternoon from Meaford, and river are entire". ¦ i-se. 'Ihi* ia the tirati arrival of the lemon. _ here, for a harbor master to b looking and diet on musk lozenges, where would i varner's chances be? Imagine him beside our gorgeous Harry Faith or the elegant Captain Brown KAKCY NA1 t a ( ABuffalo"paper offieSfoinst! iffiy* tschootiai' £i Navigation on "Hie Erie. Ewe, Ta., January 4.—The tuft J.(i Ingram called here'this morning; en her way from Buffalo to Ashtabula. She stopped at Long Point-last night, and reports, the lake free from ice and no impediment to navigation bejondthe discontinuance of the lights in the light-houses. ISatlE.-iiiou at ttulialo. Buffalo, January 3.—The tug Ingram left port this morUng. Daring the last three or lour days several canal boats have left for Ashtabula, O. Several loads of wheat have been shipped to Lockport. The har'ior, river and canal-are entirely free of ice. This event is worth record as being unprecedented. COH. with Bye*- Tafcea Off, m Ooire&ondeid ) -----—>.------- ilOH, Ji.0. Z net Mary Attn oteared on SaV barley for V thing haw. ferry is tnalius regular trips. ichcoEtr »'¦ :...k n eff »n Saturday and P0E2 EALK0TJ3IE. AorciiS IiBSs Ontario IB January^ , Po»t Dalhousie, Ja 5.-The aohooneT I tcraEitaworth, which hadto ran back here and lay up early in Daoember, was fitted out yesterday, and 1«« ^ port at-noon to-day, bound for CSape Viaoent, Xce weather U warm and dear; wind wuttwtt, <«>*. «£ "he! will have a splendid ran down toe lake. This is the only insUnaa In which .» vesael hs« fitted cut and lef I tola hsvbaar In the month o£ January. i fail i,av "She vsssol Is losccd , jeiiaKraj? aft ¦ ¦ . ¦ theF. Queen's Wharf. I __ PCRT STAULST. Damage Jay KaUta — VeisHa Carried Ttom Tnajr Hvirmji Tort Stavley, Fob It —Fte owtlneeA I tains of the patt few c>?a, and espeotaUy oo ?i!d»y mcrnioK, oacaect the river to sweil to a very unnsoal size at thta pi \ie for thla t<me <f the yea? The l«- broke up, ard watt ¦ cut with a tremendon* men, oaaelog ttk* prcpeller Alma Munro to pari her moorings and osme into collision with the eohoonaf Dundee, doing tome sH^ot damage to hen telf, »ad br,ak'og the headgear of it«a Dant dee. The tt.l-.emmt beoame intenie whea (t wag known tha* tb i City of d^ndusky \rm ontwardbonnl, the fnnbbiog poat to Swhijk, she was ma^f fast haviup broken off. Pat* tscate!}'. »f ier a "an aH mt half toe tengta of herarlf her port paddlea o<Uj(bt on, a j^tSy of the dock which atopped h«f, but nut uaiii si 9 fcad qolllded with Vhx tag C^lin Muaro, breaking In her rail*, &¦¦>. The Saadasky row Ilea with bar guards on rtoos, and v6ort» ate being trade to get her allo*1 agtlu. bad tfce toe been as thick aa Is gcnoratly (s tn the spring ve>y serious dai>»g>, untii. hvra been done, Tne dook In front ol vt*tt'» warehcusa was carried away. T«r« stiaU bidge«»re reported owrled aw*y,*aii »B:iS'Jfl damage to the n, w ro«l lately m«d« laadiog into this i'kh I* reported al»toa*B mi'l dam wa»a!sor.?jfT*e4 away and alHoThoa, Hardloy'* This fs t!-»third ti>fe within a year that ddft, H«d!rg,!!dambaib*nawvp« awe%ln<;.*vluj( •srloiis !ojb ea* tima, Maoh eyntiSstViy u 1 itn Tne fea» eub»W«>S, *ad EO paper of the ardinst. saysi—5Tafc o ciock* last evt-nlng a steam barge was within &lx or leYea ^ Silea of the harbour, and working steadily. There Tz a sheet of water about the centre of the_ice fields, £ caused toy the current in Niagara River. of it the ice is almost impenetrable, it. is said. Quit* a fleet was plainly seen in the ofnnjr all day yesterday. One steam barge and tow —supposed to be ths Superior and consert —worked hard a good portion of the day but made comparatively little progress. It seemed to be prevailing opiniontnut notoneoutof the elevenboata in sightwou'.d succeed in reaching theharbour before to-night or to-morrow Caotam Norton, sf the steam barge Germania, arrived here from Pork Colborne yesterday, and stated that his boat, with the scars. Spademan and Taylor, all lumber laden for Tone-j wanda, srrived at Gravelly Bay yesterday morning.] He will not attempt to reach his destination untS sine of a passage, the ice, according to his state-ment, extends from a short distance above Point Abino (about ten miles from Buffalo) on the north shore to ¦ ilver Creek on the south shore. He the first to reach the ice; ths steam barge Supsrler and consort Sandusky, steam barge Ballentine r i* Moore, and the propeller Raleigh and Kate "Wue-slow being close behind, lie put Lata the Bay, ana the others continued on for Buffalo. Lake Freights. Chicaco, May 6.—There was a fair demand yesterday lor vessels, principally to load wheat, and the market was firm at 3f e @ 5c for wheat, 2|c for oats, and 3Jc for corn to Buffalo. Toward the close carriers refused to take less than 4c for wheat. The Iiatae Vreigltla. ! nS*'rSrson 'P""1?" yesterday were: To Buftalo-Stmr ; Oscar lownsend, and one not named; tchrs Pensaukee. M. ! 8. Bacon, Sophia Mincn. F. A. Morse "D. A. Vao Valenk-burg, corn at 4c. Capacity, 295,000 bu. I.nil* Frrichts. Charters are: To Buffalo—Sehooners San Diego, J. H. Hutchinson, Elizabetn, Nicholson. J. G. Hasten, and Parana, corn (reported at) 3 %c; steam barge Edward Kelly (on Saturday), corn a t 4c. The Saws-er and Watson will loaa corn if the J. C. King and Champion go to Milwaukee. ________ ¦ j IMS or the Bella KeFee—NufTV-rinir of (he drew, Meaford, May 7.—Captain A. McFee, of the three-masted i schooner Beilo McFee, of Owen Sound, arrived here this I forenoon with the crew in a small boat, and reports that his vessel was caught in an ice shove, about 1 o'clock this morning, eight miles northwest of Collingwood lighthouse, which stove in some of her planks forward, keeiing her over on her beam end, and carrying away her masts and foreriggiug. She t:,en sank in fifty fathoms of water leaving scarcely time for the crew to take to the boats. They arrived here almost frozen. She was owned by Mr. A. McFee, Sr., Owen Sound, and valued at $10,000: insured for 86,000. She was loaded with 19,000 bushels of wheat from Ross Bros., Leith, insured. From Erie. Special Telegram to The Inter-Oceau.! Erik, Pa., May 3.—The propellers Superior. Hackett, Raleigh, and one or two others, names unknown, and the schooners Winslow and Columbia are fighting the ice, trying to enter Buffalo harbor, which is still blocked with h'uge fields. A large fleet of sail vessels passed here, bound down, to-day. The propellers may force a passage with hard work, but the prospects are rather slim afei present. The schooner George B. bloan left for Chicago this afternoon with a cargo of coal. Fastest Time on Record.—The mate of the City of To-capacity'taken foots up 80,000 bu wheat, 18,000 bu £ ronto states that she made her trip from the Niagara wharf coin, and 70,000 bu oats The following vessels were V to the Toronto wharf last Thursday in I hour and o9 minutes, the fastest time on fresh water. .__________. ..„,-. ;„ v.„:*i_ v.,,;i. at 1 MAY >P«tenterl D«c TTTS GOCESICH. Wider Navigation—Siis-Iay Scliojl Cjn-Ttntlon- Godbkich, Jan. 7 -The sohoonor J. G. McGrath, Captain Donald McLeod, arrived here this mcrair«g direot from Windsor, The captsin reports trie river and lake c'e»r of loe. Borirg the passage np the crew were saluted at meny plroes along the river by the ioha'oi-»cr)is, wro lustily cheered and fired guns in honour of the event, •WALL.M!EBTJS<1. Oi>£Bi£g Ol H&TigltlCH. Waxlaceliibo, Jjsii. 6.—The Risers St. and Sydenham are again frce from iso. The steamer MeBtsangor, of Port Limb-tru, arrived on Ttieeday nSgn': front Sjmis, and the -ds Alien artivod this evening from WalktrviHe, the latter ta lo».d wood for VimCr or. The c»p4ain reports vary 115th Ice a St. Oiair. The English Government are giving great attention to the use of explosives with a view of improving the pre«ent system of fog-signals, in order to diminish the risk of shipwreck on the coast. The efiieiency of gun-cotton fired both in trie open el* and in a reflector, In competition with tne ordinary-service muzzle-loading gun, and with a new gun a»-ilgned by the Woolwich authorities, has oeea tested for loudness of report and efficiency 8l manipulation. At far as sound is conoern«<l charges of (run-cotton fired from J parabolic reflector transmitted signals to the greatest distance, such reports having been disticcly heard thirteen miles to the front. Gun-cotton fired in the air and unconflned gave a. good, repc rt. but was, of course, not so loud as witn the refl-ctor A new model experimental gun, witn charces of gunpowder, proved immensely superior over the ordinary twenty four pounder iron howitrar, and more efficient than other guns made for the purposes of signalling. Ttds particular gun is constructed on the principle of a revolver, with five chambers, and four or five reports could be given in rapid succession, a ciremmtanco which, it was consulored, would be useful in establishing a code of sipals depending upon the number of rounds and the Interval* between them. The'Mlt of the owners of the "Jboojor AponflM, v.,t- i , ol Oswego, be ¦ 1J>I „t the defendants The : JwUt of damages sustained by the Mtawatc while entering ' swego in the fall of l^W iea»™ vessellnto pott, it IX very probable that m* case wiUgotptue-CniteiJ '"•rt; _ I October, | trior court to-aay, the iary j The dat*s upon which the Strait,, for the past ten y ars arc as folio vs:— 1887...... .......April -2" 1872............ Anvil 38 1868_____ .......Ap il li 1S73............ .May 1 : 69.. .. ........tpi il 23 April 29 1x70...... ..... May 1 1871...... .......April 1! 1870............ »pril 24 reported as chartered: -For Buifalo, Bchr Amaranth, wheat at 4c; Bchr Nicholson, wheat at 3$c; schr L. Hannah, oats at 2?c. To Chatham, schr Tempest, wheat at 5c. To Kingston, Schr Lotus, corn through. In the afternoon the schr John Miner was taken for 20,(H0 bu wheat at 3jc. The vessel loads at a downtown house The market closed firm at 4c asked, with a good demand from shippers. Miiayaukee, May 5 —Freights quiet and atoady. ¦Wheat to Buffalo, 4c; to Oswego, j\c, Buffalo, May 3.—Charters: —Schr J. O. Thayer, coal, Ashtabula to Sheboygan, 50c per ton, free; schr Thomas parsons, coal, Cleveland to Milwaukee, 50o per ton, free. Detroit, May 5.— Grain freights are dull and ratea are unchanged ; wheat to Oswego, 5c @ 5je per bu. The engagements of yesterday were as follows \— Schr. Adventure, lumber, Alpena to Monroe, at :?l 50 per 1,000 feetTra the rail: schr. Three Bells, lumber, Alpena to Sandusky, at $1 50' per 1,000 feet on the rail; scow Morning Lark, wood, Kock Falls to Detroit, at $1 37i per cord, and a load ol stone from Grindstone City to Sand Beach, at $2 50per cord; acow Hugh Coyne, wood, Sand Beach to Detroit, at $1 25 per cord. All these charters were reported by A K. Dixon. Clkvkland, May 4.—The coal receipts continue very light, and as for charters very few are made, as it is impossible to tell when there will be coal in ftufflatent quantities to load should charters be made. The only charters that could be Uarned yesterday were the sclirs. American and Dewey, oal to Chicago, np town docks at 60c, and sthr. Monterey, down town dock, at 50c, BAT City, May 4.—The reported charter of two ot the Ontonagon's tow at " better than $2 25" should not be taken as an indication that freights are as high as that, as this charter was made some time ago. Two of the Mills' tow get only 81 75 to Tona-wanda. and two others get only §1 50 ; and at this latter figure there.are several other craft now loading at this port. Cswego, N.Y., May 3.- Canal Freights— "Wheat, 6}c, and corn and rye 6c to New York. Lumber rates from Ottawa are as follows :—Burlington, *2 50; "Whitehall, #2 75; Albany, $3 50; New-burgh S3 75; >'«w York, 84, United States currency, being o0 cents tn §1 per M. Ie3i than last season, and from $1 to $0 lower than live years aao. Irixlco Freights. DMB»IT, May 1.—Freights we m quiet as ever, Jio charters reported. vvhea;to Oswego, 6c @ Bic; to Buffalo, 8c; to Cleveland, ljc, free of elevat.on. ¦ CHICAGO, May 1.— Freights on Saturday were inactive and nominal at 3£c asked for oorn to Buffalo. Friday evening the barge Jarvia Lord was enagedfor 33,000 bu wheat through to New York. The through rate to New York by lake and rail is supposed to be about 12c. It is reported that the active movement Pi by rail is likely to receive a check for a few days, M owing to the scarcity of car*, and it ia thought the fact may infuse, some life into lake freights. Milwaukee, May 1.—Freights quiet ana weak. Wheat to Buffalo, 4c. . The schooner G. C. Trumpff cleared from Glasgow-for Montreal on. the 24th ult, wLh a cargo of oil, and by this time niust be well on her way across the big pond. On Sunday night the schooner Thos Onayle upward bound with coal, got aground at the head ot Belle Island. She lies with bow about one foot out. A 'hew steamer is being built at Mill Point for McCuaig & Co., at Messrs. Rathbuns' ship yard. She will be ready to launch early next monta. She is 180 feet keel, 43 teet beam, over all. . . , ; -• , ^__ Th* bark Franz Sigel, -which arrived at Cleveland on Sunday from Buffalo, had a prixe crew on board, made up of Portuguese, Greeks, Turks, and Germans, only one of whom understood English. The captain says that during the trip more and better pantomime was enacted than was ever put upon the boards in any theater, and yet he had not the slightest trouble, as every man understood his business and was a good sailor. Prop&ler Burned. The Canadian propeller Bruno was seriously damaged by fire lastf Thursday night while lying at Chatham. The fire caught aft in the hold, and destroyed the greater part of her uoper works and stern. She will be repaired at Chatham, and will probably, in the course of a week or so, be at. good as ever. Cause of fire unknown. Movement* of the TrnmnfT. The Milwaukee schooner G. C. Trurupff cleared from Glasgow for Montreal on the 24th ult. with a oargo of oil, »nd by this time must be well on her way across the big pond. And, Dy the wav, that reminds us that the Pamlico nas not been chartered for another ocean voyage, all reports u> the contrary notwithstanding, Tbe 4mroton. The wrecked schooner Groton was expected in port last evening, and would probably arrive during the. Mfffc* From Erte- Fpoih Buffalo »n« Brie. To the'Western Associated Press.] BuFrALO,N.Y.,May5,aneruoon.-ThetngH. N. Martin from Cleveland, Wednesday, arrived this noon, the first arrival of the se^on. The propellers and large vessels remain outside the breakwater-v;.nable to gev. through the ice barrier. Commodore P«W« ria*»lilD-I-ower Coal Freight*. Special Telegram to The Inter-Ocean.l Erie Pa., May 10.-Commodore Perry's old flags) Lawrence, was raised to-aay and will be cut and shipped to the Centennial, where it on exhibition in a special building ] grounds. ^ ^^—-i___ ^WTSffADEft No. 2.-This is'the name of S^g-JjbUfc |\ passed Detroit. Saturday morning on the y>a> ior the Straits ot Mackinaw, where she will be engaged in towing raits into Duncan City. She is of the smaller > very perfect and powerful boat for her size, and£. capa- ——MM——WIHI.IIi M I .i III l li Mil 11 M.iMI ¦—BMl -------**-------- FiBSx Sail From Buffalo.—To the schooner B. M. rortch belongs the credit of being the first sail vessel to arrive here from Buffalo this season. She is ble of doing some good work. -•- - and has a cylinder Zix'zl; owned by J. K. Post i. oo, Oswego. SUPERIOR Special Telegram to The Lnter-Ocean.l Mabqcette, Mich., May 15.—There are two propellers and a number of sail vessels outside in the ice. Tney will probably get in during the night. As seen from the docks, one of the propellers appears to be iu trouble. Wind—Northeast; rain. More from Discovered. Special Telegram to The Inter-Ocean.] Holland, Mich., May 25.—An extensive and valuable bed of iron ore has just been discovered here, near the main line of the Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore Railroad, and more accessible than the bed before opened and worked to some extent.

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