Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 48

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liutt'iuilo Notes. Buffalo. Oct. 7.—A ww farry boat named the Nii_ Tvill commence running aerrosa the NUigiira Kiver this afu. -noon, between this city and Fort Erie. She taTea the place , of the uid steamer W A Thmmsoii. which rs to bo aoid. I 11 i\ i f Bktroit, Oct. 7.—The steambarge Kincardine arrived I at Wiudsor, at iimiriisht Thursday, with a can-o of tied on the way to li-jhaio. Early yekerday triortjiii^ workmen V4 begau coantu; her up. Bis tons of coal had been plucL'd on A h=r si.arhuiii-usid:;, and she was wended round to piace the x g remainder of her fuel on thy other side. Sue was at this "¦time badly lis led. and the water wart running in on the ,*starbcard side, the Wok a lurch to starboani. ser.ding bar / /-^ tyld«c!iloL.d mto Hie liver and then lurched to port, after which 0 Ak Plle settled down until the rail aft on the promenade wa-i S I level with the water. Ah ,ut hU ties were lost. She will be IMIOPKXLET Kingston Notes. VIKKXJX, KINGSTON, Oct. 3.—The barley market here is quite active. There i3 such a large supply of the article, bows ever, that, hifrb prices cannot prevail. The Bay of Quinte production is particular!? good and in demand. In the* yVeat enquiries are made for vessels to carry several cargoes to American points, especially Oswego, Hchooner George Thurston is loading 450 tons iron rails for Algoma mills. She sails to-morrow. Easton's barges have arrived from Merrickville with ties. The schooner O'Gorman is loading pine lumber for Oswego* The barge Princess leaves this evening for Montreal with1, 20.UOO bushels of wheat. In the same tow the schooner' Ella Murton, leaves .for Brockville to load iron for Lake Erie. The following vessels have been unloaded at Collins' Bay :¦ Schrs Grantham, Cheboygan, )7,ooo feet pine : banre Ayr, Toledo, I5,ooo ft; barge Annie Craig, Bay City, lo,612 ft oak and pine staves; barge M C Cameron, Bay City, 13,ooo ft timber: barge Cavalier, Bay City, 2o,ooo ft pine, walnut, and ash. Propeller Prussia, from Chicago, has discharged 6,5oo bushels of wheat and proceeded to Montreal. The tug Champion leaves this evening with seven barges carrying 12o,ooo bushels of grain. 225 tons of phosphate, and 127 tons of soap-stone. The Anglo-Saxon has arrived at Garden Island with J timber. She took eight days to run from Port Dalhousie! here -16o miles. Schooner Oliver Mowat is at the foot of Clarenoe**s6reet getting new decks put on her. She will be ready for the grain trade by Saturday. Au important adjustment has just been made in the case of the schooner Pride of America. She sailed from Mil* waukee for Kingston on Autrust lOsh with 21,6jo bushels oi wheat. On the 18th off Erie a gale blew from the north, in consequence of which the vessel laboured hoaviiv, and commenced to leak ; on the 19th she arrived at Port Colborne and lightened 7.500 bushels of her cargo. Again on arrival at Port Dalhousie she lightened 6,ooo bushels. On being docked it wad found that the leak had been occa- I sioned by the oakum working out of a seam uuder the fore I mast. The cargo was damaged to a large extent and a survey ordered. According to the decision the owners get back $1,046 45 out of §1.544 42. Buffalo Notes. Buffalo, Oct. 3.—The new iron steamship II J Jewetfc of this port made the run up to Milwaukee in 3 days and 22 hours, including a'nine hours stop at Cleveland for fuel. She averaged twelve miles au hour without any effort to speak of. The tug Bryant left here for Erie yesterday afternoon with a canal boat load of iniDortml Holstein cuttle bound for Meadville- There were 50 in all, worth about $75,o*0« . The steam barae Johu M Osborne made her first appear-auce in this port this morning with a cargo of grain from Duluth. She was built this season at Marine city and is owned by Morley Brothers of that place. The schooner G 9 Hazard will go into the Union dry-dock for repairs as soon as the new propeller Fr.'sd Mercer, now receiving her wheels, gets out. The engineers of the Gould were adjudged to blame in the collision with the Hazard, and have been dismissed. Detroit -Jottings. Detroit, Oct, 3.—Aleria French, a sailor on board the schooner Lamb, was drowned off Port Huron. Ho fell overboard, and an attempt was made to rescue him, and he was hauledfabout half way up the schooner's side wneu he lost his hold and fell back into the water and sauk. Charters and Freights. Detroit, Oct. 3.—Yesterday's charters were as follows:— ' Schr Mary Lyon, wheat to Buffalo 2jc : Louisa, timber, C.evelaud to Port Metcalfe 355 per thousand cubic feet ; Manzanilla, timber, Toledo to Port Metcalfe .^od- per thousand cubic feet. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 3.—Caoal freights dull and lower. Wheat at 5iiC. corn at ;>}e to New York : lumber to New York at S3 75 from and .»3 to Albany ; staves ,*1 81 higher per ton to New York. Ogoekheiko. Oct. 2.—The schooner Belle Mitchell carries coal between this port and Toledo at »l 20 free. CHICAGO, Oct. 3. —There was a fair amount of business doing yesterday all things considered. The rates to Canadian ports were :—Corn to Midland and Sarnia ljc ; to Walkerville 2c. To Midland—Schr Lilly Hamilton, 22,000 bu com. To Sarnia—tJchx Higgie, 27,000 bu corn. To Walkerville-Schr Skylark. 21,000 bu corn. It may not be generally known that vessels for WsJkerrille can clea* or Detroit The river towing rates have been advanced to last se«(H(«fc "card," taking etfect Saturday hwt. B. >.LO, Oct. 3.-The rate on coal to Chicago¦ u him, with vessels scarce and wanted. OharteM-Sch.J MJP i Paige, coal to Chicago, at bic ; stcamoarge 11 Ala.Ui . -.-i barge Ballantyne and schrs Moore and Savelaud. for Milwaukee, at ;:oi(ig rates. The Hazard's cargo ot wheat was insured (except $7,300) in companies outside the Chicago Ca,rgo Pool. Five hundred bushels were wet, an d the vessel was damaged $5,000. The Atlantic; Mutual is the principal outside company on th e cargo. RThe steamship John B. Lyon, with the schooners John M. Hutchinson, C. J. Wells, and J. G. Moisten in tow, all coal-loaded, are amoug the arrivals. The steamships James Davidson and Kershaw and the schooner James Couch, with irBoes-arealBolnvjorL The new steamship Magnetic was successful! launched at Cleveland Saturday afternoon from the same place Lho Onoko was launched last winter. There was not a hitch to mar the perfect success of the occasion. After the launch Captain J. D. Mullen, her master, entertained number of: his friends at lunch. The Magneth is an exact duplicate of the Specular, which wa* also built by Presley <fc Co. for the Republic Iro: Company, and was launched about three weeki ago. The keel is 260 feet long, over all 2/5 feet beam 38 feet 5.inches, and hold 21^ feet. T is the fifth boat Presley & Co. have built for tno Republic Iron Company, and when it is said she is the equal of her predecessors, her superior Qualities are not overestimated in tha least. bhe cost about $80,000. which wax ... She will be laden, from jfisaiiiaba to Cleveland, sprnn-imp*. The 70c: prop J Pridgeon Jr. to Chicago at 70c : prop Nevada i a leak and stopped here fpr wen to work the on bulk salt to Chicago p. t. ; Bchr E R Williams coal to Toledo' tuj; Merrick departed with her in tow toMiight. at 25c. . *Jiij>t Fred Mcminau was in Detroit last niyht with soma DETROIT, Oct. 5. — Yesterday's charters were as follows:— -. specimens of the cargo of the steamer St Catharines, v, \1;:-h Schrs Blazing Star, wheat to Oswego 5c : Chicago and W H.' was sunk two years ago in Lake UuronyTSj feet, by tha Bounds, wheat to Buffalo SJo ; New Dominion, lumber, -.stwamimr^e -Marsh. ihe sunken steamer was IrtUen with Amlu.vstl>mg to BnffalO §1 75. . , 4* to WO batten of porter, 50 cases of gtn, and 100 eaaes of Chicago. Oct. 5.— Tha schrs Arabia and K J McVea Uk» brandy, ail UtliKirted. Jei Bros, bought the wreck and corn to Midland at one three-fourths cents. caryo ior ij2,Q0O, and paid Captain &t*rriuuta *<J,0UJ to raise ¦ -'JfiU'UlWIitl'IH!.....'""¦ Additional news has. been, received of the dama»e to the ¦.:sooner U ;S Hazard off Rondeau harbour a few night! As the Jay Gould approached toe" Hazard she in Isome manner refused to obey the captain's signals, and in-. . si ?wiufE up or backing as she came near thd i::>.:/. u-d n'iie cashed into her, at a gopd speed, striking her i fore and naiu masts, abreast the keeloos. : on that s*de wafe broken from rail to bilge, her :leck planks ware started, and tho starboard side was forced (outward. The schooner began leakinc, and in ten minutes made eight Inches of water. Capt. Fletcher took vi^oroua s'.'!.-, to save the vessel, and succeeded admirably. Canvas „':nvM mtiier her bottom, and boarde, nails, oakuio, anil tallow used to stop the leaks. The work was done so well thafcthe vessel leaked only one inch per hour on the way down. Slu discharged 54,434 bushels of dry wheat at ;. , -..n, wetting only 516 "bushelSj The damage to the l.r^rd amounts to §4,00J or §5,000. The Gould was not Blazhis Scar, Captain John Hurley. a ^*i...... mm*****' CTwcago N'oi DETROIT, Oct. 4.—The new tug Beatrice, built by Wm ¦(¦Donald, in hip shipyard at Wallaceburg, for John Gmeen i (^o., of London, has been launched, She is suvonely built, has a line model, and is a credit to her hii|)li1rTi ...... t,iiiiiimi -ii ii i ' ' '— "" "' * *'Jluie damage to the steam barge Tempest by her colliVon witththeRoseoberstQwis very serious and the coat of re-paiirs will be heavy. It is stated that the Bosoobel will be lilitelled. Many disinterested people maintain, however, th;ut the Bosoobel was not in the least to blame, fchar, she v/ai-s blowing her screech tuue at tho time of the accident, amd that the officers oi the tempest knew it was a tow, butt that tney made a miscalculation as to how long the tow waa, how fast the Boscobel was moving, and how last this Tempest was moving. ._ _ _^__——WBWR^Lsjr J.11I yUlloouei the run from Detroit to Kingston in four days. Kingston Notes. Kingston. Oct. 6.—(Special).—Arrangements have been made for the re-erection of Richardson's storehouse. The building will have a capacity for 80,000 bushels of loading stone for Charlotte at Ports- KisCfUaneons.' ,he coi/ra .Tex Brothers of Port Huron have taken the .oiler and engine o t the tug ^a/lower at t^'cil ¦"•'¦¦' 'avi.hf sailors on the vessels which are cm their Wd'Vwu't!..... Chicago will make WOWthwrthe owners. The h.igo was 15 d..ys in coming down. Hex wages GraTn^cTrglJinsuranee rates from Detroit have beene* bablifthed at 50 cents to Buffalo, 8U cents to Lake Ontario, and ¥1 2oto Montreal. The propeller Albion is on dock at Port l>«'ho'lf;'i;.-,;t;.,"f caulKftX The prop.Ucr LU, "T'^Smtrea" ing and went to St. OatUarines to load hour tor ,;treal ;.; , hai were lying here in harbour wind-bound lett this afternoon. BI3ASTEBS. Special Telegram to Tho Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., Oct. 4.—The schooner C. H. Burton went ashore light on Bock Island Reef last night. The tug Owen went to her assistance at 8 o'clock this morning. The capcaiu thinks she can be nulled on* without injury to the vessel. (Special Teleprram to The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 4.—More lumber was washed ashore at Bay View to-day. The mystery connected with the floating lumber is still unsolved. No vessel has been reported as losing its deck-load. It is thought to be Oconto lumber. PHEIGHTS. Grain freights were uncnansed, ruling at 2^0 wheat, and 214u corn to Buffalo. Charters were as follows: to bujtat.o. Bushels. Propeller Scotia, wheat....................55,000 Schooner M. W. Page, wheat..............00,000 Propeller Arabia, corn....................30,000 TO EP.IE. Propeller Annie Young, wheat............30,000 Propeller Lehigh, oats.....................30,000 Propeller Lehigh, flaxseed................25,000 TO MIDLAND. Schooner Rising Star, corn...............18,000 TO COIiLIXOrWOOD. Schooner Pewaukee, corn..................22,000 TO SARNIA. Propeller Toledo, corn.....................25,000 Lumber rates were yesterday quoted as follows: Muskegon to Chicago.....................$1.50 Grand Haven to Chicago.................. 1.50 Manistee to Chicago...................... 1.871s Ludington to Chicago.................... 1.75 Frankfort to Chicago..................... 2.00 Menominee to Chicago................... 2.00 Oconto {on the rail) to Chicago........... 2.00 Point St. Ignace to Chicago............... 2.0Q Cheboygan to Chicago.................... 2.00 Aipena to Chicago.....................,... 2.25 fcpecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 4.—Coal freights quiet; rates continue firm at 65 cents to Chicago. Engagements—Schrs Michigan, A. E. Nicholson. The schr G. S- Hazard is stripped and has been towed to her winter mooring. The schr Bay 'tate takes coal to SneboyKan at 80 cents. i yood tea. Chicago. Oct. 3.—The proneller Canada, of the New England Line, Captain Mcfliften, leaWes this evening tor Collingwood with I8,ooo bushels of corn, and passengers. The prevailing winds are from the east-south-east, and they have been from that quartor a week or more. The schooner Hoboken came in yesterday ooon with a cargo of puviusostunes from Grindstone Island, StLawrenoe River. These stones polish like granite. The schooner Skylark. Captain Councer, left yesterday afternoon for Walkerville, with bushels of corn. He says the sailors everywhere are demanding$2 f>0, and he would have to concede their terms. During the past quarter forty-oue pilots and captains were examined ¦>¦. c this port bv the surgeons in charge of the Marina Hospital for colour-blindness, all of whom successfully passed the tests put to theni. Charters am'. Freights. •Chicago, Oct. 3.— The following charters were made yajsterday : -To Collingwood? Prop Canada. bu corn. To Ogdensburg, schr Annie VoUfnt, 45,ooo bu corn. Kingston, Oct. 4. —Schr Maggie Muir uow iu harbour is chiiu-tared to carry coal from Oswego to Chicago at $1 20 per torn. Jno Dacey has chartered the Pinafore to take SOO teJlegrapn pules to Oswego at 20 and 25 cents according to leuigth . StiRTROIT, Oct. 4.—Schr Senator Blood takes, wheat to Bmffaio lit 2jc per bushel. Buffalo, Oct. 4.—Coal freights are firm at 65c to Chicago and Milwaukee. Vessels are scarce. Charters—Schrs But State to Cbeuoygan 80c, Annie Sherwood and Schuyli kill t" Chicago6 Jc : prop J M. Osborne, Ashtabula to Fort-. age 72c. ittiseellaneous. Sailors'wages through the Welland Canal have been adi vanced to $2. Work on the Murray Caual has been totally suspended for lack of workmen. The work will be begun at the eastern euJ . " An Old Salt" writes :—In following the investigation respecting the sad Loss of the Asia, the suggestion of providing cedar rafts commends it3elf to every practical mind. Of course those rafts would have strong lines built in them that parties could hold on by. Another suggestiou, and to me a practical idea, is that from the day rsach iteamer leaves the wharf at least one boat daily should »e *¦> down over the side in order to keep the blocks and j&jfctys in running order. Detroit Jottings. Detroit, Oct. 5.—The schooner Mocking Bird has not yet been released by the tug Leviathan, althoui deiu.1 of pulling has been d'.uie. The tug Merrick went to the relief of the schr Kingniher, on Tuesday. The Kingfisher is now in harbour at Cheney* gau'in a leaky condition a:id will be towed to Frankfort. IJniralo Notes. Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 5.—The schooner Q S Hazard lias beau stripped. She will he repaired at the convenience of tlie Union Ship Yard. This is the iirst vessel going into winter quarters at this port. The new anchor line elerator will commence work to-day. andthe propeller Clarion will be the first bo ¦ ¦ its stationary leg, The uot yel :- ' running shape. Tha honse has a capacity of C.9j but only about half that capacity is now ready tor its >, / David Bell is putting the Brushing touches on his n/,v wooden bu* and uhe will b'.t rea ty for Her hull was built by Oapt. 8*1 u ftibfii model aud staunch oonabruetiou. Her 1 r all is feet, beam 1G feet, hold $ feet. She has a 2o by S3 Inch engine, and a half inch iron boiler. 7 by IS test- The en-. due and boiler are of Mr. Bell's own make. The tug is on the market. Her COit is about $lot5oo, The Canadian schr Josephine loading With tics fro:n Stokes' Bay for Buffalo encountered a gale a1 head of the lake and leaked 5 feet of Water, She arrived this : . In tow of tug Champion wi'„h no I ..s. o. ¦ i Capt Henry Savage of schr Redwing ha; retired from the lakes to ro fanning. He is succeeded by Capt N Hoover K H French of Fulton, i«J Y, has heuu awarded the con-« tract for doing the dredging work in Maiuuue Bay under thw last appropriation. Tiie entrances and clearances were unusually large tosday. The arrivals from Toledo alone being ItJJ.ouo bush Tlie schr Nollie Gardner is receiving a §4oo repair at ii. Mills i, Co's. consisting of toremast. jibboom, iind bowsprit. Kingston Kotos. Kingston, Oct. 5.—The Magnet has been laid up. The steam barge Caroline is receiving repairs "on Davis Dock. The Ontario and Richelieu Company are now running a tri-weekiy line. The steamer Alexandra has discontinued her trips from Trenton to Montreal. The schr B W Foiger has arrived from Oswego with 100 tons of coal for Swift- Trie schooner Julia is reported inwards from Oswego light. 'Cue schooner Fillmore ha3 sailed from Charlotte w*t' iroai and lath.-, The schooner Acacia in leaving harbour to-day sailed close to shore aud struck the Martello Tower. She waa ,t damaged. The following have discharged their cargoes at Col is Bay :—Barge Clyde. 14,104 feet of pine lumber, aud barge Grimsby, 15,643 feet do., from Sault Ste. Marie. Forwarders think the bottom is out of the trade and are laying no V**irbarres.' "'«.......mumMmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmBmmm** Capt Donnelly, Superintendent of the Dominion Wrecking Company, has received a telegram fro .. 0 S Wilson of Picton asking if the eugiue,boiler3,shafts,anchor.caVes end other materials of the steamer Pictou (wrecked at. it ,nd eau Point) can be taken to Mt Catharines. Capt Donnelly declined the contract, which promised to be so exounsive and attended by so much danger. • *"¦ m inn B(Mlr(8H%a& FrelghtsT BUJ8T Saginaw, Oct. 5.—Lumber freights are dull and slow, with no prospect of advaneiru". Charters-barge Rudolph and barge Wolverine to Cleveland at .- ¦ Barges D H Keys to Black River at ¦-;! 7."*: C \7 We-; Ida Carling to fonawanda at fri ; J Macdougall to Buffalo at $3:ECoh3ii to Tonav.'aud:i at -j : Sa ¦ aw to Toledo at $1 75: C U Meisel au<l Wiseahickou to Cleveland at ; BiUFFALO. Oct. &.-Coal freichts are 5c higher Char-tew—Schrs B A Georges and Ixeihe Gardiner bo Chicago at grai The schr Eureka mouth. The steamer Alexandria is still running, but not on regular time. The schr White Oak, from Fairhaven, with 233 tons of coal, is at Swift's. The schr Annandule, from Charlotte, ihas delivered 407 tons of coal for R Crawford, and the schr Wen-bird brought slabs from Deseronto for Rathbuu & Co. fund is now loading ties for Oswego. I Late arrivals are the schr Emma from Chaumout and the tug Hiram Easton aud barges from Cape Vincent. The ¦ barge Otonabee from Portland with 125 toise of soapstone i arrived at the Montreal Transportation Company's wharf \ to-day. The schrs Singapore and Edward Blake are loading ore, the former for Fairhaven and the latter for Big Sodus. Both get 40c per ton, a low rate, but vesselmen are glad to accept it, because they cannot do better. To-morrow the Kingston and Montreal Forwarding Co. will lay up five bargee, and iu a day or two several crafts of the Montreal Transportation Co. will t'o into ordinary. Companies ace no prospect of a revival of trade, and muse of course reduce expenses. The prospect of the shipping business is earnestly canvassed by mariners. Opinion seems to be agreed that there will be a Hue opening next spring, that the grain now in stock and accumulating must be moved, and a perfect rush is expected, D. Campbell shipped from Wellington this season two cargoes of barley, 7,ooo bushels to Oswego by schr C Gear* lug and bushels to Chicago by prop Argyle. Detroit. Jottings. Dt-itroit, Oct. 6.—A despatch from Manistee says :— "The steamer Sanborn, running between here and Ludington, white attempting to enter struck the pier, knocking the boiler eight place, bursting the steampipe, and drowning the engineer, Albert Hicks. It is supposed that Hicks attempted t< escape from the steam, and as soon as he stepped on tin wharf fell overboard. The body was recovered this rnorir ing, and wil;l be forwarded to his home at Grand Haven, He leaves a wife and three children." / At Alpenat the steamer Metropolitan backed up agains and deliver her at Por.- Huron, which wa* done on Monday last. The cargo escaped duty by being submerged two years. The tug Owen Darted her lines but failed to release the schooner Burton ashore on Fisherman's Litre*, south-east of Rock Island. She is two lengths on hi. ¦ ut about a foot and a half aft She is apparently not it.j .. -1. hut lies in a very dangerous place, aud it will be diJficu.t m release her. The master has telegraphed for the wrecking tu Omthan. The barye Theodore Perry arrived in Toledo ...«;u Port Huron ou Tuesday. Uu her way over she couun-jk-v! leaking, making it necessary for tho watch on deck u> ¦-main constantly at tho pmnps. A sailor named Henry Clark timed her with his watch, coutrary. as the mate claims, to his orders, and the mate followed him below and kicked him so severely in the stomach as to produce double hernia. Clark waa removed to the police statk.n suffenug terribly, where he swore out a warrant for the arrest of the mate, whose name is James MoLaiu. Charters and Freights. Buffalo, Oct. 7.—Coal freiehta steady :.pwH> Mlqnea* polia, coal to Milwaukee, at 70c : schrs Sweetheart. raii3 to Duluth, $1 25 per ton free : C B Benson, coal to Detroit. at 26c, Dk.troit. Mich., Oct. 7.— The following are yesterday« charters :—Schooners Krie Belie, lumber, Victoria Harbour to Windsor: at $2 : W H Oa^les and Jura, wheat to Buifalo, at 2ic ; Uuadilla, wheat. Toledo to Buffalo, at 2ic : s^eaimi barge Erin and consort Maggie, wheat to Kingston, at 6ie, Wind ami Weather. Port Dalhousie:. Oct. 7. C p.m.—Thermometer 6S dag. Wind south-west. Weather fair. Deseronto, Oct 7, 6 p.m. — Thermometer, 6S deg. Wind west, velocity 4 miles au hour. Weather fair. Miscellaneous. TheWellandRailway elevatorjat Port Colborne was closed on Saturday for the season. The prop California arrived at Port Dalhousis from Toronto on Saturday morniuz. She goes on dry-dock for re« The schooner Gleniffer, laden with oak timber from To« ledo, ran ashore above South Bay Point in the fog on Saturday. Calvin's wreokmn tug John A HJaodonaUl went to her assistunce and succeeded in getting heroif and towed her safely to Garden Island. The schooner A B Norris passed Port Huron bound down Tuesday afternoon in cow of the tug Tulbiirg bound for Cleveland. The schooner ran ashore on Korth Fox-Thursday morning, and was in that position until 4 p.m. Friday. She was pUllc-d off by tne tug Kellogg who get3 $1,200 for the job. Captain T. Donnelly, of the Canadian Wrecking Com-* pany. pays Commissioner Keith, of Cape Vincent, a high compliment. He says that he is not only an efficient officer, but gives Canadian craft full justice. The wreaking earns pany are wed pleased with the treatment they received at hieago Ins*(r-»Oce»n.-" Th-- 5teambj.igc Kin card in the boat was swung around to load the other side. This c move had just been completed and the vessel secured to the I wharf, when suddenly without any warning, she lurched I outward and shipped a large quantity of water. She then.; rolled.-back toward the- dock and sank till the top of the cabin was level with the wharf, ami she now lies in this j . position full of water. The greater portion of the crew] the revenue cutter George M BtyX). and had considerable' were ,,H:e£.u at the time and they barely escaped with .their of her stern Ibulwarks smashed in. The Bibb waa scratched*} i;Ves up some. BWdjIya. . W ' ¦ The propeller Missouri was aground on Tobins' reef, near-Prentis, a short time ago.but wopked off with the assistance of her barge. The schooner C H Burton went ashore ou Rock Island reef on Wednesday night. The tug Owen nas gone to re« lease her. Tho SeaHOii's Operations. The season of navigation is not supposed to close until the 15th of November, when the ordinary insurances expire. It is, however, near a termination : for some craft it is over, and they have gone into ordinary. The books of many vessels now will fail to inspire jubilation. There has been a late spring and an early fall in a shipping sense, and during the brief period that active operations were carried ou the freights have not been such as to admit of much margin. It is stated that in not a few cases there will not be a credit balance of one dollar, and that those who have a made more than their expenses will require an outlay in e 18S3. in outfitting, far in excess of their surpluses. The \ present depression has been anticipated. Already the effects of it have been demonstrated, aud the schooners are one by one now going into winter quarters. Charters aud Freights, Detroit Oct 6.—The following charters were reported yesterdav :—Schrs Bangalore, wheat to Montreal on private terms : Harry Bissell, wheat to Buffalo, at 2Jc ; Abbie L Andrews, wheat to Buffalo, at 2Jc ; Louisa, pulp wood. Cross Village to Buffalo, ga for the cargo. Buffalo. N.Y., Oct. 6,—Lake freights unchanged. Canal freights higher. Wheat at 6c, corn at 5ic to New York: lumber to New York at $3 35 per M, and $2 75 to Albany. Staves at §1 81i per ton to New York. Miscellaneous. The mystery concerning where the lumber washed ashore at Hay View came from still remains unsolved, as no reports have been received from any port of any vessel arriving minus its deck loads. A prominent vessel-owner in Chicago expresses the opinion that but few owners of sailing vessels will be able to figure out a profit on this season's business, and many will come out in debt. Detroit insurance agents have adopted the following cargo rates:—To B'urfalo 5Uc : to Lake Ontario ports SOc ; and to Montreal $1 20. This rate is fur B 1 vessels ; 111 per cent. on A vessels. The suit of Finney et ah, owners of the schooners George C Finney, Gallatin, and Mary Collins, against the Grand Trunk Railway to recover damage for delaying those vessels for ten or twelve days at Goderich in 1878, is on trial before Judge Blodgett in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. The complainants claim that the expenses of the vessels during the time they were delayed in discharging their cargoes at Goderich exceeded the amount received as freight money. SOTTTHEKLY BLOW. FAILURE Ot THE SIGNAL SEBVICE. AU day yesterday the wind blew biff guns j from the south, and it is feared that disasters will be heard of as tho result. The barce tows are all behind time, and a fleet of vessels known to be outside have not made their appearance. Tu?s which secured tows down the lake had to drop them because they could make no headway against the wind and sea. Last nieht the wind was south and west, but had moderate! in a great measure. The rain had ceased and the nifrht was cl*ar, with the stars shining brightly. The storm signal service in Chicago is keeping up the disgracefui record made last season. Just when the storm was over last, evening the signal was hoisted. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. GARDEN Island, Ont., Oct, S.—The schooner Glemffer, laden with oas timber from Toledo, ran ashore above South Bay Point in the to** yesterday. Calvin's, wrecking tug John A, Mo-Donald went to her assistance and succeeded in netting her off, and towed her safely to Garden Inland. ...... ". •¦ ¦*¦•*»! ftipecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. > Escanaba, Mich., Oct 8.—Yesterday morning at 7 o'ciock the Andy Johnson and wrecking tug. Leviathan commenced uu;iing on the schooner C. P. Burton, ashore on Fisherman's Shoal, and worked Dili dark, but wereunauTe to pud her offi and sue is now iu four lengths, with tho sann depth ot water inside that thefe is outside. Thi morning the sea waa running so heavy that Lb' boats could not assist ber. The Leviathai came in for coal. Tiie Johnson and Leviatha wi 1 return aud commence work as soon as tn I weather wih permit. It rained hard all da- ! Vviad northeast. DISASTERS. i/ Special Telesram to The Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., Oct. e.—The propeller M. M. Drake, towins the schooner Alice B.'Norris, loaded with ore, went ashore on North Fox Island at 2 o*ciock a. m. during the heavy storm of Thursday morning, Oct. 5. The steambartw R. P. Ranney discovered the boats asho»e and went to their assistance. The Drake was out two feet forward, and had jettisoned 150 tons of ore. The Norris jettisoned 100 tons. The Ranney pulled on the Drake from 2 p. m. till 12 midnight, when Bhe released her. The captain thinks the Drake can release tho Norris boats in good condition. Wind southwest, light. Rain-iug. , ^mmmmmmi mi iwiili—.......»;.—^ .' ""."¦ Captain Edward Van Dalson's new tug-ethe I hull, at least—will arrive here from Saugatuck, I where she was built, in a few days. The builder I is James Elliot, aud he has done his work well. The new boat is 57 feet keel, 14 feet beam, and 7 feet hold. She is about the same model as the new tuu' Roller, ot! South Chicago, oniy that the stern is lowered considerably. Sue will have tue engine of the present Martin Ureen, and a ;eel boiler. ^i^i,———r mtn^iJ s ne-rr tug Pilot did not leave for Escanaba Saturday. She will probably no today. Captain George Bartley, son of Captain Hartley, of the Owen, has charge. Now style (with the mew allowance), she measures about 14 tons: old setyie, about 31 tons. FINE VESSELS STRANDED. ^ THE NEW STEAMSHIP DRAKE—SCIIOOXERS NOK-lilS AND BURTON. The schooner A. B, Norris, which went ashore in tow of the new steamship M. M. Drake, wns still on at last accounts, but will be. rescued. Many friends of the master of the Drake sympa-thize with him m meeting with disaster on the first trip of the new craft. The Drake is not damaged to any extent that is known of, but both she and the Norris jettisoned cargQS. Tha schooner C. H. Burton was still on Fishermen's Reef at last accounts. The Norris measures G28 tons, is valued at Hr2i5,oOO, and classes A 2. She is owned by Wolf <fe Davidson, of Milwaukee. The C. H. Burton, measures 515 tons, is valued at $19,000, and rates A 2. W. Crowi, of Cleveland, is the owner. The Drake was pulled off by the Ranney. She is brand new, and is on her maiden trip. Her value is abous *V5,O00 and she rates A 1. Captain Green, of Buffa.10, is the owner. AU three of thesse vessels are insured in the Hull Pool. ^w*vb»!» !¦» <ft,'-v^w,^jT..; 7i||„. SIMMS' Byrnes, seaman, died at th'eT'Warinffl Hospital on Saturday of tiuick consumption. The tue Roller, of South Chicago* broke her wheel, and comes here to put on a new one of thy Philadelphia pattern. Captain Lewis, of tho new steamshiD M. U Drake, was formerly in tho propeller Pridireon and other craft plyimer to Cafcago. The schooner KimsrnAber. iron ore loaded, was picked up by the tujg MerricK iu leaking condition. an/1 wilt tow tiiirough to Fairport. Tue nicago, Russiia, aud R. A. Packer arrived ou Siiiifrdiiv aud thus Portage, Jay Gould, Van-derbilt, and Phiaeass S. Harsh came in yeator-; day. A probable murcder was committed near ! Twen yesterday, a yountr man a former marine engineer, ouuug man named Connors in region ......i¦.., Sue locai cuiumn.

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