Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 56

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¦¦? m AUKS. THE HASIBUEG-AMEEICAN PACKET 00.'S STEAMER "HERDER. The Oliver Mbwat and HerbertDudley lay windbound at Four-Mite Point yesterday. The former is bound for Charlotte with ore, and the latter for Windsor with rye. The schr White Oak is loading ore for Fairhaven at 50c, an increase of rive.cents. She will bring back coal at 30c. Captains complain of the light at Nine-dVlile Point. The good light has been removed, and a dim one pub in its place. 1 Mariners Shoal, at South Bay, is buoyed. It is very dan* gerous to those not acquainted with the locality. Buffalo Notes. Buffalo, Nov. 15.—The barge Montgomery will lay up on arrival here. Mr. S. L. Watson has placed the schrs Watson and Van* derbilt in winter quarters at Cleveland. The stiff westerly winds continued yesterday, and upbound vessels were obliged to wait a little longer. The prop James Fisk, Jr., which sailed shortly before noon, was the only craft leaving port. The prop-* Montana, Scotia, and Morley started out on Monday night, but the latter two rau back after an experience of five or six hours. The Montana pluckily kept on her way. A despatch from W. O. Fitzgerald, of Port Huron, last nifjht brought the welcome news that Captain Edward Fitzgerald was safe in New York, and was coming home. He had been missing since the night of Oct. 27. when he left his vessel, the strain barge W II Itanium, at this port. The many vessel men in port will bo glad to hear of the captain's safety. The schr Gleniffer, which went on a reef at the mouth of Niagara River, just off the bend in Bird Island pier yester" di^. is iu about six feet of water, and there is not much in her hold. She seems to belying easy, and will likely he lightered off to-day. Detroit Jottings. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 15,—The s s Escanaba, which was aground in Lake St Clair, was released yesterday by the tug Champion. On and after November 15th the two red lights marking the entrance to the north gap of the harbour of refuge at Sandbeach will be discontinued. The name of the schooner that went ashore on the Whale's Back in Green Bay the other night is the M J Wilcox. She was released without any material damage. The propellers Arctic, Arizona. Winslow, and Myack, of the Lake Superior Transit Line, and the Osceola, of the Wards Line, will be the last to leave for Lake Superior. LOST OFF CAFE BACE, OCTOBER 9rH lali'Lorn am. r-reiguis. Detroit. Mich., Nov. 16.—No charters were reported here yesterday. Buffalo, Nov. 16.— There is not much coal offering, but owing to the scarcity of vessels rates are firm. The only chartex reported is the schooner Donaldson, for coal, to Chicago at $1. The propeller Cuba took out 7,Soo barrel of salt, for Chicago. Kingston Xotes. Kingston, Nov. 16.—(Special.)—One hundred tows left Khigstfcon this season. They averaged about 9o,ooo bushels of graim. The propeller Shickluna arrived with bushels of wheat.. The schooner Jessie Scarth, from Toronto, will take ore to Charlotte, thence coal to Hamilton, where she will pro* bably lay up. The tu^s Hiram Calvin and Traveller are on the way from Montreal to Kingston with seven of the K. & M. Co.'s barges, all of which will be hud up here. This Company did this season the worst business for fourteen Years, falling short l,225,ooo bushels as compared with last year. I Some of them will make round trips, and some will go J Lalie Superior. intfi ivintcr niia.r(j>ia n.t. cmn a T.^iliu SiiiiBT-ini1 unrt. ' 'Vi. .-. r. ),.., .r, .-.r- VARIOUS PORTS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 10.—Matters marine were dull to-day. Few crate either arrived, or cleared. Arrived from Chicago — Props Commodore, Tacoma, "VV. H. Barn am. Cleared for Chicago—Prous Dean Richmond, mdse; H. J. Jewett, mdse; sebrs A. M. Peterson, 1,300 *ona coal; Porter, 1,400 tons coal; E. A. Nicnoisou, 1,300 tons coal. The bartres R. N, Rice and Plymouth have gone into winter quarters at this port. Cajptain Malcolm Stallcer has so far recovered from his late sickness as to be able to leave his be r tin. Tnifi Canadian schooner Glenifer is still on the rockiii at Bird Island Pier. The worJc of lightering affiill continues. Th e propeller James Davidson is loading with coal at $3 per ton at Prince Arthur's Landing, ,nto winter quarters at some Lake Superior port. The schooner Tempest, arrived at Chicago, reports that she lost a man overboard while off Summer Island. His name is Charles Wilson, or it is supposed to be. He was knocked over the starboard side by the main-boom Every effort was made to save him, the crew throwing planks and rope to him, but he was unable to swim, and though he (taught hold of the rope he seemed to be so much fright* ened and weak that he let go his hold and sunk An Amherstburg despatch of last night says that the props Commodore, Conemaugh, and steam barge Escanaba are waiting about the Limekiln Crossing for the weather. The prona Wissahickon, Rochester, Minneapolis, and Tacoma, and steam barge Robert A Parker, all of which were detained since yesterday, got over safely to-day. The water at the Crossing is U feet 8 inches deep. The schr Argo sank at White's wharf last night with a part load of stone, which was being put on. The crew were all saved, , Buffalo Notes. Bdffalo, Nov. 16. —Nearly all sail vessels are shipping their crows by the trip. Wages at all the ports now are 83 56 per day. The propeller John O Gault, of the Waubash Line, has cleared for Milwaukee with35,2oo bushels of barley. The Jewett made the run down from Chicago in 72 hours and 5 minutes, which is very fast time, undoubtedly the best on record. Tug Anna J* Dorr broke her shaft while going down Niagara River last night, and was lying along side Fletcher's furnace this forenoon. Captain M Cook, of the schooner Levi Rawson, was knocked down on Maiii'-streot last night by a man who in-tended to rob him. The schooner Gleniffer, which went on Bird Island Reef on Monday afternoon, is stili on, aud it is reported that she is in bad shape. Part of her careo of lumber whs taken off yesterday, but all efforts to release her were ineffectual. This morning a steam pump and another lighter were taken out to the vessel. Her bottom is reported badly crushed. Detroit Jotting;*. Detroit, Nov. 16. —The officers of the prop City of Ludington report that the schr City of Toledo stranded on Tuesday evening at Manistee while trying to make the harbour. She cau be rescued without difficulty or great expense. During the thick weather on Saturday night the schr George Dpusman was run into by a three-and-after off' Chex UOPgan, and besides having her main sail torn had the small boats carried away from the davits, and probably demolished. The name of the colliding vessel was not learnt. The removal of the buoys from Detroit River will be j commenced to-day. Nov. 1G. | The schr J D Sawyer, lying at Division-street, Chicago, ; was run into by the prop Lawrence, and had her stern ! damaged to the extent of $390. The Lawrence also sus-! tained slight damage. The new tug Beatrice, recently built at Wallaceburg, Ont., arrived yesterday. Her model is very neat, and her general appearance handsome. She has the machinery of tiie: old tug Heaver. The large three-masted scow Grace Amelia left for Rondeau to bring up the contents of a good sized wood yard at SI 35 per cord. The propeller Conemaugh and schooner George Murray are still detained at the Crossing. The Conemaugh has been here since yesterday, and will bo lightered over if the water does not rise. The water is now 15 feet 10 inches, Miscellaneous. Ore is frozen on the docks and in the cars at Escanaba. U3 Seamen's wages at Chicago now stand at $3 50 per day, but the men have the privilege of shipping by the trip. The following new rates tor grain cargo insurance out of Chicago went into effect at six o'clock Tuesday evening :— To ports on Georgian Hay, i*2 : to ports on Lake Huron, Sarnia, and Detroit River, $1 50: to ports on Lake Erie, $2 : to ports on Lake Ontario, $2 50 : to Ogdensburg, $2 75 : to Montreal, S3 50 : all net, aud 10 per cent, on B 1 vessels. The grain trade, according to a Kington paper, has ceased. During the year the insurance companies have had no losses to cover in the importation service between Kingston and .Montreal. The way in which the grain has been handled shows that the barges are iu good repair. A steam pump will be sent up to the prop St Louis, . which is at Houghton in a leaking condition. It will be j shipped on the prop Arctic. No particulars could be learn* j ed of the St Louis' condition or the cause of her leakini?. j. The Dry-dock Company, says the Owen S; onnd " Adver-i User," having finished the Atlantic, have now taken a con* ] tract to build another propeller, and have already com* ¦ menced work on her. The new boat will be one hundred \ arbieighfcy feet over all, and will be hrst-elasa in every re-1 spect. The schooner Otuiiabee arrived here on Monday \ with a load of oak from Dresden, which will he used in the ] construction of the new boat, which is to be ready to sail iu i May next. mU>? insured. Tne ve-sse; will of robust .^. he bWWUW! Jarvis huid was cliaiiered to- The steamer Oregon has gone into dry-dock with, two buckets of her propeller broken. She will lay ud here for the winter. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., Nov. 10.—Arrived and in Port- Stmrs Keweenaw, Flora, Dahlia. Michigan, and schr F. B. Gardner. Snowing hard. Wind east, fresh. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Erie, Pa.. Nov. 16.—Sailed for Toledo—Prop Saee. For Buffalo- Prop Wisaachiokon. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. South Chicago, Nov. 10.— Arrived—Prop Minnesota, Escanaba, 1,325 tons of ore for the North uhicauo Rolling Miil Company; echr Bessie Boalt, Thompson's Pier, 85,000 ft lumber. Cleared—Schr Bessie Boalt, Chicago, light. Milwaukee, ma". No v. lk—James'^heriffsV / of this city, to-day contracted with the owners" / of the steainbartre Geo. Burnham for the com-pouddintr of the Burnham's engine. The present owners of the Burnham purchased her two years ago, and during the winter of 187'2t3 she was built aud received new boilers. Owing to defect in her machinery, the cost of running the Burnnam per mile during tne present season has been §1.60. Mr. Sheriffs claims he can re-e runuintr expenses 50 per ceju __Cherry, of ChTcU^b',"matfS«in2 the steam bares G. i. Truesdeli, recently released from tne beach at Nort.i Port, and now in drydock at this port, arrived in tne city to-day, and made a satisfactory settlement with the Boston Marine Insurance Company, in which tne Trues- SCENE OF THE DISASTER.— SEE PAGE 135. The steambargo S. C. Hall, recently on liacine reef, is in port. A largo ouaui-ity oi her lumbar was lost, Messrs. Collins and Hicks, of Picton, the new owners of the ateambarge Norman, are building' a large steauibarKe. Leroy Wescofct yesterday took charge of the little steamer Dayan. She has been sold, and.' goes to Menekj.u:tee. It was claimed Last evening that the tus Hood V had beaten tne new tug Crawford in a race on i , the iake for a tow*. Tne Hoou must have had a^ ' big start in advance. ¦-* Charters am! Freights. DETROIT, Nov. 17. —The schooner II Boss takes lumber from Sand Point to Toledo at 25c over Bay City rates. Bc"FPALO, Nov. 17.—Ooiii freights are dull and vessels scarce. Charters—Pro-is Tacoma, Siberia, R A Pucker, and schr Mootaufe, to Chicago at SI : schr Republic, cedar ii' ;-, 'sVirinwaiida to Amherstburg, ar, 6c each. Detroit, Nov, 17.—The schr G-uido Ptister has been chartered at Duluth to carry 42,000 bushels wheat to Burn falo, at 4ic per bushel. The tine steamship Thos W Palmer is at Escanaba with her consort, the Ogarita. The two are loading for Cleveland, and it is expected the Palmer will go to Chicago agaiu this fall. Kingston Xotes. KINGSTON, Nov. 17.-(Special.)—Only 1.C66 cubic feet of stone have been removed so far from Point Frederick shoal. It will be necessary to take away 19,729 feet before 15 feet of water can be obtained. The.-chr Jessie Scarth, from Toronto, with 20.000 bushels of wheat, went aground this afternoon at Poplar Point The tug MgArfchur and a lighter went, to her assistance. The wind is favourable for operations upon the distreeeed vessel. Detroit .Totting. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 17.—An Amherstburg despatch of uight says the steamharge Ogemaw bound up grounded on Fighting Island last night, and was released thia moraine by the tugs Erie Belle and Hackett. Prop. Cohemaiugh was lightered over the limekilns at eleven this fort-.-uoon. She had to take off seventy-five tons. Nothing was detained to-day. The depth of water is fourteen feet eleven inches. J. S. A. Murphy scuta steam pump from Port Huron yesterday on the propeller Arctic to Portage to be used on the propeller 8t. Louis, which struck near Portage entry and is leaking. Her own pumps keep her free, but the pump is sent, as a precaution. The propeller Waverley arrived down yesterday with her bow done up in a sling. On Tuesday night when in the neighbourhood of Presqu 'Isle she came very near having a , serious collision with an unknown steamha'rge. an accident ., only being prevented by considerable hard work on the parr, lboats. As it was they touched, aud the "Wnv.-ru-y ' began leaking, A pump was placet! on her and she went on to Buffalo. The Waverley is loaded with grain and rolling : freight. The steam barge Ogemaw grounded Wednesday night ; coming up the river, but managed to release herself. The steam barge S (J Hall went on Racine reef eaily Wednesday morning. The tug Welcome was sent from Milwaukee, aud with the assistance of the tug Sili succeeded in getting; her off before noon, after lightering 1(H1.-000 feet of lumber. While i.he tugs were busy at woik the J B Merrill pub her Hag at half-mast, and the life-hoat wens to her relief. It was found she had collided with a schooner, supposed to be the George Dousman. during the night, and lost h^er yawl and mixzen-boom. The life-boat carried in an injiured man, and she proceeded on her way. Shipbuilding will be at a standstill in East Saginaw dur« ing the winter. The only work that will be done will be extensive renaming to a number of vessels. Dunbar's died'-¦ at the limekilns has been laid up for the season. The or her dredge will work till the ice drives it in. lluffftlo Notes. day to carry 16,000 bushels of wheal, 13,000 bushels of barley, and 113,000 bushels oi rye to Buffalo on through rates, No demand here to-day for ore carriers, the season being considered over. Lumber and coarse freights were stronger and rates took Quite a boom, charters being made at $2 on lumber trom Manistee to this port. Charters: Steambanse G-. F. Burroughs, lumber, Muskegon to this port, at $1.75; Daisy Day, lumber, ManiPted to this port, *ii; schr Madonna, wuod, Bailey's Harbor to this nort, $2 per cord. Ttee new Canadian composite propeller Myles measures 777 tons, cost $60,000, and rates A I. bhe was built at Hamilton, oy liobinson. ana is owned by Myles & Son, of Hamiicon. One of the Hardy Brothers, of Toledo, has been m the city for several days Looking at tugs vacua view of buying one. He left for home last evening, taking figures on several. Conferences are being held among the tusmen witti a view to closing the season with a grand complimentary ball. The bads taven by the boys in former years were enjoyable affairs all around. Gillen & Kirby have secured the contracts for the improvements on the Grand Haven and Muskegon harbors. Their bid for the Muskegon harbor was $6,354.34 per crib: for the Grand Haven harbor, $0,240.30 per crib. There has been an unusually large number of ore carriers in the harbor the past week, all of the larger class. This reporter counted over twenty-hve yesterday, and on some days of the week chere were even more tied up here waiting/ for cargoes.— Marquette Mining Journal. This morning as the schooner Leadville was entering the horbor, a strong northwest wind, prevailed, she was driven by the sea against the. breakwater, her stern grazing that structure. ¦ Fortunately, the only damage sustained was the. shifting of her cabin deck about eight inches from its proper position.—Oswego Times- Captain Mart Swain reports that the ba¥g< George H. Ely, ashore at Detour, has broken ii two ana cannot be saved. He says that hei , dec k was out across near the mizzen mast in or- , der to get the coal out of her and this weakenec ' her to such an txient that the recent heavy seas | broike her off. He is confident that the baxg< ' couiid have been saved had he arrived a lev days sooner. The barge Vampire, with steam jpu^n^jfrp. board, have arrived down at Detroit. Buffalo, Nov. 17.—The schr O B Jones is undergoing extensive repairs at the Union shipyard. The Bchra Wells Bart, A M I'eterson, Pensaukee, and Porter, coal laden, left port yesterday. The barge Sunshine will go into the Union dry-dock next week for a thorough rebuild, to cost about£5,000, Another lot uf timber was lightered off the schr Gleniffer yesterday. An effort will probably be made to release her. The steam barge Oregon is in the Union dry-dock for a new wheel. The barge C F Curt is also in dock to get part of her machinery. Another strange engagement was made here yesterday, for the schr Republic to carry cedar ties from Touawanda to Amherstburg. Advices were received yesterday saying that the canal boat George A Barker, wheat*laden, was sunk in the lirie Canal at Schaharie lock. The props China, badger State, and Roanoke have ar-rivedfrom Duluth. Tne China and Badger will be laid up here, and the'Roanoke will make a trip to Chicago. The str James Davidson is loading coal tor Prince Ar-. thur'sLanding, and will likely lay up there for the winter. The Wallula and Columbia, which are loaded with railroad iron for th:it place, unless the weather should prove favourable, will also remain there. The water in Buffalo liiver this morning was about 2 feet below the usual stage. The new steamer Oregon, owned by John Kelderhouse, of this city, made here appearance here yesterday afternoon. The Oregon was built at Bay City by Captain Charter!* anc! Freights. ¦*//>***- Detroit. Nov. 18.—The schooner William HIne takes Ritlt from Taw as to Toledo at Association rates, and the Belle Hauscom takes lumber over the same route at $2 50. Cleveland, O., Nov. 16. — charters — Schrs Oliver Mitchell, coal, Cleveland to Toronto, at 81 10 : Henry Fohxer, coal. Black River to Brockville, at al 20 : American, coal, Cleveland to Toronto, at SI 10, Buffalo, Nov. 18.- The receipts of grain by lake this week were 2,644.808 bu : the shipments by canal were 831,-192 bu. There waa nothing done in coal freizhts this morii-Inp. Vessels are scarce .and there is little coal to ship, but rates remained hrm at £1 to Chicago. Kingston No.'es. Kingston,Nov. 19. —(Special.)—The propeller Shickluna. laden with iron ore, has unloaded her eutire cargo into barges at Portsmouth. The forwarders would not lighten a portion, and would not handle iron at this season unless they had the eutire hundatig. _ Members of •' B " Battery will sue for compensation for work upon the schooner A U Ryan, which broke adiitt during the recent gale and would have been much damaged by pounding against the bridge pier but for the soldiers. Two dead horses and a quantity of barrelled apples drifted upon Garden afnd Wolfe islands, as well m Buy of Quinte shores, some of the wreckage of the barges Cora and Carrie, which were wrecked iu the great blow or! Bair-haven lately. The schooner Jessie Scarth which, wheat laden, went on Poplar Point on Friday, had 3,000 bushels of her corgo lightered into the schooner Forest Queen, and was then pulled off without difficulty. She was towed into the har* hour yesterday little worse for the accident. Detroit Notes. Detroit, Nov. 18.—Word was received here at a late hour last night that the barge Wend the Wave was in trouble at Sand Beach, and that she had a hole stove in her bottom aud had lost her rudder. A new dry-dock will, probably, be built at Detroit next season. The steambarge S C Hall, recently on Racine reef, is at Chicago. Her damage is not very seriuus. but a large quantity of her lumber was lost. The well-known propeller Dromedary, which has been plying between Chicago, Lake Ontario ports, and Montreal, was burnt to the water's edge Friday, at Hamilton. Bu Halo Notes. Buffalo, Nov.18.—Shipbuilding will be active at a great many lake ports this winter, which shows thai some people have more money thau they know how to take care of. The steambarge William Edwards, and schrs M W Paige and Chaa Foster left port yesterday afternoon with coal for Chicago. The .Edwards bad to tow three spars for Valentine Fries' new big schooner Colden Age, which wag launched some weeks ago at Huron, Ohio. This vessel will be finished during the winter under the superintendence of Captain Charles Hubbard, new master of the Paige Captain Hubbard will take command of the new one°iu the spring. Miscellaneous, Early Friday morning the scow Jessie Stewart wen* ashore on the beach near Btirlimttou Canal. In the evening the propeller Ocean pulled her off. She is siightly damaged. A supplement to the " Inland Lloyds Vessel Register " just issued, has the following new ratiugs of Canadian hulls : — f Canadian Rating. Tonnage. Value. Al T77 S60.U00 Bl 137 2,700 m U 8,000 A 'ik 7j 2.5D0 m la 3.8J0 A-.'i 371 6,1)00 ' tewaite, and is a first-dakk freight boat in every re- spect. She is 197 ft keel, and 33 ft beam. Her commander is Captain Joseph Oriqui. The Qreeon is now in dry-dock for a new wheel. Miscellaneous. The Government have agreed to erect a lighthouse at Deseronto. The schooner Jessie Scarth ran ashore yesterday morning during a heavy Fiiowit.ornj, about Ave miles west of South Bay Point. She seems to be lying easy, aud will like iy le lightered and hauled off to-morrow. The announcement of the increase of seamen's wages at Chicago to €3 50 yesterday was premature. S3 is still the rate. The Canadian iron tug Conqueror, owned byHoss, of Montreal, has gone to Club Island,'Georgian Bay, to release the steambarge Georgian, which is ashore there. Seafaring men regard the Grand Haven look-out station of the iil'e-saving service as haunted. As usual, the actual reasons are somewhat hard to discover- The schooner Jessie Stuart endeavoured to make the Hamilton piers yesterday during the gale aud went ashore. It was blowing a gale from the north-east aud the air was li lied with snow. The schooner is well up on the north side of the pier and will n^t sustain much damage. The schr Leadville. of Oswego, N.Y., while being towed Into Port Dalhousie early Friday morning by the prop Europe struck the end of the west pier, swung round to lee'-ward, and sunk in about 16 feet of water outside the pier. }She lies on a bed of sand in an easy position. The rail is under amidships., A tug got hold of her before she sunk, but the tow line (parted vvheu she grounded. The Leadville is owned by Messrs. Cummings & Griffin, of Oswego, N Y, and is commanded by Captain Pat Griffin. She i- valued at $20,000, and is insured for $12,000. She is loaded with coal from OswegOJ for Sandusky. DISASTERS. BUENING OF THE DROMEDARY—WKKCK OF THE la^CAItlJlNE. i A dispatch from Hanjilton, Canada, an-, nouncea that at 1 o'clock Saturday morning thof propeller Dromedary took; Are and was burned| to the water's ed«e on Burlington Bay. The' crew narrowly escaped. The Dromedary waa^ Canadian and a canaier. She measured 359 tons, and was hnilt at Port Dalhousie by W. H. Andrews in 1868. Cranhshaw & Burrows, of Hamilton, were the owners. She was valued at $16,000, ana was insured for $10,000—S7.000 m the Western, of New York, aud $3,000 in the tlauadiaa Mutual. "The Ca anacfiau sieambarjje Kincardine, with a\ carjio of suoplies for Alsrona Mil's, is full of water, jnst above Little Current, Georgian Bay. She is decks to on the port side, and her starboard rail is under water. J. M. Jones, her owner, has abandoned her. Insured in the United Spates Company for $6,000. on a valuation of $10,000. The Kincardine was built at Port Dalhousie by Andrews de Company, in 1871, and measures 184 ton*. TIMELY EESCL'E. The schooner John B-inier, from Chicago, Rot ashore at the South Manitou. The revenue cutter Andy Johnsou discovered her and pulled her off. Credit Captalu Daivis with one more rescue. At this time in the se-'ason, un«ess a stranded craft is cot off immedicately her chances are very slim. The Biirler measures 351 tous, was built at Detroit by J. M. Jomes in 1S66, rates A 12*3. and is valued at $10,0O>0. Tne schooner G-lenifeer has been released and towed into Buffalo. She was on Bird Island Beef in the river. h Proyeller Myles.............. Schooner Forest (Jueeu...... Schooner Helen.............. Schooner Highland Beauty.. Schooner Phcebe Catharine . Harare Canada................ Captain J J Rardou, of Buffalo, arrived at Owen Bound i Saturday evening by tug Cherokee, having been to the assistance of the propeller Georgian ashore on Club Island Georgian Bay. ile reports that the wrecking tua Con- ' queror. in charge of Captain Donnelly, released the Georgian .Saturday morning. Her hull is apparently little damaged, and a portion of the cargo in fair condition i I he Georgian is expected here to-morrow, and will be docked and a thorough examination ot her condition made Ihe propeller Africa arrived this morning with a large cargo of freight. She leavea again Monday evening on her Juwt tniio; -die Fea^on. CapUin John nice, or Tinffalo, repre*rntin3 the marine insurance companies, and Mr M J Cummin-s of OaweeO the owner of the sunken schooner Leadville. arrived at Port , Dalhousie Friday night to inspect the schooner and sec] what could be done toward raising her and getting her into harbour. Early Saturday morning<i diver went down and put a temporary patch ovur the holes aud broken timbers and at 3:30 p.m. a steam pump be^-an pumping her out. and at 7 p.m she was afloar, and the tug Sam Perry towed her Into the harbour to the coal dock. Thesteam pump eail y keeps her Iree of water. They will begin uuloadineher cargo of ooa on Monday rooming, and as soon as it is out ot her she will be put on dock here for repairs Her starboard bow is badly crushed in. both planks and timbers be-ing broken. a.

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