Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 4

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TREATMENT OF THE DROWNED. By request of a valued correspondent, who has probably done more in apract cal way to guard human life from the perds of the sea thau any man in this country, we republish the annexed article, originally furnished us by the Life Saving Society of New York. Two things to be done—Eestore breathing—Restore ani mal heat. Beware 1 Avoid Delay.—A moment may turn the scale for life or dealh. Dry ground, shelter, warmth, stimulants, etc.. at this moment are nothing. Artificial breathing is everything—is the one remedy—all others are secondare R ile 1.—Remove all obstructions to breathing. Instantly loosen or cut apart all neck and waistbands ; tuin the patient on his face, with the head down hill ; stand astride Kg. 1.-WHITE'S BRIDGE LIFE BOAT. Propeller FreisEats. The prope".?cr lines have agreed upon uniform rates on western-bound freights from Buffalo to Chieaso, Milwaukee, and Green Bay during the spring arid summer, as follows: First class, 25 cents; second class, 15 cents; third class, 12 cents; fourth class, 9 cents. To Toledo and Detroit, 15,12, 10, and S cents for the respective classed. fa 1665 the schooner Gerrit Smith took grain to,Oswego at 31 cents a bushel, and the owner was "'mad" that the aeent didn't hold for 34 cents, as other vessels a few days afterward obtained the latter rate. This fact is mentioned to make owners' mouths water. IIarkor Master at Cleveland"—Captaiii Henry Miller has been appointed Harbor Master for the port of Cleveland for the next year. We hope he will give as good satisfaction to all concernett as has his predecessor, Capts n John Varner, who has held the position for the, past six ^^^6 -¦ t years. Captain Miller is a ™™P(='e"'ma"',,^h "locks I The steamer Holland has left Marine City for Detroit, considerable experience on the lakes and along the docas. ftavlaratlon Between Detroit and Port Huron. Special Telegram to The Inter-Ocean. J Port Huron, Mich., A>pril 5.—The steamer Evening Star arrived up from Detroit to-night, having encountered considerable ice on Lake St. Clair, which was drifting eastward. An ice bridge blocking St. Ciair River, which extends thirty miles out, prevents her further progress up the shore. Navigation is now virtually opened between FiBST STEAI/ypr The G. C. Trnmpf at Glatsow. A dispatch from Captain Gibbs, of the schooner G. C. Truinpf, from Glasgow, to Mr. Frank Vance, one of the owners of that vessel, announces her safe arrival at that oort this morning with a carSo of flour from New York. Vhe Trumpf was exactly five weeis making the trip.— Evening Wisconsin, MtiwauK&e, 10th. Tne lee at Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y., April 25,— There are no indicatious that th e ice embargo at this port will be removed for several days. Wben tu« steamers Will Move. Special Telegram to the Inter-Ocean. I Buffalo Dock, N. Y., April 11.— The first boat of the Western line will leave about the 25th of April or the 1st of May. John Allen, Jr. Lake Ontario. Niagara, April 11.—The propeller S. S. Ellsworth, from ;o, arrived to-day, the first arrival of the season. J.atxe Freiehia. There were no charters on 'Change yesterday. The offering rate on corn to Buffalo was 3>aC. Lumber rates are about as follows: Grand Haven to Chicago.......................................8t.37>£ Muskegon to Chicago........................................... 1.37>£ Manistee to Chicago........................................... 1.50 Detroit, Mich., April 25.—B. Whitaker & Co. report the charter of the steam barge Fairbanks with lumber from Au Sable to Chicago at 81.50 per m, delivered on rail. F. Lambie & Co. chartered the schooner Goshawk "ith coal from Cleveland to Milwaukee at 60c per ton. Toledo, Ohio, April 25.—John Stevens & Co. report the charter of the schooners Laura Bell, corn to Erie, 2}£c. and M. Capron, corn and wheat to Oswego, 5@5%c. Andrews & Southard report: Schooner Mediterranean, hame sticks to Buffalo, 84 per 1,000, net. Cleveland, Ohio, April 25.— The Leader says: "Coal is still scarce, owing mostly to the strikes in the Massillon coal districts. Rates remain about the same as heretofore quoted, 50 cents to Chicago down-town docks, and 60 cents to up-towu docks, while to Milwaukee the figures range from 40 to 50 cents. To Detroit, 35 cents is oihered, but there is very little doing as yet. Nothing can be ascertained in the way of ore charters. There are several Canadian vessels due here from the canal which have been chartered for coal to Toronto and Hamilton, the rates being 81.60 gold, free. The schooner Maggie has been chartered to take coal to Allenburg, on the Welland Canal, at 90 cents, gold, and the scow Euwright, coal to Maiden, at 30 cents, both free." The Union Stea Sboat Line.—The following propellers will be empldyeeyin the interests of this company for the ensuing seastol under command of the officers named: Java. Captain Pope; Cuba, Captain Austin; Scotia, Captain Gebhardt: Russia, Captain Howland; Colorado, Captain McDonald; Nebraska, Captain Reilly; Roanoke, Captain McCrae: Portage, Captain Moore; Starucca, Captain Shannon; Waverly, Captain Pratt: Gould, Captain Bowie: Fisk, Jr., Captain Marion; Blanchard, Captain Douglass: Newburgh, Captain Smith; Richmond, Captain Robinson: Arctic. Captain Miller; Atlantic. Captain Thorno: Paciiic, Captain Mooney: St. Louis, Captain Condon; Ganisteo, Waptain Gaylord; Passaic, Captain Joiner: Toledo, Captain ilcParlane; Olean, not appointed; Tioga, not annointed. The Tug Coe Burned. Port Avstin, Mich., April 21.—The tug Coe, of Milwaukee, while lying at her doek this morning, caught fire and was damaged $13,000. She was scuttled and sunk; fully insured in Milwaukee. Vorl Dalhousie. Port Dalhousie, April IT. The Weilimd Canal opened tn-day. There liM been only one nrrivnl, the schrStar, of Mill loin;. She PA»>t d up this afternoon The following res*>» have teen 1*1 up here *J1 winter au! aregettms read; to startt-Schrs H P Mnrray, Ayr, Antelope, Alba-oie, Alexander British Lion, fioht ftaskm,M L Btnk Mex Murr, Albatross, I Australia. Maria, Anne, Gibraltar, s;:c:r,!-barge Clinton; props California, CalaorK Rnter-!„ se; Grimsby, A k, Helens «n:br'K B» I-moie; ti'Sis San. Perry, Jas Norm) H »eelon. The sTlirs Blazing s ar, Nassau, P.laskl, Lem. Ellsworth, | at d Orient left some timo ago. '. K. Dixon reports the cow Dunford, ml 'a Seville to ('lticago, taker * Co. report Jne schooner Girt'ord, chartered with lumber and posts, from ajpcua t.- Chicago, at *1 f>0 per M on the lumber; posts Ofi p.t. * ISO the scho'oner Ad-.venture, lumber, from Alpena to Marine City, at SI 50 per M. Bav City, April 28.— Charters of vessels are reported at $1 75 to Chieatro and SI 50 to Cleveland. A charter of 12 to Buffalo is also reported. Mll.WAi KEF., April 25.—Bnt little demand for I would not accept less than 4c ou wheat to Buffalo. Chicaoo, April 20.-There were no charters on 'Change yesterday. The offering rate on corn to Buffalo was 3£c. Lumber rates are about as follows: - Grand Haven to Chicago, «l ::TJ; Muskegon to Clu-cago, $1 37i; Manistee, to Chicago, $1 60. Toledo, Ohio, April 25.—John Stevens & Co. report til, corn to Erie, For Alpena, HarrlsTille, An Sable, Tawas, Ft. Austin, Grind Stone CUT. Ft. Hope, Sand Beach, Calling at White Rock, Porrestville, Forrester, Pt. Sanilac, Lexington and all points on the St. Clair River. The staunch upper cabin passenger steamer BERTSCHY, G. W. McGREGOE, Master, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, at 7 p. in. Freight and passengers received for all the above named points. Low rates and prompt dispatch, guaranteed. Apply to ISIILBY & MITCIIBLL, Agents, or C. A. CHAMBERLIN. Manager, Office and dock foot of Griswold St. - 995-8 the hips, with your face towards his head, and locking your fingers together under his belly, raise the liody as high as you can, without lilting the forehead off the ground, and give Hij bo iy a s nare jerk, to remove mucus from the thr >iit and water from the windpipe; hold the body sus-p nded Ion;' enough to slowly count one, two. three, four five, repeating the jerk, more gently, two or three tim>s. Rule a.—Place the patient on the ground, f ice d6v,"n-. ward, and maintaining, all the wiiili, your position astrNde the body, grasp the points of the suouldersby the clothing;' Ialte Freight*, Dlaaaa, \prilH. Freight! are unusually quiet ror this seeson et the year, but hopes are entertained that they will liven up soon. Wheat to Osirego is quotable at 6c. Buffalo 3e, Cleveland 2c, free of elevation. No chatters reported. Chicago, April U.—Charters on 'Change vesterdav were :-To Pi .rt Colborne -schr Clara Parker wheat at. 4|c. To luffalo-schr Kate Winstow, corn onp t • schr King Sisters, wheat at 41c; sehr C K. Klini v.heat at 4c. Capacity-wheat, 114,000 bu ; corn! &o,0G0 bushels. WlLWAUKKK, April IS—The rate on wheat to Buffalo is entirely nominal. The schooner Hartford romee from Chicago to load wheat for Kingston at Toledo, April IS.—Charters: ochr John .Tonltt :orn to Cleveland, 2c, free of elevator; schr Three Bells, wheat to Cleveland, 2c, free of elevation. fails, April 13.—Coal freights from Erie to Chtcigi jrlU probable open at 60c per ton, and may Doseiblv reach 60c. " ^^ ' ».™K.« reti Detroit. Mich, \nril 27.—C' K. Dixon reports the scow | tl e charter of the schooners La- ra Bell, com to Erie Mnford. chartered with lumber, from Caseville to OM- U * *f£ S^SS^i^St^S^SSm^ Dunfoi cago, at fcl.V.> on rail. li. Wnitaksr &, Co. report the schooner Gifford, chartered with lumber and posts, from Alpena to Chicago, at §].50 per in. on the luraber: posts on p.t. Also the schooner Aciventure.Slumtaer from Alpena to Marine City, at 51-50pSff m. Cleveland, Ohio, April 27,—Coal freights are .dull, but the rates are unchanged to all the upper lake ports. The y of coal here is light, but vesrels that desire to charter at present tigures could find1 cargoes. Andrews'* Po'uthard report scho i-i nean, hame-aticks to Buffalo, S4 per 1,000 uet. DFTROTT Apr, 2".--Whittaker k schooner .fes.nie tfathew^, i]: pena id 0M- •ago at $1 56 on rail. ¦ ¦ :i.a:;d, April ?¦'. ill bid the rate* a'e unchai fted to t<Il the upper 1 ike porta. Hie Bupply at coal here ia light, but vj desira to charter at preaeut ajjuie^ coolu find tar-joes. EniB, Pa., April *C.~Grcot "activity now prerafll heieout!:: Ittihgout oi reeHtli rhe only chartoM Schuylkill, and J. 3. Riclmi da, cu*l lo Chicago at the gung rate of f></<s p« ton, free. Toledo, April 21-Their? U bnt Hitfe doing here m yet, freights behig rery dull, wittt no pr«*p ot- (A immediate improvement. Tlw only charter r: ..'>rtei5 to-day was the a :hooner Three Belts, vtffit at t.t Cleveland ot l|c. Other rates are nominal and nn-changed. Chicago, April 2C.- The jnarket te dull; rat«« nominal at fye on corn to Buffalo. The steam i takes or. if the body is naked, thrust your lingers into the arm-! pits, rl.ispingyour thumbs over the points of the shoulders, a ad raise Llie ckest as high as you can, without lifting ti.e h a i quite off the ground, and hold it long enough to slow-; ly count one. two, three. Replace him on the ground, with hU forehead on his Hexed a m, the nerk straig iiencd out, ] and the mouth and nose tree. Plaee your elbows agaiust; your ku -es and your hands uv>on the >ules of his chest over . the lower ribs, and pre-s downward and inward with increasing force long enough to slowly count one, two. Then sudde dy let. go, grasp the shoulders as before, and raise the chest ; th n press upon the ribs. etc. These alternate movements should be rope ded 10 to 15 times a min ute, for an hour at least, unless breathing is restored sooner. Use the same regularity as in natural breathing. Rule 3.—After breathing has commenced, restore tfcf animal neat Wrap him in wa m blankets, apply bottle? of hot water,hot bricks, or anything to restore heat. Warm the head nearly as fast as the body, lest convulsions con e on. Rubbing the body with warm cloths or thehaad.and slapping the tleshy parts, may assist to restore warmth, anO tue breathing also. If the patient can surely swallow,give hot coit'ee, tea, milk, or a little hot sling. Give spiri s sparingly, lest they produce depression Place the patient in a warm bed and give him plenty of fresh air ; keep him quiet. Do Not Stop to Remove "Wet Clothing.—Precious time is wasted, and the patient may be fatally chilled by ex-] posure of the naked body, even in summer. Give all your : From Mnrqu*tle and the Sault. Special Telegram to The inter-Ocean.1 Marquette, Mich., May 9.—J. shuillier, a prominent French resident of this county and manager of the Bancroft inrnace, was drowned last night in Dead River while endeavoring to remove a log that had lodged on the dam near the furnace. He was an energetic citizen, and his loss is aeeply regretted by the community. The steam barge H. B. Tuttie, with her consort, the George S. Ely, and the propeller Quebec, of tne Sarnia Line, with 450 passengers, passed Whitefish Point at 1:30 o'clock to-day, bound up, the latter for the north shore. The proneller Craig waa to leave the Sault at 3 p. m. The steam barge City of Port Huron cleared to-day, and will leave probably to-morrow. Wind last night and until noon to-day, south, with rain. The ice is broken up and moving out. Wind at 6 p, m., northwest. Ha&tsatum. Mackinaw. 11^.S:^rASari"11rS^«pSier-ttaough. takes*H miiount of wheut Jr. .r; 'iii-.., 1S,- io attention and effort 10 restore bnatnins; by forcing air in- by rail (o tlie East and Europe. Since yesterday smart slap on tne tace or a vigorous twist ot the hair will nif-nlnu »*i- t>t ihe i» adfng lines h.i> - (attracted 6>r sometimes start it again, and may be tried incidentally. ^V1)00 im v'1'«" th™u»i «\,l'i"r""?i' Before natural breathing is ful'y restored, do not let the »fnl ' «ik. Xfiffiioii i rial rates are 25a to Ne-.T Y.-rlt,, ..... . . , . ? J . , . ., . en,i £Su p.r MimlreJ l!.s. tlnou-h to Lirerpool, iiiit patient lie ou his back, unless some person holds the tongue Propeller Just th">a8"r*liereart» rume/ura that even these rated ara shadeiL forward. The tongue, by falling ba^k, may close the (lid sua.* engagements are known to hor« been 'inula -wndpipe and cause fatal choking. it: 46c to fork. It was rumoured on 'Chance tint u..'.,,.... i^_:___i„ t____ n........i...~ ocu tda^ fc^e M.'.r.Livan Central Eaur^ad had %lii|>m«BBt« from Suciiiaw River. Special Telegram to The Inter-Ocean. 1 East Saginaw, Mich., April 3D.—The shipments from the Saginaw River irom the opening ol" navigation to the :::!th, inclusive, are: Lumber, 16,396,000 feet: shingles.. 2,707,000; lath, 1,025,000 pieces: staves, 300,030; Halt, 35,800 barrels. The item or salt shows only the amount reported at the custom houses. The Michigan Association shipped 70,000 nan-els to Chicago and Milwaukee not included in the above. Mackinaw City, April 28.—Navigation is open. Several boats have passed down. The St. Albans wa.3 ahead. A Miasms Engineer.—Yesterday the Chief of Police |oJ Detroit received a letter from Mrs. Annie Longsworth, of Wenona, Bay County, Mich., asking for information concerning her husband, Lewis Longsworth. She writes that Mr. Longs-worth was a marine engineer; that he left home about nine months ago and engaged on some boat (the name of which she does not know) at Detroit. She ho* reason to believe that he was swept overboard in Lake during a storm; ana being very poor, with several children wholly dependent upon her, she naturally wants the three months' wages due him at the time of his loss. Detroit, Mich., March 13.—A dispatch from ungmeer Gorton, in charge of the repairs in progress upon the Sault Canal, was received by Governor Bagley to-day, in which he says he will have the canal ready for navigation by April 25.__________________________ Prevent Friends from Crowding Around the Patient and j biitractiaVior gS> cars oTcorn from Chicago t»Bast- Excluding Fresh Air.—Also from trying to give stimulant, j ^n joh.te. Batasnotnamett. , before ihe p .tieut c n swallow. The hist causes sulfoca-! tiuu, the second fatal choking. Do iXot Give Up Tot) Soon. —You are working for life. ] ny time within two hours you may be on tne very thres- j old of sue ess without there being any sign of it. In sutl'oeaiiou by smoke or any poisonous gas, as also by anting, proceed the same as for drowning, qmittiug ef-rt to expel water, etc , from windpipe. In snspjuded breathing from effects of chloroform, by-rate of chloral, etc , proceed by Iiu!e 2, taking especial aius 11 keep the bead very lo>v and preventing closure of ,e windpipe by the tongue falling back. Towraa/AT OswEGO.-The Oswego Towing As-sociatlorfhas appointed officers to the following boats: Crusader, H. C. Manwarlng, captain C. P. Morey, James Pappa. captain; P. p. Wheeler, C W Ferris, cr-plam: Major Dana, John Bedford, captain; J. S. Spinney, W. Worden captain: S. H Lions, T. Donovan, captain; William Avery, P. Tivnian, captain; Commodore T Crimmins has been appointed superintendent and collector from vessels. The May Queen will run outsKlc of the association, and will he commanded by Capt i Thompson. Tne Alsneon Sumner, waich Is also outskleof the association will, as usual conunc I herself to lake The old ve•.eran Capt Thomas Dobbie will command her. Capt, ^oie will command ihe steam barge Ellsworth again |, toat was 6ent to the shore, who reported here this summer. It will be seen that fewer boa;, will j he in commission this year than last, but should i { of commerce demand, more steam [ field went Accident to a Tug> Mak^stee, March 14.—The tug Will'ams, of this city, belonging to Canfleid's Tug Line, while on her way from Ludington last night,-with two passengers on board, broke her engine off Point Sauble, and stove a hole in her bottom. The accident totally disabled her, and she was about to sink when the hands succeeded ia stopping the hole. A man in a jower"in the harbor, the Oneida,Maria Melvinand , 7v. Morse can >' at without delay. At P»-TWATEK.-Late soundings In the Pent water harbor show the following "Milt: F ot-200 feet from the cud of I^he pier . toward Pemwater Lake, there is a depth of ron£ teen feet of water. Here a bar has been formed on which the.e is but eight and a hall fee... arc passing the bar there is plenty of water au > way in. , has bought the Sgy No Ice In lake Erie. John D. Van AISTtke, of Picton, Ont., —. — „i , ¦ schooner John Sehuette, now at Oswego, for 8H,o00casn. p The Scuette is an American vessel, nearly new, anu is j stanch in every particular. v,„.bel« of *¦ It is eetobied that Toronto has l.MO.wrrbushels oi , grain in store, occupying all the storage that can be had The Northern Kailroad is sending gram ^.^So^Scls • the first arrival of the season storagt Two elevators, with a capacity of 2o0,0M) bushels, | __„------„,. •" ¦-¦ ' Splanade, Toronto, this season1 aiK-nrsKT March 10.—The steamer Golden e that can be tad ., pf^^Id here to-day from Put-in Bay, fheS first arrival of the season. There is no ice in the lake to impede navigation. eatly this morning, and the tug Frank Can-Ske was picked up I fifteen miles southwest of Ludington, where ishe had drifted, under a northwest mind, and ! Iarrived here late thi" afternoon, all hands Ymsski. Sai.k>.—Thefoliowiug eales have been \ recorded at the Milwaukee Custom Honse; v Schooner George G. H-n^htcui -i>. M. Brigham to John Carroll, one-eighth, $2,U0O. Schooner E. M. Stanton—VVeudcrliue Meyer to Peter Johnson et si,, threc-eighta. 43,203 .-, Schooner Julia Smith— William Hanung to Fred-. Click Patz, one third, $l,-i;ii. Tug Levi Johnson—George Warner et ah, to F. C. Maxon et al., the whole, J3.000. TugS. S. Coe—George VVarucr to F. C. Mason, the whole, $5,553. Propeltei City of Madison—C'. A, Wilinert to P. C. Deutter, one-tltird, $2,000. Tug Pensaukee—F. B. Gardner et al. to Baptist et al., thewhole, s°;0,000. Scow Ida II. Bloom—W. J, Kobertson, one-thhd, J875. Steamer Brooklyn—George Williamson to F. J, McKenzie, one-third, $1,500. SI earner Brooklyn -Lake and River Transportation Company to F, J, McKenzie et al., the whole. $3,5r.(>. Schooner Moonlight-A. \V. Wilkins to C. W. Norris, one-sixtetuib, $ .Ml). Schooner David Vance-A. W. Wilkins to C. W. Norris, one-lwo'ftli. $3,SC0 Schooner Pilot—Pelee N. Hagen to Christian Hagen, one-twelfth, $lit5. Schooner Mariner—Bernard Schade to Niehon, one-half, JfllO. g c0*»f»»1^ W, H. Carter to Thomas Paul Beebe, Brother.s, froprictors The Beebe House is but a few rods from the lake shore, and has a larrje Park on one side; a bathing beach with Bath Houses in its rear. The House will accommodate three hundred guests, is welt furnished anc supplied with all the appurtenances of the best hotels. ^SF" For ful description of the House, address BEEBE BROS., Proprietors, Brebe House, Put-in-Bay, Lake E*-' 1 _. The Calver Uth. Co Detpoit

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