/> Steamboat Empib, 1844, Capt. D. How. '/ftl" / $ JL," ¦ /t* U //{^ icJ^f / lk*-Ltr£^ V iluftaloo Notes. , 'Buffalo, Dee. A, — The prcopellers Rochester and Atou, from Chictgo, arrived yesterdaay afternoon, altera tolerable passage dijwti. The steamship H J Jewett : reached Chicago at 1:33 p.m. f on Saturday, and will in ail piirobability winter theie. The propeller Morley. light, and Joe Gault, oartly loaded, left for Toledo on Satrirdaiy forenoon, and will lay up there. The steambarge Northernerr, with 503 ton3 coal. left for f Detroit yesterday morning, ;and the Hiawatha, light, for Uleveiaud in the afternoon.. These were the only de* par Cures. The tui Newsboy eucotinttered considerab'e ice in the, river yesterday at the Uhemiical works. Where she went to ' bring down a canal boa*. A sunall hob was cut in her star* board bow* The propeller James Davidlson, Captain McQueen, from Duluth with wheat, made porrt at dark last evening. She left here fifteen days be:'ore with 1,110 tons coal for Prince / Arthur's Landing on which sine received a freight of $3 par ton, and a bonus of jjjiJJO. Aftier unloadim* that she went to Du.nth and tool; on n4,oooj bushels of wheat at 7 cents freight. Her freiaht money for the round trip of-nfteeu days is about $7.4o*». and Cteptain McQueen is to be eun-> sratulated on malting the best: paying trip of the se isou of 1882. The movement of vessels is fast coming to a close. The only line steauiers now out ace the Boston, bound up, and / the Comniuditte, town, oi the Western Tiansnortatlon Line. The Newbiu\.;h, dowu, of the Union Steamboat line. The Wpsahickon, with the schooner Sherwood for Erie, of the Anchor line : the Cuba and Scotia up, of the / Commercial line: the Fred Murc'ir up. and Taeoma down of the Lehigh Valley line, all these will be hi port in a day or two. The other vessels c:omiug here to our knowledge are the tug A J Wright witHi the barges Mills, Shermau, and Banner with lumber dine this morning, and the ' schooner Unadiiia, with grain from Green Bay, which left I I there iast week. Monday or Tmesday. At present Cleveland is so null of ves els that it is only with the greatest difficulty tchat a new comer can rind a , dock. A sailor named Edward Fislet was lost from the schooner Helvetia in the straits soma datys aco. He was 112 years old, and lived at W Cleveland, 'fine Helvetia lost two oi her sails. ttThe schooners M Stalker, IV; Marsh. 0 P Mitich, Florida, Havana, and H Fitzbugh, the scow 11 H Hiile, and steamer Relief have gone into wiitaer quarters at V'ermilliim. The schooner Havana is to be rebuilt this winter, and extensive repairs,are projected, on the Marsh. " Detroit,' .flottluga. DBfTROTT, Dec 4.— The Detroit Dry Dock Company has' contrac ed to build a propeller for the Ogdensburg & Lake Champlain Railroad Company which will be the first of a line cf, large propellers to run iin connection with the railroad between Ogdensburg umll Chicago through the new Welland Caeal. The new niropeller will be a double*:-decker, 212 feet in length over aid, 3t> feet beam,13 feet hold, f and 8 feet between deck', to carry 4u,tXM bu. gf corn, through the Welland Canal.. The work on her will be , commenced at once. She willi be out ready for business in j May or June next and will cost over ylUQ.OOiJ. Anew feature will lie introduced hu this boat in the wav of an . iron shelf which will extend over the frames and be attached [ by angle iron attached to lun iron strap which reaches around the ship under the p;a.:i!;s:iear. This arrangement will lighten the boat considerably and a't the same time be very strong. She will be iron *t«nped and finished in the most substantial manner possible. It is quite probable several other steamers for t.his line will be built for-the season of 1884. «*—mnwi»^«"—"¦' " (.¦iimViLtr^L! Oswegatehue and barge Mears arrived i Saturday. The propeller Naslhua arrived up from Lake Ontario on Saturday to lay up Steambarge Mineral Rock amd barge Boulton arrived Friday, and went into winter (fluartors, Steamharse Glasgow and barges arrived up on Saturday, about a week behind time, but in good shape. Tugs Wm A Moore and Gladiator have been laid up, and other tugs and vessels off S A Murphy's iieet will be laid uo as soon us they arrive. Steambarge Belle Cross mistook Port Hope for a sand bench, and we:.t aground in consequence. She was lightened off by the steamer Saginaw on Saturday. Mr. King, of St. Catharines, is at Kingsville and Leamington, superintending the gathering up of valuable walnut and oak which washed ashore att these points from the wreck ! of the schooner Canada, which went to pieces on the Colchester reef. Hfccell&meous. A Huntsville despatch sayfs :—The steamer Northern ran her last trip Saturday for the season, and is now laid up for the winter. The schooner Mary, Captaiin Chisholm, bound for Kingston, had to put in at Fort IHope yesterday morning for shelter. The tug Albert Wrights towed her in. The Captain and crew felt thankful that thejy had made cur Harbour of Refuge before the storm, whichi afterwards sprung up, was a its height. The pron Bruno got through ithe Welland Canal on Satur- i day night late and left for Toifonto on Sunday morning. The schr Highland Beauty is-; unloading lumber, and the Str Conqueror is expected do win to Port Dalhousie on Monday night, arid will be the last vessel to pass through the canal this season as the canal w ill be closed on Tuesday. J. H. Norris, a master tnarinesr, writes : —"I notice in your issue of the 24th ult. au artiicle relating to the propeller Prussia having trouble leavimg Colchester dock. True enough she had some trouble leiaving that place owing to the wind shilling from the south to the south-west, causing the sea to raise immediately, and als> the wind causing the water to lower, and Captain Wright, the master of the boat, deserves credit for reliewing the boat in the manner he uid. I was a passenger on Iboard in the interest of Mr. ' Norris' grain, and in my opinion he used the best of judgment. By inserting the above you will very much oblige." ¦* asset Uovmiitenr*. Port Colbobnr, Dec. 4. noom.— Down—Tug Conquerer, ( Georgian Kay to Kingston. Port COLBORNE, Dec. 4, eveming.— Nothing up or down. The wind is blowing a gale fromj the southward. The canal closes to-morrow. Sarnia, Dec, 4.—Arrivals—Sltrs Idyl wild, Port Huron : Hiawatha, Wallaceburg: ,1 C Clark. Dresden. Schr Admiral, Sombra, Departures — St is Idylwild, Detroit : Hiawatha, Dresden. Prop Ontarrio, Port Huron. Port Dalhousie, Dec. 4.—iDown—Prop Bruno, Cleve'- , land to Toronto. Up—Nothing. Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 4.-Arrived—Props Hiawatha. Chicago : Columbia. Duluth ; IDean Richmond, Chicago ; Arctic, Houghton: Avon, Chiteago : Rochester, Chicago: I Wallula, Duluth : Starucca, Chiteago. Schrs Monitor, Mils waukee : Miuniehaha, Chicago : Jura, Port Hope. Barge Banner, Bay City. Cleared—l"rops Northerner, Detroit; Hiawatha. Cleveland. Pout Hope, Dec. 4.— Arrivals—Steambarge VanAllan, { Oswego. Schrs Rutherford, Hamiilton : Mary.St Catharines. for shelter. Departures—Schra (Great Western and Vienna, Charlotte. Oswego, N.Y.. Dec. 4.— Arrrived-Strs Kingsfbrd, Port A Hope : McArthur, Kingston, Scchrs D M Foster. Toronto. ^ Cleared—Str D R Yanalleu, Pcort Hope. Schr Magdala, Whitby. South Bay, Ont., Dec. 4.— A\rrived-Schrs C Gearing, W W Grant, and Ocean Wave, Oswego. Port Newcastle, Dec. 3..—Departure—Schr W H Oades, Charlotte. A Vessel's Entire Crew Supposed to be ILost. THE IBTTORlLSriEilD) saDJaJ^a-IiyEJEJlR Detroit, Dec. 5.—A Mamistee despatch says:'— Further information receivesd here of the burning of the R. G. Peters shows itt must have happened about twenty-five miles offf Racine, at 3 a.m. Saturday. The city is wild with excitement about it ,as all are believed to have been lost, .'tnd the crew are nearly all of "this city. The additional names of the <crew are:—Steward, Henry Ruse ; watchman^ Henry Henryson; deck-hands, Sivert Hansom, Hans T. L. Arsen, Adolphe Christian, and Jnto.Swansen. No tidings have been received of any of' the crew being saved. The Peters was built at Mlilwaukee in 18S0 for .Trio. Canfield, of Manistee.. She was of 386 tons burden. She was bought bvy Louis Sands of this place in 1881 for .$44,000, and was insured for 820,000, but the policies e>xpired November .SO. She was bound for this port, to lay up when the fire occurred. SCUTTLED AND SUivTK. The steamer ,/. IV. Stei/ikoff m still ashore near the mouth of the Thames River. The tug Prince, Alfred, which went to the rescue, got ashore hei self, and was released by the Katie William The latter left yesterday momiing to release th Stemhof. The schooner Wentdkexter, which ha been waiting a week at anchor off Horsesin Bay pier on Green Bay, Wis., for favourabl' weather to load, dragged anclhor on Saturda, night and pounded against the piier. Assistant could not be rendered, and the [probability is sh' has been scuttled and sunk to sa-ve her from tota destruction. STKANDED SCHOONHMJ9. A Milwaukee despatch says :—"During th? gale of Sunday night the Goodirich steamer Di pere ran ashore one mile south of Two Rivers" The liepcre had no passengers abioard. The creu is saved, but the cargo may pro we a total loss, a:-the vessel ran very high on the i.neach. The ves sel was valued at $25,000. Thee schooner L. W Pent/ stranded the same night si:x miles north o Cheboygan. No lives lost. Loses about §7,000 A wrecking expedition left the; city this after noon." OTHER DISASTERS1;. The schooner Map Cornell, oof Manistee, is ashore near Glen Harbour. The ccrew were saved. The steambavge Hilton, arrived att Frankfort from Milwaukee wibh the disabled soihooner Westcott, loaded with apples. Sunday ni^ht the schooner Lillie Mat/, bound from Manitowoc for Manistee, missed that harbour at Frankfort about 4 a.m. Floating ice prevented her from entering, but some of the citizens were aroused, who turned out and helped her inside. Washington, N.O., Dec. 5.— The steamer Enterprise was burned off Maud's "Point, yesterday. Captain Mayo, W. A. Thompson, W. H. Hancock, and a coloured man were drowned, Captain Mayo displayed great heroism, saving a number of passengers, including -Mrs. Dillon and children. Milwaukee, Dec. 5.—On Snmday night the Goodrich steamer Depere ran asluore a mile south of Two Rivers. She had no passengers and her crew were saved. The cargo miay prove a total loss. She was valued at $25,000). The schooner Perry stranded the same night snx o.iles north of Cheboygan. No lives were lost. Loss, $7,000. The propeller Michigan, of thee Goodrich line, left Grand Haven for Milwaukee on Sunday night. The trip takes but a few hours, but she has not been seen since. It is ifeared she was wrecked in the storm that night. Loxdon, Dec. 5.—The steamen- Phoenician has landed the crew of the British ship Romania, bound from Quebec to Liverpool.. The Romania was abandoned water-logged on tthe 22nd ultimo, eighty miles east of St. John, N. B. TWO MEN DROWNED. William Loucks and John Smith were crossing a small lake west of Trufant, when the boat upset just as they reached shore ice. The cries of the men for help as they clung to the overturned boat brought several men to the rescue, but before reaching poor Loucks he threw up his hands and disappeared. Smith, who had but one arm, held on till assistance came. Smith was quite conscious for some time aftber being taken off. After landing* he was careful ly placed on a stretcher, but before reaching honae he succumbed to the intense cold. Both were; married, and leave small families. THE " SHOEORAFT" AND THE " EO'LGER " VICTIMS. Picton, Dec. 5.—-The steam yacht Shoecraft, frozen in the ice since Sunday nisrht with tne bodies of the captain and mate of the Folger on board, got clear of the ice this morning, and proceeded on her way to Clayton. Another body came ashore yesterday afternoon. It is that of a short, heavy-set man, clean shaven except a heavy sandy moustache; high forehead; had on a rubber coat and black coat underneath, strap around top oi boot-legs. In the pocket were a postoffice money order for $50, payable at Brockville, and 83 cents in change ; knife, razor, and some jewellery. Mr. W. J. McCaffrey, of Ogdensburg, arrived here yesterday, looking after the body of his brother, who was second mate on the Folger. An agent of the British America Insurance Company went to the wreck this morning to look after the coat. The schooner Quinlan went ashore on South Bay Point yesterday afternoon, loaded with coal. All hands saved. Owing to the distance from the telegraph office it is impossible to get any more particulars. TWO SCHOONERS HAVE A ROUGH TIME. Kingston, Dec. 5.—Last night it was telegraphed that tiie schooners A. G. Ryan and O'Gorman had broken away from the tug McArthur and that fears were entertained for their safety. This morning the Ryan ran alongside of Swift's wharf laden with coal. Captain Allen related his experience as follows :—" We left Oswego at 10:30 o'clock for Kingston in tow of the tug McArthur. The schooner M. O'Gorman was in the rear. The wind, when we left, was blowing fresh from the south. When we got fifteen miles off Oswego we encountered the first rough weather. Here the 6V6?omaftbrokeaway from us. The sea rolled mountains high. Off ' False Ducks ' we got into the worst of the gale and our line parted taking the windlass bit with it. The tug steamed on, leaving us to our own resources. Our foresail was up, and with this we managed to get under the lee of the L Ducks.' We then , squared away and made for Nine Mile Point, j running through the biggest sea I ever saw. The schooner was full to the rail all the time. The bulwarkson the starboard side were knocked out and the water swept the decks of everything movable. After a hard struggle we ran under the lee of Four Mile Point and remained there until morning. The O'Gorman followed us and lay at our stern. The waves were 30 feet high at Nine Mile Point. I don't care to have such an experience again." A. Laroche, a man on the Ryan, has been sailing for 30 years,and he. declares that he never has been through such a gale. Kingston Notes. Kingston, Dec. 5.—The anchors and chains of the sloop Maid of Erin wore stolen last night, and the craft allowed to go ashore ac Point Frederick. The theft has entailed serious consequences. The schooner Anna M. Foster left Oswego yesterday and lias not been seen since. It is thought she is all right and has ran Into the upper gap. Enquiries are still being; made about the schooner Florence Howard. A steamboat owner asked &f>00 to tow the schooners B W Folger aud White Oak to Oswego. They have cargoes of barley. Captains are not very much startled by the absence of the Annie M Foster. They declare that vessels that left Oswego yesterday morning safe would get across the lake before the gale began. iworaun rHCEMx, capt. a, g. swbst, 1845, hands saved, The Quinlan is owned by Mr. Van Zluk. City of Owen Sound, Prances Smith. Africa, Georgian, She runs Ul. and is valued at s3,ooo, The schrs Jamieson and Freeman came down the Bay of Quinte yesterday and were taken into port by tht Up. Sherwood through several miles of ice. The tug left a-ain this evening to bring the Quinlan m: also bo release the bteam yacht which carries dead bodies from the Kolgei' wreck. It was frozeu in two miles of ict about one o'clock. The schrO Idowat. Capt Saunders, ran mto harbour, having mane the trip 'from Charlotte in less than sever ho-irs* He reports seeing a vessel lying under Soutli Baj Point. It is supposed to be the schr Mary Ann Lydoii. He also reports seeing another under the Mam Ducks. Ht could not see her name, but it is thought she is tho schi Annie M. Foster. ; The T'rince Alfred, from Charlotte, ran into the narboui about 7 o'clock. She had a quick thoughfrouch passage. Geo. Sfxsmith, Pictou, has shipped to Milwaukee- 8o,oc* bushels of barley. Buffalo Notes. Kincardine, and Emerald are at Owen Sound. The Atlantic, Northern Belle, and Canada are at Collingwood. Canals Closed. Albany, Dec. 7. —Canals closed to-day. Most of the. water has been drawn off. The last boats going East werer' locked into the river last night. Kingston Notes. Kingston, Dec. 7.— (Special.)—The schr : Grantham dragged her anchor this morning and fouled the ,Mauza-nilla* No damage was done. , After the wracking business of the lakes is over Capt Donnelly will go down the Gulf and operate on the wrecks . in that .vicinity. m , ,, . Calvin & Son have forwarded to Toronto their new steam pump, to be used in raising the schr Midland Hover The tug McArthur went to the assistance of the schr ElivnaQuinlan y>;st,ecd:-iv. The vessel was found on a shoal at Poplar Point oounding severely and the sea dashing over her Sha was not much damaged. The tug returned to th" city last night, and as soon as tho weather moderates will go hack-to the vessel with a steam pump to empty her of water and pull her off the shoals. _ J To day the schr Mary, of St 'Catharines arrived. Capt Chisholm reports that last nUht was the worst he ever t'voeri-mced He was ncaring Salmon Point, keeping wed tn when ths wiud from the s mth blew, a terrible gate and t'ae snow Ixvan to descend. Tho waves rolled over Hie vessel Inoassautly, knocking out the bulwarks and sweeping the deck of everything. After passing Salmon Point tM jib-boom snapped and th;; foresails and gaff topsail v.e-torn into shreds Other portions of tne rigging suuere The vessel wast loaded with 7,1)0,) bu.of wheat atRondeau fa. Portsmouth at 6Jc. She may winter here When off Salmon Point a ball of li,;ht settled on the masts and snona brilliantly. He calls those ligh^r, " oompazantes. and sayaj the,-are caused by foul air overhead, They gave more light than any four lamps he ever saw. Buffalo, Dec. 5.—The Bteambarges Wallula, Columbia and James'Davidson, and the schooner Minuebaaha, wil The Hiawatha reached Cleveland yesterday niorming. The Buffalo branch of the Chicago Seamen's U nion ha enected F J Klokke, George Holdridge. and Wm Benwicl a's delegates to the annual Convention to be held a.t Detroi on December 10th. The propellers Morley and J C Gough, which left her li-ht for Toledo Saturday morning, ran into Port Colborn that afternoon and were at Cleveland on Sunday night They bere making haste slowly and cautiously The owners of the schr A B Norris have sued the pre peller M M Drake for $3,000. the reason being that th Norris ran ashore while towing the Drake, and the latte failed to release her. Just before dark last night the wind hauled around t the south-west and increased in force. It blew pretty har daring the night. The only vessels on the lake bmmd to Buffalo were the propellers Commodore and Tacouia, which are able to take care of themselves in any kind of weather. The tugs Goodman and Ash were working abreast for nearly twenty hours and dredged a wide channel to within twenty, feet of the schooner Groton, and were nbliged to quit yesterday morning because of the wind rising. Of course the channel will drift full again. Over 150 cords of her bolts yet remain in her. All the Anchor Line boats are now in winter qu arters, as follows: —At Buffalo-Propellers India. Japan, Winstow, of next season's operations. The future is not prom, Arizona. Alaska, Oonestoga, ^Lycoming, and schooner Much anxiety is felt as to the result of tne abolition ot tolll; Schuylkill. At Erie—Propellers Delaware. Gordon) Camp- on the Noiv York Canals. bell Juniata Wisaahi kon, aud Annie Young: schooner The statement published yesterday that the schoonfi Ani'ii' Sherwood and lug Erie. At Chicago-P'ropeilers Jessie Scurth had beenff missing for several weeks piove Clarion, l.ehich, Conemaugh, Philadelphia, and schooner to be untrue. The schooner has been laid up at tier a« AllechanV. tination, Charlotte, some days 'Hie anxiety m certaij 53 Miscellaneous. quarters.as to her whereabouts is therefore quite unnectf Captain Anderson, of the steamer Campana, of the_ Coll Miscellaneous. The steamer Varuna is reported to have be*n sold U Messrs. Rathbun. . , J The Canadian propeller Quebec will receive new arche and other repairs at the Detroit dry-dock this winter The harbour at Trenton is frozen over, and the stean barge Saxor. and schooner Flora Carveth have laid u there for the winter. The former isloaded with lumber ant the latter With barley: J Kingston forwarders are particularly bine about the resul Cn Wednesday, the 22nd of last month the- schooner Jessie Scarth ieft Kingston with a load of irom ore for Charlotte, and since that time has not been llieard of. The schooners Mowat and Prince Alfred left for the same place on the Saturday following, and have arriveid at their dest.iiiaLio:i. The Scarth was ashore a short time ago, and it is reared was strained. There is great anxiety. Captain Malcolmson is in command of the Scarth. She was built uugwood line, returned home last Thursday, having after I prosperous season laid up his boat safely for the winter He returns to Collingwood in about a month to superintend »- the reconstruction of the Campana's upper works.the Goal The Scarth was ashore a short time ago, and pany having decided to remodel and improve the entir. woodwork of the boat. , uliar c**e-h#«-ffi ¦ nrtlmftnn is in command oi tne ouui tii. one >¦ js i > io 11. n ^.vuuiu —-—------- - - --7— ,, T, , c t_ ___ h2S In !s71 : is „w„ed by Scarth i Co., is «ta«J at 155 of the schooler Foi2or. John P Bockus. of Iroano ii'imn ¦mil r-L'e, A 2 who was one of the crew, sent a poBfcofflce Ueoosit ot M $1J,0L.U, ina !a.es A 1. u> th.3 e W(| t0 himsel( »„,! then .notified his wi Wind anil Weather. of his action. He intended coming here with the vesse when he would draw the money and lay up for the wintei. I- KlNTiHTON'. Dec. 5. 6 p.m. — Thermometer, 38 des. Wind Tjpon his death being made public "iris wife made applica south-east, light. Weather cloudy. ti(m (or ti,0 money, but was informed that it could not b. Charters and Freight*. paid to her as no order had been received from Bocku . ,„, ..„¦.., v a .himself. The matter will be laid before the Postofllei - (TAI.O, Deo. 5,-The Business has been offered Department. His body was washed ashore yesterday SI 25 on coal from this port to Chicago Vessel Movements. Goderich, Dec. 5.—Arrival—Schr Ontario, Buffalo. jb-t was the postoffice order, but it was for $50. roe Great Northern Transportation Co.'s new steamer, Inch arrived at Collingwood last week from Owen Soundj is a line vessel, aud superlorto the unfortunate Manitoulin* though built on the same lines. Nothing of the Manitoulin BUFFALO, Dec. 5.—Arrived. 4th and 5th— Prop Jas Di» remains excepts her keel and the engines, which have heel Tidsou, Duluth. / set again by the engineer, Win. Lockerbie. Pains have als( rwwpvn NV T>pc 5 — Arrived— Schr G M cJse been taken to.strengthen the bulwarks as far as possible M Lydon, i-ort uope. j )joat aiul three yawt boats, all of large size, are providec PBBSCOTT, Dec. 5.—Down —Tug Mixer with sichr Olfter wjth B vi(MV to tne safety of passengers, and a very laref Mitchell in tow. Port Dalhousie to Ogdensburg. The Mikei Sv,Dp]y „f life preservers. She is 155 feet over all. with 3C. returned light to Kingston. 1 feeti beam and 11 feet depth of hold. The thirty stateroom! Owen Sound, Dec. 5.—The str Kendrick left here t|h are finished, but some of her interior fittings remain t< ii.Mi'iiiug for Lion's Head with a full cargo of freight. % lie completed this winter. The Pacific is to be ready id " nc May. , v | —ji Goodrich Line prop Depere, ashore about a mi str Maaanettawan arrived from Waubashene, and will Into winter quarters at this port, also the BChr OtonaW from Sarnia. Buffalo Nates. BUFFALO, Tie?,. 7.— The prop Newhurgh. bound for llmfaio, crossed the Lime Kilns at 1:4) p.m. Wednesday, She is the last of the Union Line of steamers out. The Toledo tuz Spinney has been sold by the Hardy Bros, to Capt Joe Paige, formerly owner of the tug Syracuse, for .S3.500 cnh. It is reported that the Hardy Bros. will bring a large tug to Toledo from Chicago south of Two Hivers, is thought to be in a bad condition! one of her arches being broken. The Goodrich Line tuj Arctic left Manitowoc this morning with a pump for thef scene of the wreck. It is probable should her owners attempt her release considerable of a channel will have fcol be dredged before anything can be done towards releasing Tiie Goodrich" Line prop Michigan arrived at Milwaukee on Tuesday morning after a very boisterous trip across tin-1 lake, being twenty-six hours out from Grand Haven.whiel The prop Sctiv. c ial laden, reached Chicago on Tuesday.. DOint she left about midnight on Sunday. About au hou] ni^ht. The Commercial Line boats are now all in winter. *fter she left Grand Haven she encountered a terrible quarters as follow :—At Burt'alo, ;irop Russia : at Chicago, s.;-„n,-, ,Ui,i si,0 W:LH run under check to the south-west while props Scotia, Cuba, Colorado, Nebraska; at Cleveland, [ the dr'ivhi" snowstorm prevailed and the tremendous sea prop Roanoke. • I waH rimnms. She being nearly light, was tossed about. Tne steamship Fred Morcur. of the Lehigh Valley lrans- Iuakiu- it rather uncomfortable for her crew. At 7 o'clock porta'Jon Line, was due at I hicago W eduesday atternooiftl . t evenjD,r she reached the west shore ofE Waukegan and titer at Buffalo. Tacoma, Oceanic*, amd R The boats of this lino The steamships Clyde Packer are at Chicago. Steamships H E Packer, Fred Mercur, and all th Western Transportation Line boats are now fen wintei quarters.as follows :— At Buffalo, props Fountain City, j Idaho, Commodore, Buffalo, Arabia, Montana. Empire ' State. Badger .State : at Chicago, props Boston, Mill waukee, Chi :ago : at Milwaukee, prop Vanderbilt, then came down the west shore 100 tons of package freight, damaged, ¦», t had on board aboul nsiderable of which was " Caution:iry Storm Signals Tohonto Observatory. Dec. 6.-The Meteorological tfice at Toronto has ordered up cautionary storm signal .,. 1 at Port Hastings, N.S.. North Sydney, C.B., Little The pron John C Gault, which measures 1212 toms, is the kjlace Bay, C.B., Cow Bay, C.B., and Louisburg, C.B. largest vessel which ever passed through the Sturgj-'ou Bay u";.,™*n„ %,.¦„ Canal. Thd schr American Union, drawing 13 feet 4 inches ! Million ->OIes. of water, is the imst deeply ladeu craft that ever passed Kingston, Dec. 6.—(Special.)—The i t hTA'nrh the canal. m_ t ........ _ haslaid up, being stripped of her canvas :hr Oliver Mowat Sne»made the With two exceptions all the vessels which will lay up at . J,, , ^ . ,.. ... this port during the winter are now here. rnn from Charlotte to Kingston m six hours and thirty The following is a complete list of vessels in winter guar* five minutes, the fastest time on record. ters here :— Props— Potomac, Empire State, Conestoga, Th ,. (-,.nni]prp., .„„„ Ml„ ,„„. ,..,. tn nua-?!,-«,,»h ti,j Portage, Newburg, Arabia, Fountain City. tD W Powers, Ane strGonaUerei wasthelastbo.it to pass through the India. Sr,. Louis, Lycoming, Waverly, Oregon. Commodore, Welland Canal, which closed yesterday. She will probabty Clyde, Antelope,Winslow.Arctic, Buffalo. Dean Richmond, g0 to the rescue of the Midland Rover at Toronto Wallula, Russia, R A Packer, Ontonagon, China, Badger State. Montana, Starucca, Columbia. Oceauica, Huron The schr Florence Howard, respecting which much City. Araies. Jaoan. Nyack. Rochester, B. W. lllanchard, auKious enquiry was made has arrived at Deseronto, .lames Davidson, (J J Kershaw, ALuona, Idaho. Arizona, "1" *?¦¦"'¦ '.'} 'h=,f'"' A"^ Hi ioster. reports a Tesael Alaska, Avon. J Fisk, Jr. Tacoma. Hecla, A J Wrk.-ht, ashore at the Mam bucks, hho Is lyius broadside on the C F Olirtts. Lake ti«s-S E Bryant, .lames Ash. Com- heach heavdy laden hhe has a green bottom and white n ,und. It If Goodman* O K Hand. J F Behu. J B Griffin, ta'suiv\, Hb ,co"!d not «e' l,ear ™."u%h .to "Scertain her M B Piaroe, B F Bruoe, A M Pieroe, A P ijorr. achra- "'""^ «ie schr Anna M roster arrived here lost nisht, -u. .. . « v«, * .u v, , tl[US rei,evHig uiany persons re^ardin^ her safety. She Chenev Ames Srhovlkill V Fitzgerald P B Locke G S left this morning for South Bay in tow of the tug JleArthur. Haz rd Mordrrj-II iI A stin F i ( eoriet¦ J) P Bruce and will act as a lighter to the schr Eliza Quinlan. which fetsnil! AH'M^s.lmdsc'EP BeatS.<?B Jones JhS; »»' ^>" «>«. with a carSo of coal while bound for ;HVJM^ia™trthV'1Wm"LeewisFUl,"a': The str Quinte has been the last arrival of the season at Cue, Malta luaitni, IV in Lewis, una- ¦n™«.i.n.,+.,, Thn .,,„ «i,.>,.,.,^^,i v,....i.-,. ., „<..........i .!,„.....,. stone, Minnehaha, Jura. Bolivia. Conmnche, Mar diila, Guido Pfister, A L Andrews, F J King. Barges-John Breden, R IN Rice, Journeyman, Wm Crosthwaite, W A Sherman, Banner, Samuel (flint. T II Or ton, May, Winona, S D Hungerford, II J Mills. Plymouth. N li Wagner, Norway, Irvinton, R J Carney, Golden Rule, Colonel .Bracket. There is some talk of building a large sidewheel iron excursion steamer to run upon the lake and river next summer. Detroit Jottings. Detroit. Dec. 7-—The tug Sweopstakes arrived down yesterday from Lake Superior, positively the last arrival of the season from the frigid zone. She was detained by a snow storm in Sault Ste. Marie, and in Mud Lake she had to ply through three inches solid ice. Off Cheboygan she picked up the schooner Unadiiia, bound for Buffalo. After leaving the schooner on Lake Erie the Sweepstakes will come here and take a rest for the winter. Isbell & Co.'s fishing tug Wayne Ishell arrived completely covered with ice and snow. The captain says the ice formed on her so rapidly during the snowstorm of Monday, after leaving Sand Beach, that they were compelled to turn back. It is stated that the Goodrich Steamer Company will ruu a line between Chicago and Cheboygan nest year. Vessel MoTeinonts. Detroit. Dee. 7.— Passed down—Propeller Newburg, tug Sweepstakes, and schooner Unadiiia. The tug Shoofly brought in Westcotts lightship this afternoon. Deseronto. The tug Sherwood broke a channel through the ice for ten miles to get her into port. The ice is now Mo strong in the Bay of Quinte that mail teams crossed j,t yesterday. On the way to Kingston from the Georgian Bay the str Conqueror went to the rescue of the schr .Manic Leaf ashore in the bay off Port Dover. She w,,s found high, broadside upon the sand, and almost entirely out of the water. An attemnt was made to pull her off, but when a ten-inch line double was broken it Was decided to wait until a channel was dredged before continuing operations. I The str Conqueror had an unpleasant experience on the lake last niglit. She left Port Dalhousie about ten o'clock for Kingston. When about 15 miles off Cobourg a snowstorm set in and the steamer was headed for the harbour. The lamp at the end of the pier could not be seen, and some difficulty was experienced in getting into shelter in consequence. One of the Conquerors crew says that the | wind blew a gale on the shore, but had the craft been a sailing vessel she would assuredly have gone ashore and perhaps been wrecked. Detroit Jottings. Detroit, Bee. 6.—A Frankfort (Mich.) despatch says the ' prop City of Ludington sailed with 300 tons of pig iron for f Milwaukee and the str J. D. Sandford for Pentwater with J passengers. The prop Milwaukee has arrived, and she will j go to Muskegon into «inter quarters. She weathered the I gale at jNorthport. She repor s meeting a three*and-after I sailing north near Manitous this morning. The steambarge Hilton and schooner Ida June are iu 1 port. Agents for the insurance company who owned the steam* | barge Teeumseh that went ashore at Cove Island, Georgian , Bay, last weeK, have countermanded the order given for I the Erie Belle to go up aud release her. as it ia reported she > is breaking up.