iber.:... ......... JNovouiber...... Urand total.. Ill i(8,JlS 861.383 184,817 8,SR!,»16 i2il,lT.O Sli.Vl'O 76.881 so.aoi 662,517 ,t»,5 24,268 43.0X5 4 SI. 017 68,290 48,888 2S0,6:!6 SHSPMENTS. The grata shipped from this port during the past season up to date has been In excess ot that shipped last year with the exception of corn. There seems to have been a greater demand tor this kind of grain in 1831. The following figures show the amount ot grain, merchandise, provisions, and other importaut staples shipped by vessel during the jtapt year, also exports: ffi II a1— -'¦-* ^3 ¦ sp-zz r" 91 r3 r^ P£* o I "r. "r. I- ^ci* -j»oito ©, if*^;it;ca5^003 ill! ^o isi 3IXOSCO I toic $, :c &¦ OpC ;»; . ¦ tf.i--rr.,Ji-'>CO~-;,-^. >! cs¦*>«>SC7.^n or: 1 k*o>oaocoa)Oo- 01' cnmocoiDtwtc-a ¦ N> *J ir- O Ol M GO O; -J © ¦ li—iJiaprjOCCM^Oija; £.i©5iotosboi—©- 111 iiiiyy C» eooiCccawWjf-Pi- ¦ o DiOip^J^^'cao; ' to kOw^coow- --liCOl ^^t Si S£5'P©rFi-'~'i*^: 0»lCTCW>-» ^r-*05 ; OC i «DCO «7 -) *D S3 '^ • " ¦—. ft COOIOIOUJOOOSD©' Use: 19 II PQSfT NOTES. '1 rouble occurred between James Ganlon, sec-cil.j engineer of the steam-barse Pahlow, and Sheriffs, a deck hand, shortly after leaving this port on Monday morning. It culminated In the lormei :;ujc;,:iiiK th3 latter overboard, Sheriffs was assisted on bourd, and after the arrival of the llic littis schooner Conway wa3 towed to her ii'ci iii Erie street bridge yesterday by the tug Carpenter. A' KING THC LAKSS. AMHERSTBURG NOTKS. Amh:erstbuk«, Ont., Dec. 12.—LSpecial.J— The feirry-boats Garland and Fortune left here at I P. 31. sxesterdaj for the Unadiila, and cut her out before diirK. They lay outside all night and got to tlie uoe:k here with the schooner at 9 o'clock this rrjomimg. The Unadiila ana her cargo of wheat are uniiiijured. and she will lay up here this winter. The lens 011 the lake is not heavy. A st,?iam-pump was Drought from Detroit this mornltng and put on the schooner Harvey Blssell, which riett lor Detroit at 6 P. M. in tow of the to.;; Kate Williams, the tua Ballze goinst ahead to break the Ice., The ferry-boats had left for Detroit some hours earlier, but, got stuck In the ice above the Linie-r.lius. The tugs and schooner also brought HP there, and all remained fast till after dark, when they made a break and are now working toward Detroit. Weather much milder. MILWAUKEE MATTEPS. Milwaukkb, Dec. 13.—i Wpecial.l—A northwester caused the propellers Michigan and P. & P. 11.. No. 2, bound to urand Haven and Ludington, to turni buck after having proceeded nearly to the cuddle; ol the lake. They reached the harbor at 8 o'clock this morning. The scow Contest has sailed to Kenosha to lay up. The Bteam-Darge Nellie Torrent has cleared lor Alan'..".nee, also to lav up. PHKE CANADIAN CANALS. TOBtONTO. tint,, Dee. 12.—The corn exchange to day,. on the question of the abolition of tolls on vessels: passing through the Canadian canals, p?ssedi a resolution agreeing with the memorial of the Utontreal board of trade, with the exception that tine canals shall not be free to American vessels except when destined for Canadian ports. STURGEON BA7 NOTES. Stpkgf.on Bay, Wis., Dec. 13.—[Special.]— ! .evlathan to-day picked up the scow Moni- b aasoeen floating about on Green bay, frozen in au Ice-field, since Saturday, and took her ¦ k%. She had drifted about with the wind. . ,>und bv the Leviathan at the mouth ot Be or her crew were aboard. The steam-barge Thomas H. Smith made a trip oi nee and returned to-day, having forced a channel through the ice from the village to the mourn of I his bav vosterday. She took over a lot oi men, teams. Helena, etc Her officers report the west snore of Green bay free of Ice. THE CANADIAN CANALS. Montreal, Dec. 13.—The corn exchange eouu,::ll has petitioned the government to release the canals of tolls and to assume the Lake St Peter debt, In order to reduce the Montreal harbor Mil.______________________ \/Y~, 9. EM ARKS. A YEAR OH THE LAKES. Beviiew of the Season of ^Navigation Just Closed—A Decrease of Tonnage. \ Casualties to Lake Vessels Fewer Than in the Season oi' 1881. vCanGefd fssenge:-, S<>,500.v.____-., Weitzell, exploded oa Lake MicMgan.........., ' BARGES. ,r> "«\ Ton-Nain<\ year.?, n ,jje. Cuyahoga..........................27 v 71*8 G. n.RusseU......................12 • 680 Wctilliivray.....................1.2 */ 42? George Tliuwion.................28 ^ S28 a. BurGhard......................35 S 170 scows. Cliristle...........................13 -- 146 1. S. Skinner........,............]8 y l'.i5 Total.................................14,923 KKW TONNAGE. -- '.'Tv:e -sidewheel. Name and where built— Tannage. 0. D. Conger, .Pore Huron........... 100 $ l'ltOPF/LXBllS AND STEAM-BARGES. Valuation. $10,000 40,000 8.0 >0 IV. aooo 4,000 $576,000 The. Loss ot* Life in Canadian Waters Disproportionately Great—A Subject for investigation. Deaths of Seamen During^ the Year. NEW AND OLD TONNAGE. During the year of 1882 13 steam craft, 81 sail. Stilus, and 5 barges, having a total of 14,&^ tons ana a valuation of $576,600. have V™ff™l°l existence, an Increase over last year of m tons, W whils the vaiuatloa Is less by $84,m Sixty-ona steaimers. Including ta^s, and 27 sail craft and barsres nave been ushered into existence, with a total <Bt 48.105 tons and a valuation of $3,726,800, a deciense from last year of 6,623 tons and less valuation, amounting to $301,600, Steamers or vessels laumched this fall but not yet commissioned are not mcimdedinourlist: Massachusetts, I'etrolt............— Tacoma, Gleveland.................. O. H. (Trecn, l.'.asi sjiginaw............ Cora Fuller, Mu.l;e;r.>i).............. C. IT. Dmmens, Buffalo............ .. Frank '-i-riison, K*Ie................... Q. ]>. Qnnlord, Krie.................. Handy Hoy. Bay City.................. eerfttt/T mawanda............ R. J, Cramm. EastSaeiilaw........... ¦ loan, Buffalo................... StiangtalM. Buffalo.................. S. I'.. Barser, Grand Haven........... H attie, New i Baltimore............... Ari.:. Detroit.......................... Byron *J r rico. Dresden............... Osceola, Bay City.................. . F. P. M. K. No. 1., Detroit.......... F. P. to. B. No. 2, Detroit............ Mylea, St. Catharines................. United Empire. Sarnia................ M. F. Buyers, Milwaukee...,........ Continental, Cleveland............... Colonial. Cleveland................... i raolio, Clevelana.:.................... Robert WaVace, Cleveland........... A. a.C'otborn, saucratuck............. - auMjnnr. Gibraltar............... Doufrlass. :s:uiMt,\ifk........,......... Ban lv Boy, Mount Clemens.......... Nevada) Bay City..................... Manuel Brunette, Green Bay.--------- Lora, Benton Haruor................. Hec'a Buffalo...................... John M. Osborne, Marine City....... D. Lenty, Lorain, O.................... H.P -Hubbell, i.orain, O.............. A. We ton. Mount Clemens........ A.J Knignt, Buffalo................ Wallula, Cleveland.............. ... White & Friant, Grand Haven....... SlberlavBay City................... Lewis PftblOW........................ H. E. Packer, Buffalo ... ........... h.J Jewett, Buffalo................. Bt O. Whltinat, »t ciair.............. Fred Mercer, Buffalo............... Mai.....ti*. Cleveland................. Specular, Cleveland................... Oregon, BayClty ................. TUUS. Joseph Perrett, Manitowoc.......... Chlcasro Cnieag ¦..................... C.J. Bunhar, Buffalo................. James Adams, Buifaio............... A. J. Holloway, Buffalo........... ... welcome. Chicago.................... Thomas Spear, Green Bay........... J. W. Hahn, Bwffale................. W. H. Alley. Bay? City................. Beatrice, wallaicwburgh............. SCHOONERS. Merriraac, D strmit—................. Charles E. Wyonan, Grand Baveu.... Jennie Weaver, iBouth Haven........ F 11. Williams, Manitowoc........... G. H. Jackfitto, Cleveland............ M. C. Bell, Bast Saginaw............. Otseeo. Au Sable..................... Penndia. Cape Vincent............... R. H. Brown, Detroit.................. Uno. Clayton......................... M'shicott, Maint'nvoc,... ,............ W. L. Goodman., Manitowoc.......... Northwest, Bronte, Ont............... City of <HevelarKl. Cleveland.......... J.M. Lo'inis. Manitowoc............ O. R- Johnson, -ution's Bay.......... Walter Smith, South Haven........... BARGES. Walter A. Sherman, Butfafc.......... Bosa Lonsmlth.. East Saginaw........ Galatea, Bay City....._................ Wayne* St. Clair..................... Nellie Mason, East Saginaw....... Nellie, Mount'"leineus................ B. Mills, Buffalo.................... Glcnora, King-ton.............. ..... Golden Age, Milan..................... C.F. Curtlss, Marine City............. Nelson Bloom, Detroit........... .... Total new tonnage.................. 3,415 2,000 700 9.X 133 10 51 B 19 13 43 5.7 G6 200 150 SSO 638 033 777 'l.ooo •500 1,605 1,506 2.164 1,189 275 473 278 136 640 «S 600 1,110 646 646 898 511 258 1,924 4"9 1,618 868 1,704 1,722 1,013 1.142 '1,000 •980 B37 40 47 40 40 22 83 13 81 4S 1.398 284 230 1O0 400 534 23 17 44 IS 76 440 57 1,528 880 127 80 519 534 fiOll 674 554 156 509 73U •2,000 ¦¦806 Valuation. 28,000 110,000 150,000 60.000 •6.000 •17.000 •4,000 •8,000 •4, -.00 •4.000 4.000 8,0 10 1K000 9,000 24,000 65,000 6i!,000 tances umber ;les In ludlue 1,400 10,500 40,700 il-700 12,800 01,you 45,000 .57,1110 120,200 ¦61.500 115.000 110,2 i'l 78,31)6 magi's. :u, 1,00 90.3MO •,3.1li:o -8,500 5,100 -8,100 16,500 10,510 37,900 8,000 JMOO 25,000 , ...74 ..^.¦ket w ........ 2 ¦ H4.WW' .......... 7 23,600 Jfoi.- ................_2 20,000 Totals..............................186 «277,l66 Ijlveslost.........1 ^>^ii....,-............-..............84 , LAKE HTJRON3>?-SAGINA-W BIVKb. *,o. Damages. Sprunealeal:............................ 20 6 18,800 Il^avyiventher.......................... 20 , 2!(,:ino WestasAore............................ 13 40.0011 By collisions.......................... 10 219-0 Ciiriiroc, lost or damaged................ 18 50,300 Bym-9................................... 5 19,5 10 Disabled.......... ..................... 18 22,200 Stranded................................ 8 28,hoo Lightning................................ 1 400 Totals.................................114 $231,400 IJveslost................................... ............16 LAKE ONTARIO AMD ST. LAWRENCE. 4L- & y]yuj aleak........................... 11 ted............................... 11 ------- 18 16 12 Heavy weather................ Stranded........... ........... Wen;: ashore.................. Cargoes lost or damaged...... By collision..................- Capsized.....................„ By Ore........................ Explosions...................„ Total..................--------- Lives lost ..___ Damages. $ 10,100 5,100 211,200 28,900 13,400 28.700 2.7HU 600 13,500 4,000 GEOEfiLAN BAY. Stranded................ By are.................. 60 000 ! Carges lost or damaged •80 000 Went ashore............. Disabled................ 110,000 Foundered. ........... Heavy weather.......... Total............. 90 000 . i^mst....... 4-n.onn : 94 5159,900 ..., No. Damages. « » 25,900 4 80.500 0 29/00 2 2,700 1 500 2 23,0!KI 1 300 Vooo { S^i •40,000 22,000 18,000 50 000 15,0' 60,:. 9 1,000 60,000 5o,ooo 80,000 40,000 25 00O 130.0QO 25,000 120.000 100,000 200,000 85,000 lflo.ooo rl 80.000 I ' 80,000 •76,000 DETBOI'ir BIVEB. By fire......... Collisions...... Stranded....... uug aleag.. Capsized....... 'loW____ Lives lost... Bs ooiosions.. 1 :d ...... 1 a leatt.. i ...... 1.1,,:s lu^t...... 20 iilVER ST. CLAIR.. I , 11 6 LAKE ST. CLAIR. Stranded . Collisions.. 60.000 1 bfsabl'ea 9,000 12.000 8.000 8.000 6,000 8.000 6,000 18,000 10,000 100,000 20,000 15,000 14.000 80.000 22,000 4,000 S.oOO 4,600 800 8,000 25.000 5,000 75,000 No. ! 19 *146,700 ........141 Damages. 84,000 3,700 600 200 *»6.30d :: ¦ 2,400 _200 ......... 8 *2,eoo ¦ ,00 «00 18,0 10 cargoes lost or damaged......... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total................................ 19 826,700 Lives lost........................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LAKE SDPEBIOP. AND SAULT RIVER. No. Daraafi-es Went ashore..............-........— 6 Cargoes lost or damaged.^............. 5 Stranded............................... 19 SprungaieaK.............-............ 4 Disabled................................. 8 By collisions...............- ........... 2 Dy Are.................................. 1 Heavy weather......................... 1 Total., 40 $15,800 14,800 30.0110 4 10 I l.ooo $76,700 y/l/L h 7 ' #&- \*t? Lives lost. .V.V..V.V.V.V."".".".............................14r INCIDENTAL. The following are a*ome of the most notable incidents or the season <of navigatioa; ¦t'eb.^4, propeller Wisconsin struck (irand Haven pier WM t andimJtfs^ 12,000 8,000 21,000 25,(M)0 85,000 30,000 2B.000 10,000 8U.000 18,000 •129,000 20,000 48,105 $3,726,800 •Estimated. CASUALTIES. As near as* can be arrived at, 899 disasters of a orominent character occurred on tne lakes and rivers during the year 3ust closed. The estimates of losses on tuulls and cargoes Is one ot the mo3t difficult matters to determine, as such figures never reach the preuss, except in very tew instances where surveys are published. The sum total as here given will no>t vary far from being correct, yet It will be bornei in mind that there are yet several craft wbich lile stranded alons the const which mar March 9, tug Winslow and barge pass through Macfc-ina.v straits, the f)r.st ot tfcffl season. March 9, navigation opsiu to all points on Lake Huron. March 24, Bteam-hArae Grace Patterson wreciied at Twin Rivers, LaJce Micnigran, a total toss. March 2ti, navigation opem at Buffalo: propeller City of New Yoi'K arrive* there. March 26, schooner Emiina 0. Hutchinson, first clearance from Chicago for Buffialo. April 8, Capt. Tnomas Nelson, ot the acnoouer iron-sides mjfl*erKMisiy munie- red at CmcaKo. diril 8, schooner Olaytom Belle, pUr-iron, sunk by collision on JLals Huron, wu In lour lives. Aprd ll, Er'e eaniil o iomed on this date. Ami! 14, schooner Floisstta arrives at fjhicago, with sm.iH-pox i"") hoard Lpril 16, ^xtrjoraiaar.w display ot aurora horealis throughout the. lake reiriom. April Y% Capt. Wiiiian.'H.Pughshotdeadbyagambier at Kactne, Wis. April 20i Welland canal • opened on this date. April is, two men In h oaoai go over Niagara falls. April -.<i, havigation opern to Lake Huron; steamerFair-bank first boat west. Aprd IS*, steam-barije : <oswls Gilbert's name changed to A. Et, Seymour, on '.;aKe Mfichlgan. May i, snow-siorm, with i cold and freezing mine straits an!i par s of Lafce MicMaraaa Muy l ¦¦, i". m-; -u-¦:/ PiTiiidivilie becomes a total io:ss neat fiast Tawas, l.a'se iUuron. May IK, W'i(i . . 'ui^agle exploded near Kelly's island. Lalci- Erie; 4 killed!. May is, propeller Manitoulin burned in Georgian bay; ;u ¦ 14, propeller Piynioouth dismantled and made a