|rom M PASSENGERS' A ->UrCi \ iW^/^w ^M &4m M-- - ARCTIC EXPLORATION, Aiur. 8 a snow-squall on Laftte Michigan on this date. Aug. 25, propeller Chicago burned on Lane Michigan altf-r twantr-seven years' servvice. Sept. 14, propeller Asia louLnd^red in Georgian bay: 120 Sept. 21, steamer Rlchelleuai forty years old, exploded on St. Lawrence river; 41iv. Oct. 24, tug Wetzell expploded off Racine; 4 uvea Nov. 23, northwest gale j prevails throughout the Jake reci n. Nov 24, schooner Collingrwooa, 27 years old. wrecked on Lake Michigan; 2 lives losst. Nov; 30, Welland canal cciosedon tbisdateon the old route. -r ¦:, steam-barge K. G. Pesters burned on Lake Michigan; it uvea lost, looner Henry Fooiger wrcked on Lake On-¦ Brte canal dosed on i this date. De ' • schi oner MJ .landed near Toronto: 2 uvea oat * northwest gale, withh extreme coid, and navigation cl< Lee. 7, Welland canal closeod throughout QUIPK PMS AGES. Among the prominent features of the season are those of some rernairLiuole qu'ek. passages which have Deen made by booth steam and sail craft, which n may be safe to asseert are without precedent on fresh or salt water. We i give space to a few, as follows : to Buffalo, 3 days and 14 Jewett, BBuifalfl to Cleveland, 1,-1/2 Milwaukee, ,'t days and 22 Sl cam ship Wallula, Chicago boors. St amshlpH. J. Same steamer, Buffalo to houra a ae steamer, Chicago to Btiutfalo, 72 hours and b minutes. s?ine st?ainer, Milwaukee t to Buffalo, 2 days 14 hours and;. minu Same steamer, round trlpp, Buffalo and Chicago, 1 week. SteamsnlD Wallula. Duiuthito Buffalo, 105 hours. i ru[) i ter Boseob 1 and eoiisaorts, round irip, Chicago aim v shtlgo, ;->;U/<> hours. : Willi m home. Detroit to Buffalo. 22 hours. Pchoon ¦!¦ Bavin Dows, loledlo to Buffalo, IS hours. Schooner Emma, four trips.;, Port Hope and oswego, 6 Oft] -. Schooner Kockaway, round ttrlp, Chicago and Muskegon, 33 hour?. Schooner E. Fitzgerald, Chicago to Kingston, 9 days. Schooner Biggie, round tripo, Chicago and Buffalo, 11 fl::vs and IS hours. Steam yacht I'ermelia, 25 miiles In 1 hour and 18 minutes. Sciiooner Ontonaha, Sarnia tto Owen Sound, 25Va hours. #Ch ,/ 64T- VESSE! EXCHANGES. Quite a number of crai'tt have chaugedf hands during the season of 18982, a large proportion of vMch were of a-minor chiaracter. The following are among the more Important: Propeller Oneida, to Capt. Chiaries McTnnis......$32,500 Steam-barge .Uary-Javeeki, to> J. R. Barker...... 80,000 Steam-barge s. c. Baldwin, t<o D. Whitney....... 20,500 Staam-barge K. G. Stewart, tai Capt. Holt....... 15,000 Steam-barge Frances Smith, to Owen Sound T. companv.......................................... 83,000 Steam-barge Alpena, to C. Bawickand others.... 80,000 Steam-barge N. D. Oo3mb3rr:>*. to Smith & Davis............................ ................... 51,000 Propeller Potomac, to 9. L. Watson and others.. 25,000 schooner J. 0. Sawyer, to sarnie parties.......... 25.0UU Strain barge Sallna, to J. Pot:ts and others....... sru.000 uer Nellie Torrent, to ML. Lngleman........ 21,000 Schoontr J. C.King, to ParKen* Bros.............. 18 000 Barge Wenona, to C. Bervick: ana others......... I5,u0u Ste.mier Maxwell, to American Transportation eompany...................................... i;:.uoo Barge H. B. Newcomb, to Simith & Davis_____, 24,000 Bchoouor M. Capron, to C. B, Lewis & Son....... 0,000 -THE U. 9. STEAMER " RODGEISS, BURKED AND SUNK IN LUTKA HARBOR, ST. LAWRENCE BAY. -May 16, Michael Ryan, seaman, at Chucago. -SEE PAGE 151. NECROLOGY. The death list from all sources numbers SOO. Of these 84 were from nataral oauses and 208 accidental; there were 2 cases of murder—one an accidental blow from a fellovf-shipmate—and 5 cases of suicide. Of thosa happening on the water, Georgian bay comes prominently to the fore, showing an exhibit of HI, only 26 less than au the rest of the lakes and rivers conn bined. This has been generally attributable to a lack of Inspection on the i>:irt of Canadian official s, but, whether from this source mainly or not, certain it Is there is a gross dereliction of duty lnsonne quarter which merits a strict Inquiry. FROM NATURAL 04TT3B8. Jan. 12, Martin Griffin,, engineer, died at Detroit, Jan. 10, Capt. A. D. Perkins, at Monroe, Mich., aged 88. Jan. 20. Capt. John LoutSt, at Chicago, 111., aged 46. . Jan. 27, Wiloian Kanfciu,, vessel-owner, at Detroit, aged oO. ^eo. 20, Capt- William Trravers, of pneumonia, atDe-trott. aged 60. _ . ^„ March 4, Capt. W. B, Hllu, after a short illness, at De-trolt, aged 69. „ . March r>, Capt Frome Guioin, at Duluth, Minn., aged 44. Match 15, Capt. David Keener, of schooner J. R. Noyes, at Chicago, aged 46- March :'A, Capt. Edward Durant, of pneumonia, at Buffalo, aged .".3. ^ _ .iarch 27, Capt. Burton Parsons, a pioneer, at Vermilion, 0.. asred72. April 4, Andrew Miller, shiip-hniider, at Chicago. . ., Capt. A. Oarieson,, of pneumonia, at, Milwaukee, aged 85. Apriil'A Capt. T. M. Manrcellot, of consumption, at Eld mond, Va., aged &5. April 17, Capt. NLs Neilscon, of small-pox, at Chicago, April 23, HenryS. Halsteatd, vessel-owner, at Chicago, ;, George Slaussom, vessel-owner, at Racine, Aprfi 23, Ira Wheeler, tseaman, in Chicago hospital, 0, W. McBetb, seaiman, in Chicago hospital. May ,-i, Joseph Giroux, miate schooner Passport, Kings- Nell Morrison, ae»man, at Detroit. tiam Wilson, eiugineer, at Detroit. John s. Newhoiuse, pioneer vessel-owner, at John Quayle, seamian, in Chicago hospital, aged John WUson, wratchman, on board propeller , ou Lake Erie. „M 15, Capt Beury Spemcer, an old pioneer, at Chl- ¦ May 22, Louis Waits, seaman, died at East Saginaw, aged 25. May*22, Capt. William Vincent, died at Cape Vincent, Lake Ontario. May 25, James Cullen, seaman, of dropsy, at Buffalo. May 2'~. .lames skivmgton. wheelsman, at Erie, Pa. May 26, Capt. Thomas Watts, a lake veteran, at Grand Rapids, aged 66. May 26, Thomas King, seaman, died at Osceola, Mich. May 28, Johns. Crandall, an early mariner, at Detroit, aged 50. May 28, John Hannah, seaman, died ait Erie, Pa— aged 47. May 29, John Bloom, veteran saUm;ak.er, at Detroit, aged so. .May 2ff, Capt. Dennis Bulger, at Rochiester, N. V. May 31, D. McDonald, seaman, died im. Chicago hospital. June 19, Capt. Ben Wolvin, died at Hlot Springs, Art.. aged 58. June 22, Capt. Charles Ely, diea at Pcort Huron. June 20, -Jeorge Bute, engineer, atPemetanguisbine. July 5, James Fleming, mate, in Mllwaaukee hospital, July 5. Mark Wrignt, rhate steamer dj. tt. Van Allen, at Quebec, aged 28. July 7, Capi. H. F. Fowle, at Griswolld house, Detroit, a«?ed 37. July 14, Capt Frank Voshurg, died att Bay City. July 24, Capt. Harry Rummage, of paaraiysis, at Cleveland, aged 59. Aug. 3, L. Slavln, seaman, of consumption, at Chicago. Aug. 3, M. McLaughlin, seaman, of consumption, at Chicago. Aug. 3, George Johnson, seaman, of'heart disease, at Chicago. Aug. 3, William Cullottson. seaman, of consumption, at Chicago. Auc. 3, James Nesblt. of Bright's diseaise, at Chicago. Aug. 31, Capt. Calvin Whitney, died a.i Erie, Pa., aged 60. Aug. 8. Capt Sam Whitney, at Staten Island, N. T. Aug. 10, Capt. J. F. Bouchard died at Green Bay. Aug. 21, James Jamieson, seaman, in Chicago hospital. Aug. 81, Capt. Frank Frazler, at Detroit, Mich, aged 66. Sept. 18, Hugh Lucky, seaman, died In Chicago hos pitai, aged 22. Sept 25, Capt. John T. Davison, vessel-owner, at Buffalo, aged 50. Oct. 7. James Byrnes, seaman, died In ^Chicago hospital. Oct. 10, Capt, feayer, of consumption, ;at Saginaw City. Oct. 20, L. U. Wilkins, on board tug Hiummage, at Bay City. Oct. 28, John Burns, seaman. In Chicago haspltal. Nov. 2, Capt. Edward Butler, in Chicago hospital, aged 85. Nov. 2, William Smith, seaman, on bojard propeller Ne-brassa, on Lake Michigan. Nov. 6, Capt L. C. Huguniu, pioneer, at Chicago, aged Nov. 6, Capt. w. J. Thompson died at Detroit, aged 54. Nov. 25, Michael Wilson, seaman, at Cmeboygan. .Nov, i;5, J. Kinchier, seaman, in Chicrugo hospital. Sept. 15, William Hock, cook, died on board propeller Wissahickon, at Detroit, aged 29. Sept. 21. unknown person found dead on board the propellor Champlain, on Lake Huron. Oct. 24, John Clifford, cook, on board propeller Buffalo, outside. Nov. 29, Capt a. W. Smith died at Marine City, aged 66. ACCIDENTAL DEATHS- Jan. 16, Capt. Hugh Mallon, killed by a faU at Buffalo, aged 60. March 26, Martlnel Richardson, injured fatally on steam-barge Davidson, Chicago, aged 21. viarco 20, .John Quinn, Tell Irom aloft on schooner Wa-tert-wn, Chicago. April 9, Andrew Wood3, drowned from boat at baud Beach. April 12, Capt Fred A. Colvin, lose wltn schooner Clayton Beile. Lake Huron. April 12, Nathaniel Brotherton, matp.« lost from same vessel. , April 12, Deil Brotherton, seaman, losit at same time. April 12, Mrs. Gilford, cook, met a lucie fate, same ves- April 12, Henry Piening, mate, drowmod at Sbeboygau. April 18. Sherman Baldwin and Thioinas McLennan, drowned on Lake Ontario. Ap:il 22, Capt Eugene Gerard, Injureid fatally on barge Eureka, Welland canal. April 22, George i)omay, drowned fronn schooner Belle Brown, on Lake Michigan, aged 45. May 1, JohnX'ottou, tell from aloft, acbooner Canada, et Catharine's, ^ ^ _ i L, Philip Caflrey, drowned 11 u.m a boat on Lake Michigan. . 3, Joseph Joyce, suffocated in submarine armor, Lafce Huron. :;:, cbavle^ iuman, Wilirim Smith, ^ad tiei'W Brycei drowned near Ogdensburgh. M&y 5, Joseph Beaumont, fatally lnjurea on barge Bay City, Lake Erie. may 5, john Conners, tell into the hold of the schooner 6. .U.Ely, at Marquette. May 6. Andrew Kronz, Injured iatally on barge Ackle.v, Buffalo, aged 28. may 14, Capt JBuekltn, his two sons, John smith, and eight men. drowned near Chicago. May 14, W. o. Bttm& —- Foster, Charles Pierce, and L. J. Moore, drowiii/d near Chicago. May 18, irauk Brittle, Lorenzo Neiso'n, Frank Walters, John Lutes, John W. Johnson, and James Fuilerton, kiJied by explosion ot tug Atnercan Eacie, Kelly's island. May 18, Robert Henry and a girl, Thoonas Hanbury and wife, George White, James Lewis, john Hogan, P. Fits-patricK, Fanny Pi-oud, one unknown, and four deck-bauds, lost with steamer Manitoulin, burned In Georgian bay. May 20, Frank Cooney, drowned from barge Shawnee, at Detroit. May 20,-----Argue, passenger, drowned from propeller Ontario, Lake Superior. May 22, William Jiolltday, drowned from steam-barge Westrord. at Erie* Pa., aged 35- May 22, Martin Hitusoo, injured fatally on shipboard, at Racine. May 22, Charles Anderson, drowned from schooner J. B. Newland, Lake Michigan. May 22. Reuben a. Hart, lightkeeper, drowned from boat in 1 ake Michigan. May 25. Capt. A. Hanson, lost from bcow Sailor Boy, Lake Michigan. May 3 ¦, Thomas A. Ducharme, boat-lmilder, drowned at Port Huron. June 3, Capt. John King, Eben King, mate, Ed Collen-der, and Charles Davis, lost with schooner Industry on Lake Michigan. •mne3. L:;LHfs Manickler, mate, and A>ave Piant, lost from tug Peck. Sault river. June 3, Chailesc. Howe, lost from propeller City of Rome, in Lake Lrie. June 3, George Dickson lost from barge Iosco, on Lake Erie, aged 25. June 8, James Hackett,' wheelsman, found drowned at Detroit June 8. James Thompson, deck hand, lost from propeller Win slow, Lake Superior. June ll, t]ubn stiauh, foil from aloft, schooner John Martin, Lake Huron. Juno 13. John ^icintyre, watchman, lost from steam-barge S. C. nan, Lake Michigan. June 20, Anthony Calhoun, lost from steamer City of Milwaukee, Grand Haven. June 22, J. Johnson, seaman, lost from schooner North star, Lake Michigan. June 22, WUiiam Taylor, deck hand, from steamer Manitoba, on Lake Huron, June 29, Henry Sheridan, seaman, injured fatally on schooner Louisa. Port Dalhousie. July 4, James Stanley, passenger, from steamer Conger, on Lake St. lair, July 5, Capt. John Graham, killed from a carriage, at St Catharines, aged 59. July 7. ceter Anoerson and Dennis Cogney, lost from steam-bart;e Hilton, Lake Michigan. July 7, .viorrisey Wheeler, lost irom tug Wheeler, on Lake Michigan. Juiy 7,-----i-arietta, a passenger, from steamer Muskegon, Lake Michigan. July 7, Arthur Van Tuy), from steam-barge Whate & Friant, La;;e Michigan. July 10, .Norman bcott, seaman, from steamer Alexander, Lake Ontario. -uiy 10, George Shenck, seaman, from barge Gotodell, Elver St. ciair. July 10, Andrew Kvan, seaman drowned at Milwaukee. Juiy 10, i.eorge Wise, deck hand, lroinpropeller cOhioa, at Duluth. July 28, Martin Haiverson, seaman. Injured fata illy on schooner Pilgrim, Lake Michigan. July i'3, AlciAsondras, fell from aloft schooner • Shel-¦ July 28, Thomas May, journalist drowned from stceamer Sheboygan, Lane Michigan. July 23, Nicholas Reimer, seaman, drowned att Bay City. July 36, Annie Doyle, cook, schooner Everieigh.drmvmed at Buffalo. July 26, G. Green, seaman, at Kingston, Ont. July 29, Joseph La'onde, seaman, from propeller Acadia, Port Dalhousie, Au.?. 5, Capt. Deuis Menard, from tug Louise, Chatham. Aug. 8. Solomon Bail, from propeller Saginaw Valley, at Cleveland. Aug. 8. John Powers, fell from aloft schooner A. B. Mooro, Xiako Michigan. Aug. J 2, Thomas Mowrey, from steamer Alexandra, Lake Ontario. Aug. 1.2, Conrad Lnburger, seaman, from schooner Theo. Voges, Clevelana. Aug. 17, Wallace Deboler, seaman barge N. P. Goodell, Lake Huron. Aug. 20, John Kennedy, engineer. Injured fatally on schooner Prince of Wales, Toronto, aged 28, Aug. 20, Howard Wolf, passenger, injured fatally on steam-barge Business. Escanaba, aged 1*5. Aug. 22, Capt. James Anderson, injured fatallly on barpe Benson, Lake Supenoi. Aug. :_T. Robert Code, lost from schooner Trawls on I Lake Michigan. Aug. 27, Frederic Noble, seaman, from yacht Wanderer, i ake Erie. Aug. 2S), William Colton, deck-hand, from steamier M. Davis, Detroit, aged 25. Aug. 29, Charles Erikaon, from propeller Favorite, on Lake Michigan. Aug. 30, Duncan Brown, seaman, tell from aloft schooner J. I. Case Lake Michigan, aged 34. sept. 2, Cart John Bailey and wile, from schooner Kate GUlett, Grand Haven. Sept. 3, E. Schultz, seaman, from a yacht ra Green Bay. Sept. 3, Capt. James Wilson, from schooner Crlss Grover, at Milwaukee. Sept. 4, John JacKson, seaman, found drowned at Cbl-eago. Sept. 4, Caspar Shoelt seaman, drowned at Whitehall, , Lake Michigan. Sept. 8, John Norris, seaman, from steam-barge Siberia, Lake Buron, aged 8u. Sept. 8. Mrs. Robinson, cook, and Oliver O'Haraand Joseph Ciausson, seamen, from barge G. D. Russell, in : Sault river. I sept. 9. Ed Kelley, mate, from schooner City of Toledo, 1 Lake Michigan. Sept. 14, Ralph McChesney, from small boat on Lake : Ontario. I Sept. 14, W, T. Hartman, from yacht Annie, In RHver st 1 Clair, aged 18-j Sept 14, W. L. Sackman, lost from same cralt, aged ¦ Sept. 14, Capt Hill, from tug Mary Ann, in Georgian bay. sept. 15, Capt. Oliver Pease, accidentally snot h.im?eii In Welland canal. Sept. 15, Charles F. Battles fell from aioft selhooner Felicitous, at Manitowoc. Sept. 15, Capt. J. W. Savago, John McDonald, first matt;, A. McNab, second mate, M. Davis, G. McKay, w:ioeisnien, James Smith, watchman, John Mciii-ov, James Noian, William stlnson, C. fnues, deckhands, T. K. Brice, engineer, M. Windoon, second engineer, H. De-groat. James Lamb, iiremeu, Stephen Carter, steward, I Isaac Bonnatt, A. Watt, T. Lawrence, waiters, R. Walker, T. Hill, porters, Mrs. Walters, cabin maid, William Jackson, cook, J. Jackson, second cook. John McDougall, purser, and 96 passengers, making a total ot 1V0. lost with propeller Asia, which foundered in Georgian bay during a terrible gale. Sept. 15, Capt. Uiancbard and son, Thomas GasKln. mate, Alexander MePhee, and Annie Miles, cook, lost with schooner Nellie Sherwood iu Georgian bay. Sept. 20, Thomas Foley, mate, from schoouer A. H. Moore on Lake Huron Sept 21. Capt. Pierre Duquette, Pierre Duuuette, Jr.. P. Amyott, and James Richardson, ktuedi by explosion of steamer Richelieu, on St. Lawrence. 1 Sept 24, James Habison and Charles Cregor, drowned 1 In Welland canal. Sept. 24. Louisa Blonden ana child, from barge Brunette, Green bay. Sept. 25. Charles Henderson, seaman, from schooner J. Dresden, Lake Michigan, aged 30. Sept 25, James Monauau, from propeller Oneida, In the Straits of Mackinaw. Oct. 1, Valerian Frend, seaman, from schooner L. L. Lamb, Port Huron. uet. 5, Albert Hicks, engineer, from steamer Banford, at Manistee. Oct. 6, Edward Smith, engineer, killed by tne cars at Toledo. Oct. 9, Miss 8a) He Branson, drowned from steamer 3agloaw, in St Clair river, aged 20= oet 10, Capt. Peter Stover, killed by the cars at Port Edward. Oct 15, Capt. Jerome McBride, drowned In Green bay, Oct 15, Three unknown, from a boat near Chicago. Oct. 15, Samuel .Patterson, injured fatally on schooner Ironton. Oct. 15—Harry Hanson and two children, drowned from a boat at Chicago. Oct. 15, Charles Lapeare, seaman, from schooner Tom Paine, on Lake Michigan. Oct, 17, Capt Edward Wilkinson, from BchoonerMary LUlie, Lake Huron. Oet. 17, Thomas Stonehouse and V. R. flohmes, from e, on .uake Superior. Oct. 22, William Xhornasson, lost from a barge on Lake Ontario. Oct. 28, Capt. Frank Loveli, W. Kelly, engineer, and Patrick White, fireman, killed by explosion of tug Wetzell on Lake Michigan. Oct. 28, John Ensing, seaman, drowned from schooner W. Jones, Lai^e Michigan. Oct. 30, John Christopher, fatally scalded on steam-barge Oceanic, Lake Erie. Oct. 30, John Murphy, drowned from a dredge in Calumet river. Oct. 3G, Samuel Brownlee, drowned In Welland canal. Nov. 5, Philip Brown, seaman, from barge Hauie, at Buffalo. Joseph Loghead, seaman, from steam-barge A. Weston, atTonawanaa. . -. . Nov. 6, R. ^patton, from propeller City of Fremont on ; Lake Superior. __. Nov. 8. John Smith, from a tug at Chicago, ased 30. Nov. 13, Charles Wilson, seaman, from schooner . Tempest, Lak:: Michigan. Nov. 13, Capt. D. Stagne and William Blake, seaman, kilsedby a derrick at Cleveland, Nov. 13, Peter Kenne, seaman, drowned at Muskegon. Nov 15, Ernest McQuaig, purser, steamer Picton, ' . drowned near Bond Eau, aged 26. Nov 21, John Bums, seaman, killed by cars at Toledo. 1 Nov. 25, Capt Hugh wilds and-------Jacob;, cook, lost wltli the schooner Collingwood, op Lake Michigan. >:ov. 25, George Johnson, fireman, lost from tug , Munro, on River St Clair. Nov 25, Eliiottt Hunter, Alfred Jester, and William j Caider, lost from a boat, chantry Island, Lake Huron. Nov. 25, Unknown, irom schooner Truman Moss, on j Lake Michigan -Nov.",5, Anton Rasmassou, from schooner Eclipse, on | I Lake Michigan. Nov. 27, KdwardFlsk, from schooner Helvetia, in tne , 1 straits, atjed 20. „ ., • ;sov. BO, John Dibble, from schooner Jesse Martlu, at 1 ] Grand Haven. Dec 2 Capt Charles Smith, George Mullen, engineer; William Tutiedge, second engineer; Johu D. Larson, mate; Thomas Ftnan, a. Christiansen, W. Johnson, . John Christians, Honry Burt rook: H. F. Larson. Chai Warner, S. Hanson, John Sweeuston, and-----Hendrick- I son, lost with the steam-barge R. G. Peters, burned on I ' Lake Michigan. _ w _ Dec. 2, Caot. James McDonald and son Watson Wiley, j ___ McCaffrey, William Cauell, and Nelson Lonton, lost with the sciiooner Harry Folger, on Lake Ontario. I Dec. 2, Battle aaiKht, cook, and James Feenan, from ( schooner Midland, Rover, Toronto. Dec 2, John F. Backus, lost with schooner Folger, on Lako Ontario. DEATHS OTHERWISE. April 4, Capt. Thomas Nelson, murdered at Chicago. Anril 15. Capt W. H. Pugh, shot by a gambler at Ra- I cine, aged 45. _ ' , . . TJ, ¦ April 30, George Rogers, snicided from steamer Idle- j wild, River St Clair. April 30. Andrew Kronz, killed by a fatal blow from P. Cailighan. on steam-barge Ackley, at Buffalo. May 9, May Gorman suicided, with pistol, on schooner H. Bissell, at Sturgeon Bay; aged 28. May 25, Lewis Wait, seaman, suicided by laudenum, at 1 East Saginaw; agee 25- ,, , ' . j - Sept 2, N. Halverton. suicided from propeller City of Fremont, on Lake Superior. m Oct 1, George Johnson, lost from schooner Tempest^ , on Lake Michigan. ^^^^^^^^ MISCELLANEOUS. LAID UP At PORT HURON. Port Huron, Mich., Dec. 15.—The followinoc propeuers and vessels are now In winter quarters at this port; Propellers—Quebec, Ontario, 0- H. Green, I. Chaffee, H Howard'Oscoda, Belie Cross, Burlington, United Empire, Saginaw Valley, City ot Concord, Allegheny, A. \Vesson schooners—A. Boody, J. H. Magrnder. George C. Finney Home. D. Provost, Jessie, Dan Allen, J.ady McDon-ald, Albatross, Seaman, F. C. Leighton. Acorn, nildam i'oung, L. L. Lamb, W. W. Stewart, Pringle, E. C. Rob- 1 erts, William Keynor, Jennetfe. _ ^ ,, . Tiigs—JF. Moffatt M. F. Merrick, Kittle Haight, Mock-lng Bird, W. B. Castle. VESSELS AT MILWAUKEE. Mtlwaukee, Dec 15.—[Special.]—The fol- j I lowing Is a list of the vessels laid up at this port: Steamers—Revenue-cutter Andrew Johnson Propellers— Vauderbilt, Menomiuee. Steam-barges—George Burnham. Colin Campbell, Louis Pnnlow C H Starke, Minnesota, Monahansett, J. H. ! Shrigley, Ballentlne. Barnum. Nahant, D. W. Rust, Mas- : Bachusetts, G. J. Truesdeli. Progress, H. Chisholm. - Schooners—William Aldrich, John B. Merrill, A. B. Moore petrel, A. B. Norris, M. J. Cummings, Porter. Marengo Oad-Fellow. South Sine. Blacknawk, lied whr" C. Amsden, E. Scovill, Pride. John Mea, Jr.. ChallenU Merrlmac, Arab, Minnehaha. R. P. Mason, Surprise, JSi !? KDleoa, city of Toledo, M. L. Colling Rob Roy, 0. £ U elson, Madonna, Massasolt, Ellda, Lake Forest, H.y 0 BJchardB, Agnes, Arrow, Lewis Ludington, Bine Bell. I «a osotis, Metacomet, Geo.'Barber, H. B. Burger, penohsi. : Typo, Geo. G. lloaghton, L. C. Butts, Exchange, Jo Dnv La Petite, Cyclone, Transit, Angus Smith, Granger, tj.j N. Dunham, Spartan, Ahnapee. May Gntiierle, TV* Brothers, John schuette, Odm, salma, D. K. Clint, E. C Butts, Anna Maria, H. M. Scove, Boaz, W. W. Brlgham, J. 0. Thayer, Starke, Emma, Milton, Emma Lelghten, L M. Hill, Dreadnaught, S. Thai, Lucia A. Simpson, Richard Mott Guide, J. C. Bauer, Oneida, Jamas Gar-iett, Gladiator, three Bells, Active, John Magee, Delaware, o.e Olson, Honest John, Una, Spy, Trio, Walhaila, Hunter, Ashtabula, Saudv Morrison, It H. Becker, J. B. Prime Belie Laurie, sailor Boy, Criss Grover, C. O. Trowbridge, Sylvester Noelon. lugs—). B. Merrill. J. J. Hagermau. Welcome, jfi. D. Helton Dexter, C. H. Starke, S. S. Coe, F. C. Maxon, Leviathan, Arctic. The schooner C. C. Trowbridge is to receive a thorough rebuild, at a cost of $7,000, at the Milwaukee comnany's yard during the winter. 'i'htt propeller Michigan returned to-day from a (hud uiriu-cesBfu! attempt to reach Grand Haven, The Wiseuuski. which left l&st night also, haa not ¦ i;.*d, ana has probably succeeaed iu reaching her destination.____________„^_ IN V/INThR QUA^T^RS. Below are given the names of all the vessels, both steam and sail, which are laid up tor the winter at this port: STEAM VESSELS. Harry E. Packer, Siberia H. J. Jewett, City ot Traverse, Peerless, Chicago, Cumberland, Lebigh, MIlwauk.ee, Colorado. Toiedo, William Edwards, Philadelphia, Iron Chiei, ocotla, V. H. Ketchara, ! Clarion, Conemaugh, Joseph L. Hurd, City oi Fremont, New York, Ciiy or Duluth, Jessie Farweii, Joim H. Lyon, Annie Laur.t. Queen of the West, Emma E. ThonuPson, :il. M.Drake, Payette, b. J. Macy. Maine, Nellie Torfent, T. W. Snoou, Aiuert I Soper, Mar? .sarecKi, St. Joseph, Norman, George Dunbar, J. ft. Whiting, Fred Kelly, Ai^onaut, Juter-Ocean, Michael Groh, Escanaba. TUGS. J. H. Martin, Crawford Imperial, Thomas Hood, Charles Neison, a. A. Humphrey, Alpha, A. H. Ward, American »ag:e, Reoel, Caleago, a. S. All-jn, I P. 6. cut'er Brothers, A. G. Van SchalcK, J. C. In- k grain, Success, E. R- Crane, Chartes Parser, Union, i Triad, Pear!, L. b. Johnson, fcratistaction, E. P Ferry, BUick Ball, Lorer-o, Mary McLane, ProtectiUft.. W. ri Wolf, J. A. Crawford, Annie, L. Smith, l^n\ Johnson, K. L. Anthony, McCormick, Sheioy, ifu'tly-Sox, 0. B. Green, Commodore, Monitor, Be tie Chap'