Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 80

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/ q-u-________ THROUGH NAVIGATION. Opening of the Trade in Large Craft Between Chicago and Ogdensburg, The Steamship Northerner Chartered by the Hew Line—Large Schooners for Kingston. General Marine—Lower Cargo Insurance Sates—The Fleet Passing the Eivers. f" CHICAGO AND OGDENSBURG. OPENINO OF THE THROUGH TBAEE. The through grain trade between Chicago and Lake Ontario, and Chicago and Ogdensburg, has opened in earnest. The large propeller Saginaw Valley, of the new Chicago and Ogdensburg Line, left hero Sunday for Ogdensburg, grain laden, and Air. D. 1). Linsted, the agent, yesterday chartered the large steamship Northerner to take gram to the same port for the line. Various outside craft will be chartered until all the boats to regularly form the line are ready for commission. The Northerner Is the largest craft which eyer carried a cargo from Ch icago to ports through the Welland Canal. Her measurement is l,2(ij, tons. Her capacity for corn (for which grain she is chartered) is about 55,000 bushels. Whether sue will take a full load and lighten at the canal I is not ascertained, but tins is likely. ¦A temii iMlmuiim iim ¦Hl'L'TTilialjUfl" flWUfflW for corn to Kingston—the schooner Parana, 28,-000 bushels. Besides the Parana, several of the larger class of sail vessels are now on the way to Kingston. Bates of freights yesterday ruled at M'oc corn to Buffalo and «i3c corn to Kingston. TheH E. Parker and Oceanica take corn to Buffalo on a through rate of 10c to Philadelphia; the boats get 3 Jsc to Buffalo. . __ „ ,, , ,s DISASTERS. THE SCHOONElt KETOHUM ASHOEE AND EULt,, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Horn's Pif.e, "Wis. May 7.—The schooner Ketchum, light, from Chicago, bound for Ogantz Bay, went ashore on the rocks near Pilot Island last night during a mist. She is full of water. The captain expects to get a tug and steam pump from Sturgeon Bay to-morrow, and will release her without doubt, if it does not blow hard. The mate of the schooner Evening Star, loading at Whitefish Bay. had his foot smashed by a post falling on it down the hatchway. His big toe had to be amputated. He will be left at Sheboygan when the vessel passes that port. COLLISION. i Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Poet Khbon, Mich., May 6,- The tug Mocking with the schooners J. B. Merrill. Angus Smith, Porter, and John Magce passed here last night, and two miles below the Merrill collided with the schooner Smith & Post, which was at author in midstream with both colored lights and a bright anchor light in the rigging. The Merrill went to the starboard and the trig to the port side of the Smith & Post. The latter lost her jibboom, bowsprit, head-gear, and part of herl'mi' j forward. She was towed to this port, where she will be repaired. The damage to the Merrill was ! very slight. ' S; lecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ! NorThpoktJ Mich., May 7.- The barge Leland i broke her crank off this place yesterday and was towed to Elk Rapids by the tug Ryan. No ice in I this vicinity. -=- h LOWER CARGO INSURANCE. Special Telegram t. ... .., ,.r. Port Dalhousie, Ont., May 7.—The following vessels were locked into the canal to-day: W, J. Suffel, Kingston to Sandusky, light; Leadville, Cswego to Chicago, stone; Bismarck and Blazing Star, Osv.'etro to Detroit, coal; Bavaria, Kingston to Port Huron, light; Marv Blank, Cleveland, light; Fellowcraft, Port Dalhousie to Port Cal-borne, light; Nevada, Oswego to Chicago, coai; Mediterranean, Sodus Point to Detroit, coal; Jessie Searth, Thorald, lumber; steamer Chieftain, Kingston to Toledo, light; tug Mctamora, Kingston to Elk Rapids, light; prop Coodhit, - Oswego to Toledo. Passed down—Prop Nashua, . Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; schr H. Dudley. Chatham to Kingston, wheat; W. H. Bounds, Detroit to Oswego, wheat; Cataract, Tyrcoimell to Kingston, wheat; prop Toledo. VARIOUS PORTS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., May 7.—The canals open today, .with (iH clearances, against 8 last year, 5a j being full wheat cargoes. The first sail vessel, | the C. A. King, arrived from Chicago in tow of 1 the Mary .1 areola this morning. The water m still very low in Buffalo Creek, and several vessels have been aground lately. Yesterday's port lif^t show:? the receipt of over 800,000 bushels or. grain. Captain Maytham's tugs have dredged a channel to the stranded schooner Oroton. but work is slow. OM account of the Squallv weather. ¦: to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 7.—The United States ¦¦teamer Michigan arrived off our city at 5 this ifternocm. The steamer Gordon was released ; ivy. "leu-ram to The Inter Ocean. EAST Tawas, Mich., May 5.—The United States -'.teamer Warrington, with lighthouse supplies, arrived yesterday. She left the supplies at Ottawa [Point and left for up-lake ports. OUR OWN DISPATCHES. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Mackinaw City, Mich., May 2.—A three-mast schooner passed down at 5 p. hi. Weather clear and pleasant. There is still considerable ice along both shores, but the main channel is comparatively clear. GLi;x Haven, Mich., May 2.—The Champlain F passed mi this afternoon. Some little ice here yet, but it does not affect steam craft. Several large ones passed down to-day. SSln'tdal Telegram io The Imer Ocean. Sheboygan, Wis., May 2.—The, following vessels are in port with cargoes: Schrs Nancy Dell, "Waleska, Petrel, Elva, Little Georgy, J. A. Holmcs; C Gordon, J. L. Green; scows F. A. Johnson, Restless, Silver Cloud. Wind-bound vesselsrun in for shelter: Schrs A. M. Beers, I. A. Bock, E. Sooville, Hattle Fisher, Sardinia; scow M. Gage. Wind northeast, gale; heavy sea. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Che.boygan, Mich., May 2.—The propeller Ste. Marie arrived here at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the Soo, being the first boat through Sault River this season. She encountered considerable 1 heavy ice coming down. The steambarge Oeeamica was in f he hs rbor to-day repairing ma-chineiry. Several steamers passed down to-day. Sailed!, from this port: Schrs Parana and R. J. Gtbba : props Atlantic, Ste. Marie, Messenger, Van LUaalte, City of Cleveland, and Oceanica. Wind west, gentle; cloudy and cold. Speciad Telegram to The Inter Ocean. DISAS1 IERS The underwriters received news last night f several disasters outside. The schooner Gillbert Knapp is on the reef |oft' Jacksonport amd in great danger. She veiit on during titie storm Thursday niglit. he lias cedar tiew for Mueller & Christie, of ihioago. The huill is insured in the Boston tarine for $3,00(0. She measures 1W<; tons, ilasses 131, and its valued at $0,000. The cargo is also insured. The deckload is lost. The '"'°w nrn '""'if.» _-^<..... *i - THE ILOOKOUT ASHOEE, """The schooner Lookout has met with a se. rious disaster. < iaptain Maloney telegraphs: "Am at anchor in Manitowoc' Bay; rudder, heel, anchor, andl hawser gone, and leaking, i Send tng- and hawser. Was ashore on Sum-j mer Island, GreeinBay." The tug-Gardiner, Captain Al Johnson, left Chicago last evening. The Lookout has cedar ties for Goodenow et Hinds, of Chicago. Hull insured in Mechanics and. Traders' and British America for $»3,000 and $2,500, respectively. Cargo insured in State of Pennsylvania for $1,000. The crew are all right. The<io:miWcerTrafsv!clr, ¦ ,hioh loaded a^ay or olear from the Cttstom House. She had a thirough clearance. Wrecking tugs in the Straits* might come handy just now. They might earn Hots of money, too. There may be disasters to thee down and up fleets. "Oh, the reason I didn't sail until after midnight of Friday was that t;he wind was ahead. Those fellows who went out dlidn't make anything by it." A fireboat, throwing a one- and- one -half -inch stream, has been placed in the river at Buffalo for the better protection of vessels and dock property. A comparative statement of the wheat shipped; by water from the port of Detroit during the } months of April since 18*1, is as follows: 2il,9 7o iti— '-Tj:_Wu i'Mi'i'iMfi! hTiiihili *r"" ?" "11 "¦ i 1. Captain D. R. McDonald commands the new. teamship Sheriffs. She is named after the -'Sheriffs wheel man," a gentleman .well-known on the lakes now. The new craft is well built MARKS. The vessel' is owned liy ffl^fi AJ-'-"-l| *¦_ Brower, y**........~ '^^^AtHW. E. FTTZOEBALD ASHOEE. . " The schooner E. Fitzgerald is ashore at Point auil'eliee, Lake Huron, coal-loaded for Chicago. She meiasures li97 tons, classes A 2, and is valued at $10,000. Haley, of Buffalo, a trimmer, is tnffi owner. The hull insurance, $7,500, Is in the Boston Marine. The cargo is probably also insured.. ------7- schooner Filbert Knapp, hound for Chicago, loaded with cedar ties tfor Joseph Smith at Jacksonport, in leaving; Reynolds' pier drifted on the reef at that place 'this afternoon. The tug Gregory, from Wturgeon Bay, got her off and towed "her to the canal. She is not much damaged. Wind, northwest, light. . CAKGO INSURANCE. These are busy times among the grain cargo insurance companies. Bates yesterday were quoted as follows: Chicago to Buffalo...... ............ i to Brie....................... Chicago to Midland................... Chicago to Sarnia...................... f Chicago to Kingston................. Chicago to Montreal.................. Cents. .. BO 10 The Kate Committee of the Cargo Insurance Pool met yesterday and reduced the grain cargo ,i; insurance rates even lower than the very low } figures which have been ruling for sometime past. The "ice fleet" are gone and rates now, until otherwise ordered, will rule as follows: Cents. I Chicago to Midland........................... IS1^ Chicago to Sarnia..............................lti1^ Chicago to Buffalo.............................J5 Chicago to Erie.......................... ¦ 1 Chicago to Lake Ontario......................-5 '\ Chicago to Montreal...........................40 15 7 NEW TTJGS. £he now tug John Maxwell, built at Mud Lake r A. Booth, the fish man, towed down yesterday to get her boiler. Her engine is in. She is so fleet long, and is a splendid-looking boat, Sh< S«»«5 hunt jSaugatuck by Elliott, arrived here yesterday to I tit out. She is s; feet long over all. She I built and of a beautiful model. Coates is th { owner. She is hailed from Mackinaw. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Erie Canal opened yesterday. The owner's son sails the J. C. Hutchinson now. The steamship Gordon Campbell is repairing at Detroit. Captain Jo'm O'Brien has been appointed to the tug Halladay. The schooner Emma C. Hutchinson, gfafn-loaded, sailed yesterday. Wind, yesterday morning, south southwest; in the afternoon and last night, nor! hi The tug Brocfcway and the ark Powers left Ludington yesterday for Chicago with lumber. Thomas Cnrou has recorded as master of the barge Mike Corry in place of H. J. Stubbs. THE RIVERS. , Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 7.-Up, Mav O-Prop Mary and barge and schr Pewaukee; schrs Charle3 -.Crawford, Zach Chandler. Down—Props Coi. gh, Nebraska, Laketon and barges, Nelson and 1 .arges. Up, Mav 7—Props it" E. Packer, ia, Wallula, and schr S. V. K. Watson; H. J. t, Jas r'isk, ,f]„ l-'red Mercur, James David- ¦ -dsejr Sweetheart: Conestega, United States aer Michigan; prop Arctic, schrs U Hanna, P. &\\ Grace Amelia, W. H. V'anderbilt, Path- ': tug Niagara and sehr3 Montm- i. Montgomery, Republic, Montcalm, U>-mdeer, Montblanc. J>ewn—l»rops J. B. and schrs John M. Hutchinson, Masten, C. J. Wells, East Saginaw and l . Donahlson and barges, Siberia and schr Mead, Poller, Chamberlain and barges, Cor- Lt and schr Delaware. seln-N. C. West. PohtHukon, Mich., May 7.—Vessel passages ! twelve hours: Down Stuambaive Ben- ¦ Hi barges Walton, Austin, Farewell, Fe: Up—Props Arizona., Winslow, fug Wilcox .-ohrs Zaeh Chandler and Crawford, tug i with schr Swallow, tug Walls with consort |L. Hotchkiss. rt Huron, Mich., Mav 7.—Vessels passed ¦tins port within twelve hours: Up—Prop Arabia, wego, wiiti schr Hanna; steambarge II. C. Down-Steandjarges V. H. Ketcham, x, with (jarges; schrs Ford and Home. VARIOUS PORTS. Special Tele^r;-:m in The Inter Ocean. Bui'i alo. N. V., May '2.—There were no ar-¦om upper lake ports to-day. The following <craft cleared: Props Commodoreymdse; Avon, midse. For Milwaukee—Schr Fitzgerald, | j f:(H> tonss coal; Sweetheart, 1,050 tons coal. For i Duluth—Schrs Minnehaha, l,liOO tons coal; Iron-' ton, 1,4(00 toils coal; prop S. F-. Hodge, mdse; Hiawattha, 1,100 tons coal. For Cheboygan— m Selirs Wvra. Crosthwaite, Sunshine. Coal Ifreights are weak, with a downward tendency. The following charters were made toy-day: Siehr Abbie L. Andrews, prop Wocoken, ^ coal to (Chicago, 50c; schr W. E. Taylor, coal, Toledo tto Owen Sound, 75c. The work toward releasing the schr J. W. Doane, on the breakwater, is being rapidly pushed. Spe.cia.-1 TelcL-ram to rj'lie Inter Ocean. NoitTHF-ORT, Mich., May 'J.—Cleared—Mixer, Amsden, Mocking Bird. Arrived—Lotus and v Chris Grrover. The Champlain is at Glenhavcn Abound nn. Special ItelegrftiQ to The Inter Ocean. Ludington, Mich., May L'.—Arrivals—Schooners Emma L- Neilson, William Aldrich, Conneaut, Day Spuing Hose, Four Brothers and steam barge M. Groi.i. Sailed—Schooner Mercury for Chicago. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. PORT Hukon, Mich., May 2.—Propeller Nahant was the. first boat to pass this port at '3:30 p. m., followetd by the Iron Chief, Packers, and Mercef later in the afternoon. We had a heavy northeast wind aill day. The steamer Keweenaw reports passing; through large ficlds,of ice off Port Sanilac, t -which is working slowly to the river with the wind. Special 'Telegr.nn to The Inter Ocean. DETKiorr, Mich., May 2.—Vessel Passages: Up— Props Rochester, Wissahickon, Mary Pringle, Westom and barge, Columbia and schr Camden, Oswe«ai,tohie and )>arges and schrs Frank Perew, Kingfisher; schrs Three Brothers, Richard Wins-Inw. Down—Props Oscoda, Iron Dnke and consort: schrs Ishpeming and W. II. Rounds. Special Tclegmm to The Inter Ocean. HI, Mich., May 2.—Westcott's Lake St. ip wfs pi need in position to-day. Special Telegram to The InterOeean, Tawas, Mich., May 2.—Northeast gale, and rataiing\ In the harbor, prop Sanilac, and Lamb and Mayes. \ PORTHUKOK, Mich., May 2.— Down Since Midnight—Steambarge Mary Mills and tow, steaui-harcrc Xahant. Special IeL pTiini to The Inter Ocean. Lukee, Wis.. May 2.—The wind is brisk from t&e northeast, and a heavy sea is running outside. The following vessels ran into tlie harbor fan shelter: Steambarge Maggie Marshall, and s"-hi's Tennle and Lftwrie, lumber laden; barge Cyclone, schrs H. Band, Lalla-Rookh, Odd i Fellow., Potomac, B. Barnes, Peoria, Dawn, Belle" ! Walbriidge; scows R. H. Becker, Gladiator, Sailor ien, Forest'. The sschooher Waukesha was libeled at Grand Haven to-dav for $.10,000 by the Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway Company, for the damagfe done the company's bridge at that port. Learner h.'lu*A. Dix will not run between Green Bay and Iftonistique this season, as was decided con. some time ago, bni: will remain on the Milwaiukee and Manistee route. Spec--]?.!' Telegram to The Inter Ocean. MAJ!tQtTETTE, Mich., May 2.—The steamer Ee arrived to-day frorn -Sault Ste. Marie, and rejports three hours detention, with ice, Heal :;r,n,!. At'iric from that the Sault River is clear. The first sail vessel through the Straits passed] down, this afternoon—a three-masted sehoomer. Special] Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Trawerse City, Mieh., May .2.—The City of cleared for Chicago at noon to-day, loadedl with lumber and shingles. Cold north wind. The ice has gone out of the bay. CAMPBELL. ' The steamship) Gordon Campbell, on Rhick-luna reef, Lake lErie, is insured against total loss only in Crosby & Diinmiok's companies at the Buffalo agency. Numerous vessels' lost canvas on this lake during- the bad wourher. The schooner Driver was run into in the harbor by a Hat scow, and had a large hole jjtove in^enhiijli .....¦¦¦.............. ¦.......M Special Telegram tm The Inter Ocean. Horn's Pirn:, Wis., May 4.—The Cleveland, ©hio. May 4.—The schooner Volunteer, owrued by Joseph Devillo, of this city, sank at iMavrblehead Dock yesterday by pounding- on a sunken pile. She will undoubtedly be raiised. Insurance, $2,000. Special TcA'gram tc> The Inter Ocean. Manitowoc, Wv'is., May 4.—The wind for the last two days .has been blowing a gale from the northeast, tend several vessels are seeking- shelter in tllie bay. The following- are in port waiting tiue weather: Schooners Windsor, MisehieotTt, Mariner, Mellitta, Lydia, South Side, Dmrt, Ellen Stevenson, Tabor, UrahaniBro^^^aind Obw^jL,,, ,., -......, These!!on;i,o- LOOKOUI aii ashoiv on OOCJI Island, Green hay, Wednesday night, and after throwing overboard her deck-load of ties, sueceededl in heaving off, and came to anchor in the b.ay off here this morning. Mer hull and sterti-jpost are gone, thereby making; her rudder uaamanageable, and while running into the bay during the night, collided with the barge AVindsor, w hie! i was anchored carrying- away the Windsor's jibboom anil bobstays, with considerable damage to her own liiizzensaili. The Windsor came inside for repairs. *^B? THE CANADIAN ROUTE. LARGE VESSELS THROUGH THE WELLAND CAXAL. Grain freights ruled quiet for Buffalo yesterday. The offering rate was not satisfactory to vessel-owvners, and two large craft were put in for (corn to Kingston, the rate re-cived being 6*&&, To Oolling\vood, Canada, in Georgian Bay,, vessels get L'l,i.c. To Sarnia, Canada,'the sarnie figure was received. Of the fleet that winitered here the schooner M. E. Tremble is now about the only vessel unchartered. The large schooners ,1. D. Sawyer and < Jhampion gro to Escanaba to load iron ore for Lake Erie. Following were all the enT gageinents reported: TV COLLINGWOOD. Schooner A. G. Morev, corn.................20,000 TO SARNIA. Steambarge S- C. Hall, com................1:5,000 TO KINGSTON. Schooner HalstecH, com.......*......„......30,000 Schooner P. ii. Gmrdner, corn...............28,000 Schooner M. J. Cu.mmiugs, corn............Lii,000 This is the de out of the steambarge S. C. Hall in the grain trade. She is a new, stanch craft, but has heretofore been engaged wholly in the iiumber trade on this lake. ¦ There was a rumor yesterday that the I j. J. Hahe, Church, and heating- had, been engaged foir grain. They are not here as yet. The rumior could hot be verilied' among the vesstel agents. The new steaunship Sheriffs, chartered on Thursday, arrived from Milwaukee, and went[ to an elevator. It rained all ulav yesterday, and the elevators would not tt'urnish grain to craft waiting! for it. / Coarse freightts are unchanged. QUEBEC. . Quebec, Gen., May 4. —The river is expected' to be clear of ic« Sunday. The Diamond Line is well representee afhong the arrivals—the Tacoma, Oceancia, Packer, and Clyde. The steams-hip Ghauncy Hurlburt and riropeller Champlain are aUo in port. Tally one round-trip for the Champlain between Chicago and Cheboygan. An Alpena correspondent writes that the barge Vampire received a load for Detroit at $1.75, and the captain got all the men he wanted at 30 cents an hour. No union men were employed. The 1 large Wend the Wrave also secured a cargo of planks and paid li5 cents per hour to non-union imen. The persons from whom the Palladium obtained the information which appeared yester-|j day concerning President Skillen, of the Seaman's Union, state that the charges against Mr. Skillen were not, substantiated. Mr. Powers, Presidentof ' the Seaman's Union, says that he came here yesterday simply on his annual visit, and not to try President Skillen on any charges. Mr. Skillen Bays that the usual examination of his books was / made, and a balance shown in his favor, but that it. was not a trial. His conduct as president was not questioned.—Oswego Pallad'ntni, May '2. THE RIVERS. *Rpeei3.1 Telegram tp The Inter < Dkthoit, Mich., May 4.—Vessel passages: Up— Props Business, W. T. Graves, Commodore, Oseodo, Hecla and consort, Alpena and barges, Avon, Delaware, D. C. Whitney and consort, Oscar Townsendand consort, Anna Smith and consort; schrs Our Son, Montana, Columbian; . (May 3), prop Win. H. Banium: (May 4), prop! New York, Chicago, Cuba, Scotia, Iron Chief, IT. W. Palmer and consort, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. t Detroit, Mich., May 4. The props Iron Chief, Osweiiatcldc, and tug Gladiator, aground in St. Clair Liver, havelne;- m leased. 1'oht liunuN, Mien., May -1. -Passed Up— Steambarge Oswegatchie and barges; steamUirgo ' EvantfCwwith schrs Webb and Mineh; steami Ro(3ej»Wallace, and schrs Thomas C Stalker; tug Winslow and schr Aoontias; schr Wunlniff; stmr Oronoko ami scow- f. A stmrsCityof CL-velanf.l, Keewenaw, Milton D. Ward; steambarges Monitor and City of Mount Clemens; tug Bfijinet! and barges ffiptpr and Johnson, prop Commodore, tug Eob Hac; Bclir M. F. Merrick, schr George C. Finney, sieambarges Business and Oscoda. Down - Props !hiba, Milwaukee, Arabia, Scotia, Colorado; stmr Pearl, steambarge Mary .lencho, schr C. J. King. . VARIOUS FORTS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, May %.—The first of ihe Chicago float, the li. J. ..icv.'fi l, arrived this morning, followed by the H. B..Parker and ixed for Chica.svo—Props Portiwe, mdse;James Davidson, I,@OG tons coal. For Racine—schr Cheney Ames, 000 tons coal. For Manitowoc-rSchr F.J. Kinji, Olo tons coal. Coal freights -weak: at ¦¦'¦ Considerable chartering doing. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., May i.—No arrivals. De- ' partures—Prop Corjriorant, anil ^chr Deli tow; the first deparWre of -¦ son. Wind nort!ie;:st. fresh; lamin.; lighfly. .IT..!,,™,,,! +,, 'I'l... 'li.iu-i. I >........ * ^ ^ THE STRAITS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ¦saw City, May 7.—The grain fleet, to »er of fifty, passed down to-day. There aalso quite a fleet working up. Weather line; viu'l northwest, light. U ecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean, ifGAK, Mich., May ".-Sailed—Propellors ¦]-, Atlantic; steamer Keweenaw. At- tved- Propelloi Van llaaltc, tmr Winslow, steam- targes Anna Smith and consort, D. W. Powers tooners Sunshine, Wm. Crosthwaite, and 1 iu Breeder. The tugs Swain, Winslow, and i down with large tows. North- nds, fresh; cloudy. FREIGKHTS. Grain freights were firm at 8%j corn to Buf- ^ falo. The light capacity here now is little or f nothing, and there is no prospect of the speedy arrival «of a fleet from below. The charters were HAKD A.GB0UNP, Speci;i I Telegram to The Infer Ocean. Detroit, Mieh., May 3.—About 4 o'clock this mornirng, during a thunder squall, the ste'am-barge Iron Chief grounded ;it tlie lower end of St. Cllair cut. The tug Gladiator ran bard agroumd at the southeast bend. The propeller Oswejgatchie, bourldupwith four barges in.tow. ran haard aground on the foot of Sipilrrel Island. The ttugs Balize, and Swain have gone to their rescue. The tugs Balize and Katie Williams,' with if nil wrecking outfit, leave to-night, to the aoe of the propeller Gordon Campbell, at Chicaluna reef, Lake Erie. TUGS FOR THE STRAITS. < The following are received in reply to in-/ quiries as to whether any tugs have g-one to the Straits: Special Telegram ttoThe Inter Ocean. ©IT, Michi., May 4.-4 learn of only one tug going to thffi Straits. Others wjll go when the weathar moderates, and. they will continue to go daihv. J6HS B. Gillet. S;.«ri:il '!',¦]'¦ ".'i'uni ho The Inter Ocean. PfiXBOrx. Micjh.. May 4.—i have scut the j txig Winslow t;o the Straits. She left last night with a ciompiete wrecking- outfit to assist vessels in distress. Headquarters at Cheboygan, MicflL S. 13. Giiummond, / ARRIVALS PROM BELOW. Tlie steamships Pucker, Oceanica, and Clyde, of the Iffihigh Valley Line, and the 9 steamship U Ihurlburt arc in port from below. They bring' no additional news. The paint is pretty well scoured off some of them, but that was done in the ice off Buffalo. The 'f straits are fully open. —•— FOR LAKE SUPERIOR. The propeller Peerless, Captain Mclntyre, leaves Chicago this morning for Lake Superior. The first boat ©ut this season. FLOTSAM AISTD JETSAM. Underwriters aire on the "anxious seat." A. P. Wright A Son, of Buffalo, are insurance grain receivers. President Powers, of the Seamen's Union, has arrived home in 'Chicago. The George Flinney left Port Huron for Chicago , on Thursday—titie first sail vessel bound up. The steamship> Northerner has 8,422 barrels of salt, consigned tto the Onontaga Salt Company. The price paldl for the schooner Prank Perew; was $17,000; by L. S. Piersou, seveu-eighths,and D. E. Dover, of 3Bay City, one-eighth. Special'.' i ¦¦ i titer Ocean, Stukceon BAY, Wis., May ¦!.— Arrived—Stmr B&scobel and barges, Noquebav a»d Alei ¦ ona. Cleared Prop C. M. Cham-ley and tow. Wind northeast, Ii:j,ht. bjjcciid '!\'i"'.:r;tJLi to 'the fnlei CHEBOTGAX, Mich.. May L ¦ ¦ \o lee to be seen from here to-day, and no vessels in the Straits. Wind'northeast, brisk with fain andsaow; cold. Special Telc-r;.o) to The i?n;r I teeau. Mackinaw Cftv, Mjch., May 4.—The steamer John B. Iiyon with three vessel« hi tew, passed doy» u shortly after noon. Weather rough, high wind: raining hard. Special Teleyram to The Inter Ocean. ilAsx TiWAS,' Mich., iiay 4,—The steambarse A. Weston,boundlfrom Touawanda to Manistique, with the barges Alviua and Jeanuetle in tow, the Alvina to be. left at Oscoda, was obliged this afternoon, to make this harbor for repairs to her steam chest. She belongs to the Chicago Lura* boring Company. HneciatTeleun-am to The Inter Ocean. Fkankfort, Mich., May ft.— Captain I>. Tv". Iiockwood. formerly of New Orleans, who has been appointed United States Engineer of Harbors on this coast, in company with J. A. Mitchell, inspected our harbor to-day. Two new cribs will be added to the south pier, and the Green Bay Dredge Company will dredge the channel. Wa have now twelve feet of -water. Northwest wind and rain. The propeller Sanford arrived, and the propeller Barker departed. sipecial Telegram to Tlie Inter Ocean. MasKEiioN, Mich., May 4.—The report of the Custom House of arrivals and clearances for tha month ending April 30 is as follows: Arrivals, steam, o'J; sail, 58. Clearances, steam, ^4; sail, OS. Special Telegram to The Tutor Ocean. Mackinaw City, Mich., May 4.—A fresh southeast wind has blown since yesterday morning, and it has completely cleared the Straits of ice. 1 do not think vessels will have any more trouble with it this spring. The first vessel to nass down was the Millard Fillmore. She passed here at 7 o'clock Wednesdav morning. No vessels down the past two days. Passed up to-day: Steam-barge Charles Kershaw, prop Wissahkjkon, and one vessel. Down: Steambarge Joh*r B. Lyon, with schr.s Hutchinson, Masten, and Wells. Wind : i. fresh, with cold rain. ric'-ri;;l !'.¦!-¦¦'¦:¦ ;-i to 'i lie Inter Ocean. Cleveland, Ohio, May 4.—There is very little coal here, and what there Is has been covered by early contracts. Vessels are going to Black River, Erie, and Buffalo to load. Bates on coal at present are 70d< Toe to Chicago and Milwaukee. A number of contracts were made early in the season at SOe to Milwaukee. Ore rates are $1 and $1.15, from Escanaba and Marnuette, respectively. Propeller J. M. Osborne with the schooners G. W. Davis and Exile in tow, have left Black River with coal—the Osborne and Exile for Racine and the D?ivis for Milwaukee, Arrived—Prop Atlantic, Mackinaw, mdse. Cleared—Props Lai, Marquette, light; Ohio, Escanaba, light.: Atlantic, Mackinaw, mdse; schrs Specular and Magnetic, Marquette, light; Mon-gangon, Milwaukee, 591 tons coal; Reindeer, Milwaukee; 557 tons coal; S. Jj- Watson, Chicago, 1,200 tons coal. Wind northeast, brisk; weather line. ¦ Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. SARNIA, Ont., May 4.— Arrived—Schr Millard Fillmore from Chicago. Special Tele-rr;nn to The Inter Ocean. POET DALHOUSIE, Ont., May 4.— Arrived—Schrs Bavaria, Watertown, Siberia, Bismarck, ami Prussia. They will p>ass up the canal to-morrow morning. |^ THE SCHOONER PILG-EIM'S PLIGHT. V The schooner Pilgrim was struck by the squall at 11 o'clock Wednesday night | when off Racine. Her sails were f damaged, nibs blown away, and rail and bulwarks i-¦stove in. Captain Corbett says ho never encoun- f tered such a sudden severe squall before in his lite. The wind had been coming steadily from the cast, when a squall of great severity struck the vessel from northwest.. "It- seemed as if a hurricane had struck her," hie says, and adds: "A hurricane had struck her;." The vessel laid at anchor under Racine Point ninth yesterday morning, and then went into Raciine, where she still is. Captain Corbett came to (Chicago yesterday by rail. The escape of vessel amd crew was a narrow one. The Pilgrim has a (cargo of cedar ties id to Chicago- After repairs are completed at Racine she willl come on to Chicago. Corbett leaves for- Racine again by rail this morning, ___ii i "H

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