Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 81

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¦ »anea, narKCH j\a-ciiw,aq ,..„.,*....,... ... ..-----~, Mocking Bird, Kt<camnarge Mineral Bock and ! barges, steamer Miltton, D. Ward. Down—Prop City of Cleveland, prop Atlantic. VARIOUS POBTS. Special Telegram to The Intetocean. . BUFFALO, N. Y., Maty 3.— The following craft d cleared for upper lake ports to-day: For Chicago —Prop Lycoming, sclhr Bolivia. For Duluth— Prop Arizona, schr S±>. V, K. Watson, 1,000 tons Coal freights are stilll quoted at 50 cents to Chicago and Milwaukee. No boats are reported char-I tered to-day, but it .is positively known two or three were engaged. Snippers are talking 40 cents, and many ves»selmen are inclined to believe they will have to take that figure on the arrival of the fleet. Captain Mavtham 'to-day commenced work on the barge Groton, ashore south of the harbor, where she has rested since last fall. It is thought she will be released im a few days. Special Telegram to Thte Inter Ocean. Stueheon Bay, Wis., Slay 3.—Arrived—Schi Oigii, Cleared—schr Oneida. Wind northeast, Special'Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Huinoli HrlilNGS, Mich.. May 3.—This harbor is entirely clear cf icte, which moved out during last night. Nothing: to prevent vessels getting sV'.'.'v.i Telegram to Thic Inter 'Ocean. . PETOSKEY, Micli.,:May 3.— A high wind from the southeast during last night carried all the ice out of the bay. Wceather cloudy and mild; no vessels in sight. Special Telegram to Tine Inter Ocean. Ludington, Mich.., May 3.-Arrived—Sohrs S. F. Pomeroy, Mars, Chas. B. Wyman, Geo. li. Boyce; steambarge Al. K. Colbom. Cleared—bchr Conneaut. M , . rt Special Telegram toTmeBitei'Ocean. Feanktobt, Mich... May 3.—The schoonersMel-vin Oscar.Newhouse and propeller Barker arrived. Propellers Champlain!, Santord, and Nellie Church sailed. Northeast wind, fresh. Special Telegram to Tine Inter Ocean. K vst Taw-as, Mioih., May 3.—The steambarge Handv Boy. with thes barge Nellie, was obliged to leave Oscoda on accoiuut of the heavy northeaster now raeing. She this harbor. In the harbor sheltered; Steaimbarge Sanilac, barges Lamb and Mayes, tug MaiucI Fish. Special Telegram to 'I no Inter Ocean. DETEOIT, Mich., Mlay 3.—Vessel passages: Up— Proi) C J Kershaw-, prop Robert Wallace, and iotas Thomas Gawm. M. Stalker, J. W. Bennett, and barges Ogemaw, Onoko, and sohrs Ired Morse W L.Wetiiui :c and consort, A.Everett, and schrs SophiaMinch, H.J.Webb,Sampson,andschrs T'llcn Snrv. Constitmtion. Sunnyside, props Point Albino, Iron Age, solus M. F. Merick and Acontes Dmvu-Props H. J.. Jewott, Atlantic Westford and barges, steamerrs City of Cleveland, Boston. SpTOial'Mcgram to 'JThe Inter Ocean. HANCOCK, Mich., IMay 3.-The propeller Osceola arrived from Dnluthi this forenoon. ThetugMay- tham left tor Dulutlii. sue "a Telegram to TJhe Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wiss., May 3.-Tlie steambarges ' Saginaw Valley and! Baleigh and consort Lucerne arrived from below to-day. They took the north passage and encountered very little lce._ The pro- 1 ance of the scnooner miijeju jvhmj.pi;, wli "llc .wmn l at Jacksonport. The tug .T. Grregory was dispatched, and succeeded in reliewing her without much difficulty. She was foumd to be leaking some, but after towing her about! ten miles Captain Malonev decided to proceed! without further assistance from the tug. Theire was a big sea rolling in at the time, and had it not been for the prompt assistance of the Gregorw she would have been seriously damaged, if nott fully wrecked. The Gregory is engaged in towing; at the canal this season, and'will render prompt assistance to all vessels distressed in that vicinity- at any time. 'Win HiilTnlin.......> In Tim Bll'PgJ? Wl'BAH----- Point St. Ignace. Mich., May 0.—The schooner Orphan Bov, from Chicago, arriived to-day—the iirst sail vessel here. Weather wvarm and raining. Special Telegram to The Inter Occam. Sarnia, Ont,, May 5.—The scclir Millard Fillmore, with a cargo of 'J.000 butshels of corn, arrived at the Grand Trunk Elevatror, Port Edward, vesterdav. Early Thursday mioming, when of! Presque Isle, siie sprang a leak. The crew worked the pnnrps all that day and alll Thursday night and succeeded in bringing her im. She is the lirst grain arrival at the Grand Truink Railway Elevator this season. The amount of damage to the grain will be considerable. Special Telegram to The liner Occam. Kingston, Ont., May o.—The stmrs Shickluna and Alexander were tied up here- this morning,not haviug been inspected, and nott showing proper certificates. Special Telegram to The Inter Occam. Cleveland, Ohio, May 5.—Bates on coal to Chicago and Milwaukee practically unchanged at 70 and 75 cents, although a viessel broker has made a few charters at 1,5 cents. Shippers anticipate a reduction when the fleet from Chicago unloads in Lake Erie. One-sixth of the schooner C. Hi. King was sold to-day liv Captain J. F. Green I o Captain Arthur Wilson on the basis of ssj ifor the whole vessel. Cleared—Zack Chandler, 437 nons coal to Escanaba; schooner Pewaukee, Milwaukee, coo ions coal; schooner Henry Fitzhm«h, Escanaba, 625 tons coal; barge C. G. Meisel, Siaginaw, 287 tons coal. Wind west, light: weather time. Special Telegram to The Inrer Oceaan. Escanaba, Mich., May 5.—Arrrivals—Prop Rube Richards and consort May Ricliiards; schr W. P. Gilford, from Erie, coal laden. Departures- Prop Rube Richards ami consort May, Richards. Wind southwest, fresh; clear and pleasant. Special Telegram to The Inler Oecgm. SOUTH Chicago, 111., May 5.--Arrived—Prop Mary (Iron, from South Haven, with lumber ami general merchandise: schr Mtaggie Hall, from Grand Haven, 1 85,000 feet of lumber for George W. Spencer & Co.: schr h. B., from Muskegon, with 200,000 feet of lumber for A. It. Heck & Co. Cleared—Prop Many Groh, for South Haven, light. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. East Taw Ah, Mich., May 5.—The steambarge Weston completed repairs to. her engine anil cleared tor Manistiqne [his interning. A strong northwest gale, accompanied ll)y heavy rain, prevailed during the night. The ting Johnson arrived with barges Monitor and Little Wissahickon and oroceeded to Lake Stmejripr SERIOUS DISASTERS. THE PilOPELI.ER CI.AltlON'S LEAK. It seems that, after all, there was more truth than poetry in the rumored leaking of the large propeller Clarion, of the Alleinar Line, while lying here grain-loaded for below. A Port Huron spe-dSven^'acjk ibyUuie^norSwwto."*About twenty- j cial says: "She leaked all the way here, and when five steambarges amd propellers were in the ioe I here she had nine inches of wader. A large por <^ roller"Champlain arrived from the Straits to-niaht She came through the south passage. Captain Casey rcporrts that the south passage is entirely blockaded!, the ice extending from oft Shellasalli to the southard of the South Manitou, a' I from the rmainland to the islands The Schooners Stewart., and Hellmore'got though Captain Forbes* new steamboat was launched a: West Bay City Saturday afternoon. The passenger steamer 11. J. Gordon is high on the rocks opposite Keith's Dock, Grosse isle. The grain-laden schooner Millard Fillmore Sprang a leak on the passant; flown lo Sarnia. Captain Alvah Bradley, of Cleveland, i* at the Lei and Hotel. Mr. Bradley is one of [lie largest vessel-owners on tin- chain ot lakes. Mo soundings have been made in Portage Lake or Lake Linden, but soundings have been made in the upper canal, and the depth runs Croat 11 l-j to 14 feet. David Dall has bonghl the schooner Mary. She has towed to the derrick lo get in her spars. She lias been \v<-n rebuill the past winter, arid is almofcl as good us new. The schooner Volunteer, of Cleveland, while 1\ing at Marblehead Thursday night, poll ndf^ so badly that it was feared she would go to pieces, and she was consequently scuttled. Mr. A. M. Harnnin lias sold Captain Samson's yacht Huntress to.l.M. Mitchell, of South Haven, Mich., for $18,000, She will be put on the route between*South Haven and Chicago. I",, s. Minor has bought the tug H. Wttbeck from p, Carney, of Marinette, for $1,500. She will be laktu. u< Sturgeon Bay and used in Mr. Minor's fishing business. Captain Dave Kamage will have command. While returning from the fishing banks, twenty-five miles southeast of Milwaukee, Wednesday afternoon, Joseph Bandish, one of the men on the fishing tug Snultz, was swept overboard and drowned. Deceased was a single man, 25 years old. The President of the Kingston Sailors' Union has been written to by Buffalo lawyers, asking if Messrs. Stephen Casson, Bnrric Lanchanec, Wm. George, and Charles Duncan are known there, and if the writer can be informed of their whereabouts. The men were sailors and deck hands on the schooner George Murrav and propeller Canisteo, which collided on Lake Michigan in 1880. Up to a' day or two ago, the water-logged schooner Westchester, recently purchased by Lea t ham & Smith at the United States Marshal's sale, and which wintered at Sturgeon Bay, was still full of ice. She will betaken to Manitowoc for repairs. The Westchester was former 1 y owned and commanded by Captain Pat llooney. George Brice will be mate and pilot of the steamship John M. Osborn. Cleveland Herald: "'Professor Rumseyr had a large number of the officers and crew of the United States steamer Michigan up to his rooms Thursday night, but the colored sparn-er was afraid to go along. One of the party was ai dumbbell-litter i?). Rumsey picked up a 12;>-pound bell and raised it three times, but the othe-r party could not get it above his shoulder, and hence ear .\ ;,j i: ernoon to tow her in a serious accident occurred on board the vessel. Henry Newhouse, one of the sailors, got caught in the coil of the line, when the tug commenced moving, and his leg was terriblv crushed and the bone broken. When the Simmons arrived at Central Wharf a patrol wagon was summoned, and he was conveyed to the office of the Marine Hospital, thence to the hospital. Newhouse is a young man and single. He was in great agony. _ ~i; <^L^ /¦/ WecliiOKdirv gradually working through. The northeaster' continues. the »—......... David Vance, Doiusman, Lavinda, a three-and-after loaded, knd a ;lvc-and-after light are m the ,"v and the rteamiharges Oolin Camphe , Qnceu ^^ of the West; sohomnrs John Schuette, Chalciige, ^f^f^ ^ and Three Bells ran into the harbor to-day. "^^ While making thffi harbor this morning the pro-iVelleiiialcigh struck the outer end ot the north Die and damaged it liadly . The schooner Ar.-row is still on the heach at Two E t'harters-Schoomars Typo and Houghton, corn to Buffalo, 3*4 oemts. FREIGHTS. Corn torBuflalo, ajiec; corn to Midland and Sarnia, 2^0. Charters* were: ¦to buffalo. Bushels. Schooner Clara Parker, corn............-----28,01)0 Schooner Ida Keitln, corn...................31,000 Steamship ,T. Sheriffs (new, to arrive from Milwaukee), corn................................. T'O MlilLAND. Schooner C. Hilssom, Schooner Arabia, can n.corn..................22,00(T Drn......................20,000TO SAKNIA. loud, corn...,...........1S,000| tion of her cargo of oats must be damaged." The Clarion's cargo is a largoj and valuable one. The night the Clarion was lyimyin Chicago, careened over arid the siphon^ working, it was stated that a tug and tow passing along the harbor had collided with her, and! that the leak was the result of that collision. Llull and cargo are insured. THE SHEKWOOD'S TIUOUBT.E. The schooner Annie Sherw.ood, the consort of the Gordon Campbell, also conil loaded, is full of water at Point au Pellee. Tlhe Sherwood measures OH'2 tons, rates A 2, and is valued at ^•JS,000. She is also owned iby the Anchor Line and is insured against total los*s only in Crosby A-Dimmiek's companies at the ffinffalo agency. LAFIHENIER, WITH WHEAT. It is reported that the schoomer Uafrienier, with > a cargo of wheat from Detroht for Buffalo, is ashore a1 Point au Pellee. Tine cargo is insiired for$'JC»,0O() at the .10-cent rate. It is not known that the cargo is wet. The Lafrienier measures 410 tons, rates A 2, and is valued at $19,000. Hull insured. Becker, UiUlUjuf Cleveland, ai'e now.liic owners. . -—. Schooner Flying CTIoud, Schooner Minnie S'auson, corn............22,(KK) The steamship B usiness. was spoken of as char-t. tered (to arrive) for- corn to Buffalo. Coarse freights umchanged. ME. BATES' BIG- CONTRACT. William W. Bates is too well and favorably! known in Chicago to need any introduction. Itjj is a pity the full particulars of this| "failure" ar< not at hand: , To the Western Associated Press. Portland, Oregon, May 3.— William W. Bates, of Chicago, who undertook to build a dry-dock at, Albina for the Oiregon Navigation Company,; failed to accomplish hi s contract, and the company has taken it off his hands. FLOTSA3I AND JETSAM. That heavy rain has "done up" the last of the1 ice. The schooner J. D. Sawyer, grain carrier, is reported as clearing light for Buffalo. There was a jam at Madison street yesterday— the Northern and other craft. No damage. Masters recorded: Steamship Cumberland. Captain A. C. Chapnnan; tug A. S. Allen, Captain Thomas Kehoe. The Savannah Bavcr steamers are said to have a certain sort of dar-e-devil biow-up-as-you-go air that beats all other craft in creation. The United States steamer Michigan arrived in Cleveland on Wednesday from her winter quarters at Erie, and is to remain several days for examination, when she will proceed lo Detroit and thence to Buffalo. After shipbuilders at the three ports have had au opportunity of looking the vessel over, they will be asked to put in bids fur rebuilding her woodwork. She has an iron hull -the first, one nut afloat on the lakes—and was puilt at Pittsburg in sections in 1S 14, and had a rebuild ai Buffalo in J.SU5. , , , _^__^ Crain fellows which sailed on Saturday were the Cumberland, s. C. Hall, Nassau, Hartford, George Steel, E. B. Maxwell, ,i. H. Farwell, Godfrey, Shawnee, Butter, Lottie Wolf, Helvetia, H. W. Sage, M. L. Hignie. J. B.Noyes, Wellls Burt, Clara Parker, AVrenn, Pulaski, Halsted, Nicholson, Slauson, Floretta, Howland, Pensaukee, D>aufori h, Kelderhouse, Flying Cloud, Homer, Nortih Cai>e, Nilsson. Scotia and Ida Keith. The Clnamplain left again for Cheboygan. The propeller Saginaw Valie> left for Ogdensburg with a eurgo oil' corn. The Marhiette Barge Line Coml^\{ liiaiinett'e, and Chicago, have purchase(l the schoonosrs B. R. Martin, Marv E, Perew, Kate Darley, Empire State, and J. O. Thayer. The latter's niame has been changed to Mike Corry. The eompatny have just built a new barge called the Menom ',¦ nee and have let the contract for another to be ca lied the Fred Carnev. With the Bolinson, Isaac Stephenson, Marinette, Witbeck, Graudy, Meiiekauue, Jndd, E. h1,. Tyson and I>. h. l"iler, there are now sixteen barges in the company's lines. The tugs are the J. C. Perrett and Bismarck. E OJ.' THE IjOOKOUT. v 1 The schooner Lookout, so badly damaged by going ashore on Bock Island, arrived hi port here yesterday in tow of the tug Gardner, Captain Al Johnson. As soon as the cargo in her hold is dis charged, she will go into dry dock and a survey will be held. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceion. Two Rivers, Wis.. May (>. —The schooner Ar row, on t lie beach north (Of here, has beei stripped, and her captain hais decided not ti nake another attempt at heir release until tin .veather is more settled. The* tug Allev, of Chi ?ago, attempted to pull her off but was unsuc iessful. ; . ___ t ...... _ -'llliJHUO'l-T or the pitzcs'kkaij*). special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. . Dethoit, Mich , May (>.—Tho schooner E. PltSF-{arald was released after tbrowing overboare (bout two hundred tons of coal, and arrived herd it 0 o'clock this morning. She will unload and go into dock for general repairs. PBOTELLER LAWRENCE. <f The sale of the propeller Lawrence, made some time ago, was recorded at the Custom House yesterday. W. W. Ellsworth, of Port Huron, sold to Simeon S. Burk, Peter J. Klein, and Frederick Seymour. Consideration, $12,000. She runs with the Champlain on the Northern Michigan1 line between Chicago and Cheboygan. She was. in port here yesterday. M........ ...j __ [>Tir.1MI»lW»»' O FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The Joseph L. Hurd left yesterday for Lake Superior. The ^ acht Cora is at Miller Bros.' dry dock for overhauling. The schooner E. P. Royce, from Bark River, has 15,000 cedar posts. The Northerner, for Ogdensburg, took out 100 barrels of flour and 42,000 bushels of corn. It was the tug Satisfaction and not the Rebel that was cut down in the harbor by a fiat scow. The new steambarge A. R. Colborn and C. W Moore were in port yesterday, and left again last evening. The survey on the wrecked schooner Lookout puts the cost of repairs at $2,500. Messrs. Doolittleand Mowattwere the surveyors. The Delaware, Northerner, Commodore, C. J. Kershaw, Portage, Montana (light, to load at Milwaukee), Parana, and Lem Ellsworth left yesterday. The Starucca, Montana, Lvcoming, Schuvkill, Buffalo, W. H. Gratwick, R. L. Freyer, J. Han-ford, and Nelson Bloom arrived yesterday. The Gratwick and her tow are from Bay City. The Bloom is a strong, fine vsssel. She is new. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., Mav 9.- Vessel passages May 8: Up—Props Westford and barges, Cuba, Nevada, City of Concord and barges; schr Niagara. Down -Schr Golden Fleece. May 9: Up—Props Sanilac and barge, Ohio and barges, Relief and barges, V. M Wilson and schrs C'. B. Jones. Manitowoc, Garden City; barges Rhoda Stew-art and barges, Jay Gotrid and consort, R. J. Hackett and consort, Newbnrg, Oregon and schr Queen City, John m, Jr., and consort, City of Rome. Down —Props Oakland and barges, Cumberland and schr Helvetia, William Edwards and schrs Chas. Foster, M. W. Paige, Fred Kelley and consort, tug Kate Williams ami schrs John Kelderhouse, American Union; steambarge Yosemite and barge; schrs David Vance, Higgie, Red, White and Blue, Elizabeth Jones. _ m Port Huron, Mich., May 9.— Down—Tug Mocking Bird with schooners Norris Sage, Morning Star, and City of Green Bay; tug Wilcox with schooner; tug Bob Anderson with schooner T. H. Howland; tug Beckwith With schooner Clara Parker; tug Castle with three schooners; tug Finstow with Scotia, Pensaukee, Ida Keith, and Peterson. Up—Steambarge City of New Yo7'k with Brooklyn and Potter; steambarge Sanilac with schooner L. L. Lamb; schrs Cherry K Smith and Post, Elgin, and Ames. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Poet Colborne, Ont., May 9.—Passed Down— Schr Albacore. Port Huron to^Kingstun, .staves. Up—Sohrs Gnlnair, Hamilton to Gordon Bay, light; Penokee, Charlotte to Chicago; J. Onim moud, Toronto to Chicago, light; steam yacht John Harris, Toronto to Bay City, light. 5 Special Telegram to The Inter Oee;:.n. Port Dalhousie, Ont., May 9, 7. p. m.— Passed Up—Barges Manly and Russell, Kingston to Elk Rapids, light; schrs Arctic, Port Dalhousie to Bay City, light; Guiding Star, Oswego to Toledo, ' coal; Mediterranean, Sodus Point to Detroit. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. .coal. Passed Down—Schrs New Dominion, De- ppalo. N. Y.. May 9.—The following ar» | troit to Gordon Island staves; King Sisters, To- returned to headquarters in Chicago yesterday. He visited all the stations in the district and found them all 0. K. __ * ".......'"BflSuCK.'^X1 JLUitPTN < ¦ NED. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Muskegon, Mich., May S.—The barge C. F. Allen, while lying at Farr's mill, was struck by lightning early this morning and burned nearly to the water's edge. The lightning struck the foretopmast and passed down the wive rigging into the hold, setting fire to about 70,000 feet of lumber, owned by the Farr Lumber Company. The lumber and bra-rge are a complete Joss. The damage is. about #7,000. At the time of the fire four of the crew w^erc sleeping in their berths, but knew nothing of it until awakened by the cries of the watchman at the mill, the blaze thi eight feet high. The barge was built in 1 862 and had a capacity for 150,000 feet of luin he.; TI3E RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 6.—Up May 5—Prop Don M. Dickenson and barges. May (i Props Russia, Colonial and contort. Iron Age, Lycoming nod consort, Roanoke. Arizona, Montana, Iron Duka and consort, H. F. Hodge, Starucca, Schrs Bolivia; S. L. Watson, Mongaiuiou, K. P. Heals, H. [>. Root, Maumee Vn.flcv. Down Mav 5 Prop Sanilac and barge, M. M. Drake. May b Props Tem-pesi and barges, l> T. Ruse and barges, D. I.euty and barges, Escaaaaba and sonr T. L. Parker, Ballentine and eurasorf. H. P. Baldwin and barges, George King and barges, tug Torrenl and raft, props City of Couc-urd and consort. Bay City and barges, Mary PriojRle, Glasgow and barges, Rhoda Stewarl and bargies, Ogemaw, Garden City and barge* Vanderbutt, Philadelphia: schrs Alleghany, 11. P./merry, Jessite; props J. R. Whiting and. consort, Handy Boy amd barge. LAT7NCH. The newest and finest of the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Company's steamers, the 3ity of Mackinac, was launched at the Detroit Dry-dock Company's iron ship-building yard at Wyandotte, at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The iteamer is of iron, and is completed to the main leek. She will resemble in general appearance the steamer City of Cleveland, which was built at tor Ncwoomb, of "the life-saving service, the same yard four years ago, and which is now one of the most successful amd popular steamers [>nj;he lakes. The dimensions of the new steamer ire as follows: Length of keel, 200 feet: length over all, 212 feet; beam, 32 feet;,breadth over the guards, 00 feet; depth of hold, 12*2 feet. She ,viil ha\e a beam engine, with cylinder .11 inches in diameter and LO feet stroke. She will have ¦alhering wheels 1 8 feet fai diameter and 9 feet ace, and two steel boilers capable of working ai a pressure of fifty pounds to the square inch. One difference between this and the City of Cleveland which is in favor of the new steamer is that the shaft will be nearly level with the deck, which will be ramped over it as in the steamer City of Milwaukee. Her cabin is 10- feet long, and has sixty state-rooms upstairs andl six in the ladies* cabin below. The dining-roonn and kitchen on the new steamer are aft below decks. She has tour watertight bulkheads. Her cabin will be elaborately finished, and n<o expense will be spared. She is intended to ruin on the route be- j tween Detroit and Port Austin:. Her cost when | completed will be upwards ot .^105,000. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to i The Inter Oce;m. Pokt Colborne:, Ont., May ti.— Passed Down— Schr Jura. Toledo* to Ogdensburg, wheat: prop Toledo, Chicago (to Ogdensburg, corn and general X. the arrivals and clearances to upper lake ports to^ day: Arrived from Chicago—Props H. Chisholm, V. H. Ketchum, Siberia, John B. Lyon, Nebraska. Cleared for Milwaukee—Props W. H. Barnrm, 1,200 tons coal; D. Ballentine, 1,100 tons coal; schr Northwest. 3,500 tons coal. For Chicago--Prop New York, GOO tons coal.—For South Chicago—Escanaba. 1,400 tons coal. For Chicago--P:!ops Scotia, mdse; Boston, mdse. Fo«r Duluth —Props China, mdse; St. Louis, mctee; S. C. Baldwin, 500 tons coal. For Shebovgatn—Schr Anna Voitglit, 1,100 tons coal. Coal f eights quiet; rates unchanged act 50c to Chicago and Milwaukee. The following engagements were reported: Props V. H. Ketchum, Cumberland, J. R. Whiting, Dean Richmond; schrs Helvetia, Guiding Star, for Chicago, at 50c; prop S. C. Baldwin; schrs Grace Whiting, Melbourne, and Albany, for Duluth, at 85c. Canal freights declined ljjc to-day. Shipments were generally made at 5c on corn, 5*30 on wheat, » Lat^^1^:o^ijRtsj^i^fi*"^'^^"'M"1":v -'¦-'•¦^-"-¦-"¦^-jf* " The schr Oroton, which went ashore on tile beach near the sound catch last fall, was released this rnorning by Captain Thomas Maytham with the aid of three tugs. The vessel was to-night to\ved into the harbor and now lies at the dock le injured. The contract for the job amounted to $1,500 and it is considered a very successful one. -^Mmm*m ffWiie Int. ledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. In Harbor Bound Up—Barge Benson, schrs St. Louis, Geo. . M. Case, Gauges, Mystic Star, J. T. Mott, Kate Kelly, Laura, May Wiley, Jessie Stewart, prop Prussia. Ottawa, Ont., May 9.—The American boa' captains and owners have formed an association and resolved that all boats load in turn as placed on the list of arrivals; that all captains of boats | being offered $1 to Now York and $3,7J I bany such offer to the first boat on the list; clmt 1 should any captain of a boat after having signed the list, leave the ranks or load contrary to the by-laws, we be empowered to publish his name in 1 all the leading papers on the route, and stigmatize him as a man of no honor, and one in whom no dependence can be placed :• Ocean'. Ohio, May <).—Cleared—Schrs D. m iiiniiniii Cleveland. Wagstaff, Marquette, coal; S. H. Foster, Chicago, coal; J. F. Card, Marquette, coal. Charters— Schr Southwest, brick, St. Clair to Marquette, $1.30 per ton—free coal from Marquette to Cleve- ~«*,™«« .. • ^. »»«-.v«"«'«i «"• land, s;; schr D. E. Gilmore, pig iron, Klk surfboat and rescued all hand: Rapids to Cleveland, $1.10—free, Limestone ' A VESSEL CAPSIZED. The squaj] was the cause of another serious dis-later at Evanston, the same vicinity in which the schooner S. Bates was wrecked so recently ami vhere her bones now lie. The schooner Kate Soward, Captain Thompson, had unloaded a ^argo at De Coudres' pier at Evanston and iropped anchor a distance oft0 in the lake. The ierce squall from the northwest struck her broadside, and, being light, she capsized. The entire hull became sitbmerged except the bow, and to £his part the crew, "Captain Thompson and four men, clung for dear life. The disaster occurred at just 7 o'clock. The Evanston life-saving crew -—one of the best on the lakes—were promptly ran hand, and, under the lead of Captain W. E. McTennan, they went out in the BROKE DOWN OUTSIDE. The Peshtigo Company's tug Boscobel broke-down off Grosse Point yestertday and was tpwed back to port, as were her two consorts. The schooner Boaz, in tow , collided with the Northwestern Railroad bridge at Kin/ie street \esterdav, and lost her .iibboum. The dead body of a man wats picked up in the river at Adams street yestenhuy. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. Wind, yesterday, south and southeast. The revenue cutter Andy Johnson is about once nion . Dick Tyrrill is captain of the tug Paddv Murphy, as usual. Lust night was a bad looking one outside. An easterly storm was likely. Captain Steve Green took command of the new tug Lorena yesterday. C;;ptain J. P. Cottrel! takes charge of the steambarge S. D. Colwell. The schooner Penokee takes coal from Charlotte to Milwaukee at $1.7.>. Islands to St. Joseph, $1 per ton.' No material change in coal or ore freights. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Collingwood, Ont,, May 9.— Arrivals—Schr Maxwell, from Chicago, grain; schr Lottie Wolf, Chicago, grain. Special Telegram to The Inte.r Ocean. KiNCSTON, Ont., May 9.—The water in the harbor is a foot lower thanat the same time last year. Special T'neeram to The Inter Ocean. .aha. Mich., May 9.— Arrivals— Props D. W. Kust, Massachusetts; schrs Merrimac, 1>. K, Clint, L. C. Butts. No boats will leave to-night. Wind blowing hard from the northeast; rain alt day; cloudy and cold. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. EAST TAWAS, Mich., May 9.--Heavy northeaster. In harbor: Steambarge Johnson, barges Little"Wissahickon, Mayes, and Monitor. Light hail and snowstorm. The \Vis:-ahickdii and Monitor are lumber laded, the former for Cleveland, and the other for Tonawanda. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., May 9,-^ailed—Steamer City of Cleveland, steambarge Powers and tow, Anna Smith and tow, propeller Messenger, scow Minnehaha. Arrived—Scow Louisa, schooner Consul and Barbarian. Northeast wind, heavy, raining. FREIGHTS. The rate on corn to Buffalo is about B^c. The railroad propeller lines generally are carrying on through rates to New York, Philadelphia, etc. Charters were: to eeie. Bushels. Propeller Juniata, corn.....................71,000 TO BUFFALO. Propeller Buffalo, corn.....................30,000 Steamship Kershaw, corn....................54,000 Steamship Tacoma, corn................... .75,000 TO OGDENSBURG. Propeller Roanoke (to arrive), corn, about..27,000 Lumber and other coarse freights were un- 0* The Free Press says: "Captain Dan Laugdon .if the schooner E. Fitzgerald, arrived here yesterday forenoon and engaged the tug Oswego to release the Fitzgerald and row her to Detroit. Cap tain Laugdon reports that at 0 o'clock yesterday morning, during thick weather, the Fitzgerald touched' bottom, and lie ai once dropped anchor and came tor a tug. The schooner lies Bftsy and is not leaking. She linear Pointe au Pelee with the dummy light bearing south one mile. Cap tainLangdonanticipates no trouble in getting her off, and expects to have her here this after The Howard measures H>0 tons. She was built at Holland, Mich., in J S07 by J. M. Waring, rebuilt in 1878, and largely repaired the past winter. She is owned by De Coudres, and is not injured. Captain Thompson and his crew were kindly icared for, and express great gratitude toward the Evanston life-saving crew. Were it not for the prompt action taken ail hand* mas! have per- RIDGE HOKRORNAREOWLY ESCAPED. The schooner Horace H. Badger (formerly the Kate Oille it) was approaching Harrison street bridge just as the squall came on, towed by one of the tugs. The tug whistled and the bridge bell was rung. Just at this juncture a fire engine came dashing along Harrison street on the yay to a fire. The bridge tenders ran up the red jail, and the engine raced safely over and the next instant the Badger went crashing into the [structure, swinging it open and inflicting damage and losing her own jibboom and headgear ' and damaging her hull to some extent. The acci-^ dent was an unavoidable one, so far as tug or ' vessel was concerned, and the city will be asked to pay the costs. If the bridge had been opened the engine and its crew of four men must have gone down off the approach into the river, repeating the State street horror of several years ago. THE LOTUS LOOSE. At Kinzic street the schooner Lotus pulled out her mooring bits, aft, during the squall, damaged her headgear some, knocked down someone's large sign with her jibboom, etc. NO LIGHTS. After the squall the lights on the exterior breakwater on the lake were d^scay.ej.-.ed to. have been extinguished. THE AXDT JOHXSON. The United States steamer Andy Johnson is in port here. She will take on some new boats built for her here, and then proceed to the foot of the lake. Captain Davis is in command as usual. THE KERSHAW. The steamship Kershaw got across the channel near Harrison street bridge during the squall, but whether any damage was inflicted or sustained was not ascertained last night. on and ofi*. ipecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Colchester,, Ont., May 9.—A large three-lasted schooner, bound down the lake, heavy ,den, struck on Colchester reef last nicht, and bis morning was hard and fast hying a signal of listress. Her name is not known. She was released this evening by the tug Oswego, and hrs proceeded down the lake, apparently uninjured!, The lightship is still in port.

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