Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 82

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With Various Disasters and Accidents-Sinkiiig of the Large Wrecking Tug Conqueror. Au Expedition to the Schooner Arrow— A Tug Ont Down in the Harbor, Damajre to the Steamship Northerner-General Marine—Exports from the Rivers, Etc. DISASTERS. « DIRTY WEATBES OUTSIDE. There »as a southeast squall early yesterday morning, and the wind then went to north, then to northeast, continuing from the latter point all day and last night. It was dark, thick, arid dirty during the night, with rain Jailing most of the time. Tpgrn«HH^r^ffl^^rlJMI|B^HIMI^^W^n>booin and . and damaging the bridge. The barge ran Into Twenfy-secondj street bridge and also did damage. CLYDE AGAIN AGROUND. The steamship Clyde, coming down the South Branch, grounded again last night, this time at Adams street bridge. She was no obstruction, however. The Buffalo, City of Traverse, and Chicago left last night. The Lehigh, Lycoming, and the whole out fleet leave this morning. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. Among the sight-seers at the Tacoma blockade during the morning was Mr. George Kirkham, the Secretary of the Vessel Owners' Tug Company. In stepping from the deck of the propellor Roanoke to a lumber pile, the board across broke and he fell a distance of twenty feet, sustaining severe but not dangerous injuries. His escape from death was a narrow one. Salma and barges.. East Saginaw and barges-schrs Nevada, Water-town, Blazing Star Up May 11—Props Oscoda, B. B. Hale and schr.Alva Bradley, Escanaba, D. Wagstaff, J. E. Card, S. H. Kim-bail, Laketonand barges, w. H. Barnum, Hardv Boy and barge, D. Balentine and consort, John N * (Midden and schrs, S. H. Foster, George H. Warm-ington, Inter Ocean, B. W. Blanchard, D. F Rose and barges, China, J. S. Ruby, Argonaut and schr, T. L. Parker, J. R. Whiting and consort-schrs Gladstone, Senator Blood, Gulnare, Jessie Drummond, Maggie McRea, Maria Martin- barge W. H. Pringle. Down—Props II. S. Hubbell and barges, Osceola, J. W. Bennett and barge Belle Cros sand barge, Wissahickon. Wind west,' brisk • clear. THE CANALS, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., May 11.—Passed up— nTD^„0 > ?-cV,rs JA T- Mott' Oswego to Chicago, coal: Kate -DISASTERS. Kelly, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Oliver Mitchell The small schooner Capella is ashore near 2,^Ye!?0 to Chicago, coal; Mystic Star, Oswego to' North Point, Racine. The orew was taken off by K?SoV°ctn?G™a1&So^%^SS % be life-saving men. Kingston, com: floboken, Chicago to Kingstoft, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. i eom; <*• C. Trumpff, Chicago to Kingston, "con '• , May 12.-Mr. John *^l%£^1$^***fTK^%£& to Oswego, wheat; Ada Ivledora, Chicago to Prescott, corn; D. G. Port, Chicago to Kingston, con house received a telegram from Conneaut announcing the dismasting of the schooner W. S. Oveethwaite off that port Thursday evening, during a heavy squall, and asking that a tug be sent to tow her to Buffalo, No particulars were! props Argyle and Bruno. , .-, i * * ii. j.j m, '• Special Telegram to The Inter given as to the extent of the injuries. The tug ' In the harbor wind-bound to-night—Schrs An giiRta Pennol-ee, (ranges, O. Mitchell, G. M. Cascl St. Louis, Laura, Mystic Star, Kate Kelly, Sligo CAUTION TO MASTERS. vessel, commercial, and insurance interests demand good lights on the exterior breakwater. In bad weather these lights are not to be depended on, and The Intek Ocean would caution vessel ll,ut Catptain Mflllvee, her commander, and in. i Anna P. Doit went to her assistance last night. Tile CrorBthwaite is owned by Mr. Kelderhouse masters to leave the lake waterworks crib on the ' your correspondent understands, insured in some starboard coming in, and on the port side when of th® (companies represented here by Captain leaving. VAEIOUS ACCIDENTS. Two of the owners of the stranded schooner Arrow were in the city yesterday, negotiating with Atkins & BecKwlth for a steam pump. The steamer R. J. Insersoll is to carrv the expedition. lite tug W. H. Doan was "run over" off Cleveland by a schooner and capsized and sunk. Crew saved. It was the schooner Maumee Valley and not the Lainemer that was ashore on Lake Erie. She got on without much damage. Lorenzo Dimmiok. SpecialTBelegram to Hip Inter Ocean*. South Chicago, 111., May 1'-',-On entering the harbor to-day the Massachusetts hugged the bottom jat the mouth of the Calumet River. After a wrest.De of about an hour by the tugs Halladay and Roller, she was brought into the slip. FBEIOHTS. The rate claimed to rule on corn to Buffalo yesterday was 2%c; wheat) 3c. The steamship The schoonei s I:. KyV-'-ieigh and Corsican, on Wh'tl1cy WM* her tow, taken for corn to Kingston, get 5*sP of 6c. Charters j-esterd§y ff«W- THE BIVER9. Special Telegram to The Inter OoRan. Detroit. Mich., May 12.—Up May 11—Props Forest City and consort, H. B. Tuttle, and schrs Point au Pellee, are reported in bud condition. HJLRBOB COLLISIONS. The steamship Northerner and the schooner Ida Keith, in tow, came in collision in the harbor and the upper works of the Northerner, on the port quarter, wort.: badly raked. A flat scow in tow of the tug Alpha struck the Mears, Frank Leigh ton, St. Lows, Up May 13— tug Rebel, of the V. O. T. Line, cutting herhuFI in Props Yosemite and barges, Clarion, Chicago, as far as the cook's galley. The damage is severe George King and barges, Egyptian and consort, The trouble occurred at "Collision Bend." * Benton and barges, II. C. Akeley, D. Lenta and The big steamship Onoko, with coal for the harges, Glasgow and barges, 3, S. FayH and schrs north gas house, grounded at the mouth of Og- ^- **• Rhodes, Fayette Brown; H. Chisholm, den's canal. The Brunette has coal for the .-..'Kin . Ocean. STURGEON Bay, Wis., May 11 .—Arrived—Schrs Alice, M. O. Gooricnow, .Ostrich, and Rainbow Wind, northwest, fresh. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean PostDalhousie, Ont.,May 11.— Passed TJp-Schis American. Oswego to Toledo, coal; \v. D Preston, Oswego to Chicago, coal: Active, Kingston to Toledo, light: barge (ilenora, Kingston to Toledo, light; J. Gaskin, Kingston to Toledo light; schr Wave Crest, Port Hope to Detroit' light; props Armenia. Toronto to Chicago, barlev-Toledo, Ogdensburg to Duluth, general cargo.',' Passed Down—Props Saginaw Valley, Chicago'to Ogdensburg, general cargo; John Ma'gee, Chicago to Kingston, general cargo; prop Abercorri, Saginaw City to Ogdensburg, lumber; schr Mayes Saginaw City to Ogdensburg, lumber. Arrived— Schr Pandora. The tug Howard 11. Pavne, bound tor Wilson, N. Y., burst her cylinder head last evening and is still here getting it repaired. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. THROUGH THE ICE. Special Telegram to Tire Inter Ocean. Pequaming, Mich., via L'Ansc, Mich., May 11. —The Peerless arrived here at 5:50 p. m. Could not get into Marquette on account of ice. Stuck iifty-two hours at Whitefish Point. The Brunette has coal for the sanl wharf, out eoule not'pass. It was not until last night that the Onoko could be pulled through and the blockade raised. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Kingston, Ont., May 8.—The schoonei-Kate pion, J. ID. Sawyer. Wind southwest, clear, hcolcs is reported ashore near Presque Island. Ahira Cobb. Thos. Quayle, Fellowcraft, South west, Adventure, Monticcllo, John Burt, M. Tuttle, Gdlmore. Down—Props E. A. Packer, Lowell a.nd barges, James Sheriffs, and schrs A, B. Norris, H. C. Richards, John Shuette, Cham- Assistance has been sent from here. Yesterday afternoon the steamer Conqueror, while towing the schooner Pride of America up the St. Lawrence during a thick fog, struck a rock and sunk in twenty feet of water.near Clayton. The crew were saved. The Conqueror "is said to be. fully insured. She is owned bv Mr Boss, of Quebec, and was chartered by the Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Company. S.lioeia.1 Teli gruel In Tin lui, :¦ Or,-all Kingston, Ont., May 8.-The large wrecking tug Conqueror, of the Dominion Salvage and Wrecking Company, sunk last night five miles belctw Clayton. Estimated damage about $5,000 Insured, F. L. 0. FBEIOHTS. The rate on corn to Midland and Collingwood was 2]-jc; to Kingston, (5he; to Buffalo, S^c. The propellers for Buffalo and Erie carry mostly on through rates. The lake and rail rate on corn to Philadelphia yesterday was stated to be I1%ck lake and oa.nal rates to New York, OJ4C corn-10c wheat, and 7c oafcs. Ghartersiwere: « ^ v. TO midland. Bushels, benooner S. B. Pomcroy, corn............. 27,000 TO COLLINGWOOD. Schooner Erie Belle, corn................. 20,000 TO BUFFALO AND ERIE. Anchor Line propellers, corn..............300,000 TO BUFFALO. Propeller Portage, corn................... 40,000 Propeller Arabia, corn..................... 40,000 Steamship Tacoma, corn.................. 55,000 Steamship Tacoma, rye.................., 20,000 The Anchor Line has corn sufficient engaged to load all their boats all this week. OOABS3B FREIGHTS. No change in coarse freights. Buffalo, N. Y., May 8.—The canal freight on Pine lumber to New York is $2.75 per 1,000 feet. THE KIVEES. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean-. pETBOi'C, Mich., May 8.— Vessel passages, Detroit, May 1: Passed Up—Prop Empire .and barges, Torrent. Down—Prop Benton and barges, schrs Angus Smith, Porter, J. B. Merrill, and John Magee. May 8: Up—Props Juniata, II. I). Cofflnbury and consorts, Ogemaw, Ononagon and barges, and schr Cheney Ames, Continental and consort, City of New York and barges, Lehigh, Bay City and barges, schrs Erastus Corning, and J. S. Richards. Down, May 8—Props Henry Chisholm and schrs Moonlight, Jamaica, Salfna and barges and H. 'Ketcham, William Rudolph and barges, Abercorn and barges, Rube Richards and consort, Manietique, J. S. Ruby,. Queen of the West and schr R. B. Hayes, schrs Saveland, Francis Palms, Sunrise, George B. Sloan, Marengo, D. Stewart, Joseph Paige, Ho-boken, Golden West, G. C. Trumpff, and prop Oscoda. Port Huron, Mich., May 8.—Up—Props Empire State, Arctic, Juniata, barges James Davidson and consort, Nahaiit, and tug Beatrice, with schooner. Down—Barge Oscoda. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., May 8.—Passed Up— Schrs Blazing Star, Oswego to Detroit, coal; Nevada, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Waterdown, Clayton to Chicago, stone; Prussia, Kingston to Elk Rapids, light; Anglo-Saxon, Kingston to Elk Rapid i, light. Si.»cc;ial Teleeram to The Inter Ocean. Poet Dalhousie, Ont., May 8.—Passed Up— Schr Penokee, Charlotte to Milwaukee, coal; Watertown, Clayton to Chicago, coal; Siberia, Kingston to Toledo, light; John Burt, Oswego to Pet roit, coal; lien ben Doud, Oswego to Detroit, coal; Gulnair, Hamilton to Garden Bay, light; Prussia, Kingston to Toledo, light; Jennie Mathews, Rochester to Cleveland, iron; barges A. Saxon, Kingston to Toledo, light; Denmark, Kingston to Toledo, light; prop John Hams, Toronto to Bay City, light. Down—Schrs Belle Mitchell, Toledo bo Garden Island, staves; Bell Hanscome, Detroit to Ogdensburg, wheat; Jura, Toledo to Ogdensburg, wheat: General F. Slegel, Cleveland to Ogdensburg, coal; pron Toledo, Chicago to Ogdeus-tieral cargo. In "Harbor, Bound Up—Schrs Guiding Star. Mediteranean, Arctic; barges Saxon, Manly, Russei, Benson. Light southwesterly win 1 her, VARIOUS FORTS. Cleveland, Ohio, May s.—Arrived—Schr Delaware, Escanaba, ore. Cleared—Prop John N. GUdden, Business is quiet, and but few vessels are loading here. Bates remain the same snb-The charters reported to-da "oy Bissel, coal, Black River to Brockville, $1.20; steambaree Erin and consort Maggie, coal, Cleveland to Brockville, on private terms, vi 1 .if b are somewhere between $1.20 and $] .40. The tug W. H. Doan sank in the lake last even-in;; wta tie t owing the schr Venus. The crew floundered around in the water, but were finally all rescued. t Harbormaster Kirby has given notice that all loaded vessels entering and leaving this harbor must fci ep to west of the river channel for a dis-300 feel into I lie lake, The depth of si of- mid-channel ixom the railroad > the mouth of the river ia from en feet, and irom the mouth of the river I of the line of said dhannel 300 In the lake eighteen and a.half feet. Soundings are about completed and work of .river's mouth will soon be commenced. Special Teleeram tcrTtt* Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., May 11.—An unusually large number of craft from upper lake ports arrived today, as follows: From Chicago—Props Rochester, Wm. Edwards, Frert Kellv, Cumberland; schrs D. E. Bailey, M.W. Page, M.'R. Warner, Charles Foster, Joseph Page, K. B. Hayes, American Union, lf Sunrise, David Stewart, Golden West, Marengo, Grantd Haven, Michl MayJf;^ 1CLj£7w Saveland, Francis Palms, F. L. Danforth, David Milwaukee has been I will njake hei y and Blue, Elizabeth Jones. first trip, of this reason to-morrow. Sge^^ke Wls * iIclvetia. Cleared for Chicago-Prop daily trips on the Grand Haven and Milwaukee . Jo)m B £ Q ^^ ^.^ j M Lineifprjthe balanceof the season. Hutchinson; 1,800 tons coal; C. J. Wells, 1,100 Special^TelegramtoTheptelOcem.^ _ ^i ^ tQn3 ^^ ^ pulutll__s^hr David 'DowS) 400 tons coal. Cleveland, Ohio, May 12.—Rates on coal remain firm at 00c and 05c to Chicago and Blilwau- . , kee The prospect is that Pittsburg miners will Coal freights were active to-day at oOc to Chi-w»y™iroiTii«i- and coal will be plentv. Not' c^go and Milwaukee. Engagements reported: nSveSeKSSofi^^ cSt^-SopeUer Schrs Joseph Page, Nicholson, Michigan, Pen-S k „v i™i tn illmnV-pr (i">f saukec, Minneapolis, Sardand, Lizzie A. Lane, f ^^bSewSS^*t%. Sixe is not Geo^JohnKclderhouse, Charles Foster, alitor; much damaged. _ The schr David Stewart was short seventy-five j busb,els, sixty of which were wet. The schr Charles Foster had some heated grain weighed j out. Canal freights remain firm at 4J2C on corn, and 5c on wheat to New York. The scow S. B. Conklin, with limestone, from Kellev's Island to this point, ran ashore Thursday nivht at Lorain while trying to make the harbor to seek refuge from the squall, pounded on rocks and considerably damaged. The tug Bolton went to her to-dav with a steam-pumr>. She is owned by Captain Thomas Sanders, and valued at $1,500; no insurance.^ The damage to the wrecked schooner L. W. Perry is about $500. The sum ot $^50 has been raised among Milwaukee merchants toward paying the tolls of the steamer- Corona through the Sturgeon Bay canal. Chapters: Schr Monitor, lumber, f rom Muske-gon,_atr$1.25per LOOP. "lYirTrV Mne PCW V W. Perry, which went ashore at. Sheboyg;an last fall, was released last night by the wrecking tug Leviathan, and arrived here today in ttow of the tug S. S. Coe. She is not thought to have received much damage. The scow enterprise, which was sunk in the river, was docked to-day for an overhauling. The wrecking tug Leviathan left last night for Plot Island to attempt the release of the schr Ketcham. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. • tliflj lm WW! Ohio, May 11. - TUtes on coal have not gone lower than last reported. The vessels that are left are glad to get cargoes at any figure. Charters—Schr On]- Son, ore, Escanaba to Cleveland, $1. Aivived—Schr M. Bacon, Chicago, flaxseed; schrs Owa^so, Clayton, coal: Delaware, Chicago, coal; Grace Holland, Marquette, light. ThetugDoane was found to-day and towed along the bottom into the river, where she will be raised. The barge B. M. Baker sunk in eight feet of water at Lorain, and telegraphed for a steam-pump. Wind northeast, light; weather fine. A Collision in Which the Steamer Westford Is Opened Out and Sunk. Loss and Insurance—The Schooner Condor Driven On the Beach—Crov Keseucd. Wreck of the Steamer John Karri?—Crew Saved—Gleueral Marine Kews— Dispatches. DISASTERS TO SHIPPING, THE BTLA:,IBAK(1E WESTFOKD SUNK BY COLLISION. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 14.—Abonf 3:30 o'clock this morning the steambarge Westford, lumber loaded, towing two barges and the schooner Smith *fe Post, collided when nearly abreast of Wind-mill Point Light-house, Detroit Biver, with the schooner Grace Holland, in tow of the steam-barge Republic, bound up. The vessels struck nearly head on, splitting the Westford's bows wide open and sinking her in three and a half fathoms of water, on the American shore, about half a mile below the light-house. The Holland was not damaged, aside from the scraping off of paint and the parting of the towline. Each captain claims the other at fault. It will probably result in a lawsuit. The other craft of the tow escaped injury. The propeller Nebraska passing up at the time of the collision, to avoid colliding, ran aground on Belle Isle. She was lightered oif by tin- ferry steamer Garland, returned,hore and is reloading her freight. The W'estford is insured by Crosby and Deinick. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 14.—The steambarge Westford was insured for $12,000 by Captain Eber Ward in the Crosby and Demick Companies. The schooner Corsican, ashore at Point Au Pelee, has been released and brought to Windsor. Hhe is unloading her coal. One pump keeps her free. [The Bteambarge Westford measures 375 tons. She was built at Trenton by Turner in 1889, and is owned by A. N. Spratt et al., of Alpena. Her class Is A 2, and her valuation $35,000. She had new deck and beams and other repairs in 18 80, and in 1882 was refastcned, had large repairs, —----'—"^RECKOP THEJOHN HARRIS. Port Rowan, May 14.—The steamer John Hards (V), Toronto to Bav Citv, Mich., went ashore in a gale Saturday, off f .Long Point. » The crew weresaved.^__mm*- '" .............'*"' ""* ' IHCONER CONDOR ARHORE. V Sheboygan, Wis., May 14.—The schooner Condor, of Muskegon, lumber laden, went ashore in a. fog, about -1 a. m., about five miles north of She-boygan. The life savingicrew and the tug Kitty Smoke attempted to release her this morning, but failed owing to the heavy sea. The crew of the vessel axe all &&f£-^-^~**am»mm0m0*i*™*~*»mimmm*i 11' MUVaW~5cTrr Stampede, scow Nellie Church, schr Jesse Winter, scow Three Bells, schr Industry, schr 3. C. Bauer, schr Little Georgia, schr Petrel, schr Mary. Wind northeast, heavy sea; raining. The life saving crew saved a new government crib from going out into the lake with the last week's freshet, worth $2,000. ^^MM>|fff|M||T||([—, CASE OP THE BARBABIAN. ft *, xC^-i. EM AUKS. THE KIVEES. S'lie.-i.-il T Inter < Icean. Detkoit, Mloli., May 14.—Up May 1.3: Props Iron Age and senr James Ooucn, S. C. Baldwin and barges, Chaunoey Eurll : Ucliartis and consort ami schr Atmosphere, Wafrerly, Potomac and consort; sclir J. T. Mott. Down— Props I). W. Rust and consorts, Music and barges. r Republic '&A con; braslta, Niagara, Malwaukee, Armenia, Rochester, Queen of the "West, Dean Richmond WissahicTcon and consbrta, yacht Huntress. Down—Proi-s C'iov eland and barges, Montana, Don M. Dickinson sand barges. Portage, Michigan and barges e, Bay City and sch Ellsworth, Consuel©; barges .1. W Bennett and barge, prop Mayflower aiid barges. Wind east northeast, strong. rov.T Hukon, Mich., May'14.—Passages past twelve hours: Down—Tugs Swau, Quayle with schrs Colonel Cook and Lem Ellsworth; steam-barges Mineral Rockand barges, Mayflov \ ard tip—Tags Swain with schr Moonlight, Riyer Queen with schr A. Ford; prop Waverly; steambargea James Donaldson ami s, I'or1 er Chamberlain ;i!ii] consort. Pokt Hi ... May 14.—Passages last twelve hours—Up: 81- aod con- sorts; tug Frank Moffat; schr J. C. Mott; steambarge Baldwin and barges; prop Roi Down: Tug BaU/.c: schr Grant; steambarge Green and barges. Everj thing wind-bound. FREIGHTS. ¦ The fleet has commenced to arrive in Chicago from below, and grain freights show that fact. On corn to Buffalo craft yesterday got 2;?ic; on corn to Sarnia., 2c. Charters reported were: TO BUFt-ALO. Bushels. Steamship Columbia, corn.................(i.' Schooner Camden, corn....................48,000 TO ERIE. Propeller Lycoming, corn..................30,000 Barge Schuylkill, corn.....................db.OOO TO SARNIA. Schooner M«diator, corn...................18,000 Coarse freights show no change. DISASTEES. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., May 11.—The schooner E. P. Beals, coal-laden for Milwaukee, sprung a leak on Lake Huron night before last and was jacketed to keep her afloat. A signal of distress brought a bwboi tug to ber, and, she was towed inside. The wrecking tug John Martin will put a steam pump aboard and tow her to her destination. A hca.vv northwest galeis prevailing. Considerable ¦jSpeciai Telegram to The Inter Ocean. V East Tawas. Mich., May 11.—The tug Ballen-' tine, bound for L'Anse, with the barge Bay City ' in tow, for Harrisville, when off Point Barques, was ol >liged to return to Sand Beach to repair her machinery. She there transferred the barge to another tow. Her machinery gave out again when in Saginaw Bay, it taking her eight hours to cross to this port, where she will receive thorough repairs, but expects to leave to-night. East Tawas, Mich., May 11.—The tug Ba,llen-tine finished repairs to her machinery, and left for L'Anse this afternoon. The steambarge h. C. Hall left this evening, lumber laden, for Chicago. A heavy northwest gale has prevailed for the past twentv-four hours. A large, black, two-masted ' steambarge with three in tow, all lumber loaded, sheltered this afternoon, but they were too far off to get their names. Tnt'i Huron, Mich., May 12.—Vessel passages for the past twenty-four hours: Up—Props Clarion, Chicago, St. Louis; steambarges Whiting and consort, Forest City and consort, Egyptian and consort, King and barges, Ackley, D. Lutty and barges, Oermania and barges, Benton and barges: tugs Kate Williams, Masters with schrs Fello-.veraft and Geo. Steele. Down—Tugs John Oweo, »iUi schrs Sawyer and Champion; Moore, Frank Motuilt, with schr M. E. Wamble, Sweepstakes With schr Cnrnmiugs; steambarges Rawley, with schrs [morete and Gilford, Bpbert Holland and barges, steamer Ward. Arrived licwu - Barge Danlord and schr Flying Cloud. Duluth, Minn., May 12.—The Empire State, from Buffalo, the first boat of the season, arrived late toi-night. She passed through heavy ice at Sault Ste Marie. Several other boats are now due. The steamship Onoko took out 100,500 bushels of oats, the largest cargo ol grain ever taken out of Chicago or any other lake port. The pro peller Russia takes out 100,000 bushels of oats. The steamship Jewett went into the vessel owners' drydock at i o'clock Sunday afternoon and had her new wheel on and was ready to cOme out again at 5 o'clock yesterday miorning. Thi: is quick work. The Jewett loaded again yester day anil left for below last nigUt. Captain William Fletcher is in command of the fine propeller New-burg, of the Union Steamboat Company, this season. Hosts or friend's congratulate him. When the schooner Hazard was so badly damaged last season Captain Fletcher jacketed her and saved her, and his promotion is c in a measure due to that lac.. Xo .better navigator is to lie found in our waters, snecini lee-eram :o ice men <-i-eue.' Port Colborne, Ont., May 11.—Passed Up— Steambarge Xii .lhousiel-) VI lk-nc- schr Pandosa, Toronto to Cleveland, light. Dowi-SchrT I - , to Kingston timber- steambarge Erin anu consort, Cleveland i., Prescott, coal: James Sheriffs. Chicago to Kingston, corn: prop Nassau, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Speoial Telegram to The Infer Ocean. . Sturgeon Bay, Wis., May 14.—Arrived -Stmrs Favorite and tow, Boscobel and tow, J. C. Pe-rett and tow. Aim, Oconto t'sohrs Oct!:!. Bertha Barnes, Commerce, A. Mosier, and H. S Badger. Wind high from the nortuv.- it Boecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean- „, POKT DALHOUSIE. ' Ark Port pathousie to Chicago, light: .-"Port Dalhousie to Chicago, light: Albion, Port Dalhousie to Chicago, light. Down—Set retta Chicago to Kingston, corn: Homer, to Kingston, corn; Halsted, Chicago to Kil corn; Lamana, Chicago to Kingston, corn; West Side Chicago to King-ton, com: Hartford, Chicago to Kingston! con; Nassau, Chicago to Kingston, corn: Higgle. Chicago to Kingston com; Typo, Chicago to Kingston, com. VARIOUS PORTS; Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ?- MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 14. — Arrived frora ifeloe Steam barge- Thomas W. Palmer, W. H. Barnum, Alcona and consort, San Diego, schooners Swallow and Reindeer. Cleared for Escanaba— Schooners Our Son and Monterey. For Cross! Village—Steam barge Nevada. The Nevada loadu hard-wood lumber for Buffalo. To-day the schooner Ketcham, which was released from Pilot Island Reef by the wrecking tug Leviathan, wa,s docked at. Wolf * Davidson's yard. She was found to be badly chawed up, and will require nearly an entire new bottom, including keel, pocket pieces, and fore foot. As soon as their cargoes of coal are discharged the schooner E. P. Beals and-barga San Diego will lie docked. The former sprung a bad leak on Lalce Huron last week, and arrived here last nielitt ill tow of the tug John Martin. The San Diego srtruek on the Lime Kilns Crossing coming up, and is thought to bo damaged. - Walter S. Johmson, of Northport, has purchases ol' Thofnas Doing, of Sheboygan, the schooner L. W. Perry, for $i \ heavy uorrt heaster prevails to-day, and ail craft are detainsed. A number of light \ into tile harbi THAT CONTEST STILL GOING ON. The Milwaukee Sentinel of yesterday published the following, getting its points from the insurance men: "The differences between the underwriters who held risks on the schooner Barbarian, wr< Beaver Island last .summer, and Thomas Hood, her owner, have not vet been settled. It will be remembered that tiie Barbarian, which was insured for her entire value, while bound down from Escanaba with a cargo of-ore, went ashore on Beaver Island. Mr. Hood, without making any attempt to release, endeavored to abandon her to the underwriters, but the latter refused to accept her, and Mr. Hood was forced, after a delay of several days, to send the wrecking tug Leviathan to her. The Leviathan succeeded in releasing her in a considerably 1 damaged condition, and she was allowed to remain at this port some time before re. paired, as the underwriters could come to no || agreement with Mr. Hood, as the latter desired to j -get the vessel off his hands and obtain his insurance money; but the insurance companies refused this and offered to repair the vessel for Mr. Hood, which he finally agreed to. Yesterday Messrs. Schuyler and Cramer, of Chicago, attorneys for the underwriters, and W. H. Condon, representing Mr. Hood, and Mr. Hood himself, arrived from Chicago, and during the day took the testimony of Captains J. w. Tuttle and J. Humph] olm Blend, Joseph Walter, and John Benntog, »e two latter employes of Wolf & Davidson, at hose yard the craft was repaired, as to the con-Ition of the vessel and the repairs made on her Idle at this port. What the disagreement is fouid not be learned, but it is understood licit, no ettleinent has been made as yet" ¦ " m' FREIGHTS. The local rates were 2%c corn to Buffalo, and ;<4C com to Kinston. The charters were: Special Te'lem-aniio lue joiici ,"-..i- East Tawas, Mich., May 14.—A north. . prevails. It has been, snowing the past ten hours, but melting as fast as it falls. The steambarges Saiina from Oscoda, Johnson from Greenbnsh, both partly loaded, were obliged to run here for shelter. Sheltered -Propeller Sanilac, steambarge Mills, barges Lamb, Worthiugtou, Smith, schooner Harriet Ross, scows l-'.ssex, Greenback. -cite bark made anchorage at dusk, and ere coming. Soe.-iid TeleLi-.-.nii te Tiie Inter Ocean. i, Wis., May l-i.—The : large Ogarita arrived from Buffalo, and the sohooners Belle and Conques /.:,:.v. e fnd-bound, i enllil to 'file itlli rl lee: IS. 14.- -A rrived—Schrs JohuSchutteaudLucerne, Escanaba Ogdensburg, ore. Cleared Prop Oscoda, Oscoda, mdse. No change in coat or ore freights. The schooner Jessie Scarth chartered to carrv coal from Black River to Brockville at $1.20 per ton. Wind northeast. A thundershower accompanied U gather commenced about 7 p. m. The schooner Pride of America, Captain Mac-donald, was seized in Oswego on a writ of attachment for E. B. Smith, of Milwaukee. In 1881 the vessel became disabled on Lake Michigan, and bv a tug owned by Smith was towed to Milwaukee. The tow bill, $700, was presented to Captain Macdonald, and he drew for the amount on James Macdonald, St., owner of the vessel, receiving in return a receipted bill for that amount. 'This bill bore provision that in case payment was refused on the draft, the lien on the vessel would hold good. When the draft was presented the owner declined to pay it, and Smith has since been waiting for the vessel to ap-lieioiiian American port to attach her. When the sheriff served the papers, Captain Macdonald became furious, and refused to take them, but the sheriff left them onboard, and put two depu- ¦ties in charge.___.——----------1—'¦------^ The new steambarge built *at R. Mills & Co.*s yard, Buffalo, was successfully launched on Saturday afternoon. Sheds very stanchly built, be-ing.edge bolted in and out, iron strapped diagon-allv, and thus needs no arches. She will be a first-class coal carrier. She is 214 feet over all, 21 feet beam, 14 lj feet hold, and will carry about 50,000 bushels of wheat. Her machinery will not be put in this season. She will be ready in a few days, and will tow behind the propeller Columbia. Some time ago she was sold by the builders to J. C. Lockwood and others for $45,-000. Her name is not yet determined upon, but she will probably be called the Comrade. The name of her master builder, John Humble, superintendent for Mills & Co., is a sufficient guarantee/^ for her sca-worthlnegR : ____ -—-—— l-""1 r nil io The infer Ocean. City, Mich., May I 8.—Archibald Donnelly, deck-hand on the barge Siucbury, while Irving to - aftermoon, fell into the river ears old. and came 4Mh£B|aBd|M0|Mtfeugu.

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