bound for this port which anchor in the bay yeatardav rather than attempt to make the harbor were towed in. All the vessels which wore in the bay and harbor, bound for Chicago, got under way during the afternoon. The steambarge Argonaut and consort, Thomas L. Parker, (train laden, from Chicago, and the tug Boscobel and barges were the only vessels to leave their anchorage bound down the lake, but all the yessels in the bay and harbor will leaveinthe morning. No further disasters have been reported from yesterday's gale. The names rof the three seamen from the schooner Petrel, drowned iu the bay vesterdav, were Charles 1 Jacob Hansen and itaaliu, If the weather will permit, the wrecking tug Mjeviathan, of this port, and the tug Crowell, ofj Manistee, will attempt the releasing of the! Jschooner Lillie E., on the beach at this port. Thai ivessel has not as yet been damaged to any extent! abut she is careened over, her deck on the port side | being under water. n „ i.....i - '-----frm—iwi >»riift .nSfliir BiHlnm nlys hack is thought to be broken, and she will prove a total loss. Her crew stripped her this afternoon. Her cargo will be recovered. The barges Annie Vought and M. B. Warner, both coal-laden, the former for Sheboygan and the latter for this port, were towed into the harbor to-day, after being at anchor in the bay since yesterday morning, with about two feet of water in each of their holds. Their crews were nearly exhausted. The schooner Tallahassee lost her anchor in the bay, and the schooner Lucy Graham arrived with most of her canvas gone. The revenue cutter Andy Johnson arrived tonight after a week's cruise at the foot of the lake. Cleared for Escanaba—Schrs John Weslov, W. H. Vandorbilt; steambargo Progress. For Chicago—St eambarge Oceanica. Arrived from Below, Coal-laden—Schrs David Stewart, J. !:. Merrill, Alice li. Norris, John Wesley; barge M. II. Warner: steambarges C. J. Kershaw, N. li. .Fairbanks. TWO RIVERS. .Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Two Kiveks, Wis., May 22.—The wind here for the last four days has been blowing a gale from thc-north, and seven! vessels have been sheltered in the bay. The steam barge C. W. Moore crane in windbound, and the steambarge E. Ingersoll is in port waiiing for favorable weather to place a steam pump on the schooner Aurora, and will make an attempt to pull her off. BTUBGEON HAY. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, SlUEOEON BAY, Wis., May 2'.'.—Cleared—Schrs Moselle, Evening Star. Arrived—Stmr Corona. Wind northeast, light. No wrecks have a's yet been reported in this vicinity during .the three Bays' gale just past, and during which, no; since the opening ol navigation, have so few vessels been in sight. ESCANABA. Special Telegram to Tile Inter Ocean. ESCANABA, Mich., May 22.— Arrived—Schr J. IS. Kitchen, coal laden. Departures—Prop H. Chisholm, schrs Gosshawk. Swallow, A. Boody, Thos. Quayle. J. S. llichards, T. J. Titen. The'schr J. C. Harrison, while being placed at the coal dock to discharge her cargo, broke her jibboom. Wind north, blowing hard; pleasant and warmer. NORTHPORT. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. NORTHPORT, Mich., May 22.—The steamer Champlain is hero. The Captain reports many vessels in the Straits with loss of canvass and spars. The J. I. Case and Barbarian are among them. MAiiyvrixn. Special Telegram to Tin- Inter Ocean, Makyvili.e, Midi., May 22.— Arrived—Prop Vienna with Verona, Passed Down—Prop C. V. tf—" i .....-- — ' ' * - i ri - — R. -!,-:¦"¦ [nn-.'ston to Chicago, light ; Enienuld and Siiandou, St. Catharines to Toledo, light. Down—Schr F. D. Barker, Toledo to Og-deusbmrg. coal. The disabled schooner Hartford, which had the ! coiiisieiii here yesterday, left to-day in tow of the tng Kiate Moffat for Port Huron, where she will have lner damages repaired. Special] Telegram [o The inter Ocean. POEor Dalhousie, Ont., May 23.—Passed Up— Nothiing. Down—Schrs D. C. Whitney, Chicago •ton, corn : "Wayne, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Prussia, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Siberia, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Jessie, Cleveland to Toronto, stone. THE AUK POWERS. SHE WAS TOwEP IN YESTEIIDAY. The great scow Powers, from Luddington with ;hiiigles, which was outside during the entir storm, was brought into the basin yesterday by the tug Urockway. She is waterlogged, and one-j j' i'¦'<1 :<t her deckload is lost. The crew of three men is safe. The Powers carries about 900,000 feet of lumber at a single cargo. These scows or "arks" arc square-cornered, and -i'<¦ tan xible things for other vessels to en-COpntem: in a storm. It was at first thought that th<e Wells Burt had been struck by the Powers andE thus sunk. The men on the Powers say shehaai u0 collision. :¦ U:',;i\: ¦ A '.' .!, liv: -¦ LOSS OF THE PliOPELLEU SOHICKEUNA. / 1 Srieciut Telegram to The Inter Ocean. * Owen Sound, Ont., May 22.—The propeller [Atlantic, which arrived down this evening from But St. .Marie and local ports, reports the propel-Her Schickluna of Montreal, laden with general [merchandise, sunk two miles east, of Algoma (Mills. She struck a rock Sundav night last during a severe northeast gale, and rilled with water. She lies in thirteen feet of water at the bows and :ven feet at th.e.^u,JPft&m ;* say^ ¦MM ABOVE POINT EDWARD, [¦Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. * SABNIA, Ont., May 22.—The severe gale which pommenced blowing on Sunday night last abated at (i o'clock this evening. This morning a heavy mowstorm raged for three or four hours. The ¦ ftch above Point Edward is strewn with lumber, lath pieces of vessels, and boat furniture, and Iffhe river here bears down large quantities hi loose lumber. The barge Orontes, -which stuck ¦on the beach above Point Edward yesterday evening, has gone to pieces. She was one of the three tows of the tug Clark. The parting of the tow-lines caused the disaster. The crew were rescued at great risk by the Clark. Pieces of the barge Clematis floated past here about 4 o'clock this afternoon. She was in tow of the steam-barge Lowell, and loaded with lumber, The towline parted during the storm, and the rudder-shaft broke, leaving a hole through which the water poured into the hold. The crew arrived at s o'clock this morning opposite Point Edward in a thirteen-foot, yawl, after thirty hours of intense suffering, There are no other losses in this neigh- pburhood. The report that the barge Wyoming ashore on this side is not correct. The Meet windbound in the river has begun to move] OOI.J.IXwWOOl). Special Telegram to Tin* Inter Ocean. CoELiNcnvoorj, Ont., May 22.—Sailed—The schooner Filmore, Chicago, light. • THE -TOHX GASKIN. I Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Kingston, Ont., May 22.—The gale from the northeast continues unabated. The tug Active came in last night, having in tow the schooner John Gaskin, with 37,500 bushels of corn from j Toledo. Captain Simmons says there was a terrific gale on the lake, the seas rolling high. Finding it impossible to hold them both, the schooner t Gleuora, with 44,000 bushels of corn, was cut loose between Long Point and the Ducks. Captain James Smith of this tjortis in commarid of t her, and the owners nave no fear regarding her safety. At Cape Vincent the schows Joe Murphy and Carleton were sunk. CBABLOTTE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Charlotte, N. Y., May 22.—The wind, blowing a gale fiom the northeast, swept away about forty bathing-houses and the steamboat piers at Sea-breeze. The schooners White Oak, Gold Hunter, ;uld W. H. Oade She ha-* a bad hit. She is leaking The wrecked schooner Wutehester has arrived hero fori: repairs. The XL. J. Conway will be repaired. Arriviing masters5 arc all entering protests. The usapsized schooner Kate Howard, in the basin, wass righted again yesterday. If another gale does nerit come along she will be raised. The imsuranee on the Weils Part's cargo of coal was plained in Buffalo. The (dismasted schooner Maggie Dall is insured in the Continental. TBLEaKAPH REPORTS. FEOM MILWAUKEE. Speciar.Telegram to The Inter On ¦;¦. a. MriiWAUKEB, Wis., May 23.—The schooner Young America, which left Erie on the 7th inst., ¦'-ii coal for Milwaukee, has not yet arrived aiid fears are entertained for her safety. ':' oner Aliqe B. Norris left Erie ten days after inc Young America, and arrived Monday, but saw nothing of her. A dispatch was to-day received from Chicago asking if the •-¦¦ \c\ysbi y had bepn heard from her;.', to whhch an answer that she had not \ back. Jt is believed that she is lost. I ( - ¦ } L -he proptU'r Chrirnpl', which -irvived ¦ ;-. that y( sterday afternoon be Raw 1 he proajeller Traverse City, which was reported lost, goiing up Traverse Bay. The schooner Sailor Boy via.-; to-day abandoned and. will prove a total loss. TJlie wrecking tug Leviathan, with a lighter, to-day began work on the schooner Lillie E., agihore at phis port. The damage to the dismasted schooner Margaret Pall is $2,190X50, according to a survey held to-day. The anchors of the schooner S. J. Holley, lost in the bay < during the gale, were recovered to-day. The scinr John Schuette is at Racine unloading coal. Slhe was reported missing. Cleared for * ia -Schrs Joseph Paige, Marengo, andE. P. Bealsi. For Chicago—Steambarge R. A. Parker. Aixived—Schr Penokee, Oswego, coal. EAST tawas. Special TPelegram toUne Inter Ocean. Bast Tawas, Mich., May 2^3.—The northeaster is still blowing. The Canadian steamer Meteor, with supplies and machinery for the new sawmill of Cook Brothers, at Serpent River, Georgian Bay, till here, and -M the other weather-bound craft. Cleared—tip—Steambarge Rust and tow, schrs Yank,;. Blade, for Green Bay City; J, H. an; both loaded with wait. Tier and six barges loaded withrornbex. GRAIN CHARTERS. Corn to Buffalo, 2c; wheat, S^c, Charters yesterday were: was soon released and towed inside. She is not ! leaking. She will tow to destination. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. DETROIT, Mich., May 25.—Up May 24—Prop City of Concord and consort, B. W. Blanchard, Lycoming, Fred Mercur. Down—Prop City of Rome, Forest City and consort, Wissahickon, Balize and barges. Up May 25—Props J. W. Bennett and barge, Ogemaw, P. H. Birkhead and barges, Boston, Handy Boy and barge, Ira Chaffee and barges. Superior and consort, schrs Hartford, C. G. Houghton, Norway, Constitution. Down— Props Hccla and consort, William Rudolph and barges, Ontonagon and barges, Passaic and barges, Wo-co-ken, C. N. Pratt, S J. Macey, and schrs Ishpeming, Reid Case, Arctic, Mary Pringle, Oregon and schr Queen City, H. Chisholm and schrs Thomas Quayle, S. J. Tilden. Wind southwest, fresh; weather clear. Poet Huron, Mich., May 25.—Passages for past twelve hours: Up—Props Avon, St. Paul, Win slow, Empire State, Lycoming, steambarge Eilen G, City of Concord, Tecumseh, schr Fred Mercur, Acorn with schr Bay City, steamers Ward, Kee-wecnaw, tug J. P. Clark with barges St. Joe, Kitty Haight, W. A. Moore with schr West Side, Geo. B. Sloan, Savanna, and C. J. Trumpf, scow-Curtis, Ferry, Beard with schr Home. Down— Schr Gladstone, steambarge Ocean with schr Bay City. m^m&mmmmm*mmm imhi i i ,nle. Stic Marie, Isnac May, Bchr Eliza Gerlach, and ¦ y- ^rth . Cold i and loggy. 1 egram to The Inter <' u-v.:m. „u„^„a ST. Ignace, Mich., May'--4.-The steambarge Pahlow arrived this aftcrnooon. Special Telegram to The Inter UJwb. PETBOIT, Mich., May 24.—Pp Maj 23-Props WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. PORT Colborne, Ont., May 25.—Passed Up— Schr St. Louis, Toronto to Ludington, light; tug Porter, Collins Bav to Sault Ste Marie, light; steambarge James Sherrifrs, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal. Down—Schrs Augusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Seagull, Toledo to Oswego, com and wheat; steambarge Niagara, Manistee to Quebec, light. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., May 25.—Passed Up — Schrs St. Louis, Toronto to Ludington, light; Floretta, Oswego to Chicago, coal. Down—Schrs S. Neelon, Bav City to Kingston, timber; J. Davidson, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; G. C. Finney, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Nashua, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Clara Youell, Toledo to Collins Bav, staves; H. Dudley, Detroit to Kingston, staves; Augusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber. t |M . ________,,,, [iffck-gran. to The Inter Ocean. Muskegon, Mich., Mav 25.—A tire broke outBafc North Muskegon last night which destroyed A. H. , Petrie <fc Co.'s7 mill, and a pile of lumber owned by Blodgett.t Byrne, valued at $10,000. The mill was valued at $35,000; insurance $20,000. The schooner George Boyce, which was lying at the mill dock taking on a cargo of luniber, was burned, and is now a total wreck, with d5,000 feet of lumber in the hold. The schooner was a Mayflower and barges, Northerner, Wiuslow; schr Redwing. Down—Props W/illiam Cowie and barges. Badger State. Up M6ay 24—Props Arabia, A.L.Hopkins, Oscoda, Cokory.da, Nahant, Relief and barges, Juniata, Bentoni and barges, Edward Smith, Clarion, Empire Sitate, Indiana and barges. Schrs Guiding Star, J. Stevenson, J. S. Sawyer, C. G, Trumpf, J. ML Scott, West Side, "George B. Sloan, Samana. D)own—Bay City and barges, J. M. Osborn and schrs Exile, G. W. Davis. Three Brothers, Wales and barges, P. Chamberlin and barges, Smiith Moore, Hiawatha and consort, A. A. Turner aind. barges, Niagara, Japan, Wallula, and S. V.. li. Watson; schrs Swallow, Reindeer, Richaird Winslow. Wind southwest, light. Weather c-jlear. Poet Huron, Mich., May 24.—The-following are the vessel passages for tine past twelve hours: Qp^-Steambarges Henry Howard with baj of the Straits andE, G. Rolnerts, Abercorn with barges Lyman and Eascy, Lothair and barges, and A. L. Hopkins: the tugs Frank Moffatt w«jH schr Thomas H. Holland, H wecpstaiccs with schrj. Redwing, Omar D. Congerwiith schr 0. B. Bt » Frank Moffat with schr D. Gft. Fort, and D. S. Austin with the J. P. Clark. Down—Tugs Osvt ego, Clark, and Sweepstakes, wir.lnmt tc. Japan; stmr Pearl; steamfiiarges Wallula with schr Watson, City of Rome ;aud Forest C4ty with barge Bravo. Port Huron, Mich., May '24.—Vessel passages past twelve hours: Up—HKeambarges Oscoda, Mayflower, with barges Litllie May, H. Davis, Emerald; and Florence M. Dickinson, B. W. Jen-aess, Nahant, Relief, with harges Reinch'cr and Dolphin, props Colorado and! Jiinitia, tug Frank Moffat. Down—Steambarge,'; W. Eudolph with barges D. H. Keyes and Wolverine, steambarge Ontonagon with barges J. M. Dougall, Norway, and Matilda, Hccla and comsort, Orontos, Passaic with barges Hattie Elba and Surprise, G. N. Pratt, schr Ellen Spray, p>rops Wocoken, and stmr City of Cleveland. V31AHKS. three-master, rebuilt last summer, and owned by "" oyce, of this city. Loss, $12,000; Jonathan Boyce, of ~. no insurance. Insurance on Blodgett & Byrnes dry cross-piled lumber expired _ May 21 John Simons'wo-Vd mill also burned last night; loss $2,000; insurance, $400. strain to Thi Inier Ocean Two [;i .. :4ay 2;{.—The storm of last Monday pu1 an end to the schooner Arrow by filling her with sand. This morning the sbeambarge . which went to put a pump on her, with the assistance of the lite-boat crew, found it necessairy to strib her and call her a total wreck. The Ingcersoll left for Waukegan this evening. T;-.; ciTV Ct-' MliKEN jJAST. p - ..; to The Inter Oce;!ii. Port Huron, Mich., May 2IJ.— The schooner City of Green Bay, which has been ashore at Kay Island, arrived here at noon to-day in tow o^f the tug M. Swain. She will be placed in the dockv for repairs. One-third of her cargo of coal wais thrown overboard. She is leaking hut little. THI KUBA'S DAMAGES. Cleveland, Ohio, May 2:>.—At 11 o'clock this morningrthe schooner Kura,from Ogdensburg wjih ore, whiich was caught in the storm, arrived from ; Point am Peelee, having run past Cleveland in the stonn. She lost her foresail, foreboom, and ; foregaff. A steamllghter lias gone to Fairport to raise the i schooner Tlbbits, sunk there. LOOKING FOB THE GLENMOBE. s:>--"i,:! t. !: -;ini to The Inter Ocean. Kingston, Ont., May 2I.J.— The wind having , moderated, the tug Active left this morning for the schffijoner Glenmore, previously reported cut '_ adrift dimring the storm on Lake Ontario. It is : poirr huron. ^i'n-cial Telegram to Thfi Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 25.-The WtoMhWam passed at 9 o'clock last night; the Wo-co-ken at 7 o'clock this morning. The City of Rome met the Wells Burt sixty miles below Chicago at 7 o'clock Sunday evening; wind was north, Iresn. The Burt was under square sails. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 25.-The Oregon and Queen City passed down at 4 o clock this afternoon all rights Mllul„Dlo................ =..-..,,^>..w Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. » Buffalo. Mav 25.—Coal freights remain unchanged. Vesselme* arc asking 7.) cents and shippers decline to pay more than GO cents Owners of craft here seem determined to hoid for the rate asked. Shippers already exhibit a degree of nervousness. One was known to have offered to load a vessel to-morrow and give her Monday's rates, which are expected to reach 75 cents or more. ., Canal freights still run at 4c on corn aud 4*2C on wheat. VARIOUS MISHAPS. Special Telegram to The, Inter Ocean. Cobourg, Ont., May 25.—The schooner Odd Fellow ran ashore at the lighthouse, midway between Port Hope and here last night. She has on a cargo for Newcastle from Kingston. Special Teleeram to The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Was., Mav 25.— Cleared for Escanaba—Steambarge Fred Kcllie aud consort Warner. For Buffalo—Steambarge C. J- Kershaw, The.'wrecked schooner Westchester, after discharging her cargo, returned to-day, and was docked for repairs. The schooner Moonlight had her jibboom arm bowsprit carried awavand her knighthead started bv being run into by the propeller Coneniaugh m f TELEGRAPH 3SEPORTS, terrible experience of germania's barges, j Port Huron, Mich., May '24.—Joe Smith, seaman on the barge Wm. Raynior, which was towed in last night'by the tug Chamipion, sayts the vessel's stern was stove in on Satginaw River Sunday by the barge Stewart, and tihey had to cover it with canvas. The storm svfcruck them Sunday : morning off Band Beach. The Stewart, of the f; Germania's tow, broke her [line, and was cast off. ', Every sea that went over tlaem was thirty feet fl from the crest to the trough of the wave. They worked at the pumps on the Raynor forty hours. She was part full of water before the blow commenced. The crew remained onboard until two miles off Sanilac, when they got off in the yawj. | Levy Andrews, of Port Huron, cook, was over- I board three times, but was amved. Charles Wheeler, a sailor om the barge Wyom- ling, which towed in at 3 thus morning, says his ivessel broke loose from tine Germania's tov, on Monday morning. The st< them twenty miles above Sand Beach. After the line parted the Wyoming headed across the lake; lashed th| wheel, and drifted sideways to a noirit on the Canadian shore, where she amchored ami lav til) j Thursday morning—about thirty miles abo-s lighthouse. Crew all O. K. Will pump out bargl here. Special Telegram to The Inter 0)cean. Milwaukee, Wis., Mav '24.—Cleared for Es-canaba—Schr J. B. Merrill]; stea.Tubarges X. K. Fairbanks, Fred Kelly. (Charter—Steam C. J. Kershaw, wheat to Buffialo on throi The schooners Merchant. Truman Moss, Wm Jones, and the scow Dreadlnaught. which were reported missing, were in piort during the gale. The schooner Young America, which left) Erie on the 7th inst, with coal Cor this port, hasnotyefcar-rived. Some vesse] men are o4' the opinion that she has been detained at Petos&y by adverse winds at which port she was to stmp and leave off the family of Captain Lucas, he:r master, the wrecking expedition which went to) the schooner Lizzie E. was obliged to return thiis afternoon on account of the sea. The cabiin of the vessel was washed oil and her port rail Is out. A .-team pump was placed on board bint it had no effect on the water. The steambarge Business, which was ashore on a reef on Lake Erie, was docoked to-dav bul found to have received no daunage. She received a new wheel. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. * POKT Huron, Mich., May 22.—The wind from the northeast still continues to blow heavy. The * ug Champion went outside this morning and returned at 4 p. m. The captain reported that I while he was alongside of the Clematis she commenced to break up while at anchor. At 5 o'clock ' the forward part of her deck with the foremast, part of her deck load and part of the rail came into the river. The;Clemai is was lumber-loaded for James Ray, of Detroit, There is great inquiry regarding the steambarge A. A. Turner, tow barges Crocker, Arizona, Wyoming, and others. Nothing can be learned of the crew of the Wyoming. The John Han a ford sailed in at 5:30 all right. The Nelson Bloom broke away from the Wm. H. Greatwiok and came into the river all right. The Teutonia, from the iinttironic'stow, and the Wm. Rayner landed two miles above Lexington and arrived here this afternoon. The schooner Colonel Ellsworth if still on the Canndi.m shore. The Schooners Johnson and Ryan are here safe. ri he Is at Sand-beach, Lumber and wreckage is :oming down the river. The barge Oront es 8 been turned pwt to the insurance (companies as a total loss. The Dobb aud Hazard "are still at anchor outside. The sea is going down some. The E. P. Ranuey arrived Sown without her consorts. Kears are enter-fcfctRed for the L May and three barges, that left [iiexe Sa-urda.v uuon. __ -^.——i THE SHIOKLUNA. iSh'vial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Toronto, Ont., May 2'i.~-Messrs. Sylvester i Bros., off this city, owners of the propeller Shick-iuna, stiranded near Algoma Mills, have ordered tug audi steam pump to proceed from Qw Sound bro her assistance. Late reports say therq is not amy great danger of her breaking up. fUW'lUl ron, Mid'"' The following past hone during the last twelve hours: Down— Pro]te!Ii -r Jay Gould with the schooner Hazard steam I large Ranuey with schooner* City of Clevelamd and Negaunec; tugs Erie Bell wit! schooner M. F. Merrick, and Martin Swain wij schooner City of Green Bay. Up—Steambj Cumberland; propeller Arctic; and steamerF" Tiic large wind-bound fleet lying here the fSast two days have gone up. save those disabled. The steamer Cleveland and steambarge Clyde are left out. The wind, is gradually dying, and the storm is practically over. The scows Hyde and Wilcox are own* i Later.—Passed down—Steambarge Wiley; steamer Ward; steambarge Kate Butteronic and steambarge Gratwick and tow; barge Nelson Bloom and T. \V. Palmer. Up—Steamer City of Cleaveland and steambarge Clyde. * Sin i'i:i] r| ¦its'.rv;nsi to The ]nter Ocean. DETECHIT, Mich., May 23.—Up, May 22—Prop Raleigh and schrs Lncerne, T. W. Gifford, (ioodnouv, and schrs John O'Ncil. Kate Winslow, .schrs E.. 0. Hutchinson, D. G. Fort, Champion, M. J. Cunnmings. Down—Props China, Rochester. Up, May 23—Props Abercorn and barges, Alma Munroe, H. E. Packer, Lothair: schrs Hbboken, James V\7nde, W. Y. Emery. Down—Props Waverly, Ohio and consort, Oermania and barges, Kate Butttroui and consort, Gratwick and barges, Alpena aim I barges, Lowell and barges, Jay Gould ¦ G. S. Hazard; schrs M. F. Merrick, R. P. Banney am! consort, and schr Ncgaunee. Wind northweist, brisk; weather clear, Port HIuron, Mich., May 23.^-Passages for past twelve hum rs: Up—Steambarge A. Weston, with Jcannetttc aud Elvira; Mary Pringle, porter Chamberlain, 'with Ida Corning, A. F. Bliss, and F. H. Cahoon;: Yosemite, with Walbrldge; Zaccarrah, with l;ar:gcs Oronto and Detroit; Saginaw, with Geuessete Chief; tugs Oswego, with schr Henry C. Richards; Kittle Haight, with schr Jfohn Magee; Balize, with Emma Hntcliimson; Music, with barges Dodge, Cleveland, Mfeace, Octoga, and Active; schrs Ganges and Jolun R. Noyes; props Nyack, Empire State, and Avion. Down—Tugs Wales with barge Odessy. Champion with barge Raynor; steam-barges John M. Osborne with schrs Exile, Davis,. and' Moiuterev; Bav City with barge G. K. John-t-i-n ; pi'v/p Badger State; schrs Swa.iinw r-^.—,-^-The steam lighter returned from Fairport to-day, having raised the schooner Tib-bits and got .her ^inside. She will come here the harbor to-dav. The Concmaugh lost her port bridge. The collision was due to a misunderstanding of bell signals by the engineer. The tugs Leviathan and Crowell attempted to release the schooner Lillie E. from the beach today but were unsuccessful, the hawser parting. The vessel is in bad shape. CAPTAIN JOHNSON'S FLEET, . the schooners Alice, Olsa, Goodman, Clara, and | Ida,were all out in the storm, but neither of them | sustained the least damage or lost a board of her deckload. The fleet are all good vessels, are well kept up, and well commanded and fully manned. There have been inquiries for the schooner Bay State. She is safe. She left West Moran Bay (behind St. Helena) on Tuesday. The schooner L. J. Conway, which fought the aves all day Monday off Twenty-second street, ,nd was afterward beached for safety at Hyde r?t-*-i lUTiiriiifl 1it "Mmr"" < '-'¦ ¦¦' ¦¦-¦¦ A\n DTVEB went out to the Wells Burt yesterday, but it wa; too stormy, and the water was too murky for tin diver to descend. The first calm day that comes the diver will go down and fully examine the hull. The majority of people iu marine circles maintain that the disaster was the re* ul1 of a collision, tat the diver will iind the hull cut into. The collision theory Is strengthened by the fact of the Burt's small boat being broken up, it being urged that a falling mast would not strike the boat but would go to one side or the other of the vessel as she rolled. There are people in marine circles, however, who do not think there was any collision and who attribute the loss of the tine vessel and her crew wholly to the fact I hat KHE HAD SOLID BULWARKS— was hulled up to the rail. They argue that her decks filled with -water; that the hatches were broken in by the great weight of the seas she shipped,and she then filled and went down. Light bulwarks can be knocked, out readily to free the decks of water but the Burt's could not be knocked out. The schooner! Delaware has solid bulwarks like the Burt. She was out in the gale and almost buried herself. At one time the captain reports that if one more seaj had come along quickly she must have foundered, in which event all hands must have perished. Th| Burt horror has called attention to the matter'J aud it is not likely that any more lake vessela will be built with solid bulwarks. Mistakes have been made in the names ofthi seamen lost with the Burt, No crew-lists arc let ashore, and when a vessel goes down HER HOOKS (to WITH IIL'R, and it often occurs that the names are never: lea- DEATH OF CAPTAIN SWAGAR. Captain Joseph Swagar, who has been known for years as the oldest steamboat map on the Western rivers, died yesterday morning at LouiS-Villo' in the 91st year qf bis age. He hud led an for repairs, active and useful life, no man having done more A large breakwater crib is hard aground off the ft* navigation interests than he. His death was monthoi the river, 250feet northwest ofthe.end due to old age,ash I it just before of the east. pier wl i.cii the meters of veswtoenr flying, "The machinery wore out evenly and tcring this port at night will have to look out for, a.s it is oraly five inches above toe water. Buffalo, illy." FREIGHTS. Corn to Buffalo, 2c; wheat, couldn't ascertain. Wheal to Sandusky, 2'ie. Corn to Midland, 1-^c. Charters were; ¦i:il '!" 'It'grain to The Inter Ocean."___ Pout Huron, Mich., May 2f>.— Passages Since Noon—L"p—Steambarges India, Ogemaw, Carton, Man' Mills, with Worthington; fugs Prince Alfred. Katie Moffat with schr G. G. Houghton; stmr City of Cleveland, prop Quebec, schr Juniata, scow Jolun. Down—Props Delaware, Vanderbilt, steambarrges Ellen G. Oakland with Oscary and ¦H-aisiHirrt. Powers did not ship on the Burt at Bu and is safe. He came up on another vessel. A special dispatch to THE Inter Ocean from WilL lam Thomas, of the Seamen's Union at Buffalo, received last night, gives a correct list of five of the Burt's victims, as follows: Edward Hanlon. Thomas Hickey. Christie Mackon, John White. Thomas George. Mr. Thomas says these are all the names he can learn. It has been understood that Wilkie McCarthy was on board, but there is now some doubt. ¦¦¦¦;.. i-i j i. ley.nmi to 'me'Infer ueean. Buffalo, N. Y.. May 2S.—Charters were more active to-day. The schrs George W. Davis and Montana wore taken for Sheboygan at 85c£ schr Mineral State, for M'anitowoc, at SDc; schr King-fisher, for Green Bay, at 70c; props Delaware and Lehigh, i'or-Chdicago, at 00c; prop Forest City and consort. H. ill. Brown, were taken by the Northwestern'Fuel Companj forMilwe ikee report ed by them ai; tioe. The ow ner of tin- craft say that they did notft break tvere ge ting more than G0( fecial Telegram to 'J'be Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., May 2 1.— Passed Down —Schrs Wave Crest, Detroit to Kingston, staves; S. Neelon, Bay City to Kingston, tmibc-Finney, Chicago to Kingston, oaorn; Clarj Toledo to Kingston, staves (prop Jas. JJ Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; Nashua, \> Ogdensburg, corn. Up—Schr King fc wego to Toledo, coal. ¦ in tn The Tntpr Ocean. M i kqt'ktte, Mich., May 2<i. — Arnvert— lb Masters, schrs Golden Fleece, and David taff. Cleared—Prop Cofflhbenry, with so comb, Guide, and Ffister. Passed Doffl Toledo and Citv of Duluth. The Wa*g been ice-bound in sight of the city smec dav. Wind, southeast. Special Telesrrani to The Inter ©cean. Colchester, Ont., May 24. - Later—The ve ashore on Colchester reef hats worked herselj and proceeded on her course down the lake, parentlv uniniured. Bpeciftl Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Kingston, Ont.; May 21.— The missing schooner Gleuora is now in sight all rigdit. FKEIGKT'S. : Corn to Buffalo, 2c; wheat,, 2%c; corn to Col- * lingwood, 134C Grain storagte expires this evening, and there will be au nrgeuit demand for toil- ¦ nage to-day. TO BUFFALO), Steamship Minneapolis, corn......... Steamship William Edwards, com. Schooner Marion W. Page, corm..... Schooner Charles Fester, corm....... Schooner Lizzie A. Law, corn........ Schoenar Saveland, corn.............. Steamship Oceania, corn.............. Schooner Georger, whea f.............. Steamship Ketcham, wheat..............., 65,000 TO COT.LTSGWT00D. Schooner Rising Star, corn................. 20,000 IrA Cobba, S. H. Foster, R. B. ad Delaware left herce yesterday to load Bushels. •I iJH'i) 54,000! i 50,000 07,000 50,000 -•i 7,000 70.000 50,000 Colchester, Ont., Oct. 24.—A targe fore-and-aft schooner, bound down; and heavy laden, sailed on Colchester reef this afternoon. Her name cannot be learned as yet. The light ship is anchored one mile from true reef. DISASTEKS ON LAKE SUPffiEIOE—A RESCUE. Sault Ste. Mabie, Mich., May 83.—The steam-bargs Cormorant sronnded at the head of St. Joseph Island on the 19th inst., and, alter lightering about one hundred (tons of coal, was released to-day. The Thomas Sheldon. In tow of the steamer Jarvis Lord, also grounded em a reef belew Topsail Island May 22. Shewas-xelea Captain Moore, of the prorjiellef Quebec, of the Sarnia Line of ]::- knowing of the of Singleton, the Ug eper at Pas- Island, Lake Superior, passed oioso to the island and, seeing i ignals of distress, lowered a boat, li, was found that this keeper' four children were in a starvimg condil plies were given them by CaptalaMoorb that would last ton davs. Mich.,' Saturday last with ai cargo of lumhor,! bound for Chicago; went ashmre at Chicago Mon- ; day night. Mr. Waldo, ; he owmer, arrived in Chicago yesterday morning and catlled on T. II. White, manager of the Boston Mariino and Shoe and Leather Insurance Companies, who bad j $6,000 insurance on her. Mr. Waldo presented the proofs of loss of the vessel and left Mr. | White's office with a check for $0,000 in his pocket. This is indeed payment of insurance, and The Inter Ocean is pleased to be able to chronicle It. Mr. C. EI. Kremer, :' known admiralty lawyer, preraarcd the proofs of L lOSS. _.....| w» -7—. ... ,_______ *. .|,^„ T^,«,. t\r..„-m 6>