Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 87

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/S^^ $XM PASSENGERS' The monster scow Dtavid Powers, which was' out iu the storm and waas towed into the basin, was pumped out yesterday and towed to her dock to discharge eargoo. One-third of her deckload of shingles was io^-t. The force of the seas is well Indicated by her- appearance. The shin-uirs just above the rail are splintered and pow-deted. She is broken Jin the middle, and both ends have dropped diown. Large repairs and strengthening will be fltecessary. The Powers has capacity for nearly 1.-000.000 feet of lumber. How she escaped goiing to pieces* is one of the wonders. Another of tthe wonders is that some vessel dkl-n<H i-oliidn w/ith her sharp, iron-bound corners otttside during;,'the storm and sink 1 j self. Vessel-owners arte seriously thinking ot _ titioning the department! at Washington against whhVii nr i ;r;:vTi;r'. r--"^~ 'llU! WiVVl -JvAWTili ABANDONED. A steam pump waas put in operation on" schooner Kate Kowarrd In bhe basin yesten morning. [1 failed to make any Impression, and was taken off. The meow Moses G-age has also left the Howard, and tf looks very mm-h as if she was abandoned, Thte unforl unate owner spent a large amoumt attempting tu suw Hossard^^mmm*"*'**mmaummm*mm ,^s.. . '¦ "*^riiE fcTT: AMSHIP C0L1 MBIA, The steamship Colmmbla, which some scoundrel reported a few dflays ago as foundering Wj$h all hands, arrived safe&ly in Chicago yesterday-. The steamship tiordom Campbell and her consori, the Annie Sherwood, w/hich were ashore and sunk below, arrived in Ciric:u..go vesterd.uv. 'J'hey were : \Ulv repaired, and h;u 'sE"KTOt:s CO! .TilKION OUTSIDE. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mich., May 20.—The schooner Metropolis cleared t'roim Hark KiVer yesterday at 'I :30, with a full loan! of cedar ties, bound for Grand Haven. She hatd passed through the .Door, and was on her regular- course, when she collided with the steamer Momohansett, light, for Escanaba (at 11:30). After the steamer backed up her consort, the Metacomtot, struck the Metropolis in the same place. The weather was very thick. The Metaco.inet was sounding her whistle and the schooner her foghorn at the time of the colliisiou, but they could not see lights over one hundred yards. The Metropolis is cut down about six or s^eveu feet below plank sheer up- her port bow. Tlieac is a hole about eight feet wide open nearly to Hie foremast. She is full of water. The master has telegraphed to Chi;;;:- Eot a. tug and steam pump, and will try to take her to Chicago. The Munoh;iiiset t towed her to the dock at Escanaba. The M<nnohan&ett and Metacomet ired. Wuud, east; bidiu terday. They report her a total Uosa. She had a cargo of dry lumber in her hold. J The Lug ilroekway left for iuirlimgton yesterday light'in charge of the mate. Caiptain Conrtiaud remains here to look after the: barge Powers, which is badly damaged. The disabled tug Favorite is otu the way to Chicago from Green Bay. She jias her barges with -I timber prop THE .TENNY TjINB*. About 8,000 pounds of the anclhor chain belong' ing to the wrecked schooner .Jenny Hind was taken from the lake near Twenty--eighth street by some parties last niglit, and whille they were absent for a wagon with which to rcemove it, it was discovered by an officer and ] removed in the patrol wagon to the Cottage Girove Avenue Sta-tion, where it awaits an owner, .The oitieers are prosecuting the work of dragging fhe lake in the vicinity of where the wreck occuirred, but as yet have been unable to discover any.- of the bodies. One of the bodies found at t-Houth Chicago is identified as that of Captain Andirews, the master of the Jenny Lind. —1'lUitMJMIMP ells Burt, host with her, was Schrs Homer, Halsted. and F. B. Gardner, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Parana and Emma L. Coyne, Charlotte to Chicago, coal: Belle Hans-com, Oswego to Detroit, coal; Pulaski, Oswego to Toledo, coal; prop Scotia!, St. Catharines to Toledo, light; Gienfenlas, Montreal to Duluth, general cargo. Down—Schr Arctic, Bay City to Collins Bay. staves; Albatross, Toledo to Kingston, J r: L. Seatoii, Toledo to Ogdensburg; corn;? Armenia, Chicago -to Montreal, general cargo; Canada, Chicago to Montreal, corn. Cleared— Tug Gladiator, for Bake Huron with a • tov, of vessels. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., May *^8.—Passed! Up— SObiB Pulaski, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Iff. A. Muir, Oswego to Chicago, coal; E. L, Covue. Charlotte tu Chicago, coal; E. J. ?»IoVie, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Adam Mt-doia, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Nashua, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, general cargo; Blazing Star. Sodus Point to Duluth, coal. Down—Schrs Sea Gull; Toledo to Oswego, corn; G. M. Neelon, Toledo to Kingston, timber; A, Muir, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Antelope, Toledo to Oswego, corn; Oriental, Toledo to Oswego, corn; lloauok.-. Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Rival, Cleve- 'Tnf! Wnk of the \Y< Edward Lynch, of this city. He leaves a wife in ¦ j£nd Z p^cott,"ecalT'A^ R^CrovVC 'toI^.VTo 1 Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Information was received m wwubu >wnw^ of a serious explosion on board the large propeller James Fisk, but no partioulais were obtainable. The accident occurred at the foot of this lake, and the Fisk became disabled. Another propeller happened along and towed the disabled craft into Glen Haven, or some place near Glen Haven. . ........ The James Fisk fe one of the Union Steamboat Company's line. She measures l,09& tone, rates A 2, and is valued at $60,^00. Insured. She is bound Up for Chicago from Buffalo, and hasa valbable cargo of general merchandise consigned to Chicago merchants and merchants throughout the West. Whether aej of bhe eargo is damaged is not known. There is ao information eithei &e tu insurance or the Cargo. So far as ascertained only two persons were In ¦ jured by the explosion, and their injuries are . | stated to be slight. ast 7I* :: MHiWAUKEE, Wis.. .May 2d.--Captain Smith, wrecking master fortBae Mechanics* and Traders' Insurance Company, arrived from Chicago tonight, and left on the wrecking tug Leviathan at midnight for Escanaba for the schooner Metropolis, which is full of water at that port, having I collided with the steamibarge Monohansett al Door last night, arud being cut down to the.| water's edge. The Metropolis is insured for & $2,500 in the Mechamics* and Traders' and $4,-T 000 in the Boston M.arine. The schooner Little t lil. has not been relea.-ed from the beach. "pnOPEIXEKTi.A^'Tl'KXOE ASHOITE. ' Special Telegram to T)u» Inter Ocean. St. Ignace, Mich.., May 2d.—The propeller r Lawrence is ashore on Mackinaw Island. The, Algomah goes to her assistance, Spi eial Telegram to TlUi- lutvr Ocean. ST. Ignace, Mich... May 20.—The Algomah ' pulled off the propeE&er Champlain (?) without; damage. The schoolers Michigan, Scotia, Tan- ; kee Blade, J. It, Noyem, and twelve others passed up, and the B. F. liruiee down. Wind west, light, ANOTHER! OF THE LOST. The cook of the Itoet schooner Wells Burt, lost- ' with the others of tltae crew, was Edward Lynch, . ot this city, tie leaves a wife. Mr. Lynch was well off, and his widow at least lias means. A year ago he built a house fm *h.e West Side worth $11,000. Mr. Lynch's name has not heretofore been published. MOKE BODIES. The body of a man was found in the basin yesterday by the life-saving crew. ..On the supposition that it might be one of the Wells Burt's crew the fact was communicated to Mr. Dunham, the .owner, wdio sent captains and others down to tiie life-saving station. They examined the body a,nd found that it is not any of the unfortunate m en from the Burt. The body has been in the waiter at least a month, and is badly decomposed. It is that of a large man, \ 5 or 50 years of age, with dark brown hair and iuil sandy'whiskers. Orae of the arms is gone, and probably drooped off:. The body has been taken to the Morgue. One of the bodies found at South Chicago was identified as that of the master of the schooner Jenny Lind, Captain Anderson. The remains were brought to the* city and the funeral took place yesterday. Mr s. Anderson is prostrate with grief. A lot of letters wats found on the beach on the North Side, and it was supposed they were from some lost vessel. Li turned out, however, that they were refuse from a city office which an 'idiotic janitor had thrown into the lake. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to Tine Inter Ocean; Detroit, Mich., May 26.—Vessel Passages May 25: Up—Props Win. Cowie and barge, Lowell and barges. Down—Tt*g F. Moffatt and barges. May 20: Up—Props Oscar Townsend and, consort, Cuba, Otego and barge, Colonial and consort, Belle Cross anid barges, Inter Ocean, New-burgh, Buy City and barges. Germania and barges; schrs Wm. Home, P. B. Locke, Mediterranean, A. J. Rogers. Down—Props Delaware, Vanderbilt, Siberia and schrs Montana, Oakland and barges, Alma Munro, Tacomia, H. S. Hubbell and barges, Rube Richards and consort and schl Willie Keller, J. W. Bennett, and barge, Lehigh, Argonaut and sohr T. L. Parker. Nebraska. Alcona and consort and schra Goshawk, J. S. Richards, Armenia, Michigan and barges. Wind northeast, light; weather cloudy and rainy. Port HXtbon, Mich., May 20.-Passages since midnight: Up— Stea.mbarge W. H. Barnum; tug Packet, with schrs Ontonagon, Kate Moffatt. Down ¦ Steambarges Hub bell, with O'Brien and Business; Alcona, with Dieago and schr J.T . Richards; Michigan, with Decatur; Vienna, with Verona; stmr Milton D. Ward; prop America; schr Home, PORT HURON, Mich., Mav 20.— Up-Steam-barges Surprise with Sandusky,.William¦ Chove with Broadway, ( 'aline with Snecular, Oscar Townsend with scLir Kelley, Lowell with Kelly, and Morning with City of Concord; props Cuba, Newburg; tug Crmsader with schr G. (i. Burne.s, William Goodman, John Owen, and schrs Home, P, B. Locked and AUetanicra; steamer Michigan. Down—Steainbargess City of Mount Clemens, City of Concord; tug Elide Beile with schr Vienna; schrs J. C. Adams a-nd consort; scow Sunnyside. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to TBhe Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Mav 20.—Passed Up— Schrs Floretta, Oswvego to Evans ton, coal; Cataract, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; steambarge Fortune, Toronto too Algoma Mills, general cargo; schrs HIggie, Oswvego to Chicago, coal; Typo, Charlotte to Xilwamkee, coal. Down—Schrs G. M. Nelson, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Rival, Cleveland to Prescott, coal; A. Muir, Antelope, and Oriental, Toledo tfco Kingston, timber; A. P. Grover, Toledo to Kingston, corn; prop Roanoke, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Cleared— Schr Edward Blakffi, for Kincardine, to load salt for Chicago; tug Quayle, with three vessels in tow, bound throuigh Detroit River. In harbor to-night: Schr Typto, tug Porter and consorts. Special Teleerram to 'The Inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., May 2t>.—Passed Up— Schrs Higgle, Oswvego to Chicago, coal; Typo, Charlotte to Milwaukee, coal; Homer, Oswego to Chicago, coal: Hal&itead, Oswego to Chicago, coal; 1'araua, Ch&rlotta to Milwaukee, coal; Belle Hanscom, Oswego to Detroit, coal; F.-H. Gardner, Oswego to Chicago?, coal. Down schr Niagara, Man-lstee. to Quebec, luunber. Arrivals—^chrs Puli cuiufoitaule ciroi THE MIAMI BELLE AS1IIORE. Special Telegram to The liiter-Oeeain. Port Colborne, Ont., May 2'7.— The schooner Miami Beile ran ashore early this morning on Gull Island, near Port Maitland!, during a dense fog on the lake. She was bound! to Oswego with corn from Toledo. The captaini came ashore in the small boat and drove here forr assistance. Two tugs with a line left here this attternoon to try and pull her off. She carries about U 0.000 bushels of corn, and 268 tons. ^__ _____.. _____ ¦ THE ROME ANT) Wn-<->-TC!,K. Special Correspondence of the Intetr Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 25.—Tj'he cause of the steamship City of Rome's detention was the breaking of her coupling off Thumder Bay. She succeeded in rsaching here, as amnounced by telegraph. She will be detained neaarly a week mak- ii,. ,"f '1:;'.? The steamship Wo-co-ken, ,mlm* grain laden, left Chicago on Sunday, and on Monday the gale struck her when about abreast i of G rami Haven the seas breaking clear over tine pilot-house and bridge and tilling the dock even with the rail. For twenty minutes at one time it seemed doubtful whether she would recover hierself under the fearful weight. The pilot-housse was lifted up and dashed down again, breakiing the windows and tearing away the woodworrk on the whole front and filling the captain's rotom, aft of the pi lot-house. The iron stair anid railing on the pilot-house were torn off and broken to pieces. f The scuttles aft were carried awvay, together with "the gangways. The engne-rroona doors were 1 broken in and the engine-roomi tilled. It was Iwith the greatest difficulty tide yawlboat was ; kept on board. Captain Buithugton says it was the worst experience he has even: had. It started the steamship leaking, and her pumps are kept constantly working to keep herifree. She lias 73,-000 bushels of corn on board. It is one of the wonders ;h:d her steering was mot deranged. TRE HCH0OXER l\IT,OH' BELLE: " Special Telegram to The Inter Oceam. Port Colborne, Ont., May 27.—Both tugs returned here to-night from the schooner Miami Belle, and report her lying on rock bottom about twenty inches out, and full of water, and were unable to assist her any until a steam-pump is procured. THE STEAMBARGE WTESTERN. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceean. Cheboygan, Mich., May 27..—The stcafhbarge Weston ran on a reef in enttering -Manistique Friday in a dense fog, and had Iher shoe knocked off and her bottom damaged. SBhe will be docked at Buffalo. Down—Schr Kcwreenaw. Up—Prop Messenger, tug Coe with scliir Mead. Wind southwest, fresh; weather fine. PROM MILWAUKEE. . ' Special Telegram to the Inter Oceam. Milwaukee, Wis., May 27.—The scow I. M. Hill ran into the tug Hagermam to-day and damaged the latter's pilot-house. None of the bodies of the threee men of the crew of the schooner Petrel, lost in tthe bay last week, have as yet been recovered. The tug Crowell is still at worrk on the schooner Lillie E., on the beach here. Arrived from below: coal-Haden steambarge Raleigh and consort Lucerne. THE KIVEHtS. Special Telegram to The Inter Oca an. Detroit. Mich.. May 30.—May 29.— Uo—Prop City of Concord and consort. Down—Prop My'les Bennett and barge; scfir Savciand. May 30.—Up—Props Osweuatchic and barges, Continental and consort, Forest City and consort, Michigan and barges, Glentinlas, Sanilac; schrs Mary Hattie, Donaldson, Monterey, St. Lawrence, Homer,Halsted, Gardner, Parana, H. F. Merry, E. L. Coyne. Down—Props Mimneapols and consort. M. Jarecki, and schrs C. A. King, Havana, Sprague and barge Prussia, Hamdy Boy and barge, Relief and barges. Torrent anid raft, Iron Chief, and. schr David Dows, D. M.. Wilson and schrs Manitowoc, Charter,B. Jones, (City of Rome, Fred McBrier and barges, Tempest and barges; schrs Francis Palms, W. H. Vaiuderbilt, R. Doud, Home; steambarge Mineral Rock and barges. Wind north, fresh; weather rarining. Port Huron, Mich., May : 30. —Noon passages for the past twelve hours: Urp—Prop Milwaukee, steambarge Concord, Steanjerre Pearl, Flora, and Ward, tugs J. N. Masters witm schrs Ottenburger and C. B. Cov, Frank Moffaitt with schr Typo, Sweepstakes with schr Conseilo. Down—Steambarge Iron Chief with schr IDavid Dows. Tempest with Burchard and J. F. Walker, tugs Cru-' sader with schrs Vanderbiltt, Milwaukee, and Pope, Niagara with barges Momnt Clemens, Montgomery, and Republic, and sclhrs Monticello and Mount Blanc, scow Aunt Ruth. PORT Huron, Mich., May #0, midnight.—Passages for twelve hours: Up—'Tugs Kittle Haight, with schr Waverly; Wilcox, with schrs Donaldson and Morton; Vulcan, stcamlbarges Ella G. Bar-mlm, with C. Harrison and Tyre; R. Wallace, with Thomas and Gawn; prop Chamberlain. Down—Tug Frank Moffat, witch schr T. F. Morse; steambarges R. Chaffie, with 11). Ward and Agnes; Waive, with J. Berry; schrs JFoster and Morrice, stmr Hiawatha. WELLAND C7A.NAL. ' Special Telegram to The Inter Ooccan. , i Port Colborne, Ont., May 30.—Passed Down —Steambarge C. N. Pratt, Bmluth to Montreal, 1 wheat. Uu—Schrs Wayne, Kiingston to Chicago, 1 light; Bismarck, Kingston too Sault Ste. Marie, ( light; steambarge D. C. Wlnitney, Kingston to Chicago, light. I Special Telegram to The Inter Oceean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., Ma;y 30.—Passed up— Schrs Leadville, Oswego to 'Toledo, coal; O. M. Kingston, corn: Arctic, staves. Bay City to Kingston, J Frankfort, Mich.,May 2S.-Captain Matthews, +.— i of the Pt. Betsy Life Station, reports that a large, THE RIVERS. I white propeller was disabled in the lake yesterday Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. j morning, but a passing propeller with a red; Detroit, Mich.,May 28.- May 27.— Up—Steam- j smokestack took her in tow, fround down. .barges B. Stewart and barges. George King and (barges. Down—Props Toledo, portage, India, iSarnia and barges, schrs F. Corning, Nellie Red-dington, Pathfinder. May 23.—up— Props Donald-!wou and barges, A. Everett, and schrs S. Minch, H. J. Webb. Allegheny, and barge N. Mills and 'barges, Walluia, Albion, schrs Jura. F. Camubell, Higgie, Floretta, Glenih'er. St, Louis, E. Slake. Down—Props Cleveland and barges, Howard and barges, Yosemite and barges, C. F. Curtis and barges, C. J. Kershaw, Iron Duke and consort, R. A. Packer, H. J. Jewett, E. B. Hale, and schrs Alva Bradley, J. P. Card,Vulcan and raft, C. Hurl-burt, and schrs Columbian, H. Fitz'hugh, D. W. "Bust and consorts, Oceanica, N. H. Ketcham, Progress, Dean Richmond and consort, George R., schr B. F. Bruce, F. J- King, A. Boody, Guiding Star, H. D. Coitinbury and consorts, ana schr Guido Prister. Wind west, light. Weather cloudy. Poet Hubon, Mieh., May 28.~Passages tt'or the pas: twelve hours: Up—Tug Morris, steal abarsje Anna Smith with schrs J. C. Kirby and gon, sell Provost. Down—Steambarges Bvusinessj' Ketcham, Frgress (V), John B. Lyon with J-ohn M. Hutchinson. Masten, C. J. Wells, tc Hackett with barge Joy, Prop Dean Bic hmond with -chr Georger, scow Curtis. Port Huron, Mich., May 28.—Passed for the past twelve hours: Up— SteaiuhargcsKhoda Stewart with Wm. Young. Hattie Wells, Lady Franklin, and L. L. Lyon, Geo. King with B. Eiawson, J. Stewart, and Gardner; Jersey, Allegheny with Avon; tug Champion, with schooner Jura; tug i Oswego, Ferry, Beckwith with schooner Scott. Down—Steambarges Annul, with J. Parrell and Saginaw Valley; Azov, Havana, with Hocla; ivison ¦•,-,; oh Holt;:n, in.K Bqias, with V; .an Sweepstakes, with Joseph Wage; Our Son, and Water Tom. The steamship Thomas W. Palmer. Captain Frank U. Bayless, made the run from Chicago to Buffalo in ¦four days and fourteen hours, toWing the schooner Ogarita. Includimf stop at Detroit, the actual-timo wjiatour days and eleven hours. The. cargo 'Jf both craft was 95,000 baahels of The schooner A. G. Morey, on the ireel Bajiley's Harbor, is in u must dangerous jvjredica-"hnent, and there is no assistance - no tug- at [hand. A dispatch to Mr. Kearney, of the Muckf mm Lumber Compan v, says there is a rock through the vessel's bottom. There is no in ,V off surance on tin surance on iL<-|of Buffalo; Th. to be in tin:- Cxffi and the Union, of^Plrjj^ It is lumber. 'The in-jts placed by Orr. oOO, and it is understood , the Thames and "Mersey, ,lpl Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean*. Glen Haven, Mich., May 28—To-day the propeller James Fisk met with an accident to her boiler, blowing it off completely. Your correspondent could not learn what caused it. It occurred about ten miles out from Frankfort, and ehe was towed by the Champlain to South Manitou, where she is at anchor waiting for some craft to tow her. No one was injured by the disaster, *'¦ •¦¦¦¦¦¦*?*******+#«&¦><¦¦¦ ¦ Wm" »ii<hggg21!£,?^ '¦-. -—*-*" " THE MIAMI BKRLE. Cf Special Telegrajn to The Infer < * *^ Port Colborne, Ont., May 28.—The steam-1 pump for the Miami Belle, .which Is ashore at the Mohawk, is expected to arrive here to-night by J rail, and will be taken on a tug from here to the] vessel. The vessel is owned by her present master, Captain Parky, who has no insurance on her.i Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., May 2s.—The captain of the schr C. B. Jones says that on the night of the Wells Burt disaster he heard a cry in the same vicinity she went down,"Par God's sake send us a tug, we are sinking." This was probably tile doomed vessel. The captain could not make out what kind of a craft it was, the night was so dark and stormy. TtTG ItfETAMORA. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. CHeboyUaN, Mich., May 2S.— The tug Meta-mora is inside with disabled machinery; she is rgj- V THE SCHOONER METROPOLES. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Escanaba, Mieh., May 28;—The wrecking tug Leviathan, alter unloading one-third of the deckload, towed the schooner Metropolis into shoal water and partially beached her. They are working with a diver, endeavoring to close the opening' made by the collision, and have placed a steam-pump aboard. "The Leviathan will take her to Special Telegram to The Enter ocean. Corrtngv.'ood, . Out., May 2s.—The steamel Pranks irmi^i which arrived tc day from Pr?nee§ Arthur's Landing, reports meethw Spartan, of the Owen Sound Steamship line, at| Little Current disabled, having blown one of her boilers Ont. The engineer of the Spartan came^ down by the Smith and has gone t o Owen Sound for material to make the necessary repairs. The Spartan intended working to the Sault with one. boiler if possible and await steamer was out on her first trip" itipjnti hannfflJEiU..... ,-—*- wrecl.iii!* 1 SEASON ASSAHGEMEKTS. THE GOODRICH TRVXSPORTATION COilHANY. The full season arrangements of the Goodrich Transportation Compauy>a just completed, are as follows; CHICAGO, IMII.WAUREE, UrANITOWOC, ETC The wrecking tug that went the steamer Shichluna, sunk at A-lgaom milii auived at the vessel, and when passed yesterday was making great progress in pun,. ¦, ¦ out. The ShichUina may be expected down earl this week for repairs. .*•-------T»i!iLslffBijj.-i-ykJJA.lU,.MdBii!V......$ Ti»;-, i-il h.l.. i.Uii lo'L'i.o ii.^-i-Ueean. V Milwaukee, Wis., May 28.—Work on" the throe turis to pull ht-i oil She was atripp- " ""Cking- tug" L' ev i" a thanlelcvel^njr^to^ Kenry Pates, clerk; Gavin Watson, steward. Steamer Sheboygan-Charles McIutosli,#com-inander; C. G. Thompson, clerk: Healey, steward. Steamer Muskegom-E. W. Doreev, commander; E. M. Penfield, clerk; Oscar Miller, steward STURGEON BAY AND MENUMINEE ROUTE. Steamer Corona -H. F. Stines, cOmmaiider; C. A. Bosnian, clerk; Johli MoLaughlin, steward. MILWAUKEE, LUDINGTON. AND MANISTEE faOUTE Steamer City of Ludington—John W. Gil man, commander; C. F. Cauriyfit, oierk; J. D. Campbell, steward. GRAND HAVEN AND MUSKEGON ROUTE. Steamer Menominee—A. W. liosman, commander; B. B. Hcrbst, clerk; James Magmer, steward. ESCANABA AND GREEN RAY ROUTE. Steamer DePere- -Cornmander, Clerk, and steward not yet appointed. W. D. Rosie, clerir; John i FliEIO-HTS. The propeller lines (owned by the railroads) don't care for any advance in grain freights co Buffalo and Erie, and the figures continue at 2c corn and 2L4C wdieat. And sail vessels are out of the trade for the most part. Rates to other ports are proportionately low. To Oswego the rate on corn is i^c, and to Kingston 4^c. Charters were: DISASTERS. TO THE A. G-. MOREY. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., May 30.—The tug Wirislow, of Grummond's line, with complete wrecking oxtfit —hawsers, pumps, etc.—left' to-night to rescue the schooner A. G. Morey, on the rocks at Bailey's Harbor. [There seems to be some mistake somewhere. Whether authorized or not, the Leviathan has left Milwaukee to go to the Morey, and was doubtless l Bond, 08w-ego"to"Toledo, coall; Jessie, Toronto to there last night. The vessel will have lots of as- 7 Afpenariiglit;' steambarge J. Davidson, Ogdene- . 1 burg to Chicago, general .cargo. Down—Schr Slf ^ Cecelia, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber; prop i Saginaw Valley, Chicago to (Ogdensburg, general cargo. _ The schooner A... G. Morey, lumber laden, froi St. Ignace to Chkcago, ran on the reef off She boy gan (west shore off this lake) on Saturday night, Yesterday moruimg she was full of water. Tin crew are on boardi. If the wind should go toj south or southeast before assistance is given hei she would be in dianger of going to pieces. The Morey meaisnres IS02 tons. She was built in Chicago by Midler in 1801, but has been rebuilt; had large nrepairs in 1874 and also since then. She classes B 1, and has a valuation of $8,000. Griffin and others, of Buffalo, are the ibably insured. A Milwaukee exchange sajys: "Captain James Sanderson, one of the earliesst residents of Milwaukee, died to-day at the .home of the Little Sisters of the Poor, aged 89 yyears. Captain Sanderson came to this place, tkeen a mere hamlet, in 1835, as master of the schoonier Nancy Dousman. In 1836 he settled in the towm of Lake, where he located on a farm. The housse which he then built is still standing, and is now itn the city, on Grove street, south of Railroad. Hie was at one time the «iCa,»j. owner of all the property kniownon the old maps r^'NMunCrltunU!!."fi. If. liiuce will go into dock to as Milwaukee proper. Fortyy acres which he sold stop a leak. between 1840 and 1845 for a , few thousand dollars prom mtewatree. are worth to-day $250,0000. He was a lover of Special Telegram to The hater Ocean. fast horses, and became tthe pioneer owner of MILWAUKEE, Wis., May 30.—Arrived from be-trotters in this vicinity. /At one time Captain low coal laden—Steambarge Jim Sheriffs. The Sanderson was the possessor-of ample means, but scow South Side arrived to-day leaking badly, he became reduced to poveerty long before his her crew having been kept steadily at work at the death. Years ago lie desertecd his family, and in pumps outside. The underwriters are negoti-company with people of low repute traveled to ating with the Milwaukee Tug Company to re-California to begin life anew.. But bad luck fol- lease the schooner Lillie E. lowed him, and a continuaticon of reverses landed —**-— him in a poor house on the B?aeific slope. A year w.^i Xtolegfam to The hiter Ocean. ago news reached the city-that he was a public Cleveland, Ohio, Mav 28.— Rates for carrying charge in Oregon. The rpioneera accordingly .cai are firmer, and have risen to 75 cents (reraised a purse, sent for him, and secured a home megD }lci;. .|;)1, Chicago. The Pittsburg strikers for him with the Little Sistters of the Poor, with eturued to*work to-day, and the increase in the whom he remained until deaith cabed him away. flnount 0f coal will increase marine lousiness. Captain Sanderson was anavtlveoi Massachusetia, ^i.,rU.r^__^QrVi^]vxY.r., j0im n. Gliddcn, coal, a man of more than average¦. ability in ins prime, qn(-,)]o l0 Chicago. i5 cents; schrs' F. A. Morse, and a man also of many eccentricities and peculiarities." morrow to attempt the release oj the schooner A. G. Morey, on the reef off I ¦ hor ' Jesse F. Wright ami \V. V\. (\-,,-Mil to Henr> Notion and Wm. Norton, schooner Luu\ Graham $?,«00. ' ' THE KIVEBS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. DETP.orr, Mich., May 29.—May 28.—Up—Props Nevada, M. M. Drake, Ohio and consorts. Down — Schrs James F. Joy, Josephine, Niagara. May 29—Up—Props P. Chamberlain and barges, Win. Rudolph and barges, Porter and barges, Rochester, Milwaukee; schr Typo, Consuelo. Down— Araxes and barges, John B. Lyon, and schrs J. G. Martin, John M. Hutchinson, C J. Wells, Havana and consort, Buffalo, Mackinac and barges, Steamer Oconto—John C. Raleigh, commander; Philadelphia and schr Allegheny, Arctic; schrs i Duffy, steward. Joseph Paige, Our Son, Watertown, John Kelder- house, S. Ti. Watson, Gulnare, Ellen Spry, A. J. Rodgers, Enterprise and barge, I). Ballentine and consort. Wind southwest, light. Pokt Hui-;oN, Mich., May 29.—Vessel passages past twelve hours: Down—Schr Jane; stmr Ke-wecnab; steambarge Ballentine,with schrs Northwest and Jennes; Henry Jereca, with schrs Havana and G. A. King; prop Arctic. Up—Stcam-harges Oranoke and M. M. Drake; props Douglas and Badger State; stmr City of Cleveland. Port Hueon, Mich., May 29, Midnight.—Passages for the past twelve hours: Up—Steambarge Oscoda; props Rochester and Ontario; tug Qnayie with schrs Higgie, Florida, and Glennifer; tug Quayle with schrs Louise and E. Blake; Ferry Heard with schr Two Fannies. Down—Props Mvles and Prussia; steambarges Minneapolis with selrr George Collingwood, Ferry Beard with schrs A. Fort and Walton; tug Torrent and raft Oswego with schr Saveland, Quayle Morris with schr P. H. Brush. _ WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter I toean. P6ET Colborne, Ont,, May 29.—Passed Un— Schrs Ada Medora Charlotte, to Chicago, coal; M. A. Muir, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Wawanosh, Kingston to Windson, light; Jessie Scarth, Toronto to Lorrain, light; Blazing Star, Sodus Point to Detroit, coal; prop Nashua. Ogdensburg to Toronto, general cargo. Down—Schrs American, Lorrain to Brockville, coal; Willie Keller, Bay City to Oswego, lumber; Cecelia, Cheboygan to Kingston, lumber; prop Sagiuaw Valley, Chi- ,— ¦ *- l/ THE MIAMI BELLE'S INSURANCE, pecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. TOLEDO, Ohio, May 30.—The cargo of com wet 11 the schooner Miami Belle is insured. The oledo Fire and Marine has $0,500; balance in gdensburg. No ugs and pumps are gone to her. pecial Teletrram to The Inter Ocean Buffalo, N. Y., May 30.—The elle, recently ashore at the head island, was towed here to-day with a steam pump board. It is not believed the damage to hull i^ .eavy. ¦' S - b ) ) to Ogdensburtt, general cargo. The tugs insurance at all on the vessel. Mary and Hooti, ie(t here this afternoon with a iteam pump for the schr Miami Belle. They will „i, ,„„„,.-\r; „j trv together off the beach to-night. chooncl }., laml e^ei,iai Telegram to The Inter <)<«-an id ot Mohawk Pokt Dalhousie, Ont., May a1.).—Passed Up— Stmr D. C. Whitney. Kingston to Chicago, light; barge "Wayne, Kingston, to Chicago, light; schrs Lew Ellsworth, Oswego, coal; AV. J. Suffell, Kingston to Sandusky, light; Bavaria, Kingston to Grand Marcis, light. Down—Schrs Albatross, Toledo to Kingston, timber; L. Seaton, Toledo to Ogdensburg, corn; props Canada, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo; Armenia, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo. "d'etkoit,"Mich., Mav 27.— Passed CIp May 20— I Props E. J. P. Hackett and consort, Arizona. Down—Props Vienna and consort, J. B. Whitnr.g and consort. Up May 27—Prop A. A. Turner and barges, Glasgow and barges, Conestoga, and schr Sohuvkiil, Chicago, D. F. Eose and barges. J. Sheriffs, New York, D. L. Early ami barges, Anna Smith and schr J. 0. King, Mongaugon. schrs New Dominion, Atmosphere. Down- Props Republic and consort, Oscoda, Jas. P. Pridgeon. ,(r and schr Nellie Gardner, Sanilac, Commodore, Ogemaw, schrs G, H. Warmington, Stampede, Cecelia. , Arrived—Beuben Doud. Wind southwest, light; weather cloudy. A md George-H. Wbrthtngton, coat, Cleveland to 'Uieaeo. 7.r, cents per ton; schr Scotia, ore, Escanaba to Ashtabula, 90 cents: schr George \\ Javis, eoal, Buttalo to Sheboygan, Wis., 85 cents. An effort is bei i" made bv sljippers to get vessels to cam- ore from Escanaba to Lake Erie ports foi less than 90 cents per ton. 'o-night the wrecking tug Leviathan arrived rom Escanaba with the schooner Metropolis, and* ¦ft for the schooner A. U. Morey, on a reef off I alley's Harbor. iiooner Lillie E. has been abandoned the underwriters. She is badly broken up. Captain Blackburn, the wrecking master, thinks that he can recover her. ed to Cap _J

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