The Strait* Open. Detroit, April 16.-A dispatch received from Mackinaw City this morning reports the ice all broken up in the straits as far as Me-Gulpin's light. The ice looks quite rotten above there, and if we have no more cold weather it is thought the straits will be open by the last of this month. FKOM POINT ST. IGNACE. Detroit, April 16.-A dispatch from Point St. Ignece says: Consider the straits open today. Think a boat can pass through with | very little trouble. A heavy rain-storm is prevailing from the southwest. Row-boats crossed to and from the island yesterday. The ice from the eastward seems to all pass through this cUinel to the westward. The current is calm. Weather cloudy; 53° above. Think boats can safely leave Detroit and get | through from to-day by all appearances. I Captain Alex. McOrba, a well-known master of river and lake craft, died at the residence of Captain Prosner Easton, iu Portsmouth, Mich.. on Tuesday eveniiurlast. Nicholas Pink. Esq,/ of this citv. purchased tno schooner Wiu'ne for M. .T. Cummines, olOsiveeo, and made ttii excellent bargain. The price paid, as we have slated, was 812.000 cash. 1/ / A K 1'he Out Fleet. The following vessels cleared yesterday: Schr Cityof-Grand Rapids, Captain Ed McCall, •light, bound for Grand Haven. Sohr, Transfer, Captain E. H, Dyker, light, bound for Grand Haven. Schr L. 13. Coat !S, Captain H. T. Ruger, with sundries, ior^fuskegorf. Seta Major Iff; H. Perry, Captain M. Kehoe, with machinery for Muskegon". Steam barge Ohio, Captain J. C. Ester, 45,700 bu corn for Buffalo. Schr Flying Mist, Captain B. L. Berg, light, bound for Muskegon. ' Schooner Atlanta. Captain James Webber, light, bound for Grand Haven. Schooner G. Ellen, Captain M. Jaeobson, with Iced for White Lake. Schooner Andrew Jackson, Captain Wm. Burke, with merchandise for Manistee. Schooner Levi Grant, Captain E. G. Kohncrt, light, bound for Muskegon. Schooner Minerva. Captain J.D. Stodman, light, bound for Muskegon. Schooner Peoria, Captain John Hanson, light, bound for Muskegon. Schooner J. B. Chapin, light, bound for Clay- h .: cm, KOI. 51 ;.l.i.i li t. HOUNKX, FIRST MAN-OF-WAB 0» THE KEPUBLJC or OUBA, REASON PREVAILS. Among the Underwriters, at Least—They // The Holt and Ekbign Boats.—These boats 8*-o to be run this season, and engineers are busily engaged in getting the boats ready. The commanding officers will be as follows; Cuba—Capt. Gebhart. Scctia—Capt. Tom Howland. Russia—Capt. Tom Ay sun. Java—Capt. Fred. Pope. Co.orado—Capt. D. R. McDonald. Nebraska—Capt. Con. Keilly Roanoke—Capt. Charles McCrea. ------------T |{ ------------------------^ ----------N|.„_ Noticb to Mariners.—Notice has been received from the Government of the Dominion of Canada that a lighthouse erected by the Government of Canada upon the southwest point of Great Duck Island, Labe Hnron, will be put in operation on the first of June next—Latitude, N. 45° 37' 32", Loneitude, W. 82° 56' 1C". The lie-ht is a revolving catoptric one, elevated 64 feet above water, and in clear weather should be seen from a distance of 33 miles. The light will show one red ilaeh and two white flashes every two minutes, the flashes attaining their greatest brilliancy every 40 seconds. Tbe lighthouse is a wooden one, painted white, and consists of a square tower, 54 feet high from base to vane of lantern, with a dwelling attached. J The si Lake Vessels Abroad. The schooner City of Manitowoc crossed the ocean to Leith, Scotland, last fall, with a cargo of deaia, and has remained there, idle, during the entire winter, It was the intention of the owners to sell her, but in this they failed to realize their expectations, and now they nave ordered her back to the lakes. She left Leith for Montreal on the 5th of the present month with a cargo of 500 ions of coal, for which the Quebec freight is to be paid. Shrewd calculators say that the vessel ard of &500 on .the round trin. ffftEMtermu'f, imUfo vy Tc ITnow aturi Morgan City. Bayxyar Teehe, La., with coal from Scotland. She wilTnow load sugar and molasses for New York. M. to take This looks en- Orders were received in Chicago last evening from Milwaukee lor several crews of sailors. The men are on a strike thore for $2. One of the orders came from Captain Vance. There is a prospect of trouble in Chicago to-day, as a meeting was held last night: $1.25 was the figure paid yesterday, but the men will demand $1.50. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean.] Pout Hubon. Mich., April 23.-Tbe propeller St. Joseph passed through an ice-field to-day. bound up She was followed by the propellers Holland. Benton, Lawrence, and St. Albans. No boat down yet. The present wind from the south is working .-the ice toward the Canadian shore. A week's full ' time will elapse before navigation for vessels on Lake Huron can be considered open. The ice has ,made its appearance in the vicinity of Goderich, which indicates that it is leaving the west shore. Weather fine. Wind south, gentle. The follewing Clearances. vessels cleared yesterday: ^: ^ "/ Schooner S. G. Andrews, Captain John Falvey, C< light, bound for Ahnapee; schooner M. Dall, light, bound for Muskegon; schooner Marion Dixon, Captain S. Hanson, light, bound for Black Creek; scow Success, Captain O. Hanson, light, bound for Ahnapee; schooner Arendal, Captain Charles Otto, light, bound for Manistee; schooner Mystic, Captain J. A. Eeid. light, bound for Muskegon; schooner Speed, Captain A. Linklater, light, bound for Muskegon; schooner Mary E. Packard, Captain Wm. Smith, light, bound for Lmdwig's Pier; schooner Contest. Captain ». O. , Day. light, bound for Muskegon: schooner Ida, {.\ Captain Tnomas Hansee. light, bound for Muske-' eon; schooner Magdahsna, Captain E. Ahraham-lignt, bound for Packard's Pier; schooner . fie- solve to Make a Cargo Tariff; ana Stand by It. Once more the lake insurance agents ini Chicago have determined to come to terms, and stop cutting each other's throats. They held a meeting on Saturday evening, and aftier a brief consultation it was unanimously resolved to adont the following rates—net—on grain, to take effect from and after to-day: Sarnia.......................... oft„ Buffalo..............................'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.........40c Kingston! Oswego, etc.............. .....=,,„ Ogdensburg....................... ...........23? Montreal.................. .............^Oe This action will have the effect of 's't'iffe'ning rates at Milwaukee, and will be a beneiit generally. "°" Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean,] Buffalo. N. Y..,April 30— Captain Gibney, who took the Wauco/ia last fall to Ireland, has returned home, isyiling the vessel in Ireland. 1 ho schooner Atwater is chartered for coal to Chicago at forty-live cents. Tho steamer gt, Paul arrived at 2 this morning from Detro'« we iirst of the season. The propellers Jaw a ana firizona leave this ovening; also the St. ffaul, for ftuluth, via Cleveland. The propeller N-ewburg loft this morning. The schooners Adventrarer and William Baynor have arrived, wheat lade n: The Osweso Palladium says: Jlenkins & Hoover are taking the wheat out ot tine Madorai. we have heard of an otter of $2.50 mer lumber from Bay City to Oswego. couracing for vessel owners. The steamer Norfolk, which wins destroyed by fire at Napanco ok/Thursday morning x$.st, was owned by Captain Collins, of Xewbttfg. The barge David Androws was also slightly damaged. The lire was the work of an incendiary. Pontoon for Kaising Sunken "Vessels. An apparatus for raising sunkem vessels, which the inventor calls a "pontoon," was successfully exhibited at the foot of Woodw ard avenue, Detroit, on Tuesday afternoon. Thie plan was similar to, and suggested by. the wellj-known practice of attaching empty casks to submerged bodies, but is apparently more feasible and scientific. The pontoon consists of a bladder-shaped body, made of India rubber and canvas, banded with iron. When not inflated the iron causes the whole to sink. After being sunk and attached to the hull of a vessel the bladder is inflated, and of course seeks the surface of tin water. The model exhibited on Tuesday was a pontoon consisting of two bladders, each four by eight inches, in one section. It was sunk in sixteen feet of water, with sixty-five pounds of iron attached, and, by the application of a small air-pump in the hands of two men, Drought to the surface in sbxty-five seconds. According to this it is calculated that a pontoon 4x8 feet can raise fully 2,400 IDs. A large pontoon, according to a well-kmown law, has a greater proportion of power than a small one. The largest made are IB feet lomg. and a dozen of them on each side of a vessel would float a very large body. One of the best features of the pontoon is its convenience for carrying. A vessel might stow away a dozen or Itwo of them in a spare corner, and with the help> of an air pump lift herself off the rocks before Iiolp could arrive or damage be done to her by severe weather. To prevent bursting, each pontoon has a gauge which, acting like a safety valve, warns when sufficient pressure is applied. The patentee is Captain Foster, of Detroit, a disabled mariner, who, hosts of friends hope, will be successful with his invention. The plan certainly has the promise of merit in it, and when the stormy season comes and wrecks strew the beach, it will doubtless be thoroughly tested.—Detroit Post. bank. Propeller frea. Dunbar, Captain'X Hogan, light, iluslregon. bound for MuslWgoL. Schr Lena, Johnson, Captain L. Hanson, light, bound for Ludington. KECEivrsa supplies pit mosiauk For**,- bo^ndibrVM«&$8e°aPtain J" Eobertson' "»»* The following tranefers of vessel Ibomi'd for lewaunee0^"11 °' M'Nels0°-"^ Schr A. L. Potter, Captain li. W. Hayes, light, bound for Milwaukee. Schr Racine. Captain O. C. Thompson, light, bound for Muskegon. Bark Carrier, Captain M. Gunderson, light, bound for Yv into Lake. SchrLaurine, Captain J. A. Olson, light, bound for Saugatuck. Vessel Sale: property have been received for record at the Mil waukee custom-house. Propeller D. Ballentine—J. M. Ballentine et al. to P. D. ArmouKt al., the whole, $32,Ul>0. Propeller O. J«JCershaw—Same to same, §3S,000. Schooner A. BTJJoore— Same to same. $20,000. Bark Two Fannies—Mary Eldred to Samnel Moore, the wild!*; $ 38.000. Schooner Stampede—Charles B. Packard et fll. to Douglas (iibbs, one-half, $6,000. Schooner Silver Cloud—Mai tin Johnston et al., to Torge Olsen et al. one half, $1,000. Schooner Geo. w". Wescott—Alonzo P. Viead to Jane Read, one third, $3,000. The following transfers have been placed on record at the Chicago custom-house: One-half schr T. if. Avery, Henry C. Durand to John Cleland, $1,800. Tug American Eagle, G. R. Hotchkiss et al. to Isaac M. WeBton et at, $2,500. Tug American Kagle, Isaac M. WeBton et al. to David Dall et al., $3,000. One-half schr Cbpper City, M. H. Ryerson to Cornelias Nelson, $400. Schr J. B. Chapin, United States marshal to Thomas B. Miller et al., $700. Tug C. W. Evans, Wm. n, Harris to Chicago Dry-dock Company, $3,000, One sixth schr Uroton, Thomas flood et al. to P. C. Schmalkins, $1,333. Schr Glfdiator, Charles Reitz et al, to Reitz Bios. Lumber Company, $3,500. Schr Lie Jt. Gen. U.S. Grant, Cornelias B. McDonald to William II. McDonald. $5,000, Schr John Ki'deruouse, George Sturgss to C. M.Liridgren, $6 000. Barge Florence Lester, Charles Reitz et al. to Charles Pcitz & Bros., $6,000. Schr Moselle, Nelson Ludington to William Lare, $1,500. Barge John Mark, Charles Re'"tz et al. to Charles Reitz &Bros., S'O.f.OO. Schr C. North, Mary Bodecker to Andrew Anderson et al.. $1,750. Brig Charles Reii z, Charle3 Reitz et al. to Charles Reitz & BlOB., $25,000. Schr ,i osoph Duvall, Captain John Crangle, light, bound for Kewaunee. Schr H. C. Albreeht, Captain Hunt, light, bound for Manistee. LAKE FREIGHTS. Tbe Clearances Yesterday. I The following vessels cleared yesterday: f. Schr Magdalene, Captain E. Abrahamson, light, i bound for Packard's Pier. Schr M. C. Packard, Captain W. Find, with hard- ;' ware for Painesville. n Schr W. H. Willard, Captain 8. P. Laurenson, . light, bound for Madison Pier. -J Schr W. H. Hawkins, Captain Anderson, with j sundries for Stony Creek. ' Schr Gladiator, Captain P. Barker, light, bound p. tor Stony Creek, ri Schr Winnie Wing, Captain Peter J'eterson, light, bound for Pentwater. Schr Mary (white), Captain E. Stretch, light, bound for Stony Creek. Schr Clara, Captain F. Brown, light, bound for Grand Haven. Schr Perry Hannah, Captain James Donigan, "With sundries, for Jacksonport. Schr Minnie Mueller. Captain Nalton, with merchandise, for Muskegon. _ Schr Wolverine, Captain John Foley, light, bound for Grand Haven. : Schr C. O. D., Captain Mulvaney, light, bound tt 'i Detroit, April ?!3.—The market is quiet, and ^ , , ,r prices ere unchanged. C. K. Dixon & Co. report Sschr Mary Anianda, Captain Cavanaugh, light, -' the eteam barcerT. W. Snook, lumber, Springport bound for Grand Hayen. _ » to Buffalo and Tonawanda, at $2 and $2 12y? per . Sohr Bosa Hello. Captain A. 0. Waltman. light, * 1,100 feet. Messrs. Whittaker & Co. report the bound for Grand Haven. scows Mary Amelia and Clara, lumber. Au Sauble to Detroit, at $1 25 per 1,000 feet. Milwaukee, April 25.—The elevated position of SEAMKN'S WAGES. soil Julia B.Merrill. Captain Peter Mcintosh, light bound for Grand Haven; schooner Bertie, Calk 'ins, Captain James Godman, light,, bound fo Muskegon; schooner Chicago, Captain William Smith, light, bound for Muskegon; schooner H, ? Band, Captain B. Lawson. with salt for Kewaunee. The Captains. Captain Harrison, formerly of the Barnum, takes command of the steamship Kershaw. In the Ballentine and Mooro it is stated that there will be no changes, although Captain Cal Carr had been mentioned for one of them. tbe wheat market checked the demand for grain .,„_«,,___», , ™,,. „ „ „ , , „ vessels again to-day. Buffalo rates are steady at 1Iow XheT Ku'e-The Sailors Oraranizingfor "a 4e, and Oswego and Kingston rates at 8c, Char- Good Opeidnj;" in Hie Grain Trade. terB: To Buffalo, bark Red, White and Bine, 27,- Seamen's wages on this lake may be quoted at mJ™T*l% 26,-The marked advance in n©1'25 per„ diem' Th« ™" af.' ^ jet how-?ralr,, accompanied by rapid tluctations, baa iTer- generally engaged by the trip, the figures driven shippers off the market for t^c present, >eing $8, $10, and $12. For the grain trade no and vessels are not wanted. There were no char ngagements have yet been made, and the wages lers vesieraav, aid rates must therefore be quoted . , . '„' " ", «»»"i~"iuo»oi,ia nominally uncharged, It is understood thatthe re nominal at $1.2o@l.o0 per diem. The "fore-propeJlers of the Commercial line have all been astle lawyers" are about, and a strong effort is provider) vith cargoes of grain and will load as ) be made to open the season in the grain trade soon as they can be got ready. The rates ob- , , „,»,-„ „ 41 _- »_?_«.«.«_"•." tained for them vary from 2y, to 3 cents on oats, - at least $1-j0 or $!•<¦>¦ But wait and see. and 3 to 3H cents on corn, while on wheat they are to receive 4 cents. A cargo of corn has also been obtained for the Northern Transportation Company propeller Garden City on through rate te New Knglsnd. Bay Citv, April 26—Lake freights on lumber: To Chicago, $t 50; Olro ports, $1 53; Buffalo, $2. The steam barge Belle Cross and tow get $1 50 for lumber and 12c for salt to Toledo. The prop Portage goes to Sand Beaeb, where >wing boats: AKE MICHIGAN STEAMBOAT ARRANGE- 3 MENTS. ¦ Far as Tfet Made—The Boats and Their ° Officers. Lauler & Asher, at the dock known as Porter & Jj hephard's, will, for the present, engage the fol she will lead salt for Chicago at 12c. Toledo, April 26.—Nothing was done, Buffalo, April 25,—Charters included schr Lucerne and Red Wing, coal, Cleveland to Chicago, p. t.: schr Wm. -Grandy, coal, Buffalo to Marquette, 50 cents per ton. Vessels here holding for 50 cents on coal to Chicago. I TIIEVT HAVE AHRIVED. The propeller Skylark, which will make three , •ips per wTeek to and from Benton Harbor. Propeller Eighth Ohio, Captain J. M. Mitchell, ¥ liich will make tri-weekly trips between this r srt and South Haven. n Propeller Tempest, Captain Jerome McBride. '> which wiil make tri-weekly trips between here hi Read the Names-That Will bo Enough. Among the well-known faces on 'Change yesterday, and on Water street during tho evening, were those of Captain Brown, of the schooner Scotia; Captain Lawless, of the Negaunee; Cap-. tain Baker, of the Couch; Captain Pelton. of the Captain "James Godman, Hght.. bomwl.for M. S. Bacon; Captain Hi Henderson, ot the Delaware; Captain Lampo, of the AhiiraCobb; Woodruff, of theDanforth; Nelson, of ithe S. fl. Foster; Cummins, of the Ed Kelly; Ed Kelly, of the steamer Townsend; McDowell, of the schooner George B. Sloan: Baxter, of the J. D. Sawyer; Captain Courtrignt; Captain Walker, of the steamer Baldwin, and Captain White, of the steamer Nahant, and others too numerous to mention. They are the most confirmed lot of hardened yarn-tellers on the lakes. But they are all well rJresRed. and seem happy, especially Tirown and Henderson. The latter says he staid in all winter to save bis clothes. The first apple festival of the season will commence at Finney's to-day. oit on lliver Towing. " At the meeting of tug-owners at Detroit Tuesday the committee reported in favor (Shallowing 20 per cent, off last year's rates for cash customers. - This resolution will bo submitted to the owners of all tu;:s ot Detroit, Port Huron, ana other river ports for signatures at the next meeting, this afternoon. The Sault Canal. John Spaulding, of Marquetto, has been appointed Superintendent of Sault; Ste. Marie Ship Canal. Special Dispatch to The Detroit Tribune. Lex]j.<;ton. April 23.-The R. Holland made at^ tb,e p01;,ts,vf Wnjteh-a11 an<l Montague, this port to-day at 12 m. There is a large body of ice ten or twelve miles wide extending out from Bhore, and she experienced considerable difScuhy in getting to the dock, becoming fast in the ice several times. She discharged her freight for this place and took on more, leaving here about 4 r, m., bound up, and in an hour was out of sight. Three boats, whose names could not be ascertained, Graham & Morton's arrangements are as follows: They will employ the propeller Messenger, Captain A. C. Bartlett, which has good accommodations for passengers, and will make tri-weekly trips (until the fruit season) to Benton Harbor. The propeller G. P. Heath. Cantain B.C. Brit-tian, will run between Chicago, Saugatuck, and the ports of Douglas and Ganges. The Goodrich company have not yet completed 5 Pbidgkon's Fleet.—Oapt. J. Pridgeon's boaU are now all iu readiness for service, and wlli leave for Bay CiLy to lead with silt for Chicago as soon as the ice clears away from the lower end of Lekelluion. His vessels are all here except the prop Montgomery and tne echr Emma A. Mayes; these are in Chicago. The appointments upon his vessels for the ensuing season arc ae follows: Pi op. J. Pridgeon Jr.—Captain, J. M. Lewis; mate, Thos. Black; first engineer, A. Curry. Pron. Caldwell—Captain, P. F. liyan; first engineer, P. Mart ell. Prop. City of Duluth—Captain, A. McDougall first engineer,-----.Crawford; the mate Is not yet named. Prop. Montgomery—Captain, J. C. W" mate,----. famith; first engineer, P. ilurn The captains of the barges and schooners af< as follows: Barge Guiding Star, Capt. J. L. Ai drews: barge Nellie Gardner. Capt. E, Lohr; sch Emma L. Coyne, Capt. Hugh Coyne; echr Port land, D W.Sherwood; scar Emma A. Mayes, Capt. Edward Luak. Tues and Cai>tains. Tho appointments of river tug commanders are aot quite complete, but, so far as yet made, are as Allows: The Winslow, Captaim Mart Swain; Mocking Bird, Captain. Frank Danger; Kiver Oueen, Cantain Byron Inman; Oswego, Captain Ed. Tormey; McCiellan, Captain Dan McKenzie; Balize, Captain Low Cook; Broickway. Captain jChris Moore; Kate Williams. Captain Josh B Markee; Moore, Captain Alien Fiek: Owen, Captain Frank Welcome; Clark, Captain Daniel Meisel; Goodenow, Captain John Miner; Johnson., Captain Sol. Rummage; Livlufratouo, Captain Alexander Battery: Wilcox, Captain Andrew Bat-John Martin, Captain Gatfteld; Merrick, Captain Phil. Young: Frank Moffat, Captain John Cornwe^ ; Niagara, Captain James Mellen; Prin-diville, v aplain Cyrus St. Clair; Torrent, Captair W. ii. Kolis; Crusader. Captain Ballentine Gladiator. Captain Charles Hushes; J. H. Martin Captain Curtis; Sampson, Captain Finley; \ul-aptain Tom Hackett; And.row Smith, Captain Thoinns MVGowan. 'i'iiu naimes of tbe captains for th" Hector, Castle, S\ve;;jp-,takos, Brady, and Kale ftloffai are not yet announced, nor U it known positively whether these Uast-nained craft willgointn commission or not. pasEed up this morning. Outside the ice is mak- all their arrangwmentR, but will soon. They are ing considerable headway. It is reported here DS^,s.Dl?ni£ff freiffht and passengers to almost lt 6A . . . -r, , , \, 7 all points, hut nave not decided on the nartioulur that no ice can be seen at Port Austin, and at boats for the various routes. particular ports this side of there to White Rock the lake is —- -..-— clear. A southwest wind ia blowing at present-rather gently, but the ice looks more like breaking up. Hueon City April 23.—This place is clear of ?ce and there is no hindrance to navigation. Sand Beach April 23.—Ice is broken near the shore and moving out fast. A boat is expected tonight. Port Austin April 23 —The ice is all gone. No boat has arrived yet. We expect the Holland and Bentcn to-night, ON LAKE ERIE. Arrival of the Steamer Northwest at Cleveland from Detroit. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean.l Cleveland, Ohio, April 10.—The steamer Northwest, Captain D. A. McLachlan, of the Michigan Central Railroad line, which left Detroit at 5 o'clock this morning, arrived atherdockin Cleveland at 6 o'clock this evening. She encountered some ice in DetroitRiver, but from that point until Port Hor-E April 23.—Wind has been southerly slie came WitWn twelve miles of this port her pas- all day. The ice is breaking away, and for about two miles out is clear; beyond that it is all broken up, with occasional openings. A west wind would fix it. Lakeport April 23.—The ice still remains in sage was as smooth and pleasant the month of June, She was about three hours getting through a belt i of ice of two miles in width, skirting Cleveland * harbor, She brought down a good load of rail-eight, with a few seams of water visible. Five road iron and merchandise. Her regular trips will Droptllers have passed this point to-day, working commence to-morrow night, and the R. N.Rice, their way up. Prospects are good for the imme- her mate, will go into commission next Monday. " diate opening of navigation These boats are the pioneers every season, and their appearance is always hailed with giadne.-s I by lake men as signs of the near approach of early navigation on Lake Erie. ! AproiNTMEKTS—The officera of the steam"ra heloEgiug lo Ward'B Line will be as follows for the eDming tea^on: St. Paul—Captain, A. Stewart; clerk, Frank W" Frisbie; steward, Geo. Fok-y; engineer, Kiiward Mosipr. A. L. Craig-Captain, Wm. dimming; clerk John Fljnn; engineer, M. Chi k. City of Fremont—CaDtaln, A. M. Shepherd-clerk. Boot. W. Stewart; steward, ILL. Chamberlain; engineer,-----Smith. Steamer Keweenaw—Captain, H. G McQueen-clck, Wm Porteoas; steward, 11. F. Gannon- en'-, gineer, Reynolds Hill. 1 lie propeller St. Paul loaves for Buffalo S itur-day night, and will leave Buffalo Monday, thaanth Cleveland. Tuesday, May 1, and Defoit the Wednesday following at ten r. M. for Duluth and in-termediate ports. Death of Georjre McBean. Georee MoBean, well known in marine circles. died at his residence. No. 381 Mohawk street yesterday. Ho was about 40 years of ace and lgallS* wlfVln,l l'lreo boys-tne oldest'oni J oars. Mr. McBean was steward on thr OS&SvkS5S? d,lr,T t];e laSi so™, tnat crait s existence, and for two seasons nas' has acted in the same capacity on the Peerless of Leopold & Austrian's line. The deceased™ a member of Cliicago Oommandery, Linco n Pari: Lodge and thejuneral will be under the. auspje'e of the order. The many friends of the family will h*?1^!,10 I7"ltllat t"01'0 is a life polic v oi $b,oo' that will ero to the stricken family. !