bank, Winslow, Glasgow and barges. June S— Down—Steambarge Egyptian and consort. June 9—Up—Props Nyack, Ira Chaffee and barges, D. Ballentine and consort, Rudolph and barges; tug Niagara and schrs Montgomery, Mod traorenoi, Montlcello, Mont Blanc, Montcalm, Republic; schrs Morning Star, Belle Hanscom, J. T. John-soii. Our Son, Porter, J. E. Bailey, Cheney Ames, W. R. Taylor, C. A. King, L. A. Law, Belle Mitchell, D. P. Dobbins, Don M. Dickinson and barges. Down— Props Tempest and barges, Progress, M. .Mills and barge, Lehigh, H. S. Hubbell and barg'es, Bay Ci-.y and barges. Masters and barge, au'd. sehra i Niagara No, 2, F. Campbell. Alma Munro, Wal lula, Alleghany aud barge, Oliver Mitchell, P. Chamberlin and barges, Rust and consort, . ¦ gaugon, China, C. C. Barnes, and Jamaica. \VlniJ -southwest, strong; cloudy. Port Huron, Mich., June 9.—Noon pass**6" for the past twelve hours: Down—Steambff^^63 YVailula with schr Jura, David W. Bust with scnr T. C. Butts, D. L. Clint and M. Allen, Oswe-' gatehie with barges Wyandotte, Sweepstakes, J. Ketctaum, and Amherst; prop China, stmr M. D. Ward, tug Ontario. Up—Props St. Paul and Wiuslow; steambargow N. K, Fafrbank, Queen of the West; stmr J. P. Clark; tugs Sticknev, Katie Moffatt with W. II. Vanderbilt, Hawk, Ida Keith, Ontario with scow Aunt Ruth. Port Huron, Mich., June 9.—Passages for twelve hours: Up—¦Steambarge Glasgow, with, barges India, Dorcas, and Nelson, 1:10 p.m.; Siberia, with schrs Crosthwaiie and David Vance, 3 p. m.: Bessie, 5 p. m.; tug Kittie Haight, with schr City of Green Bay. 1:10 p. m; Champion, I2:10p. m; Oswego, with Vampire, 3:15 n. m.; Crusader, with schrs Winslow, R. Halloran, and Francis Palms, 4 p. m.; W. A. Moore, with schrs Lizzie A. Law and B. Mitchell, 7 p. m.; J. A. Crawford, with E. J. MoVea. Down- Steam barge Handy Boy with barge, 4 p. m.; Mayflower, with barges Little Mary, Emerald, Minnie Florence, and Hackett, 8 p. m.; B. W. Jenness, with barges Wyandotte, Sweepstakes, and General Burnside, 8:50 p, m; C. T. Curtis with barges J. F. Fawcett, Isbell, Reed, and N". C. Holland, 9:50 p. jm.; prop Oonemaugh, 6 p. m.; tug J. P. Clark with barges Eliza Cohen and Arizona. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., June 9.—Passed Down— Schr George M. Case, Chicago to Oswego, corn. Up—Schrs L. Kraion, Ogdensburg to Toledo, coal; Gulnair, Kingston to Garden Bay, light; B. Barwick, St. Catharine's to Cleveland, light; American, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; prop Russia, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo; steambarge Albion and barcre, Kingston to Chicago, light. Special Trl^rum to The inter Ocean.' Post Dalhousie, Ont., June 9.—Passed Up— Schrs Arctic, Collins Bay to Toledo, light; C. B. Jones, Oswego to Chicago, coal; prop Northerner, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo. Down— Schrs G. I\i. Case, Chicago to Oswego, corn; Mary, Cleveland to Kingston, coal. sox came into port last night, and reports loeiMff a man by the name ot John McGinnis on Lake Huron last Thursday, He was knocked overboard by the foreboom. CANADIAN STEAMEBS. Washington, June 0.—The Treasury Department to-day received a communication from the Collector of Customs at Detroit remonstrating against the action of Canadian steamers in carrying passengers between American ports on the Northern lakes as preiudicial to American interests. The department will take .measures to stop the practice complained of as far as their power extends. THE CBASH AT MILWAUKEE. A DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL. The Wisconsin of yesterday says of the affair: "At 1:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon the small elevator on South Water street, known as Northwestern Marine No. 2, owned by Manegold Brothers and C. J. Kershaw, filled to its utmost capacity with 120,000 bushels of wheat, burst its sides with a terriiic crash. The foundation of the structure was said to be very weak, totally inadequate to withstand the immense pressure of the wheat. The four walls are a total wreck. It is thought that at least 3,000 bushels" fell iuto the river, which will prove nearly a total loss. The building, a poorly constructed affair, was almost totally ruined, and a loss of aboult $5,000 on the structure sustained by the owners. The steambarge Kershaw was immediately chartered! to receive a full load of the wheat, about 5o,0( >0 bushels, and this morning two vessels were secured to take ahout 50,000 bushels more. The Ibalance will be stored in a email elevator in the immediate vicinity. A gentleman interested, speaking of the accident to a Wisconsiu reporter to-day, said: T think the statement that 3,000 bushels of the wheat fell into the river is greatly exaggerated. I do not believe the loss, aside from that sustained on the building, will exceed Fortunatelv all the wheat stored In the mien Hie »e™uvinrr tiiaiiiuer «*. weue, t apiatfi Patrick Langaii, was towing down the river last evening the steambarge Ida Torrent crushed aud ruined her yawl boat. As some one put it, "it is not the boat alone; the captain's heart is broken." It was with this historical boat that Captain Lan-gan saved the life of his brother, Maurice Langan, during a howling gale on Lake Erie several years ago and the captain thought the world of it. If it was possible to save it by rebuilding, it would certainly be rebuilt, but "it is crushed and broken and ruined beyond all hope." The Wells and Hasten were loaded and ready last evening but are waiting for the J. M. Hutchinson. The J. B. Lyon tows them all. Towing up the South Branch,the schooner Cape Horn struck a rock or a pile and knocked a hole in her hull, causing her to leak badly. She was towed to the Chicago Dry-dock. By collision with a propeller in the harbor the schooner Knight Templar lost a cathead and a section of rail. Repairs at the Chicago Company's shin-yard. Temporary repairs have been made on the wrecked schooner Wollin at the Chicago Company's yard, and she is discharging her cargo. She will return to the dock. Full repairs will cost $500. There was a jam in the South Branch last night at Twenty-second street. Among the craft was the steamship Siberia, the propeller New York, the schooner George, and one other big sail fellow. The Whitney-Truesdell jam at Sixteenth street was not cleared until yesterday morning. The schooner M. L. Wilcox arrived leaking. She wont into Miller Brothers dry-dock. It is stated that the sail yacht Franklin was responsible for the collision between herself and the little steamer Minnie B. The Franklin lost her jibboorn. They are both basin pleasure craft. The tug Rebel, with the schooner Fleetwing in tow, got a log in her wheel at State street last evening and became disabled. Fortunately, no damage was done. Another tug took the schooner out. The schooner A. G. Morey has been rescued by the tug Winslow. The bridge-tender at Clark street was so sound | asleep, from 1 to 2 o'clock yesterday morning, that tugs and tows had to stop and send men up on the bridge to wake hirn up. mf^mmmtrnmmn^mfmmp^mMwmf a. g. Morey in Chicago on FriOlay night, in tow of the river tug Winslow, was amnounced in The Inter Ocean yesterday morniing. The Winslow also brought the schooner V/ampire with her, ladei with lumber which had Iheen lightered from th Morey. As was anticipated, the cost of rescuini the Morey will not only eaat the vessel up, but will also eat the cargo up. Tlhe Winslow, which is a fully equipped wrecking (boat, was at work on the vessel for more than ttwo weeks, using her hawsers, steam pumps, amd various wrecking appliances. Her bill is im the neighborhood of $9,000, while the More^y is only insured for $8,000. The Mackinaw Lumber Company, the owners of the cargo, yesterday refused to siirn the general average bond, virtually saying: "Take the cargo for our share of the cost of rescue but we will not sign a bond rto become responsible for any more money tham the cargo is worth." What course the insurancie companies will pursue is not yet ascertained, but, it looks as if the owner of the Winslow, Captain S. B. Grnmmond, of Detroit, would have to take the wreck and cargo and call it square. This dioes not seem fair to the wrecker. If she was givem a contract to rescue the Morey her bill ought tio be collectable somewhere. She has rescued v essel and cargo, as ordered to do, and now wantts her pay. Even if her bill is more than vessel and cargo are worth the sum should be paid. It was claimed in marine circles last evening that the Winslow could sell the vessel and cargo for what they will bring and then bring proceediM--- against the owners of the cargo and the vessel (the latter are the underwriters) for the balance neeessarv to liquidate the full wrecking bill. The case of the schooner George Washington was mentioned as one precedent in such proceedings. In whatever way the matter is settled up, the Morey and her cargo are eaden up, and the vessel is badly damaged besides. She is lying at Miller Bros', dry-dock, full of water. The lumber brought in on the Vampire was purchased yesterday by Pitt & Cook. Before the disaster, the Morey was owned by THE RIVERS. The Inter Ocean. June 13.—Up, June 13—Props $2,000. _ place was of one i^rade, No. 2, which makes the loss much less than would have been the case bad Special Telegram to The Intel Ocean THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich.. June S.—June 7—Up—Prop H. E. Packer; schrs J. Page, Marengo. Down-Props Cormorant and consort, Cowie and barges Townsend and consort, Vanderbilt, schr Southwest. June 8—Up—Props Birkhead and barges, Arabia, Powers and barges, Music and barges.' Lycoming, Bose and barges, Starrueca, Boston, Gordon Campbell, Siberia and schrs W.S.Crossth-waite, D. Vanco, St, Paul, Osceola, Colonial and consort, B. W. Blanehard, schrs Ida Keith, W. H Vanderbilt, Goshawk, P. S. Marsh, Salina and barges, Queen of the West, Down—Props N. Mills and barges, Tuttle and schrs, Mears, Cumberland and schr Helvetia, Indian and barges, Hackett and consort. Continental arid consort, Ogemaw and Swain and consort, Marv Prmgle, Raleigh and consort and schr E. C. Hutchison' schrs X. 0. West, G. E. Gilmore, Itaska, Constitution, Scotia, Bay State, Mystic Star. Wind southeast, light; clear. Por.T Huron, Mich., June 8.—Passages for twelve hours ending at noon: Down- Prop Yvon, steambarge-. Mary Pringle, C. B. Hale, Bawling with schrs Emma Hutchinson aud Lucerne; tug Champion with schrs Constitution and Itasca; tug Hercules. Up—Props India and Arabia; steambarges E. B. Hale with schrs Bradley and James C. Harrison, William Edwards with schrs C. Foster and M. W. Page, Iron Ago with schr James Couch, Jarecki, E. B. Hale with schrs David Wagstaff and J. W. Clark, Weston witli barges Jcannette, Albino, aud Fame; A. T. Packer, Colorado, tugs Hercules with schr Hanava, Ontario with scow Clark, Torrent, and Sweepstakes with schrs Niagara and Joseph Page; stmr M D Ward. Pout Huron, Mich., June 8.—Midnight.—Passages past twelve hours: Up—Steambarge, J. h,udy, Birkhead, witli barges; Edwards Troy Tim Baker and J. D. Morris, D. W. Powers with barges: Sunshine, Crosthwalte and John Britton, Osceola, props. Lycoming, Barton, Starucca, Ontario, Oronoko. Tugs Kittie Haight with schr Acontis, Quayle with T. S. Music with barges, Xelson and Favorite, (schrs. Mayers und Itoscius, Sweepstakes. City of Cleveland. Down—Steambarge Egyptian with barges, Pelican, Progress, Mary Mills with barge Worth-ington. Tempest with barges Laytuu W O Young, Mary Birkhead, and J. F. Warner, [jull'alo with schrs Fannie Campbell and Niagara. Bay City with barges J. K. Jackson and Concord Porter Chamberlain with barges Ida Corning, Steve Hamberland, and Calhoun, Vienna with bargi Verona, tugs Sweepstakes, Bob Hackett schrs C. C. Barnes and Jamaica, Masters, and scow Curtis. with Quayle, J. N. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. POBT Colborne. Ont., June s. -Passed Down— Schr Mary, Cleveland to Kingston, coal. Up— Schrs F. D. Barker, Oswego to Toledo, coal- Midland Poiyer, Port Dalhousie to Cleveland lidif Mary Copely, Oswego to Toledo, coal; MarvLvon' Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; L. J. Farwell Wilson to Bay City, light; Anna I>. Grover, Oswego lo Toledo, coal; Hyderabad, Hamilton to Cleve,and, light; props Armenia, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo; Alma Munro, Montreal to Detroit, general cargo; tug Irietamora and eon-sort, Kingston to Cheboygan, light. Fog anil Disaster—Schooner Wollin Ashore and full of Water—Collision. FOG AND DISASTER. THE SCHOONER WOLLIN ASHORE. The schooner Wollin, with a cargo of hardwood lumber for Chicago, went ashore ten miles north of Grosse Point during Friday night. It was thick and foggy at the time, 'with frequent squalls. When the captain Vfitb her yesterday morning she was full of The captain arranged for the tug ViUiaraL. Ewingtogo to her this morning steam pump. The vessel was lying tid, unless a gale should spring up, can ¦nod. The Wollin was built tn 1855 and rebuilt in IST'^, and again in 1878, and classes IJ 1. Mer tonnage is only 48. She il 'valued at if 1,800, and is partly insured. Captain Bergman (of Holland) is the owner. The cargo of hardwood lumber is very valuably anil wiH id 1 ,frpffljggd, ,,, -—-^"» cio.l i u:\ i;,:tv, !.i:\ to;.;. The tugs Waters and Commodore had a collision Friday night at the piers. The Waters is at the Chicago ship-yards for a section of CLABION AND HERCULES. SV . The propeller Clarion, of the Anchor Line, elevator. '¦ ^I'oi.'J' HCBON, Mich., June 5.—Passages past twelve hours: Dp.....Steamkarges C. Hulbertwith barge Sherman; Lyonwith barge Jane Nicoll: J. C. Masteii, and ('. .i. Wells: Ogemaw, City of Concord with barge Danford; Alcona with barge ., SanDeigo; Saginaw with barges Wind-OI-the- } Wave and Lightguard; scow Sarah; steamer Miehigran; tugs River Queen with schr F. J. King; John Owen, Kitty Haight with schr Avon, Quayle. Steambarges Edward Smith with barges, Neisoci, Bloom and J. Andrew; Wissabickon, with barge Anna Sherwood; Fred Kelly, with barge M. II. Warner. Steamer Kcewecnaw. Tugs Erie Bell with schr. D. C. Beiley and S. M. Bacon, John Owen., Bob Anderson, Biver Queen arid Quayle. THE KIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detboit. Mich.. June 7.—June 6—Up—Props Idaho, Sanilac; schr L. Watson. Down—Props Nahant, Badger State. June 7—Up—Props Juniata., City of Borne, Iron Age and schr J. Couch, E. B. Hale and schrs, A. Bradley, J. C. Harrison, J. F. Card, D. Wagstaff, Havana and consort, R. Holland and barges. Mauistique, Howard and barge, Avon, Weston and barges, William Edwards aud schrs, M. W. Pago, C. Foster; schrs Atmosphere, Havana. Down—Props Ira Chaffee and barges, Atlantic, George King and barges. Sheriff, Hodge, Michigan and barges, Conestoga and Schuylkill, H.J. Jewett. City of Concord and consort. Wind west, fresh; clear. Pokt Huron, Mich.. June 7.—Down—Steam-barges William Cowie with barges W. W. Stewart and Monitor, S. J. Moore. City of Concord with barge Danford, Cormorant with barge Charles Dale, H. J. Jewett; strnrs M. D. Ward, City of Cleveland; prop Conestoga with schr Schuylkill; tugs IKato Moffatt and Stickney. Up—Steam-bargess Juniata, Minneapolis with schr Progress; prop Idaho; tugs Ontario, Kate Moffatt and Kate Williams. Poii'.T Huron, Mich., June 7.—Passages past 12 hours : Down—Steambarge N. Mills with barges Yankee, Bahama, Jupiter and Leader; Oscar Townsend, with schr Edward Kelly; Yosemite, with barge S. Walbridge and schr Smith and Post; City of Mt, Clemens, Ella G. Vanderbilt, H. B. Tuttle, with barge Mears; Cumberland, with schr Henrietta; Ida, wdtli barge Southampton: tugs River Queen, with schr Southwest; Wilcox: Ontario, with scow Clara: Btmr Hiawatha, schrs Eliza and Provost; props Waverly and Ontario. Up—Steambarges A.A. Turner,with barges. J. A. Smith, L. B. Crocker, and Stav of the. North, City of Rome, Mauistique, Havana, with schr Fanny; stmr Hiawatha., scow Curtis, tug Wilcox with schrs S. Watson and Lillie Hamilton. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pokt Colborne. Ont., June 7.—Passed Up—Schr Augusta, Kingston to Toledo, light: prop Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo. Down— Schrs Nevada, Chicago to Kingston, corn; W.I. Preston, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; Grantham, Detroit to Kingston, timber; W. J. Suilil, Sandusky to Kingston, staves; prop Baldwin and consort, Pequaming to Ogdensburg, lumber. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. PORT Dalhousie, Ont., June 7.—Passed Up— Schrs Mary Lyands, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron ore; Mary Copely,.Oswego to Toledo, coal; A. H. Grover, Oswego to Toiedo, coal; F. D. Barker, Oswego to Toledo, coal; steambarge Meta-mora and tow, Collins Bay to Cheboygan, light; L. G. Farwell, Wilson to Bay City, light; prop Alma Munroe. Montreal to Duluth, general cargo. Down—Schrs Nevada, Chicago to Kingston, corn; W. I. Preston, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn. SCHOONER HERCULES SUNK. THE PROPELLER CLARION COLLIDES WITH HER. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., June 7.—The propeller Clarion, bound up, ran into the schooner Hercules, sailing up, at the southwest bend of the St. Clair River about 8 o'clock last night, sinking the Hercules [ in three fathoms of water near the Canadian ; The Hercules is ' owned by J. M. Jones, of city, rates B2, and is insured in the Thames j Mersey Company for $2,000. The Clarion is t* ned by the Anchor Line. —^— Hanna, H."C. Richards ;"t tut Gladiator and raft, Up, June 13—Props Vanderbilt, Waverly, Naaant, Celtic, J E Mills, Oscar Townsend and consort, Mars-Mills and barge. Down—Props California, Argonaut, Jav Gould and schr G. L. Hazard; M. M. Drake and schr G. S. Trumpff, Goodnow and schrs John O'Neil, Kate Winslow, ft. G. Houghton: City of Concord and consort, Sanilac, Portage, Ogeinaw, S. E. Sheldon and consort, schr H. Muir, S. G. Fort, Samana, H. Ross. Wind northeast, light: clear- , TT PORT HURON, Mich., June 13.—Passed Up— Props Temuest and barges, 3:30 a. m.; Iron Chief, with schofoner David Dows, 4:35 a.m.; Arctic, 0:20 a. m.; Handy Boy and consort, 9:15 a. m.; schrs M. E. Temple, J. B. Kitchen, Maumee Valley, 3 a- m.; Moonlight, Angus Smith, Maria Martin, 9:20 a. m.; R. B. Hayes, 9:10 a. m. Down—Props City of Concord with F. J. Dun-ford, S. E. Sheldon with S. P. Ely, 2:15 a.m.; Portage, 3:15 a. in.; Ogemaw, 8:35 a. m. Wind northeast and fresh; weather cool and cloudy. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to Tin inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., June 13.—Passed Down— Schr West Side and Nassau, Chicago for Kingston, corn; E. Stewart, Cleveland for Toronto; E. B. Williams, Duluth for Ogdensburg, wheat: S. Neelon, Detroit to Kingston, timber; prop Nassau, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Glen-Bnlas. Chicago to Montreal, general cargo. Up— Schr General Franz Sigel, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Clara Youeli, Hamilton to Toledo, light; Pandora, Toronto to Farmiugton, light; Albatross, Kingston to Chicago, light; prop Lake Ontario. Hamilton to Toledo, light; Mylcs, Montreal to Duluth, general cargo. Special Telegram to TU.'Inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., June 13.—Up-r-Scnr Shandon, Kingston to Chicago, light; props Lake Ontario, Hamilton to Toledo, light; Myles, Hamilton to Duluth, general cargo. Down—Schrs II. Dudley, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; J. U, Noyes, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Kate Kelley. Kingston to Nassau, corn; West Side; Kingston to Erie; Stewart, Cleveland to Toronto, eoal; prop \, .in:::, f oiedo u Ogdensburg, general cargo. J~THE TUG ALERT. Juno 13.—The tug Alert, of Chicago, burned to the | Griffin and others, of Bulfado. She measures 301 tons. Of course, Griffin «£ Co. abandon to the insurance companies. A lawyer said last evening that the companies would probably pay Griftiu & Co. their $8,000 and attempt to leave the wreck and the cargo in the hands of the owner of the Winslow. The cargo was not insured, and the Mackinaw Lumber Compan yaro tota.l losers. The talk of recovering more money thaoi the cargo is worth from the owners of the carigo is all nonsense. -» ' ' MM! 'W'lHULOW LIBELED. During the day yesterday the Winslow "heard from" a libel herself. Mrs. Johanna Lindgren the owner of the schooner Clara Parker, has t akcu out an attachment in the United States Circuit Court against the Winslow and the schooner J I Case for $1,000 damage to the Clara Parker by collision in Chicago harbor May 21 last. THE STEAMBARGE S. C. HALL ATTACHED. The Sheriff yesterday afternoon seized the steambarge S. C. Hall on an attachment against the S. C. Hall Lumber Company in favor of the Union National Bank for Sli.OOO. It Is alleged that the S. C'. Hall Lumber Company owns the steamer. mi ARRIVAL FROM: UUE3EC. THE PROPELLER NIAGARA, SALT LADEN. The Canadian propeller Niagara arrived in Chicago last evening from Quebec, direct, with a cargo of salt and sundries. This is the first arrival at this port direct from Quebec for a number of years. The Niagara measures 509 tons was built at St. Catharines in 1875, rates Ali» and is valued at $30,000 c ~: BURNING OF MARINETTE, Wis., owned by O. B. Green, ¦thCm the dock belonging to Sawyer, Goo,Imau THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., June 15.—Up—Props Jim Sheriffs, Delaware, Montama, Kershaw, Continental and consort, City of (Concord and consort; schrs E. P. Beals, John Westley, Guiding Star. Down—Nothing. June 10.—Up—Props Sanilac, Progress, Saxon. Oceanica, P. Chamberlin and barges. Rust and consorts, V. Swain and consort, Ira Chaffee and barges: schrs William Shupe, Hercules, Norway, W. H. Rounds, Canton, Monguagon, Sweetheart, Senator Blood. Down—Props Idaho, Russia, Avon and schr Georger, Starucca, H. Chisholm, and schrs T. Quavle, S. J. Tildcn, J. S. Richards, Reindeer, Butterbiii and consort, Germania and barges, D. F. Rose and barges, Yosemite and barges; tug Balize and raift; schrs Twilight, J. M. Scott, M. F. Merrick, William Cowie and barges, schr Ganges. Wind southwest, light; cloudy and rainy. Port Huron, Mich., .Time 10.—Passed Up— Props B. W. Jenness and Ibarges, 11.50 p. m..; Spark and Consorts, 3»15 m. m.; Rochester, 12; Tug Relief aud barges. 1:15; Conemaugh, 1:35; Delaware;, 3:25; City of Concord and consorts, i 5:15; Montanna, 0:15; St. Louis, 6:40; Jim Sheriffs, 7; 0. J. Kershaw, 10; Progress, 10:30: Connattant and consortia, m.; East Saginaw and barges. 10:10; schrs Constitution, 2:20; E. , /^*^C-/ , A. G. Morey has been ^ff^ed and is lyingm »e ^ Thomas Quayle, Samuel J. Tildeu, J. harbor. uu,n t„n. nswogo, uAJhere_w} „ „,.,...„ , T,„._...... ,,. 8chr3 j. m. Scott, fart*..hlltltn»l,\g^'T.t„, n„„„, \7\ M. F.Merrick, Monterey, 3:35; Gangei 2 , 1(1:35. Sperm! Telcgremto The Inter w«m. wrecking ! Wind southwest gentle. Weather warm and clear. Detroit, Mich.. J^^l^T^^KInrtSnurl Port Huron. Mich., June 16.-Passed Down-tug¥lohl<»,S?fothliSance Props Haudv Boy and consort, 3:25; B. W. SfeS^iK^^i^JFBKKX Blanehard, 3:30: tug Willkjm A. Moore and ran, of the steamer mokb- u" . asshehad a 3-25; tug J. N. Masters with schr Jennie Mat-River, but was r nab c to leta,^ ^ -j^ «^«! « sh • 8f15 Imli ]0. ,ames „. Donaldson and rock up tinough hoi.^r^Jiine^eaionto- barges, 10:20; schr Mary Amelia, 8:35. Passed f„" „h hprp this momiaa, and will leave ;;u... St with hioktoons to'raise the Meteor. S. A| 1 )4 .J A tlnrpliv has taken the contract to release her. THE VULCAST OK FIHE. A SERIOUS DISASTER OFF YE It MILLION. . Clet'eland, Ohio, June 7.—The propeller Badger State, which arrived from above, reports seeing the tug' Vulcan on fire off Vermillion at 2:30 o'clock this morning. No particulars. The VvJcaai was valued at $20,000 and owned in Detroit. The Vulcan had a raft of logs consigned to the Cleveland Saw-rn ill Company. [Wonder it the Badger State offered any assistance? The Vulcan in one of the large river tugs. She measures 249 tons (gross), was built in Detroit by Campbell & Owen in 1S6S, and is owned by Alger, S. <fe Co., of Detroit. She rated A 1 and was valued at $17,000. Insured.] Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich.. June 7.—The tug Vulcan burned on Lake Erie last night, and is a total loss. She was towing a raft at the time. She was owned by Alger, Smith cfc Co.. of this city, who used her for towing rafts from Black Biver to Buffalo. She was insured for $10,000. The Detroit Fire and Marine had $10,000 and the Continental $6,000. Crew all saved. ^ I which sank the schooner Hercules in St Clair | River on the way up, arrived in Chicago yes irday. Captain Sisson claims that thef ¦ schooner was at fault, and that the propeller 1 was in no way to blame. The captain of the Bchooner claims that propellers run the j rivers, and that the Hercules happened to be " on the Clarion's range. ARRIVAL OF THE ARMENIA. OXE OF THE NEW MONTREAL LINE. V The steamer Armenia arrived in Chicago yesterday from Montreal with a general cariro. The Armenia is one of the Merchants' Line, managed here by Dickinson, of the Umpire Warehouse. She was built at Chatham by Simpson, and is owned by Hajrgerty & Co., of Hamilton. Her tonnage is 800. She has full passenger accommodations. Captain J. C. Hume is in command. for Chicago, arrived hero to-day, leahi.ig. . The schooners J. B. Penfleld aud DmM ™»« collided daring a fog yesterday, oh l°™Jirftu Sauble. The Penfleld lost her .ibbooin, J«« and topmast, and the Vance hail her Core rigging arM her foresail damaged Uo'.h >>¦.....i» arrived to-day, the Penficld in tow of the A ancc. •j,,,.,..,! t ' i nil in T1]n.TllliW^aaaa>.......m.iii mir—"^ WITH ALL HANDS. THE T, C. WILSON MISSING. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis., June Hi.—The schooner T. |C. Wilson, which cleared at Kacine May 17, the [day previous to the Kacine cyclone, has not been j heard from since, and is supposed to be lost, with j all hands. She carried a crew of two men be-] sides Captain Moss, who leaves a family at Ba-j cine. : [The T. C. Wilson measures 35 tons. She was i built at Black River by Wilson in 1 KM, rebuilt in I 1880, rated Bl, and was valued at $l,ti00. Cap-tain Moss was the owner.] -A number of seamen boarded the schooner P. S. Marsh at the gas-house dock last night while her crew were asleep and cut her running gear, and did other damage to the extent of $100. The ! Marsh carries a non-union crew. No arrests have been made. „, . Arrived from Buffalo, coal-laden—Steambarge Nahant. Clearedfor Escanaba—Schr Joseph Paige and P. S. Marsh. For Touawanda— Barges Han-naford and Nelson Bl Chamberlin and barges, 2:15; V. Swain andconsort, 3; tug Michigan with pontoons, 3:80: J. W. Bennett and consort, i! :30; I>. W. Hust. Clint and Butts, 4; schr J. McLeod, 8. Wind west, light, ¦WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colboenb, Ont., June 10.—Passed Up— Schrs J. It. Benson, Emerald aud Albacore.Kings-ton to Toledo, light; Rival, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Grantham, Kingston to Detroit, light; Nevada, Oswego to Chicagto, coal; prop Acadia, Kingston to Duluth, general cargo. Down—Schrs (1. M. Neelon, Toiedo to Kingston, timber; Vf. Keller. Toledo to Oswego, corn and wheat; J. H. Mead, and et. G. Houghton, Milwaukee to Kingston, corn; Tvpo, Milwaukee- to Kingston, wheat; Leadville and O. M. Bond, Lorain to Brockville, icoal; D. G. Port, Chicago to Kingston, corn; St. lLouis, Ludington to Kingston, deals; American, 1 Lorain to Brockville, coal; Iloboken, Duncan SCity to Oswego, lumber; props Saginaw Valley, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Boanoke( Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Special Teleeram to Tlie Inter Ocean. PORT Dalhousie, Ont.. June 10.—Passed Up— Schrs Jessie Scarth, Brockville to Chicago, light; G. M. Case, Oswego to Chicago, coal; stmr Active ami barges. Kingston to Toledo, light; prop Acadia, Montreal to Duluth, general cargo. Down—Stmr Chieftain and four barges, Toledo to Kingston, light and with timber; props Roanoke, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn; Saginaw Valley, Chicago to Ogdensburg, com. mi mm mat 3LE. ,/i FREIGHTS. W Corn tto Buffalo, H^c; corn to Sarnia, l:!4c. The engagements were: PROPELLER IN TROUBLE. THE CANADA SUNK. The propeller Canada, from Montreal for Chicago, struck a rock near Bockport, St. Lawrence Biver, and sunk. She has general merchandise-iron, liquors, etc., consigned to Chicago merchants. KlNOSTON, ONT.. June 10.—A telegram announces the sinking of the propeller Canada, near Bockport, while bound up, loaded with general merchandise. The wrecking steamer Hastings has gone to her rescue. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Kingston, June 10.—The propeller Canada which struck a rock and sunk near Bockport yes teniav, has been floated and brought here. Dam . age light. _mi'n¦-¦ ¦—.. I'.......¦" *"^ FREIGHTS. Corn and rye to Buffalo, 2Hc; wheat, 2>2C. There was so miuch excitement on'Change that vessels or steamiboats could not be sold for 10 cents a dozen. No I one was attending to any business. Following,were the only engagements made: COLLIDING CRAFT. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. NOETHPOET, Mich., June 10.—The schooner Imperial collided with the Sichooner C. A. King off Cat Head Thursday night.. The Imperial broke her stem, and is water-loigged. She was towed here by the steamer City of Grand Rapids, She has sent for the Arctic, ana will tow to Manitowoc a! ter discharging her deck load. The King was not damaged much. She bias gone to Sheboygan The Imperial's captain claims the King was to blame. Special Telegram to The lute:" Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., -June 16.—Little or nothing was done along the wharvos to-day. There were only two arrivals from upiper lake ports—props Arabia, from Chicago, anut Badger State, from Duluth. Cleared for Chiicago—Prop .lay Gould, coal; prop Buffalo, mdse; s-chr J. S. Hazard, coal, Milwaukee; prop Annie Snuith, coal: schr James C. King, coal, for Duluth.; prop Badger State, mdse. Coal freights quiet: the parop John B. Lvon and consorts, J. M. HutoViiistun, C. J. Weils and Masten, were chartered to arrive for Chicago at 7oc. Canal freights dull; rates still quoted at 31z&4.c on corn and wheat tto New York.