iuc dvudvuu lutnwina lies m a very aw K ward position in the the reouth draw at Sixteenth street railroad bridge disccharging pig iron. No vessel should be oompelledd to unload at such a danger-dock, as she is in tbhe way of every craft passing up and down; and when damage is sustained or inflicted the ownerss of the dock should be asked to pay the cost off repairs. When one of the propellers was passsing the Melvina yesterday afternoon, the wind 1 caught her and caused her head to deviate a litttle. The result was that she struck the Melvina ; and broke her rail and stove in three or four plianks. The propeller escaped without injury. Iliad she sustained injury it would only be rig&ht to ask the dock owners or * the owners of the Mfelvina to pay for it. It is believed that vessels discharging cargo in the draws of bridges can be prosecuted and fined under the city ordinance aigainst vessels hauling through . the draws of bridgeas. The steamship Cit^y of Home, which was jammed at South Halsted sttreet bridge Thursday afternoon, came down the river yesterday and was again detained, thiss time two hours. The large propeller Robert sonu lies at Weaver <fe Daniels' dock, and is partly tin the best draw of the bridge. THE2 BIVEBS. Special Telegram to lino Inter Ocean Detroit, Mich., ..Tune 14,—Up—Props D. M. )71ia0wJ,^nd bar?es" N. Miller and barges, tug Kate W llhama and wrecking scow. Pomn—Prop Wocoken, Juniatta, 1-Saginaw Vallev, Salina and ,'arges June lo—Up.—Props Concstoga and schrs, Schuylkill, Annie Sinerwood, W. H. Barnum and schr, Marengo, J. tt. Farwell and consorts, Iiehlgh, Hubbell ;and barges, Curtis and barges, Conemaugh,, Commodore, New York Ogemaw, Myles, St. Louis, AlbioA and barge, E. W. Gemesse and barges, East H;rn-naw and barges; sclnrs P. C. Leignton, Constitution, I erret, M. Tuttlte, Bay State, Itaska, J. B. Merrill. Down—Prcp>s Howard and barges, J. M Osborn and scars Exilic, G. W, Davis, M. J Cum-mmgs, Oscoda, BLri^hcad and barges, Colonial and consort, Mackimac and barges, Hecla and consort, Glasgow anid barges, Music and raft, Empire and barges, t-S. J. Macev and schrs Ish-peming, J. Burt, F. B;. Gardner, Whiting and consort, Gratwick and barges; schrs North Cape Bed, White and Blue. Wind south, light; clear. Pout Huron, Mich... June 15.— Passed Up—Propellers R. A. Packeir, 1:10; Columbia with schooner Camden amd consort, 1 :35; Republic and consort, 1:4o; Sannuel F. Hoge, 2:35; Scotia 5:50; Mary Prindle with schooner Adventure, 1:15; Nelson Mills an-d barges, 10; D. M. Wilson and consort, 10:30; James T. Pay with D. P. Rhodes and A. Cobb, 1 0:40; Allegheny and barges, .'!; Leland, 4; Abercoirn and barges, 5; schooners C. G. King, Wabaslh, C. H. Johnson, Southwest, 10:30. Down—ffirops Mackinaw and barges, 11; Colonial and comsort, 11 :10; D. C. Whitney and consort, 2:15; S. J. Macv with Ishpeming, John Burt, and F, B. (Gardner, 4:10; W. H. Gratwick, 5; J. R. Whiting?, witli Guiding Star, 7:15; schrs Red, White and Blue, North Cape, 10:20; tug Balize and raft, (i:S0; tug Champion and raft, 7:30. Arrived—Georsae B. Sloan, 10:25. Wind southeast and light; weather tine. Pokt Huron, MicHi., June 15.— Passed Up— Props Enterprise and! consort. 12:20; Abercorn and barges, 1; Lehtigh, 1:30; Commodore, 3; Wm. II. Barnum with schr Marengo, 4:35; Con-esto_ga with schr Anmie Sherwood and consort, 4:25; Jessie H. Starwell with schr Button, and consort, 4:45; H. S. Hubbell and barge, 0; C. H. Curtis and barges, 9; Leland, 9:15: Allbion and consorts, 9:40; Schrs Itasca, J. B. ."Merrill, Bay State, 7:50. Down—Props Germaniia and barges, 5:20; Yose-mite and barges, and scents Smith and Post. 7:15; D.F.Rose and bargees, 4:25; schrs North Cape, Red White rnd Blue; ttug Kate Mofl'att with roft, 1:00. Arrived—Schrs George B. Sloan, 12:10; Heggie, Lady McDomald, 1:10. Wind south, light; weather fine. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The linter Ocean. Port Coi-borne, Ont.., June 15.—Passed Down— Stmr Chieftain and comsort, Toledo to Kingston, timber. Passed Up—Schr Norway, Kingston x.o Sault Ste. Marie, liglht; Cataract, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; stmr Van Allen, Port Hone to Cleveland, light; C. N.. Pratt, Montreal to Windsor, light. Special Telegram to The- linter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Onit,, June 15.—Passed up— Schrs Rival, Oswego tto Toledo, coal; Emerald, Kingston to Toledo, liglht; Grantham, Kingston to Detroit, light; J. R. Bemson, Kingston to Toledo, light; Albacore, Kingston to Toledo, light; Nevada, Oswego to Chicago, cuial. Down—Schrs Bessie Barwick, Cleveland too Hamilton, coal; Hyderabad, Cleveland to Kingston, coal; Peerless, Cleveland to Belleviihe, coal; prop Davidson, Chicago to Ogdensburg,, corn. WELLAMD CANAL. ' Special Telegram to The ilnter Ocean. Port Colborne, Onit., June 14.—Passed Up— ] SuhrShandon, Kingston! to Toledo, light. Down —Sclir King SLsteis, Cit-veland to Prescott, coal; B. Barwick, Clevelamd to Hamilton, coal; Hyderabad, Cleveland too Kingston, coal; Peerless, Cleveland to Belleville, coal; tug Porter and consort, Sault, Ste. Marie to Collins' Bay, timber; props Europe and California, Chicago to Montreal, general cargo.. Cleared—Schr Hercules, Bay City, light, to load staves for Kingston. Special Telegram to The Imter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Onit., June 14.—Passed Tip— Schrs J. Bigler, Kingston to Toledo, light: Norway, Kingston to Sault iSte. Marie, light; prop D. R. "Van Allen, Pt. Hope ito Cleveland, light. Down —Schrs S. Noelon, Detrmit to Kington, timber; E. R. Williams, Duluth to Ogdensburg, wheat; King Sisters, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; prop Europe, Chicago to Montrreal, general cargo; Glen-finlas, Duluth to Monttreal. general cargo; tug Admiral D. D. Porter amd barges. Sault Ste. Marie to Collin's Bay, timber. THE IRLVERS Special Telegram to The Imter Ocean. ' Detroit. Mich., Jume 14.—Vessel Detroit, June 13: Up—Props Fountain City, Arizona, Niagara. W. T. Griaves and consort, Benton and barges, Clark and batrges, Lowell and barges. Down—Steambarge Ira (Chaffee and barges, schr Oeoutias. June 14: Up—Props Rt. A. Packer, Republic and schr Magnetic, Abecorn and barges, S. F. Hodge, Columbia and schrs Comirade, Camden, and Leland; Green and barges.s G. W. King and barges, Cleveland ami schr Goldten Fleece, Allegheny and consort, J. S. Fay andl schrs D. P. Rhodes and Ahira Cobb, Huron CJttv and barges; schrs K. Spry, D. L. Andrews, 0&. C. King, Wabash, C. H. Johnson, Southwest, D). E. Bailey, M. S. Bacon. Down—Props Toledo, Empire State, Atlantic, Rube Richards and comsort, Mineral Rock and barges, Otego and bargees, tug Andrew J. Smith and barges; schrs St. Lamia, J. H. Mead, Typo, D. S. Austin, Hoboken, Aldventure; prop Clarion. Wind southwest, light; 'weather clear. Poet Huron, Mich., June 14.—Passed Up— Props O. Townsend andl consort, 1:45; Nahant, 2:10; Celtic, 5:15; Foumtain City, 0:35; Niagara, 7; Arizona, 8; Marv Ml ills and consort, 8:10; J. E. Mills, 8:15; Scotiaj, 10:20; schrs China, 5; Midland Rover,10:-10: tnug J. P. Stark and barges, 10:40. Down—Props Miiueral Rock and barges, 2:25; Empire State, 9; iRube Richards with May Richards, 9:30; Atlanttic, 11; tugs Torrent and raft, 5:25; Mockingbird ; and raft, ,9; stmr City of Cleveland, 11:30. Windl south, gentle. Weather fine. Pout Hueon, Mich., June 14.—Passed Up— Props Benton and barges.-, 1:35; George King and bargee, 1 :50; Olevelamd and barges, 5; W. T. Graves and consort, 7:: 15; Arabia, 8:30; schrs John Rice, 3:35; GokUen Fleece, 2:30; Ellen Spry, 3:15; A. L. Andrews, 6:15; Gitlnair, 0:15; Sweepstakes, 4"15; H. TV. Teedman, 0:15. Down — Props Music and raft, 12:40; Saginaw Valley, 2: Sa'.hia and barges., 2:10: Juniata, 2:30; Wocoken, 2:40; Empire ; and barges and Blazing Star, 8:15; Glasgow, audd tug Mocking Bird and raft. '.'; schr Jane McLueod, 4:15. Wind west, light. THE T. C. WILSON SAFE. SHE AREIVES< BACK IN KACINE. The schooner T. i C. Wilson,, which it was feared was lost with aLll hands, left Charlevoix on June 14 with a cargo ; and arrived safe at Racine 'yesterday. The captaun (who is the owner) had not written or telegraphed home since the vessel lcit Racine, just beforre the great storm there home time ago. He haas made several trips since to various ports, but Mailed to report his where-¦ bouts at home. Goodman into the harbor at tine time, and a boat was lowered from the (Joodmara, but Mahonev sank before it reached him. Northing is known of the murderer. WITH ALL HIANDS. THE T. C. WILSON MISSING. (Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis., June ltd.— The schooner T. C. Wilson, which cleared at IRacine May 17, the day previous to the Racine cyyclone, has not been heard from since, and is suppcosed to be lost, with all hands. She carried a creew of two men besides Captain Moss, who leavees a family at Racine. FThe T. C. Wilson measures 35 tons. She was built at Black River by Wilsonn in 1868, rebuilt in 1880, rated Bl, and was valueed at $1,200. Captain Moss was the owner.] A number of seamen boardecd the schooner P. S. Marsh at the gas-house dock laast night while her crew were asleep and cut her running gear, and did other damage to the exteent of $150. The Marsh carries a non-union crew. No arrests have been made. Arrived from Buffalo, coal-daden- Steambarge Nahant. Cleared for Escanaba Schr Joseph VM;:e aud P. S. Marsh. For Tonawainda—Barges Han-naford and Nelson Bloom. PROPELLER IN TIROTLBLE. THE CANADA SWNK. The propeller Canada, from Montreal for Chicago, struck a rock near Rocktport, St. Lawrence River, and sunk. She has general merchandise-iron, liquors, etc., consigned to Chicago merchants. Kingston, Ont., June 16. —A telegram announces the sinking of the proroeller Canada, near Rockport, while bound up, loaaded with general merchandise. The wrecking f steamer Hastings has gone to her rescue. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. Kingston, June 16.—The tpropeller Canada, which struck a rock and sunk ntear Rockport yesterday, has been floated and brought here. Damage light. COLLIDING- CRiAFT. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceam. Northpobt, Mich., June 16.—-The schooner Imperial collided with the schoomer C. A. King off Cat Head Thursday night. Tine Imperial broke her stem, and is water-logged.. She was towed here by the steamer City of Grrand Rapids. She has sent for the Arctic, and will I tow to Manitowoc after discharging her deck loatd. The King was not damaged much. She has gome to Shebovgan. I The Imperial's ear/tain claimss the King was to j blame. . v^^mat,, jMuca., dime 17.—The tug Mocking Bird released the schooner John Miner from She White Shoals yesterday. The vessel ran. on In a fog, bound down, and jettisoned 1,500 bushels corn. The tug will tow her down. Cleared—Props Prussia and Messenger; stmr Keweenaw. Wind north, moderate. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Northport, Mich., June 17.—The schooner Joseph Duvall, loaded with hardwood lumber, ran ashore yesterday near Cathead Light. The tug Ryan went to her assistance, and succeeded in releasing her this morning. The vessel is not hurt. The tug Arctic arrived this morning for the disabled schooner Imperial. She left with the schooner in tow at 10 a. m. bound for Chicago. Hamilton, Ont., June 17.—The schooner H. P. Murray arrived from Oswego Friday night. The captain reports that the schooners Ella Murton and Huron left Oswego two days before he did, and thinks there is something wrong, as they have not yet arrived. THE RIVERS Special Telegram to The Inter Ocea n. Detroit, Mich., June 18.—June IT.—Up-— Props Alaska, Oakland and barges. Down-Props Winslow, Alcona and consort and schooners Florida, Pathfinder; schrs J. I. Case, Swallow American Union. Junel 8—Up—Props Nebraska, Hiawatha and consort and schooners ThomaiS P Sheldon, Thomas Parsons; Howard and barges, Germania ;ilul barges, Buffalo, Passaio and barges, Jarvis Lord and schooner, Scotia; schrs. Cham-* pion C C. Barnes, Dot. Down—SteambargeS Bai City and barges, Ontonagon and barges, Ore-eon and schooners B. F. Bruce, Queen Oit>, D. Lcntv and l>w-. V. 11. Ketcham, J. B. Lyon and schooners C. J. Wells, J. G. Ala.--.tcu, J. M. Hutchinson; prop. Cuba. Wind west, fresh, cloudy. P6bt Huron, Mich., June IS.—Passed Up-Propellers Potomac, with Anna Vought, -4 : l.O; J. <~; ftubs 5:10; H. B. Tattle and consort, 0:35J Raleigh and consort, 7:35; Oakland and bnrgt-s, 10- Hi-nrv Howard and bargee, Wales and barges, ll*15» m.; schooners G. .E. Hutchinson, Mary Lron 4:15; Arctic, Louisa, 4:30; Maria, 11; Theodore Noyes, 11:20. Down-Propel lors D. Lenty and barges, 3:10; Cuba, 3:4o; Thurnas W. Palmer with consort, and schooners S. V.. R.W at-son, Kingfisher, Frank Perew, 7:45; £Bjnp»4 and barges, 8:i!0; John B. Lyon, with H&utchinn Wells and Masten, 8 having been released by a^'iving vessels. THE JOHN MINER'S CARGO. Information received in Chicago is to the effect that the cargo of corn on the schooner John Miner is all wet. She has about 20,000 bushels, shipped from Chicago. Vessel and cargo are insured. VARIOUS DISASTERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceott'. Milwaukee, Wis., June 18.—The yacht Jane which was dropped on Lake Huron by the schooner David Vance on the night of the 10th ' instant, has not yet arrived here, although she was due here a week ago. She has three men on board. The barge Lyman Casev arrived here to-day, having had a collision with the tug Champion in the rivers. The schooner Ostrich, bound for Chicago, was ¦ picked up off Sturgeon Bay last night by the tug Gregory, leaking badly. An unknown schooner is reported ashore on Plum Island. THE IRONSIDES, The schooner Ironsides, which collided with the Antares, arrived in Chicago yesterday. Her jib-boom is broken and her port boom scratched ur>. •THE A. G. MOBEY. " ^ : The schooner A. G. Morey's bottom is all chowea , up, and there is a great hole entirely through the? ' bottom. She will require a new keel and an entire new bottom, including center-board box, etc. The survey is not yet complete. Temporary repairs are being made so that the lumber in her hold can be discharged. She is at Miller Brothers' dry-dock. Griffin, the owner, abandoned the vessel to the underwriters the second day she was on the reef. The companies will probably pay the owner his insurance, $8,000, and then settle as best they can with the wrecking tug, Winslow. The bill of the latter ift about $9,000. It is stated that the owners of the cargo will not only have to pay more than the cargo is worth, but can recover the cargo. They signed no general average bond, and had nothing to do with: sending the tug to the vessel. R. Holland and. -ASTEBS OUTSIDE. THE SCHOONER J. E. BENSON CAPSIZED, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Poet Colborne, Ont., June 19.—The schooner |j. R. Benson capsized off the Eau point last night I during a squall from the westward. One man, [name unknown, was drowned. The cantain and j others of the crew were rescued by the scow Bay FTrader and brought here. The Benson was bound ll^lO8; «'ty°ofVConcordandt'onsort\ndi J.' H*. Jjfrom Kingston to Toledo light. She is owned by : FREIGHTS. j Corn and rye to Buffalo, JSP^c; wheat, 21sc. j There was so much excitement on 'Change that vessels or steamboats could not be sold for 10 ' cents a dozen. No one was attending to any busi- : ness. Following/were the only engagements made: Mer, 11:20. Wind south, light; weather fine. '^uWxixCnT^ JuiieTs.-CJal freight, steady at 75c to Chicago and Milwaukee A searci > of coaVis becoming more apparent each W *. J. Langdon. of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, Mia the !>., L and. \V. are reported one of the market forthis week for shipments to upper lake porth. IvSemeii^ To-dav for ChicaL'O -1'i'op H. E. "schr North Cape^sehr ^orgia, at 750. 1 or MU ™auTvee—W H. Gratwick, EL U. Friar, u._Maivin. at 75c. For Racine—Penokee, at 85c. 1, L..v- Commodore, Peck, Gould, at 3ac. Huron—Star of Hope, at 30c. t DISASTERS. Special Tele-ram to The Inter Ocean. MttWAUBSE,Wis.,Jiuw lS.-IHe ^H tug Fa- . Neelan, of St. Catharines. here to search for her. A tug will go from Fur Sagi For Port THE RIVEHtS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocetan. Detroit, Mich., June 17.—Tune 16, Up—Tug vorite, with three barges in tow, ran hard a^ouna Frank Moffat. Down—Props B. W. Blanchard, on the reef off Foscara last night during tnce neayy Smith Moore, Don M. Dickeinson. and barges, fog. Her fuel was being lightered into thie Lone Handy Bov and barges. Junw 17, Up-Props Star at a late hour last night bu. it is not Iknown Japan, C. N. Pratt, Dean Blchimond, Laooma, Oa- whether or not she succeeded in getting off.. coda, Wales snd barges, Cumberland and schr Special lelegram to du; Inter Ocoau. . _.._prt__qphr- Helvetia, Potomac and schr Amnie Voight, H. B. K <?»SJ2^' £±^J^fi£S2£tt E. C. Hutchinson, Arctic. consort. Down—Props India, III. E. Packer, Chi ', cago, D. C. Whitney and conssort, Philadelphia, 'Donaldson and barges; tug Moore and raft GUdden and schrs F. A. Morse,, George H. Warm-ftigton, H. A. Turner and barge®, C. Hurlburt and schr A- M. Peterson, Ogemaw;; schrs Acontias, Jenny Mathews; steambarges Mary Pringle, A. Weston and barges. Wind southwest, light; rainy. '^'i Port Huron, Mich., June 17.—Passed Up— Prop Oceanic, 3:30; E. A. Williis, gi:30; Atlantic, 8:40; Japan, S; Ira Chaffee andt barges, 8:25 a. m.; Tacoma, 2:25; Cumberlamd, with consort Helvetia, schrs Canton, Wm. H. Rounds, Norway, Hercules, 9:25; Sweetheart, Ifonaugon, 9:25; stmr Pearl, 8. Down—Whitney and consort, (i; A. A. Turner and barges, 5:50; Enterprise, 0; Buffalo, 6:20; Philadelphia, 6*30; A. A. Weston and barges, 3;3ffi; J. N. Gildden and consort, G. H. Worthingilon; F. A. Morse, 0:25: C. Hurlbut, with consort, and A. M. Peterson, Florida and Pathfinder, IkO; Mary Pringle and barges, 10:15; Winslow, 2::30, Bay City and barges, 2:45; City of Concord!, with J. H. Ma-cruder and consort. Wind ssouthwest, gentle; heavy rain. WELLAND CAMAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oeeam. Port Colborne. Ont.. June 117. —Passed Down Last Night—Schr M. Capley, Tcdledo to Kingston, corn; prop Lake Ontario, Tohedo to Montreal, corn. Arrived Down To-day—Sfchr B. F. Gardner, Chicago to Kingston, corn; schr Blazing Star, Bay City to Oswego, lumber; schr Aiugusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber; prop Alma Munro. Arrived Up Last Night—Schr G. M. Cas<e, Oswego to Chicago, coal. The Case had her jibboom carried away yesterday while entering hock 18 by getting foul of the lock. The damage will be replaced here. Captain Colvin, of the schr Augusta, arrived to-,day, and reports that when off Tthe Dummv early yesterday morning the mate amd a hoy named Avery, from Port Dalhousie, were washing the small-float, when it tipped ov«c throwing them both into the lake. The mate grabbed the log-line and was towed with the vessel amd was saved, but the boy was lost, although ever-ything was done to save him that could be. dreadeuiTacciident. SEAMAN HURT ON THE SCHOONIEK COMMERCE. Owen Oleson (orOle Nelson), .of No. 113 Hubbard street, was badly injurecd on board the schooner Commerce in the nartoor yesterday by one of the vessel's booms falling <on his back. He *was taken to the Count y IB t«pitail. It is thought his back is broken. The sufferer "is about 30 years of age and single. _ "Captain George McLeod, Sam iParsons, and Ed Smith as commissioners, to-daiy appraised the steambarge Oriwegatchie, libelled yesterday by the Pennsylvania Coal Company fflora debt against Keith Brothers, of Detroit, tor' coal furnished their yard last year, amounting to> 81 1,000. . Alex Keith is owner of five-fourteenths totereBttaltoe Oswegatchie. She was appraisediat 80.000. ..-. .„ij\ TV.looTn.tn to TIip. Intej Oceam. I The schooner Maggie Thomp>esn lost her jib-boom in a bout with the stearabaarge Starke, the ' ! latter was also damaged some. Arrivals from below are thee steamers Wissa-hiekon, Prussia, and Northerner;, and the schooners Lem Ellsworth and S. L. Waitson. The tug Hood pulled out luer tow-post and damagedlier machinery while trowing one of the barges in last evening- »- '^'^ ^v^^^l^m^\^£^ throwing part of her cargo of corn overboaird, ha^ a 1-i.rge portion of the remaining cargo wet. There was two feet of water at one time in tine hold. She remained on the shoal nearly two daiys and pounded heavily. It keeps the crew pumpping to keep her free. She is waiting here for -orders. Wind south, heavy; raining. COLLISION. THE ANTARES AND IKONSIDE3. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Grand Haven, Mich., June IS.—This morninj at 0 o'clock the schooner Antares, of Chicago, made this port, light, with her starboard bow cut and broken up to five planks below her plank, sheer and all her headgear down and broken. The schooner Ironsides, of Chicago, lumber loaded, ran into her last night at 9 o'clock, thirty-five miles off this port, in a thick fog, and also lost her jibboom. The damage to the Antares* will be about $400. Wind west, brisk. The steamer City of Milwaukee brought <t>J» ex* cursioniats from Milwaukee Sunday. ACCIDENT ON SHIPBOARD. ONE MAN KILLED AND ANTOHEK INJURED. The propeller Concstoga, of the Anchor Line, with the two large schooners Schuylkill and Annie Sherwood, coal loaded, arrived in the vicinity of Chicago at an early hour yesterday morning. As usual, the Conestoga let go the lines of the schooners a short distance down the lake and came along in, leaving the schooners to be picked up by the tugs. The "towing lines" are steel cables, and when let go of sink to the bottom. The Schuylkill's cable was being taken in on the windlass and Patrick Kerwin, second mate, and Peter Munson, a seamau, were working it. Suddenly the cable caught on something on the bottom of the lake, thought to be the wreck of the David A. Wells or Wells Burt. It tightened up with a terrible wrench, the winch broke, and the handles flew around with lightning rapidity. Mr. Kerwin was killed almost instantly and Mr. Munson had an arm broken and was otherwise injured. The tug Commodore brought the dead body of Kerwin aud the injured man Munson to the city, arid the Schuylkill and Sherwood were brought in by other boats. Mr. Kerwin's body was taken to the Morgue, and Mr. Munson was conveyed to one of the hospitals. Poor Kerwin's wound was a fearful one. He leaves a wife and grown family, who reside in Chicago. One of his daughters is the wife of Captain James Dalton. Mr. Korwin was abnul 55 years of age, and was well known along the lakes. Matt Kerwin, formerly commander of the schooner Lem Ellsworth, is a brother. Jack Kerwin is also a brother. [Matt, by the way, has been sick at his home in Oswego for two years past. I The dreadful accident was the topic of conversation in marine circles yesterday, and genuine sorrow and regret were expressed on all sides. I***"*"..... THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., June 19.—June 1 8, Up—Steam-barge Wallula and consort; schrs Michigan, Nicholson, Nevada, Redwing. Down—Proprs Nyaok, Arctic, H. J. Jewett, Tempest and barges, T. W. Palmer and consort, and schrs S. V. Watson, Frank Perew, Kingfisher, R. Holland and barges, City of Concord and barges. June li>, Up—Proprs Ogemaw, Clarion, Argonaut, Cormorant and consort, Anna Smith and consort, Superior and consort, Yosemite and barges, Wm. Cowie and barge, Jay Gould, and schr G. S. Hazard. Down—Proprs F. Mercur, Mary Jarccki, Gordon, Campbell, City of Rome, Torrent and raft, Lycoming, and Allegheny, Boston; schrs Saveland, Donaldson, Josephine. Wind west, fresh; cloudy, i Port Huron, Mich., June 10.—Passed Up— Propellers Jarvis Lord, with schooner Scotia 2:45; Wallula. with JH. A. Kent, 6:30; William Randolph and barges, 7; Empire State, 7; schooners Champion, 7:35; Michigan, E. A.Nicholson, Nevada, 9:30; Red Wing, 10; Smith and Post, 5; Steamer City of Cleveland, 7. Down—Propellers Lycoming and consort, 6:15; Ohio and consorts,and Unadilla, 7:30; schooners Donaldson, 12:35; E. W. Rathbun. 10:30; M. A. Muir, 10:40; tug Wilcox, with raft, 9:30. Steamer Pearl, 8:40. Wind west, fresh; weather tine. Port Huron, June 19.—Passed Up—Ogemaw, 5:10; Clarion, 4:10; Argonaut, 6:10; Cormorant and consort, 11:10. Down—Props O. Townsend and consort, 1:15: Northerner, 2:30; Michigan and barges, 3; R. P. Ranney with City ot Cleveland, (>; Milwaukee, 8:45; tug Wilcox and raft, 9:30; America, 8:15; Vienna E-nd consort, 10:20; schrs M. A. Muir, I :25; A. Boody, 1:20; John Tibbitts, 2:30; Geo. Sherman, 4:15; Sunrise, ti; tug J. W. Bennett and barges, 4. Wind northwest, gentle; weather cloudy. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Joliet, III., EJuue 19.—Arrived—Stmr Niagara. two boats in tow from Havana to Chicago, 16,000 bu corn; stmr Joliet, one boat in tow for Chicago, 100,000 feet of lumber and 300,000 shingles to Joliet, 33,000 feet of timber to Bird's B ridge. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., June 19.— Passed Down— Schrs Ida Walker, Cleveland to Oshawa, coal; Antelope, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Jennie Matthews, Chicago to Kingston, corn; prop D. R. Van Allen, Cleveland to Port Hope, coal. Up—Tug Porter and barges, Kingston to Bay City, light; Baldwin and barges, Oswego to Duluth, coal; schr Nassau, Oswego to Chicago, coal. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pokt Dalhousie, Ont., June 19.—Passed Up— Schr P. M. Rogers, Charlotte to Detroit, coal; schr Watterson, Clayton to Chicago, stone. Down —Schr Augusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber; schr F.B.Gardner, Chicago to Kingston, corn; schr Atmosphere, Detroit to Ogdensburg. whcat;'schr Ida Walker, Cleveland to Oshawa, coal. DISASTERS. ARRIVAL OF THE IMPERIAL. The water-logged schooner Imperial arrived in Chicago yesterday in tow of the tug Arctic. She Is at the Chicago Company's South Side dock. She mis a cargo of lumber on board, and is full of water. It will be remembered that the C. A. King and the Imperial came in collision outside. The survey on the wrecked schooner A. G. rMorcy cannot be completed until her , THE ESCANABA. The wrecked schooner Escanaba, on* Gull, Island, measures 414 tons, was built at Vermillion by Nicholas in I 866, classed A 2, aud was valued at $16,000. Bradley is the owner, and he does not usually carry insurance. Her cargo Is sou tons of iron ore from Escanaba, which Is prob- Another'tug took the tow. .„ that port, The tug.Welcome, i Harbor to-day. in tow of the raig mn»iu ^ i Miniito'jTOC. __ ^ rrl_ T,%tM, „,.„...... ] AEErvAL OP THE WEECCKED MOEEY. TjIE VESSEL EATEN UP B1Y EXPENSES. The Wrecked schooner A. G. Morey arrived in Chicago last evening in tow ol the tug WinslowJ which rescued her from the reef-' off Bailey's Harbor. She has a cargo of lunuber, a portion of which was lost. She is damaged to quite a seri' rious extent and the cost of raiising her will also be a very big item. The Winsdow, which is one the large river tugs, with stearm pumps, etc., has been working at her for three or- four weeks. The Morev measures ;il« tons, and lis insured tor »B,-000. The disaster and the costt of rescuing her I just about eats the vessel up. James Murphy, seaman, was buried from the Marine Hospital on Friday last. People interested in bodies found in the lake mustf watch the inquests in the city columns. The Tacoma, Alaska, Dean Richmond, and Ahira Cobb were the arrivals yesterday from be> low. Harbor Master McCarthy has sold those raffle tiekets over aud over again until last, evening he had $50. Charles Burmeister, of Frankfort, well known in maitae and business circles here, islu the city on business for a day or two. The schooner J. F. Tracy was bouglit yesterday by John Pavison for $600, She is being fitted out. The Watts Sherman has also gone into dry- ) dock to tit out. ____i ;___ - - lablv insured. TtSWJalT'h-, ram to 'it CheBOTHan, Mich., June 20.—1 .. The schooner Emma C. Hutchinson, coal-laden for Chicago, ran aground to-day. The tug Mocking Bird, with twenty extra men, has gone to release her. Enough coal will be jettisoned to float her off. She is not leaking as yet. West wind, heavy. Cleared—Schr Pensattkee, John McGee, prop Messenger, steambarge Colin Campbell, stmr City of Cleveland. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Bl iTAr.o, N. Y., June 20.—The propeller Star-ticca run into the schooner Mastin in the harbor to-day, doing considerable damage to the Masten's stern. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. On BLEvorx. Mich., June 20.—The schooner T. 0. Wilson cleared here on the 14th, loaded with wood lor Bacine, and has not been heard from [ simje. THE WELLS BtJBT. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ISuri-ALO, N. Y., Juno 2(1.—The loss on the Wells Burt's cargo has been paid. The loss on the hull is not yet adjusted. No arrangements have been made to raise the hull. TUGS BUBNEB. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. HOKN's Eta, Mich., June 14.—The tug Alert burned to the. water's edge last night in Menom- FREIGHTS. Charters yesterday were at 2c corn to Buffalo, 414c com to Oswego, and 4c wheat to Kingston. DBOWHKD WHHJE ROWING. While out rowing on the Desplaines River Monday night Charles Blarney's boat was accident-,,, ally overturned, and the young man drowned. inee; also the tug Menominee River was badi y BlayneT wa3 „.ell anfl fa^rabh-Mown in busi-injured by Are. but not at the same time, lue ||ness oircies ln u,js city ,ls he had b(S6n empioved Alert is owned by Green's Dredging Company, -Chicago, and tite Menominee River T-ofMcnomi ^ not been recovered,, llje, young in.-vn h family are called upon to be'ar a flecpuflE grief in his death, for his father,'!'. V. JSJayney, died only a short time ago from the results of a dose^f poison accidentally administered by a careless Riverside „HJr« ~.---- -—- (neRS circles in i-nis city, ;is nu mid oeen employed ^mig tu V" 1 ' ;'fur 'S0Ine timo ftS book~ke«r»er Tor h). geckel <fc Co., LV6r TuTr-h Jurw> J 'commission merchants, at No. l#fl Washington Rl^tf'^St'fOi-^WBM^ street. Up to a late hour yesterday his body had