barge Salina and barges. Down— Props Saxon, Northerner, Ohio and consort, Oscar Townsehd and consort; schrs William Shupe, Sunrise, John] Sherman. June "JO, Up—Props Egyptian and consort, Kitty M. Forbes and consort, Kitty llaight and barge; schr Acontias. Down—Tug1 Bennett and barges; props Armenia, Michigan and barges, R. P. Banney and consort, Milwaukee, Havana and consort, Oscoda, Newburgh, St. Paul, Lothair and barges, 0. X. Pratt, iihoda Stewart and barges; schrs Halsted, Stampede, _, Montana, T. L. Parker, Harvey Bissell, Jobn^ Tibbetts, Reed Case, F. J.King, David Vance, ¦l Zack Chandler, John Kelderhousc, William Homo, Mediterranean, Three Brothers, E. Ger-)ach, Wawanosh, H. Brady, Matt Muir A. Ford, t> Belle Hanscom, D. Ballantyne and consort. "Wind north-west, brisk; clear. PortHuron, Mich., June 20.—Passed Up—Propellers Jay Gould, with J. S. Harzard, 11:40: William Cowie and consort, 1:20; Salina and barges, 7:40. Steamers Pearl, 8; Toledo, 11. Down —Propellors Oscoda,;! [ :I5; Lothair and barges, 3:15; R. Stewart and barges, 3:40:.St. Paul, 5; 1). Ballentine and consort, 0; Lowell and barges. Schooners David Vance, Zach Chandler, F. J. King, 4:35; Reed Case, 4:50; Dauntless, 5:10; Harvev Bissell, T. L. Parker, Stampede, Montana, Hftl»ted, 7; F. W. Gilford, Bismarck, Prussia, Bavaria, Siberia, 8i35, Wind northwest, gentle. Weather cool, fcjpeehii TeUv-rram to Tire Inter Ocean. Poet Huron, Mich., June 20.—There have been very heavy rain squalls on Lake Huron for the past two or three days. The little schooner Phebe Catherine lost her foresail; the schooner Zach Chandler her fore topmast; schooner Dauntless her fore boom. The schooner Emma C. Hutchinson is ashore at Hammond's Bay. The tug Mocking Bird, of Muffatt'fl line, left to release her. Myosottis sustained i Pilot Island. Part i tisoneti. Trie" schooner ,-,K1?±"'",'* **1-^^*' *"""¦; - ;• ¦¦—¦ v going ashore on *- i? , ¦ ?^cke.r- Wes third. Fountain > of ore was iet- WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., Juno 20.—Passed Up— Schrs Watertown, Clayton to Chicago, stone; M. L. Breck, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; P. M. Rogers, Charlotte to Detroit, coal: Jessie Scarth, Thorold to Chicago, stone; W, I. Preston, Charlotte to Chicago, coal. Down—Prop Prussia, I. Montreal, genera] cargo. Special Telegram to The inter i ¦¦¦ PORT Dalhousie, Ont., June 'JO.—Passed Tip— Schrs W. 1. Preston, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Bessie Barwick, Hamilton to Manistee* light; J. II. Noyes, Oswego to Chicago, coal. Down— Schrs J. Matthews, Chicago to Kiug<^j& corn; J. M. Scott, Chicago to Kingston, com: Antelope, Toledo to Kingston, timber; A. P. (In to Ogdensburg, wheat; prop D. R. Cleveland to Port Hope, ooal. ¦, Toledo n Allen, *__mmot! ' -TT T RESCUE OF THE EMMA C. COAL CARGO THROWN OVERBOARD, i' Private dispatches announce that the fine) ffhooner'Emma C. Hutchinson, ashore at Ham-' niond's Bay, has been rescued. She was out five inches. A quantity of her cargo of coal was thrown overboard and the tug Mocking Bird then j pulled her off. To what extent the vessel is' damaged is not yet known. It is cheaper to throw a coal cargo away than to nay for men and lighters and a tug to tend the lighters. At least, if is so claimed, and this is the course generally pursued? The cargo is consigned to Chicago. CHEBOYGAN, Mich., June 21.—The schooner Emma C. Hutchinson was released last night by the tug Mocking Bird. Two hundred tons of coal jettisoned before she could begot off. The life-saving crew stayed by the wreck and worked like beavers until she waj Poet HtJEoy, Mich.. June 21.—James Collins, of Kingston, mate of the schooner Bavaria, was fatally injured on Lake Huron by the tow line of the vessel. He died while on the vessel, in the rlveA V-1B r?mains were put ashore here and sent to Kingston. THE RIVERS. Special Teletrram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., June 30.—June 29: TJr>—Props Scotia, Isaac May, schrs E. G. Houghton, Samonia, West Side, Mary Copley, D. G. Fort. Down—Props Russia, Conestoga, Jarvis, Lord, and schrs Angus Smith, Fayette Brown, Bennett and barge. June 30: Up—Props Commodore, H. L. Worthington, Smith Moore, Rochester, Republic and consort; Hubbel and barges, Bay City and barges; schrs. Comanche, Bolivia, A. Muir, Magruder, M. A. Muir, H. Mead, Florida, D. S. Austin, D. Vance, Typo, Uuadilla. Down—Props Idaho, Acadia, Jnnietta, F. Mercur, Jay Gould and G. S. Hazard, Worthington and consort, D. T. Rose and barges, Alpena and barges, Wales and barges; schrs Theo. Voges, Norway. Wind—Northeast, brisk; clear. Port Huron, Mich., June 30.—Passed Up— Props Scotia, 1:20; Enterprise and consort, 6:30; I. May, 5; Commodore, 11; schrs Havana, Con-selo, 6:30; H. W. Johnson, 10. Down—Props Juniata, 11; Idaho, 12; R. E. Packer, 2:10; Toledo, 2:15; Tempest and barges, 4:10; Jay Gould andoonsort, 5:30; Fred Mercur, 10; D.N. Dick-erson,, 10:30; schrs Provost, 4; T. Voges, 4:20: M. Miartin, F. L. Danforth, Homer, 11. Wind northteast, fresh; weather fine. Poe:t Huron, Mich., June 30.—Passed Up— Props; Bay City and barges, 4:10; Enterprise and consort, 6; C. S. Hubbel and barges, 8; schrs Bolivia, 4; Dobbins, 5; Camaniche, 7:10; G. G. Houg;hton. West Side, Samana, Mary Copley, Dan'l G. Font, 7:20; M. A. Muir, Alexander, 9. Downi—Allie Smith and consort, 4; St. Lawrence and Maumee Valley, 12; A. Weston and consort, 12; Argonaut, 1; Cuha,1:15: India, 1:05; Chicago, 2; Michigan and barges, 4:10; Raleigh and consort, S; M. S. Bacon, 7; Niagara. 9;30; Saginaw Valley, 9:30. Wind north, gentle; weather cool. Schrs-Monticello, B. Mitchell. June 28: Up— Props City of Rome, Point Abino, Progress, Con-emangh, Vienne and consort, N. Mills and barges, Curtis and barges. Iron Duke and consort, Ohio and consort, Allegheny and consort, Oscar Town-send and consort, Minneapolis and consort, Bennett and barges; schrs R. Doud, Indian and barges,china, Music and barges,sch Columbian,D. W. Rust and consort. Down—Props Empire State, Kincardine, J. I*. Clark and barge, Bay City and barges, Metamora and barges, H. J. Jewett, Handy Boy and barges, Tempest and barges; schrs S. H. Foster, E. H. Fitzgerald, Lizzie A. Law, Marengo, Moonlight. Wind west, brisk; cloudy. PORT Huron, Mich., June 28.—Passed Ud— Props Alma Monroe, 12; I). Ballentine and consorts, ll;|Wetmore andj consorts, l:10;Yosem-Ite land *¦ consort, 11:20; Kraleigh and consort, 4:35; Ontonagon ami barges, 4:30; Fountain City, 8:20; Salina and barges, 0; Westford and consort, 8; Glenfurnas, 5:20; R. H. Packer, 10:20; Lycoming, 10:30; City of Concord and consort, 11:40; A. Everett and consort, 11:15; schr G. W. Sherman. Down—Props United Empire, 12:20; James Fisk, Jr.,.4:15; Handy Boy, 5; Atlantic, 5; Tempest and barges, (>; H. F. Gunett, 10; City of Mt. Clemens; schrs Lizzie A, Law, Marengo, 12 midnight. Wind southwest, brisk; weather cloudy. Port Huron, Mich., June 28.—Passed Up- St. Paul. Arctic, Otego and barrges, GermanJa and barges, Rhoda Stewart and bairges. Down—Props Japan, H. L. Worthington, Alaska, and schrs Schuylkill, Annie Sherwood, Porter, Lem Ellsworth, J. C. Harrison. Jume 27: Up—Props Clyde, California, Alma Munmo, Glenfinlas, M. S. Carrington, D. Ballantyne and! consort, Relief and barges; schrs Mystic Star, Ge<orge Sherman, Yo-semite and barge, Salina amd barges, A. Everett and consort. Down—Props tClarion, Enterprise, Scotia No. 2. Abercorn and barges, C. H. Green and barges, Ogemaw; schrs Erastus Corning, P.B. Locke, Niagara. Wind northeast, light; cloudy. Poet Hueon, Mich., June 27.—Passed Up -PropsR. P. Bannev and consorts, 10; St. Paul, 0; Arctic, 6:30; J.E.Mills, 6:30; Kate Butteroni and consort, 7:20; Rhoda Stewart and barges, 9:30; Germany and barges, 10; William Cowie and barges, 11; schrs James G. Case, 3:50; E. Jura, 7:20; Donaldson, 9:15; William Pringle, 11. Down—Scotia. 0:15. Poet Huron, Mich., June 27.—Passed Up— Prop Otego and barges 1:3Q>: Clyde,-1 :-10; schr Mystic Star, 8. Down—Pr ms Emi ire Sta'e, 7:20; Bay City and barges 9; schr Belle Mitchell, Mon-ticello, 1:20; Moonlight, 6:45; Mona, 3. Wind northeast; weather cloudy. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. _ Port Colborne, Ont., June 27.—Passed Up— Props Alma Monroe, 12; D. Ballentine and con- _j, Schrs Samara, Sodus Point to Chicago, coal; WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceau. Port Colborne, Ont., June 30.—Passed Down — Schr Frank D. Barker, Toledo to Oswego, corn; Belle Mitchell, Chicago to Oswego, corn; Hercules, Bay City to Kingston, staves; tug Metamora and consort, Cheboygan to Kingston, timber;! prop Lake Ontario, Detroit to Montreal, general cargo; Oneida, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Pacific, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up—Schr F. B. Gardiner, Charlotte to Chicago, coal: J. G. Work, Hamilton to Detroit, light; May, Thorald to Cleveland, light; nrop Prussia, Montreal to Chicago, light. Cleared —Jura, Lorain, light. sort, 11; W. L. Wetmore and consort, 11:10; Yosemite and barges, 1:35; Raleigh and consort, 4:25; Ontonaga and barges, 4:30: Fountain City, 3:20; Salina and barges, 6; Westford and barges, 8; Glennnlass, 5:20; ft. A. Packer, 10:20; Lycoming, 10:05; City of .Concord, 11:45; A. Ever-itt and consort, 11; Vienna and consort, 2; Mary Mills and consort. 2:15; Ira Burton, 2:30; Progress, 2:45; N. Mills and barges, 4:25; Ohio and consort, 6:30: Iron Duke and consort, 8:20; C. F. ..Curtis and barges, 10; O. Townsend and consort, 1:02. Passed Down-Props United Empire, 12:20; James Fisk, Jr., 4:35; Handy Boy and consort, 5; Atlantic, 6; H. J. Jewett, 10; Tempest and barges, 5;30; City of Mt. fclemens, 10:30; J- E. Mills, 2:35; Nebraska, 2:45; Ira Chaffee and barges, 2:50; Cuba, 9; schr Lizzie A. Law, Marengo, 12. FREIGHTS. NO CHANGE IN GRAIN. Grain freights were dull at 2c corn to Buffalo The nominal rate on corn to Kingston was 4^0. The figure accepted by the E. Fitzgerald on her wheat caiaro to Kingston on Wednesday was 41i>c Charters yesterday were: TO BUFFALO. ' Bushels. Propeller Buffalo, corn.................... 40,060 Schooner Lizzie A. Law, corn............. 53,000 TO ERIE. Barge Schuylkill, wheat................... 30,000 Schooner A. Sherwood, rye................ 42,060 fopeeial Telegram lo The- Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., June 21.—Coal freights quiet; coal continues scare. Engagements for Chicago: Propellers ft. P. lianney, City of Cleveland, Gordon Campbell, Lycoming, 75c. The City of Rome is on the market, thus far unable to secure cargoes. Shippers are desirous of smaller craft. THE RIVERS. Detroit. Mich., June 21.—June 20, Up-Props Portage, Idaho, ft- J. Hackett and consort, J. P. Clark and barge Mary Pringle, J. R Whiting and consort, Smith Moore. Down-Prons Badger State Winslow and barge, Iron Duke and consort Low*" and barges; schrs Nellie tcddington, v \v Gi+Yord, Siberia, Bismark, Prussia, Bavaria. June 21. Up- Props H. E. Packer. Bay City and barges. Tempest and barges, Oswe-gatchic and barges, Arabia, Cuba, Bennett and barge, and schrs Kate Richmond, A. A. Tome) and barges. Starueca, Philadelphia, Fred Kelly and consort, and schr Negaunee. Down-Props Sanilac, Ira Chaffee and barges, Minneapolis ami schr George, WIssahickon, George King and Wees Atlantic, Cleveland and barges; schrs Jhniro'rdficssie Drummond, Fellowcraft. Wind northeast, light; clear. / Port Huron, Mich.. June 2L-Passed Up-Prop Idaho, 1:15; Smith Moore, 7; R. J. Hackett and consort, 6:40; J. R. Whitmg and consort 11; Kittle Foroes and consort, I); schr Golden West, 1:15, Down—Prop Benton and barges, 9.20; Atlantic, 0:25; schr Jessie Drummond. 8:-io; Spcciad Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ' . PoRiT Dalhousie, Ont., June 30.—Passed Up— Schs :: J.G. Worts, Hamilton to Detroit, light; Jennie M.athers. Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Hoboken, Oswejgo to Chicago, stone; J. M. Scott, Fair Ha-en tio Chicago, coal; stmr Prussia, Montreal to hicaigo, general cargo. Down—Stmr Lake On-ario„ Detroit to Montreal, wheat; schrs F. D. _;arkier, Toledo to Oswego, corn; Kate Eccles, Cleveland to Brockville, coal. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. South ChicAOO, 111., June 30.—Arrived—Prop Monahansett, from Escanaba, iron ore for the North Chicago Rolling Mill Company; scr Meta-comet, from Escanaba, iron ore for the North Chicago Rolling Mill Comany; prop V. H. Ketchm. from Buffalo, with 1,860 tons of coal for Langdon, Richardson & Co.; schr Walter Smith, from South Haven, with slabs for Hannahs & Lyon. Cleared—Prop Monahansett, for Escanaba, with railroad iron; schr Metacomet, for Escanaba, with railroad iron. While unloading iron ore from the propeller Monahansett. one of the iron buckets fell through one of the holds and crushed both legs of a laborer. Immediate aid was rendered by Dr. J. J. Larkin. He will probably die. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis., June 30.—Arrived from Below Coal Laden—Steambarges Clyde, R. B. B.anny and consort, city of Cleveland; schrs S. J. Tilden and Annie M. Peterson, Cleared for Escanaba— Steai/mbarge Robert Wallace and consort Thomas Gown. Grrain freights to-day were firmer, and rates advainced Mc. The schooner Pathfinder was chairtered for 44,000 bu corn to Buffalo at 214C, Tlhe schr Thomas Gown lost her jibboom today in a collision with a railroad train. Captain Charles Harding Is very Tow, ana ni»j die at any moment. The new tug Lorena broke her wheel and went on the boxes yesterday. The Emma C. Hutchinson, Forest City, and H. H. Brown go for iron ore. The captain of the Emeline discovered the thieves who stole his compass, and had them sent up. The schooner Conneaut lost her jibboom, dol- ¦ plan striker, and spritsail yard by collision in the harbor. Another body was found by the life-saving crew yesterday. It is not that of a sailor. See inquests in city columns. Mr. Dunham, the owner of the schooner Wells , Burt, offers a reward of $50 for the finding of the | body of Captain Fountain. ¦WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., June 2S.—Passed Down —Schooners L. Beaton, Cleveland to Prescott, coal; Jura, Erie to Port Colborne, coal. Up— Schooners E. R. Williams, Fair Haven to Detroit, coal; Atmosphere, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, blooms; Erie Stewart, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, stone; King Sisters, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Lewis Ross, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; J. H. Beck, Hamilton to Sarnia, light; F. Campbell, Charlotte to Windsor, coal; propellers Northerner, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; Nashua, Ogdensburg to 'Eoledo, general cargo. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., June 28.—Passed Up— / ,Schooner F. B. Gardner, Charlotte to Chicago, coal. Down—Schooner Niagara, Manistee to Kingston, lumber. PREICrllTS. A FIRMER FUELING—WHEAT MOVEMENT. There was a good demand for room to Buffalo, but very little ready. Wheat has taken a big 'tumble in the Chicago market, and ought to be going forward now to the various seaports by various routes. Rates to Buffalo were firmer, but there were no charters at any advance. To Midland the rate on corn was 1 ^c. Following were the only engagements reported: TO BUFFALO. Bushels. Propeller Avon, corn........................kS'SSS Propeller Milwaukee, corn..................y0,000 TO ERIE. Propeller Wissahickon, corn...............40,000 TO MIDLAND. Schooner, not named, corn.................40,000 TO OGDENSBURG. Steamship D. C. Wrhiting, corn..............ti5,000 Barge Wayne, corn..................,......4b,000 Special TL'lt'gram to The Inter Ocean. . Buffalo, N. Y., June 28.—There was only one arrival from upper lake ports—prop Queen of the West, Departed—Schr Wm. G. Crosthwaite. coal for Duluth; prop St. Louis, mdse; Arizona, mdse. Coal freights* declined again. The schooner Crosthwaite was put in for Milwaukee at 55c; the Siberia at UOc. Canal freights quiet and rates unchanged. DISASTEKS. Port Huron, Mich., June 28.—The tug Castle, of the Moffatt Line, left Amherstburg this morning to release the steamer Saginaw bound from Cleveland to Put In Bay with an excursion on board, ashore on Little Gull Island. She is out four feet forward. _ FLOTSAM AND JETSAM. The E. B. Maxwell, Eagle-Wing, and Geo. L. Wrenn left litrht to load lumber. The Rube Richards left light for Escanaba to load iron ore for Erie. West and southwest winds. The fleet all left yesterday—all that were reany. The new steam-barge J. H. Allnendinger, of Benton Harbor, arrived yesterday from Ludington with lumber. Antelope, Kingston to Georgian Bay, light; Owasco, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Maria Annette, Kingston to Cleveland; M. Copeley, Sodus [Point to Chicago, coal; J. H. Mead, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal; Blazing Star, Oswego to Detroit, coal; Pulaski, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Willie Keller, Fairhaven to Detroit, coal; G. ,G. Houghton, Sodus Point to Milwaukee, coal; Venus, Montreal to Cleveland, light; Typo, Charlotte to Milwaukee, coal; prop Lake Ontario, Hamilton to Detroit, light, Down—Nothing. Special Telcgra.u to Thelhter Ocean. ' Port Dalhousie, Ont., June 27.—Passed Up— Schrs E. R. Williams, Fairhaven to Detroit, coal; Louis Ross, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; J. H. I Breck, Hamilton to Port Huron, light; Leadville, 1 Charlotte to Detroit, coal; stmrs Northerner, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; Nashua, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo. Down — Schr Shandon, Toledo to Kingston, timber. | Special Teleeram to The inter Ucean. Port Dalhousie, Ont., June 20.—Passed Down —Schrs J. Drummond, Chicago to Quebec, timber; Hartford, Chicago to Oswego, corn; stmr Celtic. Chicago to Montreal, corn; schrs Halsted, Manitowoc to Ogdensburg, timber; Clara Youell, ; Toledo to Kingston, stoves; J. Bigeler, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Albatross, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Bavaria, Sault Ste Marie to Kingston, timber; Siberia, Sault Ste Marie to Kingston, timber; Bismarck, Sault Ste Marie and Toledo to Kingston, timber; Prussia, Sault Ste Marie and Toledo to Kingston, timber; Jennie W. Hite, Loraine to Brockville, coal; J. B. Sloan, Saginaw to Oswego, lumber. Up—Barges Southampton, R. Gaskin, and Denmark, Kingston to Toledo, light; schrs West Side, Fair Haven to Chicago, coal; Blazing Star, Oswego to Detroit, coal; D. G. Fort, Oswego to Chicago, coal; G. C. Houghton, Soudis Point to Milwaukee, coal; Pulaski, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron ore; W. Kellar, Fair Haven to Detroit, coal; J. H. Meade, Oswego to Milwaukee, coal; schrs Maria Annette, Wind north, light; Up-; Bay ; Cuba. stmr City of Cleveland, vveath'T fine. Port Huron, Mich., June 21.—Passed Prop Tempest and barges, Arabia, 2:30 City and barges, -i :20; Mary Pringle, 7:20, ?:30; schrs H. G. Cleveland, Selkirk, 12:50; C. Q Trumpfa, 1 ::i0. Down—Props 1 nited bmpire 1:30; Vanderbilt, 2; Mary Mills and barges, '_ Fast Saginaw and barges, 5:10; N. Mills and barges, 3:40; schrs Columbia, H. Iitzhugn, ^ Havana., Young America, Mineral State, 1:.»0; Garwood, 9:30. Wind north, gentle; weather fine. THE CANALS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Pout COLBOBNE, Ont., June 21.—Passed Down —Schr General Franz Sigel, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Prop Northerner, Chicago to Ogdensburg, corn and general cargo. Up—Schr Bessie Barwick, Hamilton to Manistee, light; J. K. Noves, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Kate Eccles, Thorold to Cleveland, light; Charger, Charlotte to Detroit, coal. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. STURGEON BAY, Wis., June 21.— Arrived— Schrs W. 0. Goodman, Ellen Williams; props Boscobel, Favorite; barges Mantiuec, Advance, S. M. Stevenson, S. A. Woods, T. J. Bronson, Herschel, Naind. Cleared—Schrs Westchester; wind south- , P^Miii. .in -,.........m ......¦¦¦¦hi-i \X VARIOUS PORTS. \/ ' ^Special Telegram to The Inter Oceau. ! Escanaba, Mich., June 21.— The wrecking tug I Kate Williams came in to-day for coal, and reports j arrangements nearly completed for work on the 1] schooner Burton, wrecked on Fisherman Shoal. y put on one steam pump and tried to pump out, but were not successful. Captain Banks (I will be able to release her soon. He has tele-nhed for another steam pump and diving Outfit. ____iii iiiiM..........I .....""*">MIimmm m WBffounrt at Thirty-fifth street was identified as Christian Neilson, of the schooner j Jenny Lind. | The propeller Scotia coll ided with the P^peto Alaska at the latter's dock last evening, ndiicting i slight damage. 1 Mrs. Peterson, wife of Captain Nels Peterson, died yesterday. The tuneral takes t>lace from No, 1461"Wellington street, ;;a:.u,-u;:> unei-iition. THE RIVERS. Special Teletrram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., June 28.—June 23: L p—Props Wocoken, Vanderbilt. Down—Props J. Sheriffs, Nebraska, Oakland and barges. June 20: Up-Props Montana, Northerner, Yew York, Ogemaw, " Waverly, Lehigh, Continental and consort, Iron Age and consort, Enterprise and barge, Rudolph and barges; schrs Havana, Consuelo. Down-Props Arabia, Pacific, B. W. Blanchard, Chaffee and barges, Escanaba and schrs Monitor, T. How-land; Columbia and schrs Comrade, Sunnyside; £ B. W. Jenness and barge, Cleveland and barges, tug Niagara and schrs Montmorency,Montgomery, Mont Blanc, Republic; schr Polly M. Rogers. Wind west, light, clear. Pokt HuiiON, Mich., June 29.—Passed Up-Props Allegheny and barges, 1:15; City of Home, 1-40; Vanderbilt, 0:30; China, 6; Music and barges, 6-40;Wocoken, 10:30; Minneapolis with consort, 3 2:20; C. H. Curtis and barges, 2:40; D. W. Bust and barges, 2:30; tug Bennett and consort, 7. Down—Oscoda, 12; Escanaba and consort, 0-15;B. W. Blanchard, 6:15; Cleveland and ¦ Captain Christinson, of the schooner Evra Fuller, has filed a wreck report at the Custom House, m which he puts the damage to the vessel at ^200, and says it was the tug Wolf that ran into her. The captain of the Wolf denies that she. ran into the Fuller, and it is not believed either among the tugmen generally that the Wolf was the boat. The John Miner threw overboard 1,300 bushels of corn, but did not wet any of the remainder of the cargo. Two tug captains were fined vesterday for blowing their whistles in the draws of bridges. The Gordon Canpbell and Allegheny are due to-day. The new stearmarge Forbes is in port from Cleveland with coil. Kingston to Cleveland, Point to Chicago, coal: light; Bamaria, Mary Copley, Soudis Soudis Point to Chicago, coal; Owasco, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron ore; Typo, Charlotte to Milwaukee, coal; Atmosphere, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron ore: Venus, Montreal to Cleveland, light; Fanny Campbell, CnaHotte to Windsor, ooal; King Sisters, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, iron ore; prop Lake Ontario, Hamilton to Detroit, light. (%W <& ft. ___ MARKS. ^^^y-^Lj ^/</^ *., The fog lifted lake last night, still north but very light. The wind was barges, 9:30; B. W. Jenness and barges, 7:40; stmr Pearl, 8; "schrs T. H. Rowland, 0; Sunnyside, 7; Mont Blanc, Montgomery, Montcalm, Republic, Montmorency, 8:35. Wind south, gentle; weather tine. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port HURON, Mich., June 29.—The steamer Keweenaw, which has been ashore for twelve hours on Gull Island reef. Lake Eric, was released bvthetngW. B. Castle, of Moffats" Line. The steamer knocked her forefoot off. "WELLAND CAjtfAL. The wind was westerly for three hours vesterday morning, and a number of sail craft left port It then went to north again, and these vessels together with a large fleet still in port, are wind Special Teletrram to The Inter Ocean. Pokt Colborne. Ont.. June 29 -Passed TJp- THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., June 25.—June 25. Up—Props Milwaukee, Osceola, Badger State, Geo. King and barges. Down—Props Arctic, Edward Smith and barges, Rudolph and barges, Barnum, and schrs A. B. Norris and Lafrinier. June 20.—tin—Props' Oscoda, E. H. Allen, Kate Butteroni and consort, K. P. lianney and consort, J. E. Mills, Lothair and barges, and schrs Mineral State, J. I. Case, Jura, J. T. Johnson. E. H. Benedict, S. A: J. Collier, Saveland, and barge Monitor and schr Schr Leadville, Charlotte to Detroit, coal. Down Donaldson. Down—Props Smith Moore, Dean -Schr Kate Eccles, Cleveland to Belleville, coal; Richmond, Oceanic, Tacoma, C J. Kershaw, H. C. prop Scotia, Duluth to Montreal, general cargo. i al Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ISpeci Mi with Akeley, Onoko, and schrs C. P. Mineh,Bennettand barge Niagara; sonrfl Sweepstakes, Passaic and "arquette, Mich., June 29—Arrived—Swain DWges, g. Chamber lain and consort. Wind south-' Tuttle with Mears, _prop_Mary w^t hrwV- ninnri-v Lake View, at 2 o'clock TRADING TUGS, fepecial Telegram to The Inter Ocean. J Detkoii, Mich., June 21.—S. A. Murphy, Presi- flent of the Detroit Tug and Transit Compares traded the schooner E. L. Coyne to the Mk<' ijgan Navigation Company for the tug Charles [Kellogg, formerly the John Prindiville. William 4Murphy has taken possession of the Kellogg and J sent her off raft-towing. "*^*»l.......... II »¦'«........"" . a Maxwell,, schrs Southwest, F. C. Leighton, W. H. G Cleveland. Cleared—Wallace with H. A. Kent, F C. Leighton, Swain with Maxwell, Southwest. Passed Up—Artie. Passed Down—Winslow, ; Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ' W. Port Dalhousie, Ont,, June 29.—Passed Down —Stmr Scotia, Duluth to Montreal, general cargs. The schooner Myosotisreceived but slight damage by going ashore on Pilot Island. The steam-barge Grace Patterson, which went ashore on Two Pavers Point two years ago, has been libeled for seamen's wages. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. OLEVEI-ANEs Ohio, June 29.--Charters—Schr Niagara, coal, from Ashtabula to Milwaukee, p. t.; schrs C. G. King, C. H. Johnson, and Wabash, all in tow of the tug Sampson, coal, from Toledo to Duluth, p. t. The II. J. Jewett, arrived about noon to-day making the run from Detroit here in the unprecedented time of twenty-one hours. Wind west, Fight. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. OSWEGO, N. Y., June 29.—Cleared—Schr Ho-bokem, Chicago, stone. Bpeciati T^lfc^ram to The Inter Ocean. I awas. Mich., June 29.— The tug Gladiator wvith a barge raft for Tonawanda and the tug Mockiing Bird and raft for Port Huron left this loruiiug. Wiud light, east. In Port—Prop Sani- west, brisk; cloudy. Port Huron, Mich., June 26.—Passed Up— Props Mary Jecki, 7:10; Newburg with F. A. Georger, 7:35; T. H. Chisholm and consorts, 8; Badger State, K:25; Milwaukee, 8:35; Oscoda, 9:15; Manistique and East Saginaw and barges, 10; schooner Watertown, 10:35. Down—Props S. F. Hodffe, 1 :15; Oceanica, 8; Chas. Kershaw, 8:15; H. C. Akeley, 8:20; Tacoma, 8:35; Abercorn and barges, Oronoko with schooner C. P. Minch, 8:45; S. Chamberlin and consort, 9:29; Alaska and consort, 10; H L. Worthington and consort, 11; schooner Annie Sherwood, 10:30; J. B. Richers, 8:20; stmrs Pearl, 9:15; Keweenaw, 11. Wind wrest, gentle; weather cool. WEILANB CANAL. Special Teletrram So The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., June 20.—Passed Down— Schr Shandon, Toledo to Garden Island, timber. Up—Fairhaven ito Chicago, coal; D. G. Fort, Oswego to Chicagro, coal; G. M. Neelon, Augusta, Oriental, and Deuimark, Kingston to Toledo, light; yacht Cygnet, Toronto to Cleveland; prop Alma Munro, Montreal! to Chicago, general cargo; steam-barge Indian acid two barges, Kingston to Leland, light .__'.- THE RIVERS. Special Teletrram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich.. June 25.—June 24, Up—Props B,. Wallace and consort, Boston, Manistique, J. B. Lyon and consorts, Wissahickon. Down—Schrs Joseph Paige, E. L. Coyne, Barbarian. June 25, Up—Props Roanoke, Colorado, Benton and barges, East Saginaw and barges, Gordon Campbell, Oregon, and schrs Queen City, B. F. Bruce, Newburg and consort, IL Chisholm and schrs Thos. Quayle, S. J. Tilden, schrs H. Boody, Charger, Polly M. Rogers, Kate Kelly, M. J. Cummings, Bed White and Blue, L. Hanna, Bessie Scarth, J. M. Osborn and schrs Exile, Geo, W. Davis. Down —Props H. Howard and barges, P. Chamberlin and barges. City of Concord and consort, Nahant and schr Narragansett, H. I>. Coffinbury and schrs H. R. Newcomb, Guidopfister, Queen of the West and schr W, S. Crosswaithe, schrs M. J. Wilcox, J. Schuette, V. S. Marsh, Hercules, stmr Manitoba, props St. Louis, Buffalo. Wind northwest, light; cloudy. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne. Ont., June 25.—Passed Down— Schrs Bismarck, Siberia, Bavaria and Prussia, Grand Morais to Kingston, timber: Wawauosh, Stokes Bay to Kingston, timber; Clara Youell, Toledo to Kingston, staves; Jessie Drummond, Chicago to Quebec, walnut logs; Halsted, Manitowoc to Ogdensburg, timber; Hartford, Chicago to Oswego, corn; Jennie White, Lorain to Brockville, coal: G. B. Sloan, Saginaw to Oswego, lumber; J. Bigler and Albatross, Toledo to Garden Island, timber. Ud—Jas. Wade, Charlotte to Detroit, coal; Mystic Star, Oswego to Chicago, coal; Mary Battle, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; S. Neelon, Kingston to Detroit, light; A. Muir, Port Dalhousie to Lorain, light; W. J. Suffel, Hamilton to Detroit, iightr; J. T. Mott, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore: prop Glenfinlas, Montreal to Port Arthur, general cargo; California, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo. The Iron Part, Escanaba, says: "On Monday last, as the Edith was lying on the fishing ground off Peninsula Point, and five miles from the nearest land, a water snake four feet long came aboard. The men saw it swimming toward the boat and lifted it aboard. As that was done the 'sarpinf struck at one of the men, hitting him in the face, doing no harm but giving him a good start. It had no chance to try it over; its head was crushed at once. On the arrival of the boat at the dock one of the boys brought the snake to our office. What it was doing: in Green Bay five miles from shore is the question."' The Cleveland Leader has the following: "Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of this season thus far, quite satisfactory progress is being made in the construction of Cleveland's breakwater. Already fourteen dribs of fifty feet each have been placed this season—seven by Messrs. Sherwood, Strlcbenger & Co., and the same number by Messrs. L. P. & J. A. Smith, who have the last contract. Both firms have quite an extent of further stone foundation laid, the first firm covering the full line of their contract, so that the end of the work is not far off. The last-named company are pushing their contract rapidly forward, with excellent facilities for doing so, and say they have high hopes, that they will be able, with weather at all favorable, to put in the other sixteen cribs this season, which will fulfill their contract and complete the breakwater to the mouth of the river and so far as it extends to the east. This will make a total distance of 1,150 feet which they will build this year, besides that done by the other company. With this amount of work done the extension of the west pier can be undertaken and the end of the whole undertaking heave in sight." L ^ /v*k '/& '<f£ THE MILWAUKEE E.IOT. Milwaukee, Wis., June 24.—The assault upon the Cleveland schooner Lucerne, the barge Goshawk, and the Buffalo barige Vought by alleged union sailors was the main topic of conversation in marine circles to-day. No clew to perpetrators. The police remained on guard on board the vessels night and day, but there was no further attempt at intimidation. The Lucerne's crew left in a body and did not return : neither did the two men who left, the Buffalo barge Vought. Provoked by the premature publication! of the fact that the police were in waiting for tfiie unionists, the captains of the several vessels refused to furnish further information than throt the vessels are run under the management of tfihe Cleveland Vessel Owners' Association, and tlhe names of the.crew could not be learned. The piolice will be on guard again to-night, and there is a prospect that the guilty parties will be apprehiended. The police remained aboaird the schooner Lucerne and* barge Goshawks, of Cleveland, and barge "Vougt, of Buffalo, tto protect non-union sailors, but there was no furtther disturbance. ^4" ,:::