Maritime History of the Great Lakes

J. W. Hall Scrapbook, 1876-, p. 95

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~m o from. < - PASSENGERS' O <y^*Z ^ ¦ a! the Custom House yes- agalnstthe master. They hospital taxses were paid, but notwitn- (tcr has "docked" them for i urnished thcem at the rate of Si.50 per ¦ i know if the Custom House could not The men expressed them- Tery indlgsnanl and talked ol libeling '. The captahln et' bbe Muir is a humane in, and ii will I be-well enough for thepub- "Igmecnt until bin version of the squabble is heard. _ LOOK OUT F02R THE "AGENTS." VE38ELS RKPORTEED FOR VIOLATING LAW. The following vessebJs have been reported for violations of law: To the Collector at t Cape Vincent—Island Wanderer, section£4,494 £; no copy steamboat law aboard, penalty, $20; \ steam yacht Fairy, of Ogdensburg, violation ofjf section 4,423; no certificate of inspection posuted, $100 for each passenger carried; also Reaction 4*438, unlicensed officers, $100; also, , 4,446, officer's license not posted, $100;; also section 4,334, name not on stern, $20; schooner Polly M. Rogers, violating section 4,153, tonnage not marked, $1.30 peri- ton; steamer Westminster, violating section 4,3335, Change of master not indorsed, $10; violatihng section 4,440. officers' license not posted, $1C00; violating section 4,494, no copy of steambooat law on board, $20; violating section 4,177, t&onnage not marked, $1.30 per ton; Sloop Uno, of I Clayton, violating section 4,177, tonnage not maarked, $1.30 per ton. To the Collector at (Oswego—Tug C. P. Morey, Oswego, violating secctions 4,488 and 4,480. Navigating the lake wiifchout a life-boat, $1,000. To the Collector at Ogdensburg—Steamer Nashua, of Detroit, tonnage not marked, $1.30 per ton; steamer Hiarvey Smith, tonnage not marked, $1.30 per con; no copy of steamboat law on board, $20, nor name on stern, $20; Steamer Stranger, Ogcdensburg, violating section 4.233, rate 15 it. S., stteam-whistle back of stack, $200. EE2EIGHTS. CHARTERS, THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND BUSHELS. Corn to Buffalo, 2@'J214c; corn to Sarnia, Hs@ 158c; corn to Kingstom, 41sc. The charters were as follows; __ . STORM A1ND DISASTER. A NOR'EA&STER LAST NIGHT. At an early hour yeesterday morning the wind went to north and coontinued so until 0 o'clock last evening, when It L- changed to northeast. With the darkness it gatheered stiength, and at 9 o'clock last night a violent sttorm was raging, with a very heavy sea along this tshore. Up to midnitrht there. was no abatement, ia, large fleet were bowling up the lake, and the tugss were bringing them in as they came up to the lharbor. There were no disasters in this immediiate vicinity, there were fears that bad news wouldl become known this morning and to-day. Arrivals from below were the steamship Nahant, i steamship W, L. WeBtmore, barge Brunette, and Schr Mary, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; Bavaria, Kingston to Grand Morais, iiight; St. Louis, Kingston to Cleveland, ore; stmr1 Chieftain, Kingston to Toledo, light; prop Saghiawv "Valley, Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo; Scotia, Montreal to Prince Arthur's Landing, gemeral cargo; Lake Michigan, Montreal to Chicag<o, general cargo. Down—Schr Mary Lyon, Milwumkeo to Kingston, wheat; G-. M. Neelon, Toledo to ^Kingston, timber; prop Alma Munro, Milwaukee tbo Montreal, general cargo; California, Chicago tto Montreal, general cargo. Special Telegram to The Inter Occam. Port Dalhousie, One, July 9.—Passed Up""' Schrs St. Louis, Kingston to Cleveland, iron ore; Belle Mitchell, Charlotte to Cihicago, coal; T. B. Merritt; Kingston to Toledo, light; Halstead, Fair Haven to Chicago, coal; Clhai'ger, Oswego to Cleveland, general cargo; Emerrald, Collins Bay to Chicago, light; Jennie White, Oswego to Toledo, light; stmr Lake Michigan., Montreal to Chicago, general cargo. Down—1-nchrs Itasca, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; E. P. Bieales, Milwaukee to Kingston, wheat; S. Neelan, Detroit to Kings ton, timber; W. H. Oades, Dettroit to Ogdens burg, wheat; I'leetwing, Toledo to Cobourg, lum ber; Pulaski, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; yacir Cygnet, Cleveland to Toronto, Iiight; stmr Can ada, Milwaukee to Montreal, whieat. THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceam. Detroit, Mich., July 9.—Up—Props _ hila-delphia, R. Holland and barges., J. P. Clark and schr Our Son and barges, C. J. Kershaw and schr E. Corning, Bay City anid barges; schrs Siberia, Prussia, G-co. B. Sloan, Hartford, Southwest. Down -Props Alaska, Northerner, Lehigh. Alleghenv, Huron City and barges; schrs Path tinder, Selkirk, J. Westley, Scotia, E. Jones, J. C'. Finney. July 9.—Up—Props Nebraska, Ogemawj Boston, Starucca, Wissahicko n, Westford an" barge Argonaut, schr Delaware, Columbia consort, Lenty and barges, Col well and barges. Colonial and consort, schitb St. Lawrence, M. S. Bacon, Cheuv Ames, M. E. Tremble, Ida Keith, C. J. Maigill, Iron Chief, and schr David Dows. Dowm—Props Arctic, ^e Duluth Herald says It is rumored that the Board of Trade there is liable to go the way of the Chamber of Commerce, which is supposed to mean that it will shut up shop. The steambarge Starke became disabled in the South Branch last evening by getting somrthvng in her wheel. At last accounts the captain was scouring the city in search of a diver. The propeller Lake Ontario, on her way from Montreal, grounded five miles below Morrisburg, Cantain Donnelly, with the steamer Hiratm A. Calvin, was first to the rescue of the craft. The schooner Fleetwlng arrived in port here yesterday. She got ashore during the thick weather at Sleeping Bear, and was rescued by a tug from Frankfort. She sustained no da,mage that is known of. The schoaner Westchester, Captain Clark* was in port yesterday, and Captain Clark was greeted by numerous friends. The Westchester has had a thorough rebuild, and Captain Hounds rates her canvas is also ;:ll new. A. satisfactory settlement between the underwriters and the owners of the schooner LilLlyE., formerly the Louise McDonald, has been made. The underwriters accented the abandonment of ;he vessel, and then sold all back to Mike Eingcl- .a were 'fi y arrivals yesterday from below. The steamship Tacoma came in light from Milwaukee with a broken wheel, and went into dry dock at Miller Bros.' shipyard to put on a new one.* She was chartered yesterday for grain, and will load frlrflliTi ml Work on the iron vessels now building for tl government at the Union Dry Dock is rapidly an< satisfactorily going on. The new Fesscnden will be finished in about two weeks. The new Perry's frame is together and all bent into shape. The steam launch is in frame and partly sealed,though it will not be launched foiLiiQmA^Uiasi " The smoke consumer has been taken off the tug McLane for the present and she is towing again, A test of a consumer on the tug Nelson Is reported ( in the city columns elsewhere. Within a few Japan, P. Chambcrlin and Ibarges, Roanoke, Smith Moore ami Jura, Cormorant and consort, schr Reindeer. Wind northeast, light, clear. Port Huron, Mich., Julv 9.—P'assed Up—Props Portage, 2; Winslow, 3:35; Elllen G., 4; Philadelphia, 4:30; H. D. Coffinbu.ry and consort, 0:45; Bay Citv and barges, 8:3<0; Mineral Rock and barge's, 9:45; C. J. Kershaw withE. Corning, j 10:30. Down—Schr Reindeer, 10:15. i north, gentle. Weather lino. Port Huron, Mich., July 9.—Passed Up—Prop P. H. Birchea, and barges, 11:50>; R. Holland and barges, 3; Colonial and consort, 3:30; schrs Our Son, 1:15; G. B. Sloan, Prussia., Siberia, 3:15; Southwest, 3:20; Hartford, 5.. Down—Props . Arctic, 3:10; D. Richmond, 4; Buffalo, 3:20; pade to have her repaired. Wm. Randolph and consort, 4; D. Powers and put at the Marine Railway days consumers of different designs have been tested also on the t/ugs Crane, O. B. Green, and F~The propeller Celtic has been chartered byjfifte' [Canadian Department of Marine and Fisheries tc [convey the usual summer supplies to the Light' houses on the upper river and lakes. Her <carg< w. ^ Jis being placed on board at the Canal Biasin, Wind ^Montreal, and she will probably leave on Monday.! '^Besides the usual supplies the Celtic taKes up the ^magnificent new lighthouse for Colchester .Reef, which recently arrived from England. j The wrecked wrecking' steanibr Cdnqucre¦* has preparations are being She will be haulou In raisin? her Cap ^ 7h~ // ¦ barges, 4; Sanilac, 5:10; schrs American Union, 11:50; Champion, Emma, C. Hutchinson. 3. Wind east, light. Weather fine. GRAIN CHARTIES YESTERDAY. THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND BUSHSLS. There was a fair demand for tonnage yesterday, and charters were quite free. The rate on corn to |flne of $1,000 on the tug C.J?. Morey, for'alleged Buffalo was 2@2J4c; corn to Collingwood and jfcain Donnelly accomplished one of the hardest Iindertakings of his life. There are two holes in fthe craft, one abaft the wheel and another tot-nvard on the starboard side. Her stern was also jbadly damaged. The steamer was towed to Kingston with her forward com partnients full of Ivater. The repairs will cost $500. . _^ r ••¦ ¦ . T.nmrosc, of Oswego, has imposed a schooners Donaldsoin, Kate Kelley, M. J. Cum- ^Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, mings, Mystic Star, ;and Joseph Paige, all coal- ^DT?TROJT- Mich., Julv 10.—Vessel passages July violation of the statutes. The oll'ense consists in a failure to have on board one life-boat, the Morey Sarnia, l^c; corn to Kingston, 4140. Following having been licensed in 1881 to carry not to ex- j ceed twenty passengers. For the last two seasons 1 she has been engaged in towing, having given up ;he excursion business, and could not carry a joat on board. The money was deposited at the Custom House, and the Treasury Department prill be asked to refund it. The Collector also are the engagements: _ THE RIVERS. 9: Up—Tug Bennett and barges,, arid schr John Tibbitts. Down—Props Dean Richmond, Buffalo; schrs E. C. Hutchinson, Champuon, Acorn. July mposed a fine of $200 on the tug Redford fo r not saving the names of the entire crew on the hoS' laden. The sehoonerr Clara Parker came in from Cockburn Island witlh telegraph poles. The lum- b^heeestelmbarlelactitv York, with the'*0: ^P-^opTXshi^^ pital books. This amount has also been pahd in, bawres HC Potter amd Irooklvn ran back ves- Down-Props Clarion, Sanilac, ,il. S. Ruby, R. P. but an appeal will be taken. Frank HofTmarn, en- te"dav Tlieba^ Ranney, and schrs Thomas Qmuvle, S. J Tilden grineer on the tug Dana, was also called upon to The*Bteam«h^ Wis, Cleveland P%» njie amounting to $100 Mt. Hoffiman's harbor and left her- consort, the Merrimac, at 'fnd barges, Kitty M. Forbes and barges, D. BaJ- certificate recently expired, and he neglected to anchor outside. Tlney are iron ore loaded for lentine and consort, D. W. Powers and barges, renew it until three day« b Allegheny and barges, William Randolph and ^ barges,_ Acontias, Republic and consort, ' South Chicago. The schooner Nortlh Cape, grain loaded, put back last night. Hen: fore topmast (or foremast head) is gone. Just tto what extent she is crippled could not be learrned. The schooner West Side is among the arrivals. She reports a terrific i northwest squall off Racine Friday, with a southeerly sea running. The captain of the \ schooner Montpelier reports seeing the dead boody of a man adrift six miles this side of Grosse \ Point last evening. The vessel was bowling aliong at such a rapid gait that it could not be picked! un. Vessels continued tco arrive all night. ?H"^" " ¦ '" COLLISION. Special Telegram to Thte Inter Ocean. Manitowoc, Wis.,, July 7.—At 6 o'clock last evening" the schooneir Columbian,of Cleveland, coal ladon, for Fdacine, collided with the schooner Sophia Mimch, light, bound for Escanaba, about thirty/ miles north of this port. A dense f og prevaileed at the time, and neither knew of the othesr's approach until they xne aeraann for capacity was good yesterday. Plenty of vessels were offering, and rates ruled at I 2e'2J-ic corn to Buffalo, l^ccornto Midland, and 4*-ic corn to Kingston. The engagements were as | follows: TiiE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean, Detroit, Mich.. July 12.—Up, July 11—Props Fountain City, Empire and barges, schrS. H Foster. Down—Props II. J. Hackett and consort. Man istique, Torrent, and schr Charles Wall. July 12— Up—Props Sanilac, Lycoming, Oscoda, Cone-rnaugh, It. A. Packer, Avon. Mancy and consorts, R. Stewart and barges, Michigan, schr H. G. Cleveland, Bennett and barge, Cumberland and schr Helvetia, Superior and consort and schr Fayette Brown, Gratwick tuid barges, Raleigh and consort, W. T. Graves and consort, schr Halsted, Belle Mitchell, Bavaria, Cleveland and barges. Down—Props D. C. Whitney and consort, Mack* iuac and barges, Chaffee and barges, S. 0. Baldwin and barges, B. W. Blanchard, Ogemaw, f Mary Pringle. East Saginaw and barges, Don M. 1-1 Dickinson and barges, Juniata. Wind south, light; cloudy. Port Huron, Mich, July 12.—Passed up—Propellers Newburg, 12:30; S. II. Johnson, 11:45; Enterprise and consort, 2; George King and barges, 4:45; St. Paul, 5; Mayflower and barges; rs William H. Vanderbilt, M. Fillmore, 5:10; Gladstone, 8; S. II. Foster, 9:15; H. Pringle, 11:10. Passed down—Propellors I'-ast Saginaw and barges, 12; Don M. Dickinson and 2:35; Mav Pringle, 3:10; Ogemaw, 3:45; B. W. Blanchard, 4:35; Atlantic, 5; L. Shockwina, 8:35, Wind soul h. Port Huron, Mich., July 12.—Passed Down— Props Jmniata, 1:10; Inter Ocean, 1:15; Oceauica, 1 :30; Germania and barge's, 3: O. Townsend and Bd Kelly, 3:15; H. S i barges, 7:10: Henry Chisholm and City <>t Cleveland and Fred A. Morris, 7:20; D. F. Rose and harp Araxes and barges, 9;20. Arrived—Schr Floretta and Geo. Steel, 6:15: stmr City ot Cleveland, 12. Passed Up—J. 8. Ruby, 12; S. J. Macy and Ishpeming and John Burt, 12:15; Oscoda, 3:30; Sanilac, 4; R. Stewart and barges, 8; Curribef*-land and Helvetia, 7:45; tug J. W. Bennett and consort, 7:45. Wind south, light. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont... .Inly .12.—Passed Down —Schrs Hyderabad, Ashtabula to Hamilton, coal; Jura, Lorain to Port Dalhousie, coal; E. R. Williams, Toledo to Oswego, corn; prop Gle Duluth to Montreal, general cargo. Up—Schrs Nellie Hunter, Thorold to Cleveland, stone; Queen Of the Lakes, Thorold to Cleveland, light; prop Oneida, Ogdensburg, to Chicago, general cargo. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. ?USIB, Ont., July 12,—Passed Up— 8, Hammond, Fair Haven to Detroit,coal; E. Fitzgerald, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Clara Youell, Toronto to Chicago, light; Miami Belle, Oswego to Toledo, coal. Down—Schr J. II. Breck, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Augusta, Toledo to .:. timber; Mary Battle, Toledo to Kingston, timber; America, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Leaaville, Toledo to Kingston, coal; Hyderabad, Ashtabula to Hamilton, coal; stmr Nashua, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. .., James ¦Fisk, Jr., Oscoda, I. May and barges. Wind southwest, brisk; clear. "Pour Huron, Mich., July 10.—Passed TTp—. Props Boston, 7; George L. Coll well and barges, 7:15; Columbia and consort, 0»; D. Lutty and barges, 3:20: Mary Pringle acid barges, 3:45; Argonaut with schr Delaware, 11:15; Westford and barges, 1:25; Iron Chief and consort, 6: Badeer State, 7; Milwaukee, 9: stmr City of Cleveland, 8; schr C'. Bacon, 7:15; M. E. Trimble, 1; Keith, C. J. Magill, 1:10: St. Lawrence, 1. Down—Props J. M. Osborne with Exile and G. W. Davis, 1; Cleveland and barges, 1:45; City of Mount Clemens, 1:10; D. Ballentine and consort, 2:45; Republic and consort, 4:35; J. S. Ruby, 0:25: J. Lord and consort, 9; stmr Pearl, 9:20. Wind southwest, brisk: weather cloudv. HtPoBT Huron, Mich., July 10.—Passed Down-Props Jas, Fisk, 1; City of Concord and consort, 1:15; Arizona, 1:35; John B. Lyon with Hutchinson, Wells, Martin, 7:30; Vanderbilt, later, hence the line;. it------y.j -4^,i.,„ *l.„,- . .. Captain Franklin, the insurance inspector, went, from Chicago to look at the damaged scjhooner Columbia. The Sentinel of yesterday says: "The schooner Columbian will be towed here from Racine and repaired at Wolf & Davidson's main yard. In the collision her port side amidships was crushed in below water mark, but whether or not any frames are broken is not known. She was patched up - with canvas after the collision, but continues to make water and her pumps have to be worked continually. Her three topmasts are gone, also the foremast head, and her mainmast is gone at the deck. Her main rigging on the port side was carried away, also fifteen stanchions, covering board, stringer, both inside and outside, and her main rail. She will also require several streaks of new planks. Her foresail, mainsail, squaresail, and squaresail yard are gone. Her damage will amount to fully $2,000. She is insured for $8,000. She is owned by War-_ ner et al., of Cleveland, and commanded by Cap-I tain Byrne, who was in the schooner C. H. Burton THE RIVERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., July 11.—July 30—Up— Props Tempest and barges, Saginaw Valley, Scotia No. 2. Down—Props Jarvis Lord and schr A. M. Peterson, City of Concord and consort, J. N. Glidden and schrs L. Hanna and H. J. Webb, Bennett and barge, July 11—Up—Props Anna Smith and schrs J. C. King, Niagara, Progress, Escanaba, H. J. Jewett,St. Paul, Newburgh, Mayflower and barges, Howard and barges, G. ICiug and barges, schrs Vanderbilt, J. E, Giilmore, Down—Props Sallna and barges, Heola and consort, Handy Boy and barge, Belle Cross and barges, Cowie and barges, J. B. Lyon and consorts, Glen Finlas, M. M. Drake and schr Redwing, Michigan and barges, Oak- md and barges, Prussia; schrs Bessie, Borwick, II. M. Scove, Mary Watts, Wind south-vest, brisk; cloudy with rain. Port Huron, Mich., July 11.—Passed Up— rops Saginaw Valley, 4; Alpena and barges, :30; James Sheriff, 10:30; stmrsPearl, 8: Flora, Passed Down—Props Michigan and barges, 1:25; Oakland and barges, 3:45; S. E. Baldwin md barges; schra Bessie Bidwell, 11. M. Scove, >Iary Watts, s :35; stmr Keweenaw, 5. Wind aorthwost, light. 7:20; Belle Cross and barges, 7:25; Hecla and ; wben she went ashore last season on Fisherman' conaort, 8; Wm. Cowie and barges, 8; M. M. Drake with Bechving, 9:20. Wind south, gentle; weather line. crashed together. The Columbian lost her —•— mainmast, mizzentcnp and foretop, the main- WELLAND CANAL, mast being broken iin three pieces and falling SppnnTTrnTTn^-S ^Jnter Ci>cef-n' -d ^ tt I wiiU a Sl to tl* ***, but f^tuaately no sffien^fwSS, 0»we^ ToielM; E^ Shoal. It is said that neither the master <of the Minch nor the master of the Columbian was tcj blame for the disaster. The Columbian wa.s running before the wind at ths time, while the Clinch was on the starboard tack." one was injured. Slhe is leaking badly, and two pumps are keipfc busy to keep her from sinking-. The Minch lost her jibboom and fore-rig-ging;. She then toiok the Columbian in tow, and shortly after rum heavily into a pier near Kewaunee. She thien dropped the tow-line, and the Columbian managed to escape the pier. Captain Byirns, of the Columbian, thinks the Minch miust have received considerable damage whem she struck the pier. The Columbian is at antchor in the bay waiting for the tug "Welcome; to tow ber to Milwaukee, Special IVlegram to Thee Inter Ocean. Milwaukee, Wis.., July 7.—The schooner Sophia Minch, lightt, for" Escanaba, collided with the schooner Columbian, coal laden, for Racine, between Twvo Kivers Point last night. The Minch lost her {foretopmast, jibboom, and part of her head geair. and ran back here for a steambarge to tow her to Escanaba. The tug Welcome left lhere for the Columbian, which in at anchor iin Manitowac Bay, with her mainmast and poart of her bulwarks gone,, and making considerrajjle water. Special Telegram to Thee Inter Ocean. Marquette, Michi., Juy 7.—Nothing'haf been heard to-day frrom Mary Jarecki. Vessel-men say the strong: northwest wind .^nat has ^een blowing for twenty-four hours will i^reak her to pieces.. - ___ _^a^i THI3<^ 'ETyVT'N'A. Spuria! Te]pcr;im to Tlin* Inter O^ean. Poet Huron, Miioh., July 7.—The tug Mocking Bird, of tthe Moffat line, is now working to releasee the schooner Elvina, aground on the midldle ground at Point Edwards. She went oin there at noon to-day. East Tawas, Mich..., July 7.—A northwest gale prevails. Sheltered I—Steambarge Mackinaw, obliged to run back frrom Harrisville; steambarge Lincoln, of St. Catherines, with two barges; steambarge Araxes, run back from Osceda: barge Colonel Brackettt, loaded with lumber from Tonawanda; BChr Yaank^e Blade, salt for Green B?,y City: steambargge Handy Boy and barge Nellie, lumber, Mt, IClemens. The schr City of Chicago is loading lumber for Chicago. The barge Lizzie is loa-iding lumber for Toledo. Cleared—Prop Bussia,!,, with salt, for Milwaukee. • erald and Gibraltar, Kingston to Chicago light; T. B. Merritt, Kingston to Toledo, light; Bell Mitchell, Charlotte to Chicago, coal; Charger. Oswceo ^to Cleveland, general cargo; Halsted, Fair Ha-iven to Chicago, coal; Albacore and Grantham, Kingston to Lake Huron, light; barges Cavalier, Ayr, Craig, and Cameron, Kingston to Bav City, -light. Down—Schrs King Sisters, Cleveland to (Ogdensburg, coal; M. McRae, Superior City to ;Kingston, staves; W. J. Suffel, Detroit to Kingston, staves; Erie Stewart, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; props Northerner and Roanoke, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo. iSlx-ehd Telegram to The Inter Ocean. I Pout Dalhousie, Ont., July 10.—Up—Schr jGrantham, Kingston to Georgia Bay, light; M,rf L. Beck. Toronto to Ashtabula, light. Down—{ ;Stmrs Alma and Munroe, Milwaukee to Montreal] wheat; California, Chicago to Montreal, wheat! schrs Mary Lyons, Milwaukee to Kingston, wheat I G. M. Neelon, Toledo to Kingston, timber; King. !Sisters, Cleveland to Ogdensburg, coal; Maggie' UtfcRae, Superior City to Kingston, staves. VARIOUS PORTS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y., July 10.—To-day's arrivals were as follows: From Chicago—Props Clyde, Alaska; schrs Allegheny, Michigan, E. A. Nicholson. From Duluth—Prop St. Louis. ' From Escanaba—Prop Fred McBricr. Cleared: For "hicago—Prop Conemaugh, mdse; R. A. Packer, :oal; Fountain City, mdse: V. H. Ketchum, coal, or Duluth; prop China, mdse. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Geanb Ha vex, Mich., July 10.—Entered and cleared—Stmrs City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; ichrs Apprentice Bov, City of Grand Rapids, Hunter, Savage, David Macey. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Saugatuck, Mich., July 10.—The steambarge C. W. Moore has laid up at this port for want of work, and her crew have been paid off. The steamer J. S. Seaverns 'cleared this afternoon for Chnbov.gan with a .load of lumber. THE WRECKING QXTESTION. THE RESCUE OF THE S3PARTAN. ¦• Captain Mart Swain, of the tug Winslow, is I credited with one of the finest Jobs of wrecking on record in his release of tine iron steamer Spartan. He pulled her off once., and finding she was going to turn over with hirm, he shoved her back high and dry and put on more repairs, and lne steamer Hiram i Calvin succeeded m pulling iTT r . _*. _ , * ... 1 er Lake Onntario off the shoal. She ran|Wednesday worked her off and passed down with rrisbuurg. The steamer was pro- Iher yesterday. It is thought there will be some DISASTERS. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Manitowoc, Wis., July 10.—The schooner Eveline Bates, of Grand Haven, lumber laden and water-logged, was brought in here to-day by the Two Rivers Life Saving Crew. She has been ashore on Plumb Island and sustained considerable damage. She goes into dry dock as soon as the barge Milwaukee completes repairs. The schooner King, that was in collision with the schooner Imperial, has completed repairs and leaves for Escanaba to-morrow. THE JARECKI, Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., July 10.—The steambarge Mary Jarecki, on Point Sauble, Lake Superior, has been abandoned. She is raised amidsliips, and probably is broken. Her boiler has shifted. One pump could not lower the water. The captain is here and the crew at the Sault. Everything possible will be saved. ilirtT " ' •<¦¦.¦¦ ¦f-Tiimri*-ffTi|-tnr.:........""" ^ "'"il winwr" Captain "William Edgcombe launched his fishing boat vesterday. She will be schooner-rigged. The schooner Fortune Trial, sunk in the river here all winter and spring, has been raised by South Haven parties. Captain R. Rogers and C. E. Bird will commence the construction of a boat of 110-foot keel and 19-foot beam in a short time. The contract for the boiler and engine has been let to Montague parties. Bjjecial TJelejrram to The Inter Ocean. Cheboygan, Mich., July 10.—Departed—Props Atlantic, Lawrence. Arrived—Prop Lincoln. Wind west, light; weather fine. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Ekie, Pa., July 10.—Arrivals—Props Alaska, Lehigh, with corn and sundries, from Chicago. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Oswego. N. Y., Jul " Magee, Chicago, light. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to 'Die Inter i > Port Colborne, Ont.. Julv 11.—Passed Down—Schr G. C. Finney, Chicago to Oswego, com; J. H. Breck, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Seagull, Toledo to Oswego, corn; Augusta, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Leadville, Toledo to Kingston, corn; Mary Battle, Toledo to Kingston, timber; America, Toledo to Brockville, coal; prop Nashua, Toledo to Ogdensburg, general cargo. Up —Schr Pandora, Toledo to Cleveland, light; M. L. Breck, Toront to Ashtabula, light; Nellie Teresa, Port Colborne to Cleveland, light. Special Te!e»raiu to The inter Ocean. Poet Dalhousie, Ont., July 11.—Passed Up Stmr Oneida, Ogdensburg to Chicago. cargo; schr J. Biglar, Charlotte to Chicago, coal. Down—Stmrs Northerner, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; Hoanake, Chicago to Ogdensburg, general cargo; W. J. Suffel, Detroit to Kingston, staves: Eric Stewart, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; G. C. Tenney, Chicago to Oswego, corn; Seagull, Toledo to Oswego, corn. The Lost Lillie Parsons Found—Ancient Wrecks and Articles Discovered—Tn© Sam Cook. General Marine News—Charges Against Master—Insurance on the Jarecki— Freights. SUNKEN VESSELS DISCOVERED. k LILLIE PARSONS—UNSNOWN.WBECJSS—SAM COOK.! Captain Merryman, the wrecker, intends look-| ging after the schooner Lillie Parsons, which sunk! jsome years ago near Brockville with 500 tons ofl, coal. He believes that she can be raised wil difficulty. It was generally supposed that ves- f selssunkfora length of time rotted or wo,, pieces, but this idea is an erroneous one. Captain Merryman states that in his experience he raised vessels which had been under water thirteen years and found them still in a gi state of preservation, Captain Merryman says that while workin the wrecked propeller St. Catharines, sunk in {feet of water, the men found the hulls of several $ at the time of the accident Shock was very severe, throwing those ?dlngoDn board oft their foot, and ¦ !-'generally. There was con-rong the passengers, amounting almost to a pannic, but order was soon re- "An officer of the Perry . the last day or so. He irtificate. Outside the I st nek a picture of his wife on it had occupied for ir ordered the picture unple of the actions of the There Is altogether too ;!i done in accordance i nsc inn present laws regarding the marine Interests." trouble with our neighbors, as it was in Canadian waters, but Captain Swain got the steamer.— Northern Tribune. Oh, no, there will be no "trouble. She is a Canadian craft. American tugs can rescue Canadian craft in Canadian waters, but they are not allowed to rescue American craft in Canadian waters. American craft must take their chances with poor Canadian wrecking tugs, but when a Canadian craft is in trouble the Canadians want good wreckers and powerful boats, and they make a rush for an American tug office. .,,; e.j j.uo Line! v.<. vo-.. ~". * ~ ' ' Marquette, Mich., July 1.—After the arrival of the Egyptian last night, the*\vatchman, named Charles Benjamin, fell into the hold, and was killed instantly. His remains were interred here* His home is Brattleboro, Vt. craft which no one seemed to know anything July lO.-Cleared-Schr John ?of an(J several wMch ^^ ^ J J , ™f ?f\. ; When a wreck goes down Collingwood, Ont., July 10.—Arrived—Schr f ont of sight in deep water it is located by means Lottie Wolf, trom Chicago, grain. J g/g™1'"?, 5£*S attached to enormous tow- Toronto, Ont., July 10.-Marine matters here? £« x85J£"L„ t?ged< a'!out one mllc behind a are muci, improved. Rates are going .slowly up,. *"«• Whlie ^mg in this way last season to and there is a better look all round. All the i0£"5*Se,?^«»njws many curious fl, vessels in port are getting charters, and coal i'rom Xc,^ ' '.- etc r -ie nf".'i '"^ fT"8 TSVeB' the other side is coming in freely. ™? V /, w : ,^, °5° °ff Ui? Kb"" i muse nave oeen a relic of the pioneer d; fteamboattog, as the blades were fitted HUB separately instead of being cast ail in one ;>iece as at present. Regarding the wreck of the Sam Cook, work mil begun as soon as possible. It will li Is el y be a ¦v. ck or more, however, before they get rightly at vork, as they aro not allowed to use their own ipparatus, and will have to secure what tlicv need rom Canadian ports. The holster will be pro- 1 M£S8S^M3^at2S.3S ^aW lecurcd in Ogdensburg, while the majority i nen employed will belong to Brockville. It Buffalo, N. Y., July 10.—Coal freights re-' main dull at 50 cents. Engagements: Schr| Redwing, for Milwaukee; Georger, Nicholson, for Chicago; for Prince Arthur Landing, schr Monitor, $1.40 per ton. GOOD WATER AT SANDUSKY. DREDGING AT THE B. AND O. ELEVATOR. ^ have just finished dredging at Sandusky, am ow have a uniform depth of seventeen feet o ater at their elevator. This will allow stieamer ,nd sail vessels drawing sixteen feet to'unload a*, he elevator wrthont trouble. ['Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. CHEBOYCiAN, Mich.. July 11.—The schooner Golden West is disabled in her steennB-gear. The tug Hall is towing nor. The river tug Martin will probably tow her down from here, as the Hall fe ioo small to handle her. I Telegram to The inter ocean. ^ Kpected that it will take about six weeks to raise he vessel. J, ..-..¦ ¦.¦¦-¦ ¦ GRAIN RATES. FAIR INQUIRY AND BETTER FIGURES. Corn to Buffalo, 2@2kc—the. Hazard obtained l?4fi on a cargo of 59,000 bushels. Corn to San-iusky, 2Jae; com to Kingston, 4^c, an advance Tuesday's figures; corn to O&densburg, The engagements of the day were as -i-c on follows

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