/ WJ JftMt. PA SSEXGERV N. J'& /&^-e>i id barges, Huron City and Lowell and I barges. Down—Props Prog-andl barges, schrs Antelope, Save-land. F. Perew, Kinngnaher, J. S. Richards. July 17—Up—Props Osscoda, .Bay City and barges, Bonnet and barge, ! Yoseintte and barges. Down— Props Starucca, H.L E. Packer, Wissahickon, Fred Mercur, II. J. Jeworett, Indian and barges, E. B. Kale and echra A. . Bradley, J. C. Harrison, J. P. Card, D. Wagstafl,^D. Lenty and barges, Wales and barges*, Champpion and raft, Worthington and consort. Chauncev - Hurlbut and schrs Stampede, John Shuette, Olivier Mitchell, schrs Wm. Shupe, 0 Q Houghton, Pfiarana, Jamaica, Wm. I. Preston Nassau, Mystiac Star, George M. Case, J. F. King, Bed, White oand Blue, C. A. King, Columbia and consort. Winad west, fresh; clear. OTHIER PORTS. Special Telegram to TThe Inter Ocean. Buffalo, N. Y..., July 1G.—Extremely dull ibout the harbor to-day. Only three arrivals :'rom upper lake poorts—props India and Toledo rom Duluth, and CUhicago from Chicago. Cleared n'or Duluth—props J Egyptian, coal; Toledo, mdse. For Green Bay—Sechr David Stewart, coal. For Chicago—Blanchardd, mdse and coal. The propeller Paassaic and barge Superior ran Drake Red Wing, m the rocks just aboove the International Bridge j£ L * Worthir<fto7i his morning duriing a foe while passing down siagara River. Theey will be released, it ia be-Leved, without mucch aamage. Special Telegram to TThe Inter Ocean. Bay City, Mich.,-July 10.—The schooner Flor-¦tta has arrived and:! is loading salt tor Chicago. The body of a ssailor who fell off the barge A. W, Wright on her laast trip, near Charity Islands, .vas found floating,' Sunday and buried at Poms i",no1rrmt. Nyacfc. Down—Props City off Concord and consort, Michigan, and More with: Saiinia and barges. July 22—Up—Props Wissahiickon, Portage, Oscoda, Prussie, Boston, Minerral Rock and barge, j Colonial and consort, and scmr Thomas P. Sheldon, Kate Butteroni and cconsort, schrs M~. A. Muir, City of Green Bay, J. C'. Finney, Cleveland and barges. Down—Props Mtontana, Rochester, Commodore, Argyle, Lycomung, William Edwards, and schrs C. Foster, M. W. Page, Lowell and barges, P. Chamberlain aiud barges, Clarion, D. W. Rust and consort andl J. B.Merrill, Bay City and barge, Germania andl barges, Continental and consort, Forest Cit>v and consort, and. Mackinaw and barges. Win id southwest; clear, brisk. Respect and Sorrow in Marine Circles for the Late Captain Charles Harding. '/ /9 Special Teles , s// ^ * Port Coi JS'* J P / Schrs Fleet- & *«L*-~-<*-^S<^ Neelon, Ki // WELLASD CANAL. Telesra-.ii to 'JThe Inter Ocean. - Colborne.. Ont.. July 17.—Passed Up— Fleetwint;, Clharlotte to Cleveland, light; S. Kingston to Bay City, light; G. M. Neelon, Kingston I to Toledo, light; Lewis Ross, Port Hope to Cleweland, light; F. D. Barker, P. '^ . M. Rogers, and L.. Sexton, Chicago to Toledo, O--^ coal; Cecilia, Kintgston to Detroit, light; props Northerner and Roiianoko. Ogdensburg to Chicago, general cargo. Doown—Props A. P. Grovor, Toledo to Oswego: "W.. Keller, Bay City to Oswego, lumber; J. C.Noyces, Chicago to Kingston, corn; THE BIVER'.S. Special Telegram to The Inter Oceaan. _ Detroit. July 23.—Passed TJjp, July 22—Props |B. W. Jeuess and barges. Birkihcad and barges, Rudolph and barges, A. Evercett and consorts. Down—Sehrs N. Reddlngton, C. P. Minch, A. Smith, M. J. Cnmniings, Floridfta. July 23.—Passed Up—Props Lehigh, Delaware, Starucca, H. E. Hacker, W. L. E'rost, E. M. GliO-and schrs Warrington:, Web!), Ij. M. Business,, F. W. Gilford, and comsort. Iron Duke, and consort, schrs—A. J. Dewoy, J. Sclrulte. L. J. Clark. Down—Props Buffalo,, Waverly, Arctic, St. Louis, Ohio and consorts,, and schr South-West, R. Holland and bargess, Yosemite and Barges, Oswego and barge, andl schr Monticeilo, Oakland and barges, Argonamt, schr Moonlight, Westford and barge, Erie, BOille and raft, sclres Acontias, L. A. Law, P. S. Mavrsh, Dot. C. Crawford. Wind northeast, light, ckoudy and rainy. CPoet Huron, Mich., July 23.—Passed Up— Props Portage, 11:40; Wassahiickon, 2:35; Continental ando onsort, Kate Buttraroni and consort, ! ! ¦ IS ;'. in.; A. Everett, with Fred A. Morse and S. Minch, 10:55. Down—Pron* Ohio and consort, 1:25; Waverly, 2; United! Empire, 3:30; H. D.'Coitinberrv and cdlisort, 111; Arctic, 11:30; schrs Southwest, 1:25; L. A. Law, H. S. Marsh, 2:30; Monticeilo, Vampire, 4:05; H. Bisscll, 10:30. Wind north, light; weather fine. "WELLAND CA-NAL, Special Telegram to The later Oc:ean. Pout ColbOP.se, Ont., July " Passed Up— H. , J. C. Noyces, u o- F. C. Leighton, Cleweland to Prescott, coal; Bis-', Schrs Jessie Drummond, Momtreal to CIi. a?o, marck, Toledo to Kingston, timber; Nevada, Chi- light; E. II. Rutherford Hamilton to Cleveland, cago to Kingston, coru; Penokee, Milwaukee tu- light; Avondale Thorold to Cleveland stone, Kingston, corn; Charles, Cleveland to Ogdens- , Mary Battle, Thprold to Ohiemgo, stone, burg. i^-f^t.— r TEIE EIVEES. Special Telegram to ':Tho Inter Ocean. Detboit. July 118.—Up July 17—Tug J. P. Clark and barges. Down—None. July IS—Up— Props Acadia, B. W.r. Blanchard, Albion and consort, City of Concoyrd and consort; Wallula aud schrs Goshawk, Mtongaugon, Fred McBrier and consort, John ?,T. O&borneand schrs Exile, Georgo W. Davis 11. Wahaioe and consort, Fred Kelley and consort; schrs Smith and Post, Sweetheart, John McGree, A. Ml. Peterson, Gulnair, Dauntless. Down—Prop>s Nebraska, SaL'inaw Valley, Ogemaw, Badger hState, Nahant and schr R. L, Parker, John Pridtgeon and schr Nellie Gardner, T. W. Palmer and o:onsorts and S. V. R. Watson, \V. II. Barnum and! schrs David Vance, F. Palms, Colwell and barge."*; schrs Samana, Comanche, West Side, J. I. (Case, D. G. Fort, M. A. Muir, Havana, Unadilla, C. B. Benson. Wind north-west, light; clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to Tfhe Inter Ocean. Poet CoIjBOKNE, . Ont.. July 18.—Passed Up— Schrs Owasco, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Hyderabad, Hamiltton to Cleveland, light; J. H. Breck, Kingston tco Black River, light; yachts Oriole and Alleen, Toronto to Chicago. Down— Schrs Antelope, Messsessagua to Kingston.timber; W. I. Preston, Jarmaica, and Nassau, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Quieen of the Lakes, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; Nellie Teresa, Cleveland to Kingston, coai; stteambarge Glasgow and consort, Pequaming t(o Ogdensburg, lumber; prop /? yjLake Ontario, Tolertto to Montreal, general cargo. r^\^'Z^^f^^C^^Cl^'iyec^iii Telegram to TChe Inter Ocean. "WELILAND CANAL. Special Telegram to ' The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne.. Ont., Julv 19.—Passed Up— Schrs Geo. C. Finniey, Fair Haven to Kenosha, coal; Peerless, Thoorold to Cleveland, stone; Ida Walker, Oshawa to Cleveland, stone. Down— Schr Wawannpsh, Detroit to Kingston, timber; steambarge Indiam and consort, Cheboygan to Kingston, tiniber. '/ i IViaiy j_»auwe. inut^^i ^u vmv^,u, .- —"-, --T-- 1 Cliarlo'tteto Chicago, stone; Mary Lyons, Grind stone Island to Chicago, stonie; yacht Atlanta, Belleville to Chicago; prop Pacific, Ogdensburg to Toledo, general cargo. Down—Schrs Norway, Biiandon, Fanny Campbell andt Clara Yonell, Toledo to Kingston, timber and srtaves; Nellie Hunter, Cleveland to Belleville, coail; Laura, Ashland to Kingston, staves; G-ibraltar,,Toledo to Toronto, coal; Waterdown, Sandusky ito Kingston, coal; tug Active and consort, Toledo to Kingston, corn; steambarge Bruno, Ashland to. Kingston, deals. THE RIVERS. Special Telecram to The Inter On &n. Detboit. Julv 24.—July '23—Up—Props Badger State, Milwaukee: schr Leonard Hanna. Down— Props K. A. Packer, Japan, H. D. Coffinbury and consorts, and H. Bussell July 24—Up—Props Bav City and barge, Biard and barge, Wales aud barges, 'D. Lentz and barges, Queen of the West a-idW. S. Crosthwaite, Fleetwiing. Down—Props Clyde, F. H. Kctchum, Bepiublic and consort, Winslow and raft, A. D. Porter- and barges, Dean Richmond and schr F. A. Gerarger, Oswegatchie and barges, D. W. Powers aiml barges. Wind northeast, light; clear; weatheir cool. WELLAND CAJfAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Oreean. Poet Colborne, Ont., July 24.—Passed Up— Schrs King Sisters, Ogdensbussg to Cleveland, ore; H. M. Sceve, Oswego to Port Arthur, coal; Anglo Saxon, Kingston to Toledo, llight; J. G. Worts, Kingston to Detroit, light; J. T. Moett, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, general cairgo; steambarge S. C. Baldwin and three barges, lOswego to Duluth, coal. Down—Schr Lewis Ross,, Cleveland to Pore Pope, coal; prop Argyle, Duiluth to Kingston, staves; Scotia, Duluth to Montcreal, general cargo. Arrived—Schr Mary, Clevelandl, coal. TT "'>-'"" »mnn, Milwaukee to Kingstor wheat: Prussia and Siberia, Grand Morals £ Kingston, lumber; Mary Copelev, Chicago t Kingston, wheat; M. J. Cummlngs and Jennie Mathews, Chicago to Kingston, corn; Albatros-Toledo to Kingston, timber; Hartford, Chicago to Kingston corn; Hyderabad, Cleveland to Brockville, coal; A. Muir, Messessagua to Kingston, lumber; steambarge Anna Smith, baruo J C King Pequaming to Ogdensburg, lumber; James pIstroswegoafoCnicIagnoIeoai:COTa: v-^^ Puneral Yesterday Afternoon from Grace Church to Graceland—Large Attendance, ON TO THE GRAVE. OBSEQUIES OF THE LATE CAPTAIN HAHDINOK The funeral of the late Captain Charles Harding, who died at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, occurred from Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, North LaSalle street, at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The pall-bearers were: W. H. Dobson, C. J. Magill, W. T. Blackall, George C. Finney, C. W. Fuller, Mr. Warren. There was a large attendance, and marine and commercial circles were well represented. Among the well-known people present were noticed: George W. Rogers, ex-President of the Board of Trade; Orville Olcott and wife, Bryce Miller, Captain John Crawford, Captain William Welsh, Captain Edward Van Dalson, Captain J. C. Nyman, Captain John Murphy, James S. Dunham, John Stafford, Captain John Prindiville and family, Captain David Dall, William Stewart, Captain Samuel Donaldson, John Lamb, Red-mund Prindiville and family, William Harmon, Captain Henry Blue, Captain J. L. Higgie, Judge John Prindiville, and numerous others. The church was full.. The floral offerings were abundant, and were rich and beautiful. One fine design was a column bearing the inscription: : GONE HOME. ,: /^i- THEE RIVER9. Special Telegram to TThe Inter Ocean. Detboit, Mich.,, July 19.—Julv 18—Up— Props Iron Age, Oceeanica, I. May and oarges, J. S. Fay and consort, Hi-'watha and consort and Maria Martin, D. Baalan-fine and consort, Egyptian, and consort, Russsia; schr E. C. Hutchinson. Down—Props Smiith, Moore, Delaware, and Schuylkill, Chaffleee and barges, Bennett and barges. July 19—Up—Props Juniata, Sanilac, Toledo, Roanoke, Jl. E. Mills, Benton and barges, Nevada and consortt, Rose and barges, Otego and R. P. Ranney and s*chr Thos. Quavl; schrs S. and J. Collier, Richard Winslow, Bay State, H. B. Tuttie and consort, Arabia. Down—Props Atlantic, Newburg, Onako, (S3. J. Kershaw and schr Joseph Paige, Siberia and jschr George Sherman, W. H. Cushing and bargess, Carrie and barges, Georga King and barges; stents A. Boody, Bolivia, Kate. Kelly, prop Tacoima. Wind northeast, light, clear. W/^-/-5 WELLAND CANAL. MS I- t Special Telegram to Hfce Inter Ocean. -S?hrTlV^i0S"E- JOh*., July 20,-Passed Down T -S™ i y» VA1^ (Cnl<=ago to Kingston, corn; M. Hn2ri\\Asllt?buAato Hamilton, coal; Will am Howe, Detroit to Osnvego, wheat; Jennie White Mon?r°e„l0 °SW6K?' wrheat; pr0l> 0ana(la. Toledo to ?n Sfal'Pneral cairgo; Saginaw Valley, Chicago to Ogdensburg, geneeral cargo. Up-Barge l£S- V^n'Abehnrp0tt?Tr° =*?* Arthur, c'oalfproo DR. Van Allen, Port Hopec to Cleveland, light' Alma THE NICJHOIiSOIN" ASHORE. CARGO JETTEISONBD AND EELEASED. At an early ho^ur yesterday morning Manager" Higgie, of the "V. OX T. line, received a dispatch' from Captain Lustk, of the large schooner E. A. Nicholson, announicing that the vessel was ashore one mile north of YWinnetka, and asking that two tugs and a heavy hawser be sent immediately. The tug Protectionn left the harbor for the scene at 7 o'clock, and the Union followed an hour later, taking the ; hawser with hor. The Nicholson, with a cargo oof 1,400 tons of coal, had gone ashore in the thicki: weather during the night. The tugs worked at hen: for several hours, and after^ jettisoning about * 400 tons of coal, succeeded in (^_n— 4h Pu^mS her into deep water. It is not thought ¦ that she is at all daamaged. The tug bills and the value of the coal thhrown overboard will amount to a considerable ihtem, but the vessel herself, as stated, is not thougght to have sustained damage. The Nicholson meaasures 721 tons, and is valued at $30,000. She iss insured. "Whether the cargo ia insured is not knnown. The tugs broughU the vessel into the harbor at 6 o'clock last cveninoir and towed her to her dock. i Special Telegram to > The Inter Ocean. p * iiiMWBii|i IK.. . ,Tn,y -Jl.- \ t hrec-masted vessel, the L. N. Jacobbs, ran aground in the fog this morning near Glenocoe. A tug came to her as-Msance, but did ntiot succeed in getting her off until i o'clock in t the aftern oon. She sustained The schooner Alice 13. Norrmj. which was struck by a squall oh' ilotx h la ¦ eek before last-, .has arrived at Milwaukee frormRacine, after being detained several days diHcli«trginir her cargo of coal. It. is found necessary to replace hei mast and miize'hmast, whi -;ig. Sbe will also receive a new ma In She will also receive considerable new canvas, to replace that carried away. Special TVk-i THE HIVES.S. am to The Inter Or; Detroit. Julv 25.—-July 'J-l— Up—Steambarges-^ Enterprise and ba rgret schr ii.. F. Bruce. Down— 4 i^rofessor Green and barges, Oieco and barges, Oneida, Gordon, Campbell, scitn's W. B. Taylor, A, Muir. July 25—Up—Props Ctonernwngh, City of Concord and consort, Genua., Nla and barges, Arexes and barges, G. C. Hcoughton, King and bargee, City of Rome, Progress, Lowell ami barges, Bearion, Barmum, Handy Boy and b;.ir:.-:es, Alcona and cont^ort, Bridgeon and Leliss, Nellie Gardner, King, Eialdwin and barges, i Kalina and barges. East Saginaw and barges, : Sanilac, schr:; Red, White, and Blue, Three j Brothers, Egerlach, Bentley. Doivn-Props Jas. ! Davidson, James F;sk, Van^erhilt, Ciark and ] ge, Iron Chief, and wchrs David Daws, : Laura Belle, and Kellogs;, Moiore and raft, Es- | canaba, schrs Porter, Delaware, A. S. Smith, schrs i J. 0. King, Siberia, Prussia, schrs W. Lav.rence, | Wm. S. Pone. Wind o-^t i;.^.^- -•—- THE RJVESS. Special Telecram to The Inter Ocean. Deteoit. Julv 28.—July 27—Up—Props St. Louis, Commodore, and Alaska. Down—Props Superior and consort, Fayette, Brown, II. J. Hackett and consort. July 28—Up—Props Clyde, A. L. Hopkins, Go. denow, and schrs John O'Neil, Kate Winslow, St. Peters, Minnesota and consort, Turner and barges. Passaic and barges. Continental and consort, Montana, E. B. Blall, A. Bradly, J. C. Harrison. J. F. Card, Katie Rich-moTKh D. Wagstaff, and Chaufee and Tbarge?;. Down—Props Idaho, India, Oeeanica, Alleghan.y and consort, O. Townsend and consort, S. H. Foster, Music and raft, Rose and barges, Bent on a\ul barges, Chisholm, and schrs City of Chiveiand, S. A. Cobb, Manistique and raft, S. J. Macey and consorts, K. Raleigh and consorts, :Ida Keith, Dauntless, Hoboken, Geo. B. Sloan, Constitution, Our Son, D. S. Austin, M. E. Trimble, J. Marvin, Scott, Adventure, H. Fitzhugh, Cheney, A.mes, and J. E. Gillmore. Wind west, brisk; clear^ WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Poet Colboene, Ont., July 28.—Passed Down —Schrs L. S. Hammond and G. M. Case, Lorain to Brockville, coal; O. Mitchell and Owasco. (Move-land to Brockville, coal; T. R. Merrill, Toledo to Kingston, lumber; G. H. Ruthei'ord, Cleveland to Hamilton, coal; Medkerranean.,Detroit to I kswego, wheat. Up—Schrs Bismarck,KiULrston to Toledo, light: Leadville,Oswego to Detroit, coal; Jamaica and Nevada, Oswejro to Chicago, coal; Maria An-netta, Toronto to Cleveland, light. Special Telegram to The lnti-,r Ocean. WELLASTD CANAL. Special Telc-STiitn to Tlie Irdvv Ocean. Port Coleorne, Ont., July 28.—Passed Down: Schrs J. H. Beck, Sandusky to Kingston, ttim'j^r; Peerless, Cleveland to Belleville, coal:; King Sisters, Cleveland to Belleville, coal; J. Z\L. Scott , Milwaukee to Kingston, corn; G. B. Slomn and Hoboken, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; G. M. Neelon, Toledo to Kingston, lumber;; props Nashua, Toledo to Ogdens I mrg, general cargo; Northerner, Chicago to Ogdens: cargo. Up: Soli:-- Mystic Star, Comancme and D. G. Fort, Oswego to Chicago, coal;; Antelope, Kingston to Ashtabula, light; W. Home, Oswego to Milwaukee, coat; American, Ogdensburg to Cleveland, ore; Queen of the Lake, Brockville to Cleveland, light; E. R. Williams, bo Toledo, coai; Wawwonost, Kingston to ¦ . . d, light; Lewis Ross, Port Hope to Clove- land., light: props Canada, Hamilton to I carsro; Argyle and Glenftn to Port A ¦¦ . ¦ -': Ac! Lve and barges, i to Toledo, light! Lake Ontario, Hamil-light. Kni'fii;i.l TeleSTHTTl i., T1m' Tntni-nconn THE RIVERS. Teleprram to Th< . Detroit, Mich., July 29.—July 28—TTp—Prop Havana and consort; schrs C. H. King, Dona] Toledo, Alpena and barges. July 29—Up—Props Ogemaw. Waverly, Horn, Buffalo, Enterprise, City of Concord aud nrt Kincardine and schr Blazing Stan: schrs Young America, James Wade, Guidi] ig S-v Loveland. Down—Props MaryPrlngle, i; ievoJaud and barges, Hubb ¦ W. T. Graves and consort and barsje Hungerford, Albion amfl barge and schr Albaoore, Bay Citv and bargee, Cones-togaand schr Allegheny, tug QuavTe amd prop 1; schrs Melvin, S. Bacion, H. C Richards, Clara Parker, W. H. Vandojrbiit, M Stalker, Belle Mitchell, Bavaria. WinUI west; brisk, c * ¦ ' " ' • "' ;xiTj=j"K'lVEKS. Specia! Telegram to'.['he [nter Ocean, DETROIT, Mich., July :{().— Julv 29—Up—Props Campbell, T. W. Palmer and consort. Dean Richmond and F. A. Georger; schrs Nassau, E. P. Deals. Down—Props Osooda, Salina and Rudolph and buy^i^- schrs Erastus Corning, Golden Fleece, 0. 0. Barnes. July HO—Up— Props Lake Ontario. Vanderbilt, Oregon, H. J. schr '!'. L. Parker, N. Mills Lief add barjre, Ohio and barges; evada, Jamaica, Arizona. Down—Props 1 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' age, Alva Monroe, Progres/s, i and barae, Birkheadarid aia and barges, V. Swain and coh-, 1 Jura, D. Lentz and barges, Geneseeff res, D. Balentine arid consort, Lowell, nery, Mont Blanc, Montcalm, Republic, D.M.Dickinson and barges; schrs P. B. Lock, . southwest, brisk; clear THE RIVERS. Specifd Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detroit, Mich., July 31 —July 30—Up-Prop Jarvis Lord and schrs F. Perew, Kimgfisher, Michigan and barges, Buffalo and barges, Empire State. Down—Prop Lehigh. July 31—Up—Props Osceola, Tempest and barges, S. Chamberlain and consort, and S. H. Kimball, Wm. Corvill aud There was a sickle, an anchor, numerous stars, and a wreath of pansies. A large broken column bearing the Masonic "G" attracted attention by its appropriateness and great beauty, and the mute story it told of the great will broken and the life gone out. The flowers were the choicest, mostly white, or delicate tints, and the air was aden with their rich fragrance THE SEABIRD DISASTER. TEN LIVES LOST. Special Telegram to The Inter O^an. Milwaukee, Wis., July 27.—It is now believed that ten lives were sacrificed by the Seabird disaster, of whom two were women and one a girl, 0 j .years of age. _ Buffalo Commercial: "Captain Louis Bogert, the new master of the Lehigh "Valley propeller R. A. Packer, is spoken of in the highest terms by all his friends. Besides being a first-class naviga- l tor, he is a whole-souled gentleman whom it is a pleasure to meet and know. The company is to be congratulated, upon making such an excellent selection. Captain Bogert has sailed some of the best vessels alioat." Milwaukee Sentinel, Friday: "Vessel masters arriving yesterday reported the squall of yesterday outside as very severe, but very little damage was reported as resulting from the squall. The schooner Richard Mott was oft North Point when the squall struck her and carried away her main-boom. Lightning struck the steambarge Robert Wallace and scow I. M. Hill in the harbor, and both bad their foremasts damaged," Racine Journal yesterday: "For some days past grave fears have been entertained for the sat'-tvy of the small stoneboat Surprise and her crew, composed of Edgar Blish, a boy named poai, and one other. It was thought she went down in the recent terrible gale, but last evening a postal card was received from St. Joseph, Mich., dng the news that the missing craft was safe at that port, with all hands-well. The news was received with much relief by the anxious friends The big new schooner Golden Age has abouil completed her outfit at Cleveland. She carries J 4,200 yards of canvas. She is now loading coal' from Thomas Axworthy for Chicago, and the exr pertinent of how much she will actually carry* i will be tried. Captain Charles Hubbard, her master, will put the full complement of 3,000-tons on board of her at once, provided she is l'i found not to draw over thirteen or fourteen fe^ia I of water, but will be content with 2,500 rathea * than take any chances on too much draft on the first trip. if II all 0 DISASTERS. Milwaukee, Wis., July 21.—The squall of barges, tloward ;md barges; schrs Charley Craw- l>,r„„,.„„f1„„ ,„„„„,-„„„„ .1 i 1 ford, Frauds Palms, Joseph Paiee, Louisa. |y«««rtWmornlmt on*helake was mote serlona Down—Props Fred Mercur, City of Mt. Clemens, j than at first supposed, and it Is feared that there J. 8. Buby, Alcona and consort, Weston ami Ure numerous disasters which occurred not barges, A. Everett, and schrs F. A. Morse. S. J. r Tilden, 8. Minch, Gladiator, and Ilobt. Tuttie and 1 no serious damage.; SUDDDEN DEATH. WAS TiniERE FOUL PLAT? William Lee. cololored, a deckhand on the propeller Peerless, wwas taken suddenly ill on the street yesterday, umnd was taken to the office of the Marine Hospitatal, The sufferer was in a dying condition when t; taken into the office, and expired an hour later. ¦. The Coroner's office was called up, anil the body n removed to the Morgue, where ; quest irill lie 1 held to-day. Whether it is a of foul play > will then probably be deter-I ' was 37 years of age, and is understood to haye e been unmarried. THE KIVERS. Sr'Orln.1 Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Detkoit, Mich., July 26.—July 25: TTp—Prop New York. Down—Props B. W. Blanchard, Northerner, Chaffee and barues. July 20: Up— props C. N. Pratt and barges, Geo. L. Colwell and barges, C. J. Kershaw and sclhr Mary Lyon, Edward Smith and barges and srohr Itaska, Bennett and barges aud schr Minora:.!. State, J. P. Clark g'js; schrs J. C. Worah, Swallow, Snowdrop, Zacht, White Wings, M;acidnac and barges. Down—Props Ogemaw, Kmpjire State, Atlantic; Hchrs Lafrinier, Sunny Side;, V>. Provost, Iron ige and consort. Wind south,, light; clear. Pout Huron, Mich., .July 26.—Passed Up—Prop New York, 22; Salina and dirges, 3:25; Arax and barrges and schr Hal-stead, 5; St. Paul, 5:30; TEast Saginaw and ¦¦ ountaln City, 6:20; JTohn Pridgeon,with r. J. King and consort, 7j Hamdy Boy and eou-lort, 7:20; N. King and bairges, 10:30; schr Bentley Parker, 1:50; lied, White and Blue, 2; r. Drummond, 4:20; Ganges, 5. Down—Prop J. O.Euff, 6:40; Atlantic, 10:80; Ogemaugh, 10:30; Iron Age.and consort, 11; schrs Larfrinier, and Sunny Side, 8. Wind southeast, gentle; Weather in0- ^ _, THE RIVE:S3. Special Telegram to The Inter OftWfan. Detroit. Mich., July 27.—July 26: Up—Props Plurlbert and schr Jo Case, Wienna and consort. Rush and consort Garden City/ and barges; schr D. Vane. Down—Props Aravbia, H. J. Jewett. July 27—Up—Props R. A. Packer, J. E. Mills; Chamberlain and barges, 0;aklands and barges, Idccmi and yacht Atlanta, Yiosemite and barges, Curtis and barges, Forest City and consort, Pvhoda Stewart and barges, Fairbanic and schr Unadilla. Lycoming and Schuiylkill, Nahant and * schrs Selkirk, Typo, Columbiia and consort: schrs Havana, A. Boody. J. S. Richiards, G. P. Minch, Paranna, Stampede, H. M. I-Score, Mary Battle, Messick, Alego and barges, I))avid Whitney and consort. Down—Prop Wocokun, B.W. Blanchard, Juniata, Michigan, Tempest amd barges, Cumberland and schrs Helvetia, H. (G. Cleveland, Minneapolis and schr George, City of Concord and consort: schrs Heather, Bett, Niiagara, S. L. Watson, Twilight. Wind southwest, liight_; ckmdy._ The steambarge Daisy Day broke down in mid-lake to day and was towed inito Port Washington by the steambarge Maine. Tllie tug Emma Dwyer, with the son-in-law of Captaiin Henderson, of the wrocked Seabird, left here to-day to look for the wreck, and it is thought teome bodies may be found in her cabin. Mr. (Conroy, of Chicago, whose wife and daughter weme lost on the wreck, is* also here in the hopes of recovering their bodies. merchandise; Vanderbilt, rmerchandise; J. C. Gault, merchandise. For D'ulutn—Prop Empire State, merchandise. The Commercial Line complications are becoming less intricate. It is expected that the sale of the propellers Cuba and Nebraska, which is advertised for Monday next, will be indefinitely postponed. Maytharn's new tug, the J. L. Williams, was successfully launched to-day. consort. M. Wilson and consort, Donaldson and barges; schrs New Dominion, J. H. Mead, F. M. Knapp, Thos. Quayle, Higgie, Annie M. Peterson, S. D. Caldwell and barges. Wind, west, brisk; rweather clear. ^____ THE RIVEB3. Special Telegram to The inter Ocean. Detroit. Mich., Aug. l.—July 31—"Up—Prop Arctic, schr Marengo. Down—Props Clarion California, schr H. A. Kent. Aug. 1—Ojp—Props Cleveland, Juniata, Mary Pringle, Bay City and barges. Republic and consort, Siberia and schr Lafrinier, tug Carrington and prop Lron Age schrs John B. Merritt, New Dominion. Down-Props New York, Starucca, Ogemaw, Colonial ana consort, Jay Gould and G. " S. Hazard. Milwaukee, Ii. Wallace, and schrs Thomas Gown F \V. Gifford, A. B. Norris, Camden, Fan-well and consorts, John B. Lyon and consortat, schr S Neelan. JWind south, brisk; clear. WELLAND CANAL. Special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. Port Colborne, Ont., July 31.—Passed Down —Schrs Augusta and Emerald, Toledo to Kingston, corn ; Albacore. Serpent River to Kingston, timber; Bavaria, Grand Monas to Kingston, timber; Bello Mitchell, Chicago to Kingston, wheat; prop Acadia, Duluth to Montreal, genera] cargo. Up—Schr Mary Grover, Thorald to Cleveland, stone: White, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Grover, Oswego to Toledo, coal; Wawanosh, Kingston to Cleveland, light; Lewis Ross, Port Hope to Cleveland, light; prop Armenia, Montreal to Chicago, general cargo; steambarge Glasgow and consort, Charlotte to Port Arthur, coal. ririHcisl TcLcm-am to TIih Inter Qcea a. STEALING- A YACHT. AND LOSING THEIIt LIVES IN THE ESCAPADE. Nothing has been heard from the occupants of reported. The officers of the steamer City 3f Milwaukee report seeing a fore-and-aft schooner, with red bottom, lying on her beam ends thirty miles off this port, with all canvas jet. Her crew could not be seen nor he name of the vessel ascertained, a.s ler stern was under water. The tug Welcome returned to-night after searching for the wreck, but could find no traces ifit. It is possible that it was the schooner Cliza, which was towed into Port Wash-Qgtorr this afternoon in a capsized pi ion. She Was struck by lightning and er foremast shattered and a large hole made in .ooncr3.Chandler J. Wells, J, G. Masten, md J. M. Hutchinson, of the J. E. Lyon's tow, broke adrift about thirty miles off here. The Wells began to fill with water which she shipped through a broken plank shear, and atone time it was feared she would g i down, arid Captain Lar-gon's family were taken onboard the Hutchinson. Th«- Lyon towed her here aud the life-saving irewpumped her out. She lost considerable of ier bulwarks. Both the Hutchinson and Huston lost considerable canvas. The Wells with he other two vessels left for Chicago during the noon In tow of the Lyon. The captain of the propeller Lawrence reports that the canal schooner Thomas Parsons is sunk *&t the entrance of Charlevoix harbor, completely MORE DISASTERS. LYON AND TOW AGAIN IN TROUBLE. In the squall of Friday morning the large! F. Wells, coal-loaded, broke adrift from the! teamer J. B. Lyon about twenty-five miles off] ilwaukee. The Wells leaked badly through a oken ulankshear and there was danger of her mndering.and Captain Langan's family were put ¦board the Hutchinson. The jjvon afterward the sail yacht which capsized off the Illinois Cen- fe011?,?1!?173 J' M' Hutchinson, J. G. Masten, and C, tral round-house on Saturday, and the conclusion is that they were drowned. The life-saving crew were apprised of the accident shortly after it occurred and pulled out in the life-boat, but to no avail. The yacht is a stranger on this shore, and there is a rumor that it had been stolen across the lake and was being run in here when the su'dden >icked the Wells up and towed her into Milwau squall brought about the disaster. People who :eo' and the lifc-saving crew then pumped her saw the little craft before she capsized say there ,ut;- Her bulwarks were knocked out for a long Xeco™Sn^ b0ard' TJie EianTes are ptance to clear her decks of water. The Mas- another fatal disasteb. ens oul*varks were also knocked out in places. A Bay City paper says: "It is rumored that one rhe Lyon lost her mainsail, aud the Hutchinson,. &^°£*^^ feasten, aud Weils all suffered in canvas. "r Ja'im- M day and buried at Point Lookout, is that of Frank Irudo, of this city. Hois a young man a^bout 21 years of age, and was part owner with Jo.s. Chev-crette in a sin^U boat carrying stone. The crew was composed of the two above-named persons NviL Dean and Lewis Bummna, all of this city It is feared that the boac foundered and all lives were lost." The cost of repairs to the Canadian schooner Lady Dufferin will be $-100. The responsibility for the collision is not yet placed. The steambarge Tempest claims she was not in fault. The Dufferin is at Miller Bros.'shipyard, where the are being made. The tug Halliday had the Dufferin in tow when the Tempest struck the Dufferin. — mack, a sailor on the schooner Joseph Paige, has been declared insane, and sent to an asylum in Cleveland. ..Tne J- B. Lyon and J. M. Hutchinson went to the elevators yesterday. The Masten is loaded : and waiting. The C. J. Wells goes down without bowsprit or jibboom. The new propeller Depere, of the Goodrich Green Bay Line, arrived in Chicago yesterday. I he Depere has been thoroughly rebuilt and deserves to be called new.