12 Blue Book of American Shipping. General Index of Contents. (A business classification ami port classification—the names ami addresses of hundreds of concerns engaged in Marine Lines, making up a Buyers' Directory of tlie Marine Trade througli-onl (lie United States—will be found in (lie concluding uafres of this publication.) Page Captains of vessels of British Columbia ........ 94-95 Car dump machines, list of, at Lake Erie ports.. 248 Cargo records of largest lake freighters........ 254 Cedric, largest ship in the world, compared with other large vessels ........................230-254 Chicago drainage canal, particulars of, cost. etc. 257 Classified directory of marine business concerns. 445 Clerks, judges, marshals of United States courts, names and addresses...................... 31-35 Coal, coke, iron, etc., production in United States.................................... 230 Coal movement of the Great Lakes............ 257 Coal and ore docks, managers, etc., Lake Erie ports.....................................247-248 Coast and geodetic survey, officers of.......... 17 Collectors of customs in the United Slates...... 24-25 Commerce or the Great Lakes, total amount of freight .................................... 234 Commerce and Labor, Department of, names of officials in different bureaus............ 17-25 Contractors for dredging and other public works. 224 Copper region of Lake Superior, commerce of. . 254 Court officials (U. S. courts), judges, clerks, marshals, names and addresses ............ 31-35 Customs officials of the United States.......... 24-25 Page Admiralty Lawyers of the United States.......117-118 American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, names and addresses of officers of different harbors................ 93 | American Society of Xaval Engineers, names and addresses of officers and members..... 47-52 American Steamship Association, members of. . 57 Architects, Naval. American Society of, names and addresses of officers and members ..... 37-46 Architects, Xaval, of Europe.................. 33 Areas, depths, levels, etc.. of the Great Lakes.. 234 Army engineers, names and addresses, with detail- of public works under their direction.. 26-30 Atlantic Carriers' Association, names and addresses of members ..................... 67 Atlantic liners, particulars of.................. 230 American and foreign yacht clubs, names and addresses of secretaries ................... 98-99 Battleships, cost of........................... 254 Boiler manufacturers, marine, of the Great Lakes .................................. 128-129 Boiler manufacturers, marine, on seaboard and western rivers ........................... 122-123 Boiler manufacturers of the world .............325-334 Branch hydrographic offices of navy, where located ................................... 17 Breadstuff's, exports of. from the United States by ports.................................. 228 British Columbia, shipmasters of, names and addresses ................................. 94-95 Builders of marine engines and boilers on seaboard and western rivers..................122-123 Builders of marine engines and boilers on the Great Lakes ..............................128-129 Builders of ships, engines and boilers in various parts of the world .........................325-334 Builders of ships on seaboard and western rivers.118-122 Builders of ships on the Great Lakes ......... 128 Bureau of navigation, officials of.............. 17 Bureau of statistics, treasury department, officials of................................... 17 Buyers directory of marine trade; a classified list of manufacturers and merchants engaged in marine lines............................ 445 Canada's merchant shipping, particulars of.... 265 Canada's shipping officials .................... 36 Canadian marine engineers, National association of ............':...........................320-324 Canadian steam and sail vessels of the Great Lakes, particulars of ......................199-223 Canals and locks of St. Mary's river, particulars of ....................."................... 252 Captains of vessels on the Great Lakes, names and addresses ............................. 79-92 Depths, levels, areas, etc., of the Great Lakes. . 234 Directory of marine business concerns, classified 445 Dredging and public works contractors....... 224 Dry. docks and marine railways of the United ' States ...................'.................124-127 Dry docks and marine railways of the Great Lakes .................................... 130 Duluth-Superior commerce ................... 254 Engine and boiler builders of seaboard and western rivers.............................122-123 Engine and boiler builders of the Great Lakes. .128-129 Engine and boiler builders of the world........325-334 Engineers, Naval, American Society ol; names and addresses of officers and members ... 47-52 Engineers—See Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, naval engineers, Canadian engineers and marine engineers. Engineers superintending principal lines........131-132 Engineers and naval architects of the world... .335-352 Engineers, United States army, in charge of river and harbor improvements, etc., names and addresses, with details of public works under their direction ...................... 26-30 Executives of the United States navy department..........................."......... 468 Exports of merchandise, principal articles and classes ....................................227 Exports of the United States, breadstuff's...... 228