Blue Book of American SmrriNG. 13 Vuge Federal courts with names of judges, clerks, attorneys and marshals .................... 31-35 Flour exports of the United States ............ 228 Flour movement, entire on the Great Lakes.. 255 Freight rates on the Great Lakes .................253 Gates, John W., largest lake steamer, compared with largest Atlantic liners................ 254 Government officials, various bureaus connected with shipping............................. 17-35 Grain exports of the United States ........... 228 Grain movement, entire on the Great Lakes.... 255 Grain, pounds per bushel and number of bushels per gross ton ............................ 256 Hospital service, marine, officers of............ 17 Hydrographic office, United States navy; also branch offices ............................ 17 Illustrations of ships, docks, dock machinery.. .367-412 Imports of merchandise, principal articles and classes.................................... 227 Inspectors of steam vessels.................... 22-23 Institution of Naval Architects; British organization of ship builders ....................335-352 International Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers Association, names and addresses of secretaries....................132-135 Iron, coal, coke, etc., production in the United States.................................... 230 Iron furnaces and steel works, lists of..........211-245 Iron mines of Minnesota, map of.............. 241 Iron mining companies. Lake Superior region. Addresses of mines, owners, sales agents, etc.......................................242-243 Iron mining industry, Lake Superior region... .235-244 Iron mining ranges of Lake Superior, map of.. 240 Iron ore analyses .............................238-239 Iron ore carriers, capacities....................225-226 Iron ore and coal docks, managers, etc., Lake Erie ports.................................247-248 Iron ore. output from Lake Superior by mines and ranges ................................235-246 Iron ore, receipts at Lake Erie docks and shipments to furnaces ......................... 246 Iron ore shipping docks, particulars of........ 235 Iron ore sales agents handling Lake Superior product .................................. 235 Judges, clerks and marshals of U. S. courts.... 31-35 Kaiser Wilhelm IT, one of the greatest ships of the world, compared with other great ships.230-254 Lake Carriers' Association, names and addresses of officers, board of managers, members, etc. 53 Lake Superior iron ore industry................235-244 Largest vessels of the Atlantic, particulars of.. 230 Largest vessels of the Great Lakes, dimensions of........................................ 254 Lawyers, admiralty, of the United States.......117-118 Life saving sen ice, officers of.................. 25 Page Light-house institution of the United States, members of the board and officers in charge of various districts........................ 21 Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers, International Association of, names and addresses of secretaries....................132-135 Losses of vessels on the Great Lakes.......... 254 Marine business concerns, directory of........ 445 Marine engine and boiler builders of the Great Lakes.....................................128-129 Marine engine and boiler builders of seaboard and western rivers ........................122-123 Marine engine and boiler builders of the world.330-334 Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, names and addresses of national officers and secretaries of all branches in the United States.. 258 Marine engineers of Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts and western rivers, all members of the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association; names and addresses......................279-320 Marine engineers of the Great Lakes, largely members of the Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association ..........................259-278 Marine engineers of Canada ..................320-324 Marine hospital service, officers of............ 17 Marine railways and dry docks of the United States ....................................124-130 Maritime Association of the port of New York, names and addresses of members.......... 68-74 Maritime exchange of Philadelphia, names and addresses of members..................... 74-77 Maritime exchange of New Orleans, names and addresses of members .................... 78 Marshals, judges, clerks of United States courts, names and addresses...................... 31-36 Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, American Association of, names and addresses of officers of different harbors .............. 93 Masters of vessels—See ship masters, captains and masters and pilots. Merchant vessels of the United States, owned in the several districts, number and tonnage of 232 Mining companies; Lake Superior region; addresses of mines, owners, agents, etc.......242-243 National Association of Marine Engineers of Canada ...................................320-324 National Board of Steam Navigation, members of ........................................ 65-67 Naval architects and marine engineers of Europe ......................................335-352 Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Society of, names and addresses of officers, members, associates and juniors; an organization that includes the heads of practically all ship building establishments in the United States. 37-46 Naval Engineers, American Society of......... 47-52 Naval strength of nations ..................... 20 Navigation bureau, treasury department, officials of ........................................ 17 Navy department—Executives of .............. 468 Navy of the United States, vessels of........... 18-19 New Orleans Maritime Exchange, names and addresses of members .................... 78 New York Maritime Association, names and addresses of members ....................... 68-74