Blue Book of American Shipping. 419 The Brown Hoisting Machinery Engineers and Manufacturers of Special Machinery for Shipbuilding Yards The Brown Patent, Electric Balanced Shipbuilding Cranes Launching of I. K. N. Battleship Retvizan, at Cramp's Shipyard, Philadelphia HIGH SPEED CANTILEVER SHIPBUILDING CRANES (Brown's Patent), as used at Cramp's Shipyard, Philadelphia, Pa.; Newport News Shipyard, Newport News, Va.; American Ship Building Company, Chicago, Lorain and West Bay City; Vickers Sons & Maxim, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness, England: Robert Stevenson & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, England; Stabilimento Technico Triestino, Trieste, Austria; United States Navy —New York Navy Yard—in building New Battleship Connecticut, and others. HIGH SPEED GANTRY SHIPBUILDING CRANES as used by American Ship Building Co., at Lorain, West Bay City, Mich., and South Chicago, 111., and others. Now building for New York Navy Yard, FLOATING CANTILEVER CRANE "HERCULES," 100 Gross Tons Capacity. MACHINERY FOR HANDLING COAL AND ORE, including BRIDGE TRAMWAY and "FAST PLANT" UNLOADERS, Coal Car Dumping Machines, Furnace Fillers, Electric Larries, Coke Pushers, etc , etc. SEND FOR CATALOGS. Main Office and Works, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U. S. A. EASTERN OFFICE, PITTSBURG OFFICE, EUROPEAN OFFICE, 36 Corttandt St., Frick Building, 39 Victoria St., MEW YORK CITY. PITTSBURG, PJ*. LONDON, S. W. CABLE ADDRESS Brown hoist, Cleveland; Brow:nhoist, New York; Brownhoist, London. Telegraphic Address of London Office: SnovBT.LiNH, London. A B O, A 1, Engineering Telegraph, Llebcrs and Directory Codes used.