420 Blue Book of American Shipping. CLEVELAND. CINCINNATI. HI OHIO RUBBER OO., 204-6 Superior Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Largest Distributors of DECK HOSE, VALVES, PACKINGS, OIL SKINS, INTERLOCKING TILING, ETC. On the Line of the Lakes. Write for Prices. Dispatch Guaranteed. -¦> SOLE AGENTS FOR SAYEN & SCHULTZ, morses DIVING APPARATUS MECHANICAL RUBBER WORKS, 13th and Commerce Sis., PHILADELPHIA, PA. CONTRACTORS TO THE U. S. NAVY FOR RUBBER ® Helmets, Pumps and Dresses, &c. Territory: Mtlantic. and Gulf States from Perth Mmboy to Mobile. DIVING APPARATUS "Melville" Patent Oxidized White Sheet Rubber Packing for High Pressure Steam Joints. S. & S. Red Sheet Packing 35c lb. Hose for Steam, Water, Air and Suction. "Johnson" Patent Pump Valves, Hard, Soft and Medium, for Steam, Oil or Salt Water.