436 Blue Book of American Shipping. CORRIGAN, McKINNEY & CO. 716-719 Perry-Payne Building. Iron Ores AND Pig Iron James Corrigan Stevenson Burke Price McKinney Cleveland, Ohio. THE Tod-Stambaugh Co., IRON ORES 206 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, - - OHIO. J. B. Cowle, W. E. Perkins, President. Sec'y & Treas. M. Thomas, Gen. Mngr. The Union Machine & Boiler Co., Machinists, Founders and Boiler Makers. Manufacturers of Marine, Stationary, Portable and Deck Engines and Boilers, Tanks, Smokestacks, Sheet Iron and Plate Work. Pipe Fitting and Engineers' Supplies. Builders' Hoisting Machinery, Stone Quarry Machinery of all kinds. Steel Ship Repairs. Heavy Forgings and General Blacksmithing. Jobbing Solicited. Repairs of all kinds attended to promptly, night or day. Phones: Bell, M. 609. Cuyahoga, A 711. Night Call: Cuyahoga, M 1243. 108 to 114 River St., Cleveland, - - - - - Ohio. Hudson *River by Daylight The most charming inland water trip on the American Continent THE PALACE IRON STEAMERS "NEW YORK" and "ALBANY" OF THE HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE The Finest and Fastest River Steamers in the World DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, BETWEEN NEW YORK and ALBANY From about May 28th to October 20th A trip on one of these famous steamers, on the noblest etream in the country, offers rare attractions. They are fitted up in the most elegant style, exclusively for passengers. Their great speed, fine orchestra, spacious saloons, private parlors and luxurious accommodations in every respect render them unexcelled. NOTE.—All first-class tickets reading over the New York Central & Hudson River It. R., between New York and Albany, iu either direction, arc good for passage on these steamers, thus affording tourists an unequaled opportunity of viewing the magnificent scenery of the Hudson by daylight. Send 6 cts. for copy of Summer Rook. HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE Desbrosses Street Pier, MEW YORK