- Publication
- Oswego Times & Journal (Oswego, NY), 2 Apr 1855
- Full Text
Owing to the severity of the storm, there are no public transactions today.
Marine. - A number of vessels took clearances for Canadian ports on Saturday. Among those which went out Saturday night, the propeller St. Nicholas and the schooner Western which encountered the storm on Sunday morning, returned safely into the harbor yesterday.
The propeller Oshawa did not go out. The schooner Sylph which left yesterday, was driven back, and in attempting to enter the harbor yesterday afternoon, with the wind blowing a gale and a tremendous sea rolling, came in contact with floating ice between the piers. lost her headway and was thrown by the violence of the storm on to the East pier, when her main mast went, by the board. Being light shad but little canvass on, and immediately drifted down outside of the East pier into the ice, under Fort Ontario, where her remaining spars were carried away and the vessel driven with great violence upon the shore ice, on which the crew leaped safely to the shore. The vessel is now covered with ice and entirely out of sight. She was insured, we understand, in the Buffalo Mutual Company.
Of the other vessels which left this port on Saturday, the schooners Maple Leaf, John Potter and Buena Vista have not been heard from. They may have reached their ports for which they cleared on the other side, or they may have made Genesee River, but solicitude is felt for their safety.
The schooners Lilly, Champion and Scotland, all loaded with flour, wheat and peas, from Canadian ports, came in yesterday safely amid the terrific gale and seas.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Publication
- 2 Apr 1855
- Subject(s)
- Collection
- Richard Palmer Collection
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
New York, United States
Latitude: 43.4706345925472 Longitude: -76.5087890625
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