Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 18 Feb 1886, p. 2

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3 hi TIji* Mnriiir IWrnrrl. ICUNSI'AIM'KK I'AIKNI' M.HKVV htkkhino i'itoi'i;i,i,i:it. Mr, ,1. ,1, KiiiiHtiiill<ir> liivuolor of llio above npplliiiiei', wim In G'liivolniiil liihl week ami oxIillilKtl lu n iiimihi'r of our mu rine mini nml i'iiirlni'iir.1 llm uiorlu of IiIh lllVe'lltloil. Wo mkll plnoljiri' ill |>lI'Uflllttlir <o our roitilorH unjzriivlr)^4 ol' tint uhci'l im jijiplluilniul tlioili-tiiilu of the iunvor.-iil Joint. Tho report of the lunirtt of I'n^liicor^, up- polnlnd by llm Hi'orttiiry of tho Navy, winter, In n hitIi'D nl trlnlnof jhoKuntiiiilti'r nppiimlvi-i on llio t-Lntuiior Nlnu which vviih milmiltti'il to llm nitvyilopiirtniiiiithiut Jouii, hiiHhi'iin.nuiih1 pulille' In ii puoiphlft I'ovur- lug iihout 200 piij-fj, (n'r)y lllimlriitoil, Thn boiird e'oiuiljtte'il of Chlof Kii";iniM'i Tlioninu Zullor, I'rouldeiit; Lliltif KtiRliU'orfl O. W Murji'ii and 0. I*. Hunt, iiphuIi'iI hy J'. A. KiiKliit'urn sttt'ietm, llrown in id Nii^lu. Tho iintlro milijon l lnvi>il|riiie'(l In llm report. 'I ho vviih tried from 10 to iti itetf. from Hiarhoiird to port and from port lo etiirbonril. Willi tint two uttering nyutiinu tire following nro tho turning rumilu ob tained nt-iiiiixliiiiini, llio viiioiul In ouch emu waking the upend of threo geogralililoal nillcn pur hour on tho clreuinlerunue ot tho turning circle. With tho milder ulono lu ww, and at the angle of 15dog , tho position al which It givfH the maximum ateurlng -olle'cU, tho dlnmutor of thu turning clrclu wan C>li0.r>i:t leet. Ah the length of tho vcg. tl on the wiitur Hue was 137 leet, the diame ter of tho uirclu was 11,8 tlmuy tho voasul'i length. Thu ruddur whan uuud ulono wan of miornioua diminution.) pioportlonatuly to tho slue of the vomiel, being about l',j time) in large an In hahltiially given for noa-golng voaseli. 'I'hla proportion given an uncom monly auinll circle lor a ttemiel to turn by her rudder alone, and in the result of ex eeiolvo dlmuiialoim of tho lat'c-r relatively to the formur With the ICuiiatadter apparatus dn uhu, thu rudder and thu axla of thu ateur- ilng'Korow holiiiit theaameangloof -IS dug., the elluiiioter of the turning clrclu wan 311.181 foot. The length of the vensol on the watur line being 187 foot, tho illamuter of the circle v(>ii>t only 3.21183 timi'U of tho vcaael'a length. Thu dlsmetur ot the turn ing circle with the nulduralonu wusfl5;'j per centum greater than with the ICunBtadtcr apparatus. Tho tlmo required to inaku tho reupoctlveclrelea was lu direct ratio ol their diameters. With the proportion [o( rudder and acrow relatively toal/oof hull, habitu ally given to ua going vuaaols, the rCiiimiiul tor appamtua could ciiusu a vessel to make n -circtu on halt the dininetor leipilrud will) the rudder alone, eltuer going iiliejnlLor astern. "In naval warfare," thu board fliys, "too high a value cannot bu uot upon the ability of a vcaael to turn on a greatly amaller clreloaud in much less tlmu than her antagonist." Tho mnnuuverlng suporl- orliy given by tho Ivunsiadler ajstuni Is so great ovor the-ruddur alone, thiifli would proliiibly iliiLii'a tho victory In a naval en gagement in which the vessels were other- wlau about equally matched. It would un able a veBael pofcaeaitlug It to rain her enemy or avoid being rammed by lilcni to select the position relatively to the enemy Unit was thu weakest for hlui and tho strongest for her; and lu a fleet light, would enable ' the vch-oIh on onu side having thu Kuiistad tcr syatem of steering to concenlrato lu a amullor space and crush an enemy by conse quent superior weight of lire. Morn vessels having l|ie Kunstadter yate|n of ateerlng could ho opposed to (ewer vesacls having the rudder alone, because tho former Could bu innnoiivured as anluly and as promptly In a very much less spam. Thu board regards Jio single scruw vessel piopurly equipped dor war that lias Ibu rudder nlonu for lis iiiuuuuverlng power when the Kunstadter nyslem Is nvalluble Thu argilnieiit lu favoi ol iiddptlllg the KlllHtililtiT avslein fill mlt'l}, Is ii|ipln nhlu lo all screw slealners, mule hunt, as veil .in naval. I'hiit h>utflil would avoid many eolll-lcni-, beside being of gieai value aa a ( "iiveniuiLelu ilie saving ol lime mid trouble I" mam iivering vessels in reslileud i-piue', The apparatus Is eon- hldeieil b) the board, nieobanlially, very altuplu, and cm be easily applied to any ecrew veanel now In (ihc It has the least uieclinnHin for tho ateerlng ellecla produced that lias ever been propoi-oil | It Is but lltllu liable to deiaiigeinent or accident, and it does nut nquire anv special adaptation ni unglne. A inluulc rxuiiiliiiitlon Hindu by the board ol tho universal joint and oilier pans of the Kuiiatiultei apparatus, after long mid severe trials to which they had boon subjeci,showed Unit there hud been no snislblo wear or dcierloiailon ihe tool marks ol thu plus and busliluga silll lemalu- ing iinultaced. During these trials ibu ves sel waa In the name trim and draught of wutoi 9 fin land 8 Inches. The experiments were iiniilu In llio niObi skillful and complete 'milliner, every quantity Involved being as certained by direct inuasiirumunt beyond tho possibility of sensible error. They wi i o made vviih thu ruddui alinio and with thu KmiKtmltur apparatus, and lui three diller- ent rates of spenl. An lsherwoud speed Indicator, Invented expressly for these Hilda, waa used ollerlllg Hlltllelollt f YpliinttHon to enable our readers to get a very good Idea ol Its more prnmlnitltt features and to nuderstand* Its method of working. It.vvlll bo suen that the shafts carrying the two screws in the Ivunstiulter system are counictcil hy a uni versal Joint, enabling llio smaller or after scrcv to he turned either I" starboard or to port up to an angle of 15 cleg., and thus adding Its Intliietico to that of the ruddur In turning thu vessel. Tho rudder Itself may accordingly bu made much smaller than la ordinarily the case without In (be least de trading from the superior maneuvering eapaclly of the ship, Thu proportions of till) screws, moreover, are made uuoh that the amallor screw supplies te a certain ex. tent what In lost by thu nllp of the largrr one, representing In all oimon nquantity not lo be Ignored. Thu universal J >1 rit itself ban leveral features of excellence, and pre sents adviintncea whluh are not found lu the1 device iih ordinarily constructed. It con- slsls eusenllidl) ol three parts, which are made of phosphor broimi, thn pins, on Ihe other hand, lining of steel. These aru live In uumhor, aoairanged that one of thetu acts as a lock for .the other', preventing them from working loose and giving rise to; incident. This arraugumeut Is lllktratod' In I'Mgs. 'J and 3. Simplicity In all Ita de tails Is thus one of the oharaoterrstiu fea tures ol thu whole apparatus, adding cou- sldci'ihly tolls practical value. The sainu leinark applies to the lame screw of ibu \lnii, whlcli, (. understand, had also about Iwo mid a balfllniesas much surface as Is usually given lo sea-going steamers proportionately to the il/tt ol ves sel. Trials were also made of running Hie vessel backward al lull Hpeed when supplied with the Iviiiisiadlei gear, :lm results being glvuii hi the following mill. . Degrees of rudder, IS---- 4o.... 35...... 30.... 15 20,. '5- to..... Diameters m dales' in feet, Hacking at full speed with Kan. statller de- Willi Rmislnder device. Witlmlddei aclinic, oiihunry sue.' 295-0 |i| 346.606 JO8.0O1 487. M W 5' 747 "75 041 786 vice. '" Villi!-!. ,'52L,(is^- Comment Is unnecessary, ilie ligures lu this table speaking for iliemaelves. For, each degiee I'i circles were nuelu, six to' port and six 10 starboard, the mean results being taken as given above. No steering trials could be blade going astern without the ICiimtiidtor screw. With thu device 18 circles were miiile Irom siurhoard, to port, 1 f1; Ml 1, s, J TJ AI'PAnATUS ON DEEP WATER BOAT, t .llinensioiiii propnrtlounluly totheal/o of the vessel, being about two and 11 hall times 11s As regards Ihe amiiigeimnl ol llio appa- i |1U(,,, ,lH |j luibltually given for sea ijolng Tiitua little need bo said, the Illustration Vtmi'ln. APrLIKD TO STKAM LAUNCH. The trials to whlcli we briefly reforrod above were made lu the Hudson lljver and In New York Hay, near Now York City, dining Deeuniber 1881, and the aiiccecdlng ,1 lunar}, 1'chrunry and Marchi with rosults demoiistriitlug be>oml/a doubt the excep tional and highly Important advantages which are claimed lor the Kuusladter upj paiatus are great. The experiments were" made lu the most skllllul, thnmngh n!|(l complete manner, every quutlty Involved being ascertained by direct uicnanrcineQt beyond llio posBlblllty or sensible01 ror, and the figures obtained reflect great credit upon the Inventor ot the appliance, air. J. J. KuiiBtadlcr, ot New York. Tho trials woro made with both thu rudilei aloi.o and with Mr. ICiiiialadler's arrangement by turning ihe vessel In complete circles to starboard and to port for ovorv r> dlfteroneo of rudder iiugle from 10 to 15, and lor threo dlllerent rates ol spued. Tho clrcunifur- uncus of tho circles were ineaaured by an nairnniont specially duslgned by Chief Kn- glinuir I1'. H Ishurwood, and tho power de veloped by thu engines during the trials was carulnlly determined by ovor 13,000 lndlca- lor diagrams- The nfuonml of the board was sulllclently numerous, together with tin eu assistants, to inaku aliniiltancoiisly all the observations required. Thu iiiddui, when used alouu, was 01 exceedingly lingo THE UNIVEUSAL JOINT. and the reino] was backed for 40 min utes, reaching a speed of ovor 7.8 knnin per hour. From the flguren obtained |t was found that thedlamolrrof tho turn ing circle with the rudder alone wsb 85Jj'per cent, greater than with Mr. KniiHtadter'n npparslus. With thu proporlloiiB of milder and tcruw relatively to sljienfhnll habitual, ly given to sen-going vessels Ihe Kuu sladter apparatus could ciusu a vessel to make a cnmplelu circle lu hall the diameter required with Ihe rudder alone. In naval warfare ion high a value can not ho set upon the nullity of a vessel to turn on n greatly smaller circle and In much Jobs tlmo than her antagonist. The tuauoiivi ring superiority glvon bv the Kunitadter Byslom Is no gnat over ihe rudder alpuo that It would probably decide the victory In any naval engage- nienl In whluh llio vonsnls worn other wise about equally tiiatchoil, It would enablu a vussul possesHing it to ram her enemy or avoid being laninied by hlui, to te'ectllio position relatlvoy to tlie enemy that waa the weakest Inrhlni and Ihe slrongeai for her, and In a (loot fight would (liable the vessels on one aide having the Kunsiadtcr system ol Bleerlng 10 concentrate lit a smaller place and crush an enemy by cbnso- quencn ol a superior weight ol Ilie, Tho examining board In reporling upon the tests remarks, among other things, that "the argument In favor of adoplng the Kuusladter system lor safely Is ap plicable 10 all screw steamers, mer chant us well an naval. The syslum would enable many collisions 10 bo avoided, besides being ot great valuu as a convenience In tho saving of time and trouble lin iniineuvoring vessel* in re stricted aj/aues. Uut theru Is roally no necessity to enlarge on tho advantages of superior maneuvering power forvef- pols or to cite particular cases. Thcso aiivantngesare so evident and so nir- inoraiiB that they inniiot bo seriously contented by any one. Nor can they be neglected, except at 11 ccrluin nnd great expenso at soiiio time In the life of a veasul, Thu KuiiBtadlcr apparatus Is mechanically very simple and can bu easily applied to any -scruw vessel now lu use. It Is tho leaflt mechanism for _,_____I the steering effects produced that ban ever been propnaud; It Is but Utile liable 10 derangement 01 accident, and It doo- noi require an) spei ltd adaptation of engine. A minute examination niadu by the boaid of thu universal Joint and oilier pans l thu Kunaitidter apparatus alter the long and.sevcre trials to which they had lieen imlijc cli'il sliovvul Hint Ihere had been unsensible wear or deterloialkou. Tilnls were iniido /luring tho vvinlei season, in tough and bail weather, so Hint the nppara tils could receive Ilie most severe lest. In couneclloii with this ihe following llg- ures retelling to thu dlmuiislona ot the Nina will provu of Interest. Length hitvvce'n perpendiculars, 137 feet; length ovei sll, Kit liet; breadih molded, 'JO luet; dupth .molded rudder, 12.fill fiet. Kuilder surface before alterations, square feci.............................. 53 72 Rudder surface with Kunitadter screw, si|iiiirefeet....................... .. 30.60 Kuilder aurlacc 111 favor of Kulibtadter screw, square feet...........t...... 2312 Indicated horie powsr.....,..........,450 Main ki rew (diameter), feel ., ,. lu steeling screw, feel................ 6.66 Mi. Kunstadtoi's uppaiiitus has been tiled and is now In use on seveial Kugllsh vesselB, but the teat with the Nina has yielded Ibu most complete and valuablu ru- sulta yet ri corded. Wo understand, turthei, that several steam jnclils in this conn tiy are soon to he lilted Willi the apparatus, Unit represented hy llg 3 being especially adaplid 10 the lake and llvei vcsselh. MARITIME LAW. I'rniioNoF 1111 nooiuticu hiansi'Oiiiatiom UOMI'iNY, 10 I.1UII ITS I.IA1IIIIIV, K10. I'lll s|ix INS, KI Al.. OlTOrtlNl'l. Dulitrt Cimitd/tht Untttii Statu, jm ta JJmUiit Ulnturt oj Wiicomln. Charles 1C, Dyer, Judge, Brief by Jtobert Hau, tor respondent. This Is a proceeding bv n vesaul owner for a limitation of liability under the iiotofCon- gn s< known an ihe limited liability nut, The petition of ihe Goodrich Trnnsportn- tlou Company Is Hind lu thu district court of the United Htiilos for thu Eastern district nf Wisconsin to limit Its liability under the the net n! Congress of the 3rd of March, 1851, entitled "Ail act to limit the liability ofahlp owners," on account ol 11 lire that occurred On the :j0lh of Scjilcmhcr, 1880, at Green Bay In the State olWIioonsIn, wlileli Is said to have originated from thu Htenmer Oconto whereof it In the owner, and com. miiuleated to the real estate situated In tho eliy nl'Qrron Hay. ., The damages claluiud for which thu com- paTiy seeks to limit'Its' 1'lnblllly, amount to about (28,(100, anil It lu said tho value of the vobboI at tho lime with her freight thun pending amounted to about |12,000. Tho company olter. tecutor Into a ntlpuln- tton with siiretlen to lie approved by the court, for tho payment of tho value of said steamer and the amount of her pending freight Into the' court, whenever It may be ordered to to do, mid n monition la prayed for against all porsoaa claiming my damage of any kind, for any loss, destruotlou, dam- ago and Injury occasioned by such llro.oltldg them to appear before thu court and tneko duo prool of their roapccllvo claims, and that tlio court designate snniu commissioner, be fore whom such claims shall bo presented, In pursuance of such munition, and before whom you petitioner may appear and con test such claluia, and Itn liability on accouut of nny loss, etc., and If the company Is not liable upon the coming In of tho report of said cuinml.uon and ita confirmation by this court, It may be llnally to decreed by the court; otherwise, the money no scoured to be paid Into this court hy such stipulation, may Ho divided jiro ru( among tho sovoral claimants In proportion to tho amount of their respective claluia; and In the meantime the respondents bo restrained from further prosecuting their several suits, also all other persons about to commence suit, If my there bo, bo restrained. Six suits were commenced In tho fall of 1880 In tho circuit court ol Hrown county at the city of Green Hay, by as many plaintiffs In an action of' trespass on the case against the petitioner-for the destruction of tliclr dvvelllng hiiiisen and household ^iroporty contained thuicln, toall of which nald nevoral suits, 11 general denial wan tiled. Verdicts from time to time worn had by the plaintiffs and appeals taken to the supreme court by petitioner, and 0110 of thuse appeals In now pending. Various dilatory motions were made by the petitioner, and changes of yunue wore had upon Its application. That during the progress of those IrlnU tunny thousand dollsrn ot taxable costs wore Incurred and paid by tho respondents. After the date 0/ the lire tho owner of the steamer engaged her In many distinct and Independent voyages, and until tho close of that season of navigation, which occurred on the '20th of November thereafter, and It continued to employ said stcamur for the years 1881 to 1885 Inclusive. In tho fall of 1883 it sold (ho steamer to parties living at Port Huron, and thu vessel's homo port was then changed to Detroit. That In the fall of 1881 the steamer hursclf huenmo a wreik, stranded on Charity Islands, near the mouth ol bngliiilw bay, lu tho statu ol Mlch- gan and 011 Lake Huron, nnd the aluamcr in no longur m taut. During all this tlmo Ihe petitioner ban nevci iiiiuiAri to avail itself ol the bouelltn of thu actol Congress, 18.">1, mid It In clultied In Ihe annvver that It Ihoroby equitably nban- doui d Itn right so to do, but on tho contrary conceded Its liability Im the dauingua In curred, If any, by reason of anld less; and it is insisted that It would bu nianifeatly un just aflur a dulay of ovei live years to allow petltlouor, or to compell respondent to go back to said 'JUih of huptemhur, 1880, to ascertain and llx thu then valuu ol said steamer ajul her freight then ponding, 'I'hat I10 purt of the rn In within thejuila- diction ol litis unlit. Tile case Is set down for heariug ufioii llio pulltluu and answer. 1. , The petition Is 1111 original proceeding In tho United States district court on llio In- ataucu bldo of thu admiralty, and la not .1 proceudlng 111 inn hy a mil render of llio prupeiiy, uud a pollliou that a truateu or tiusiuca may bu appointed lor thu bunellt of  «—--..;—~.....:_._. ._, ‘_» »- ‘.1 -orltyrglveu by tho liunetndtcr uyetcm In no '.tvouiti uvoid nmuy t:tIlii~iuit-. in-Mitle hulug .'ll:l‘p-', M:-_t1*_l1It.' lit-'1'II1f.ti. l{U‘N3'l'i\l"|‘l’;]{ l'.\'l i'1N'.|‘ vh't}itl'liV t~i'i'J_v}lGitiN(l i’lt0l'l~Il.l.i‘}it. Mr. J. .l.‘ Ktnntttultor, inventor of the above"‘uppiiunce, we»: in Clevelutni imti weeit nnti exhibited to_u number of our um-' rlne men nml engineer-t iitu muritit of bin invention. We telte pit-.nu_Itre In |n-tun-ntin;.r to our rontleru entzrnvingn oi’ the \viteel.uu_ _:np|iiieti end thodctelie of the ||illViiI‘r-lli joint. The report of tho bner«_i of cngltn-orir, ep- pointod by tho i'iil('.|’t'i.iti‘y'(ir the Navy, em winter, in series: of triuhtof t.h,o,l,{ttttrtttttitt-r npperultu on the I-iiiitiiliur Nitfu which wen tutbmlttcd to the uuvytlepurtmout iuel Jitue, intu'beon,uuule public in pevnphiet cover- ing ebout 200 ]iiIizi'il, front; illmurutetl. “Thu boerd cnuulptctl of Chief’ ltlustineer ’i‘hnnun~ Zuiior. irouident; Chief lCn¢|_nt-ore G. W. Megeo end G. I’. llnnt. ttnei-It:-ti by J’. A. Etnzinceru b'tu\‘ehu, lirowu end Nntzlo, ,'i'he entire uubjeet ht iuventhptted In the report. The \'l‘ii~lii to... tried from It) to -15 tley. irotn ttiurbtmrtl to port end from port in eturboerd. With the t\vo uieeriliu «tyetetnu the foiiowlnt; ere the turning rt-uultu oh- tnlned et-tunxim'um. the venue] in eecb cute nntiting the speed of three mitiflrliliiliviii milcu per hour on the circutnloreuce oi’ the turning circle. With the rudder ulono in tutu. endut tho unule of ~i5iii![[., the ptitiltitill at which it givm the nutxiunuu uteerluy eii'cctn.thc dhtmeter oi the turning circle wen iS1i0.iSi1it'eet. At the letnzth of the vet- eei on the weter line wee 137 feet. the diame- ter of the 'c|rclo—wua-3.8--timeu the vowel’: length. 'i'he rudder when ueed elouo wee oi enormous‘dinteutlonatprnportiouetoly to the six of the veneel. helm: ubont ‘.l,',_; time» en iIl‘¢0 tut ie'intbltnelly given for ecu-golmz vesttcit. This proportion given en uncotn- mouiy smell circle for i_| vceuei to turn by oil”:-ring uutlicieut cxpbtnnliou to eueblo our render»: to got very good itit-not it» more prominent fieelnreu end to tmtit-rutnndlitu method or working. lt.\\'iil be Moot! thut the ninth»: eertylutg the two uerewu in ihu Ktuuitudter uyttem ere count-etinl by uni- vt-ruul jo|nt,enebi|nt¢ the Itmuiier or utter ecrewl to be turned either In imtrbtmrtl or to port up to Mil nnzie oi -i5tie;:., end time adding: itu influence to thlti of the rtttitlur in lturning titoyt-euul. 'i‘ho rudder itself may ecenrdintrly ho mudo touch unmllcr then in orditntriiy'tho cmto without in iimlettlt tie trncting from the uupurlnr nutuauverinz eepneltyof tho uhlp. Titeproportions of titlieerewu. Ittoreovorfuro tuude uueirtitut the muellomxorow tiii|)|)iiiiI to certnlu ex- tent whet in iout by tho eiip of tho ierger ono, ropreueutinti in ell Otllilii uqtnuttitv not to be hutnroti. 'i‘hu unlveruul joint iteelf hint ucverul fenttlreu or excellence. end pru- uuntu udventn not which or: not found in tho device’ nu‘ortiittnrliyeonatructed. it. cott- rletu euuontinily of three pertu. which nro tnudo of phmfphor bronze, the pin», on the other bend. lining of utoel. 'l'iIu>iu ere live in number. uourrumgetl thut one of them them front working ioouo end giving rise to, noeldent. ’i‘bia 'errunt:eun-ut in illlstruted in i"it:H. '.l'nnti ll. Simplicity lueli he do- liliiil btthue one of tiI('_(liiiiI‘iliJi.0i‘i‘tlti(l fee- tureu oi the whole epperetue, uddlng cott- elticrubly to iiii prectleei value. .u oc- her rudder einue, end in the remit" of ex cclutlve dlmennione oftho letter reletlveiy to the fortuer. With the Kunstudter epptsretue in unto, the rutldcr nttd the uttln oi the intact- zintzecrow bolngut titetuttttettttgie of its de;z.. the tiiemeter of the turning ‘circle wen »<li feet. The length of the Vi.!iiii(!i on the weter~iluo being J87 feet, the dietnetcr or thn.elrcle wee only ‘.l.‘.lilBii titnee of the vcenol'e length. 'l‘hetllenn-ter ot‘ the turn- iut: circle with the ruddernione wee 655',’ per ecntutu grenter then withtho Kuuenulter epperetus.> The time rcquiretlto meitli the reepcctivoclrcietrwne iii direct rutio of their -dinmotere. Witlt the propnrtiongof rudtler eml screw reletiveiy to aim of hen, tmntm. iuily tziven to uee~;;oitt;: voueoie, tito lCuuuted- ter eppnrntue could comic in‘ venue] to nteitc ‘circle on iudt the dhuneter required with the rudder nlnne, oitocr going eheedgor netern. _“iu nevnl werfe_rc.” the hoerd say», “too high it Iveiuo cennot be not upon the ebiiity of vceeel to turn on tgreetly tnnelier cire|e_eud in nntcb ice»; time tlntn her untugoniut.” 'l'he nntnenvering empori- grcntover tite—Ttt-d'tler—t'tioTe.—'r75nlti pr"7nl)-e'bly dcci:'etho.vlctory III nuvelctI- getzetneut ill which the veeeeie were other- wlee ebnut cqueliy mutehed. it would cu- nbie vceecl-poseceelutg it to rntu her enemy or uvohl being rnmtncd by him‘, to Mela-ct the poeitlou relntivciy to the enemy thut wuethewceitcet for him end the utrongeet for her; etni in fleet light, would cuebio the veu-;ele on one slide hnvitn: the l{unuted- tcr iiyilltittt oi etecriug tncouct-ulrnte in emuiier epece end crush un enemy by counti- queut uuperlor wt-lghtof lire. More veeueie imviugtho Ktttnatetiter uyetctu of steering could be oppoaed to fewer veeaelu having the rudder uione. beeeueo the fortuer could be menenveretl nu eufeiy end as promptly in very much lcux epeeo. 'l‘hc boerd rcunrdn qtotaiugle ecrow veaeei properly, equipped rlor wur thet hen the rudder nioue for lie ~meneu_veriu;:power when the Kuttattulter eyetcm ie nvnliubie. 'l‘hc ertgumeut in fever of nlltiptlnu the Kttttmnlter u_vutetn for eeiety, In uppli--nbiu to ull «crew NiI‘liIiii',l‘ii, tncrchnuL- nu '.VL'il ml unvnl. 'i'Intt eyuteut or grunt vnlue ue (‘(>iI\’t‘iIi<‘liCi'iiI thu unving oi‘. thut: uud trouble in uuuu-nve,riut: Veri;4I‘.|it in reutrlt-tcti t-pucc, 'l‘he npperettu in cott- tidored by the buurd, tneelntnieuliy. Very eimple,nud cm be eueiiy epplted to eny ccrew Vt'ii‘.(t:i now in our-. ll hunt the leeet u|eciInut.~uh for the uteerlng etl'ecte produced thut bnu ever been prnpor-cal; it in but little |leblu'tu tierettuotnettt or ttct‘.i<l¢!"i.‘"||il ii dooe not require eny v||Icuitti nduptutlou oi‘ -engine. minute cxntnlnutlott tuude by H“, |,.,,m| of the nnivenmi joint end other .pertu of the Kt'Iuetutitet' eppurutnu, utter, iongnud eevero tt-lulu to which they hed bocn »utbjeet.ehow¢-d thut there bud been no eetndbio weer or deteriot'ntlon—tltc tool merit» of the pin» end buehiuyge .~tti|i |'euInitt- lug uneiieeed. During titeuetriebt the vee- eci wee in thetuuuetritu end dreutzitt of water fen-tund ii intzheu. 'l‘ho cxperilnetttu were unulo in the most ekllitni end euntplnte im,,,m.,,-I every quenlity involved being ee- certuined by direct mcnuurotueut beyond [Ito pmntibilityof eomdblo error. They were tnutlo \v|lit tito rudder eleue nml with tbu Kine-ttuitor npperutne, utnl for threod|ti'er- out mice of rl[)t'l5ii- Au i»iu¢r\V““Ii ifiiiuvll iudlenter. invented cttpreeely for ihcuc trinle. wee iir(‘.ti. Au rctznrtlu the nI't‘nnt;etnt.'ttt oi the tttipli-I rutue little need be unltl, the iiimuretton ’l‘ho triele to which we briefly referred uhovu were iiiiilllr ltt thi‘. iiuduon River end in New Yuri: iiey, nu-er New York City. during’l)t-eember. lflilrijutui the eueceotiing .l:utuery. l"ein'ttnry uud lllerciu with _reeuite tlt!iIi0itriii'iliiii|.{ beyond it doubt the excep- tinnel end highly’ it pnrteut udvuntetzee which ,ero clnitucd tor the Ktttnmttitor up‘ perntue ere greet. 'i‘he experlmontn were medo in the moat ultiilfui. thornutzh elul nctaee nilncit. tnr.the other-I, ]it‘iIVtililiiifl}tiIi|i tubie wpeeitltttz for tin-nun-Ivcu. APPAIIATUS ON DEEI'—WATEli. liOAi. 'l‘ho tiutllo rt-uutrit iI|i|ii|I,'N to the turm- unruw of the Nine, which, we liillitlrblltilti, bmi uluo ubont. two nttti lmlftitnertnu much tutrfnen nu in nnuully given to vcu.k/ultra utentnorn proportlonntely to the ti’/.n of veu. eel. 'i'rleht were uieo mudn of running the veueel bueltwnrtl ut iuil inn-vii win-nuttppllctl with the lt'utIutmiter |1t!tii‘.' the rtnilliilt being given in the following tutti.-; ......._..__.... __ ‘H Dion:-':t‘ctAe In uitcletitin id‘: Withruddcr "“““"‘“ '3‘ with -' iuiirpccd I)°“'§fI“ °i.Ktutstndcr with Kim.‘ Cr’ device. mi" sttuilcr tic- 'Vit:c. :9 .o.t:| 90;; 'r.oo;MT1 34 -600 510543 tgi;-9%.! (5)53-05;) v.i6~.692 'l.u7 592.251 679 no t.t9;t.o3t 7474375 2' 94!-736 I-04!-U80. -.345-477 ‘g.475.§6o__,I.s=x_._q6s: ..~._..-.1. Comntentlu ttttttecmoetry. the litzurou in For, eucitrletzree1‘.! clreieu were Inutle, ill): to port umi ulx to utnrhnerd, the _Im-nn rtiillilill bointgtnkcn es pglvcu ubnve. No sum-rlnt: vtriuiueoniti be lnudo goitnz nun-ru without the i(un~lt:u.lter screw. with tile (ii'Vii'i) .19 circled wcromude front ttturhoerd, to port,- ’t‘iiE UNtVI:ttSAL JOiN’i‘. end the vantol we»: bncitetl {or 40 min- uten. roechittz epeed of over 7.H]ntn|fl per hour. From the fitzuren ohinined ii wee found tintt the dietnott-r of the turn' int: circle with the rmhler elonc wnn ‘G55,’ per cent. tzronter then with‘_iiir. Kuuetutltt-Ha nppnrnlun. With the proporllone of rutlder end rtcrew relntlveiy to nlze ofbuli hubltuul- iy given to an-n-tzointz veneeiu the Kuu. ntmltor uppttrntceeould ewtnm vennel to meke complete circle in lntlf the tlinmeter required with the rudder nione. in novel werfnro too high at vuiuo enu- nnt be net ttpon tho ehilhy o! it vésozel totttrn on tzreutly enndler circle end ’l‘ho menouvtrlug euperiorlty elven by the rudder ulono thet it would probably decide the victory in tiny novel etngeucé tilt’!!! in which the vennuie were other- wbteeboutcqnnily tnetchod. it would ettn_l)lu veeeei'poent-suing it to mm her "enemy or uvoid bclntz returned by him, to re‘ect tho, pofliliotl reletluyy to the __._._-.__-.-. enemy tlntt wee the 'Wftii{lii-I fnrhim end the elrongent for her. end in flout light would cttublc tho vt-eecla on on; uide beving the .l(ntu;tudtt-r eyetem ot oteeriut: to conccntrete in tunniler piece end erueh on enemy by come- qnence of uuperlor wohzht of tire. 'l'he-exumlningz board in reporting upon the teete remnrltu. union}: other thitmt, thut “the ergutut-nt in {ever of edopint: the Ktttnlttultt-r eyetcm Ior eeiety in up. pllcnhlo to ell tcrow eteentore, lIltir- chnnt on vtcil en novel. The eyetctu would cneble .tlIutty colllelou» to be nvotdcd, ili:iil(iM being oi zreutvelue es nconvoni nee in the ettviutz of lime uni trouble in tmm't-uvcrlnt: vessels in re- etrictetl not-n. But there in roeliy no nceeaelly to enlarge on the ntlvtmtetzee nfeupenor liltil||‘UVtli‘iiifl power for Vali- 'tIcle or to cite pttrticuint‘ ceeea. These eoventmzt-e are eo evident and no nu- tuoreuu thut they cnnuot be vcrloneiy contented by eny one. Nor cun they be neglected. except ut ii ccrtnin nnti rgreui expotntoet anluotlme in the life or veuuol. ’i‘ho Kilii|iiiIiilL‘i' iI[)|)tI|'tiitlii in tuecheniceiiy vory ulmpio'nnti cen be t-enliy applied to eny eerew vem-i now in tum. it in the cunt mechunbuu for __.the vtcerinu elieent produced tluu. hue ever been propneetl; it in but little lieblo to 'deruugement or eccident.- unli it tloc-' not-rt-quire eny upct-lul ndttplutlon of etu_viIn-. minuteuxutuinntlon Inndehy the bourd of the uuiverntd joint ntni other purie at the_it'umuudter upperntue utter the ‘ion;;nml_+t-,vcre triele to which they im_d been uui-jvcted I-iiii\\l‘li thnt-titere hurl been noeenelhle weer or tieteriorution. 'i‘riule were tnndu (luring. the winter uclemtt. in rttiluil und hnd weuther. no thut the upper»:- eompleto iiiiIilIil'I‘. every quetlty iuvolvcd- «tun could receive the moat nevere teet. being tnttmrtnittell by direct meeenrotneut beyond the pouelbility oi eenelble error, end the ilpgurtnt obtnined relloetgreutcretllt upon ti-cluventor oi‘ the uppiienoo. Air. J. J. lfuuetmiter. of New York. ’i‘ho triui-I were mede with both the rndderelnt.e end with .\ir. liutnttndterht erretuzptueut by turning: the vcturel in eutupleto circle» to eterhonrd end to port for every b0 diilcrence of rudder ungie frotn l()0 to ~lD°. end t'or three tlllierent rule» of epeed. 'l‘he circumfer- utlcuii of the, clrelce were tneeeureti bv eu itnttrntncnt npecieiiy (intrigued by (Jhlef En- Lriltoor it‘. it. iehurwood. end tho power de- vt-loped,by the engines: during; the trlele wee cerelnlly determined by over 13,000’ iudien- for dlut:rnIne.- 'i‘lIopuruonncl of the boerd wee tntiileicutiy ntnucrotnt. together with three iitiiiitiiilillii, to meito cltnultuucouul oil the obuerveiione required. The i‘iil(lui', when uued nlnne, wee ot' t-xceedlutzly ier re ditnctndone proportlonntcly totheel‘/.o of till V|'>lil(!l' lteittg ubont two end hnil thnoe ev lurge en bl hubltueiiy ttlveu for nee-goitn: vee.~u,-le. Rudder aurfucc in In connection with title the following: thr- nree referring to tho tlitneueltuni ot'thuNin_1t Will prove of lutercut: Length between perpeudicuinru. ill? feet; length over all, in-i ll-ct; breedth tnoided, ‘.30 feet; depth Jttuiliuii rudder. l' feet. iiuddcr mtriacc befotc elicrntious, stptetc 53.72 Rudder ettrieco Willi lutmtndtct ectew. stputreieet........;..... ..... .. 30.60 favor of Kuustndter .~CtcW.xquercfcct........ ....... 23.12 Iiiliicilitti iterate-powar.... ... ..450 Main screw (diemeicr), fcci to Steer-ln;,v screw, ft-ct 6.60 Mr. l(ttmttutltor’e epperutuu Inna ‘been tried end iii now in like on ueverel Ettgiiuil veeet-in. but the tent with the Nitm hue yielded the meet complete end veluublo rc- eultu yet record'cd. iVo utuieretumi, further, tint iiuVi‘i'iii etontn yechle in title coun tt'y ere noon to be fitted with the eppurntue, thut i‘i'[ll'i!i4l‘Iii(‘ii by tl;:.ii being eepeciuliy l\lti'l‘ll\ll'l— in) W. rm i't'l0N or ‘fill: noountcn 'I‘ttAN Hi'i)it.l'ATl(|N (.‘(i|tI'AN\’, T0 i.i|li'i' mt t.tAntt.t'rv.-t_n‘o.—— t'ttt.NIx me. or AL. ot-t*outNt't._ l)l'l_4Irici Omtrl uftlus United Stain.-v. for UM Jv.‘u.vlern 1)fulrt’t:t of ii’t' Cherie»: ll). liyor, Jntlue. iirlef by ,itohor_t, itue. tor reupondent. l'hbt in proceeding bv vo-moi owner tor lintitetlnn of iinblilty under the notofCou- tzrvet known not the iitnitnti tneuey‘ not. "l‘bo petition of t|u- Goodrich"i'rumiportn- .- ilnu Compuny in iilguliu the dbtttlot oourt oi the -United Steins: rpr. tho ltitidiiirli dhttriet of Wluennuiu to ibult it-I liebility -utider the in much '_ienu time then her entntgenisat- the Kunnttttltcr uyelem it: ttourt-ttt over’ the not of Cnngrceu oi thoxilrd of Blurch, 1851. entitled "An not to limit the liebility of ehip owuere," on eecount oi It lire thut. occurred on the ‘.li)th of September. 1880, Green Buy in the Hteto oi_Wlttontt-tin, which in ueld to huve oritzlnnted from the uteumor Ocouto wherenfit in the owner, und eom. tnttuieutetl to the reel tnttnte eltuuted in the city oi"Grt-.on iiey. _, ’i‘he tipttttttyztla ciltitttetl for which the cunt- petty set-lot to limit-:ite'_ liebility. eutount to ubont $28.0(l0.,umi it in mild the vuiue of the veeeol at the tlino with her, freight thou pentllng utuounteti to ebeht ¢i‘.’.0(li). ’i‘bu compeny otter: mentor into Minnie- couri.‘!or the neyment of the veiue of mild etoetner and the nmnttnt of her pending freight into the’, court, whenever it mey be ordereti so to do, end monltion in prnyoti ofitny itlnd. for eny lotw, dcutruetlou, dum- nge end injury eeeueionod by enoh iirc/citing them to ttppcltr before the court end'ni'eko due proot of their reapeelivo oleltue, end that the court tlenhwete some commissioner. be- low whom such cieitne eheii be pretonted, in purnueuce of smell mnnition, and before whotn you petitioner tony eppoer end con- tent eueh cieime, end he liebility on account of eny lone, ete., end If the company in not ilubio upon the comlngin of the report of mild coutmi-eon utnl int contlrmution by this court, it mey ho iinnliy no decreed by the court; otherwlne. the money no at-cured to be peid into thin court by such etipulittlou, may be tilvitletipyo role emonu the eercrel eleitnente in proportion to the emonltt of their rettpectlv_e_c|uiIue end in the tnctmtlme tho rcepondente be reetreined from further proeccuting their severel ettittt, nieo ell other pernone ebout to commence unit, it eny there be. be rcetreinetl. SI; units were cntntuencod in the finite! 1880 In the circuit court of iirown county at ‘in un nction oi‘ treepemt on the chili) ntwlnttt ‘thepetitioner-for the tieetruction of their dwelling itottucu end hotusehoid property coutelned thetcin, toeli of which held uevorul unite, ugeuerul doniui wee illcd. lrom time to time were ilnd by thepleintii1'e end eppculs tuitun to tho -s‘uprcmo court by petitioner. end one of theue eppeeie iii now pending. Verioue dIletory'.moti0ne were mode by the petitioner, and citnttmaq of venue wore bud upon its eppiicetiou. "l‘het during the progress of theme trlela_ tueny thoheend dclharu ot tnxnble count were incurred and peid by the rcepondente. After the deto:'o! the tire the owner of tho etcemer ehgeged her in mnny distinct Ind independent voyegee,- end until the close of thut. eeenonot nuvluutiou, which occurred on’ the '.!0th of Novotubcr thereafter, end it continued to employ seid utenmor for the year: 1il81tti‘lB8ii inclusive. in the feiiqt 1888 it cold the tttenmor to pertiee‘ living It Port iiuron. euti (the vessel's hotno port wen then Uiliiiitltlil to Detroit. .'l‘hnt in the full of 1881 _tho utenmcr hereelf hocemo'n wreck. tilfiiiiiicil on Charity lelendu, neer the mouth of Stt[:iIlli\V hey. in theltttute oi‘ Mich- uun Mill on ii.uite iinrou. end the eteetncr in no longer in case. "_ During: uli thiutlmo the petitioner htut In-.vcreo‘tnz’ltt to evuil ltnelt of the beuellte of the net of tjouttretnu, 1841!, end it ie eluinud in the enewer timt it. thereby cnuitnbiy ebun- doned lte right en to do, but on thecontrury conceded ite liebility for the dntnnueein- curred, if eny. by routine oi‘ ueld lees; end it ht iltuiulctl thut it would be munlfeeliy un- juet ufttire dcley of over live yours to ullow netitloncr, or to compeli reepondenttogo beck to eeld ‘.'.Uth of September. 1880, to necertnln end fix the then vulue of mild etcemer end her freight then pending. 'l‘het no part of the run is within thojtnln- diction of thin euttri. The ontin is not down for hcerhtg upon the petition und_eue\vcr. i. The petition in en origiuei proceeding: in the United Sluice (iiilU‘i0i. court. on the in- etencu elde oi the edmirulty, nntl iunotu proceeding in run by uurreutlcr oi‘ the property. and epotitlon thute irlteteo or udeptvd to the ieltc end river \'L't-win. trustee» tnuy be eppoluted tor the benefit of tion with uuretica to be epnroved, by the" for ugnlunt ell poreone cleltnitnz any demeze the city of Green lhty, by ee teeny pieintiifr-' Verdict: Damaged

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