Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 18 Feb 1886, p. 3

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'1 " " .-yj;-T".......'xy -*w y fclfrfryWtjWfflffyW*^ jTftjr JVymiin^ l^n'imrl. 8 ucll clalinantn as are enlllbd tbeielo, bill W a preceedlng simply to limit Ibu liability ol thu pelllloner by allowing It to give stipulation lu the admiralty for the valun ol the ofluuilliig thing, whereof It waa- at the lime, the owner, obligating Itself with nnre. tics to pay Into court whatever sum mlghl bo decreed against It by the court 10 ll.....x tent of niich stipulation; which stipulation must In no case exceed thn value of ihe ven- mI.mi) her freight then rending, and ah at tempt lo remove a common law case from lis appropriate jurisdiction lulu thu admiralty which la without Jurisdiction, thereby de. prlvlng thu plaintiff ol the right to u trial by Jury. 11. That the act does not embrace InJ'irlcB to real efltiilu and tho property therein con tallied or lortn done on hind to property or thlngn nut engaged In Irado and Irtilllc.imd commerce between fori Ign nations or among the several stales, or with thu Indian tribes but only Injiiiles oecnrlng through the de fault or treachery of tluTiniisler or mariners without the privily or knowledge of the owner of tho ollendlng vessel, to property which la the subject of coniiiieicu ami mule in transit 011 Ihe high seas, the greiitlnkes and Ihe navigable waters of Ilie United Htatos, The net in to be construed infer so et ad homines, and In to be confined to ship owners, foreign and domestic lielghters, piiBsengers and maritime mcrcluinls. The act Is one of enumeration of the parlies and thlngn whlcli nro to bo affected by |i; and all the parties mid things enumeriitid are llmlled to per sons and thlngn maritime. The first flection exempts ship owners from Ions or damage hydro to gooda on board tho ship; the second exempts the muster or owner from loss or da-nago to jewelry, precious metals or money put on board tho ship; the third section, to nny embezzlement, losn or de> struellon by tho officers, crew or passengers or nny olhcr pernon of any property shipped or put aboard said vessel, or for any loss, damage or Injury by collision, 01 for any nut mnttur or thing, Ions, damage orfoileituru dono or Inclined. No case can be found except that of Ibu Thomas Hood, decided In Hie Noribcrn district of Illinois, lu which it wasaiteinpteil by a proceeding similar to that nl Iheift-cat bar, lo apply thu actol lb51 when Ibu in- Jury or tort was committed on land. Tho court, without Ihe bunellt or nrgib mcnl, and without the question ofjuilnllc Hon being raised, in 11 nhoit decision ruled that tho act applied. The point wan raised in llio Plymouth, (II Wall, 20) but the conn finding It hud no Jurisdiction, on account ol the tort not being one cognizable In Ihe ad miralty, declined to take any notice of It, and the fair reference in Unit the Supreme court was of tho opinion thnt the act did noi apply to such a case. All tho mhchlcl that la to bo remedied by thu ship owner having to respond to suits at common luvv, vvnn present In that case. Tho reasons assigned In Hie case of the tug Thomnn Hood by the couil In deciding thu ensov with all due respect to the ability of tho judgu who decided It, wo think arc far from being satlslactory. Congress lu whli drawing river or Inland navigation Iroin the - bencllln ol the net, had clem ly Indicated that lor Ihe Injiirlca which 11 vitbcl might lulllct along the shores of rivers, for those torts ooinmlllcd on the property on land ol hi rang- ors In 110 privily vvlili trade and navigation, the ship owner shall make full b'iiiIbIiiuI in in common with nil other tort feasors. To otherwise Interpret It the ciimpensailug law of reciprocity would bo so violated and ills, regarded im 10 shock every Bense of Justlco nnd equity. If such property on land should inflict a corresponding injury upon a voiscl, tho owner of nucb pioperly could not luivu tho benefit nf any nucb act. It was not the Intention of congress to re Hove Ibu uhip owner ol nil liability for the act of bin servants, when such servants vvoiu uiarlnurs, Or for Injuries committed by them everywhere1, on sen and on hind. It wan a sulllcleiit encouragement to ship owners to limit their llanlllly for tho torts ol theii iigenln when those ngonls vvero beyond tin Ir control and on Ihe high seas. It wan an act dealing with trade iifrd commerce, and with' llijurlon and dannigo indicted by or with persons engaged in thin |lti*iiit. It was an act having no rcfeleueo lo injury to leal ea- tate, or to things done 011 land, It might be, as was said by Judge Hhulgelt, Import ant tu the ship owner, that he should he re. Ileveil everywhere, boih 1111 hind and sen, for the negllgeiiiu and tieaclii ly of li|n marl- ners, but congiesH would nevci ciunio 11 pilvlleged class consisting nf Ion Igu and doueillc vtu'iel owneis, whose acivauts might commit tret-nissen on land, nnd limii the liability of such a class, and I'd use ll to all other cIiisscb IDA 11. IIANH1.TT, Of.oiius. iiu:m.t v, Jr. BASSETT & PRESLEY, iSuocossors tp W. H MoCurdy & Co. j >. Office and Warehouse, cor. Elm & Hemlock Streets, C leveJand, 0. WIIOLICsALi: DEAI.EHI IN' BAB, BOILER, HOOP, AHfiLE AND SHEET IRON. Nails, Railroad and Boat Spikes, Boiler, Tank and Cooper.Rivets, Swedos Iron, Boiler Tubos, Nail Rods, Etc, Etc, Etc , WE REPRESENT IN THIS MARKET FALLOWING WELL-KNOWN MiNUFACTURERS: AttrfrMVM taroa. A Co......Yomiirstowu. <1. | Hoop** At Twii**nd, . ., ,Pbl1a<llplilu. )>u, HAU IKON ANO l'<U.rllKllHHAl'TN<l. . lmir.Kll anu,tank. IlIVllTOi lUWInir Iron XVimtIih . 1'hlludrlphU, 1'h. I HOU.KIt TIJ1IKH. I Miiiulorsiin llros. StH'o....., S)>ruaasn, X. If.!. W.ark....... Hni-rlsbuv*. I'a. CANTSrKM.. HOII.UR ri.ATKH. I.lmlur * Mc'ulolMH>li..... I'ltUliiifB, l', HO.Il'. I1ANH Jtl HTAlt IIOIIHKMIOI' I1ION. Gaoruss W. Jnlitmo........'.....Newoustl*, J'll, TANK HIHOKT 1IION. were possible, vw. inlirht dispense wllb ibu lllimlo lie neidle iilli'L'.'i bet, null In I bat " af icvolil Ilie whole ol ihe lrr*|nbn I' le lirl-lng l>..1 Ii ikuii be ill ill-liiibanies mid from Hi" lllegllltn and Icoown lliov "ineols ol Ihe llilicoiello |e |e \fnrlui /.'llj/fll^i r. .lustipli Turns X Kims........, O, OllOWN STAY 1IOI.T WON. C,n. ),l Ir Works.........l'lilluill|ililu, l' asoi.i: IRON. A Complete Stock of all above Goods in Our Warehouse, . The llistsicllonol thu act of lSfil aupporla nnd gives eoi.jitenaiite to tills cunntruulion; tills seollon exempts ship owners fiom lln- lilliiy (or losses on board of tliclr ship by lire "iiuleus such lliu la eauned by the denlgn or neglect of nuch owner or owuuis," nnd the Inst lecllon declares that thu net shall nut apply to nny vunsul of any description what ever used In rlvursor Inland navigation. Thoretore, tho provisions of Ibu nut mint apply only to foreign and Auiurloan vunsolB not used In river or Inland navigation, and to their owners, nnd tho hingusge of tho third socllon, after providing for any loss by collision provides "for any act mutter or thing, loss,damagu or forlulturo occasioned or Incurred without the privily or knowl edge of muh owner or owners, shall In no ciu-c exceed the amount or value of Ibu In terest of such owner," etc. Tho Hint secllon of the act, Sec. 4282 or Ibu Huv. Hnii.,coiillii(n thu losn not only lo gooda shipped on board, anil by mitnn or by menus nl tho lire which lni|i|ii ned, but "10 tho ih p," or "on boaidof her," by Ibla la meant a llru which happens to the ship phyli ally, and does not apply ion lire where the ship herself is not touched by the lire at all. The statute means that thu lire vvlili Ii happens In or nboard Ihe ship miiBl bo thu cause of the loss. By judicial construction, Hie third section Is emended to lo'sea by lire huppi'iilnc! with out ihe privitv or know ledge ol the owners, but ll certainly cover vviib Intended to ex tend Ihe Hlatuto so as to embrace luiy other losn by tiro except by means ol tire happen ing to or on board nald ship. In ensen wlicro there Is no Ihiiltntlnn of liability for lire under the continue, and the liinltnlloii In purely by virtue of a statute, mid where that mature lu In derogation ot common law, llio onus Is upon (he pin ly for whose bunellt tho statute Is Hindu lo bring hiimcll within thu provl-duna ot It. Under this first sectlnn, the owner Is not oniltled lo the bunellt of llio slntute.iinlll ho llrst shows Hint It did not happen liv nny neglect or design on his part. In ah Beliceol all pioof, upon whom then Is ihe bunion of pruolf Surely upon the ship owner, lire being one of the lnsnus picmmcd to nrlse from negligence In the absence ol proof either way, thli proof makes the owner guilty of negligence. Tho exception by limitation of a slatulo would pot ullect the nam jireoandi. Thai fltiiluto merely piovidm that Ibu owneis shall bo,excused ll the llru is not caused hy Ills design or neglect, but ho must prove these llilngs. This, he anil his Bcrvautn nlonc can do. ll In In Ills power and Inter est to show the facts not so with Ihe shipper or party Injured. To place Ihe own upon them Would bo to deny them of .remedy; a itichnriison, (S C ) 1107, id, 280; 1 Snob hurt 2(11), 21H; MoUon v. Hnltonntnll, lit I'etern, 181. Whatever might hnvo boon the ancient geneial maritime law Is Indlllerciit. Ii was llio geneial tiinrllliuo law ol thu United Mates nt the lime of the adoption of the eon sthnlhm down to llio time when ihonfto1 lt-51 was passed by Congrei-n, that thu lia bility of the vv long doei lor n miullluie lint, when a vessel owner, lor thu nets ol his seiviints iniulioil thnt he should uinke full sntlslncllon, nnd whin Ihe net wnn adopted, thai |>< i milled him to lliidl thin llnblllii, ll was e\piessly pinvldcd as In thu Lngllsh acl and all oibeis, that It should uolnppli to any vesi-cl ot whatever description en- gaged in ilvirs or Inland navigation, [io bt continued ntxt mtL,] TI1K COMl'AhS. One of tho moat dilleatu and Important lltili gs lu ii modern veisol Ms llio compass, and It In at present piobuhly the least enpii. blu of control and hsa tellable llinu any oilier mechanical devlcu upon which the mariner depends for tho nuccessful comple tion ol his voyago and bin aufely. The mug- neilc norlh In a most Irregular nnd trftnble- sumo diituni on which lo depend for regit- Idling the course of a yessel, since It Is con stantly upon the move, huvliig lis perlodlenl vnrlnllnn oifst or west of the true astronom ical norlh. Of comso thin variation Is known and tabulated for the use ol mari ners, hut there are an Infinity of small Irregular variations of which no record-can bo kept, and whlclTciin at no time bo lore- seen. Apai t from llio aforesaid Irregularity of tho magnetic north, tho Instrument in common use as a marlnem' coinptus In Itnulf subject to a largo varloiy ol dinturbances, This leiklupcy to dlstiirhanto Is now vi ry greatly liieiensed by the gcnernl uso nf lion and leel lor Ihe building of llio hulls of vessels not only of Die ipivv, but of tho mercantile marine. Snob hulls have them selves, puillcuhirly lho*o nuide in steel, the power to become more or lens permit- nl'utly uingueti/eil, am! ihus to present enormous ih llectitig iulliionco upon the eoinpnss neeole, I'bo conucilon of these dl-iuiblng iltedl", together with itlic ci rors known us (pinilraiit d, semicircular and heel ing, are sought to bu obviated by a viuluiy ol Ingenious eonlrlvaiices, such as the iu- scrinm ot tl\ed maguets vvlthlnnr about ihe compii'-n box, nnd lurlher by the use nf un- magiieilc lion glubes. Sir Wllllum Thomp- sou has iniido his nnnie famuiis tor the null-' ilplicliy of ingculiius devices that he bus fiom liniu lo tune 'cinilrlved for this pur pose, mid v u see Hint he in ngnin putting out lurlher Improveinuiita dealing vvlili llusu uirotn in u pructlcnl shape, lor tin* buuetlt nl mirlners. lint after nil this haa been done, and vvlili every credit lo Ihe ex treme ingenuity shown hy Mr William Thompi-ou mil oilier scleulisis In ufleciing coriecllonrt ol known errois, tbeio still ie- mains so l.irgo a uiiirgin ol possihlo error-, whlih niny nrlse from tune to time, owing lo [lie nllernlloii ol the magnetic couililiini- illlder which ihe coinpass was llist set, thai we cannot hut leel that we are sitll liu lioiu having mi Insiriimeui of such rclhihllli) as iniglit be desired for the purpose of alwav- [iidlcullng his tine courMi lo tho uuirluci. I'lobalily lu the course ol another geneia lion, so uipld are the piesinl stlides of no jirovemeut nod invelilloii, our ile-eeiul nil- will be surpilsed,nt Hie complacency whh which wu put up so long wlih an iu-tii- meiit so gcucmlly known in be Irregulai and nillellablc lu Itn anion as the ulagiii tie i oiup iss. It U, ot i olirst ,(llllleull lo imagine or loresee In what way such an lostiuuieni in ly be supeiseded or leplnced, but we-iuiiy give -our Ingenious ruideia the benellt ol such Ideas as uuiy slrlke us 'u|)ou the sub- jict. Hu have heard not long ago, ol a compass sllil mngiielif lu lis at lion, whii Ii elalinud bv the loniblnaiion ol two liule- pendellt lie elites lo'illi| Irulr n duplicated rot ol delliell..... wbiilcver lllnl enoi might be, one inidie ilellecllng In one dluctlou and the oilier ilcllccilug lu Ihe oppnsltu din i lion on either side of the tiuu inagneiii noith. ll Is evident tJmt hhould the aclloii ol this device ho aieniiite lu the above ie- sped tor all eases of dl-Miirbnuie, ihe mean leading ol thu two iiiedhu would .dvvivs give the true magnetic' north ut anv ran- VVhelliei such ii loinpnsB will lie found In pliutleo always to fill III these conditions, we have no means of knowing, but we hnvo nut jetlenldol such nil appliani e being evil BUiechSlully used ut sen Wo have again build, that Ihe light itself was nth eti d bv the lines of magnetic mice running ninth nml MMllb; so that, could menus bu ilevlsi d loi i h in i v Indicating IbU elicit upon the light of ilnv, b) rendu lug ll visible lo the inariiieii be wuiihl it ipilie no lurlher hull cation as In the Hue magnetic noilli. .s'iii b an Inilh iillun, vveie It | ihsIIiIii lo prnc tlriillv achieve il, would, al an) late, be iruinllu- eneed by any local magnetic disturbance- whlcli would elliiiinaiu a great iiuiuliui ol small Irregulai [lies. Asa sugneMlnii, w e iniglit point out Hint the nun iisuoiininical nuiIh Is the center ol ihciuniliiui ml this globe, vvhieli Hikes place roiilnl llsow ii o\|s, and we llililk It wlllllu (lie tiouiiils of prac liiabdl'y Ihnt an instiiinient miglit be de vbcil, while pin taking nl llm lotuiy movi - lilenl ol iheeiiilb, lo always iiulli ite llu dliecllou of Ibu nil. of lotallon ll this ROBERT E. HILLS, m S. All North W1U Hi., Oliloaico, I1L STEAM FITTING AND HEAT|NG, Wrought Iron Pipe & Fittings. General Jobliing Work Done Promptly. Also, Proprietor of North Side Brass Works. ~ IVsl'R \'Eli &~BECKE% Vessel Agents and Brokers,. ItOOM 10, Asa4c Wl'k, Uli St. Ma 6*, -iCIiKVKItWD.OHIO^ __ FOR SALE, USTe'xxr Ixcrx Txig. I>lmrunli>u> 7B fwt ,<) , 17 (mI l^ti), 11 f<W >lMp limit, S 1<2 f'pt, tnu'luu, 20x30, now w.^ UlUw- 7 rVot in tlli)ut>Utr, 1U ft ct IttoK, kllawMl 112|'OumlMHtMiiu 'llirvd trot) \maA Ituiku 1nrwmrt\, mHUIoh tiuHtlMtl fnrwKrd. WuUc Llgltt l)i)lkki<l furwuhl ut \m\Im, \tau torn bankt*t, wdlof tipttti imlklmiKl (( ut *Wt-|ilut(], with wu(r ilffla tnn lUok torment tho ttoor of iJW ubjo Imti <UokN, bulwrluKiul A*k lirtiiw*, iron tow peat* )t, Uovy fcsiKl'* Iww (ntinvrf, w)U) MV*rM>' l*i- aa al> (JtriMtti Irybi*-; ?i |4*li, rin-l flrxir |i1himi; IuiIIm', h- tfiw u)d iMMrlHK (ouuiUtlnn of Iron. 1'ovmlotAifv GLOBE SHIPBUILDING CO. DAVID BARNHISEL, Agent. llOWamt A NTAM COAL ivUil. 6hl FOR SALE, AT THE GLOBE IRON WORKS. SIXiOHn HAND HAIIINE BAM i: faur fwit wl!i, 01-2iwt ton,6.fwit lilfili, nlxty-fcujr 3 1-i iueli luUt W IiicIim Ioiik, oiHt Iron brMchiiK, kimiiI am now > LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Couim9tir!nf SuiiiUy.Nov 2 Iflfli, flt 12 u'clodi noon llm ilnifluivMi In Hie tluureg Iwlow ti tut new yinilRKl (Nliictlmh nieriillpu) tiinn, which ii Uilrty-Uitve mill- uiAti tiluwtr llun ClevfUml tlnit prn|MT I AnrlVB Pl*^*^ HlfV Mo r-ulk flO ^i Ma u H 26* u fT 4AA U ) BOA U IJW tWO Hi. "ol, Tut Limitwl L'xiirau ' ftfl, N Y, HA A IicpnM V(*2f>, ! lyrla AictmwwInloB No^l, Uullilo AL'iirvlabaiuliiulf; N\ Ji, lolfdn Vtram vlu Norwul' So\2 S \ Alt Iuh[ I xi>n>M No m -hcchl Now .(irlrl x , No 2, Nfjilit Lx \luNurwiill Noi., Nliihl Lr Wu>iii!iiW w. ., No Ji>, (lomiMut Au-uinniiMlfttinii {4 2.t i* u __\VwtWfll Nu l.lumUi ."linlW *HL0xU UI.VHU IDMiU IMill '2 10 I' U "! 4AI* y i no i> u 0 4(1 I' U flO 00 fU 0 i- uj . ... ........ l-xpr* . No 2-l,Mitli KxiimiR vlu Hiniluhky No I, ChlutRo Lijirt'vn via " . No2.i, Mlfh Artinii Norwalk Njil I0M0 I x vlaNiirwalk Nur>, St U11U 1 1 vluHuniliwUy NoD.Chi P.t Tx vlu Nnrwullt Noai, I ivruuc \a Myrlaonlv tio'H toiiruoiU Accoluaiinlptliiiii |_Arrift^ I t\\taut. "12 251W |I Ifi A U *2 J")AU Jrt IH) A U H? Ml I'M MOMliu u 16 v y ta ioa u ft 30 a y t<l JO Ay Nph '11 00au Wl 4\) I'M t^aofK yun.Uy irnln fur Nntll.i([lniiii- imparl R \h a. ro. ml \ 46 p m , n tuniliiK. Iea\ e MotUttuluiin al H*0 k m am) II Hi p 111 HcfiTflnefliiiiirlfd-f Dally, f 'Ully, xf#pt HuniUy, lilnily.uxMDl Monday \ Iticat C)i\'urii(Dil New \ nrk *iet\wt ilmly en No IV, liavinn Clovilintl nl" Jf, p ni , airlvc (rDd Uhlnl leimt Nhw YnrL.lOJnii m Tor full informal Inn it* lo IrihiH uurt roimw tlnniip- plj it Mil* Union iirU> 111 filer, rurnnv Hiiiili ami Hun< 'InrNir.PU ihi.I. rMircjiutlt H-oL The Nickel Plate! NtW VOltli. OIVICAOO ItAIIAiAY The jiu.*Miti|(Pr 1 <iiii|iiiH nt nt ll: .1 UT. I.OUlfl The jiu.*Miti((Pr 1 <iiii|iiiH nt oi ih Uu|l IIPW 1111(1 In Mlljijlllivll wll-li ll iicrrHHiiry lo nle npicvlj mul tAuifi 1 mlhH kf nnil nnivt nl the Iliiri-n xtrot t (.lumen, irnl ,S Y, at Unltulo 1 (illitwliii,* If Mil" tinuihi I'llorl Juni .U, Ifhj, mul un tllfiirlhorni.tlrt, iln Nriw Irmtk lUtti in lull nt a|l(t)kM)4M irlntilii (nvtl ' Uiilni> hi po(, Vno 1 T A W It'y dopol kAHlWAItlt \rrlv. Urnart rt10*y n^tTulo AnotHiiiiilnltiHi M0 40 a M t turtle; > \(.i{inimi)Jauon . 'Ml.' 1' U lulifhl ' ' IM'.A II "IZtBi-y wurrw.tiii> Arrivi (lii^attn \j coiniuoiUllun "(1 thu ttixlnrlu Air mitumUtlou > 1 M> 1 " "4 SI v u I^wull-'r<.ti!liL USUI H "UWl'M ll(MK\ li|\ Ml ACUiUlroiiiTUl Drjinrl- 7 Ci 11 in , M \\ \> in 1 ll( 1 II) AlCOUUOhllKI* Ut|uil-N> 1* a 111/ilOn 111 ^us i, I).,llu . >1-Al,t h.....I .11 lliilly ixrnt rmiiiiiy , lilitl. laioiili |K|iilji1ir<- un nak> al pjiitfliaJ MiniUKlM 1 iiniUHii in ki in in mi |h inifl urr (in KOIt' ftl \U HlfUiaJ iillliitnif lliofiwiinnny at lowvjir iu itwi (or any c[j>n iiflldioU tl'tUnil Aunu'n^ 1 im Ui il In lUwIliiaJlJoii liirliifnnitutiitii, onll i>n iiiuinHt ninl ol Uu Com- rmiiy.orauMrtfu. II 1 linilN! It, (Juti'l I'lm-nmir AmbuI, U VIM WIUJAXI*., (nHiiral ilaonuyr (It vsln'rid u I'UKCIUHI' YUI'll IK kElh VIA THK Tiui Uruiit IruiiU 1 Iih> to Mir Hnutli nutl Writ, lliconlv tlnelr..... (Iul.ui'l uilli im 1 Iiuiilp of < nn to llu Ml^lshlpi.l Ith.r Mul ir lim im .1 Ihroufh li!|<> si. I ,)in tvlnrc ilnut 1 HUMdliiiK ara iuuiIl in I nldii litpiil fin all piitniMuiM 1'rulluilly mi tliuii|,< ( mm lit Hut PACIFIC COAST. Ih. only llm lu III! I'MIIIN AMI UNI JKNA1I u III! ! Ii in 11 rf.i., ll I1..111 , iirli, niiikliiH loiin.i.ih.ii, in I 11u.11 II. pnii* |(,r i0) 1lj,iH 111 the HO Ul'h .*J.Y/) MUTHEtiST IoiirlHUlUkuii lo piinivrimi pulnln, luilijtlluu llu. ROCK) M0LWT?UNS. Fast Express Trains Dally. Now nnd Eleuant Cars, A Perfect Raadliotl. Un-I or t mi, -. ..ii l mi) liir.jrimiil,.!, n, Nan Inu Ii>iiiI|ii) Iriv.lliimiiril nu.ljiolin IKICIt III I IH. IT I Mil I lllllll Mill I l.l'l I W I AMI ll 0.JAYC0LVER, Passongor Ayonl. J. U BROWN, Tickut Anant. A. 1. SMITH, liiiii-iiil 1'iim.i'iiKi-r Ajjl., V- r.  ii -.- Détpeiri. Inch ttlttitnutttrt on em entitled tltereto. iutt In [tract-etlltltg aitnply to limit till! llt|i|l”')' ol the petitioner by ullnwhtg it to givi- ntipnlntlnn itt the utltnirultyior the vniue oi the otfetttllttg thing. wttm-or it Whit‘ ttt the tlttte, the owner, obiltuttiutr ltut-it witit nure_- tlott to pay into court wltett-ver t-nut ntiglti be tlct!l’ciiil,ii;ztIllitil. it by the court to the ex- tool. of ouch utipuhttlon; witiolt uilpulntlon mnstin no ctnto exceed the vttiue or the vest- nel,‘d her freight then pentllng, tutti uh ttt~- tempt to removettconttnott lttw cuuu trout ill‘ nppvuprittto _)urb«d|etlon into the tultnlruity which is withottt. Jurhuiletlon. li|"r¢l'Y “'5' ptlviug titu pluintiti' ot the rhtbt toe trlttl by jury. it. That the ttettioott not t-.tttb_ruce ln_lItriett to retti.cutute fllitl iite property thoreiit cott- tnlned or tortu done on hind to property or ,_ thlnuu unt 4-,tttptt;t.-<l_li_t irittltl end ttiiilic.-outi oontttteree ltetwentttort-itgtt tttttltfnttor llllilllltt’ the severol stolen. or with the lndltttt tlrlbon but only iu_lut-lett ocenrlnu lbrolttgh the de- flttlt. oritrencltery oi‘tite'tttnnter'ttr tttiirltterh without the priv|ty_' or 'ltnowiedt;e oi‘ the owner of. the oii‘eudInt.t vesntei, to property which lit the vttbjcet of CUIIIllIt'.I'c'ii ttttd trude 'ln irnnttit on the high Flrilil. tlto tzrettt lulu.-it rtnd iito ttnvltgubie wntcru oi‘ the Uttltetl Btntos. The net in to be eoto.trued inter tie at ad Iwmlnes, tutti in tube couiitteti to tdtip owncrr, toreltut iitill tiotuetttie treigltteru, tttmtetttteru ttnd uturititnc ntereiutttttt. Tito out in one of enutnerntlon of tlte pttrth-it nod tbiugtt which .. -—_...l.—.-,..-......-..-.y ‘W’ IIIA II. IIANN wttot.'t~:s,\t.t«'. Nails. Railroad and Boot Spikes. Bolio iron, Boiler Tubes, Nai Audrotvn iron. at (to. .....Ymtuuuto\vn. 0. IIAII. IIION AND l'0l.IlllEIi i-l>IlAl"I‘lN(-i. lllIldlll|.'>'I:0|l \Vtw|iIt... 'hI|uio-iplaln, l'n. Il0"tI’$IL 'l'UIIl’.H.‘ (Jo-uh-at It-an \Vtlrlot.... .llttrriubttv¢. i'L. -_ll()lltl£It.__ _-rtctt. Llntluy Mo(t‘tt6aito<m,.. ........I'lt.\-ltttuz. I'n, IIOUP. HAND £1 HTAII IIOIIHI<Zl5'IIOH “CON. (homo W. Johttttott......f.......)loweutnt.iu,.l‘lt, TANK HIIICIET II|0Y'lu The ilrut oectinu oi‘ the tietol 1861 eupporttt end given ent.ntettunc‘e to thbt ceuetrtu.-tloilz‘ llilli_iit£t.iillilili¥t!lIi])i.I eltipotvneru [rout lli|- hility tor i0iiN.‘li on bottrd oi’ titeir tthlp by iiro "ttttietut such iiro nt onuttcti by tlto tlvfllil" or neglect of ttuch owner or owuert=.'-’ nllll tlte hutt toction dcclttrctt thut tlte ttci. nhull not ,,__ -are to be effected by it; illill nil tlte portion and things unuttternteti tire iltttiied to per- who and titintzs tnnrltlnto. ’l‘ite iihii. section exentpttt ship owners from Ions or tllltilllflfl by tire to goods on board the ship; the Ieooud exetnptt. tho ntttetcr or owner from loan or dtrttugo to jewelry, precious ntotnbt or tttoncv put on btutrd tito ship; the third motion, to may ctttbezzletttcttl, ‘loan orde- structlon by the oiilcere, crew_or ptutttentgertt or nny otltcr [it.'l‘il0li ofnny property uhippcd or put ttbourd mild vetetel, or tor uny leer, dttttutue or in_lury hy coilittlott, or for illiy net mnlter 0i‘lliliit:', ioett, tltilililfltl or torfcltttrc. done or incttrrcd. No.ettse can be found except ih otiltc ’l‘hotnno liooll, decided ill the Northern tiitttrlct. of liiiuoln, ltt which it wtut uitctnptcd by it proceeding: uintlhir te thut nl_'lhc t‘il-it: ill bur, lottpply tlte hotel 1851 when titottt- jury or tort. wtot cotntnltted on lttud. Tito court, without the bcnelit. or urt:tI- meut, ttnd ‘without the tptetttiuu orjurlvtlic-. tiott being rnhtetl. in it ttitert dechintt rttied litttttltotiet nppileti. 'l'lte poittt wot-t rub-‘ed in the Piytttotttlt, (it Well, 20) bttt tlte court finding it loud no '_luritstl|cll0it, en nceottut oi the tort. not. being otte Ctimllllllllu lil tltu'ud- mlrttlty, deeliuctl to unite nny noticcofit, lliti the tuir reference in thut tltc ‘.-iuprctnc oourt \ViIii oliho opinion tltttt on net tiid not npply to such it Ciiflc. All tho tnltcitiet‘ thut is to be retnetiiotl by titu uhip owner ituvintt to toepond to units it! oouttnott low. wtnt present in tltttt cm-e. The rcttttottn nsitigzttcti in llto cone of the,t'ut: Titottttte Hood by the cottrt ltt deeidiut: the cure, with nil dttereepect to tile ttbliity oi’ tlto jotlge who tieciiled it, we think urn ittr lrotn being tuttittiitctory. Cttttgretot in \vltlt- tiruwint: river or lttinud nuviutttion l'rout the beneiite oi the net. bud elcuriy lndicutcti thut tor tlto lninrien which it Vt‘lht:l_ tnltiht lttlliet ttiong the shorett of riveru.{or titoee tttrtii ootnutiucd on tile property on lnuti oi’ itIrunt,- on iii no privity with trude nud nttvitzutlon, tho tthlp owner iilllill ntuke rttil ilitllfil'ilt:ll'ilI in eotttitt_ott with oil otltcr tort fetooru. ‘i'o othorwltto interpret it the Ulilii[)i.'li!iillIIF low 0! reciprocity would be no viointcd und (llrl' regnrdctl on to tthocitevcry active or iustice nnd etittity. lfunch property on luttd nhouitl lnillct cttrrtsuttetidltttg injury ttptut veeuei, the owner of eueh property cottld not ituve tlto benciit of tiny tutch ttei. It won ttot i.ho itttetttlott of congrctnt to re- iiove the chip owner oi‘ uli liithliity tor the act of his ecrvunte, when ttuch ecrvunttt were ntItrlnc‘rt-, dr'tor injurice eouttnittcd by thcttl everywhere, on |it'il tliiti on inttd. It wen ttuillcicnt. t.‘lit!t)tii'ii},'{titlI(‘lil to Mill) 0\\'lHlI'tl to ,, ., hurt .08, .18, limit their lnniiily for the tone oi llwlt tlumm,‘ 13L ngcnttt when .liliiiit!'liL[t:lilli were beyond their control ttnvi on the high iitiilll. ltwun llii not dcttilntz with trndo u'fld eotnnteree, nnd'witlt' L5“'W|“'l "“"'l‘i'“l’ i"“' l-“ l'‘‘llil‘’'“‘'‘- 1‘ “"“‘ lnjnrieu uttd dutnugo intiioiclti Wl‘i'\{M()_i‘ with .... pnreotnt cttgtttzcti in l.lIl!l tihfuit. it tvtttt ill) not huvhtg no rci't-rettco to injury to reel eu- tutc,nr to thlntztt done on loud. it might be. tut wtnt euid by Judge lliotltzett, lIIi|)oi‘l- not to the tdtip owner, ‘thut itc Mlllililll be re- lievod everywhere, both on liilitl undue». for the li(‘i;ll;1t=Iil'U iiiitl ireneltery of lilil uteri- neru, biti L'li|i|{l‘t:iiN wottiti never creuie ii ‘pI‘lvi|t't:t'tl cittmt eottelstittg of i‘ort-ltztt und dou.cttic vt-ustei own:-re, \\lIti.‘i(l Hl'l‘\’ilIilil tttluitt cotutnit il'l'>ll:tNr6t'Il on lunti, iillil Illitll tltn iiuhlilty of ouch ll clumt. ttnd reiuec it to oil other elueuctt. ltppiy to nny vctnfei of oily dettcription wbxtt- ever tntediu rlvcrsor intend nuvitzutlon. 'l‘horciorc, tlto provhdontt o! the not most" upply only to foretgn iilitl Atnerlcun vetntoitt not need ltt river or lttittttti Intvltttttlon, mill to their owncru, ttttd tho lttttutttuzo or the titir.i nooilou, utter providing for nny loss by collision provides "for tiny net tttttttt.-r'or thing. loo-, dtttntttzo or torieituro occttttlottcti 'r}rl:tcurrcd without. the privity or knowl- edge of tueh on ner or owuertt, ehuil lll no cine exceed the tttnonnt or vttlno of the in tcrettt of such owner," etc. 'l‘he ilrttt ttcction of ilto net, Sec. 4'28‘) oi’ the Rev. t~itut..cottllttcs tittt Ions not only to guotiu uitlppt-ti on bourd,ttud by rctitntt or by ttteotnt oi" the tire which iiii|)|ii'ttL'tl, but "to tito thip." or "on .botu'tloi' her,"—.by thin in lilL'iIl|l. tire which lutppcutt to the uhlp pliyv-lt'lllly, ttntl does not ttpply to it iirc witere the ship bcntclf ht not i.ouclIt'tl by the tire ut till. 'l'itc tttututo liit'ilIlFi tltut the tire which intppcutt to or tthourd tito Flilli mtitil be the ctittttoof the loiiit. by judicial C_0tllill’lltiil0il, the third section in extended to l0!i3t'ti by llreitttppettittg witit- out the,privit_v or itttowledtze oi‘ the owner», but it eerininly ttover wno intended to ex- tend the ututnte no no to etnbrnce tuiy other iostt by iiro except by tncuntt oi the ltttppctt- lot: to or on board ttttid iahip. lit liiiiiell witcro there ht no lltttlt'tttltttt of iiuhlilty for tire under the" cotttrttct, nnd titn litttltttliott in purely by virtue" of tttttiute, ttnd where. tltttt ntntntlt in itt ticro;_:tttiott of eottttnott low. the dune is-upon the pttrty for whose h_ctt_elit the etntute_l»« Inutle to bring lilllliisll "within the ])t‘0Vl.-Iitttiit oi‘ it. Utttler llllil ilrttt eectlun‘, tito o_wner in not entitled to the bcnciit oi tlto siutute,ontll he llntif ttltowit tltttt it tiitl not lttlppctt by utty neglect or dcttitztt on his pen. in ill)- echceof till proof, ttpott wltom then in the burden of proof?‘ Surely ttpott the? l_illip- ewncr. iiro being otte of the ltetttes prenttttotl tortrlttc front uct,:|l;;ettcc in tile uintettce oi proofcither wuy, this proof liIiil(L'li tlteowut-r’ guilty of ttcelitgcnce. 'l‘ito exception by iltnltntlon of ttitttuie would pot utiect iitomtuu prulmmlt‘. 'l‘itut stntuto tuerciy ptovidee tltut tlto owncrtt illiilil l)0.t'Xt.!'tl ii" the tire l:t'not (.‘tliItit‘tl by his dcttign or neglect. but he Ililliii. prove thetto thing-4. 'l‘h|u, he ttttd his lll!|’Villilti uitinc ctttt do. it ht ltritht power uud litter- (Sill toyitotv the fttctts tint on witltthetaltlpper or pttrty injured. 'l‘o piuco tho ottttt lnpen titottt wottld be to deny titetu or .re edy; Ii Ricitnrtiuott, (S. C‘) 301, ,‘.!H0; .‘<itrni_)~ Stoke-it v. Sttitotnttttil, iii Witotever tnight ltnve been tlto unelcut the gent-rui tuttrititnu iuw oi tito- United Stolen ttt_!|to iitneol the ndoptiott oi’ the con- othutiuo down’ to the time witett tlto not oi it-'51 won pntisetl by Cottt{rcru,tltttt tltu litt- ttiilty of tlto,wreng deer for tnttritittte tort, when veieit.-i owner. l'or the ilciil of hi»- iit'i‘ViI|ll)l requitoil tittit he ttltonitl‘ l’htitu lull stttlitiitcliun; iliitl win-n the itet wee ttdopied, litut pertnilted lillil to iitnli. thht |itthl|it\', it BASSETT PRESLEY, _' |Stto_cossoru to W. H. Mucerdy 8:. Col -to ‘Office and Warehouse, cor. Elm'& lietttloclt Streets,‘ Cleveland. 0. Acompieie Stock oiail above illhtt Mt7ttt_inrf,"i\’ itiilittl. (J I20!!!-i l)l':.\l.l‘lll\' IBARI ttttttttt, tttut, tttttt to not ttttt; r, Tank and ()oopor_Rlvots, Swedes Rods, Elo., Eio., Elo. WI-illl1Plii}'S_l‘.li'iill'i'liiS lillil(ET l‘iii.i.liWillll liililtl.-lliililiili MANUFACTURERS: Ilttopmi J: Toxvtturntl. ttotmctt 'ANI[.'I ,l'ltIltuIcIp|tlu, I'n. lllVI'2'l‘1-it S-ltlttdumtn llrou. §tocl‘(7o.. .....'.t-iyruuotu. N. Y. CANT i4'l'I'Zl<3l.. Jmutplt Corn: .1: Hon»: ....iil:todlluu, o_. -'(Jltt)W.\i—£i‘rAY ll0l.‘|‘ lttoN.- Puttaoytl [troll \V0|‘l(||.........Pltllttdhalpltlto. l'u. tL\'(tt_.t-7 llt0N.- ends in iiuriilarehuuse. 't‘iIi'J C0t\ll’i\s:s. Oneof the tnoet tit-iii-ttte ttttd iutpnrtiint iittit mt ltt ll tnodern vet-not ’iu the cotnptuot, illiLl it ltl tit pretzctit |ll‘0l)illlly tito iettttt cnpn. bio of cottfirql nttd it-no reiiubio tltun nny other tttccl tttticttl device ttpon which the tttttriuer tit-petttis for -the ttttceeuuttti eotttpie- tiou ot hbt voyiuzo ttttd lilit surety. ‘i‘he tung- netle north in tnottt lI'l‘L‘[,‘_’lllili’ nttti trouble- >omotltttutn on which to ticpetitl tor retro- intlntz the course oi’ _vetute|, illIit:t! it ht coo- uiuntl upon the move, ltuvltttz ltit.perlod|cui vttrhtt on elm or west. of tito true tnttronotn- ictti north. 0! U0lI|'iiii thin vnrisilon ht known end tttbnitttetl tor the intent mnri. nertt, but there uro un infinity 0! iunttii irrt-gtilur vttriutionrt of which ho record con be kept, nntl wltlcit‘cun ut no little he tore- ttoen.‘ Apurt {rout tlto tttoreattid lrrcmtlurity o! the ntnttneiio north.'tbe intttrntnent in eonttttott nun hi! il nturinertt’ enmpusu is lttteit’ tutbjeet to inrtzo Vttrlotv oi tllt-ll.lil‘lliiiit.‘L't-I. Tlilui ietidtutey tn ill.-iliirl)iIiit'0 is notv very ttreutly lttereuuetl by the general into of iron nod -teei i'or the hulidlut: of the huiluof Vmiiittlll not_mi|y ut the nuvy, but oi‘ the ntercuutilo tttttritte. Suoh hulltt huve them- tteivee. puttlenlnriy thoto ntnde in tl[L'(:l, the power to become more or less perttto- nbntiy ttttttzttctizt-ii, iilill thus to present ettortttotn- tll‘lli't.:llll‘.‘,’ ittiluottce ttpott the t5i)1li[)il“>i tteeole. 'l'itc eorreetiott of these di-turbiutz eltcdtn, togetitcr withtthe errors known toa'qtttt«lrxtttt:tl. netnicirenlnr end heel- iotz. ttre RUII|_Vlil. tithe obvittied by vuriety oi‘ liiflcllltblirl L‘t)Illl'lVtIltt:t!.~I, ituch u-t tltc lu- eertlon oi‘ tixcti lIiiit.{Iii.‘ltl wlthluor nlmttt the UtiiiI]iit.~'il box, ttnd Ittrtiter by the one of ‘un- tnutzuetic iron ulobeu. Sir \Vll||ntn 'l‘hetttp- eon int-t tttudo h|.~t ttttnte ftttnutnt tor the tttttl-‘ tipllclty oi‘ lllflcliltlllfl devices tlntt l‘.e_ hue lrotntintc to itttte contrived for thin pur- potte. lliill we iiifu iliill. he in ttppttn putting out lttrtlter lutprovctuent» tlenliug with these ctront itt it procticttl liliiipl‘, tor the heocilt oi’ lI\iIl‘l|lt.‘I‘b. ilut utter nil thlgt hue bcett done, nnti with every credit to the ex- tretnc lntgcnnlty tdtowtt by Sir Wiiliuttt 'l‘ltetnpt-on ttn-J other iit.'lL'iill>-itl in ell’:-etlntt eerrt-ctiotnt oi’ known errors. titero l-llll I'c- Illlllliti t-O ittrge tnuruin oi. piitiraliilti error.-, \VlIll'll ntuy urine from ttttto to time, o'wlu;_v to the nlterttllon oi‘ the lIiilL{lIt'llt'. cuutliIiou- ttuder wltieh tlto t.'lilIi]ttttni wmt Iii.-it i-ct_ tltitl we connot hni. loci tltttt we tire still lur i'I‘ttiII ituviuy; Illi lit»-irlIIIIt'Iil oi eueit reilubilhy it» tnluht be tlcttiretl' for the pnrpo.~e oi ulnu\'- ltttllcntint: hln trnocottrso to tho tnnrluet‘. l'robttitly lit the (.‘()lll'ti0 oi‘ nnothcr 1;:-t.t_-in tlott, ttn rttpld ure the |)l't‘ttl'iii. »i.t'it|ett of im- prnventunt tuul lnvetuion, oiir iie.-eetttI.-uu.- will he surpIl~etl,ttt’tito cntttpiucettey.wlth which we put up no tout; with illi lu-trt.- tttettt no tzenernliy known to be ll‘rt'i_'IiliIl' ttttd nnrt-iittitlcln lttt notion IN tito tttogut-tu-, I}tlIli]).‘ItH. it id, oi l7(lll|'nt',(llllll!lill. ill-l|iIiiL'lttI‘ or lorettee lli wiutt wuy such tttt in:<trttutcnt may lie i-tII|)l!|‘F.Ullt!tl-0|‘ repiuccd. but we-tony Lzlve‘-our lngeulotnt i'l'ii(lt!l‘ii lite bent-lit ui such idcint tot tttuy itiriitc titt_'tipott the suit- It-ct. We ltttve ltcnrd Itot loot: ut:n,ot cotttptmt iillll lliilfllitflltf in list ttetiou, with-It t'liIlIlilitl by the coutblnutlon oi‘ two liIlll'- pendent tn-etllen to'int||ente il dnplii.-tttcetror oi tlL‘lli'(illl)lI, wlttticvcr thut. etror tnltzht he, one |It:t‘(llti dt-llectinp_ in one direction lilitl tlteotitcrtlcilt-c'tlnt: ill the opptndto direc- tion on t-ltitcr «hie oi the true tnu',!h<-tie ttortit. ll_lti cvltlont tltttt i~ilt)liltl the ttctiott oi‘ llilrl device he ucettrnte itt the-nhovc re- spect for nil CilNl'ti of di«turbuuee, the llii'nII i‘tiiItllIlL{ oi'.tIto two tteediot wuttid ultvurtt give the true iIiiIl_!Iit'llt!. north to nny rut:-. Witoliter tutch ll t'tiiiI|Ii|Ni will he fonnti lli prut:tit:ttoltvttytt ltbllillllllitthttvtlilillllltlli-1,\\'t‘ ituvo tto lilt'liiIii oi ituotvintz, but we ltnve Iltll yet e_urtl oi‘. |iliL‘lI till ttppiluneo heltig ever i<lll‘tElft~‘Nil|lly in-ed nt lil‘i|. "Wu itttvo iIL'illIi lteurtl. thut thniltzht itttt-it .wtni ttiii-ettvti by the llnctt ol lliilL{lil‘llli toreo running: north illltl rtililll; no thut, could lllliiilirt he tltiVlt~l‘ll lUl‘t‘ll‘llI‘l_V itttiictttittg llili elleet upon the ll;_:lIL of tin)‘, by rett:ieritt~,: it Vlt-lltltt to the tnurincr. he would retptlre Ito Ittrtlter indi- ctttlott net in the true Ittttgitt-tit: iiitllli. .\'tu'lt iltl itttiltruiittn, were it tzo.-niltlo to prttclit'nli_\' uchlero it, would, nt. nny rote, ho tntinIlu- cnccd by,uny iocul tnntznetie IllhilIl‘liilIitlt!~ which would elitttinuic Lrrctti, tintnher oi" lilliilll trre;tttittI'ilieu. As it ttttget-niiott, \\'e utlght ptilIii.t)lil_.lliliL the true ilb~L|0lltlIllll‘iil notth in the t‘t'lil|'I‘ ot"litt,vrutnlioti tot‘ tltb. um t-xprt-te.|y pru{'ideti nit lit the ltltteliuit not ttnd uil otlu-re, lliiii it tthonltl itotnptily to tiny Vcurcl oi‘ whuicvcr description on- gttgetl in rlvertt or ltiliilltl nn\:it,:tti.lott. [To be cuttlitittcti nut torrl.'.] globe, \\’lIlt‘lI tniteu piece routnl ll‘il)\\'li oxts, lillll we think it Wllllltl the itotitttlu of prnt-,- ilt‘l1lllll'y lhttt nu liir-tI'lIllit‘Iil ttiicitt in-tie. Vlrllll, while puttul;itt;.: oi" tlto rotnty |littVi'- intent of tltoeurih, to ultvttyu indh':tte the dhcctlon nfltite exit of rotttiiott. it" this -- t"""""'-'7"-‘V"."““-"“‘«""W=-\"’~~>'n ere pototibit-_ he tttigi-t tlluotnu th that |llii|(iii'lli' l|t‘(‘lllt' ttii_t~uuIltei‘, ttttil lit lhni ‘WV ityoltl the wit-tie the lrrr|5IiliiI‘l|lI‘II uri-int: lliIlI| [tom lot-ul iii-tttrlutttt-en itittl front that II‘li'L{IIllll‘ tttttl Ittmwtt IlIlt\"'llit‘l|ltl til the iIIIiLVIII‘ilt‘ |I"li‘.-——.lIti7/ill! lint/I wr. ROBERT E.,lrllLLS. (61 at Mt North W,-tt-t tic.’ ctttangn. Ill. Talnphtmo :t:tet. STEAM FITTING AND HEATING, Wrought Iron‘Pipe tit Fittings. eietoteitttmo etttrtretlto. General Juititint Wart Dun Ptutniiy. Also, Proprietor otvliorth Side Brass Worito.’ "'11/519: pt‘/1-/.*_ .t§"1§w/(Me, ROOM ill, *~»l (iItli_illilt7li\ii), OHIO. ._. ._._._._. FOR ‘SALE’; 'lilntru-inn: 7it lo-ot lontt. 11 int hunt. ll l-mt ti dnlt. it [-2 Int; EM,'lu(.l 20190, new Med better (mm di neuter. ill “'01 long, lowul 112 poumitntontu. 'l'hrva iron ivtuut bonito lonrud onilh-inn ltuiitltdd “film Vllaf Light intlkltuti Hows!-ti oi belle‘; iron 4: bunluu, valor tight bulkhead Ilt tut I-lull-nluui, with wutar tl hi. lmtt tloolt tor-ring the Moor of mu thllxk-« lnm dna H,lt|ll\1IVlLlIli|l lioell ltntttm; into low pd Ill. Us-vy mull: lmu (menu, with mm-no inn mul- glna end but touudntlnn-oi iron. l"Wh.l0 «-9 DAVID BAHNHISEL, llgettl. I)0.\lIXl'I(} uh NIEAM COAL flovol-ml. on. rota §TALE, THE GLIJBE lliilll WORKS. BICCUND HAND HAIIINE Nill.l-Ill tour loo! villa, tit-21Mt llJlIt(,5.l00l- hluit, sixty-tour inch tuba: 60 inches loud, and lrott breoehttu, [t\mlll||li\1.I ttttt‘ SHiill3—&M—iliiitltii SOUTHERN. Cotattttsnritu:t<luntl|y,'Nov. 21) Hill‘), at. I? o’eli'\ci¢ mm the time IVNI in the iiuuru below it lltl new mud: (NllIIrl|-Ii ttterldlnnl titttn. which ll thirty-Litwe min- ttlmttiowcr thIn.Clcv titnn pI'II]IN'. tin.-tvttmi. tut. Litnltod l-Ixttruat Y. ii -it A‘ littpytttbt. .. lyr_|.t At'coututmlIIlott .. No It. i.lttti.tlo 4\t:'iiYVIn sand" No '.!I, iolrtlo Act-ottt vht Nerwtti he i'.!. tlt ii i-‘uni I43: moot \_o. ii,.~tt-cl~iNot1 \'or i. he ‘.3. Nit‘ ti. Ex \'lM Nerwnllt .No ttht 'l-.‘x Vlll Mtttitttdt Nu lottnmut ALx‘.uIl|l‘liml W: No l, l"uttI limited -2 1;, If-w No ’.L'|,llielt ii: mutt vlit Hundunlty Q15 It I“ ‘J No it, Citiwttto ixpteutt Vlll .. [A no; it no iltth Accent Nor\1ttllt.... ti .)0 No_ l'o|Mio [-21 via Nnrwsi lit 30 No 6. 31 Lenin i‘I1 vie tinntittutty. V1100 ‘H No £i,CItl Pu: i’-Ix vltt Nnrwtt|k.... ll Ni {ii t- N0 31. liiyrtn in: to Eiyrln otti [I no N027. Cottnt-nut Acealutnetlatlell Amlll Nettaiay train [or Notiitt[itnnt--iIn'p.urt‘ii:1hI Incl i:4b p. m.; returning. turn Noltinqlum at it,“ lli."IIi’iIi il:(5 p. oil.‘ or ncetnitr s— tnil “pg, 14 tttutty.ltmm llontlny. 7‘ '"“1".' .\ Iurnl Clevn'ttttt|u1d New York Ileepat tlfilly M. No, 17, it-Hing (‘luv-Iund int. u. p; m,- .."|", ¢;,"d Centr.t| rle tot. New York. in til‘! it. ttt For lttli loinrtttstlnn in to li'|lI|N unoi (‘n|ll|N tinru Ip- Pl) Illhe littlon tlrlt--tetilee, worm-r» ilunlt ttntt sup»- tlur I|i’I'r‘|iI, tutti:-r \iert:_.tnlile n....t, The NickelPlatei-' NI2W'YI)llI(. |‘lIll',\U0 4: WI‘. Lllllll IIAILVVAY. _’i‘lte ptnutttrer etptlptttt-Itt'o! this New Tutolt litur- ld oil out ill]! in ttupplied with the llilottl nttpiluuag ttcrmutry to note npetvlyetul etttttlorittbie tnvel. "'i‘rulmt lrurlnntl nrtive lII\liit' Union Depot, Vnn nrettntm-i. ttrtt And ', ‘I nt liutlitlo. ‘l _"""°' l"tIlli)\VliI|!.lt‘ the lime itt otlorl June ‘.‘li, IFM. Ind un- til iurtimr lIItlIt‘q' ,_An__..._., i;.tt¢t'\vAttt>, liulfulo Arromtttmltttiett l‘ltIrtu:- .\'cionmtod|ItnIt l.oc;tl it'll-ittitl °‘.it)'.' l’ _____ ,_ “ii 4.’: II 0121 wt‘ i) (?ltlr,s;rn .u:cottttwt<l-_ttiutt attuzrfiu Fontntie At-runttuodntlntt It e4 51 I. ixwul i-‘rcitzltt. _u am 50 |. Il(>t'K\ iil\ Iii‘1(|Il|lt>liATltlN. lit-pt:tI.—"7:l.’ttI. tI|., Lilli p. Ill. ,i'.lli‘l.liI AI(‘tul|ltittA'i‘llih. l\op;u'|——“o 24 || II|,"‘.|1l0n_ m“ “.5205 |,_ m_ "lbtlly exec tt Hunt 'i'Itrttuuh tie ‘vtn to it] |NtllilII\Ih' on attic in print nJ oliierttol the cum Inii ni utwur I|A'i'}t‘ail [or any oi Iinitttla ti: nln-t .‘ uncnm-t'itni' to tlnullltnfloli i~‘urltt!urtttetlmt, unll no tmtrwtt ouent oi the Com. |”“\Y.I>rI‘l"'*'r|- ll. tr. ttouuntt-, (I 'l l' i.i-.'\'lN \Vli.l.lA.\I»<’, 'm'"‘" ""'""‘ (ieneml Ilnttnuov. (r'll5VI“|'IilI- ti. l'llll(?ilASl‘I Yutitt ‘i‘l('l\'lt3 |'.s' \’lt\ >'l‘illi.‘. (Dr: (E: ‘Ella 13. La. Ttut (irent Trunlt lA|'|“ to lltr Noutit ttntl Won. The on|_v llnvirotn (Tit-tn-iuttvl with Ilit I'lItllI|,;l' IIl('t|Il ioiite_,\liutl~>.ip|tl lllrrr, build tr.-inn ttt.ti through nit-opt-rn to Hi. .out», win-re |liI'li‘l t-uttneeiiottl In tntttie Ill iittion iiepet lureil [iiIlIiiDt\|I'||. i’r:u-Ilruliy tte eltnnce ut rent to the PACIFIC COAST. 'l'|trtml)’ line in l'tli.l’_\|Illi.~i AND t.'iNt'iNNA'l‘t witht-otuplt-totitrbttult Itultt M‘iVlt'I' Illllllhu tlln-c| ruttttrciiotu in lltttott lh-pom tor ull Ititlillii itt the .50 [/ '11 '.“./.«i:'/) 80 0"/'//E218?’ 'i‘ouri>tltt 'l‘it-i.te'II to Illllilvrtliil polllil. lttelndinu the /t’ {)0/ii‘ all!) {.«'.t’l/'7'.."/ //V18‘. Feel Express Trttltte Dttliy. New-nnti Eleunrtt Gere. Perfect itoetiltetl. “q_i-‘orientrnltwiatt-l Ill)‘ iotuytueti pt-rtgttitnu in tullwuy lrA|‘|l itt t:|'i|l'ti|l :t|' iy to (‘l l’ ’l'i(‘l{],’|" oi-‘t-ti I-1. .:t.~ttt'I-tutou .s"rui-. pt‘. (‘l.|-.\' ,t AM), 0. MV cotvtan. Ptissottqer Agent." 1. ii. llli0WN,jTicket Agent. A-. l- SW7”. tit-tit-t ni l'itIit<|'Iil(l‘|‘ At;t., iiesseliigents and Brokers,-.. llifltultt mute-fifiphts, tttool iirvtr phun; holler u:- lnu cl: ‘etttettv. lt‘t«t.; £iI1.ll5tt.(3.ilettt ot. New Iron 'I‘u_g, GLOBE SHlPBUlLD|llii 60.,

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