Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 18 Feb 1886, p. 5

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W\2 JVyaniiip l^rainr!. luiokhis, links and plna >>, axles urn shipped by Iho our loud, and nil will neknow ledge that this Is all 1 llti-rpl lac nf w hli'h Cleveland may he proud. The ollleersof the company uro: Presldenl, K. II. llnrinan, vhepresl- dent and general manager, I, M. Cou; sec retary anil treasurer, 0 K. Kly; assistant tnuiiugor, It A. Illinium. OlimfAltY. Capiain James Donley, of Kant Saginaw, <lled at 7:80 o'eloek l/chruiiry 10. Deceusud bus bien III fin soinu |lmc past, sullerlng with a complication of liver and kidney troubles, which lluully proved ratal. The oaptiilu was born in Iiehnid In IBM, am) oiiiro to Amotion whin, hut a child, his parents settling In Hamilton, Out. He miide Kast Saginaw Ids homo suniu thirty-one years ago, and tlrst winked In a mill then'! later nn acqlilrlng an Interest In v,lint was known us the lliirnhuul & Still mill lu South Haglnaw. , When this n III'buried down Id 1860 hu bought Iho n|d side wheel steamer Alldu, which many will remember, After that he branched out Into thu vessel business more extensively null lins-lnin owned many a craft whose names are lumlllar to all in- (crested In tiiailue mum is. At Ihe time of liladuatli Captain Jamo-uinl hisson Kduurd Diiilloy owned bnrgcs.l, K. Spanow und 10: P. Gould. Last season deceased sidled the .Hpirrow und his sou the Gould. Captain ' Donley leaves u w lie am) twu sons to mourn Ills loss. Tho Mineral took place fuun bis residence, 121 Smith Washington street, on the 11th and the remains placed In Hi ally Hill ceinolry. [ droimii tlie Lukrs Ctntiiiurd from lit Pjiyi.] UCTIton, HjHtial It Iht iUrlne A'MUnt Fun. 10. Notwithstanding tlii) altoinutu cold snaps of the pieseut winter (lie opinion is quite prevalent Unit ilime will be an emly opening of navigation, and already u move ment has commenced arranging lor steam ers to ply on the rivers. Thu steuiuer Idlowlld bus been taken In blind and her miichliioiy In being overhauled and Im proved, so that she will he in complete readiness to commence plying as soon tor the oppottunlty is olleiul. Since my lust Icltui the steamer North west has been removed froiji her winter moorings to tlje Detroit Drydock Coinpanv'u shipyard, and the woik ol convening her into a river boat Is already well advanced. Sho has been shorn ol her upper works, and instead of her former grticelul iippcaranou tho looks llko a skeleton. It Is thought that with thu alterations In contemplation she will bu Improved in speed, with less sldu out of watur, while hur cabin arrangements entliely changed lor Iho belter, und give umplu space for the accommodation of oxcurslonistB who largely patronize tho route. Hur longtb will tie the same. A visit yustordiiy among several steam boat owners and uguncluj afforded no 011- llglitcniuont relative to appointments, tor thu ruasoti that thu season la not fur enough adviincud. Advices Irom Mackinaw, up to Saturday last, report thu Straits not In bad condition, and that up to that datu no teams had beon able to cross thut thoroughlaru, while the ijteumor Algomuh's tTlps aiu being per- Jormed with iiniisuiil.rcgularlly. Tho mild spell ot weathei h low days -lneo cleared the river almost entirely of lie, but on Monelny anothercohrwuvetoiiud its'way here. fho principal excitement within the past lew daya In this locality, and whluh rarely a sulku aiming the ship carpenters, at two or three points. Meetings have been held and the subject wiiiinly discussed, but it tills writing nothing detinue has been arrived at. Yesterday It was staled there weru two hundred and lilty men, all told, who were Idle. They demand |2.25 u. day for ten hours' labor. The men in tlieemt- ornpnrtor the city luivu In en recuiving <2 per day lor ten boms' work. At Sprlng- woll's and Wyandotte the saiuu wages havo been paid lor nlno hours' time Tlie cnni- puulounra la-day having the question iiutliu consideration and tburo Is but little doubt tho dlllloulty will bu aatlufaclnrlly arranged. No 0110 hereabout hns over heard ot a strike among shipmasters for Iho very reason Hint there uro too tunny on thu anxious seal, and likely to remain there until long afte'r sail ing llns commenced. 1 Wednesday and tho day following the United States mnrslml will dlsposu of tho lugs and vubboIs, owned by Murphy Bros., whluh may upon up a oltunuu for 11 fe\<' ol tho disconsolate, and not a few arc patiently awaiting thu coming results. Thonlus \V. Noble the Detroit sail niakur, has ordorud from Now York city soinu can vass such ns thu yacht Ptirltuu's sails were made of. Itlaol a superior quality, and Mr. Ncdiln will upo It for some new yachts now in process ol construction In thin city. Charles Puller made a Innlluirily alieiupl to uavlgute In a huiaII boat through the ice rroin Windsor tn Detroit. Ills brlel experi ence taught him that the thing could uot he done. The leu Jam curled him well down the stream, whnn thu rerry steilmor Victoria went to Ids rescue and brought' him surely to dock. Quito a number of vessel owners here, lu view of Judge Ilrowu's decision on the shoring!) question, are going to unlio for'thu purpose of bruaklng up lliu elevator short age business, and In order to 1 lieotuully carry out such a proceeding, when their vetsuls are leaded with grain, the bnlches will be sealed for thu voyage when It will he provi'd by thu seals mid the testimony of Iho cruw that thu cargo whs ijoidlsiurhuil while 011 roilto. Should this uot prove satisfactory to consignees lliu tlrst case of shortage wilt bo taken into thu courts. James 1'. ItoCe, vessel agent and b-okerut Diilulh, was lu Ibis city yesterday en route homeward, wind and weather favorable. Ci'ptuliis Hloidan and M. J. Gavin, of Buf falo, had a lew bonis siijoiitn here also. J. P. Donaldson & Co. will furiiMi thu entire lit out for the steamships Nns. 7-1 and 70, building by the Detroit Diy dock Co Messrs. McWIIIIania oi Co. had decided In the superior coin t of this city a claim In their favor of between if 100 and $500 ngalnst ihe Minpliy tugs, and also asecond claim ol $1,200, due saiuu partlus, to satisry which a stoaui pump which was a part or thu Kuto Mullet's outll', was sui/ud and will he sold. A easu ol long standing is now In lilt) courts here, in regard (0 lliu rlght- rul ownorahlp of thu barges C. II. Weeks and Iceepsuke, which were purcliiisud in 1881 by John II. Potts, lumber denier nt Osendn und resident at Detroit. At the time of purchase It Is claimed that Mi. Potts was uot a n iluialbed cltl/en and both ves sels were accordingly sel?ed and released under bonds. The attorney for Mr. Potts claimed that action In Hie mutter should lime taken pluce within thrcu years. Jndgu lliowu, however, decided thut the Blntuto ot limitation runs lor live years anil tho libels will bo proceeded with Immediately. Another decision wuh also given by Judge 11'own on Saturday, bearing upon.the ques tion or liability on thu barge Church hir damagesdnnu ton bridge at lllack Hlver in Port Huron In tlio spring of lt.81. Aside from thu valuutiou ol tlie liurgo lliu owners weru sued for whatever illsercpauey might arise. They asked (hat the city bo restrained fiom presenting1 the suit In the St. Clair cir cuit court. A temporary decreu wnsgrnftled which will he mudo permanonl if tho city's clulm is round to como wlllilu the statute. Prool will bu tnkuti In regard 10 this and all other claims against thu vessel. IUl.l,, Ml. CLUIUNS. Sjmclal to Iht .Varliu Jbowti. Thu work on tho tou barge Nellie, which Is to ho lilted up tor a passenger bnal, is pro- greasing very rapidly. Tho triune for her cabin Is all up, und about half of the cabin Is completed. She will he ready by the opening of iinvigatlon. Abutments, with pilos, uro being erected ut Market street bridge, and considerable onk plunking Is lo bu laid, Tlio work will bu finished In thirty iluys The |oh was let lor $050. Tho city is building a new dock at tlio foot of Sholby street, which will bo250 fcot long, iniutu or oak and lilled up solid, and will be completed In littecn days Knglneor George Pelkey, tlist engineer or the J. S. Huby last suinmor, lost his right oye by having an eye-tooth extracted last tall. He haa been very sick all whiter, but is now rapidly reeoveiingand will probably be well enough to sail when spring opens, I,. 11)111 Nil I ON Sjtsctal 10 thi Marliit llecorj Tills luiB beun 11 remarkable week for bus!- 110B4 across |Llike Michigan, the K ,& P Mi, stenmurs, each milking four round trips In six iluys. The wuulhar has been ualld nnd rainy with very heavy fog. 1 Captain Carter, formerly of the stenmer | Marshall F. Iltittora, U getting nn finely with Ills new stenmer at Milwaukee. As yet no appointment has been niadu to 1111 his place. Iho captains of the railroad stenmors re port very llttlu Ice between I.tidlngton and Milwaukee. D. AI (IONIC. Thu saw mill nt WiilpDlu Island Is run nlug nt full blast, gutting out a lurgr quantity of ship timber, ror W, I). Morley, of Marino Ctiy. Captain Mntlu and son aru up lido from Detroit on theli way to the Huts 10 com- iiieneo sounding thu cnnul for the spring (hedging HAUI.I aik. MAIIIK. Hjwhl la Ih* ,1/nrliM Ittnml The following tiatt are wintering lu re: Propellers Ste. Marie, .1. W Steluholl; tugs K. M, Pick, Mystle, Myra, John lllekh-r, Clara Hukler, I,aura Illeklir, John Uplium, II W. Seymour, Pioneer, Hli hard KiuIiibj, Itertha lindress; steamer M. S Treuipe, and fciry bouts Antelope und Floia Hnhlcur No piuihiiilar changes have hcou'intulc us to die musters, only Captdn Thomas Staf- rnrd sails the palace stenmer Ste. Maile. She Is lo run as usual on the route fioul the Snult to Clmhoygan, The uppiilntiuenl Is a good oi)u Captain Stafford i well known 011 the lakes, a good sailor, mid Is sure to make thu Ste. Murlu a aucuess. Captain Ford Iluraloy will spuig no menus III titling out the Flora Hidden, Captain Cal Dernier and J. H, Conk have staried tn uiiike some extensive alterations In tho Hoi tha Kndress, They nre now con verting hur Irom a tug Into 11 lull tleiigeil rerry and excursion boat. The rmmesaie all up lor her cabin. They also Intend to do genunil triilllcklug on the live). Captain John Uipllslc Mondiir, tale ol ihe Ste, Marie, takes charge ot the stiauui Minnie M.,of the Delta Transport line. There will he a gieat many lulls pn>s through lliu Suiilt rlvei thu coming season. Thu lee In the river now being cut fin stoiage is only tun Inches thick, whllu qsti ally It is three luet thick at this time of the year PihiiI Judges predict an early opening ol uuvigitiou compared to what it has been hcruloforc for several seasons past. Mr. George Masters, englueei ol thu Ste, Marie, put 111 all appearance hero last week. Hu has beun In Cleveland spending the winter. Captain John Spuldliig, superintendent ol lliu, canal, has been aucceeilud by Mnitla Lynch, to lake ellecf Mnrfch 1st The cap tain will hu missed on the cnnul, us he Is well known on the InkeA iiinnng the snilnrs. He bus been there 11 nuiiibur ol years. Boat owners oxpeet a very busy season on the Sunk river this year, and will make prepifiratiuns to that ellect Tho'Marino Engineers' Association here Is progressing llnuly, has a good muiiy moin- hcrs and expects muuy more. Captains ol stcumbargea wanting good pilots for males would tlo well to send here, as we have several who have run the bitult river legarilluss of buoys, Rutting lu the Built river causes many of .the stakes to be moved out of position anil that makes it bad ror largu crittt with long tows. A pilot can be hired nt reasonable figures, thereby the binges would save 11 good deal of lightering, T'cniiincs ol thu pilots heie arc Captain J1 -. Taylor, Captain Fred Trempe, Henry Jihnaun, I,en Bernard, Jos. Iloiileau, Cap tain Dave Tallinn, TI100. Tn-nipc;, Sum IT. Ashiniiii. They aru all good, trustworthy men. J, G HAI1MA The Ilealtj Lino Co., me negotiating lor the purchase of Iho Bleu.....r Michigan which hns been running between Grand Iluveu and Milwaukee. Shu will take the place of Ihe wricked steamer Quebec. Tho Bteamur Ontario, at Siirnlu, is leeelv- lug a thomngh oveihiiuling. I'OKI lltlios. Tlio vessel iigeiny of Wright it F.hlridge bus been dissolved. The htugc Yosemite is receiving new upper winks at tho yard ot Duulord iV Alvcison. 1 bo steaiubarge Oscoda has been taken nut of the Duiifoul X Alverson dock nearly us good us thejlrst dny she was Iniinclii'd Capiain Allen Flik, luruierly 01 this 1 tty. has purchased a $5,000 interest In the sieani barge Cumberland. Hi' will (oniiniuid her (his coining season Capluln Win. Forbes ol this city, bus let die contract to F. \V Whueler, ol Hay Clli, to build him a lour masted schooner. Length ol keel, 241) reel; beam 10 reel, deptli or hold 17 reel w iiay tny> IjviUIU IU .Vhi-Ci* 7r,,ns,l The sleiilubllge Glasgow, line or [lie best i rails III the lumber liuile, has been pur chased Irom D Whinny, ji , of Uetiolt, by Midden A Sharp of this city, to low their barge, the A. W. Wilgbt. The Glasgow was built at Tnuilon In 1872 and lepulred In 18H2. Shu rates III. ( nptaln Win. Sharp will hu tuanugor. They havo the barge Taylor nnd two other biirgeu 7/I1I0I1 will constitute lie; low null she will trade to Hultidn. Following ure the olllcers ol die Bar City and Cleveland Transportation company: President, Ofnrk Haywood; secretary, ireusuri>f' nnd niiinliger. Thus. S. Christie; directors, W It. Stulnird, M. J. Junnuss, J, A. Fruncomli, Chirk Haywood and Tlios. S. ' Christie These geudemeii arc tho owners (_) of the new barge building at Whcoler's to take the ftluce or die Christie. The big vessel Hi in of Mitchell, Boutell &. Co. have dissolved, Mr. Boutull retiring, Heport -avs Mitchell & Cn. relalu the coal yard and the sluaiiihargu Folsoni, and tug Mu-ie, Kuierahl and Cora B. and tho bnrgu Itoslu- and two others Mr. Ilniitell will lake the tug Annie Melius, able wheel steamets Westnver and Sea Gull and tin) railing miillt, Smith's tug line boats will not be given any extensive repnlrs this winter. I'uey are all In got d shape, The stea 1 er Pickup, bought by the man who was clerk of the Wellington II. Burt last season, will riinnanu excursion boat from iheSagiiiawsto Sand Point. The pnst week the weather was very fine dining the day hut much ruin loll during the night. Hy Saturday most ot the snow was gone and fears of a break up were innnl- test, but Nitunhiy night and Sunday it' snowed and hlow.ed hard; die weather was not veiy cold and work around die yards Js progressing (avnrably. Caplaln Vance Is pulling the spurs in the Mears this week and Win Sharp is putting soinu repnlrs on the A. W. Wilgbt.' G. iniruiii. The New a snys that Cooley it l.aVuque uloscd early in the week die Bale of their dock property, 10 feet frnnt, to A. Booth ot Chicago, consideration $1,500. This snle does uot include die tug Amethyst or any of the fishing outfit belonging to Cooley, I.uViiqoo it Co. The Herald bus the following notes' A company Willi $100,000 capital lu being nrganlri'd to build dry docks and nsbipyaid here. Ol the capital Invested, $50,000 will be Hirnlsheil by ship owners lu Cleveland, and builders In Maine, and the rest by parties here. The Cleveland parties have had numerous vessels In the Diilulh trade for yeurs ami see die need of drydock racllldes at soinu point on I.uke Superior. Cnplnln I.lnyds says he will put on an nil. dltlnnul limit to the llattle Lloyd for the Su perior run tins spring. He does not euro to say yet just what erali It will be. He thinks he will also have purchase 1 tho (Jueeii ol the Luke hy the opening of navigation and be in readiness to nileud lei excursion par ties. Mariners expect an unusually early aprlng and the busiest lake season Diiluth haa evei known. Four yiara ago thu harbor was open early In April ami It Is thought it will not remain closed longer than the middle nt Unit month this jiar. The huge ll-hlng lain, the A. Booth, will start from ( hlcago for this port as soon a navigation is poi-slble. 'I bu extensive uial llrm ol Bell, Lewis A, "l ales, o| Buftalo, have had 11 icpreseiilatly e In Dillutli lately , li nking up die matter ol building it uial dock, and opening business lieie nn a I irge scale. This gentlemen, Mr. ,1.1. Lewis, hiis bun making carotid ln- ve-llgadons, and examining property on linlli sides ol (he biv without as yet comlne; lo mil definite eiiiii liniiin. ~ HOWARD H. BAKER & CO., Ship Chandlers and Sail Makere, IfAVl. Itl.MOVUn TO Till.lit NK1V AMI COVIMODIOinl MTORI., 18 & 20 Terrace, form-rot <'ommorclul a mil 1'enrl Ktri'ru/ EAGLE BOILER WORKS, ML RITER, Prop'r, Cor. Indiana & Mary St., BUFFALO, IM. Y. MAN! I'.K ll'lll'll 01 High and Low Pressure Marine, Stationary, Portable, Locomotive) and Up right Bollora; also, Salt Pans, Smoke Pipes and Heavy anil Light Plato Iron Work of all Descriptions REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.  ‘t ll’ 5. bueklnu, lln kt nnli pine or uxlelt urn uhippl-ll by titu our lilllil, llmi ttll ulli iI4?l(ll0\\'l<.'ll|1(l thnt thin in llll l-tttl-rptitll-of \\'i|l(!iI (Ill-vl-ittnli ntny bu prntlll. '|‘itl: ulllllerltui the ttttlltlittlly ure: Preultietlt, ll. ll. llrlrnntn; Vltlv pretti- dottt uttli ;zutte'rnl lllIiIIll[Zt‘t', ll. M. (loll; red- retllry ntttl treuuttrer. (i. ll‘. Ely; nlulllttlltlt mllnn_t;or. It A. iiurunln. _l_____,___ 0ttt't't-r._ut\. Cltplnitl Jtttttlllt l)oulny__ of Hunt Sltuitlltw, liled Ill 7:30 o'clock l"t-itrlnlry ll). l)eL-eueull hnu hecn ill for llotnn (inn: punt, ultlierittu witit Dillllillltltlildll of liver nnll ltlllney troltbiell, which liintiiy ~provell futnl. The erlptultt wnlt horn_ in lrl-btnd in iillli). ntld 0t|ll‘1! to Atneriert l.~_‘itet. httl tl ehllll, hht |)n|'('l)II| llettlitttgjn lilttltlltlm, Ont. lie tnulle lbfltlll Bnuiuuw hill hoine lteule tlllrty-'oue yeltrlt ltgo, ntttl llrltt V\VI)I'l(L*ll In tntll there. Inter on lIt!i]'l|ll'lll|( nu htert-at in wltut wnu knmvu ml the ltllrnhlln lib yltill Illlll ltrsotltlt Btnglttulw. Whetl thin tnlll burt:ed llllwn ht IROO he botlttltt the hill lshle wheel lttennter Atllln, which tnutty will rul_netnbl-r. After tlnlt he hrnnehell lilii into the vestu.-"l lmwltluelt more extetntlv_el_v illlll lulu l-hn:e ewnell tnnnv erttlt wllmte nutueu ure tutullhlr in nil ill- ‘tt-,r'etttetl ltt llItIt‘iIII! llntlietlt. At illrlllllletii hilt denth Cuptnhl llutnln unul llltl non litlwltrd Dllttllly uwueti _lnlr;gr-llll. l‘l.5|lltrl’0W llml. B: it‘. Gonltl. llnut til‘tll<l".ll lleeenuell uulled the Capllrrtlw illltl lllii lulu the Gould. Unptnln ‘Dooley ll-uvett will-. nntl l\\'u t-Uilii to tnotlru hie ihltlt. 'l'lte ttttlernl teeit |rluee_ frotn hill t‘Crllllt3ll'L‘0,‘i‘.ll South Wthtltitttzttttt lltreet, on tile llth ltllll the relnultte pllleed ltt llrnlly lilill eelnelry. [Around tlte'J.¢l.-rlt Goutlnttrtl from I’aat.] ..__.-.. Dl:'t‘it0I’l‘. ilpaolal to ill: Jlnrhlr llocorll. Fee. 10p-Notwltlhltltttlllttg, th’e ulteruute -enlll atntpe of the prel.ettth'lttter the opinion lll'q_tlite prevulent thllt lltl_xro lvlilt-e nn l-nlly openlm: ef ttnvhgutlon, tlllll ylreltdy move- tnllut hull t.-onttneneell nrrlttnjlng tor »tentn- era to ply on the l’iVl.'I‘r. 'i'lte ltteuuter llliewlld hull been tnkett in hnutl nttd her ttnteitittery in beitng overhultled lltlti lttt- rruved. no tltnt lthe will he in eotnpietll |’t.‘ttilllIl‘l-H to eotntnenee plyitlg nu ttoott ml‘ the opportunity in (>iiOl‘I'ii. Since my‘ hut letter llli:!4lclIlllL'l’ North- weut hnn been retnovetl front lter winter moorings: to the Detroit llrylleek (JlnttputtV'N nhipynrllfuttll the \i‘0l‘li oi eouvlertlng her into rlver bout ht ulrellliy well ndvuneeli. She lllltl been llhorn of her upper tvorke, nttll ‘illflltlilll oi iler fertner gruelaittl nppenrunee .gho luulzll like llkeleton. "It in thought tltnt witlt tlte ttiterutiotte ltt eontetttpintlon tthe will be ltttpreved itt epeed. Willi lean elde .ont of wttter, n'hlll.- her eubltt urrltntzetnentll wlii.he etltlrely elttttttzetl for the better, ttttll give ntnple epuee felt’ the ueeotnntollntiou of 0XClll'llli)lllt)l8 wlto hlruely pntrenl'/.e the route.’ lier ieutztll will ill.-t.lteltut1te. Avlslt yelttorllny ttltltttlfl ltevcrul atentn- belttowtterlt nnd ngeuelet lltfordell unen- litzlltclllllilltl reinlive to nppolntlnentlt,tor the reultott ti;nt' the llenlton iii ttot fur ettuttgit ndvlttteell. Advleelt from liineltlnuw, tlp to Snttlrdny inlet, report the tltrnlte not in bttll Utrttlllioll. nnli tintt up to tlntt lhtte no teunnt ituti heett nbie to erase thut tltorottgltlure, wltllu tlte t1‘lL'1|iliOl‘ l\lg:etnltil'lt tn... ure he-_lttg per- lortned wltll llItttttltuhregttlttrity. 'l‘ite llliill ol[)Ull et' ixcttlllct‘ l| ll!“/‘iltiytl "u we eleurell tlte rlver nllttollt entlreiyef but on lilonlluy ttttotltereelllwuvetoltntl itll'tvuy here. 'l‘he prlnelpni excitement wltltltt the punt {cw dnytt in thin lul:ltilty,unll which rttrely at-cl“-u,ln tttrllte utnung the lthlp enrpenterll, nt two or three points.‘ liieetiltge ltttvebeen I||'lll null the eubjllet tvttltnly lltlteltelu-ll, but .‘tl.ll|iB writing nothing lh-tlnite hue been nrtivetl nt. Yelltl-rllny lt wult tlilIl.t'll there were two httnllrell tlllll llI'ty tnen. liii telll. who were idle. 'i‘hl-y ttl-ntltttllj£‘..'.l5.lL tiny for ten henrll' lnbor. ’l‘he ml.-n ill the elut- um purt of the elty Intve been receiving $1! In-rdny for tell ltont'lt' werl.'.. At Sprltu_t- well't-l tttlti Wynttdettn tho Iiillliu wntgell ltIVO been pnid for ttlne hettr»' little. The eunu- pnttlell ure to-tiny inlvlut; the lpteutlou ttuller eouuitlerntlon nttdtltere ht bttt llttlellunbt the dlllleulty wlll he ltutlefuetnrlly lI|’|'l|ll|[lt(l. Neeue hereubeut hull ever henrdet netrlke among ullipmueterrl for the very reuaon tbnt _._nl,--. Mr. Noble will use it for llolne new yuehtn new ill |trt>ltItItu ot eon-trnotinn' In thin elly. ()lntrle'u Potter Inntlo ll fnnlltttrllv nth-tupt to tnlvlzutn in It lnnllil ltllltl tltrllttull the lee rretn Winlleor to Dletrnlt. ill» hriet experi- euen tltltgllt hint tltut tlte thittz eunlll not be done. 'i‘|tl- iee']tttn enrrll-ll hltn well clown thl- t_tlt‘t‘ttttt, when the furry utelltner Vleterln went to bill reltette utttl brottuht' hint taniely tutlol'l.'. _, Quite l_t ttttnlher of vlnm-.l owner»: here, in view of Juthge llrnwn’ll lleullalnu on tho ultnrtuge lpte»lt.lott, ure going to llnlte fol’ the phrpoue or ilrellklug up_ the l!lI!l’l||" uhnn. nue tnmlnt-ltu, null In order to l.-tl'eetnllily enrry out ,ut'teh ll t[tt‘00t’elllt|t{, whet-l their venuelll ure llhttlell with urnlu, Iitohnltelteu will he senletl for the vltyntge when it will he proved by the ellnlu null tho tent_l_u_nouy 0! the crew tlntt the enrun wma ll—|)i—illUl\lrl)UIl while en route. Bhoulll title not prove ulltlltfuetery to eonehgneult the tlrut cure or nllortuuc will be lnkett into the ennrtu, Junie», '1‘. it-we, VON-’ll|.'l lngout Illil h'eker ltt Duluth, wuu l_n?thi.l elty yl.-ntertlny’e'tt rofill; lli|tIltJ‘\VtlI‘il. wlnll ltltil \VI'llllll'l‘ lnvurnllle. Cnptniue ltlortlun unll lil. J. Onvlu, of But- fvllo, hnd lew ltoltn-.a HII_Il)IlI‘ll here him. ‘.l. P. Donttlllrllm lit t.'n. wlll furnluh the entire lltout for the ull-nnntltlpn Non. ‘H ntttl 70, building by the Detroit l)r_rlloel; Co. Melluru. liil.-Wllllunttt A: Go. lnnl't'ltlt!ll in tiluultperier enurt of [hill elty n.e|nhn in their fnvoref between $400 unll $500 ntzultnlt |llIt'Ml|l‘[)liy toga, nnll nhm nlu.-emu] elnltn oi $1.200, title tonne pnrtielt. to nntluly whleh lttentn pump lvhleh me: pnrt or the Kute llilill'nt'll ontllt, wnn eeljmll null will he tzohl. enue of long Htuntllntz in now in the (.'0ttt‘lB here: in regnrll to the right- ful ownerahip of the intrtzen 0. ll. Week»: null l{ecp.utkl-., which were pttrlztnmjll In 1881 by John ll}. Pettla, lI|llli)|!|‘ lletller nt. Oltcttilll untl renlllent ltt Detroit. At the time ei pttrehnee it ht elu_ltnetl thut Ml‘. Pettn well not tt li’Ii.|lliIll7.l'(l (:lil'I.L‘ll utnl bntlt vea- Hultt ‘were uecurlliuggiy ttl.-lzled ntnl relenu.-ll under boulllt. 'l‘he uttorney for Mr. Putin einltnell titttt uetlou in the mutter ehetlhl ltlt\'e tttken pluee within three yenr-1. Jnthze llrowtl, however, lleelllell i.l|||i. the etltttttn nt lhnltutlen runs for live yenrlt nnd tlte illlfllti will be proceeded with ltntnelllulely. Another deehlintt \Vttii ulee tzlven by Jtttige ll-‘own on Slttllrtilty, benritnz illlilll-i.lliJ (lilt'tlv tion of liuhility on the hnrgu Chllreh for llltttttnzetxlllme to bridge ltt ilitlt.‘l( River in Port Huron itt tlte eprlng of 158-1. Altllln from the vuiuutluu oi‘ tlle hltrge the owners; were tuned for wblttever llinlrrepnttey ntilzltt ilfltlfl. 'l‘ltey nltkeli thnt. tlte city he rctllrltlilllll frotn preeentingtlte unit ill the St. Clltlr cir- enlt eetlrt. tetnporltry deeree wttllgrlthteti whlelt tvill he tnttlle pertnuuettt If tlte eity'lt elltlln le fntlnll to eome wltltltt theetnttlte. Prool will be token in regnrd to thin nn'll illl other claims llgltiultt titu vetnlel. 'llAt.ll. MT. CLEIKENH. Spoela! "ta Ill: Jlllrhu [team]. The work on the tewtmrpge Nellie, wltlett in to he littell up for ll |Ill9tli!l|L[(!l' bent, in pro- gretlnlng very rltpldly. The t'rntne for her enbln ill ltll tlp, ttltll ubeut hull of the eubln ltl eotupletetl. She w_|tl be rendy by the opening: of llllvlflttllttlt. ‘Alllillltttnlil, witit piles, ure being erected tlt liltttltet lttreet brllhze. nttll entntlllerubie onlt pluultltnz In to be lnitl. ’l'he work wlll be iinhthed ltt thirty duyll. ’i'he _leb wult let for $‘.ll'l0. Tlleelty in building new duel; ut the foot of Shelby etreet. which will be 260 feet IOIIL’, tnttlie of unit ttnll lllletl up ttolltl, llllll will he eontpil-tell in lllteen dltye. lllttgltteur Getirgt: Pelkey, llret L'lt|.[llt|.'l‘t' of the J. -“l.lC.lli)y itlet lllltntner, llmt hill right eye by ltuvhtt: un eye-toetlt extrltetetl hull lull. l|l- illtli ltltCIllVt'l’V _l.ielt ull winter, but is now rnphlly l”t.‘t!0Vl'l‘lllLZttltil will probubly be well enolntlt to null tvhen llprhn: opetna. l. .1 l.UlllNil'l'llN. Spat-.ial /9 (ll: lil/lrtlu Ilecorll. This ltltll been ll rettlurltttblls weeh for btnll- ttelu uerelw [Luke lillehltzun. the l" .l% l’. Mu Hll!tIiIt0i'F, eueh tnultlng tour rottttli trip» in nix tluye. 'l‘he weuther lllli beett nillll null rnlny with very henvy lug, -- Cuptttln Curler, formerly ol the lltenlner lilurulthll 1*‘. llntteru, le gettlttg on llnely wltlr hht new etetttner ltt hlllWilili(l‘.0- All yet no uppolnttneut hull been made to till hi» there ure toe tnnnv on the nnxloull llunt, null likely to renntln there until long utter lmll~ Iug lane eotntnneull. Wetlnettduy null the ‘lluy following the United States mnralntl will dispose of the tugs null vetnlehl, ewnell by Murphy “I‘l)lil, wltleh may open up t't'(tltttl|tJu‘it)t' le\-' oi the tlleeonlloiute, lutd not few ure pntlently pluee. 'l'he ltttptulntt oi‘ the rullreltti lltentnern re- port.vury little ice between l.lllllll[{l0ll unti Milwaukee. D. Al.t']0NAL!. The ltnw tnlll ut Wltlpnln hlluntl hl run hint; ut lull bllutt, getting but hlrgr quuutlty of «hip timber, fer W. I}. Morley, llwulttug the colnhn: rellllltlt. Tlloltitlfl W. Noble the l)etrolt ettli utltiter, hue erllered {rent New York city ltolttu elut- vuttlt llueh nil the yueht l’hritlt_n’ll Illlllil were .mullu of. it in oil tt enpl-rlur qttnllty. ttltll of Murine Ctly. Cuptuln Motte illltl non ure up lll.'t'U from mm: jvtanluov BAUIJI‘ llrlc. ttuntl’. llmtatla an .l:.lrtug llrmrli. 'l'lt_e fnllewittt: t:t':ltt' urn \lIll|i(t|CiII|.[ here: l’ropelll*rll Sic-. lSinri'e. J. W. rlteinltoll'; tltull ll}. lli,,l‘l»lll(, lslyutll-. .\iyr:l, John lileitier, Glut"! llivltler, lllttlrll liioltler, John ilphllnl, lit. W. .\ieyln-uxr. l'leul-er, Itlelnlrtll<}ttlit'l~nl, lll-rtllu ltlmlrelus; ill('llttl0‘l' hi.’ S. 'l‘r<llnpl-, and Jerry bottle littteinpn lltlli l"|0t'tt ll0lilt‘ll:' ‘No purtiuuixtr elllttlfzlarllltve he,tnl'ttlutin ml to the Illtltilitfel. only (hlpt.lin 'l‘llonttlll‘Sl,tu1- liertl null» the pnlneo llteuttter Hte. Mllrie. She its to run an ttettnl on the route trout iltn 1-luult to Clmllllygntt. "ljlltt nppnittttuent In ll .|wlN1 one Ctqtlttltl Sttlltord i-l well known lot: the ll|l(l‘_lI, zl gmnl eullor, tltltl ill store to unllte tlttsflte. ltiurlo It etteeeltll. ('-lljtlulll-l"()t‘(l llttrtlley will -t|tlIlU tto ttteltnll ht titling onrthe l-‘torn ileldl-n. Cnptulu (Jul Berttier rlnd J. R. (J_l-nit htlve xltltrlell to entice lloule uxtllnlalve ltlterutioull in the lletthn ltltltlrelu-. 'l'lley lift! new con- rllrtlttg her [rem tug intett tltll lleligell ferry and exetlrnlmt imnt: 'l‘ile frlltnetl llrl- nil up tor her euhlu. ‘l‘hey uiltolntellll Ullilll geuernl trlltliekltlg on the liver. Cnptniu John Btptllltle .\[uul|or, intl- llt ilIi'i Ste. Mnrllf, taken ellnrge oi‘ the l-tl-nun-l‘l Minnie l\l.,ot’.tito Dleitn 'l‘rnnvport line. ‘fixture will he grlellt luntty rillitr [lily-r‘ tlmmglt the Suttlt rlver the elltniug HL‘il>0lI.‘ The Ice in the rl'.lel"tlolv helm: eltt fut‘ uterilge lrilttilylmtt l!li.!lIl.'B thieit, willie lptu ully it 13 three teet titieit ut thin Little of the yeur. Bum! jttlitgelx predict ntt enrly opening: at tntvlgutllm eompzlrell to whet ‘it lnul been heretofore for meverltl eeltttomt puqt.‘ ‘Mr. George ltinlttertt, en;:lnl.=et' el‘ the Ste. Merle, put in nu uppellrnltee here hnlt week. He Inns heart in Cleveittttll epetllilllg the wlttter. Cuptnln John Spzlldltlg. ettperlntettdent oi the, cunul, littfi beell HilL'(1i:L'ill:(l by .\inrtht ’Lyneh,1o trike:-1l'eel MnrL:lt.lltt. 'l'lte eup- tltln will be Ittllil-{'.!,l1)ll the ennui. nu he in well known on the htltelx nluntll: the ltttilnru. lie hull been there ll tlunther ul yenrn. Bent ewtxefit expect ti very hupy tteltllen en the S_1tllll. rlver title yeltr, lltlll _wlll lltnlw preplli"lllietm to that eil'eet.- ’i‘ite‘l\iltrlne Ell;{iilt.'t!l't~t' Atlttoeintlon here ‘i.-t [)l'fl}_{|’lttit1ltl]_{'lltilIl_\/,llflil ttt{0tJllItInl|yIllDill- herlt null expecm nntny tnore. Cuptniml of lttettlnbltrgelt wntttint: unnd pllute fur tnntee tvouill do well to trend here,‘ tlfl wu»lluve tlevernl nfim hltve rtlu the Suuit rlver tegtmlletzn o( htteye. Rttftlltg ill the Sultlt rlver enltlll-lt nntny of.the ntttkell to be tnoveti out ufpnltltlott ltnd tltut tnnltelt lt bttd for lnrge ernft with long towlt. pilot clln be lllflfil utretlttotutltie flgllree. therehy the l)llI';{l!ll would ltuve lt good lleui oi lhgltterlng. ’l‘l:e nntuelt of the pilots here ure Cttptuin lit ~. 'l'li}"l0t',‘ Cllptnin Fred Tretnpe, liellry Jlllllltiilll, Leo Bernltrll, Jolt. ltottlenn, Cup- tnip l)nve‘l'uil|on, Theo. ’l‘relupl;, Sntn if. Allinnuu. They ure nligoed. trustworthy men. J. G. tiAliNlA. 'l‘he B1-ntty Line Ctl., ure ltt‘;{()llililllfl for the purelunle ufthe etenlnllr l\ill:l)lt:ltn which httla been rnttultn: hetweelt Gruull lluvett null Milwuulcee. She will [nice the plltee of the \\'I’l't'li0(l t§l(’.:|mt!l' Qlteilee. The llteluner Ontltrio, nt Sltrnlu. in receiv- lug: u_tltorengh overhnltlilttz. £'0tt'f' lii.'It()N. The vellwl ngetuay of Wrhzltt. l\': l‘jillI'l(l[[(} huté been (lllumlvetl. 'l‘ht: llurge Yolletttlte ill rceelvitttz nelv upper we-ri;s ut the ynrli oi lltlntorli l\': ;\'lver2«tetl. l'he lttettntluirue Ueentltt hull llt‘.t‘.ll ttlhett out of the lltzttfltl‘tl ti’. .\lV\!t‘tiOli duel; tteuriy ml glmtl us iit(!_ll|‘Ill. tlzty Hill‘. \Vtl!i lliilli('iI('il; Cnptuln Allen Fl:-ii. fllrlttlsrly lll this city. hull ])il!‘t‘llXlr2t‘.\l u$.’>,(iilit itltereat ill the rii(3lllll- bttrge {.‘ltu:lmrll‘ltt(l. [Ice will (‘tDlIlllIlIi|il her title etunltlg t~t’ltNl|i5. '(3u1)tttlt) Wm. Ftlrltee of lllln city, hull let till-'clmtrnl-.t In F. W. Wltet-ll-r. 0!‘ Hey Clty. to build ltlllt ll four Ittzulteli il‘t'.lI(IltlI(tl'. Leugtlt ‘4it‘tl|lit‘l~4 \i'lmtllver ntlli Slut Gull tlttll the _' nu’ ntrvt .|I,weluItn Illa Jlllrlmv lrunnt. 'l‘hn ntl-lltltirlt1_re (lllNflil\\/, one of the bent lzrnftllin the hnnhnr tlnllo, hue ilt't'll pur- l-lttluuli trnnt ll, iVititttl~y,jr.,ltt' llntrltit, by Mtitlliflil lit Hilnrporthllt l-ity.' to tow their inlrull, the A. W. \Vrh_lht. The _(}iuuzow t\lllu‘.illliit ut'i'rll‘ntlnt in I871! unti repnlred in iii.*l2.' Hllu l‘flll'li ill. t.'nptn|n'\Vnt. Hiturp will he tmllltttzerf 'l‘hey hnvo the _lttlrgo 'l‘nylor llilll two other i)tlVL{t'ii '.-/hleh wlll i‘(Ill‘|4iililit' hl-g tnw tillil lahu will trnlle to ltnilllin. Poiinwllllz urn the olliel-rll ol the lluv Clty tutti (liuveiutlll ’l‘rtttulportutilm eompllny: l’rl-llillutlt. Uiltrk litlywllllll; ttlserl.-tnry. ,l»( lllltl Itllttttllgltr. 'l‘hlIll. S. Chrilltle; liirtttfltlrltl Ii. Hilllrtlfil. M. J. Jetlttelut, J. A. l"l'ullC0ltli|. Clllrlt lluywonll null 'l‘llan. S. (‘lhrhltll-. 'l‘hellls tteltlittlllcll ltre the owners oftilll new lnlrgls hllildlltg ltt. Wltt:eler'e to itIl(("llI(' View-. of the Cilrilllie. 'i'lle bit; vulwlel tirtnil-! liilteitell, llulttell l2, go. hllw ill*|tttlVI‘4l, Mr.‘ Hnlttnll retiriltg. ltl-purl -'u_\‘ll -l\iitl.-hell Cu. retlllu the earl] yllrtl llllll the utulllllltnrge ‘Flllltoltl. llltd tug Mfllll‘. idlln-rnili null (tern ll. llnli the bltr‘¢u |tn.llll- unll two otltl-ru. Mr. llotttetl wlll unite the tut: Annie liillllell. tlltle witeul rnltlng nntiit. h'lnttll'lt tug lino hnnta will not be given llny exlttltulvo repnlrll thin winter. 'l‘ltoy ltre nil ltt gel-ll llitnpe. The lltl-truer I‘leltllp, holuzllt by the tnlttt who wlllt elllri: oi‘ the \‘Vlellinutott ll. llttrt llnlt lll-llllutt,'wlii run llllltn t-xeltrnlbtt bent, frnln lllliBlIfli|Ili\i‘ti[tl Hnnll Point. 'i‘lle pnut tveelt the \\'l'llllIL'l' Willi‘ very iiue liltriltg‘ theliny bttt lnlteh rnlu It-ll during the night. lly Hntltrllny lnoltt ot the snow -\VtIil.[,{tlllt! nttll fl-ltr-l of brl-nk up" were tlltllli-I ie'.'lt, but <ut'ttrlluy- nigllt nnti Sltndny ir' Illl0\\'i.‘il end lllotvptl hnrll; tho weltllter Wuwi not very eolll tlllll work nrottntl the yllftlrt _i_nprln;reltll|tn_: iuvurnbly. Cnplttltl Vnltee lfi putting tlteepttrn ill the liieurl: thht week tllltl Wtn. Shnrp in putting llonte repnlrn on the A. W. \i'rluilt." G. l)ttt.U‘l'll. The News fltlyri tltttt Cooley tic i.nVulpte ollwell enrly III the tveek the Httlt! of their lieei: property. -10 feet from, to A. lleoth of Cltienuo, eonltlllerutlun _$~i,.’r0tl. 'l‘hltt lmle llnelt not itteitttle the tug l\tnethyltt or my of the tlltlllng ontllt heionpgltnz to Cooley, l.u\'nlple Co; 'l‘he llerulll llilii the -t‘nllowin;:_ nott-l_t: ,\ enmpntlv with $10l),t)00 ettpitui ill being tlrgnttlzlltl to build llryllltclnt tttt_ll ltltlpynrd here. 0! the trltpitnl lnvelltl.-tl,.35(),()o() Wm be tttrnhlhell by ship ownerlt in Cleveland, and huihll-re in lilltlne, unli the "rent by pnrtlea here. The Clrvehtttll ]lI|l‘ill!lt have 'ltn_d nlllnerolte vl-lwt-le ill the l)llitttlt trulle for, yours utlll rtee the need or llrydoek int.-llltiett ltt tltlllttl point on Luke Sttper'it)r_ Cttptuln Lloyd» Htyh he will pttt on nn ml. llltlotntl hunt to the lllllllt’. Lloyd for the Sn- plarior rtln this llprlug. lle lleen not cure to my yet just wltutyernft it will he. lie think»; he will ulue inlve pttrelt:t~te.l the Queen of the Luke hy the openltn: or |lt|VILVu[I()u "mt be ill rnnllinemt to nlteull ‘t6 cxcumlnn ‘pm. 'll(':i. liinrinerll expect ltll unttettullv enrly ttprlttuultli the ittnth-llt illklt eeltlatltt Dnlum hue ever known. ll‘nnr yetml ngll [ho tmr|,m- wnll ll|)t‘Il eltrly in April tlllll it in thnugm it will ltut rletnuin e|lntlltl' lt)ll|1l‘r‘ then the tnillllle of titttt tnunth this your. The lttrue lliilllt}; hunt, the A. ilnntb. \\‘ill lttnrt from tlltlcttgo for thbt pnrt ne ttootl lot lll'l\'lt{i|illltl' i.~l'pnl~uillIe. 'i'ile'exteul-‘lye l-uni tlrltt of lleli, Lewis '.\": Yule-4, oi’ llutinlo, hltve ltnll I't‘])rL'tit€ttlliil\'L‘ itt _i)tt|utll lntl-iy, iuolclttu up nu. m,,m,r (,1- itlllillllifl it eenl lltll-ll‘, lttltl upleniltt: imlalttl-.t_-t ill-.t'e lln I.-tr;_'t: lelénie. 'l‘hln l_'('l]llt'|||(-,1], Mr, J, I‘: l.ewi-. hurt lll't'll tnulllnt: enretnl in-y \’C<'liL{iIillllIt-'-. ltttl_i t-xlltnillln;,:' property 9.. hath llillell oi the lvty wltilllttt net yet t,'0lllllIL; lo ulI_\' lit'il|Illt'. l'tlttl'lltl-lutt. ltawtnn H. BAKER s.cll.. Ship Chandlers amt-salt Maker_e,‘" lt.\vt-: ltl£M(lVl£l) T0 'l‘lll'2llC NEW AND ltomtotltluln NTIIIIIC. oikel-1,3 feet; lsentn ‘til feet, depth of hell! 17 (eel. ltetrolt on their tvny to the tint»: to clun- tnettee ltettntlint: the ennui for the. spring liretlgintz. AGl.El BOILER M. Cor. Indiana &. Mary St... BUFFALO, N. Y. High and Low Pressure Murine. Stlltlolltlry. Porlrtttle. Lolttmloilve null Up- right Boilers; tttao. Suit Pnua. Stltnlte Pinata unll lleltvy ltllll Llallt Plnie iron Work ‘REPAIRS 18 20 Terrence, (‘orII(Irol‘('l|tIuluu-¢-|u| and 1-9."; m....",‘ nil wolllts. RITER, Prop’r, MANl'I'.\ (."I'i'IllCli i)I<‘ of all Uiii_tt!l‘_l[)il0ii8. ROMPTLY ATTENDED T0.

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