<<) Mi]!1 jVfaijiirt fttTiimt IlTftlOKY <)! NAVIGATION nv ,i. w, irxr i- CIIAIU'KU liVII. I.nkn IiuiUmi'hk i oiiinii'tiuil nt Ili'lrull In IHIil), Miirrli 10, the Hmiiht Ihlmid Qi......i, Capliiln Oir, iinlvliij; in Unit |mri; ut 1'iirt CoHutrm* Aiirll 1, mill nt IliilTilii 'Aprll-7, iho |>i"|ii'llcr Kqulunx tin' Hist ti> ili'imri. riioKtrnlln or Mixklnuw wnriM'li'iir April 4, thu propi'llor I'rmrli' Hindi lln> llrm rrull throii^li, IiouimI <'iiht, Tin- HrM hour through , Iho Hmilt cnmil wiw lliuMi'iinicr I.ml) Kljiln, Captiiln .luck Wllwui, \lny II. 1 During the uiuiilli of1 April, owing to it fnlltirn "I llic Wt 'Top nt viirliiim lower |iorln, notnlily Cliivoltiuil am) t)titrolt,<|ulii> n iiiiiu- linr of ntciini mid ufill i:rult umbiirki'il In 11ii ' trniln to piilntu on I.uki'I'tuion, The pro- pi'llcr Mlni'rul Keck lirmijrht lour Iniinliei] tonunl' 11-1- Irom Frying I'nn IviIiiiiiI. I'llIh trtifllc wiih kept up until thu mlililln nf Mny. 'J'liere were m\ ni'il lit Detroit seventy. tlirri1 hIiIo uheel .Hti'iinn'm, ii(ii;rei;iiiliit!; 20, 175 torn; lliirty-iwo piiiprllerii, 11,111111 tnim; four l)llll|(ie, ],:I!I7 lonn, h'U'Ii l<i ijjw, 1.877 tnim; omi liunilri'il mul llilitj-oim h'Ikhiii iir>, 10,071 Hum; one hiiiitlriiliuiil thli|)-nk peowiJ, l,.i:U ton'1 Tlio lurgi ft meiinii'r on tlie lukeu unit the i Western Wmlil, '2,0(1:! lonn. There were nlno otliP.ru bi'Hlitu, omr 1,000 twin eneh, twenty-cine tiiciiMirlnjr over 400 ioiip, IHly eight mcii4iirliigiiver200toni',niveiity menu- iirliin over 100 tnim, nlxiy-ikieo miajjirlng over 90 tonu, mid hlxty.oue. tneiiniirlii^ miller 20 torn. There were nt thin period onc-lhou¨ am] nix litmilrcil veHHulH iiitvlgiilltiK the whole northwestern hikes with nil iigKri'Ciito of Imlf ii million tons. The following tiihle hIiowb tho rnten of neumen'u wnp;c nt tllfkreiit perloiln tlii'ltij; tho fieimon, vonfielB In the hike Bhore triule UBllnlly pnylnj! Iho highest Wilson given : "I April 1 to AiiKUnt IS, (Plofllpiir nifliilh. AuKunt. 16 to Oetulier 1, $11) per "nmiith. 'October 1 to November 1, <18 to t'JO per month. ' November 1 to rinse of the neiiGon wtipeft were from $1.00 io $1 00 pi r tiny. Tho full of IS.'il) wim ntieiiilcil with more henvj KuleB ll"i" 'hi" '"'"n known for u number of yenrc. l'litfliigeii of vehfleli by Detroit, bound up, ,flteiiiner 11)1, propellent 402, Inline* '27.1, hrlgfl 2E)r>, Ki'hoonerK 1,811; totnl, hound up, .'l,0l)fi. Dounuiird piiHKiinef, flteiiiuern 10.1. propLlleri) fiO.J, uiiniiio, 2M, bil(ri, ;||4, iiehooiieiH l.SJ-'i; total 11,121; (rriinil total, boih wiijh, 0,1811. Greatest number pnnlne; up In one day S,"), down 7.1. During; tlio season them were uhlppeil to Kurope by lake via-eln 002,057 Went India bIiivch. 1 U;b02 maudlin) pipe (Haven, and 471,00!) fLetol oak, walnut and pine lumber. This In exclusive of the curijoca i-hlpped Irom Clevelaml, Milnii and Ilullnlo, tluife xtiiteihenlB never having been exhibited. The biiHinem through the Siailt oaunl In 18J9 lar exeeeiled any former jenr. 'I'he number of ven-elu piimiug thtoueli diirlnf; eaeh month uere tin follov.ii: May 12.1 vi'h> June 181 in* .Inly 220 vehhulu, 71,031 'tnim; Auuiikl 10.1 vemels 01,752 loin-; Sep tember 121 vmselh, 10,600 tnim. The following Bteiuueri, piled regularly In thu trade: Htenmer Norlh Blur, 1,1011 tnim, Ciiptiiln B. O. Sweet. Hieamer llllnolfl, 020 tonn, Captnln John Krn/iir. , I Bieiiiner I.ady Elgin, 1,037 tonu, Ciiptiiln J. Wlluon. l-ropeller lloui(;omery, 870 tcinp, Ciiptiiln J. Nleholmiu. Propeller Northern Mlit, 710 tonu, Up. tnln ,1. apnldlng. Propeller Iron City, 034 tonp, Cnptnln J. ]j. I'm hit. rropeller Mlnerii) Roek, 600 Ioiip, Cnptnln K. H, Hjiler". Tropeller Miinluittan, 320 tonu, Cnptnln C. ltlpley. The latter ntcnmnr win iinforlutintely wreiked near the elope of the Reimon at Orniid Mnrlim, Like riuperlor. The propeller General Taylor, Cnptnln ,1. (1. l'aiker, iinule one trip to Marquette. I'ho an inner Furetter, Ciiptiiln J. I'. Wind, miide one voyne,eJnto in the full with mip- pller, and thu propeller, Governor Cuuhiiiiin, one or more lrlp. Quite n iniinbei 'of anil veneU were einplojed In the Iron ore trade. 'J'liu follov.'lni; pioneer lake men, well and prominently known, died In It-liO: Caplnln C. II. Ludlow, nidilenly,uf heart dlkenae, nt Dunkirk, aired 60. I apinln John Dlbhiow, at Huron, O, aged Oil. Ciiptiiln G. O. Hollvwood, of dropay, nt St. LoiiIh, Mo., agiil II. Cnptnln Armlatenil Luni, nt Illaek Itlver, "()., aged M Opinio 1'ilne Mann, ot Ht. Jutepli, Lake Mlehlgnn, ngid 1.0. t'u|iliiln 1. T. lTieiiii, ul Toledo, (), ngei| Oil yum h. < opinio Wm. Wmi died "0 Luke Mnpe-' rlor, nnil wna bulled nt Cleveland, nged 'ITi. The vnrloiiH hike lea^"* llgure up ua, fob Iouh: Hleiiioera wrerked ornnuk,fonr, vnlil- ntloo, 12.1100; nleniiiera alink four, (10.800; one hv lire, (1'2,000; twelllv llillongell. %'M).- IIH.I, one lettkimeil eurgo, $:i,ri(IO; three by eollldou, $400 TropellerH, aeven ureeked orallllk, $22.'i.()ri0; t-lxlenu atrnnilell, $13, 700; one hy tire, $100; twenty-four tlnin- nged, tl'2,"i40, three Jettisoned enrgo, $2,150; aeven hv i'oll|a|on1$41,260. Iliinpiea at rniiiled, live, $0,710; llfteen diiniiignl, $21,100; three hv eollklon. $2,575. Hilgj wreekcil or mink, kK $35,100; leu uiriinded, ^16,000; nine ilniniiged, (3,830; onejetilaoneilenrg",$700; alxhy eolllal.....(25,700. .Selioonera wreeked nr mink eighteen, (01.083, aevimly eight Btrnnih'd, $270 3Sl;,llic three, (3,1)110; ilinn- nged'oiiehuuilred nnil twenly-nne, (101,732; jeltlaoned enrgo llfleeli, $11,0(11; ep|lh,on Ihlriy-fonr, $03,006, .ucowh wreeked or Blink live, CV260; airnniled eleven, $18.150; damaged aeven, $1,050; eolll-lon two $350; lolnl, Hteiiiu and anil emfl,$1,020,100; num ber (iI ill'iiatern, 140. TJiu liillnwlng i nilt pnaaed hut III I860: Mi'iunit Am II. .swill, exploileil mi St. Chilnliet $3,000. S'enuei M'nor, lo^t id Ontonng/ill, Luke supeiloi, tnooo. I'lnp'.llir I .nil l of the Iiilki', exploded null Mini. In I,like Kile. Willi two live-, $10,0110. Piiipellcr Mniili mini, wreeked nt fjrnnd Minbia, Luke Hnperlor. (2O.OO0 I'ropi Her Ohio, exploded mid aiiiilt off Kile mill two Uvea |,il, $00,000. Propeller Milwaukee, hiink hv aehooner J. II. Iltlnnv In iheHimlia, $60,000. l'io|ii.||er Oilelllnl, wieiked oil Skillll- Rlilee, ('10,000. 1'iopeller Tioi, fouudeied on Point nu Itnrnnc nud^lweiity-lliree Uvea luat. (30,000 llilg Portlimil, wrecked nt Grand lluven, (I 000 Hrlg Mnn'eheater, wretked enat of (,levo- hlliil, (5.0110. ring Loluinblii, lout In Green liny, $1,000, Brig Uiillnlo, wreekeil nt Giuiid lli,ven, $8,000. Hi Ig Grevhouml, loat iicnr micboygnn mid one Ille leal, $30 000. Bilg Ciiinheilain), wieeked nt Milwaukee, (0 000. llilg N M. Stiuidnrt, aiink hv iclioaniir Autoeriii, Luke Mlehlgnn, (SJ.OOO. llilg KlNaouri, wueked at Kijlnmarno, (I.OUII. Schooner Hlg X, loat uenr Slieboygnii, Luke Michigan, (1,000. schooner Virglnl i Partly, wrecked nt Point nil Pellee. $5,000. Schooner Eiiplirmlii fnunileied In Luke Miihlunti nlld alx Uvea loat, $3,000. Schoonei Hiy Clrj, wreLked on Enat Sk ier, $14,000. schooner Cleopntrn, Hiink by hnrk Adri atic, Lake Idle, $10,000. schooner General Homton, wreeked at Pnirpiiit, $3,000, hVhoiiiici Potest, aiink by biig Aendln In Luke Mi In nnd linn of ono lite, $4,000. Si'hnoiier Dawn, aunk by propeller New York In lake Krle, (12 000. Si hocni'i J. 11. I llluii), aunk hy propeller Milwaukee in thu StinilH and live livea loat, $10 000. tichiioner Twlllglit, lost on LiikeOntnrio, $2,000. Scliooiiei Cillforuhi, loat nt Port Clinton, Luke Elle, $1,000 Si liooner While Pigeon, lost on enat abore of l.nke Mlclilgiit), $2,000. Si liouner bodiiH, wreeked nenraiiineplnee, (2 000. M'honner Counter, wrecked on Luke Supe- perloi, (6 000. 8i liooner lalniid Queen, wrecked In the Sliiilta, $20,000 Schooner C. L. Durlon, wrecked nt Ab)i- Inbiiln, $5,000 hchuoiier A. Scott, wrecked nt Vermll- II.....(5,000. Siow Antelope, loat nt Point nu Pellee, $2,1100 .suiw William, wr.eck.ed nt Pnlrport, $5,000. .slow Stanley loat In Georgian Buy, (1,000. Scho'iner Ciuiailtiitlon, loat at Port llruce, Luke Kiln, (1,000. Sibiioner Addu, loat at Lnkeport, Lnku Huron, $8,000. 'Scow Sea Witch, wreeked at Port Erie, C. W., $2 000. Siow Geneva, ioBt nt Nortli Mmittou, $1,600. SLho'iner E. Cienmer, wrecked nt Chi cago, < 8,000. Loin hy Mlenni veaael, $851,535; Iobh by null M0ej, $008,505; liven loat, 105; dla- nalera, 410 The backward Plate of hike bunineBS In I860 limited the coiirlructlnn of vcaul', nnd coimtqucully but few wire eomnilaaloned, 'i'he leeorda preneut the following veaaela, built llint yeni : Sienniahl|i Mlhwuiki'o, 1113 tons, built hy llliluell & II una. lluflnlo. Siemiiahlp lictrolt. 1,113 tona, built by llliluell A, lliiuln, llolhiln. sieniuir t'ueuet, IH5 tona, built hy It. C Cliinwell. Newpoit.^ff i i, jM Mcniner Itintny Do it, 126 tons, built hy J. W. ICenilng, HanJiiaky. Sienmei Hi'iihlril, 670 Iouh, bulk hy K. C Cnuiuull, Newpoit. Pi ii|iellci A ki on, 307 tona, built by Qiinyle , M'Hiln, Oleveland, Pinpcllci Jnmi'u K. Engle, 104 tone, built by C. Illniuuii. Algoine . hi hooiicr Siinhnry, 221 tonp, built by P. X .1.....a. Illillnln. Dink W. S, 1'lerMin, 380 tons, built by pordhaiu, H.indutky. Propeller Mlehlgnn, 150 tona, lilllll hv H. Hrend, Piilm Kilu'iod, lor the Oriind Trunk railway for feirv pnrpoaea. Schooner S. A. Doiiflaa', 300 tona, built hy KI|itiwoodv Bucket* Harbor. Scho......r Heilnnee, 111 ioiip, built hy It, Mnnaoii, Port Hope, Ontario. Schooner Dream. 80 tona, built by Lnfrl- nler, Cli'Vidiind. /' Hehonnrr George Poole, 310 lona, built by A. MilCny, Detroit, Schooner Mediterranean, 207 tona, built hy D. Itogera, So.hi', N. Y, Tog A. M. Benila, 4!) tuna, lilllll hy Croatli- wulle, llilll'illn. 'I'ng, Siymnur Hello, 51 tona, hutlt hy Nortonl & Lehiiul. Clexelmul. 'I'oiai tonnage, 11,226 tonu; total valuation, $818,700. A DOCKAGU SYsTeM KOIl CHICAGO. Tlie lime la fant npprnHcIng, If It linn not nlrendy nrrlved, when n dellnlte pl.ni lor furiilahlng the city of Chicago with docka and allpa muat he matured. Thla lanatibjeet or vaat Importance to n great cohiiueTchil city like oura, hnvlng ao oxinnalve u water front, ilut It pruaenta no dlllUnilllea which can not he overcome nnd the whole ny- tem diverted of nil eoiuplleailunt and In- trlcaolea, pl'ieed, aa It aliuuld he, on audi n inuglhle and Hnlld hualu nu tn nor only iillord entire lehel lor llliieuoriuoiu tonu ige touch ing ill lion pnn, but aUo piove n uniircn of huge reienlte lo'the city. We luive hi en (billing along loi m inv yenra wlihiuit any ,(h tlnlle plana lor the ncconiiu'idniiiui of our vijat ahippiug Inteieut, nnil arc oolv nlolHeil now hy the urgent neeiMhllleaol the dice, , L'il venr there were 10 711 arrlvala nt thla per1, repreaenllngli loulinge ol 3,053,030 tona, nnd 10,71)8 clenrnncea, repicHenilug n tnnnnge of 3,(l."i0 2S0 tona. the tonnage In both Inaliincea being aomewhnt ainaller lluin for the prevlotia venr, w]ilc)i la no ilonlit iicco^unted for to a great extent by the Inconvenience experienced, the loan ol time entailed, mid tlie grint ixpenao nttenillng the fiiiianee mid exit lioiu our river. Indeed, ii It n algulllcnnt fuel that the nuinh"r /ol veawcla irt^lvlng nt, mid deiiiirilng from, thi* port during the pnal foill lear-i lln been Hlendily ileellnlilg. I'liia h nieounied loi in part hv the Inctihnt Iho cluaa of veaaeh employed In our lako navigation Iiiib mnleiliillv chuuged within llint time by the anbail'utlou of Btenn) vea- aelnVii lurger tonuiigii for the email nailing emit formerly employed; Put thla should not ullecl the aggregnle ol the tonu ige enr- lied, which Iuih nlao aliown a atenily dcilluc diiilug the period named. Tho Hiallatlcu hIiow aa IoIIowb: Venr. AlililVAie (J 1 tlUNCI'4. Vessels. Tonnarje. Veg a Tonnage |8S2.... 1883.... 18S4.... .H85 ... '3.35' 11 907 "351 10744 4,819 950 3812464 3 75u973 3653910 13626 12 015 II862 10798 4 9").999 3 980,879 3 75'.73 3,652 286 The we lliniicH nro Hoiniiuhtit startling, ant] pIiov thu ettt'('tn of tho crowded condition of lIn1* river, with nil thu vexnlluiiR utiil liii'oit- vunluitcp^Hilsliij; from Iho briducn, iiihI tell too plninly thni riomHhlng imiat ho ilonc to rt'lh-voour oveicrowdoil ilvmWith Biitih nn ohHtiiulo In tho wny of the liunrdilondt tlio pioilncu of tho vjihl uron ljlnp ui'Hl of 111 It l folly locha-rru nil our Irclulu irniit'li'H upon the rnllway-H on ac- fount of (llKcrlmlnutlon n^ulnnt Chicn^o. The (UfUoiilty U a local oin*, and will (on* li'Hru 10 lmrL'aat'llnlt'HH u remedy in npplleil, and I he grclitt'Ht tlimgt'r in Mint thu hiiHlneriR oiico divcitcil will continue io flow In other ihannt'lri, and In llint way give (Jhlon^o Hie pi'immu'iit co hv; and foi thlri reason no lime uhmilrt be lost In denllne; with n (picti. lion which tit thin critical juncture would, In iin rttltdlnna to the cotnniorclal prosperity ot the ult), appeal to he ot piiriiuiount Ini- pnitnnce. I here ih no fear 'hat Chicn^o will ever become a way i-tutlon, but there certainty lire good grounds ot fear thiit nlie will loce nitieh of thu pientlue trained hi for mer dnyn it her i^iuiu (mdelk to lie ground nut belvveen the mlllnloii<H of extortinnata eluvntor chin rjjutt and Mich totally Inadequate facllltluH nu are now oHerod hoi Khlppine;, Thu dockH and sllp<t to ho constructed imiHt, o| coiirne, bo located north antUomh of Chicago Itlver. The ownurn of properly on Midilgau iii'ennc who, for tho moat purr, coinprlrio htiftlucriri men who liavo a dtiect- "intercut in thu growth and welfare of our city, have come to regard iho cnnilnicllon ofwlmivuH in Iront of their property an uu nhaolulo necennlty, nnd have thereloro bo- cotno reconciled to tho whole project, nc- cupllng it an u foregone condlunion. The oitLMiion, of courHf, dependu largely upon the result of thu proceeding* now pending between the Htutu of Illlnolri and the Illinois Central Kiillhutd Company; thu city <>f Chl< logo, nlihotigh mudit a defendant In the unit, liuij unwlriely ahilndoiied all claim to thu hike front ilud practlciNy adiulltud till tho alburn* tlona conudned In thu Information tiled hy the attorney general. Jl (bene nroceedlnga ahull rcBull in uitablUlilug Iho clalum of the IIHnoiH Central Itullroad Cmiiimny to tho lnku front unilir the net of lh(li) ihey will douhileKH proceed nt ouco to toiiHtruct dockn Irom Uindolph Hticet to thu pier now uenrly comph ted at Tlilrleenlh utieelv Such a I etuilr, although it would enrich n prlvato cm pom- Hon many inlllioim of dollairi nod make the lonunerce o( thu city pa) tribute to It lorever, would be better than to permit Iho prcKcni unite of lh I nun continue Indefinitely, II would icrhnpK nl'ord great lelleltolhe whipping elite 1 lug oui pnil. and might ho ho rem mined and ngulnted fin to anHwer the nmc purporiu hm II the dockrt wcro built nnd owned by thu cliy. The city would In uny event have Hie mime right na it now lmn un der Itn charier, adopted April '2D, 1875, to regiilntn and contnd the me ot nil public and inlvnte binding phn ea, nnd to \\x tho ralen of whaifiigu and douUuge. Hot should the proceed I ngu referred to bo deeldul advernelv to the rallroac' compniiy the tllle l<> the Inko front would thmt revert to the Mate. If,'their, nH"umlni (hat iho ftalji woulil not cure [o underiaku tho work hr-*ll, uu act could probably bo obtained tVoin the LcgUluttire gruuliug to tlio city of ^IliUago whatever right Mm Htate may hold In the Hiihmerged Iniulu bordering on Iho bike within the limit*) ol the clly; the city could lln'n either proeeml to erect Much ticeeririary dockH mid nllpu nit mluht bo rt>- (pilred, or It could m> Ih done. In no mo of i\w (dder K intern cllleu, leiiKH the prlvllono |)h- dur proper reMtrletioiiH to Individual* oroor- |nirntloiiM, and In tbU way Hui entire purpose could he iiccomnllHhed wlthotit adding to thu debt of thuolty. while the own- erwhlp ot thu HUhmerged limdn would, under the g/ant of the ulutu, rent In the city. Uptlh71 lliecltv of New York occitpiedl ahmit the unme tio^ltlon In relation in lu dtakri tir> tho elt\ of Chicago doe* to-dav that Iri, It hud no oaublliihed nyHtem looking to the control of tin vut water front. A l< Ohio attempt had been made thu year before to eonttol It by organizing, under not of legislature, a hoard tor that purpoue, but their poworu wuro bo limited that It did not meet the wnnti of the ciuut, and on (he 18th of Apill, 187t, the leglrilature pjinwil an nefc under which the dutleH mul authority of the "Department of Dockn" wur eoinddonibljr enlaigtd. TIiIm hoard \w, mibjeut to tho ap proval of the comminHionorn or the uluklng fund, exi'hmlve charge am) control of nil the 'wluirf pioperiy hulonglnir to tho ollv, mirl nil the hind under water Ijlng ad|aeent thereto, acquired under the net of the LciiU-i laturo. They can lene to the hlchoHl bidder doiku or water rlghtri, or purcbano or con- Rtrtict nddilbmid doekc. The act nlno guvo tliDtn control of nil whnrvcH, bulkheadu, etc., owned by private Individual by tlio regnlailnn of unargi-'H lor tlielr one, Tho board hut) nlno authority to ncqulro either by purchase or condeinniitloo, tor this bmiolUof tlio cltj', nny wharf property belonging to- prlvntu inijlvidtinlo; nl) procendlngH blng conduotod by tlio corporation cnuuieb The- ooinmlylonor(i of tho land olllco, in whom formerly rented the title to tho lni)dn under water, have convtiyod from time to time mII thctltloof the Btate to tho city of Now Yoik* The comptroller, when requested by the eommUolouurn of the dluklng fund, prA- pnroa and lueuen bondu culled "dock bond* of the city of New York," for tho purpone- of ralclng money necenHnrv to curry out the provlnlono of the act. Not more than $3,000,- U00 of hondu can bo iPHmnrln any one year, nor can the bondn be sold for lean than pur. The pmceedH of hnnilH are depOHltud in the city treauurv and aro drawn out and paid by tho comptroller under the requisition of the duck board, connternigued by the com- mUulonern ol the ( Inking fund, no tlint tlio Inteiom of the illy In fully protected. It Imn not been found necennuryr however, to |p<uie ko large an umount lu any pant year. The ontiru expenditures lor now whnrveH, bulk- hciulri, nnd ImprovementR, Including iiIbo re palra to old wharven, dredging, nnd niniiy incidental I re inn, during thu nrgaiil7Utlon of the board for the pnut fllteen yearn (1. o,, h'om 1871 to 1S9"). both yearn InclnulVQ,; hiivu been 10,8;!0,lfl0 50, wlillu tho accrued revenue of tho department for iho name time Iiiib been $lltGftJ,'1!}ft,l!t. Tho nmourt of money dupowlttd himyearnlono to tho credit of the commlHidnucrH for thu "Inking fund tor rcntHofdockn and nlipH wan $1,187,- W0 0J. Spnce will not permit ontorlhg into- further detail nt thlHSinio, but tho subject U ono upon whloh nuch atupendoiiH remdtft depend that, lit view of n ponnlblu early r-eltlenjunt of the legal ciuu'K now pending, It debervcK tlie tbongbtful attention ot our people. Chicago oeedn tho dockfl ho badly thni to hiiHteu l\\t) remit It mliilit be wine, rdiould the enne In the lower court be de cided In favor ot the IHIuoIh Central, to uiako a cnmpromluu with the grent corpora- lion that linn been for year* winding ItH kIduouh foini nhoiit ihU valuable properly. The qiieHtlon intti-t be hc!tied, ami Hie sooner it In dono (ho better.? Intn-Oceun. Thy Algomn luuveh Hi. Igiiueo nt 8 p. m; or immullntely on tlie arrival of tho Mur- quetto cxpreBH nnjl ruiiR to Mncklnaw City, there connecting with trnlnn >n the Michi gan Central nnd Grand Uiipldn A Indlunn rnllrnndB. Hbe lien there until morning, when she cronaea with mall, freight nnd pas* fiongera, connecting hero with tho train for Marquette, Hancock, Houghton, etc. Hue crosflca ufliinlly in an hour, Bomutimeo It taken her n quarter ot an hour longer* Tho run In ubont eight mllup, and tho Icq varies' In thleknuHH frotn el^bt to fourteen liichea. Thu great depth of nnow Ih quite a Jiln drancu to her, but ice nnd buow together cannot make, the gallant Rtenmer fall of n donning thin whiter. The reason In thftt the Hhurp, clear cold weathor^ro/e the nurfnen of thu Btralu from shore to ntrore, and tboro are no gieat wludrowH of fiold Ice piled up or criiribed down by wind nnd tide, forming lee wall* twenty or thirty feet deep. Tho Algomab ear, go through any lie wo uro likely to have thio winter llku n ateer through a patch of grcun corn. .SV. Itjnacc JlepubUcan. 'I'he Poll Arthur Hcntlncl Hnyu. Cnptnln Footo, tho popular commundt'r of the Htuamer Atbubnacui for latt year, linn buun renppolnted to that poulllon (or thu eom- IngHuiiHot^. J J Ih many filemU here will bo plenued to hour of thlu nppolntmunt mid welcome blm buck agnln when the ship cotiiUH In. It iri Hiiid lhat Ciiplaln IjoiiIm OIhcii will command (he htcauihnrgc Alurkl ah) the coming Hi'annn, ^/i <b- Damaged P  ili;~l'|‘()li\; Oi" l.t\l(i-I N,\Vi(lA’i'|()N. ltV ti. W. IlAi.l.. Wrllluujor Hut Marina Ilornvti. 't'.tt.tt~'t't<:tt [Avil- i.tt_ikn lttttilttetot t:utntnettt'eti nt lltstruii ill iilllil, llittrttlt iii, titt- eletttner ikillllti Qtteett, ('nptttin Orr, ttrtivint: ttt liilli pert‘, ttt l’ort Golhortte Att_rl| i, tiiili ttt liItil’~tltt 'April«7, the |)lll|iifiil'h Eqttittox the Iitst to tit-purl. rill! Strititu oi liitteitiitttw wttreeltsttr April 4, the propeller l'rtttrle suite the lit-ttt erttlt i.ltl’(ilI|{ii, itottnti l‘iiiii.. 'l‘itt<. llrtzt hont. tltrtttttgh tho Suult ennui wit» titoAtt~ttttter ltutiy Elgltt, Cttptubt .itteit Wiitton, bitty ll. During the tnottth oI’- April. owing to (nlittrttnt the’ lee orop ttt Vtil‘i0|lli lower |lt)l‘ilt‘, ttotttbiy Clovelttnti Illi i)otrolt,qttitt: tt IlllIlI- ltur or tttettm itllti tt til erttt't,etttbttrite<l_lh riitef trade to pttlnttt on, itnke l'ittrott. The pro- peller Minerni llecit itrottgiiriottr itttntlreti tonttoi lee il‘ttIll'i"l‘y,l_Ill{ i'tttt i>thtnti. 'l‘ititt ‘lrtliiit! wtut itept up until the ltiiliiiitl or llttty. 'l‘ltt:re were nwttt-ti iii l)t.-trolil teventy- thret: uititrwltt-tel _liit‘i|IIiI‘.l‘il, lIL[L{l‘t![_7lliiI'il1 20,- 'i7lt tone; thirty-ttyo ptopr-,Iit'-ru, ti,tttItl tottu; lottr iltlitliltltt. l,!lIi1 tonu; t~evett Iwitpt, L877 tottn; one ltnntlrtsti tttttl lilil‘ly-tttltt teltnutt» uru.1il,il7i tt-nu; one Itttntlretl tutti titirty-nix tteowu, ti.ilii'.i ttim-. 'l‘|te ittrtttet-t utettttter on the ittitt-u wit! the Wetttertt Worltl, '.l,(iii‘.l itlIlH- 'i'ltere were nine other» bteultle,ot'er 1,000 tnutt eneh, twenty-one tttetnttrittg ovt-.:'~10il ‘tons, illIy- eight tttett-tttrittg over ‘.200 tonst,seventy tuetttti ttrltttzover 100 lntttt, ttixty-three tut-uinring ifttplttltt Wnt. Wttttu 1ilt‘li on itttito HI||ti'- ~1 t...;...._....... _.-. rlttr, ttliti wtttt hurit-ti ttt (lion-itttttl, ltL[i'ii «iii. 'l‘ht.- vttrlntttt ittitlt it-utteu tl;;nrt.- ttp" tut fol- towtt: Htetttttttrtt wreeltetl'or tliIlIi(,itI||t‘, vulnv tttlotr. $2.900: tttetttttt-.rtt Nlllik (our, $ltl.l$liii; one by t_irt-. $l‘J.(ltiil; twettty tlittnttuetl. $20.- tltift; one lotthontatl untrue, 3Ii,i’til0; three by t-.oiii.tlntt', $Hliil l'ropt-liertt.‘woven WI‘i'l.‘i(I‘.li or ttttttit, $2'.!."t.ill't0‘, I-lxiettn ulrtttttit.-ti, $lii,- 7(iil; one by tire, 3100', ‘twt-ttl_v-rottrtitttn- iil,{t'li. §l‘2,t‘Nil', iill‘4‘I'JI!i.lii‘llllll‘ii ettruo. }2,ii‘ti); ttevt-n by t-ttiil>tiott,$-ii‘.‘_li'3ll. "lii‘t||it.‘ti utrttntletl, live, 30,7-ill; tliteen tlnnhttzt-.tl, $2-i,l0il; three by eullittinn. $12,576. llritpt Wrt‘t‘.i(0li or ttttttit. six, tttt'..tott; ten ttit‘ttIItit'li, '$ll’t,il0tl; .ltlll0 tlntttttueti, $."t,(iflil; one _iet|i>thtteti l!tli‘|.{", $700; ttlx by tettil|uitttt,$;!t"t,7il(i. Steitttottertt \VrL't.'i(t‘(i or ttnttit eiuittt-en, 1t}i.tiiltl-, uevottty-eigitt tttrttntlt-ti.!27il.1lili;_titct|tret-,$1l,illi0: thun- ttfltlti: nttelttttttlreti ttntl t'wt~.ttty-tint-, $101 ,7.'l'.i; _lt-ttittottt-ti ettï¬ztt iliteen. $ii,ilili:‘ eolihott Iltlrty~i'ttnr, $illl.iiUit. Feowtt wreteketl or tntnlt live, ‘9,2iii); tttrttntleti 1iiiiV()Il'$iB.‘itVli): litlII|i||(t‘I.i ttovt-tt, $l,iit't0; enili~ion two tllliil; toittl, tttettttt ttnti will ertttt.$i,0:li),1t)0', unin- ltcr oi" tli-Ittuzertt. M0. ’i'-Jto I'tt||ttwlnt: t:t‘ul‘t. ptttttteti not ill ill-"til: Sit-tttttet‘ A»-‘tt ll. >i\\'il't. t'X|l,i1tii(!Ii'lI|l St. tttttir l'i\‘t't', t:i,ntto. '.\"e'tIttet' Minor, .\'ttpt1't‘ittt'. $ll,iliiil. i't'np--iirr innit‘ oi the i.ttkt!,expiotit~ti ttnti ‘tullk itt intlte Erie. with twtt'iivt--I, $-itl,iliiil. l'rttpt~ilt-r' llittnitotttttt. \\'l’4'l‘i(l‘ti.lli iirttntl itt.-t tti ()ilintltlL';tiI,itttl\'l‘ hilifltill, intlttt l~lttpt-riot. $'.!ii,ilil0. l'rttpt-llt-r tlitio, t-).‘p|otiet_i tutti. ntittll. nil Crle tttrtl twtt liven I-wt. $ii0,ililil. i'ropt-iier ltileitltznn. tiliti tttnu. httllt by it. “it'llâ€. i’"i“l l‘3tlW""ll. for the Orttttti 'i‘rtntit rnliwtty for ferry pttrpmu-u. i"it‘.il4ll|llt'.i' bl. A. llottmitttw, Iitiii iottu, bttiit by iiilt-tttvootl,Stteltetu ilttrbor. is't!|tttoner Vil1'litill(!I', ltii ton», lliliii. by it, Mhttuntt, Port littpe, (lttturio. i-ieitootter-llretttn. lit) tnnn, built by ialtii'i-/ nit-r, Uit'V|‘iltii(i. !~it'itt-nttt-r (iettrtze lt‘onte, Zlitl tttnajbttiit by A. Mt'i(tty, i,)l‘il'4)ii.V i-ielttmtter .\ietliterrtutt-nu, ‘.lil7 tottta, lntilt by it. ii.0t[1‘i'l'~. Hmlttt. N. Y. Tug A. H. ltetttltt, ill lone, wttlte, linifttltt. 'i‘n;5 l-it-yntttnr ileilo. iii tontt, built by Nortoti tilt l.t-htntl. Cit-rt-lttttti. ’l‘tttnl tttttttttute, 5.2')l't toutt; tottti vultttttiott, 3llli<i.7(i0. ltltlltiby Crotttit~ llttt ultnni-I the prttot-etlitttztt reinrrt-t to bo tieeltit-ti tttivt-rut-iy to the rttiirottt’ ootttpntty the title to the Ittigoirtntt wottltl than revert to the t-titty. it, tittetr, ttttuutttlntg thin, tn. utat ,wonlti not ettrt- tn tttttlortttlte tlttt work _ii'.‘|t? ttet,t:ottlti probttbiy be ttbtttittt-.tI .t-tzittltttttre flrllliliilfllltt the city of (2itit-nun wluttt-ver right the MLMI! tntty holti iii the utthtnertzeti ittntltt hortlttrltttz tttrtltu htlte within the iiillliti oi the eity; the city eottlti then either proueutl to onset tttteh ttt-tam-uttry tlnolot illlii tliillll tot tttitzltrlte re~ tptirt-ti. or it enttiti it»: in tit)lI!!.llI Hill!!! of the older l<}:tutertt eltieu, letttte the priviiotto un- der prttprr reutrletlutttt to iutiividttttitt oFeur- portttiottu, ttttti itt thitt wtty pttr ltltilt ettuitl he tteennt )iittlil'ti tttitl lit! to tile tlehtoitltoolt. ,witiie titeowtt- 'eruhip ol tltn tnttttttergeti ittntltt wottltl, under the tghtht or t.ite utttte, rtettt. itt the oily. DOCKAQE SV:i'i‘ll}.\i i“Oli. Oiil(}:\ilO." Up in it<i7i titeelty tti New York 0L‘()||')i(q(] 'l‘itt- Ilttto In lent iI|l|ll‘0itt'iilL[. If it into ttot ttireutly ttrrivetl, when it tletittitn pi.t_n tor ittrnlultintz the eity ol't}itleutzo with litlt'iUt ltilli rtlipu ntttttt he nttttttretl. 'i'hiu in ii ttnltjt-et oi‘ vttet itnpttrtunee tottgrt-ttt eotttntereittl city like nttrtt. httving no o!iIlilHlVtl tt Wttler, lint ll |‘i’0ltl!iiiR no tiililettitlett witielt: ottn not he overetttne ttntl the whole Hyu- trout. tent tlivetteti of tilt ittttttplltttttiitnt tutti in- lrictteit-tf, |ii'l(!I'll, till it lllltlltiti he, on ltiitlli it |i‘ttltZliIii' ttliti ttulitl llltltitt tt_tt to not only tttlltrti entire tt-Itet lur t,itutcttortttottt. ttutnuge ttute.it- int: nt thitt port, b_ttt tti-In |ll'l|Vt' tttntrett oi‘ “/I" ltttvtt iwt-It (itiilitlfl ttlnnt; Int’ tnunv yenru wilittntt ttny '(_iI‘iillii¢' phttttt for the ill‘i!ttlilIlilltitt|itlll of "our vtpat Hililiilillfl itttt-.rt-ut, Itllli ttre ottly ittrue rt-t't-nttn ttt the‘ eity. iIl'iI\]~tt‘li ttnw by the iIrL{i'lii lIi!t,‘i'~Ari|it5r|tll the t2ttn_t-. lrtct your there title port. rt-preut-ttlltttz it itliiliilflt! ol il,li."tIl,il.‘lii tttna, nntl lil,7llii t‘il'iIl'lllIt't§H, rt-pt't~ut-ttiitttztt tonuttutt or ii ttt‘t".‘.!.‘ltl tontz‘. lite tttttttnge were '1!) ‘ill ttrrivniu ttt about the suttntt lltwiiloll in ri-ltttion itt iu tlot-he ttu tlte eity oi Citletttgo tloma ttt-tiny- iltttt bx. it inttl tto ntttttbiittitetl t-ytttntn iooltlnz to Hit! t'0llil‘(ti oiittt vttttt wuter _iront.' /L techie ttttt-tnpt itttti been tntttlu tlte yettr before to etttttroi it by (ll’L{i|ill'l.itli[. nutter not or lt'|1iHii|illi‘I!.liiiliiifli for thttt [il|l‘[)0tlt', bit: ‘thuir,pI1wo_ru were no litttitetl unit it. dlti not ututet the wuntt oi‘ the ctute, ttntl on tito ifltlt of April, iii71_, the lettit-ltttttre piittttetl tut ttt,-3 "l)epttrttttt:nt. oi i)tlci(tI" wmt ennttltlerubly ettlurueti. '|3hie hnttrti itnu, tuti>_|t.~et. to the up- prnvni of the eomtninttiotiertt'ot' the ttittitittg liiilti, t.-xeltntivtt elntrtze untl eontrol at t.]| tit‘, witttri ptopt-rly lteitttttglttu to_iht‘t eity, ttntl till the luttti tttttier wutttr ‘lying tttilttt-t-tut tltereto, tlt.'l]iIii‘t,‘li under the not oi the ‘Lotti!-1 htture. ’l‘hey ettn iettuo to the hiuitettt bitltlnr ti0('i£R pr wttter i’iL[lliitl, or pttreittttte or con. ntruct utitlitiunui tioeltn. 'l‘hettet itiiifl ‘gnvo the t.-ntirts. without tntticr witieh the titttiett ttnd tttttitorlty ot Illa titottt. control of ttli wltttrvett, bttiltlteutitt, ett-.., owttetl hy,prlvttte lntilvithtttitt by tho rt-gttitttinn oietntrtzeu tor their one. 'l‘lte bonrtl ltt‘hoth illt-liiil|i.i.H being ntttttt-.witut utttttller mm “M, “mum,-l,y_ “cqmm Mm" by over 20 tom, ttttd ttlxty-one tttettttttrittg under ‘.10 tons. ’l‘heru were ttt thin period otte_tltot1£.tttttl mt] nix ltttntlretl vetttteht nttvlgtttintz the whole ttortltwentertt ili_i((.'iiWilil nu ttggretgttte oi hnlitt tnililett tonu. 'l‘ito followittz tttblo tthowtt the rntett oi »etttnett’tt wttgen ttt tlititrent pcriotitt tinvitit; tlto ttettnott,vqutteitt ill the lttite Bilflrcirittiu ttnttnlly pttyltttz tho ltitzltett wtttzett given: April to Xttgttttt lll,'$i‘? to (ill |lei‘_lllntiill. Attgttnt, 15 to Uetttbt-,r 1, till per ttttmtlt. °0etoher1~to Noventher l, 318 to $20 per‘ mttutit. November to elnne oi the txettsott wutzen were from $1.00 to $i.b[) per titty. 'l‘ite full of liiitil wutt uttendetl with tttnre il(.‘t|V) gttleu tbttn ltud been known i'or ll ntttnber oi yettrt-. l’tttttttt,;t.-it of Vtft-'ï¬i'iM.ily l)t-troll, hnttnd ttp, .iilt:iIlllEl‘it tilt, prnpellertt -ttlzi. bttrtzeu 2711, hrltgtt 295, tteltttottertt 1,811; totttl, butttttl up, .'i,(itih. i)t)\\'tl\V1iI'li|lllliiilll{t'i!, tttentttertt lil.'t. prnpeliertt h(l.'l, iJliI‘l]iI('il._ 284, ltrlgt; llltl, ueltott’ttet'ul,l«’2ft; totttl !l,l‘.ll; t:rttnt_itotttt, both tvttyta, (i,1t5il. Greutettt ttutnber lliilihilifl up ltt one tiny S5, do'wtt 73. l)nritt;5tlto ttettttott there were ttitlppeti to Europe by luite vt-ti'~elu (l{)'.l.tl-.37 Wettt itltiltt 'utnvt-ti. l-i'.![ilIi'.l iiiBii(itIl'l..i pipe tttttvett, iillti '47-i,iiilil feet "of ottic, wttinttt ttntipltte ltttttber. This in (.')LCillkiVt3 oi the eurunes tltlppezl t‘rnntCievelttnI|, lliiltttt tutti llnilttio, titttt-e uttttetltetttn never hnving been exhibited. 'i‘ite i.tliiiil|L‘Fii through tlte Sttttit ennui itt iii-.'ti) itil:~(:!ct:l?litl.ti ttny io_rnter yettr. ’l‘lte tttttttberttl vettseittpttttttitttz tittottgit tlnrint: ettelt tnontit_ were on ioiiowrt: liltty 121$ vett-_ tteltz, tttzureutttitttz -l7,tili0 tott-«;'.ltttte 18-t vett- tteht, ti7,l)t'tt't tone; tittly 2'20 vet:t;elt«,7~i,‘.l:i.l 'tonu;. A\|iL{l||ii.1i)3Vi!i4|lI'iti iit,'i6'.l ton»; Sep- tetnher 121 Vt'li!t.‘iil, 40,500 tom». ’i‘lte iUii()\VlilL[‘Bl.L‘lii|li:|'tt plletl regttlurly in the trtttie: Stettttter North Stnr,'l.10li lottli. Cli|llllitl' ll. 0. Street. Steunter~lliinoie, 026 tone, Cttptuln John .l*rtt'1.er. sit-tuner i.ttllit‘ElL',itt, 1,037 tone, Cuptttln J. Wiluoo. 1't-npeller liotttgotnery, S70 tone. Cuptultt J. Nleltoltton. Propeller Nnrthertt Light. 716 tonu, Cop- ttttn ,l. tipultiitttg. Propeller lrun City, ilili totw, Ctlliifliii ti. II}. 'l‘ttruer. Prtllllttiilti‘ _lilitterul ltoeit, itliil iollll, Cttptnin ii. ii. lytler. Propeller lilttttlttttltttt. U. Ripley. 'i‘he ltttter tttetttnttr wtttt ttniortttnutely wrt-triteti nettr, titu elmte of the autumn ut. Griiilti liittriutt. Iutito l‘.ili|l(‘.l'i0f. 'l‘ht-. propeller Getterni 'l‘uyior, Cuplttitt J. (i. i’ttl‘ii('.I', tntttle otte trip to Mttrtptettte. ‘l‘itotttt-tttner l*‘ort-tter, (:tl|iitiill J. l‘. Wnrtl, mtttie one voyuge_lttto in tho t'ttil with Hillt- ]liit‘iI, uttti tltu propeller, Govorttorfttttltttttttt, one or more tripe. Quito it It ttttbet-"oi uttii vetattt-ltt were tttnployed in the irett ore trttde. ',l‘tte fttilttwittu pioneer itii(t' mt-n. well tiiltl protnlttetttly known, tiled in ll-‘till: (;.â€,t,.|., C, it. Ltttilutv, sttttltletti_v,ttl' heurt iiihliiilil‘, ttl i)l"lilil’i‘- "l1‘â€i ML Utillllliil tioitn .i)ibill‘i)W, ttt llttrnn, 0., vtltltl. ""(‘;‘,,p.,,t.. (1, 0. linliywootl. oi tlreptty, ut _~;t_ t,t.t.|tt, Mo., out-ti -ii. Cttptttltt Artttit-tetttl ldllni, nt lilueit lilver, '()_, 'ed ti-i. tltiiltttitt l’:titte liittttn, In St. .it_)teph, iutlte Mit-ltit'_vtttt tturll ll‘-L ttuptttiti l. 'i‘. i'iit‘iiii, ttt luletlot 0-. "t:t"i till yeurtt. (I20 iotlil, Cttptttitt '81 Juli‘. Prttpt-littr .\iiiwttttl;t-e, >-uni; hv I-‘(:i|IlilllI'|‘ .i. ii. '|'tll‘rttt_t‘ lit the S-ittttitu, $i"ttl,ilii(l. i'I'li|&t'i(i"(I)"‘00|'it‘llii|i, \Vl'llt'it't94i on .‘s‘i(i|itt- mtlflt’ ill, i’l'l't|Ii£iil‘.T 'l't'oy_ iuttntietetl nil‘ Point tttt iittrtpte lllitioi\V1‘|li_}'-lill'('ti iiVt'fl ioat. Cll0,II(lU. ilriu i’orthtntl. \\'l’i'i‘i(llIi ttt Grtttttl tlttveu, ct one. ilrlu “llIlt!ill.’Fltfl', wret.-lteti l'il|li or Cleve- inttti, $.'t_liili). lirn; Lllilllliiiill. iont itt Green iltty, 3-l,00U. Brit: litttlitin, wreeketi ‘ttt Grtttttl lluvett, 9000. ilrit: Grtlyilflltliti. lnut. neur Eiteitoygttn tttttl one life ittttt, $liQ,0iiil. Brit; Ctttnbetltnttl. wt-eelteti ttt liiiwnttitee, _$u,tttttt. iirlg N. iii. Sttttttlurt, unnlt hv ttehootter Autoertu, Ifllke Mitliiljztlll, $23,000. iitlg liiltnttntri, tvreekt.-ti ttt Knlttmnzoo. '$t.otttt. Heltottttttr llit: ’/4. inttt nettr Sheboygttn. ltuiur .\lieItiuun, $:l,U(t0. Heiiuotter Vtruiltin Pttrtly. tvreeitetl nt Point tttt l’t.-lit-e. $t't,(ltl0. H.-Itttttttttr Eupttt-tuht.fotthtit-rt-tl ltt Luke ll lI'iii‘,1ttil ttttti rlx iivett lttttt, $1l,iltl(l. Selt--tmt-r, lltey (liry. wreeketl on Etta! Sis- ter, $l4.iiilil. :~it:ittmttt-r Clenpulrtt. Hunk‘ by bttrit Adri- ttlic, 'itlti(\‘. Erie, 3-iil,illlii. St-Itttttttttr Gt-tterttl iiolli.-loll, wreelted ttt i“ttir[tnt't, $1i,iltlll. St-Itttt-tter Foreat, ttunk by brit: lietttiht ill iutktt Etitl itiili inattoi one lite, $~i,ll0i). St‘iliitllil‘I‘ i)ii\\'il._li|iIlit' by propeller New York in Luke Erie. $12 000. Htii|ttt!|ll‘I‘ J. ll. ‘l'iti'ttny, tttlilk by propeller t\tiltt-ttttitee in the Strnittt ttntl live ltvett iottt, $le_tte0. st-Itttuner 'l‘wl|it;ht, itliti on Llti(tt0|iiill‘it), 2.iiiiU. .\‘t~,tttmnet- C-tliiorttltt, lostt nt Port. Clinton, l.ttite Erie, Â¥i,(i(lii. St-lttmttt-r White iiigetttt. lost. on enttt shore of iutlte t\lit-ititztttt, $2.000. St-ltotttter Sotlntt, wrecked tteuruttuto plnoe, $2.000. Settonttt-r ilotttttenwrueketi on Lulu: Supe- perlttt‘. !5,(lUil. Btzltuom-r irliiiltti Queen, wrecked itt the l-llrnlttt, ¥‘.lU.ilil0. Sehttottt-r C. l..:llurton. tvreeited til1\flil- tttlnt|tt_ $11,000. Seltmtut-r A. Seott,tvrt:ekett ttt Vermil- iitttt, $.'t,ili)i). st-otv Atttelopte. lent’ ttt. Point nu Peiice. tt2,ottti. .- .~«ft-utv Wiliinttt, wreeketl nt. Fttirport, $t"t,tltill. Seotv Sluttiey inttl itt Geortzitttt iitty, $3,000. -. t-'t':Itnttttet' Ctttnttitntlott, loet ttt l’urt. llrttee, l1i|i\L' l'}ritt. $1,000. st-httttnt-r Atitltt, iottt ut Lttiteport, Luke iittrttll, i3,ilUll. ‘Settw St-tt Witeh, wreeited ttt Fort Eric, L‘. W., $‘.!.(l0i). .\t!it\V Gettevn. lost. ttt North Mttttltou, Sultontter I9. Creutnt-r. wreeketl nt Cit‘.- etttztt, 18.000. Luna by tttenttt veettei. $851,535; intttt by null t't'tt~gt-lu, t(iilii.iSllt't; livee luttt, 10.’); ditt- tnttorv, Iiiil. 'l‘htt iutektturtl ulttto oi lttim buninettu iii 1850 lltnltetl Iito ttilllrlrllclltlil oi VCilFt'i-‘, ttnti eottttt-qnt-tttiy bttt few were Ctlillillillltiutlcti. ’l‘he rt-ettrti-t prevent the ioilotving vetttteltt. bniit titnt your: .‘itt-tttttuitlp liliiwttttltee; i.1i£i tontt, bttiit by ilitlueii R‘, iitltltt. llttilttio. Sillitliliiilill lit.-troit. i.ll3_ |llll\\‘ell ti’. Ilutttn, ll-tll'nio. ritetttttt (tut-net, list‘) tent-, btti by H. C. Ct-nttwt-ll. Ne\\'pot-t..-rr~ Ct; i"t‘ stettttttgr iluttny iloztt, 125 tons, built by .1. \v. iitttttttte. iitttttlttuky. Hillttllivt‘ lit-ttbirti, M0 lone, built. by It. 0. C|‘Itl|\\L'li. Newport. i'I'lt|tl‘lil9i' Akron. till‘! tone.bttiit by Qttttyio tr, Murtltt, Ci|‘VtEii|iitit i't‘tI]tt'iit'l' .luttt<-tt ii. Etttzit-, 104 tontt, bttiit by C. iiinttttttt. lltzutttt-r. St-ltnottt-r \'ttttitttry,'.l2-l i.0i|P,l)lliii. by 1". N. .iottt-tt. lltttl'ttin. llntit W, N. i'ie_rton, 880 tone. Will it)‘ l"ortiittttn, i-ltttttiuttlty. toun,‘bttiit by liiiill for the pI‘l'.VitliI4 yt-ttr, which it no tlottht |lCl‘(lil.lliI‘ii for mu grt-ut extent by the ittettttveniettee experiettt-eti, the illl-ll oi ettpetwe ttttetttiittz the 4'llil‘ttti(‘.tl ttttti exit lront our lntit-eti. ll’ inn ulgttillettttl. i'ttet~titttt. utttl tlte |)ll“i rnnr _\'l‘iil‘~| httu ltI't‘II utt-utiliv ti|‘t‘ii|tlliL!. liiiiittvii utreovtntetl ittr to pttrt by the tttettlutt. tito elttntt oi‘ Vt!llii(‘i-I entployetlln ttttr htlto nttviotttlutt htttt ttutlerlttliy ehtttttzed wititin gthttt time by the nttbutlttttiott or tttettm vest- t~eitt‘ei ittrtzer touttttge fer the nmttli uttllhttz erttlt iorttteriy etnplovetl; out thin tthttttltl not tttl'et:t the tttzurt-unto oi’ the tuttttntztt ettr- rleti, which itttu nine uhown Iteutly tlceliue timing: the perititi tttttneti. ’l‘htt ttttttltttieu llttte entutlt-ti,‘ tttttl iittl grunt river. the ttntnber /oi ti('|)ltl‘|iii[{ irntn. Vt!>INt'itl tiijrivltttz nt. thin port ti|ll"i||E uhntv tttt tttilnvtnz ct t-' AIIIKIVVALE. ilANCl"J. Vcttr. Vessels. 'i‘onu.1[;c. Vu. ll. Tonttatzc. -882.... I3.3st }.—s‘to.oso 1883.... ttlil4.... -It-354 3.750 973 3.930! 2.28 'l'het«e iitzhrt-u ttre ttuntewitttt ialttrtiltlg. tttttl tlillli" the etli-ettt oi the CI'(l\Vti|‘(i eontlittott oi the river, with ttii the vextttitttttt ttnti itteon- vettlettet-.n,ttt'initt;: irotn the britlgett, ttntl tell too pininiy tintt ttuntetltintz tttttttt. betlune to relieve ottr overerowtleti rivet‘. \Vitlt tttteh. nn obtttttelo ill the wtty or the trttut-ition Lil tlto protittce oi’-tho vttut ttren lying w'ettt of till it in fully to (!iiii“fltl ttli ottr iI‘0il1ili._ilâ€i)lIi'it'ti ttpnn the ruilwttytt on no- oount of illhcrilllilltliitlll nï¬ttittnt (jbientgo. 'l‘he tliiilettity ht tt it-etti one, ttttd will eon- ii!tIlt.' In itttrretttteitittlteittt remetly in ttpplietl, ttttti the grt-itteut tittttgtlr itt titttt the itttttitttttttt 1tIlt'tl(ilVt.'t'lt!ii will eotttitttte to new ill other L'iililllli‘it-l, nttti ill Iitttt wtty give. Uitietttztt lite pt-tmttttettt no bv; ttttti for thin l‘(‘tlt40t) no time eltottitl be lost itt tit-tiling with t[tii'it- _lnnetttro wottltl, tlott wltielt ttt'thls eritieui itt itu reitttituttt to the eomtttorelttl prn_uperlt_\' ol'l|te eity, ttppt-ttr to he oi’ pttrtttttottttt. int- |tttt'tttttee. ‘.l'ltere iii no itettr Ihttt Ci|il.'tIfl0 will ever heenttte ii wtty I-tntlntt; bttt ttter tittyu it‘ her. tztuitt ttntie it» to be urottntl out hetwet-tt the iiliiitllfliioli of extortitttttttta eievtttor olturtzett tttttl t-lilill totuiiy ltttttleqttttte itteilitiett tnt ttre new oli‘e_retl itet ttitippintz. The tloeittt nntl ttiiptt to be eettetrttetetl tnttut,ot‘eottrtte,bolttettteti north ttttti uottth oi C|tlt'tttt,to River. 'l‘ite owner» of property on llilehigttn neetttte wito, for tlto ntottt hurt, eotnprltte itttttittentt ttten who ilitV0lltiil‘€i:l.‘ liniltfchlill tlte growth ttttti weilttro oiottr eity, lntve eottte to retzttrtl tho t:ont-trttetion oi whnrvett in front oi their property ntt nu llittlflililullflchtiflily, ttttd httve tltert-torebe- eotno reettnolloti to tito witoie project, ne- eeptlnt; it. iln tt foregone euneitteion. 'l‘ht-. ttttettttntt, oi eottrtte, tit‘|lt'.il£iti lurtzeiy upon the tettttltoltite [lt‘tlt!t't!tiilig>l now pending between the Htute of Illinoitt utttl liIt!'lliillt)iil Centrtti iiullruttti'Cutttpttny; the eity of Citi- ettt_,vn, ttllhntttth tnutie ti tleietttlttttt itt the unit, htttt nnwittt-iy tthtltttloneti nil olttittt to tltu lttite irnnt ttnti prttctio-tiiy tttitttltteti till the ttiioi:tt- tiontt eotttttined ltt the itttorttttttiott tiled by the ttttnrttey gt-,tteru|. it‘ thetxe troeeetiingtt ttltuil rettttlt Ill riliitililiiiiiiltz tito liillltl oi the iiiilitlitt Ctiliirili Ilttliroutl Cntttpnny to the ittkelrottt iiIitit‘i' the not oililllil they will tttttthtlt-tut prneeetl ut ottce tn eotntlrttet tlneittt lrettt ilutttlulplt tttteet tnthe pier ttow nenrly CItIii|iit‘it!iilll l‘ltirtet-tttlt utreett Stu-it ttrt-ttttlt ttititenult it wottitl enrieh it privute eot-portt- ‘lion ttttttty tniiliontt nitlollttrtt ttnti tnnite the t.-ottttnt-ree ill the oily ptty lrlbttle to it turever. wnuiti he better illtttl to pertuit the prt-ttetti. tttttte oi lhitttztt entttintte intlt-ilnileiy. it would tgt-tltnptt ttl"ert_l grettt reilei to the uhippittg entt-ritttz our pert. ttlll.i tniulti he no retttrttittetl ltllli rt-uulttteti nu to tttntwer the vtttne pttrpttue mt iI' the tloeiot were built ttuti 'l‘lteelty would in any t-vt-ut hnve the tetnte right till it now butt till-_ tier it» eitnrler, utlupteti April ‘lil. 1875. to nwtteti hy the eity. i‘l'l,{IIilll,|9 tttttl t‘tlllil'<li the timflittii pnltilt lillti tuivttte lttntlhtt: plttt-eu, tttttl to lit: the rutett oi \Vilitl'iiIl[t! ntttl tloelttttze. 13626 4-004.999 tt 9e7 3.llt'.v.464 t2.ot5 39i~io,879 -1-! 362 375t.7=3 '6 there eerlttltttyore tzooti grottntltt ot_ t‘ettr tltttt ulte will lose tntteh oi the ptt-tttit_ve gttittetl itt l‘or~ pnreittttte or euntientntltion, tor tlltsbottotltoi the city, ntty witttri property beiottgittuto privntu ltttlivitlttnltt: nil proeeetilttgit being ettnthtototi by the eorportttiou eottnwl. "i‘ho entrtutlttslttttern oi tlte inttti otiiee. in whom formerly rotttetl the title to the inlliil under wttter. httvo oouvoyoti from time to time ttli the title or the tttttto tn the eity orNow York. The enmptrolicr, when reqttontetl by the eotttmlttninttertt oi the ililliliiifl ittttti, pro- pttrett tttttl‘lttatten ililiitllt culieti "dock bonds of the eity oi New York." for tito [llirpolo oi rttittittt: ntonev neeeuattry to curry out the provlnlontt oi the not. Not tort: thttn 1il,il(lU,- UOU oi hontlu ettu he ititttttttlyltrtttty one your, nor etttt the hnntln be until for lean tltttn pttr. 'l‘ltt-.'pret:et.-«ht or hnntltt ure tit-pottiteti itt the eity tretwttry nuti ttr_e tlrtttvn ottt unti pntti hy Litetsontptroller tttttler the l’I'([l|iiiiliiln oi tlte tlnek hnttrti, (.‘0ltlili.‘I’Fiit_{tlt‘ti by the com- Iili>ttIit)ilL‘i'ti til‘ the t-inkint: tnntl, tto tltnt tho iIlit!l‘lllll oi‘ the eity ht fully protected. it line ‘not been iottttti illict'.HiltIl‘yy itntveuer, to inntte an inrtze tttt umnttttt ill uny ptntt. your. The entire ('X|li!llliillil‘c~l Io; netv whnrvett, i)llii£- itetttlt-, ttnti itnproventt-nte. ineitttlintz ttluo re tneltletttttl iitiltlll, thtritu: the ()I‘L[Iilii7.li.lllill oi the hnurtl tor the pttttt tltteett yenrtt (i. e., ii‘0ItI 1871 to 1885. both yettrtt luelttttlve,) hnve been $10.8(iil,iilil.lStl. wltilo'the iiC(‘|'ltt.'d, revenue of tito tit-pttrtntentt‘ortlto ttttnto tltne ittttt been $il,5li‘.i,-iilil,iil. 'i‘ito ttmottnt oi oi tito eomtttlnttinttertt tor the ttittititu: fund 280.03. Spttee will not permit entering into further tletttil ttt tititt~tltno, but the ttubjt-et in one ttpott which ttttcit tttttpetttintttt rt-units tiept-ttd titnt. itt view oi tt pottttlbie ettriy uettietuetttoi the it-mil etttten ttow pe,ntltttt_v,' it tlt.~t;ervt-tt the thongitttni ttttentlon otottr pt-npie. Chletttzn neetltt titetleeittt ttnhntlly ill‘ii. to itttutett the resttil it nthzltl he wbte, ttitottitl the t'.lIt-it‘. ltt the lower enttrt hedo- eltletl in tttvor ot the lliittnht Centrni, to tnttito ll eontprotnitte vtith the art,-nt norpnrtt. tiott titttt iittli been for your: Wiiidilitlitlt Mililliiilli iurttt tthnnt tltitt vttittnble properly. The quotation Iillll-i. itettetiletl, ttttti the txoitner it in ttotto tlto ill!|l.l!i'.r-llliflr-0Cl'lm. ’l‘ho_ Aluotntt lettvett St. lgntteo tn p. m; or ltntnt-tiittteiy on the ttrrivtti oitho Mur- qttette cX’[)i'L'liti‘iIuJi rttttti to Mtteitinttw City, [there cunttetztiug with lrrtintt on the Miohi- gun Uetttrttl ntttl Grttntl ll.ttpltiuti‘o lttdittntt rttilrntttltt. l-lite lieu tltere_tmtil morning, witott ttho erettttett with lIlt|ii,'i'l‘liifllIllln(i pul- ttettgortt, onnneotlttt: ltore with tile train for liiurquette, iittneoelt, llntttgittnn, etc. She ero’tntett_ ttnttully ininn hour, ttotntttintctt It tnitott her it qttttrler oi tttt hour ionizer. 'l‘ito rtttt in ttbnttt eight tlliietl, ttnti the lee vuriett‘ ‘i‘lto urettt depth of tmow ie qttlto tt .hln- tirttnao to her, but ice and utto\v' together ettttttot tttnito the gttliitttt tttenmer full oi etottuittt: thitt winter. ‘l‘ito remtott in tititt tlto ttltttrp, trlettr cold weather truze the uttrlnett pttlru to ohl whttrveu. tlretltzitttz. tttttl lllIlily_' tttottey tlopottited ltttttyt-ttr ulotte to the t-retlit ilor renttt oi tloektt tirlti ttllpu wun 8l,i87,-’ ltt tltlelutetnt iroin eight to lottrteott ltteitett. oi‘ the tttrttlttt irntn tthore to i-llI1)I't', tttttl titero ttre ttn grunt wintirowtt of iieltl lee piled up or erttttbetl tlntvtt~by witttl ttntl title, tertnintz lee wttiltt twottty or-thirty ieettleep. 'I'lto Algomttlt cur. no llIt‘0ltL!it ttny ieo wo uro likely to ltttve thltt tvlttter ilite tt tttt-er through tt pntelt of green e,orn.—SI. Ignace lirpttitilcatt. 'i'ite Port Arthur Hetttltttai mtytt. lttptnin it‘outo, tlto popuinr enntttttttttitlr tttetttner Atltttbttttcut for iititl. your. butt been reuppoittted to thttt pouitlen tor the com- lttgttettttnt. llitt tnttny irlt-ntltt here will be oi‘ the plettet-ti to ittntr of title ttppointtnettt ttttti tvelentttu ititn bttei: utzuht when the chip eotttott itt. ...}—._ it in uttitl Iitttt tluptttltt Lotti»: Oltten will t~,onttnnttti the tttt-tttjtlntrtge hittrlllutltt the eotnlnt; ttetttttm.