X M'f[E ]V[ai*me ^prnijil. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS COMPANY, D PROVIDENCE, R; I. Established in 1857. SOLE BUiLCEKS OF THE CELEBRATED WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS, ATTENTION ohm* iiiww WMfiiw In Windlasses made witbin the past three months. -These Improvements apply to windlasses of all kinds, for Steamships, Sailing Vessels, Yachts, and wherever Chains, Hemp or Wire Hawsers are handled. The Public requested to acquaint themselves with these Improvements before buying. CONSTRUCTUHS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Steel, Iron, Composite, anc| Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft. of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich, m* m, mmmmmms OWNER OF FIRST-CLASS'TUGS, .t>-o "Vfc OR WRECKINC, RAFT TOWJIMG, Etc. ) Also, Stenm Pumps, Submarine Divers, Hawsers, Llghtors anil BnrrjoB. ~~- WAlllIKXINI, ANK OWN'!) ON DOCK, BETWEEN FIRST AND CASS STREETS, Detroit, Mich. J-OF'H'K OPKN IIAV ANI NMJHr. NATHNl-AOTIOV (JUAUANITF.I>.-tt THE GLOBE IRON WORKS, CLEVELAND, OHIO. GENERAL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER-MAKERS. MARINE. _ /CV, STATIONARY. / PATENT STEAM WINDLASS. High Pressure, Low Pressure, Condensing, Compound MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. HAND AND SPOOL WINDLASS, AMAZEEN BEAM LOG WINDLASS, Centerboard, Mast, Gipsey, Hatch Winches, Water Seal Stove Pipes, Chocks.Coal Scuttles, Hawse Pipes Cleats. MARINE & STATIONARY BOIUEB8, SMOKE STACKS, General Plate and Sheet Iron Work. \y ENGINES FROM FOUR TO FORTY H. P. KEPT ON HAND, P 990017  -A mm; ’-]V[Z1‘I1iIILE ljtttjxtttil. ‘Amsntcnu er DETNROITeNDRY%D%0CKVCtO.V SHIP W|_NDLAS§ CQMPANY, PROVIDENCE, ‘R.’ 1. Established‘ in 357. t_ "W .' ;_‘'.-.;<;*~j'._fl.’, .‘ rx-J3,-.1‘ -1 ‘, â€*’:‘ €_. -i ‘N conncr EVER nzuntmu or ‘N-» ':=::“ .3, -' tttctt *3 ED}. EEAj?5?:m_LDQ9Q .Stee|.tl%ron.Composite. and Wooden Ships. IRON SHIP BUILDING WORKS In WYANDUTTE.‘ MICH; Dry Docks and Repair Yard, ft. of Orleans-st., Detroit, Mich. ........... .. .- -' AOWNERQF J‘ ,3 .;e.,‘;LT.'i'1'I'2,'l. '.I’.“g1:z FIRST —CLA;ss TUGS. ,1 ,v'j".:.,_,., N37 -’ -'1-.-"s-‘-«H In Windlasses made within the past thteemunths. "N ": ~These Improvements apply to wittdlassesef all “" kinds, Afar Steamships. Sailing Vessels. Yachts. and wherever Chains. Hemp_ 0' We Hams are ha"'"ed' UN nnett. 3E'Tw‘tv:‘t§Wi'it§?" INNNCASS meets} The Public requested to eeuaintthemselves -M- t, Detroit, Ic wlth these 'mP_V0Veme before bU)'||1g- n-ol'I'Imr. on-mt luv. um NI(.tIrr.' HA’I‘lHi-'A(l‘I"l0N nuAuAN'rI:r.I).'I;u "Also.-Stonm Pump Suhirrnrlnu Dlvora, Hnwsors, Llulttnre and Barnes. T1113: GLIDBE m0Nw0nKs A_CL_EV~ELAND,OH.IO. GENERAL PHIJNBERS, INAGHINISTS AND BIIILBR -% MAKERS. sTAfrtot\tAR!.v_t_% APATENTV e?EAM 'WlIND4L_A{88.. «r High Pressure,‘ "W3 M9 39001» W|NDU\33. MARINE STATIONARY .-Low pressure AMAZEEN BEAM LOG WINDLASS, Conden'Sing’- Centerboardtvlltjastt; Gipsey. Hatch Inc es. C9mP°â€"d Watersealstove Pipes,Ch0ekS,Coa| SMOKE 87'“ p_‘CKS' MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Scuttles. Hawse Pipes Cleats. .'.Genera| Plate and Sheetlron Work. ‘N ENGINES FRIIM FINIR Tl|tI"flB.TY N.eP.“KEPT [IN HAND. Damaged