Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 11 Sep 1890, p. 1

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$$. DEVOTED TO NAVIGATION, COMMENCE, WGIXEERIM am SCIENCE. *& T]S- ,VOL. XII. \s W m CLEVELAND. O, SEPTEMBER 11.1890. -f" .y ^ AROUXD TEELMEES. OltTvlftml. Ohio,1"* CtptalD M. B. Gary, collector of omtorai it this port, baa juai returned from a cruise down tbt lakes and the St, Lawrence river. Mr. R. Robert!, engineer of the Ward Lias steamer John V. Moran, pild this office i pleasant call ou Tuesday. , Frank Better, a Bailor, while unloading ore from tbe barge Gordon Campbell Tueiday, fell Into the bold, breaking his left leg. He WU removed to' tha Lakeside Hospital tn HoganA llarrii' ambulance. Tba ownvra of (he lighter Atlantic, which was Injured by a collision with the schooner Aranac, bai begun suit in the United States dlatrlot court against the owner*, of that schooner for $2,000. The lighter wia fuel ing the steamer Pasaadena when trie colliiron oooorred. Messrs. Smith 4 Stmtbn, representatives of the Seaboard, .New York, paid this office n pleasant visit during the week. As an ama- ttur photographer Mr. Smith fa above par; and hit views of Cleveland and her shipping will be re-produned In the well known col umn! of the Utabnard. Tbt new steal steamer John W. Moore, 10 tbt order.of the well-known tirm of Bartov 4 Gilchrist, bj John Craig & nlwrEy tbt Bartau of Navigation Tnuorj Department, Waabington, D. C-T her gmtl toaoag* li certified to be 1,1)01.(IS; net tonnage 1,080.35, hailing from Toledo, Ohio, as borne port. - MtterolOglcal summary for the week ending September lOUi.JSX): Mean Barometer................ 110.11 Mean temperature.............. ,70-7 Mean humidity ............... ^:' Total precipitation.............2.-11 inches Prevailing direction of wind.... s, W Total wind movement........... Vl'iS miles Average cloudiness*...............i 7 0 Average. stat of weather........ Cloud? Max. temperature, (higbemj..... M) on Ttli Mln. temperature, (lowest).,.'.... ST on LOth. Captain Georga P. McKay, secretary of tie private light committee and the Vessels Own ers', Association, relumed from Amherstburg on Tuesday, where he innde arrangement! for the maintenance of the two float lights at the Limekiln crossing fur the balance of iliu sca- Sou. Duff and (iall'ield will have charge of the light*. While at Amhcrslburg t aptain MoKay met William Nuble, of the Canadian lighthouse board, who is replacing the crlbi at the Colchester lighthouse. Mr. Noble cv- peats to be instructed litis fall to remote the obstructions in Point nu Ptlee passage. "The octopus of the West/' or iu oilier words the "grub all monopolists" are m,w get- tlug at loggerheads spiong themselves. Wc note that officials of Uie I levvtand, I anion A boutbern llallway called uu Mtiyor Imrdiier Monday ufternoon with u gnt>\ance. I hey oomplaluvd that the \ alley Uailway was building a dock which i>> I only extends > ut over the city whnrfline, but nUo inlerfiruM with the docks of I lie Lluveluud, I iiciou A Southern road. It whs alsli claimed lhat the dock was built without securing the, necrajsiy permission. Mayor (iarduer advised the gen tleman- to present llietr grlovance to the Council, when it will be referred to the Board of Improvements for action perhaps. The new steel steamer J. II Wade has bem fitted with the first pole compass ever placed on a lake vessel, no magnet* or soft chain correctors or any other artificial compeusatora are required to make the pole companies mag netic, as they are placed above the influence of the Iron entering into the construction of tbt Ttttel. The pble coni[aaa regarded aa a Standard U altogether In use on the ocean, Md ll ts quilt possible (hat a number of tilt rgt) itttl propellers on the lakes' will adopt factor u an aid to navigation. Coin. 'adjusters Simpson A Morrison are the of the above compass and irdtfl art already booked for uthers. of the kt> mtkt. Mr. Frank Morrison Is now en- oo new designs for deck biumcles aud it vanea for taking bearings, which tha firm mantlfaoture during the winter season. ' The members of the Seamen's Union are | strongly agitating their, claims for exclusive employment at the various lake-jiorls, Chicago especially ! becoming quite1 aa prominent \a this particular ss Milwaukee has been for'a number of years past, this city is also being somewhat disturbed regarding the employ ment of seamt-n; and the secretary of the Vessel Owners' Association has sent an agent to New Yurk to secure more men labor and capital should endeavour to work more In harmony with each other, both afloat and ashore so that grist may be brought to the mill in the interests of all concerned. No good can possibly accrue to any party for bttiqg "out of joint with the times," while moderation hi the grand watch word, seamen Jiave, always been noted for their devotion to the interests over which they temporarily preside and "obey orders if you break own- era" has ever been their code from time im memorial, it now behooves them to learn that employment is preferable to Inactivity and that moderate counsels should prevail in their premeditations. Chicago, III, Spaelat to the Marina Kocord. ^ Mr. James Burton, of Menominee, was here Tuesday visiting hhi friends. The largest Heel M the season was at the lumber market Monday and Tuesday of this ' werk: The schooner Olga, which arrived Monday I morning with lumber from Menominee, made , the round (rip in six days. | (iraiu freights commenced this Wet'k it \| cents for wheal, 1J cents fur com, and 11 cents for cuts to Buffalo and 'S\ cents for corn ! to Kingston *- ' Caplnin Welcome, of the steamer Lmily I* J Weed, winch is now in Suulh Chicago, intends to increase (tie presume of ilinl bout by inking , an even 1 lO.IHIO bushels of corn to Buffalo. I At Miller Urn's. Hrydncks, the schooners i Emerald, Windsor, Mercury and Sealor, steamers Argonaut and Lucille aud lug John I Miner, were iu dock for leak stopping and calking, the steamer E K. Klce, for a new wheel. The %schooner John"~Minert (.'aptain K. Johnson, receives u new foreufast it mi jib- boom-whilst in port this tunc. She received u new fore boom this spring, a uew mucii mast last ytar aud u uew iniiiuinait the year before. *N We vre much pleuiied to know that I) Montgomery, of II. Lhanuoti Co n, who is at Wail(rohA for the benefit of his lieullh and -S No. 36 eye si^ht, in improving njcel), niid we hope Boon to have him home ugain fully rextorcd In health I (. ikptain I Uaiin*, itltiiiuerTwii IIoiir\'n, MUH iiifipecieil {in ^murdtiv, h> Iliill-iospcLlur ^ siiictmr and boiler iuitpettr Moure and pruni'ductfd lit for xn Mie will mi iu Mil wankd and hit lined bv her owner in Imiuii i |>i|<ei for the uew w.iitT work* | \\ lln- ( tiimK., hrwl...-k ( ..nip-tin ", il.u steainliiirh'e .l.ilin Dlia wan in dock for botlniu culkllig. the lug t hitnmm, for gem ral repitirb I and ciilkinic<i 11 (irern's drrdgu Nit I, fr I leiik slopping, llie tnif '(jiion, fur repair* 10 i he/ shoe, llie schoouer John Kel^erhoiite for , re,-calking | As the schooner tiUldo, loaded with luuilier from Menummee, wan being towed tip the river un Tuesday in tow of a I)unliam tug, the Adams street bridge got out of order and could nut he turned Before the schooner could be brought to a standstill the cullulud wilh the bridge and lost her jibboom, bowsprit, fon- niasl, and forerigging. The tine schoonur yacht Idler, Captain 1' Jeuers, arrived here from Mackiuac Sunday night. John .Cudahay, her t^wo- er, and several firienda have had many pleasant or nines on her In and aruund tbe Straits of Mackinaw during jhe last two months. Captain Jefftrs says she Is a splendid ea^ boat and lhat in a good stilf bree/e she cannot be beaten Ujeiton \ Hweuson, salhunkers have re cently made a new malnuM, foresail, and jiba, for the schooners doudman and Alice, new mainsails, for the schooners Conncimi, Mars, IhomsJ flume, and House Slmtuons, a uilueu a Hying jib, for tba echoOber Luting a gaff top* sail, for the schooner Apprentice Buy and msny other sails. The ,schooner UuldoY going up the south branch'*of the river, In tow, Tuesday about iloon, collided wFth Ad4ms street bridge and hud her jibboom, bows^riti fore inpmust and headgear carried away. It appears that the bridge leuder at the bridge could not unlock it, hence (he disaster^ The owners of the schooner will look to tbt city for payment of the damage which will am iunt to about (400. Urahanl & Morton Will build a aidewheel passenger steamer-, as reported, butshe will not be 300 feet long. That line would have no use for a boat of more that) !!00 feet, and the new craft will be about tbit llie. Captain .Lib (traharu was at Bay City recently figuring with P. W, Wheeler for the boat, but did not con clude negotiations, lie lays no money will be spared in elegant cabin arrangements for the new steamer, Andrew Furusejh and Edward Crengte, delegates from the Coast Heamen'a Union of the Pacific Coast, to the International Con vention of Seamen, to be held in Glasgow, Scotland, the first week in October, reached this city yesterday and are still here. The third delegate is Frat.k Waterhouse, who has gone dirrcily to Philadelphia. A> this con vention in. Uhujryw n.r i'jl/t: vnyH b i-uJ.- .u unite the seamen of all countries Into one organ it mi on. ll is claimed that there are 50, 000 men in the confederated unions of the l'lilted Mates. Tbo English unions are alo ' large and united, being associated witii those of U>e lintish colonies, and there are also i unions in Norway, Finland, .Sweden, I)eu- niitrk, (lermany, Holland,and IlelKiuui Tlioru ate none whatever, however, Hi Himsin, France, Spain, or Italy | riie Chicago 'lihiti.uf September-III), con | tains nu excellent port nil t of Thomas Miller, I the Itinr* says of "Miller Bros ,p{ t hira^o, ! ahipbuihlem," are better known thnu anv | other lirui on the lakes 1 hey ought to be, for I they lia>'e been iu business longer. It is with j Thomas Miller, one of the brothers, thai this t brief nkelch bus to do When Andrew Miller was nlive Thomas was manager uf ine iirm's I alTairs, and suicu Andrew's death he b" con- I tinned in llmt pointtnu, ubly supported br i another hroiher, llrue. It u u Imgu fumilv and iheru aro several brothera and levurnl I, all of whom are Inghlv reipected and i-alt-eiued. Andrew nud loin cnine lo Ch^ cngo .iluiin in 1 s 17, nud fruin "boxes" "on the bt'inl" mid whore Indiana slreel uow Is they iniule the alilpvard mil drydocks at llalilead nlreet '1 boimis Miller i* high up in l-reu ni.iHoiiry nud In Well luionu in Hueial nn-Uti. 1 In- handsome new alesiuer Ionia, ncerillv built bf the drand Jla\en s|n|,|,uihliiiK t uin- panv l-r \ l> lL<wlell and \\ tl I ..ulil, of i-mini li'iM-u paid thii port her li rat \ mil . Inhi Mt-ek, uirinii^ liylil from Milu mk.-e . wheiunhu hud (leliv. mU . argn of I."'J I (."in ut cal Mieinim out .luh* -Jiul and (arm d l,nO (;ruh iniin ul iruii ore from Kneiinabn to .\nh|nliiila Harbor. 11 or duueiiHions un -I- fe'el kerl, ,-,,:7-(.ul o\er all, .h feel beiuu, ISA feel deplh of hold, abe Inn a fore and aft compound engine lil and Id br I'J, built by the tyoutiigue Iron \\ ork, Montaifue, Mich., and a steel marine boiler Hi by IA, built by Johnson lltun, l'errysburg, Micb, Shu la also supplied with a Tiler A Stowell hoisting engine mid the American Ship WtudlasM Com pany's steam windlass aud cnpslan Her dining room aud cabins are UnlefulW liulshed iu oak and mahogany aud she has a spare cabm for passengers, furnished jnth all mod ern conveniences, she ca^ca three spars wiih a good rake and has si^^Ko hatch wars. She Is a splendid looking s^Hndjis as good m lilt best timber and iron^H^vkuienslilp can make hur. Here omceniu'e Captain Charles H. l>anieh>, Hubert McKay, hrst mate, Jamos sator, second mate; 11. IF. Ro binson, first engineer; I'avid Wilson, second engineer. hu loaded ti-1,000 bushels of corn at this pjgil aud left for Kingston last Thurs day uight. W. II, Lomil, one of her owners, and his wife left uu her for " pleasure trip to Oetruit. llufflila, N. T. ttpMlsl te the Marine Hocurd. The steamer Nr^ok haa made her last run between Buffalo and Duluth. She will he ustd aa a trqlgh^er between Itulfalo and Chi? aago fur two or thre,e trips and will then lay UP- The steamer Htimpaon, which carried awav the gates of luck IK, Wei land crnul, docked in the Union Dry Dock for a new steuC rud der and wheel. Her owners bad to give $lt),00O'l!onds to secure the cost of repairing the lock gates before she wag allowed to de part. \. M. Kiter, proprietor Eagle Boiler Works Is not doing much at present, not from want of orders, however, but on account of the im possibility lo get plates. The mills are doing their besl to keep the Iron shipyards truing and as boiler plates require more lime and .aiteution ther are disposed to be slow about tilling these orders. Captain Thomas Collins, vessel agent and broker is contemplating a trip u> tbe Pacific coast via tile Isthmus, at tha close of naviga tion. Uie many friend* will with nim an en joyable trip and if he can Unci in his three mouths stay, any more modem tonnage or fa cllltles for handling cargoes than we have on the shorn of old Erie we should be glad to hear of it The denth of William I>. Lauahan, form erly of Buffalo, at Ashevllle,* N. -C , recalls Inn bravo elforta as chief engineer of lht> pn puller I>.J. }-<jlr\lo buvu that ill-fated vctuiel, from the Hitmen thai destroyed her oil Luke Ouluriuuhoiil lwo itioiilhs ago. tie waa seri ously burned in ibu face aud look a heavy cold from the exposure (/nick consumption set in, which refiiBud to yield to the southern climate. The remains were brought here Cnplnin SypuV new boat, ihuSeguiu, hunt by the 1'olson Iron Works, "wen Souild, <>nl., wan here on Iter Hrst trip lait Friday, from Parry -Hiinid. The Segiuu In one of the I in en J c.trrjing crufl uu the lakes Shu is of steel throughout, triple expansion engines, lilted with electric light and steam heiiinc, she lias cabin room for tweuiv-tm iiaitm ngtrs, and rapacity ftr one million feet ..i toiober or IVHin husholtt of grain Shf kh, r |i muii "HuHllers" is a term that m ..ft, n npi-ln-d (it anv energelic pushuig luiNitK-hF, lino bin In ihecusi'of Neill A (.auheld llie em. i|iu<,ing iniiriuu groLi-n ll Hemna indetid tain, Wlnlo tins la their lirsl inniugs v. iih ihu tumiitii; bii->i- net'* (bey have ti-rtaiulv Hmred a Mirp.i^iug aurt ess mid the olnni old liendn wlm l.inkud upon their venture an >.f nulv n 1,,-am.ii dur alion are i .impelled to udiiill Itiitl \..uiu hl.>d tu/i ther with ainiiiil biiiiiiUHt principle-, n ill aurely win I'lie Ne/jal huip inanufai tt.rt >f 1, niell a W.iiHirti i nn uniinl running on (u'l tun, no.I nhlle prePetu ilntnenuc area mile 1 , lln ir g,.ud are in vi r e..nsulere.l ns dead tl ck hi'.I .>rd|-ia fr,.' bolh tb, Ulmil.r ami 1'i.ih. coaalHahuw the fn\,ir whit n tin ir Uuipn link i' gained .i.iidu from the lake dmiru l, nidi, i ha advurliHing, slrn-l alleuliini t>> hiinin.-xM, and n In ely inti real to (lie needs of the Lki man or oil pumps, automatic Injectors and patent flat cleaners are taking most ottheir attention and the engineers seem lo be in one accord in pro* nouncing their goods as standard. I uoderv^ Mand they have a number of articles already patented and their success assured as soon as they can-get lirpe to bring them out. The ship chandlers and general supply, dealers are doing a much better business than in the fore part of the season and acknowledg ing this to be au off year tboy feel well content with lis results and are willing to depend upon .future and more busy seasons for larger busi ness and better results. E. L. Parish & Co,, are arming the few who have no complaint 'to inake on account of slack trade and are doing fully all iho business that they can comfort ably handle Their new quarters are none too large for their present trade and if a par- [Trcularly good season ehbnld fallow it would seem almost, a necessity ^lo further enlarge their present large and commodious stores.. Al the Union Dry Dock Co.'s. yard, the Tioga is nearing completion and will probably be ready for business by October 1. The de ity in obtaining plates has kept. her out* of service longer(lhao she would have otherwise been. The 8. C Schenck la about ready to launch and will probably date her career from Saturday, September IS. To say that abe Is a handsome and powerful boat but planee her on a par w'jih many oinera which wntlld h rnntii oertalnly doing her an injustice. To report her aa the pride of her owner and pel of her captain would again place her with other cralt and in compaur which would not be congenial either fi herself or her asso(ialeln Her full description, dimensions, found elsewliiru in the culm lit mm. bIf or her assot lales- ueusions, etc will bedumnsof thu M wum:1 III iu i.n.ii. ' has phicetl their biuiueas in tin I rent, ut ratdes and witli goods whit h are follv njirrnnl of ihu tliiiia the preseni lull in trade in not at all alarming I3*-Business along llie dock*, generally speak' log if dull, yet, In speciil lines it is britk. Package freight while al Union it has heeil quiet, the storehouses ami docks lia\e been crowded to (heir uliiiosl ca|iucily, and while this is thought in be indirectly caused by the strike on Ihu New York Cen-ral -u- is alao acknowledged to be a .fact thai the season business In package freight so far is in excess of lost ysr snd even though Hit inlluimce of the slrlko had nut been felt It is thought I hero would have been a scarcity of can and a con siderable delay 1 hud atlhe Miurwomt Manufacturing Co.'m, work* a longflist of orders buoktd ahead and a little surprising il mny seem too as many of Iheir speoiailiea ure new inventions receu[ly pin on the miirkul but alieudy have made a steady and tuf (easing demand. Ihu llulfalu " Mllitutiltt-e, n'ls I'be Hteiiuier K I' Mower docked at Wtdf il l'awdeou's yard to receive a new Hodge wheel. The wooden Hteanier Itoanokc, having com pleted the rebuild reuderel necessary by the lire damage suffered al Buffalo several months ago, will titki- n targo of ouis from Chicago to Port Huron. U the laitur point Isl.e 11 I,m.I itilh merchandise fur Ihilutli, aii.I return l<> 1'orl lluri.n wiih grain and ll ur h if n i yet delnutely Mettled whether slu ijl reu oe In r pl'it-i .m llie loledu nnd. luifftl .r .-0111111110 in the Lake Niper- ir trmlu fn iu l'> rt lliin.u and -*>Brm I luted ^Inles lout liKpoctom \,i Nhiain \t.fB,l- Uill^m I u/gerald nud hunhl W. ('bipmnu Innu nimpetidtil the lict-lineii <f Ctplaiii William I iiiniuan, of the Men 1 I m rem e. and ,1 nniant 1 mi I. \ an , lln pit nmire il< inter * *i i.'iie, fm n , . md nn da*- Ir in "epu mlur I ltd I "ll . - | lhf< M.-i o ...urre.l .i. lb.- uulii <n I . 1 _',id li-i il., ' mi..... - ., Hi.' ni-|.in ,r- i -1111.1 up n uiveM ii ii I il, i i-t.iH had Ml>n,.l rul.r. . il.. | Uoi ruin I i i.ik,-, nu.I s. . ii- miM-n.l.d >.| in >u.d nnlinhm: I- - III. ami HI < I ^md "tatea, and rule .-M-.tion 1 rulen i id rei;uUiiiiii pn^nbi'd l>* il * ul "rt|i,'runini,' litnpei tors. lln |'itm-iil la on' i>f the .jllieteat nean.iim ill (.he Vtil liiiainua* thnl \||liookee hun el- perlem.e,l fur n mimliur.of yeirs. 1 hen la a 'marked falhm; "ff ni ihe number of coal, lumber, and vcisrln (tailing here While {there is a lu-iivy decline in the dial reteipl* ! the same , nuiiui he niinl u( wi.od and lumber, but llie two latter pro m-la are now lar^elr [handled by small steamers, and sail vessels are. coiupullvd to seek other markets for a carrying trade Milwaukie haa only eight tugs for rjeifiilsr harbor service, aud yet these .eight are barely paying expenses. In re ferring in the matter one nf the tug managers remarked: "This Is the worst season for lugs during all my experience in the business It heats everything I e\er saw.' \\ hv, our boa', are liol paying eipeuses and have uol piid flipeuses (or some nine " And yet the bouts buve to bu kept in cJinmisslnn for occasional spurts of business. Vltiil M> lilt IVktS uiMt.MJrU vH HI-lit I'AOl J  .~\ _. ._pm/ogmp ziomr r1oM10N.;_co_J1tre§cej;,? '2vc1}r.m1e1Nax_rm wmvcz.’ _. "{0?i’!ii}'f,;"!a' .' r] .2!ROU/VD Olevelerttl. Ohio.“ .- Captain bl. B. Gary, oi at thie port, bae jnet returned from crulee down the later and the St. Lawrence river. Mr. R. Rohert;_,'engl_near ol tlte Ward Line rteatner John V. llloren. paid thie t-lilac pleeeant call on Tuerday. '. Frank Retter, rallor. while unloading ere TEE Z1123‘ ES. train the barge Gordon Campbell Tueeday, tell into the hold, brenhlng hie ten 1.... lie wee ored to“ the Lelteeide llotpltal tn Hogan t! Harrie’ arnbulance. 'I‘he'ownere of the lighter Atlantic, which war injured by nolllaion with tho rchnonei Arenac, bar begun mil in the United Statdr dletrlct court againet the ownere,ol that rehoonar {or $2,000. The lighter wer inel- lng the rteetner Panaedene when tiie eollleion occurred.» MOIYI. Smith ti Stanton, repreeentattvoe of -, -‘ the Seaboard, New York, paid tblr oiflce ten: photographer blr. Smith Fr above per; "/ pleaaant vlllt during the weelt. Ar in~ama— and"hle vlewe of Cleveland and her ieltipping will re-pr-oduned ln- the well known _eol- nntna oi the Seolznerd. -The new eteel eteemer Jeitn \\'. illoore. tothe nrd of the ‘well-known llrm of ttutoveottttttrttt. by John cttlg ell "$5151; beejprt rerlgned in-,r It Bureau oi .\evlgatto llherery Department. Wuhlngton, D. c.: her geentoanegelreertllted to he 1,901.03; net tonnage 1,080.35, hailing from Toledo, Ohio, er home port. Meteroldgleel attmntary tor the wet.-it ending ““"“‘ 1"’ "'"' l“. ""'r"-I" '“"l "l W““ it" CW“ September l0th..l8.‘t0: Mean llarometer.... Mean -tenrperaturt: liiran humidity... Total tecipitatinn .... .. ‘Prevailing direetion oi wind Total wind trtovetnent Average oioudlneer Avereg ‘atate of war er Mex. temperature. (htgltt-at Min. Iclllbflrltltrc. (loweet ). 1ltl.ll .70-7 .. 2.41 llltliidl \\'. Captain George I’. McKay, eeeretary ni tLe private light cotnutittee and the Vt-uele Own- are'.Araociatton, returned lront Amlteretburg 'on Tueeday, where ite tnntle errnngententa for ', the maintenance ot the two tlett ligitte at the Limekiln crtterlng fur. the balance of the ana- aon. Dufi and (iatlield will have tdtarge'ul the llgbte. \Vhile at Antlterethttrg tttptrtin ttoxty tnet tvnnttu xettt, of tile at tho Colcheeter lighthouse. .\lr. .\'oble or- i' The member: of the Boom rtrottgly agitating thetr_ claim: for exolitalve _gmp|nyntent at tile tarlour labe_portr, Chlergn ". la ‘" _l1uite‘ ea .1! in thie particular ee_ .\lllweulte_e ltnr been iur"a number at ye-are prtrt, title city in eiro being eomewhet dleturhed regarding the employ- ment of reemrn; and the eecretary nl-the Veeeel t)wnerr' Aeeooiatlon ltne eent ttn agent to New York to eectire more nten—lttbnr anti capital eiiuuld endeavour to work more ill harinony witlt each tttlter,_b01.i| '90“ “ll arhore ao‘tltat grlat may be brought In tint mill in the lnteroate of all concerned. No good can poraibly accrue token] party (or belntz "out ofjnlnt with th timer." wltile tnoderatlon lathe grand 'wrttcb word. reemen have alwnya been noted for their devotion to the lntereete over which they tetnptirarlly 1m-aide and "obey order: it you brettit awn- ere" bee ever been their code from time int-' memorial, it now behoovee tltt-nt‘to learntbnt employment la prélerahle to inactivity and thet moderate connrele ehonlti prevail in their prenteditalionr. Chlcluit, Idl- Soeeial to the .\lerlne lteéord. .; .\lr. Jatnea Burton, oi .\let:otninee. war here Tut.-edey vlalting hie lrientte. The largeet tleet ,of the on war at the lumber market .\londrty end Tueedq ollhia wee-L‘ ., The gghooner tllge, which arrived illortday ltnornlng witlt iuflIlJl‘r t'rnnt biiuutultlfc, media _the round trip in six dayr. tirain treighte ct-uttttettced lhla Week In ll lCt'llII lttr wheel, I) Cl'lllt.t for corn. and 11 ’_ to l\'.ingrton. Caplttin Welt.-ottte, tn! the ett-tuner litniiy l'. Wee-ti, wittcit la now in Nttnllt Chicago, ittlentlrt to inert-nee the prretige II‘ tltltl boat by tnlting inn even lll),lltiU ltueltela ul turn to ilIllTlltl. At .\liller llrn'r. lirytloolta. the ecitoonera and Seatur, rteatnere Argttnaut nnd Lucille and tug Jtthn lcalking; the eleatner E. ii. lllct-, for new wheel. Tllt'.lCllt)0n€l’ Jultn".\linar, (‘nptttin it’. Jultnrttn, receiver at new fort-ttleat ltllll jib- ituonrwltilrt in part this llllll‘. Site received it new lure iltitllll title eprittg. it new llllLa'|l grnaat laet ytar end new tnnitttttnrt tlte year before. \\'t- ‘re |llllt'li plenaetl to know tlntt it our J't3lttiLootnle, Mela tlyihg lib. tor the eehonber ._Lnllng get! top-' I. tor_._the rehooner Kpprentloe Buy and many other -ailr. Tltewecltnoner Gnlddfgolng up the moth hrench'_-of the river, in tow. 'I‘n¢-eday about noon. éulllded with Atih_tna ett-_e¢t bridge nrttl iiltil her jihbnom, bowedrit. lore tnpmnrt end herdgea carried away.' .Itappeare thet the bridge tender at the bridge could not unlock It, hence the dleaater_.t The awnere of the rohooner wtll tlte city (or payment t»! the dttrnr which will ,e't'n tunt to about $100. Grebe Morton will hulidaaidewlteel pereenger _etratner er reported. lpttrhe will tint be 800 feet long. That line would have no uro lor boat of more than 200 iert. end the new unit will be about that eize. Captain‘-it'll,-. tlrahetn wee at litty City recently liguringwith F‘. W. Wheeler for the boat. but did not con- elude uegetltttlona. ‘lie raye no money will he epered in elegant cabin arrangentente lor the new eteenter. Andrew I-‘uru eqlh and Edward Crengle. delegater from the Coeet Ht-einen'a Unlun oi the Pacific Canal, to the Ittternationai Con- vention of Snatnen, to be held’ in tileegow, Scotland, tlte llret week in October. reached thie olty yesterday and are etlll here. The third delegate tr Frank Weterltoure. who her ganedlrrctly to Pi'iill"iIl.t'|l1ll. at lllll con- vention in tllugtrtr pr utt/r: tut: bu -bud: ta unite the reamen of hit ununtriea into one organization. it ie claimed that there are 150,‘ 000 men in the confetlerated ttttiotieo! the i'nlleti fitatee. 'i'ltu ijlttglielt unittna are llihd Inrge ntttl ttttitetl. in-lug eerttciated with tltoee of the llritlalt coltttttt-e.nntl there are eleu Illlltllll in Norway. l-‘inland, .\'wt-den, l)an- intnrit, (it-rttteny, llollantl,end llelglutu. 'l‘ltere are none wiuttever, ltotrover, itt llttnein, Frnncr, Spain, or ltnly. The l‘|ticngn 'lmt4-r. oi .\':-plt-tuber -ltlt. non laine ltll t-xeellrnt puttrnit oi 'l'lttrmtte Miller. the 'I't’mru rays of “.\lll|t-r ilrttr.,p{ Ultitvngtt, Itiltiphttilttt-re,'_' are better ltnttwn titnn any ttttey have been ill i)uIlllt'Il longer. it in with Tltutttae Miller. unit oi the btotlterr, tltat tltir i)i’it'l elu-tch itttl to do. \\'hett Andrew Miller war ttlit-e ’l'httuttte Illa ntttnager ul tirttt'a all’aint, and I_irtt'e .\ntlrow'r detttlt he lute oun- itinnetl in llmt pttnttitttt, uhly Itll]t|Itllirttl luv lettuyltt-r hrt-titer, llrirt-. it in letgo lntnily ttttd tlteru nre rrverttl ill(IiiI('ht ntttl aevorrtl latttilit-e, all of wltmtt are highly rrrpt-cted nntl ("“"‘“_"' .\itttttguntery, of ii. Clttitttttttt L'tt'e, who in at ‘I eetet-utt-d. .\l|Ilfl'W nntl 'l'ottt ettntv to (‘ht- Vi-LI ulmhuuu ‘mud’ ‘"0 II‘ reimclnx ml’ elm" \vflti‘t‘Illll tor the llfflflil tn! hie tteulth tutti cttgu nlttng ill 1.‘\lT, ntttl {rum “butt-e" "on lill" V2 Cl..EV.ELAi\.i D. O.‘..SEPiT]?iMl3.ER.11.W189O.» ttutntta, N. 1. iitteolal ltrtlte Marine llecurd. The rteemer Nrenlt hea made her laet run between llnilttltt end l.)nInth. She will he tllbtl tut lrcighter between llulielo end Chi,-_ ergo {or twin or three tripe and will tlten ltry up. Tlte etetuner Htlrnpeon, witlclt carried away the gate: of luck ltl, \\'ellan-l ennui, docked in the Union Dry Uoch (or new etettf rud- tler end wheel. iier owner: had to give. Oa j..- ._.- o. 36 all ntirnpr, automatic iejeotore end patent tine cleaners are taking ntoet ntthelr attention and the englneere aeem to be in one accord in pro- r[’» 90 nounoing tltt_-it goodr ar rtandard. until!-; rtand they here nl.llni)t9|"0i ertioleet already. patented and their ruceere rtrnred erlroon ea they can-get tirne to bring them out. The rhip chenille and general eupply. dealt.-re are doing rt much better burlneu then in the lure pert oi the eeaeon end nclrno'wIedg- ing title to be an ollyeer they ieel well content. with in reeuita ind ere willlngtodapend upon eye eight, ill ttnprttving tnrely, lllltl we lmpt‘ in-tttl" tttttl where imlititta etret-t now ir they $l0,000‘lfindr to recttre the coat of repairing the loci: getee beture the was allowed to de- tn'rt. ‘.,._ _~ ill. itlter, propri tor Eagle lloller worh la not dutng tnu'cit et preront, not from want of °'d°"" i""'"“" b'“°“ "ff"’“'“ "1 "'3 ‘"1’ ebly ltttntlle. Their new quarterr are none pneeibillty to get pletee. ihe ntllla are doing mu 1"“, for than Wham "Ida Ind if‘. PI” '"“‘l" 5°" “’ l‘”1'l’ ‘M “'0” 'i'iP¥"fi‘ Ni“! Ticularly good aeaeon ahonld follow it would ‘I‘‘ "_ ”°“" l’ '“" _"'i"l” m"" “"1” ‘ml aaetn rtlmoeta neceraity ,to further .enlerge :m:":"" “:7 3," d"i'°'°d “’ ii” 'i‘’‘' 'l’‘“" their prerent large end cotntnodloue atoree. t~ or “H Al the Unton_Dry Dock Co.'e. yard, the Tiaga ii! nearing completion end will probably be ready (or burineee by October 1. The de- ity in obtaining piatee her heplflter out’ o! ,!uture.end more huey aeerone for lerger burl- neer end butler reeulte. 1.. I"a.rlrh' tit Cn,, are rtnurtg the tee wlto here no complaint ‘to uieke on account 0! alahk trade ttnd are doing fully ell the bueineu that they can dontlortn Captain Tlmtuee C0lli_nl,* ve'eenl ’egent and broker in conteinplet’ trip to the’ Pacillc coart via~tlle letltrnnr, at the clure til navtge- tiun. liie tneny irientle wlll‘wirlt turn an en- éuyehle; trip end it his can lind in hie three titonthr atay. any more modern tonnage or la‘ ellltiee (or handling cargoer then’ .we have on the eltoree oi‘ ultl Erie we ebonld be glad to hear nf iL rt... tttttt. ul wnn.'m ll. l.altIltIn, form- erly oi llulielu. a't Aaltevlllo,- .\'." -C. reéalla hie brave ellttrta er cltit~! engtueer of the pn- peiler l>.._i. l"olt-yglu enve tltut ill-ltttt-d vetteel trtutt llil' linuten tltnt tleutrttyetl her on l.nite tintttrlu ultettt tvrtt tnutttlta ago. lie wee eeri- been. The 8. C. Seheneh ie about reidr to launch end will probably dete her career from Saturday, Septetnber 13. To eey‘tbet ehe lee ltandaoute and powerful boat but planar her on par wltlt rutttty omen whlchlwdtldd he nTn‘ei eertnittly doing her an lnjurtlee. To report her att the pride at her owner end pet of iter captain would ngetu place her with other emit ‘nnd in cutttptutr which would not be enttgettittl either i’) iteraell or _her eeeueintee ller lull |.lt'ICfl[lliUlI, ditrteuaionr. Hit‘ will b;\ uualy burnt-d in the {tree anti tuuk ll heavy lttuntlelet-wlterotntlte uttlutnneefthtt .\i.\ltl.‘iiZ cold front the’ t-xpttettru Quick uuttrutttptitftt 'llt:"tt|tt-. aet in, which rt-intend to yield to the Itillillt.'l'i-I cttutntt-. ‘l'lte retttelnr Wt'l’Il hrttttgltt ltt-re. iil'ttl.l;i<tll. tulittlallltra, \\'Ie. 'i'lte tttentnt.-r it. i‘. l"|ttwt~r docantl at Wall .i'iia\'ideutt'e vttrd to receive it new lludge wheel. The wttotit-tt ttteatttor Ittlannho, having com- pleted the rt-itutld reItdert:.l Iteeeerery by the tire tlfllllilgt‘ rntlt-rt-d at liutlaln eevt-rel Cnptnin h:ytttt~e' new ltottt. titu Segttttt, lilllli by the i‘ulattn iron \\'ttrltr, Uwen Sound, Hull, wee here on her_ liiet trip laet l"ridny. lrutu i'ttrry, $ttllllti. 'l'ltt- Segtttn in illle'-Iii the liner} cttrrying crnit on the labor. .\ho is of rt.-el i|"""Ki“""v “’li‘i" ”‘|‘“"‘l"" ‘”'53i‘“"» iiilfd lll0llliII ago. will tnkt- II rrtrgo ul ttttle lrnnt ‘iii’ '“‘””i‘3 “ii” “id '“‘“'" il°‘”i||tt. She t‘ltit-ttgtt to l't-rt llttrttn. .\t the latter [mint ll“ “hill "ml" i“' ”“”“.V'li"' l'M~““t."‘|'II.ittltt- ll iuml uttlt tttercltattdttte tor ltttltttlt, and trttpacity lttr une tnilllott ii‘--t t-I lumber tttill rtvtttrtt III l'-trt llurttu with grain ttttd or l.‘t'm'flliiHi|t’iH Ui tt|’Ii||~ -‘hi’ rm. 7|ttI|,\HI|'t ll -ur. it I» It It yt-t drllttttt-ly ttettletl whether "llutttlere" in term that in Itilt‘ll It]-|-llI'|i Will‘ Mil fl‘-It-uv ill’! pittcr Hit the 'l't'tlt-tit» itttti. [ll attv t-nergetic pualttetx illllllilrtm mm. lllll tn liulhl I-tut-' -vr -‘tvulivguu in the Lake -*_u|-e_t- tltttcun Iii .\'.-ill tr t'nut‘tettl the ettt.~tttumtg I-r "mic tr--In i’-vrt iiuruu no-l -‘nrnm. Willie nltetl .\tntt-to l.ttc.t| Ittrpecturtt ‘u! Mennt title ie their lintt tntttngt with litu tut-tttmg itllul-I \'t.-ntt~|. \\'t_tltnttt l-tn/gtmtltl nut] |t...,i..| \\', ttt~tt'-tltt-yltttve t:t:rtnltt'lv ltl'IIft!ti ettttrp.t‘etItt;_t:lttpttttttt ltnvu tut-tpt-tttlt-tl the lI(‘t!IllI(‘N ml tttnritte grunt-rs ll tteettte tttdt-tttl tnntt-. rervice longer_than ehe would have otherwlee .‘\ peote to be lnetruttted thia tell to rentoe'e_tlte’ auun ttt have lttttt ituttte ngatn lttily re-ttnreti tn ntntlo lli|' IIlll||Yl|l'tl rtttl tlrytlttclte at llltllltmtl uhetrnctlona in Point on Pelee pttraage. iMiI'l'|!Ifl untl the atnttl tllll ltentltt who lttnitt.-ti (‘tptttitt \\'tllttttn l"tttttttt~tttt, oi the -ttt-tt upon their \'t-nture art It! ttnlv rtI't'tttIIIl tlur- l..I\\rt‘lll'l‘. lllltl ,t‘tq-tnttt in-|ll't I; tutt- “The octopna ol the Well," or Ill other‘ wurda the “grub ell ntuttupultete" ere now get~ ting at loggerlteade eptung tltetneelver. We note thet utllcialr oi the t'levuland, i'ttntt»tt .5: Southern Railway celled utt .\ittyttr tittrtlni-r .\londay nlternuon with grievance. 'i'ht-y complained that the \'ttIluy iteilwey wee building duel: which nut only ettentla tut over the oily wluttfrllitte, but nleu ittterlerue with the dooke of tlte L'luvt-lund, (‘union tit Southern road. it war aleb claitrtetl that the dock wee built without reuttrtng the ttt-ct-eettty perrnleelon. liieyttr (iarduer ttdviet-d the gen- tietnan- to preeattt their grievance to the Council, when it will he relerred to the Board of lntproretnente tor at-tiuu-perltepe. The new rteel eteanterd. ll. \\'_nde ltar been fitted with the tint pole compare ever plaerd onalabe reeeel, no ntegnete or roll citaln not-reetore or any other artitiolal eontpenretore are required to make the pole oontpaeaee turg- ttetlo. er they are placed above the intluence of the iron entering into the cunrtruetion oi the “Iii. The pble notnteae regarded ea etandardle eitogether in nee on the ocean, and it in quite porrlitle that It number otthe Iteel propellere on the later’ will adopt it tutor er an aid to navigation. Cuuh 'I(l]|llteaI fillnpeon dt Morrleon are the ere of the above compeee attd rdera are already booked lor uthure. at the me Mr. Frank Murrlron it now eu- on new daelgoe tor dealt liiunattlea and nun lot taking bearings,-_whiob the llrnt ntennleotnre during the winter Mtaaon. beetttt t'nptein i"r:tttlt'nttter’l'wu liunry'tt. wont ittttptectetl on .\uturtlo_t', ivy‘ llttll-ittapeetttr ntn-et. 'i‘ltuntnr Miller in high up Ill l"n-tt- ttttttutttry Mill in well ktmwtt in ttttcirtl t~tn'lmt. 'l‘luv ltnntleuttte new eleetttar ltutta, rt-ct-tttly '3'. Slttcltttr ttlltl butler lttnpmrtttr t\ltlltfl‘ tttttl htttlt lt_t' tlto (intntl iittvt-ttMtiplttttltlittg (‘unt- prunuuttcdtl lit for evil Mite will go to \itl tte||V int’ .\' l:. ll.-wit-tt lllltl \\‘. ll. |...tmt, ut '- '. il'Il ---I-r-t--tniu-rui\-.t.>.. wink”. "NH", Mm M, “M ‘mm, [Minn ‘mum Hun" “Md “M W” I.“ “m H!" \\.ttettn in on unuttl rttutttttt, till itlt.l tum: llutl it let .4 ll tn ,,|| ttlttlr present ttett\'ertut- ttren tulle »t..u_n..-tr 1' '|iI |I|=|~i' in “mi \‘|'itI'-‘~i tltivc '\" Ktlillil arettt-vt-r llItlIHl\i\'l'l'll nnnienti Iitttlk ttittl -4 II:-' |-lit-l ml.-1 t’~t tttttt-< ttntl ‘ll -‘t li'iI|9J itlf the ow u:-It-r tturiu ,tnt.t I\'L'l‘ii, tttnttug ltgltt illtlll .“lll\:llllil'19 .\t lllI' l'lttt-,ttgtt |t,\.|....g ('4-tttt-:tttt-’.t, tn... vtltettt nlnt llllil ilvlivt-rutl tl t-nrgtt oi l_!i‘.'| ttttttt __ 1. ,1 lg ‘H .| |-. ,‘ lI|ttl'lIIlI'li up In lllitl l|lt‘ll|tll|lfl I“ "l'“"'h""‘""m"' "WW" I" ‘Wk mum" ML HIHIIIWIM Juli um] ml “HM liirlilllllttnit"l:"li“tIi:t\ t’”WlI ’Mtl“t lm in ‘I In mm lll'i it the t.-t...-.1 Ilttlll 'l II ‘ii |I'i II‘ \IQ '> cnllttttg: the tug ltuttttntt, lur gettrral reptttre it"'" l.'“'*'‘ W“! Vi |''“ "W “'“"| i‘~"”“"'l"‘ “M Mnlm 'l tutttlu lrtutt the lake tltnlrt '1 till ‘I run ‘““"| ‘““""- ""'l "'1" ."v' ""‘ l“'" ,tlll| it it to -.'t-:H~"""' W-I‘ '- llllli Lulklng, (I, ll. ttrertt tlrrtlge .\u. I, lur ‘F ‘i“ I“ A: L]: tngruilil llueltiuh let ttulvurtintttg, tttrtrt ttttettttnu tt. l..........,.,. .,,.‘g ,. fltlt'tI 4| ill rt-gttlntn-tt» ||fr‘It.lliJl‘ti itv llw I’ -- I... t.- llenit rtupplng: lite tttti 'i'.tIi->In. for repairs it) first ‘Writ taiittll IIl’I' t'IiIll|it'il\‘tl ill tatilltii ttmt _v-ttttt.- lttttt-d the ]tit'tInllIl' >olI'.tlllfr( _t-. i-utt-, tut it t_..- ttnl y|u,(I'lltatr willtbtttttttl lutsiuue-1 prlttri]-Ins will lt‘lllli1‘\'wlYttll| ‘t-pit-tttltrr lltlt t- "ll i'ltt- 1"-ii|7~l4-ll |l't'|ll’fI'Il -tn lllt‘ nt.ttt ill .1... The .\tt;nttl l.tntp ttttttntlm tttr_t- oi i:ll1\t‘il .\ I‘-"'4 itltt. Iltt- \'1‘itIll|' I-t-utt: will-'i'”‘ ‘i“" Itum-ly win. 't tr!- ‘hq ‘hm: ll” mhuomu Jnhn Kelmtlmuw rm‘ ‘WI dwm 0, hold‘ “N “M mm “Id In ltttlv tnttrrttt In the utt-tltt Ill lllt laitr Ililltlltflyiai mil urttttttu, utt, ttttnt nrcltunvg euntpuutttl engine '.'-l ttttd ill by -l‘..’, lilllil by r\a lite ecltunner iiuidu, Iuatled with lutttltt.-r the .\lontttgttr iron Wurktt. .\ltttttagtte. .\liclt., irtttu .\ienotttittee, wttr ltelng lDll'1l up tltal end rteel ntttrlttr holler iii by-it’), llllill ivy river on Tueedny in tow of Dunltaut tug. lltei Jultttemt ii:-oe., l-‘uirryebttrg, hllch. She le r\tiatnI alreet bridge gut:-utulutdernnd 0-ntld lino rupplit-d with l*‘Iler .& Stowell ttttittting not he lttrnetl. lieinre the ecltootter could be engine end the Antertcnii Slttp \\'lttdteeet'ttnt- brought toartandalill ehe uullitled with the pntty'e eteatrt wttttllner and ettprtnn. iier bridge end loll lter jlbbottnt, huwattrit, lore- ., dlnlttg runtn and eablne are tttelr.-iuliy linlaltted 5‘ liurinera along the tint-Ltt. generally rpenlt--i i'“"i‘“"- nteet, and lorerlggtng. The tine eoltctttturyacltt itllur, Cttpteln i‘. .it- ere, arrived here irotn Mackinac Sunday night. John _Cudaha_r, her own- er, and _eaveral‘ flriendr have had many pleeeant ornleee on her in ‘anti around the Btraite of Mecitlnew -durln|;",tlte'laat two rnuntltr. Captain Jellere uaye rite ie it rplvudtd -are boat and that in it good rtitl breere ehe cnnnot be beaten. Ujerton th Swenron, ralltnnkare hnve re- oently made new ntalneall, loreealhantl jibe, lo: the eehuonera tioudutan and Alice; new ntainealla. (or the echoonurr Cunneuttt. .\iare, Thuntar ilutne. and lloure Sinttnnne; utiuitn in oak and tueht-gany attd ttheltee erpare cabin for pttaaengt-re, inrntahetl with all mod- ern eonvettietteea, ehe ca re three rpare with good ralte end llll ei She la apiantlltl looking can inalre h_or. Here ti are Captain tfharloe ii. Daniele; ltuhert .\lel(ay. Iirat _tnattt: Jantee Heatttr, aecuttd tnatu; ll. ll‘. lio- bittrun, llut engineer; liavitl Wilrtttt, recond enginurr. She londed (H.000 buaitele ut cent at tltir pyt and lelt tur Kingeton laet 'l‘hure- dev ttlgltt. \\'. ll. Louttt, one oi her uwnere, attd illl wtle left on ltur for plearnre trip In Detroit. lthrplncetl lltutr luteittt-tte Ill the l~t'l'I||IrAi l'ltt-1-mu-ttt ltt onvui the <||l|I‘iI‘|Ii l[l‘flIIt|Ili1 r-nuke ettd with goods which nre lttlly t\itrrttnl in the ve-_o-t-l ltttallletla lillll .\lllVol‘itIli|9t‘ illltr va- 0! the titttvtt lltt-preet-nt illii Ill trntle in not at pI'l’lL'llL'l'ti i-tr rt llIillliI|.l|'.Iii yt-.tre. 'l'ltrrt~ in all alarming. Illillfltltl "iulittttg t:tl' ill the ttuutlter of coal, nntl wtuui veer:-In trtttliug here. \\‘itiln ing t; dull, yt-I, ttt apt-cini linee it .. hmg, Itltortz tr ltettvy tlL'i!llilI' lit the ctutl nu‘:-lpte 1-,,L.g.K..[,..tgm um“, m.',,,,.‘ it t,“ pm,“ ‘the lllllu t'tIIlIlI-l luv Illili ttl wtmtl and lumber, quiet, the etttioitotteee and dock: iItI\‘l been i‘“i iii" “"‘i'”"' i'‘' W" 5”‘ "WV i'"t.’|7iV orttwtled to their tttrtttnrteetmcity, anti Wi|Iit' tiW"“'-‘ll l’)‘ '"”'i '“"”"l"'- “Hi Nil Vlllt-‘ll tltie ie tlttutght to he tndtrectly cattttetl by lllll ‘NI’ *‘‘’‘"|'‘'"‘‘‘l ‘" ""‘l‘ “mi” '"'”i“'“ (0? etrilteotitlte New Yttrlt t'en'ral 45-in ttiett °"'ii“ll ”:|'i’ -‘i““""i“"‘ ii“ mil." \"k'i‘i acknowledged to he {get thfit .1“, .,,..u,, tugr iur qegttlar ltttzbor rt-rvtce, nn_d yet there hurineee in (night to in ie in excoee fliithi ll" b||'*'i¥ llflllintt °lt\BnI|I- ill to- otiortyerr entlevett tlttntglt tho inlhtouue oi itttfilttt |0lit°'|"|il°'“'|°"i ll'°i“K,""“‘“'I'i" the etrlke had nutihtten leltlt il thought there 'r.,,u“.hd: typmg ll “W “D?” "'50" 10! IHKI would have been ecarcily «ti earn Illli ctttt- ‘i|"'i"li 5“ "LV "“l""'i““°‘5 l" “W i’“ll|||’II- it .jd.,"[,1., .].,1.,‘ liI'l|iI| ererytittttg ever ertw.' \\‘lt_v. tttll ltttal. lintl ettlte Sltorwotttl .\lnttttlticturittt( (‘tt.'tt. M" "M Puym“ "i‘f'"'m:_ ""1 I'M" “M i"M wttrlta ltutggltet of tl|’tl\'fI booked eht-atl .ttntl “Pam” ll" “um um“ Am] ti“ "W l""'“ mu. unlmdnx In" mu“ “W mm’, hnve tu,Ito kept in c')lllltlllIitIll lot‘ occarional their rpeoieltlen urn new ittventtttne recently 'i'""' ‘'l_ b"°'""" ptttun the tttttrltut ltutalteutly ltnve' rt ;.tItttt'.\'t> ‘rm: 1.. he t'tt:\'t't[\tti:n t._-4T-if-E rteady atntllttrgeuittg tit.'lt]tIIitl. The llutlalo I'atu:.]

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