Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Record (Cleveland, OH), 11 Sep 1890, p. 4

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Hii?f#%^^' "'""to **vrw^.- < . i " .",,' r'i?'Y*."WSrff'.J? f* VWBU , rtffi m 4r- HJi\e JVfaiimE JjEcoijfl. tFWTBLI8HE0 I879.JH mblUhHl Kvery Thursday nt 141 aniwrlor treat, [tender lliilUUml Cleveland. Olito. BUITHiSWAlNSON, Pntylihei?. IlkANCUOrflOKi aSMMouth Weterntrewl, CliltiHgn,. IllhioU, iTHOMAH WllXlVMH.^Moolwt* Brtlliir. One year, ijwuago paldi.... -...........|.......... BUmonlbi.'peiiairo .paid........... ............ lmiwhiWl) In'AiUimrc. THE MAUIXK HrXOlU can be found for vile by llio following ngentannd newe'dealera: entire business. A few.weeks ago an In- fhii'iillnl cnmmllle* Rime milled at ilia roonii of tlic'RonrdM Trailfl'anil endorsed i petition to the city council asking (hit I'realdent New- ell's proposition lo btiitd a dock in l|ie outer harbor bo favorably considered add noted up on, ihi'fi allpwIngMhe bridge building clause Ui become dffiinct. h During this tiuurthe nia- >"jnriiy of v*iol owners hnd expressed indi- vidu,Bl,oplnlnn* lo^he tffect (lint llio city flliouki not rnnitfn any righta,which It held, to saiiafv the cravings of n ^l^nntiu iiinnnpoly and furthermore Ihnt the Lake SJyirc had re claimed nnd a|!\iropriu,(cd valunblu'iporliona of bun) which ii hitd no juil title to. U wiim nnt until IIiIh week that tHi' united! fore-en of tlio (.'Itvi'linil veaaiil owners, hiitldora nml brokers iicenied tn'conccnlralo on tlilH important issue and imw from nil sources we rSinlth. l/Mil-l'Mnith. *.l A,!*miih. , .... m . ... i i K MolioUnn, ' AMIlKItS I lll'lM, *>N L. in'u. Taylor. nml brokers needled to conccnlralo on tlilH Hubert WhIInou. ASHTA.Bt'LA H.VKIIOU.O. O C Large, important issue nnd imw [mm nil sources we l^1,!MW& hry "'"-k, ASHLAND, WIS. V C"' . BUFFAU),N.Y. nil involving viut nml .varied [.Milliliter. ClUC.-l<H)t U.K. , 'JW1 [nU.rwlHll difference of opinion hit)' he found !.i . Mr :iH,'t r -Bouth Water utrocl. L. I1, HftlUn, 3!I Weal Uimdnljifi Mrrct. CLKA'KLAXU, O.^CIevelaud .NYwa L*o., fi.-Y\ liJiwniwi, oorrt*r Vynri tod twroUnirect; It A. I'uhIiht, Wl.lWruU itreet; K. J. liny. I-"'- I'trit n wo^d A Obv, Niperiur i*ln-ei, Hui'trijir strci't . -, ItRriMUl*. MH ll.-t.....rr"- inc n-porlur (mil -f Wnmlft'iird :ive. Dt'l-l'Tll. MINN UheriMin .V I'lundifr- lain, :W WbhI hnuvrmr ttin-et KK1K l'\ -Hed l.HiBl.erW.J S-ll KM ANAltA, MU H - > !>. I'reMiiii. -'"lm Flnnettan. I,OU\lN. i- l.C Imibh1- MAltlNK t. ll\. Ml- H. tit.berl MrNiff. MAIUil'KITK. M." H ^ oi:i A llLije- low. M1I.WAI KKK. WH 'I.N l'"y I WiBru>dn mreel. OWJCN N>l'Xl, nNr.-K. Nmbct, Brook and Wellm^ou reei. I'OHT lU'UnN, Miril.>-1>. K. ' Marine Reporter. BAUNIA,nNr.-J '^bariw, Jr.;J. I Crae. ' SAl'I.T >TK. MAK1K -J. I'.Hnller- . ..I I En^Tp.l at lh l't Ullieu olut until nintlur CLKVELANR o.. , CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS ASSOCIATION- OltOAKl/KD IN IMHO IMomUnhlii. 1HV ; One humiiail and <ii ateamar .nirirrubnttnr \'i&,'^ t'ti One hundred nod Hve miltind lniro. naroijiitiiiK '^, StMtunr. Maintain! rtilpiiinri.flV' m i"i.-lniid Hariioi.HiidTuloilu. Heiruiair. xt.uu>.|.rU'it!orowf. in (>i> inioren i JhoJiioinhari *o.l n( lite Ink. . ..nunuroo goncrnllj DM-H KU- t'l^xht, Such Ntlic cam' renatdiimlhoopt'ii- ln^ i.l ihi',iilil,iiviT-hed; fiiihient nn'ii iihhiI that It in Timtit io nrp ' a i^rininty tin-1 alltiw-ibt' I.nk'e Slniro'Co., lo ciaHiruci a difk njllicr ^linn Npeiiil venrH in' l'.nj(-draw mult lUI- h'ntiim nivMlviii;ri|uiiiaii riyli^, Itenvy hiirdon nn t,ii pny.TH clt:, h' , whili^ntlu'M ei|Hilly p.iKillit' uiderl llmt I lie. I.itke Slmre Imndi hI.....Id he* forfeit-d milru rlley Ih-kiii llie uurk nt once. The iniiji-riiy of in- l*rt*hlN mny fiu iriillifnlly Mild In belli favor < { "pi-iutii; the nlii river-b-tl, iriu-Miin \ (mure eiil.-rprise to blllld (hick* ll'mi other lil|'|'lliH fnt'iliin-ti llllhe miter lurbor.' Ti ll.e cntnpleie ijiieolion involved to we uoitlil ny "pen lliu river-lm. niTi-iwry, ibv l.nke s| Uulm eum|ily with llie deinuiid. and nlluw prlMle eiiterprue lo enter for the pr<.Bptuil? ilf the port a* ri'Knrdit cxlqfc. fncilllie* in lbi iiUler harbor. At llie name tiniv be direful that in deninndiiiR tbene terms we do not aliiltitv nur- Hflvei in reliilton lo time. What can be done milHt be lione lit mire or the powers nl work in other porli may (jive Cleveland the court-1 eoiH "no br" I'liNitive and dintinct exprcm- ioiih are now re<|uired-, pi-rmmal, verbal and oral, no method flhould he left untried to fathom lh future prosperity of the city Whichever way "the tide turim" there it ureal ' inlluenco in favor of, nnd a large majority KITKMUKH 11. opposed to the dock aclieuie, many lioneil j- - " i thinking, upritht and iiilluontial men belie,ve ..lllo inter l.ynn, . Mc Hid UVo Hlinro ootni'anr. ^'o butlovs that In lha eml tlmtradnt If tunda, would i>o ni iminli tu tlio dind- vuutaRDtif tbaaltMi Wan tlio former urn br wlilolt tli|<wlran<)o waaoloiod. If lti**linplya matter id Rtttlnian out fide took, the olty liai lako front-"Tlio ait arm ef tlio braaknatsr will make the bottur harbor and duok* will Iwljullt ni rapidly a* tlior aro nctodnd. Thl*iljViii nnt to bo built bmiauMlboJjikq HiuroroailiiflpiUll.butfarabBrlar In a trada. The fumciiof uthor |.roii)lnout bmlnon innn and ieujownnof nuroltv.ean bo had to iklafapor If noodbd. Itsiixioifiilly unbuilt i ad. ' rminivnr, M A Dnidlej-. llawiiiHiil A Airr> -lame* Stoi,. llouriin II Wiuuilimtun. II .1 Webb, " W (,* Itlnttnrdion, J iHivlllc, t: K HenhAiti, II .1 .lullIIHOD, ..... .1II ihdiijW. blpllnlMinicCo, I'-UmutA L'o, J 1' llulohiiiin, I'llMiimli,'alifln A t'o, * Oooruo A Tl-diilc ilixiruo Wflitlil. t> I, Jbii-on.< lomriio \'f*Uy. lli'iirue 'Iiiiio, * TIihuiim t-u/i^itrbik, Jul,,, W M.mre.' .lohtl'lhmo* .ICUilMin.i, M U .\l-t.-e. - MuHielU <>. '* Unriirr a Ilm'kor. . U II -I'lltl X .-..... .biltti W *Vrniir, II 11 Ciiiliiiliurry, I. \\ .tlllll'l'.. niriin II . A Miip-. T II Wnl-h, tnini-.\l^k. \\ || llookar. Mlillftle.V IV h I'nr, ' "i|lMmt.Ji<rh<<li, t'liarli.. A Hiiiliani. -.Miu^hr.V Millor. lh'".lJnavlf'*Soin, trtlmr U il^n. - .i.hii it c.i.fUt. 'MoxOiini'bi'll. .IfrtnlUwr .bilinil"Nii.Oi, 'Ifn' iti'iiimi n [.ruioii dit) iiIkIiI. nil'I rtilerred In liiv llu'lmrtfi' llifl>|iii<>ltou r.l HillK-l'nillli'll 'ill Moil- (l.t.|>oi-nl C-iillltlll!u>n IlilV llio mor-b.'.l \Vl|l IIIKIt the Cuioil Slenmli i-it Coiii|i|lliy or Hie (ienenee KutltiitlK Coinpniiy M renponnh hie for the iitjin exiiloHioii July II in n <|*u*a- Unit lo be df ruled in n libel "Hit brought in llie I itited Stnleit Otntriut I'oiiit by lit* ulenin- nnnnh/ b"iil I'-nnpiitiy to recover jl'J"' freight on the hlH oiiwrv barrela of oil lunl. I .nut week lite liune-ee 'furee if ' '^'""'"H Cotupuny lild an hiihkit mid itohh <l Co u> ! m'^ "' ""' "h>,'> a'^g'1^' 'hiH' the Nlenmh.nii eiiiii|inuy nun-ell tu mow :I2i> bur re In of oil nl HnlTalo and lo iniuaporl it to Chicago,, iiiing due dilligenco in itowing nnd hniidliug it. It H alleged that lfiin whn not done, that the Hienmboal company nu eareleacly handled the oil ibnl llfty four Virrela were enlirely ilea- troyed. The vmlutt of the oil i" plneed at i>.'iilU, nnd the (ienenee Comiiany aeekii to recover lhc dilTerence lifUeeu thioaum and lb* freight churgea. Jraft nnd nil mortem meeliimtciil iuiprnve- iiM'iit*, alio' in fitted willi n Dinilintn patent \ loiolnnd ......Problenl ro Pruabluni. .ml Tro!nrr. H.. Cuun.ol II M IU"v* it L. 1'SNM-HI.Tl % Oao- i,i (' Mi W*\ ^forptary ,tl. IJ <)< LHI.B..... MlSiDKkrt OH ill\|i|iHT IIOUNI. IJ M IImini, It. K U'mlow, tl I' UlUhrl-Uo. I1 0. MiNBh. M A Uradlcj. W U. IImMIwi, I' Mc Km\ J II 1'aliusV, TO*. W tl!i>n. W C lll<'hard>.>n J W. MiKiru. Jauim t'lirrnan. in t in mmi U. M. Uanoa, M A llmdl). Mini. Wil.on. J W Hoora.^eo. I1 MeKai. J n. Conaiij*t. . b l'a> -MMITOX HIIII'f|<4D MlHTKIIi. 4. K. Kutniar. i ilwk, Olo\alKinl; r'rod Bonnoti- Aait.. Win Koonlok. Ailitnlmla llarlx>r, n . Jolm Q'Ooitnur. 'X.S MwlUoit root. Tnlfdn. (I MAIllSK HM'ojtli uVVU IAI. PAl'KR. It ia anid> thi^t iieneral'(ireuly, Chief of the Signal Service, ban annoiiticed llmt an investigation into the cauaea of the hot winds ibat occasionally ftweeo over Knnnai, destroy ing vegelntion, waa lo be made, and nieatta of aTarlin'K their dial*inula elTeuli Bought "tio slow, iiunerul, il liny be found aonu'whni UiilloiH to keep thu brnkwBonnairooni.beHideii, art we not lold in ancient biRlory "llmt llio wind blowfith wliere it Imteili " 1'.\>. ' VJ.E\~h.I.,\ \l ItMMOtl, thai the ratlrond company hnve had ahonl enough wfilih nnd power robbed from the the \arioiii inlereiu over winch they etorcUe n commerciAl or liiiaifial Hiipervuiun. Otberti Ay they offer anihelhing lanuible' Accept it In ihe uK'iiiilime we letirtt that the nillrond cuiii|inii7 nru allied with all aidietuea for iiggrandihemenl as opposed In hom-aty of pur- pnae or the welfare of the locality in question an wtiaean ihe {inipoaed Axbtitbiibi l.lfennving Muiinii whero the ratlroadii tiiuiinniilue tlie en tire lake front lo the excluiion of a govern ment Ifime under any terms. Kruru the foregatng thu averngo render may judge of Ihe |tre>ent atiitila of thin ini|)orlaiil <{i)eait.>n Hhiln ihe folfowlng putllioa and id lUgnatures may prove thu unit of difference involved. Ue thn ucilarmunoil remal a#uertn 1 |ior"ini in tiTiiiii"! in ami lake coinuion'anl ilii* i>.rt wUh liurTt)K(tuoiirnr>tl) u/bo ut.oti) ourolluiitnni tbo iicceiill) (ur m.iMoni llio l<l ntBr-liod'ai'il tli i|iti.-i<iui chfirnolur u[ ilia arttunianl tum Imluv urin-d iilion )mi in llhi interim uf a railrmiil ciiiiiiniiiy. .kIpii liblr "lib (lm uuiiuml |.prnml ol ibi veaiul uwtiur* ti,l olli.-r. ititbrmtad in dial nitijort. 1 |l0 -I^k. and tin* mW to u.. in th.. riu-r bo.l fur lilab acroiuuuKlatiiiii fur Ji<olmruinK nqiirly all lLo oru rn'inuJ at till) |>nrl, and for lomltin.' Ur(f <|intn lltli.ul i.oo.i ,|.ick nnd uiihmdiuv Usilllloi mm |in.V1ii*l,ni,dlll. olllft i.b.Urlu I.Ui H.o.llllVllllr u( acotiit i(itliu.l.n!k"aud uuronfmii tluun in lliu ink* 'lUriu-r Imd i. fonnmlljor-.wlcil, Willi . 'ill'l-'tii Mid ur lirwr iiKxIern vomol-. iiflur aoiiiit m> I tie nmr I "d bow tiMati'l brunt unlnndoit. Inivo tojru tu imiia ilip und n*Ur..ii.i'.l willi llie aid <( K'tN In urdt>r t<> 11,0 -ut A , r) fruuNuliIlr. ton. I.I... Ml- are .-m I Ii) the .-fmuled iattil ih rnof itli llio itxtilt <mu ur in.. l.u|. ,.n .ilh.r-ido m. I Htli.-r. ltll tile t>IV< ml do* I I, l" l'he i|uebiloit which in i 1 u i.l nlU rn in wl ether ill lii.l n nminling llio (Tiuibi 1 iikff -i. ie Kailronil Co . i iirliti, 3 cording lo ltd '..mi the event of .uTiNiniu* tin* atipulnlion In fall t>j h-r uh.l . ruaideill Newell of the l.aku S|,^n. ulUi a liir^e auhaUniiaJ dock I Lily will be ]UHtl I \i lll(-|. Illlllln M.e ..... . . M .ini<-| adniM-'"" original ng*ee_>rll the nh council'[t... :;'i',^'";!";:'.!":; i!: "L, road irgr iu, ib< 1'iner Ii luiiaWuter and io this dock ni nil time* t< log Ihere. . When llie I nk Co., through-I'reaiilenl Ne,i , aheliered by the llu* free n;cehN lo anv inieruals ci-nier- >horo Uailruad 'II Drat introduced tbe proposition it inel With handling, aa it boru "a cbungey s '-while dog for n bli)i k moiik*v uiraiigumi-iii nnd the guneral if ralher aurvru by ehaiiKcy- .klt.d nf nil ding wah that the railroad enmpntn nhoiibl be held d. tbe letter mid apiril uf Hie bond uiiurdnig to iu original a^n-emeui, \u lb a when i illid ii|>.,ii it would be ready and lullinu u> nniairuci n % bridge across the opening. Sucliwns tlio mm andmbslitinje of Ihe ngri'BiiiBDt enterod -into between the Luke .Shore Kuilrniul Co., und tbe city of Cleveland, nil t-tlorlx to uri^gle mn uf the clause In the cmiirnn itnlMiil.Hiniiilin^. The proji-cl Hun lett in linn, tid could lliu cloieal i|iiuatlointig ulicit ail ex- preaaion from fbo city olllcinli, who it was thought were obtaining ealltuiiien for thu im- provemuntS! looking up riparian nghta, and. generally deternising the legal aspect of the rii lb ii.i. ir it<i ..I .Ir.dtfi Ki iinnudilifuiitili th U IlKlmiidi.huat lliu water d< '! nyuld i. Hail * 'ia- ntor ujli fur Niitljriiti-in . trn.wi. linn nnlod li.rTnr*an.l lm I i ' nirL* ni niiixirniiov nnd Finn|ilnoit, ti in. u naiur lioi'ii oli.nm( nu oliioi nriiUiimiit nl llio railrj>a't o.>iii|.nliiDi nnd lurimti I- llnil tburo ! nu *i ami (cf timre (Oirnili' .1 n.-.....rttt.i-bu.1. aiuliliai Hi* d.iok il "ill. niilf'Htd irmki nnd witli tiiai-liltiuir l..r nn . ik.lnm "I. 1'illiur -nIi IL-!.,i Hi.. ..I i '> . I I mn' . tliitfl" il.lU xil.I | , *ie I Ii flu t..rni(. Marine insi-r\N( k. A London exchange hna th folluw'lng to say regarding ttu> Ilritiah maurance policies of which wo have drawn llie attention of our reudem from time to lime: "l.nnl year Ihe underwriter! of several Loudon Marine Insurance Coiiipanius visited Ihe I'm led Sin ten witK-^a view to eatabliah iigencien both in lite Staler and m-J>nnda. riimthey Miccewifully are impliabed, ItutSrifti reiulia we foreanw. One of ihe. principal paper*, .....TOLEDO'S. NEW TUQ. Again ia the admiration of tbe take marine movwlbf llie Unlolt Dry Dook.Companr'i lateit effort*, 'llio iron tug ImatS C.fioliotipk ii nearly read^ for' her maiden plutigi, and while we dnn't'alate it aa n fact, yet ahe will probably be launched nn Bahirday, Heptem- ber 13th. The damanila of Toledo for power ful irun tug hoata to handlo Iter extonalfi grain and coal trade In her narrow river anil harbor, hRve long been fait, but It wnaMeft lo S. C'.Kohenck tu f"ully .comjirebend the lilua- tioti and provide for tbo em/srgency. There cun be no doubt but he hni fully roe* the dfl* mniida of-nt'lenil a few aeamrna in advance, in aa fnr aa Toledo'* towing bnaincia la cobcerned. riicdiinuiialonaaf tbe H. C. Kchenok are 100 feet over nil, HO feel keel, <!0 feet be urn, molded deplb 12 feel, -her engine* are fore nnd nft coiupnund, Imlli by the King Iron Work-.-Jluffitlo, N Y., cylinders 20 by 10 with ;i0 inch-Klroke, nlir la lilted with it Wnrthlliiflnil Indein'ildeiit condensiT, bum Kurd n<>nl ncruetiings, dim forced tlem ineel ed Willi n ateerer, la of M|iecbi lyatrotig build nnd will be (hit liuent model ami niofll powerful tug of her tlimeiu^otis ever fill togtilii'r nu ihedrilu of Inkes. Her Trout propeller wheel has been miinitfni'liired especially for lienvy tuw'ing and with eitj;iiies of 7.50 horao power, she is ex- peeled lo mnkt) n lltieen mile gait; her two I'oal bunkern will each hold '!'> toni which is fuel enough loeirry'her fi^r \'H) hiiura. Her cabins will h& Iminlaomely fitrni-lied and' nc- ciiiiiinodaiioiis wilt be pruvid*<rfor ihirrty pen- pie, Ihniallowiiigaciiiipleof npare alate moma for iheownera friendi and other 'pasaetigera. Die S C'S-heiick is ihe lirsl of llie tleut of four aleel luic > n" buill for the aamtfliue Biid the I'nion l)ry I lock ('"'upany are being lo widely cotti|rffitietiled on the completion of the firat of llie lluet thai it in alnioat aafv to say the order for the other three wjll be placed irt their hands. The Schenck will be the Inrgeal boat of the line nnd while built (or llie general towing business at Toledo; ahe will be ready to accept buaineas wherever ne cessity may require her. ('nptnin Al Fill* has iii|ierii>tentled her building for the owner, in honor of whom nliu hna been named; and William Decker, late of the Monobanaetl, will manipulate her splendid machinery. ,i -&$ TUG WORLp'8 MERCANTILE '811 IP- ' DUILDl'Hf).. f The mercantile ahln-bulidtng df tbt'.world Bhnw'i-d a very'large Inerea** ifarlng the rear 1860 a* compared with the yrtr tutmtd.aUly ' pneodlng. Eiolo Hog vaa*ta .litlnw 100 jom net reelitar and ateem tbkbIb' bnow tOOinw groaB riltar, the number of vernal* bal t dar ing, lb* ysar 1860, aa reported by Lltjyd'i ReAIiUr, abb 1.0yp,.wlihaioiniV.n' l.MJ.fiSO ; ton!, a a'galnii 7t)5 tep)Bvl<, vltb a lunnaee of 020.6JI tona, In tb ytar 1880; an loeria** of 325 veaa*U>'iind 570 100 to'ia, Tula re. ruaanta * gain ' of fli.l per o*iit tu t'mna<*. The tonnaga for ' th* year l'HSO raa only 3,073 tot)|Jrn I ban tbe total toji|.a.!B built during the two preceding yean. The <llatrll.ll>lii of tbe veiael* and tnu- nsgu among tho dlffertmi oountrlei will tw par* uelved by a n'lanco al tbe following tttblf, whieb in reprotlnt'D'l from tn* London J-turna! Indiu- irjea: tN 1KH-4KI1IU UTDCUINOTUi VK11llHS9. No. Tonnai*. Hbiltod Kinidotn. I..........;........... fl'8 iloritiMir.......,....'.. .. ........... In Huiluil.Sintoj..................'...............41ft iKntuoo.......................* 111 llmi-h D0lim)u.........................:..., 7.lioiitmirk.....,... .................... 'JO Nothorlttnd................................. Iu .swuiion""!!......!!...!'.!'.'..!..!!!!.'.!'.......!!!!' 'W ilruonu ........................... 17 Au-trU.......................-:...-...... llu-ln . *........................... 7 Othtr umuitrioi .................... 1 . ' LITKRAUV NOTES. We have boen-*fnvoreti wiij^a copy of the .hiuniahit a sixteen pngrf weekly pub lished 'in New York and devoted to news- authors, artists and publlahera. On radea In which they placed ihemaelvea irnulte frontispiece we find an engraving of our compelition with local inaliiutions was the lako huainctis, upon which aaaurera on the other side bad determined to ruiae the pre- tuliiins, owing lo ihu dioastrom lonseaexper- leuctil for nouiu yeara. Tbe result hua been ihal Lnglji.h cuiupaniei have wry nearly miiiinpoliaed Ihe buainesa at inadequnle rates, and have experienced larger loasua ilwn usual, no much an thai, although the ao^son ia but lid It over, a diaaslroun Iota iiiual be looked for, even If lliu later husineaa should prove mori fnvornble. Tbe'benvK-at loaseo huwefer, havu heretofore taken place at ihu end of tlie sen- noil. We fear undi rwrlten who expect lo balance the loaa of business in llie old world by euiortaiuing thai of the new world, will he sadly mistaken. Another clasa. of buaineaa hna gravitated to London frnpt the Htatea, namely, eargoei of mineral oil from America lo In dia, China, and Auairalia. Theae have proved heavy loaaes " NOTICE To MARINERS. Fog-Signal at Preique Isle Llght-Hatlon, Like Huron, Michigan. Notice is hereby given that, on or about September L7U), 18111), a 10-lueh aieuni-wliialle will he aounded at l'rea,]ue Isle Light .Station, l.uku iliirou, during thick and foggy weather, givitiu blaatM of 5 aucuuda' duration at inter vals of '.'& second*. Tbe signal is located ] ,'240 feet, about N. by W., from the light house. My order of thu Eight House itqnrd. l>\\ in H. llAnMOW, Heur Admiral, I . h. Navy, Clialruian, (Itllce of I tie Light House Hoard, Washington, 1). t , AugiialllO, l.S'.W, .-MM I I A,N'A1. IKAEE1C EOlt At lll'SI'. The following Hialeuienl of ihu* iralhc through hi Mary's Tafia Canal, Mich., for tbu motitb end inn Augiial III, IH'll) haa been for warded to thlaoltice throiigk the courtesy of fiutierul O. M. l'i.e i'hu total freight aiuoiinled to l,lll,-!M tons; die number of paaieugera weru 7,772 The tonnage and [irtsaunjfern weru tin tiled aa follows. Hast hound Flour, o.'tK.ti.'t.'i barnds, corn, *2H4,I-Ul buibels; wheal, l,,'li:tl17'J bushvl*; building atone. o.Oll tons, copper, o,-lo loua; Inm ore, W tnus, pig irun, ;i,7HH unii; lumber, oU,U(i5 M, feel, silver ore, H10 tons, uiicIbBbI- bed freight, l(i,:i'.>7 lon>, paaaengura, :t,t!7fi. Weal boiliid-Coal, MY>,H\S tona; Hour, Ml) liurroli, grain, 1 Ui.UUII bushula, mauufnclured ir..... lo,hi' innn, salt, 'Jd.l.l'i barrels nnchtsai- tO'd freight. I l^l'i loitH, puueitgurn, I,0!I7. ..................................,.,, ,..i | I'l Ml'.- "N KThAMMIII-s. . tor triwiiciiii lm utdited In comiecium ,wltU^nur A caae w hicb came under our persontU ub> |ironoiit<bii\kN,niidlii fact In imw m mod in' t>imi*' c\- servaliona will aerve to demonstrate thu uio- toni. luuneaa ot hnvjitg pumps placed ton- low In While ivudo nnt .(ue'tlnu that any Inrua <|ncl< tl"-'>><ddi of Bteatusfina." iu a collision which w..ul'l U. un ud v nnt titi< to.d ii O'Hivi'iih-mv f! > .In occurred the watery forced thu trnnsverau .,|j 1.1 in il... i ri>|.,.iiinN tlmt tho \u.ii uiMi.T.m-1.. r ' bujkbend beiweuti the main bold Iwblchwaa ',!!] iin.liilur. t< iuniiu.l n |hi .-niuimrci ., .) tilled uilb water) and llie boiler spare. 'I'hu (ui'.rilil* i tlii--ili.'ini>..| ili l.uku M>.-n> ti.n.l, ..i i engine rtiqm bilges lllled nub aler, and na Hint tln> iiKnn'Him itwiild W livttur ti. Innn null ,i i the meani pipe to ihu auxiliary pumps wrh dinklliiiii in bain ihu rlicrbed i>i.enid. Me itolit I lud idniligli ihe bilges, thu alenm was con. thnt it Mil not lurtiMi ridluMrntii iW dttlioiihiui ni- densed before It renubod thu pumping en. unto fur mar* I'ltumi'urod in thu mo ,.1 the linrbor g'"l'8i ad bo lliu puiupe weru rcmltTud Use- and ibsi ilmto win, Imvo tu mo thu Imrbur nru, w||li n \ less, and the water roae In lliu boiler ami ea- faw axcoiilluiii. opposed tu (bo |irupui'l Ii M with gillO IpBCei. /Tie A'teuwwAf/i, eemed friend < leorgu L. Norton, Editor of lli\ }htrint ,/htun'il, N. Y. A eynnpaU of Captniii Norton's career ia published wi|h the half tint eugraving. Tho .V'id'otttif Heitl Eatal- nnd Cuminercmi Atloertier published iu t ialvealon, Tex., cuuius to our rxebungo table ibis week aa a welcome guest. The ijnuen City of thuOulf ia held forth as a desirable locution for busi ness, pleasure and profit. The jicneral ap- penrancu and make up of the Natuwil Kent Eslalt Itnlcx nml t'ommercuU Adotriitnr war- rnnta the insertion that none other but com petent hands "are al the^heliu," ]', an illustraled monthly record of the in9uatrinl and commercial ptogreiof the. (J real North West will be launched from West Superior, Wia., under the able manage ment uf Geo. 0. Moulton, publiah'er and Senior 0. Wells, editor; about September -0th. We are more than pleased lo welcome an exponent bf the needs and ren,u;iremenla of the North Western State*, feeling assured that n wider diaaemination of our reaourcti and advantage* will but redound to the building up of wbal ii the moal proapuroua oection of the country ut tbe present time. We welcome the advent of 1'ruyrets with both tianda out. The weekly Freight Gtmilur Shipphiy Utt utid Maritime Itujtslcr, Philadelphia, l'a., cntnes lo our oxennuge table ihla week. We are pleased lo find thai the City of "llrqiherly Love" hna ai|cb a lerae and able e^ponenl of uinfitime ntTaira aa llie' coliimnn of onr con temporary provea. We truat thai we maybe favored with a Bight of tit la valuable publion- tion long into the future The llydrogrnphic Ollice chart for Sep tember ahowa that thu ice, whioh lias been tbe nunl interesting fuatnre b*f Ihe charla since early in thu spritijt, has totally diat>ppeaVud from the trana-atlantn ntemner routes, under the lulluunco ot tbo summer's aim und the warm waters nf llie liulf Stream Along the const of Labrador however, a constant succes sion of Icebergs- ia still advancing southward, and thu Simile of Relle Klu are cmpplelely choked up with them, Thu usual number of duruljcls hn\e beott reported, and their loca tion marked iipoti the chart The moat in teresting of iheHu Is the Norwegian bark Lurrier Hove, nhich has I men driftltig about directly in ihn path of the trnus-ailiiiiiio sleniiiurs since May. I >uring that lunu she line drifted fully ho0 nillea from the point where aho waa flrat obaorved. On the Atlnntlc coast there tiru at praaetU no low tlinn nine ntikeii and partly aiiukou vuaaela, moro or lea* dan. guroua to im\ ignlimi. ( I'oRTriiUI'-SK slllSlDlEh. A bill to tome iulo operation next year hen been introduced into lliu chamber of deputies, in virtue of which tips governmuul nru em powered (0 spend lliu sum of nearly $-8,000 in bounties io rbippin^. ] Total............................ l.tWl Uh.ln> A* lh bu Horn tile United Kingdom l>-adi aa * rfttanliillie number o! veai.nU, the nmuuilt of ton* - I iiHKeitud UieibNOluietiionrUsoin butli, but Us rate of nicren<> (M.O pnr ceoijuaa nt.l pmpurttotiatn> | ly m ^ti-nlna mat nf mine utuer countries and frit I bid W me rue uf iiiurraao (or all tlie cquntrie* | taken logrther, (1J.1 pi-r oi nt, Tht Inoreaie lioili ia Hie number of veiaela aud In to mi age 4 waa itinera!; Austria being tho only country J wbirb allowed a doureitau in tuiinnua aa com- pnrrd with 1888, ibotiitti It built one more rea>*l iu iHBtl itiau In ibe preceding year. Even Iiutala, Hblcb liuilt.lbe same numtr*of veasol* tu eaeh f*sr, ahoweil a alight gain in tonnage In l&AO, In considering (he fl,'ura for the United King dom It abould be borne lit mind Hint adarge proportion of lbs venal* built there are built for fnrolgn ahipownm. It will be Been that tbe U1.1 ltd ytatt-i, wbllo aho*ing a greater number ofv-aaela built that) Qartuany in both yrtrB, [alls bMud lbs latter o <uotry aa rtgarda total tonnuire, and temaloa In lha third place lo lb*/ Hal aa it did in the year J888. The bulk ofeth* ahipa buiti In tbe world now* adaya are at;ani veaitla. There wars 700* steam veiisU, with a tonnage of 1,200,803 tons, built la*t year, as compared with 31M aailiog yeaaali, with ,b tonnage of ^41,627 tona. Aa regards tbo oooatruotion of atran veaaals, Usr- Diauy Holds tno second jiluca, Tba Uulisd Stats*. which held lha ibltd place iu the couatrUBiIoo nf steam vesel In 1888, "wtnt down to foortb place as res pec u aiuuunt of tonnage in 1)80, though It built one more a Mm vassal tnau Franca, wbiob takes third plaes. Id the ton-. uaga of aaillng vtaarl* tua Uulted Slates, bw- evor, takes lecoud jdaoe, and It built 34 mors of ttiess venela than tba United KMagvoei Isada ii in I on u age, QxrinBay want up lo third place os reajieou tba innuagB|of aatllng vessel! to ISM). Bteel continue! 'to be lbs prinolpal material used In the ounalruotlun o( vaaaals Oat oft total tonnsgo of 1,502,020 toui, vtiisls ag- grenttng 1,284,304 toni ware built of sUsl io 1880. VcuoIb aggregBting 110,524 loos were built ot wood, and v**ioU baTing a tonnt|a of 100,495 wtre- built of iron. Tbe conitruotlou of 7 v'eaaels.wltb 1,330 tona, was olaloisd asfityu- poaits. It ti iuieitailug to oolloa Ibat wood waa more uaad. than Iron Id tbe euestruotloa of new vesseli lu 1S80, ttiough lbs rajsrse waa'tros lu ibo yen praeedlDg. This wa/'owing to Ibe large uae of wood Id tbe conitruotlou of sailing vesasle. In tin oonatruetion of Bissau vaaeli Irou oonilnaaa la be more > largely aaad than wood. H appean ibat th* tendanoy to build larger aleam Viaaela conllnusa. Tbe aver age toDuaita for lbs stsam vcuela built in 1889 waa 1,046 toni, aa compared with 1,3)1 tona lu 1888, au tooreaaa qf 434 toua whioh followed an luoresse of 130 to us in tba year prsoodlugi I'lOiir llradatraata. , ELCCTRIC LIUHT IN TUE bliEX CANAL. Tbo number of vosaela paaalmi through Ibe Buri eauul at uigbt by maaua of eleotrlo light la luoreaaliig llh extraordinary rapidity. Tho regulations for tbe uae of ibe eleotrlo llgbl cams lulo oparaiiun'ln Uarob, 1887, and during Ibe retuniiider of that year (aooordlng to atatiitlcs given in ltie reoeut ilritiah oonmlar report from . Port Said) tba uuutbnr ualug il waa 304. lo 1888 ibe uumber roie to 1,011, And last year reached 'l.Ub. I'rlor to Marob, 1887, th* privilege of traveling by night with electric llgbl bad bean restricted to vsasadi carry lug tbe malls. Bines llien all aliipi whioh conform to tba regulations are ulloeud to nrdoeed by night. Tbe average lltut of iraualt baa alio bean ooni War ably altorteued. In 1&80 it M ?l! bouraj In 1887, 33 boura and 68 minulea; Id IS88, 31 boura aud 15 utinutoi; and in 18S9 It bad been reduced to US boura 60 minutes. The average time for veaaala using lbs alistrlo light lu 1880 was 32) boun, Tlie shortest tints taken by B alsamer In tbe trauall of the canal Id 1880 was Uj boun, which is ten minutes leas titan Iba.fuslait paaasgsouM record previuusiy. hninaget) for the loss uf the ichoonen Mid-J night and Meara, off Tuwaa, on November 31 Iuhl, has been lebeled against nhe eteamoj S. s, Wilhelm for $'.17,778.05. The Hum*] waa charged with leuvtug port during aitori nnd thus losing thu nchoonen, but theowuej of ihe Wilbulin answered tbe charge* (-laitning that the loaa of tbe aoboouer wl entirely owing io llie weakness of their ovf low-llnea and ibo neglect of tbu achoonenl drop their unoliora. They alio claim tbf thero waa no indication of bad weather wh| they left port. U~ \ ..  retttintut I¢1Cl'y..'.I'|A|-I-lrll-tlltyilrh-VII] l4I|INt|‘l'"’ Itnot. [Ll-rttlnr llttlttllngl Ulcvelayttl. t)liltr'. sitimt. swants_o'i_t. Ptiigllaliere '. ._- .__.—-————'—“‘ ttlt.It.-wti'mrit1ct:t lltl tttiutlt Water rttrtvtrt. Cilllltlflln Ilttntita. "1-noitt_/ttt Wll.l.lA.\l!t.jtat_trteIrIt.e rttt -tr. 'rtt:tt.‘.maurttttttttc i|"l‘lltN One year. ittintaen t't|i‘lt-- Bil iauutiia. ftuItItt_a ']J_Ii|l _ltt\'tti-ttthly min by he tollnwing itgentttttnd tttIWIt'(itl.t|'iL‘|’|tZ 'rttt~: M.tttt.\'t: itt-Icottitcnn tm found fur ‘entire Itutlneu. lewxweekal ago en in- lhtt-ntirtl cnnttttlttze rtttrenthlctl It the room: ttt tit0'.linIl'ti'bl Trtttlolantl entlmat-ti |_, it) the city crttincll anklttg that, Prlllitiitll n_...‘. eIl’r ttt to built! tl dttclt lit the outer liarhtir he lnvcrably Ot')llIiti'Ill'L‘ti tttnl lt0iItl.lI[l- on. thtit nllowlngfthe hrltlge httlltllng clttuu ttt ht-cniiie deltittct. ittiritiir tltia lltittrtiie nia- 1ttrlty ol vuael nwnirtt hrttl expruaetl _tndl— rititt-tlyiplltlttna .tu‘Iitc t-fleet thitt the city -Iitolliti tint t-ygttlgti tiny rlglite_wlilch it itehl, ttt Irttlefv the erat'inita til it glgttntie tllltnfllllfliy rtntl ittrtlteritittru thitt the l.Ika Shgtre had ‘re- lfiad which it hint .t.'. jnttttlilc it!- ‘illtrcflfl ttintildl Clltvt-‘fntttl A.\l|ll~2lt.’~'Iltl.'lttt, UN t-._t;.-...?rtyt..t. .t.<tt't'tti_tt=t..t ll.-\'tt|—‘0 A_q"L’\S[)'\\'|§_—l‘tt«t()llice .\'t- :U].‘[t‘,\|:(), .\'.\'.-,r\iit-ttMt'(ittiit'.-l‘ ‘,[lIQ_-tttt), tl.t.. South Water tttr_ L. i'.'iiI\iiit|, (lit \\'t~ttt ltttttdII|.tt_lt It! rlt in L-Lt.‘ '1t:[,,\,\'|)_ (‘,'V1(. 't-eltttttl .\'ttvtt~L'n., ‘. .113 w.:,.]' g.|fggt[; 1': lt7t\t'\r |’_i-ttrl gnd Dtiirnit tttrt-et; it A. (‘tttttiiert '-3"'i.""""'” _|l(QQl; E. J. lttty, 'r_' ltetruit ttt-t-t-t‘, Litr- wood Day, Nttttorittr tttn-ct: N. li|'!||'i:t 3"” Huprrl_pr atrt-t-t 1. ttF.‘l'ltttl l‘, .\—"iil‘IIl'fll‘ .\hr.1nttt. untr- tno n'I\tt|'iL'I' tttut --I \\'ttrttltv‘xtrtl nve. l)l3'i.l"l'ii, .\ii.\'.\'. .\lltt5rttttnt t\ t'h:tttther- lain, it'll‘. We-at Sttpertttr tttrt-et I-lltll-I l'.\ —tt...~.t t....t.-I---v.\\'.-I -*--||- t.~.-.-I\_\'__\|t‘\‘ _\||t'1l —lit|I). l'rt-tttttti, Jtthti itl lid. ‘mt-ct Flrtitegttn. t.t>tt.ti.\. ti. '. |\'-mt>t'- hlAltlNt} t_'l_l\’, .\II- It. littht-rt .\t.-xttr. yt1,.\tttgt'i-1| ., .\t_|t'|t «\' |hgt-- low. ittit.\t'.tt'i<i-‘tz. \\'1;' --'t'..~‘ tirnr t'~-- '35 wiarrtiittiti tttreet. O\\’J:'.\' .~‘Hl‘.\'l)_ tt.\"t‘,- l~‘. .\'i:thet, t‘ttl'||t'l' Brook and \\'t«llittgtott llfdttltt. i‘0lt'l‘. ltt'ltII.\'. .\ttt‘H.»-.t>. E. I-rum Marine ttt-ttorter. EiAlt.\'l,\,tl.\"l Crae. «' _J_‘.~'|tttrpe, .lr.;.l. ti. .\ic ittttlltrttkeretteetiietl t'tt' i.ttt'ttt'- ill||It)i'lllltl it«ttit- ttntl iittw lrttnt nil i0'.Il'CPII we concentrate on title .ht.-ttr the rl\‘er-hell titiittt lit-'r\'pt-iieti. -~ in nrl I1|ll'lllitiIl|I ilt\‘t‘tiV'il1|{ vmtt rttni tvttt-it-tl l“",'.""' w'iui""i:' M21 il|ll'l‘t‘i|ltt tt tiiIiL't'I'tI(‘.\' ttl_ttpitiittii_ HIT)‘ he ltitttttl t.t,ltxigt. !~'ueIt iI_ttiit' ctttte rt-gttrdingtltet-pt-tt- lug ttl l|itt'.l|ill.ti\'t'l’-l)t‘tiI t-tttiiietit -lltltll illllittll tlixttltittl‘tt¥ttt~t-ttttgt-trtt til it trertttittty tltttl 'tt|inw~ttte l.tttt'e Htitn-c't ttt»ttrttct it tlttgit l'tJiitl‘[ii|ttt|t1|Il'tttiVflllritill‘i'tlt}(~ti1tIWItIItIllili- ,:titittn iIl\'I|iVtlt‘,Z rirttitiatt riuittr-.'lten\'y i|Iil‘lit.‘l| ttti t.ix pity.-re t-te., 0.iI‘., wltilo_tttitertt .t-t|tttl|_\‘ pttttitit'C- tt-trlert thin the;t- Sltttre Itttntl-t Ilitltliiti he‘ lttrlt-ittd tItIiI‘t|tt rltt-_v tll‘r«iI'l‘ti ttttrit ttt «nice. The itntjt-rity 0‘. iti- t-pt-ttiitu the tiili rtt~t.~r-tmi, trtuttittt; in future t-iitt-rprtie ttt htiiltl tit-eiu n'iitl tttltt-r ultit-tttttg lttt-ilitiett in tltt- tttiter lllflttll‘. "'l'tt tttttllliiltl l|.t- l't1lItltll‘lI' ttttertitiri itivttlvetl in this qtttrry we itltliiti tttty U||t‘II the f|\'|‘t‘~l|ttti,.iIIl’1'L' it -<-tttry. the i.tiitt- t‘.ll|'rl'1‘ iitilrttttti ("ti-. In I'.Httt|Ii)' vtith the dettttttitl. ttiitl ttllnw private t-ttterprittote tntter lttr t|tt- prtt-tpttiity ttt the pttrt tttt regttrdn Mtg ltteilllirn in the A>|llt't’ harlttir. At the atttite time he ettrt-ltil thttt in tleiitttiitliitg tltt-tic It-rtiitt we do iittt attiltitv nitr- ttelver iii reitttittii ttt litl|(-'. What can he tittiie tiittrtt he tittiie ttt ttnre ttr the pttwertt nt work in other ttnrtu tttI_V give t'lt-velitrid the ctiurl-' L‘t)|ltt "git hv"‘ l'tIItIii\‘t‘ tttitl tliatiiict t!xprertt— ittne itre ntiw rt-ttttireti-, pt-rttttnrtl, t't.-rhal ttiitl urttl, tin itit-tlitrti rthoultl he left uritrieti ltl BAl'l.T >"l"l‘l. .\l.\ltllC ——-J. i’. llxtllt-r. En ml atlhe tt-t Utlice It t.'Iotcirttttl mt t'"“t'}“i clan llttiii IIttt|lItt’» ‘I-Z.\lltl-Ill ll. —_ci.i:t"t;i..t.\'ti. o.. slit ——1 ___ ,- .2 CLEVELAND VESSEL OWNERS ASSOClATIUt« 0llflAN"l'l.|‘Zli IN IMHO. l.\lctithtarahl|t. lttttthl One huntttatl and Ill attmtttcr-.tttttrrtttrtttlttr ‘.'.‘tS..'ttt‘t tun- Oiia httnttratt and tire ttttl ttrttt httrtttt. utttiterrtttltttt I‘-ti» Sttflttint. Ilallttalnl Il|iIt|Iil|fIIiiil‘I'I rtt l"t-'-intitl Aalttahttln |«t Tttltttt... tteauttttet |Vt:l|tI.I|flll|‘lllI cram. uutt I-lhladzilnilnitutv ..r .n tutttt.-.. tttuttt tutmtt ..t the ixiatrthnru Illtl ttt the ink flt4t|Ilt'I!D (externally. nt~‘Ht ...l‘reaitlt~nt \‘tt-tt i'l‘tilititlnl. ii. iii iluu L. l'ttt.\t-mi-m (tam... tlrlttt crgtaiy antlTrettattrur. _it. 4).. Llifil. ..t\....Coun-ul IA.\A|iK||i\ IHI Al|\'|.1tIM' Itt)|Illl.' ii. .\I. liattna. it. Ii \\'tria|cw. ii. I‘. l.lllihrlt|ttc. i‘. 0. .\ltttnh. .\l. A, llradlt-y. \l' D. llm:-.lltm. l' .\lc> xn.t tt.i-..t....‘ rthn..\t'tt...... \t'.tr.ttt.-t..r.i...... J. \t‘ trtt Jattttu thtrriritn. IXIl'|"l’l\X t'V|ilMllYV.l. I]. N. Ilanna. .\|. A. Ilratlley. 'l'ht>a. \\'ii-tin. J. \l'. Iooranlatt, l‘. .\ioKay. .1 U1. Cttttttttus. it. I.. |’a.\ *Nl.\llTlDK. itIllI‘t'IXt) tttitrrtttt. A. it. ltutttaey.!M duck. Olnvatatttlt l-‘red llacnettt Aut.. Win ltannlelt. Aaltutttttln llarhttr. tt John 0'0ttttnttr ‘£03 .\lI|4.iiIt)tIll|‘G¢l. TttlIdtt.ti. <'lAl. I’A|‘l'3it. i1‘ la attidt that ticneraivlircttiy. t'hiel til the Signttl "'ervict-. hint aniittttrteed tltttt nii inveatigrttitiii into the Eatiaett til the Itttt wiritie that oecaaiciially ttweep over l\'ttnetta, dc-atroy ing Vegeltttiun, wait to he made, atitl nit-tine oi lVll‘litt]( their tthtlatrtitia t-Iletita aottght. “tio alow, liotit.-rttl. it llt't_\‘ ite lttttnd aomewltttt tettitttia to keep the hrrtitutt on it tIil'0t‘(‘tI.l)t'8lti\!It, ‘tire we itut lttltl in aticitent hitttttr)' "lltltl lltu wltttl hlitweth where it iIttiL'ilt "-lit-. ~... (.'I.I:' l.I‘.'I.,-I .\'l‘ H.l It'UUI.'. Tltettuoatittti which in ttttw I-rtr:itittttiflt_ iii i..t.t Itllrt rt ttt vtt ether lite city will he ]ttit_ti' t._. it;t:t-tttt to in. the Hlttlr. ltrtrhttr, ttltttltoretl lII.t8lhVt‘ttIt!l' and to 'itllttw' {ret- thia duck tll itll litIn'l ttt Itiv iittt-reuttt tt-litur- lug llterc. .'\\'hen the i.ititt‘ Sltnrc ilailroatl l.'o., thrtttigii-i'realtlent .Vq,wt-ll lirttt ititrotlueotl the propntititttt it tttet with rtttht-r ‘ttttl’L't‘Ii handling, Ia it hurt: "I eltttngey lty ettitttgt»y" "white dug for it ltlrp-it tttHltl(l‘}"'.hIttti ttl ttit urnttgeittvttt ttntl tttt- gtttteral lt-eling Vtllh that tlte raltrotttl t-tttttptttt_t- niltltlili he itt'it.i In the letter tutti aptrit ttl ttte lttttttl ttu-urdittg ttt in original ttgn-entettt, \'tl thnt \VlIttlt|‘:tila'Ii ttt.--tt it would he ready amt trillintt ttt Utllllfllcl rt hrldgc acroaa the opening. Sttchmt. tltu mm and aitbettttwc of the ttgrootttuttt ttttterutl -into between the Lxtlttt Hltrtre llnilrttiul ($0.. unit the city of t'let't-lnnti, ttll t-tlttrttt ttt writ.-gle -tut of the elatiutv ill the L-ntttrttry tttttwittmttttttltttg. The prttjt-et Wllll lelt ttt iitltt ttttttttttt-tt, titi could tlttt ct-ttteat tttiuatittnittg ttlielt an preuiou (ruin the city olllelrtia, who it thought were ohttiiniiig tsalittixttee ltir tlte pl0\'§tttuttll‘it)0kit)g up riparian rightl. and. generally tietenniniug the legal aspect til the It. 9,. WM titt- -n ‘llliltllll thv ltittire prttept~ril_v til the city, i\\'hichttt'er wtty “the title ttirun" there in grettt inliticticc in favor ul. iintl large iiittjttrity ittpptttetl ttt the titiclt aciit-inc, itttttiy hunt-at .thitiititig, tipriultt anti ittlluuntitti nit-n heliet-e iiitlli the rttilrttntl ctttitpatty htive ltttd lliltltti t-titttigh Vlt‘IiIiI rind pnwcr rtthhed {min the lilk“i‘.tr|tI|l\ i|III'l’tllllI over which they exercitte any they tiller ntttitt-thing tmtgtlilel‘ Aeeept it. in the nit,-xttitinttt we it't|l’|t that the ritiirttrttl cttrttttnity ttre allied with llil tteiietut-a (or tiggrrtittlitu-titt-nt tta l)|t]|;§dti ttt htttit-aty ttt pur- lputtr ur the welfare Ill titt- lttcnlity in tptentitin an witpmt the prttpttat-ti .\ttitit|lItIitI l.ile .‘9‘tt\'inu hintinn where the rttiirutttitt itittiittttn|ize'tltc cu~ tire iitite {rtttit ttt the t-xeltittittii til go\'erti— tiieitt letttte lttttit'r.IItl_V lt'l‘tII8. l"rttni the lurt-gniitg the avernge render tiitty judge ttt‘ Iltt- tirerent ntttttitt til thin iiiitttirlatil tttit-atittitwltile the ltrllttwing petition and ill nigriattirt-t. tiiny prttve the unit til dillerent-e ttivttlved. \\'c. the tit.tlartttttItatt rental owners anti tturt-tna tu- ttecaatity tttr ttt-tttttnti Iitu rt\'nr-lie- .l|i|1l‘Itt|.lI ehttrttotttr ttt Ilia arttuntarttt ntttr Itttttttt urttett lI|rt)ti you it. liltt tttiurtut at raitrtttttt cttttttttuty. tiatnlr nlbly tt-ttb ttteyrutturttl at-nrnvttl ttt the we-‘ml owtttm nllti tttltttrn tuierertatl itt that rttbict-t. The tlueltt aittl -llttrt ttt»? in the III the river hutl litr- nluh rtartttttuttttlhtitttt tttr t.itIuitt|l|’|nK ttr.-ttrly all the ore rm...-...] ttt (l|i||tttt'1. Intt tttrluattltte tamv t||lIlt tttletttt t-t.ttt- titttttl ttttt-it tttttt iltliltntiilll lartllttttr Int |If|!\'IIiI1i.ll|ItdlliC chit-t uh-ttt:-la i-in thtr tttlttettlty ttt acettu tutttttttttettttatttt tttrruutrttn thtvttt In ttttt Itttttt 'l’lttt rttt-r-ltetl lt nnttrttllr BVIIW-lI!tl'a4|il| _-ttitttttitr and ttur lanre |I|t)IilI‘It tun-ttt-. tttittr aniittt ttitthe ritttr-I <‘td tmw tir-_t an-l hcttttt ttttttttttletl. httut ttttre tu Ittlltl ttttt tttttl “Hill at ttttt Itlti ‘\t-ry itItI|||IIttli1.HI4|. |tt..vttm|tvt are vntt-.t.I it, the .~ “|ll‘tiIII\l0tti tttt» rtrer tttttttlttt trr-ttlu--rttt tttt- tttrtttt-I lI'|ttI-‘Ind ttt I'I|Iit .IiIffl|'||tI|l. tttttl trht-it li|IVttt't't|7I thtt Itt| llltlllvll ..t the Iitltllfltvi Ia .i..t-t.---t Ir tlwltllt itvlll ntttttttt-r ttt ..ltl tttt-the-l ll ttttttttt ttittt ttt ttt-tttr ttll iill‘ -o-I ttt ttm-ttttflttntl thttiu itt{tI£lI‘lliI‘1ttllttaalltt ’tt..t- tn. t.-.- ..l iIIIItl‘I lttul it. nttitttlirtg the rltttitte \\'iIit'it ltttttltt tttt-"Wt---"'""""*""- ”"' ""|~"“|'t' “'”"' '"“'“"""'|“" ‘fin. (,,||.,wmK ,Mu.m,nt um’ tum“ .Ii.ttK(' ‘it re Ilttilrttttti fit ttt .-.trtatrttt-.t tlrnw» "l'l"'I"““"""L:::!j_TlV‘ mI;");l:::':;:":lIl'];.)l_nlwumhl "W thrt-tigh Ht. .\lary'tt i"elitt Utuial. .\iiCit.. fur the l't|'lL“ 3' ‘‘‘'"l"‘l~' ‘" ”‘ ‘‘’‘h'"|l Halve ,,,_,., t,,..t ,.....t.t ..It.ttttt tttttnttrthttttilt tlii iltil tr.ttti,|... ntttttth ending r\ttgttat ill, |it'.It) lttta hueti lur- ‘null lite event ttt li.e city t-«tttneil ]iyt'(‘l|lI-I'll tt-...1.t..t...t.t.. traatiiallt rttlnr ttt ..t.t~ ttt-I. ,...,.t...t t., tt.t,.,tt',¢.. .t,,.,,,, L..,.,,my at ’ImrtitItt\H[ thitt tttittttlttttttn in tall ttt tttu1BI-hutI-Intelt---:--v-ttttputtrttt:.m.tit..r.t...t t..t.. it... ”_,,,,.,.,t tt_ _\t_ t-.,.._ ‘nu, mm g..,t't.t W“ ~t the '~-t» «~'-~~>f:::.t;....'..“.‘i::‘.::':::.‘..'.°;:1:a$.;.;";:::.:::.;':;::':..;'.::21: to or !‘Wlt'it“""‘ ‘-‘ """)“ "W" ‘“i‘“‘"”“ “"“" ‘ttt... I. nilttdititt|tiitit‘iu.trItulItitlillltitlititthrttillt in-I-etttrtm W--ru 7.7 "‘ TIMI UIIIHIK“ -ml the liIIltI'IV\I-Ili)ttl -lrt-tint... ttt ituutt the water .l.~..t. .-t....t¢h iv! t.ttvttttttt«-t. Tht. ert..t.t...-.- hut trllalttti tttr rttnrn Iltti hurt llllltfl It Had tltttettttttn--ottertir ttut-ttetttntlite tuatt nuultl new It t‘t)IllltlI.' attltllflttil lhltlittylltttw tttttt ttt, ltl:It|IiLl1lltr|trtt|tttI|tltHiIlI|Iltilt. irttttttt ll lhtettttttt. t..t ti... , tttttt tiI<t'iIttl\t‘ ..t ttIlI tltiil '..t. ltlltllli ttr.- Ill ttttuht lltttllllt .t..ttt.t -t..rntr.. 'lItt- ttt.-t tl itltttl .t..t-‘.t...tttt.trttttt- tttttrtuitt ttttttt-. t-tr Iittiai ..t |iI|I ..rt- «t..tI.i httt.- Iti he l‘tlilIt"l lite ..t.. ttt Will in it -lttttttttttg ttt-ttttt-I, tlltti tltttttrtttttt itli’ -tttrntttt etttt Im uttltltid tn eounct-ittttt 'I\illI\lttl ttroitettt tlticitmittitl lii.lttet in new ttt |lI0ti ttt ttonttt er- tent- ttrttttitiirt-lttt|ttit'lIltlilKI'ttlttillnIIl|Vl'lt|l'll1‘t'.)|'l vtti .t Ill ti... pr...,. tttt.t ttIlI|‘f urttttutl it. ittltt‘ .-.ttt.tttt-n-t~. tttt..r.tttl» i-rilllulflitltlltlttll iitlt l.tttttt .~ttt.r.. ltitlti. Itt tttat tittr)‘ ttttrt-tv tttttt tt wttttttl ht» itullall ttt hut-tt ttt.-I. tlttt-I tiitttt ttt l|lli'tl Ilte rltar-hoti tttteiit-tl. \\'e lttaiat thttt tt Mil ltlrttialt rullut tr-tttt ttttt tlttttntttttttt It httt-e tttr rttttru tvitturttvttctttt lit thtt ttrtt all the llllfitdf Il|t|.i thttt tttttra whtt Itttve tu nut thtt ttttrttttr Int. with laweacctttlutt-.euittuetl tn the |.tl|t|ltlliri ti .tltt Mltlt c|eliitrtl.rtt‘t‘tl rtthtrtipritttrtl valtittltlbipnrtictta ttt it wntt tint iintil lititt week tlnit the tttiltctlt ut tlWlI|‘l'l. ilttiitillrl ht-gitt the; |ert‘r'Itt rttrty he trtilltltiliy t-ttltl ttt itt.‘Il| lrtrur tt! cointitercittl ttr tittatitrirtl eiipervittiuu. tltltertt tertutt--t ltt ttatttrttttttxt Illti ialtn t-«tttttttert-anti Iitll tmrt with ltIlr|'il!'lt1 t!lIf|'lIIll)' uutt. ut-utt )‘fl|tPtI|Itililittt| tttt. the \ttIit the aid .tt ittet ttt ttrtler in ..r it... .l.-ttt- .ttt <‘liiII'f bitil lllui --th.trtt \\|Ii| the ruin ‘the t‘it|I1i|lfL'|lItt0||llidilittl rttllrita-l eutttt-attttu rttttl ttt: tttIhttntt.t- tt tltttt thura II no I|t|nat ttt, ttt-tre ttttratttv is the at..I tlttal tlttt IIItt|ittl|tti tt.tett .-....t.t.-I tttth ttttlr...-I trtteht tttlti with that-ttlttttry ittf ttt.-uh tinitttttitltlttttt'||i|IIl -Ilitt. l)l‘l|Il4'- tttrt.trIttt.a \\’htt.t ttt. do t...t ttttmttttt that uur Ittrtro titlck tlit-ltttttlrol ttteatu lite lath! tthnre eotnttany. “ebttlleretttrtttn the entl the tratltt, It tutttla, wotthliie III iiitich ttt the dune!- \- not the city It wartha lorntar tttut hr wltlelt tltrlvtnlranee wruteloratl. ll ltia itttplya iiiatter ttl utthta an out oltte ttock. ttte ettr ltaa lrtlto tront«"t‘ltn out arm at tlta hrealurate'rvwlll_1natta the batter harhttrttttttdttehrwlllhehttlltaarttttldly Ie they are IIt.‘i:|illIi.‘ Tttlatloqlt tr ttttttu battulltltottattaethel-alt: BltllffllolltitIIt‘tiIilrl-I||l'Dl‘Il1ll'IIf in trade. The ltIttt¢I9' utlter ttrcttilnattt hualnetta itinn aiitl rea-_a| owner! ot ttttrctty. can he hati tn thlt ttrtoer ltneedtrtl. ltetttttcilttlly r-tihniitteti. \'l llrtttllay. Wllltlti Avery. .t-mat -'ilttttI. tlettrgtt ll \_\'ttrutlttutnn. ll .l Wehh. \V lllnhrtrtlron. ilII\'iliCt .l lhtltife I’nliiittr.t Ctr. 't' Iltttttttttitttn. I' It .\ltitn|t. .l1ttrt;tt.,\Vrt| Ca. tlettrttc .\ -tlnirt. tttutree 3' Wrlvlttt l‘ l.Jttlttt-tttt.- tittttree l’r-~ttt ttettrtttt .~ittnc 'i'Iittuitig I-'tt/|-titr tilt. ttret‘ Maltnlnnit. iit|iII'l'i Wnltrteu. \\ ii (iii >tttt.tttrtttrr ltry ll t"Iy_tt-Itttttt,ttrt~ timt_lt ii lttt_rtm' Ititr Ltr. .. -. lltititiriiit 'l'ht-tttsttttttt IVIII ttfltlflttlrti itttltt-t‘.tttttrlI tut .\ltttt- thiy tthrht. tttt-I rulcrfttti t..trt.t-t-u--mt uttttttttilttm ttttr~ the ill t-Itttrtte |itI| ttttt-rttttt. ttt ttt-_t-ttlttti t|te_rit'cr-tr.-tl. \\'ttt:t-tttztt t|tt- l'ttiutt st.-ttttttmt t‘.tttttttttt_v tir the ttt-tit-nee iitttittitig t.'ttittpnii_v ittVrI'N[IIIIIt|i' hie fur the it|L’l\ ttxttlttiitttt Jtily ii in t[:tt‘l' titttt in he tit-eltleti III ti Iihtii attil ttrtttigltt ill the l'nitt-ti Strttt-it Dirtrict (Ttttirt hy ihe ett-ttni- hunt e.ttttpttny ttt rt'Clli't.!Y $l'.i'* lreight nit the. Ihnrrt-lanl ttil lottl. l.tittt. week the tieii_t--t-e iletiititig ('ttttipittiy liled an ttiittwt-r tttitl l‘fllllII ‘hill ill the iiitripliifflittg thnt~ the tttt-ttttth-tttt etttttt-ttity -tigreett ttt tttttw 2l'.'|| httrreltt ttt utl Ill iltillititt aritl to trttnttpttrt it to t'|ticitgtt tiaing tilllt tlilligt-lice in aittwiitg ttntl httntlliiig It. it it ttllegetl tlntt thitt wittt itttt tltttit-; tltat tho nteniiilittat. cttnipariy ttt. eitreleattly httntlletl thu Itii tiiat titty luttr b.irrt-Ia were entirely tier- trnyt-tl. The value til the oil in plttet-ti at $5110, itittl the lit-ttt.-tree Utitittatty aet-ire to recover the tiillert-nee hetweeu lliia aunt and the freight chttrgett. .—— —...~ ._ .\l.\ltl.\'l£ 1.\'st'tt,tNt'i-:. Luiitlttti eacltaitge lirttt the following ttt tony rt-gttrtlitig tlut llritiah itinuranee pntteiea of which we have drawti the attention of ttnr reiitiertt from time to time: "|.ttttt year the tintlerwritt-ra ttt newt.-rxtl intutltttt .\larine lntttirattee (Ttinipatttctt vtaiteti the l’ititt-tl Strttctt wit View ttt etttttiiltaii xtgetteit-at httth in the Sttttt ‘ttnttda. Thin they rtwtteealully net: titiplittltetl, hti t’l“Illi|I we ltirennw. t)iie til the print.-t trade: in which they ptrtt-t-d tltt-tttttelven in cttinpetitittn with iticril ttitttituttotitt wait the latte Ituttineea, upnn wltich aeatirerti on the Itilt|'l‘ eitio hetl deteriuined In-rttiae the pre- tultttittt, owing Itl tiiu diertatrous lmtttett exper- ienertl ftir Iltllllll yeare. The reitult hue been that iittgli-it‘ cuiiipanit-tt, have vt-ry nettrly ittttttnpttllaid the huaiiietta,It inadequate rrttee. ttiid httve ex ieriencod larger luaaua than tuual, ttt much III tat, ttlthntigh the att.tttun ia httt htlll over, talatrttti-t luaa iiittat he looked lttr, even it the later iitntiiteaa Iltttuld prtivu iiitirti ‘l'I\'0l'tIiIiI1. 'l‘!tt-'hettvit-It lttattett Iiuwt.-rt-r, httvu lterctulttre talteii plaee at the end ttl the aeti- Mitt. “'$‘lt'llf untlrrwritera who expect In ltttlative tho ltiu nl huatueee iii the old wttrlti by etitertaitiittg thrtlttf the new world, will he aattly ntletxtkcn. Another claaa.uI huaiiieaa htta gruvtlateti ll) Loiiduii frnpit Htatca, iitttnuiy. ettrgttea ttl mineral oil lruiti At to in- die, (Jltitirt, and Ati-tralia. have prttretl heavy lttaaee.“ lieae ._4....._:_ .\'l.)1' ITU .\iAill.\'l‘IliH. Fog-Signal at ,Preaque tale Llultt-atattoe. Lake Huron, lt|cttlgatt._ Notice it hereby given thnt, on or about Septettiber L7tti, ltttto, 10-inch atetttii-wttiatle will he lt)|tnt.iIlt.i ttt i'rt'ttttue ittle Light Station, i.uitti liIll‘t|lI,‘t.l|lfing thick atid leggy weitther, giving blattttt ol aecuutla' duration at inter- valtt oi ‘.’t’) ttecnndti. The aigiial ta located l,'.'tlU let-t,Ihput t\'. by \l'., {min the light httuae. ily order of tliu Light iiottae llttltrtl. il.\\'Ili It. iiAlt.\I0.\'\’, ileur Atitiiiral, I’. 5. Navy, (‘hairttian, (Itllce ol tho Light ilttuae iltiard, \\'mttthtgt..n_ it, t'., .-tttgtttt no, lH'.IU. .-'.\l‘l.l"(_'z\—,\'.\l. ttT.FFtc t~‘t)lt .-\l'ttl plteaengertt wore dtvitlcti tie ltrllttwa: liaat iltilltlti l’ltttir,:'t.’ttt,t'th.'t i.N|l'l'Itil; cttru, ‘.53-t,I-lit t....t‘...t.; Wiilial, t,:n:t,t7-.- ttuttht.-la; building alone. 6,911 tttntt; copper, l5,‘.!>l«'t tuna; lrtpti urc, '."t'l,t't‘JJl tnua; pig iron, il,'t'R.‘l ttttia; iuinber, htt,Uti.'i .\i. letrt; eilrer are, ill!) tnu_t_t; uttelalel- lit-tilreigltt, llI,(l‘.|'t' tuna; pattaengera, 2l,tl7li. \\'uat lttttittd—(‘ttal, 1ltl'.'_7tlH tttuh; lltttir, Illitt httrrcla: grnitt. lltI,tIUll btittliela, tiiaiittlttcttired ir--ti. l-'t,>ltt‘.| tttiitt; unit, '.'tI,lil‘.' harrt-itt. tttielttIai- Ii-'ti il't'iKitl. -|~l,.~l‘.| IUIIII, pttaactigurtt, -I,0llT. l't‘.\ll'.~' tt.\‘ .N'1‘t-l.\.\t.N’tlll’.~'. .\ eaao wltlch came under our perattiinl oli- tterratinna will nerve to dcmttutttrate the nae- tutatteea til littvlttg illllfllt tteuett ttttt low lti pa. utttllttlcn which ,, rtrettrrt-d the watery forced tltu tranttvttratt ittuitttetttl hetween the iitttlii ittliti twitlclt wtte ., tilled with wtttttr) niiti the htiiler epttee. The engitte Ttlullt I-ilgtnt lillt-ti with writer, and aa ,, tltu llutlttt tipe ttt thtt ttuxiiiary ptitiiptt wntt ltttltltrttttgii the hllgets, titti Ilt'tIIt| wntt cun- .. drtttted heluru lt rcncttetl tho piittipltig un- tinea, and an the pump: were rt-utit-Jud nae- oaa. and the wttter man in the boiler ttutl eu- cttn he no tlttvl ht hut he liita lttlly mutmthe titt- ft-et tlvei"ntl, ll0 tvttl kflltlt. 90 “El h"'"“t 'tIttt tint-ttt ntmlt-1 ttrttl moat pttwerfttl tug at her "with engiitt-it til T-30 lirirttcytrtrtrr. lilo itt ex-.t ~-~- --Jl'Ol.El)0‘H. NEW TUG. Agnlu ie the tttlmirttthin ol the latte marine tnniltiity the Unltfi Dry _DQc|t.C0m|1|||l1'- Iiteet clltirttt. 'l'itc iroii tug |matB C. Soltttttck la neitrly reatiy tor‘ her maiden, piixitga. and while we tlmt't'atete ltaa it (not. yet alte will pmhtthly no iitunchetl nn Sllllrtily. flept!ni- her lllth. The demrtntla oi Tcletln (or power- lul lrun tug Intata to handle her catanrlre greiithntl cital trtttic in ‘her narrow river and harbor. httve lung hr.-en tell,’ but it wenjlelt to S. C-fioltenck to fully contprehend the allua- tttttt amt pruvltte lnr the titItlPflOni!1. Tht.-rc grttaa re ltrfiiator, an 1. ,: at 15 ol 02.1 per cent in t- ltlntttlll ti(’l\l’ rttll tt lttw Ieatttyrtrt in-ativ_nn‘ct-, ‘in; total at lnr na 'l'ttledu'a towing httelncatt la cchcerncd. The tlltnunaltina til the Pl. C. Seliench MI 100 -1 tntiltlt-tl depth 11! feet. ittti-"ciitrliiea. rtrc (tire tlllli tilt cttitt|tnutitl..|tttllt hy the King iron \\‘ttr|t-..lltili‘.tln, Y., eylititlerty '.'0 by -ll) wltlt ill} iitEil‘~Vtift?i(tir tthe la iillt't.i with it \\'ttrtltitttr_tttn will «burn ltttrtl mint nCfl.‘t‘ll|n)(l.'ituI lttrcetl timm tlrttft tltltl nil lIit)lit't’II pit-eltniiiettl iitiprttve-' |'u|IW|I'k- llttltctl Kiltltitltnl ttcrthttu Nortrtty It)t'ttll. ttltc in iilltttivwl It It lltllliltllll |lttlEt‘t_l_ mttttttt-|.....t_ tn t‘. ateeror, in of ttpt_-t:i,~i ly tttrttng htiiid and will ill.‘ liilllvllllltlllt ever put tttgetlter ttii titt~c._litltt at :)iI,|'Ilitl.. ittitt--t. liet 'i'rttttt prttpeiler wltwi llllti bt'l‘fl, H" mmmro lt|Ittttiit|I'IIIl't'ti ttnpecittliy tI.r‘ hcnv_t' tttw‘in1.(ititti 'l"|l|\'-v1~ pt-ett-tl ttt ntrtlre ll Ilitt-en mile g'att; her two I'lilIl l)illil(L"VDt will ertclt httlti ‘)5 tour which irt {tit-l ettttttgh to t:nrry'ht-r lllr |‘.'tt htitirtt. iier cttltimt will he itntttttmtuely iIlI'IIiIi|i‘t.i anti‘ tic- etttititttttiatittiia will he prttvitlt-tl'Itir thirrty pett-l pic, thntaihtwiiig netittplo til ttpitre alate rtioiittt fur the ttwnera lrietitlt aittl ttther ‘pttttttt-ttgertt. The S. (‘.'t\'t-itetiek in the lirttt ol lllll tleet ol'ltttir ateel ttigtt to he built for the aartic‘ |it'tc and tltu l'nltttt liry Iltttilt l'ttinprtIiy itre heing an widely cttiiipfftiieittt-tl on the cnttipletion til the liret 0! the Ileet tltttl it in airiinat aaie to any the order lttr the other three will he plrtceii in their itttntil. The Sclteuck will be the litrgt-ttt bttrtt of the line nitd while httilt lor the general tiiwiitg htittinotta ttt Tttledo; aha will he ready to ttecept bttalnt-as wherever ite- eettttity tttay rrtptire her. ('nptitln AI i~‘itta ltatt aiitterititt-ntieti her iitilldiug for the owner, in hounr at wlittnt rthe ttae heen natned: and \\'illiItti Decker, 'trttti'til the hlttnohanaatt. will tttrtnlpulate her aplentlitl inachinery. Mil!‘ I" “‘-‘l'" '9' veau .\t' will he mtt ltltt lltttmt lrt-trttrtlattie iiurultt-r ti! vs-it-ala. the llltltttlliliul ton- |_ttageun,I the ral)I(Ii\HI! tttcmtne in teeth, but itai'a ut tttcrrnu (OLD ttttr cent) waa nut |ilf|[|IlIHO|tINl' Iy ill git-ntu tttrttut atttnr: ttttter cnuutrlaaand till iltri tr ttie 7I|‘d at Incr-ante lur all the cquntrln ltlitrn tttgt-.t.ttt:r. 02.1 per ct nt. The lneretue Imtti in the nunihttr ttt rttueta and la tonnage waa general; Auatrta hetitg the only e--ur.try whtrh lltttieti adcureiiae in tttttrtttgu Ia cum- yttrrd with t88tl, though It built one more navel »in ttlllt) than In the preceding year. Even ltutala. tthleh ttuttt.the aattta numbenzt vraula tu t-aeh rear. ahowctt aaltght gain in teenage in MED; ln cttuoltlerlttg the ll.'urealortheUultt-ti King- dunt it ahttuld be borne ttt mind that I-large "proportion at the vuutta built there are built tor tt-ralgn atttpounrra. it will he lull tttat the Uttlted statt-a. while rho-ting greater number olr-nut: built than Gurntatty in birth yrara. tultt lidtlud the litter tnuctty II mutrtla total tunttttire. and iemataa tn the third place In th( llat II it did In the your 1883. The bulk clothe ahlpa hunt in the world now- la. There were 70t.l Illltll .. Ktngttorn 1» 'l'ttE woitt.u's itt=:itcAit1'tL amp. .- nuti.ut'tth. ..o- The mercantile ahtp-httttdiag itl tttozwortd aitrtw'rtt reryiargileereaae dttrlah the year H,‘ "t taso at ttumttnred with the year it|[|tIIl|l‘l'IlOl]‘' ' ttrretttltrtg. Exeltiltaa Vv net. realatar ‘Ind ataattt um er, HID ntttrtlter of re-aetl but der- tng he y-tar tfltttt, Ia reported by Lluyd"e'. yrttrt rtttrithgn rt!‘.l0 It. with tuttrtanet -- aellflfl nu gala nan. The tonnage tnr the yt-ttrlttlt) vaa only, 3.07: to_ti;__lrIa than the rm.-I ltttltt dttrtny the ‘two ‘pnceditt| .m'i'htt ttltttrttltttlau it! the we ttel-tw I00 Jeaa _- bttow t00_t_MIl lr‘antt ute- iittg among the dlllttrttttt, cttutttrlea will he per- 'ttelr':ti by tflttttqa ttt the tollcwlntt tahlg. which "in rrttvotlatvett (met the [mutton Journal litdtu'- .. tr,it:I: ..x \‘lt\:4|:t.M ttI’ll.1‘ nt'tti.w rttl rruit tm. -No. /t .‘ l-.l'l‘i*ZltAit\' St )'I‘ .5 veaaala, with tonnage at 1,260.80! ioiia, hiillt Iaat. year, an cutupanrd with 324 nailing veaaala, wltti,_a tounttge of ‘J-H.521 Iona. AI regarda \\'u have been-rlttvcretl wi%a cnpy ol the .Initttttiltatntiiittucn pug! weeltly_ ptib- ltahetl "in New York and tlcvntetl to newn- papera,~ atithttra, artinttt anti ptihliahertt. (in the lrttntittpit-ce we litlli tttt engraving it! our ll!l‘tltH.i friend (iettrge i.. Norton, Etiitttr til Mtirlttc ./ttttrttril. N. Y. .\ eynttpeie of the ocnatruetiuh at att-III nattala, tier- utauy hulda the at-cnnd plttce. The United htahe. which held |ltI third place In the coitatruatleii nf aittttta ve-aela In H588, went down to fourth place ua reapacla atttuunt of teenage In _ta89, though it built one more attain VII thltt hull tint engraving. Captain .\'ttrtnu'e career ia |>I|iIiidllt.‘ti with the Tho .\'-tti'tmrt'l It‘cttl I'.'itIttl»- ttittl Comutert:t'til .»ltlut:rti'rrr ptililiahed in lialveatttu, 'i'ca., tzuniue ttt utir t-xtihttngu tahlu this week an Frttuce, which taktta third place. la the toe-_, tita Uitltod Blatea. he e, and it built 24 were 0! than veaaela than the United Khpo leatla it in touuagc, Gurtdady went up to third place ea pull the tnanagajotaatlteg vauela la ihll‘. velctttiicgtieet. The Qtieen (fity nl thetitill in held forth an deairitbltr locutiuu lttr hinti- nette, plepaiirc ttttti prttlit. The general ap- pt-ttrance ttttti nialtc up til the Nutt'mt'tl It’ctti Erltttc lttttcc titttl Utttrttttert-.utl idtluertirar war- Steel continue: 'to' be the principal material tiled in the ottuatrttctltin of vaaaaia total tttnaage at l,b02,ti'.'0 toti, rcaaela Ig- grerattag 1,234,304 toua won hullt at atul Oat eta patent hands “are at thgheliu." (treat North rnnttt the attaertiun that none other hut cttiu- in 1880. Veaaala aggregating lt0.fl'.'d tuna wen hullt at wood. and veoaala having ltI|llI_l[I at tott,-I05 were-htallt of tron. The eeeatructloa l‘Qtgrt-.t.t, an lltutttratetl tttnntltly record at '-' the induatrinl and cutittnareial ttrogrcaa of the Went will he launched from ol1 Vauttlawlth 1,336 tone, wan claimed nup- poettu. It_ la itttaIIllln[ to notice thIt. wood waa more ed.than line In the auaetruetloa ol \\'eat Superior. \\'la., under the able manage- ment ul Goo. D. lilonlton. publiah‘er lttli Hunter (I. \\'ella, editor: ahuut September 20th. We are more titan pleaaetl to welcome an exponent hi the needa and reqitlreincnta of the North Wttaturu Htatea. feeling aaaurod that rt wider tliuatuination ol uur reaourcwa and utlrantagaa will hut redottnd to the building up of what ia the moat prosperuua auction of the country ttt ‘the preaent tinie. We welcome the rttlrent ttt Prugretn with both handa out. The weekly I-‘rztultt Cirritltir Shtpplity lint ritttl .iIttriu'ute It'vyt'aler, i‘hiiadelphia, i‘a., cntiit-e ttt tttir tixtzhittige table this week. We are plettaetl tti tind that the ('lly ttt "llrqlherly l.ttve{' lttta tttieli tune atitl ahle I!.\lllltH)lIl ttl iiirtitlittie rtllaire aa t|i't' ‘ttlttiittie 0! tttir cott- teiiittttrary provea. \\'.i rtiztt that we may he favored with it eight of title vttlttable publicit- tittit lung ittttt the lttttire. 'i‘he iiydrttgrapitie ltliice chttrt lttr Sep- tt-tnher ahttwi that tltu let-. which hart been the ritual tiilcreating luatttrc ‘hi ‘the rharta aitice t-Irly in the eprltitt. illtt totally tlinttptteai-utl It-tttti tiiu trana-atlaittie atottnior rtttttee, tintler the itillttence ttt the atitiituer'tt atiti ttnd tha- wartii watora ttl the tint! Streaiii Aluitg litt- cuttat til Lnbradur however, cunlrent atidt:eI- aittti u! lecltergtiiu tttlll advancing attuthward. antl the Straits of Hell: lulu are ctntiptetoly chulretl tip wltlt tltttni. 'l‘lto ueual number of tiurolieta hrtre ht.-cu reported. and their Inca- littll ttlttrhlllillllttltt the ehttrt The iitttttt ill- terettting ttl tht-toe la the .\'ttrwogian liarit _L'arrler ittrve. which illltt ltoeit driltitig ahuttt directly in thc patii til the trntia~at|tttitic tt_tt~rtttttirI eittur .\itty. Iturttig that time she hnit drittetl tuliy h.3U tnllett lrtitn the point where _ehtt waa lint tthttttrvetl. (tn the tttlntitlc ccaat there ttro ‘It ttreicttt ltti hm lhttii nltic atittlten rind pttrtly tttiiiirttu veaeele. tnorc crlttaa dau- gurtitttt ttt tinvigatitiri. veaaela. lrou aonttnen to be From lltatlatreeta. ahcrteuctl. hour: 50 uttttutea. record prcvluualy. l'Hlt'l'l'ttL't-lHl~I .~’l'llh‘lt)ll-ZS. bill it) t:ontt- illitt ttpcratittii next year hart been intrtttluncti into the cltanther til deptitiea, in virtue ol'whleh tltc gtivernttteut are L-tn- powared ttt Iplttti the aunt at nearly $‘.'8.0U0 glue epact-e.—~ I'll: Stcurtuhttt. in hotintlea tu rltipt-trig. they tell pcrl. 44._. titttttttgett for the loan cf the acttocncra lllld night and .'llt-tire, 0|‘! 'l'ttwaI, on November? tttet, ttu heeu labeled agaluatjthe ateatn 8.5. Wlihelttt for $87,778.06. The ataltu wtta cltergctt whit leuvlcg part during alto vt ttiid thu_tt ltteing the ttciioouera. but the owne ,- rt! the \\'tlhelin atttswered the charge! etttitttlttg that the loan of the ttchocuer entirely nwittg to the wealtncaa of their ti tttw-lltioe and tho ttegtectot the achoonera drttp their ttitcltur-. They alao claim there waa no indication of bad weather rrh new veeaala ill W80‘ though the rayaree wIa'trua lu the year preceding: .1'hla wafowlng to the lIt‘|I uae or wood in the conatruetlua of ceiling intiie ooitatruattea ot auarn veuala more .tIr|ol than wood. it appaara that the tendency to hulld larger atcatn vuule eautlnun. 'l'hI Ivor- aga tonnlgl for the etaam ruaala built. in t889 wu 1.045 tcua, Ia compared. with 1,211 tone in H488, In lecreaatt at -I3-I toua which followed on lnereaae"nt 136 totti in tha .)‘rIt' preceding.- t."l‘ltlt,‘ LlUllT IN THE SUEZ CANAL. The uutnher of- vaaaela |tIlll|X] through the Sun eattttl at night by meaua of electric light la ittereaalng with extraordinary rapidity. The rcguiationa tor the uae of the electric light came into epcratltrn'ht llaroh. 1887. and during the rehualuder at that your (according to atatlatlcl given in the recent lirttleti aonaular report (rem Vo_rt Salt!) the iiututntr |lIi|l| It waa Slltl. in I888 the number row to t.tttt, and int ycttr ruched ‘J,-t~t5.' l’rlbr to March, 1887. the privilege of traveling by atght wtttt electric light had been rutrlctcd to value]: carrying the inttlla. Blitae titan Ill Ilt|||I which ttontortu to the regulation! are ullowerl to nrdeacd by night. The Iilul ttt Irauait. haa tttao been aoiialdarably in I836 it wla 80 haura; in I887, 33 ltoura and tilt atthtitea; la tB88. 3t haura a'ud tli tntnutea; and in 1889 it had heart reduced M25 The average time (or renela ttatng thaalaatrlc light to 1889 waa 32! home. The nhertut tltna talrcu by ateauicr in the trattalt of the euttttl in lflllfl wIa l-if hetira, which la ten tltilttllttl Icu than tltajtuteat paaaaga an need any

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