pk,SiV':""'. ' " ^w^f^g^r. ASSOCIATION Alt Slftl'Sb OjUISTIOM * | 0MRVMIlMMfM er TMI || TBHUTASV' TMIttTO, WTH llAflHWUtW). .. Buffalo. N.Y. leildent... Erie, Pai lift Vree militant.... Cleveland, 0. , Viae President.....Buffalo, N. Y. r/Vltt Fraildant. iKeWSeore.ery..... fciM^;BT*Vi, TiljMurer, OLUltH.^i.........'" | KvAJtav X. u.Ia. sn*Dil H.|M._1Ian* A./W. OoLTdf. Wlf.LiTixoiTftvi, Jr.. ......... EaiB WlSD......-.................. JiUU DAVIDSON.................... |OS. ACBTRUM......................... T. H. EOAIC.... v..'............u. U P. F1TH1II1AI.D................. I DAtift Vahcs...,................. | fin* Gordo*,...'...................... 1 Aux MoDquoau. ,...-...... Mintxi imcoiiD tirrioiAi. rAien. Chltago. Ill, .. JJuffalo. N. Y.' ..' Chisago, III. .. Buffalo, N. Y. ' ......PoffeK N. W .,, Buffalo. N. V. ...... Buffalo, P. Y. ......Cleveland. 0, ......Cleveland, 0, . *.... Toleiln'. 0. ... TJotrnlt, Mini,, . .,. Detroit. Mleli. ......Ilnr City. Mloh. ...... Chlcngo. III. ... ChlcBIOJ. Ill ..... Milwaukee, Wis. ......Milwaukee. Wis. ,., ., Minn. ... Dulutb, Minn. 01A I, (^ROUND Tfllf IiAKRfl CONTINUED HIOM HIWT . *. . PAOK.) ~T i The local ">nanagers of the Lake Carriers' JAiioelatlon were called to meet on Tuesday 'afternoon to consider the further employment fof an attorney at- Washington A (|iiorum Was not secured, but it Is understood'that the managers arc/Jo favor of continuing the em* ploynient of ex-Senator Conner mini next March. It la necessary to have some com petent man on the ipot to look after legisla tion (or the lakes. fill A UNIFORM HILL OF LAIUMi. The lake line managers held a meeting on Monday at Buffalo to formulate u uniform r lake and rail bill o( ltd inn. Managers Cald well, Evans, Gordon, and Drake were p'rei- taU Mr. Caldwell waa chosen chairman and Mr. Eyens secretary. A report on the mhject in hind, from Mr. Flrih, wai rend. On did- Uon'.Mr. Caldwell appointed F. J. Firth of tha Anchor line, John Gordon of the North ern Una, and Jf. W. Baldwin of the Ver mont Central line, aa a permanent committee of the lake and rail linea on uniform bill of J lading, they to be alio member! of the perms- | tnnt committee of the TtirakLine Asr-ociatlon, urganised in New York on August 2H. TJie [ like line managers have in view the form- Jationof a'permanent organisation among them- I selves, the better to deal with questions affect- |lng their interests. VESSEL TRANSFERS. The sale isjjV^rted frotn Toledo, Ohio, of JPODa by John VGregor, of 8agLnaw, to Mra. Martha [rli, alio the small ateamer Annie Laurie . B. Ilancfl to J. I). Hidcs,of Cleveland, |J4.000. She will bo run between Clevc- 1 and Kooky River during."the remainder pe eoaaon, and open up the excursion .bmlneJe out of Cleveland next spring. ' CkpUlo J. W. Westcotl, of Detroit, lias bought at United Stales Marahnl'a Bale the Heasn yacht Seymour for $050. The propeller Lucille, owned by Little Jakn Seligman, of $aginaw, hat been aold tn Captadn George Jepson, of Charlevoix, Mich The termi were cash, but the amount private. Aftel minor repaira to her machinery th LucUlfl will load aalt and go to Charievoii. MI cheli A Co., of Cleveland, have aold for Capti In Thomu Cowen, of Port Huron, one- tblrd iotereata In the itenoiar Hwallow CapU in E. K. Porter, of Lonln, fqr* U 1,000. ( . MA<iNETIC"UOMPAfjS. T. lp. Knudien ami A. Nurliolm, both of :(7, Store KjolHiugergade, Copenhagen havt- in- ventea a cnmpaia \)ualitifd to exncl tht> U}\- lowin^ Krrira, Curapeniatit.g*'Scmi-clrculnror ur- dlnal error. A vertical cylindrical tutie in fixed under the ctoier of thu cnupaia, and Blotted longitudinally, the hIoIb being dintiint '1)0 from onu another. Adjuntiihle hearing piecea fixed, aa r(t|iilrejl by el- crews, wiUk In the eloU, and each carry two or more hori- tontal magnets, thoie on one hearing piece being el right angles to thoao on lliu (other. Hebllng error. A third lot In the vertical tube allowa of the adjuntnu-nl of u vertical magnet placed axlally. tjundrantal error anaconiUnt are a series o( very noft iron cylinders and arranged radially to U^e ooin- poaa being supported in iheir highest jnwi- 'Tli;i,57 _ JToltdo, Oltlo, Bpaolat to ttieMarlnaRteorJ. Captain Boy^p, of the schooner John B. Merrill, waa married hero lul week, The new M T. Co/a barge Zapoteo, hullt in Marine City, li loading her flrat cargo at the Cohimuui duck, Wanted Someone to erect Iron ore docka at Una port wlth>BrownJmista or aome ptbor rapid maohinea for un)6aZrlng.^ The new steel at'eamer Heipiln, built and owned In Owen Sound, arrived here with lumber to-day. She [a the best Canadian steamer we have aeen hare, hut you could tell ahe was a "CaniicVai .far aa jou* could 'nee her. The shipment of coal to the upper lake porta h/ive abated nmtaVtally of Inte. .It'la afltrmrd by those In a position In know, thnti hnd'shlnmenls been kt>pt u'p'in a like propnr--' tion to those of .fune and ilnly, tiie upper Inko docka would have been ahaidtituly block ndi'd. Aa it Ii ililpmeiiU.'continue fiiirly strong, thoae of soffconl from Columbus and llockUig docks alone, for (ho ]:int week in AmfiithfliiIuiii)tlnK to 17,000 tons. The'Ohlo Central nlio shipped l'J.000 (ona of soft coal during tho same period. \l- After many iiiiiuccenofiil atlempts the 4u aleel steamer John \V. .Moore' tfna Iniitiched from the. yarils-of the Craig Shipbuilding Company on Tuegday. No tugs <ir iii'iimora weritpullirft;uu hvrai the time. She aeemi dimply t\) taken a notion to go and went. She presents ft Vi-ry fine lfjipearanco. It will tnke about throe wet-ks to get lief ready for sea. Z.-Jf. T1IK OFFICIAL LOfi. The four masted schooner Willie K llmiie, lately launched on Coos Hay, Ore., will gu1 Into the Alaska salmon trade. K. E. Roberts, of New York, has received an inquiry for a battery of water tube boilers for a 300 foot itemiishrp on the lakct. The British naval manoeuvres which have just end*d are not likely to add to the im pression that Britannia-siill rules the waves. The steamer Baltic, of the Yail's tow, struck heavy in the Hoo River on Wednesday and ii having-jepairs juadu by a diver above il(u cannl- ^, Pn-aident Harriaon appointed a commission, to select a iuttable site for a dry dock on the Pacific conat north of the northern boundary of California. Mchunald <V Ilrown, Belfast, h\e., have ji|it contracted to huild the largest schooner ever hulll in the Bel fust district. Sheia to bo a four muster of nbout 1,'J00 tons. A new life saving station to be ijtualed on the eaaterly end of lioii Blanc Ialnnd, rjtralta of Mackinac, la now, in courw of erection, ground having been broken August 24. N. II. Fanjubar. of Waehmgton, I>. ('. receive proposals until Heptepiber Dili and one-half hVura^hefore il BtTrTrhMo flow In *(he tame direatiora\it the aurfnoe of the water 0 v wrecking tug Favorite with aleamvr Ohlo^lvtow arrived at Bay City on Mon day morrtjng /rom the 8auIt River. The wreck ralihrj^Jiiethoda applied on the Ohio were very succeWui.' She will be repaired at H*y 9& anuN^totl out for bunnNi again without llfll The tint of the new aleel Whale back barge waa launelird from Krie Basin Yard on August 20. The hargo wna marled and after moving a abort dlifancu at ruck hut mime away again itnd Rallied into tlm tug Excelsior damaging her and carrying away part of tl\e deck. The barge recoivod dnmige, to'une of her plites, ' ' fliomaa Drein A H n, of Wilmington*Del., have been tinuiunlly buay. diirlng,the lummer oenson, and there isn't muph sign of slacknesB there nuK, Tlu present orders on Impd piimbnr some fifteen metallic life bontH, ineni- iiriK from'JO to *Jfl (eel, two largo sea'life rnfla and four smaller ones, beside* tlto usual ammiut of transient and repnir wnrk. 'The hjunclilog of fhu \Ut[ iteol .vemfl ever constructed in New Jersey took plaqe nl Elixilnthport on the 'JHth ult. Samuel L. Moilre A Suns are lt)g hnitdera. The steamer Is hullt for residents oI'Mexicu. The iliiueu- sions of the craft are no feet lung, K> feet beam and C^' feet hold, or1 about one-third the ni*6<oftlie jimctice cruiser #hich llie lirm is to build for the- Unit.-il Sinte Oovernmeut. (The Minitlilij ]\'-<it)nr iiu-inr prepared under thu^tireclion of Chief Signal nthcer of llie I'nited Smiea anny says. "At Mujutli, .Minn., a fine mirage was observed from II a m. to Pi p. m, June 10ih, The Wisconsin shore for 1!0 to :I0 milt's fllood oul'in bold be lief; forests Mt an unknown distance appeared inverted; and the mouth of the Brule Klver; 'JO miles diHiant, wal plainly viHible." TLeMunitlienJ light prenitling nver the marine cotiiinna of Ap Port Huron $unil<it/ Hrruttt must have l^p in n btfppy frame of nnd applying 8 UO* to tun |rfi,ihe course to I land, aiid waa value! at 120,000. I he Trera- be iteored la 8.11 W E. and not S. 1 IS' E. ble is imured for $2>1,o71, of which |I3,fi7I la m In the cnmiianlw of Hfcnllb, Davl, A Co,' V. eli are oiuiionod to pan 10 the' Canada aid* of til. wreck.-. Th.W,|moro uilalned oon- bowl bafng. badlr maibtd. 8II.I.I..H,,,.,,,,, ,nd |, OT balnit rapalrtd >l Port Huron. Tb. .lean,.. It p. ii, ,r with tha Hboonar John Martin in tqw, alio bo^nd up, wai a hnrtillauiiMM,n of tho Illanohard and Tffinhl., .nd | nllrm|itlng to atold tha wreck cm. In colll.lon with lh.Or.nd Trunk ferry Uuron. .The latter .u.i.bed illKl,t in jury, hm the li.nney had a bole 10 feel Ion* ' atrvamher port bow. . Her damage will amount to iercrn| thoiliand dollar!. Tha,10 the Itanney are .nmewhnt' eilen- ii; 11 Itlhli Il ore wo tlnd for- - K: s. K. deviation 8" 20; w - W ,H. W. /, 11 i) i:. \v W. 1 8 o k. K. s 1 ' 11 Jjil w tion bV a ring. Armi eoupect the ring with a bqaa, loosely fitting a screw spindle, and the Ut allows of'tliu rising or lowering ot llie ring, and with It all of the cylinders, The cylinder* are retained under all ciruuimtunces Iq thalr highest puailiou, being supported in bearlnga In a rim piece, which doea not move tieuly with the ring. The cylinders are Intnff the ring at varying level, by the 1 bearlnga. In addition to (he vertical enf, the whole syetem may be tunjed liniUe,"* and fixed by sul Hcrevrs, the prlng, and the spring roda allaubeil lor pressing the cyllndera inlu llio|iiicu per ti>u earings Thla last arrangement may tuntiage owned in Mm led In compasses, with small curds by ^ [m , -.. -^ ha cylinders on pivoted unns con- ' Talotaiiil |iln action with ilio ring.1 < aptmu fcmmuel,..... bd Noedlea. The card is carried lit b( of ancled-ahaped Bhoet metal, w thin-walled pipes ^tlaned nt right llbe eap. From two of these pipes to T shaped supports for tho needles. Brta are pressed concave for light' Itrength. The needlea liave grooves fund them near' either end, and are rough the holes iq tliu head of the fit the grooves rest in the holes. but held dnu without Bolderiog. for the iron and steel work for macjnne slui|i extension at the l". S. navy yard, at Norfolk. The Ocean Marine Insurance Co., of London Kng., have Jtppoiofed Meaaurs. II. W. Newhall & Co., as their agents In Han Fran cisco Cal., with power to accept marine rlskn on their behalf. The Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Company will let the contract for the steamer City of Tacoma to a Philadelphia firm as soon aa their new City of Seattle, now nearly finishe.d, is tested. (Iray'a Harbor, Waah., line exported in five months past ] 1,000,000 feet of lumber, princi pally to San Francisco. The three-muled schooner Aberdeen was to be launched Sep tember 2> She will carry (150,000 feef of lum ber. The cruiser Sn Francisco, after her irial trip to Santa Barbara, Balled; into, San Friin- cuco with colors (lying, booming^of cannon, and shrieking of aieam whiitlbs, The trip waa successful aud 'JODii knots' stands to her credit. A new propUr,( the Panther, recently launched from the Wesi Bay Ciiy ship yarH, will go Into tlie ore trade, she IS 'Jflt f.i-l keel, M f.iet buim and 'idA feet, deep II is expected tlint sl.e will carry close on to 2,000 tons of or*). *1 he Danish Mercantile Navy at the end of IhW numbered .t,^ 11 vtwaela of a total tonnage of 2H1,IH1 lon, of winch 'J,i):iH were sailing Vesnela, of 177,1117 tons, and U0'i steam Ufa, of The lucrease upuir 18HS is 7 per eeut all round A contract lias been aigned belKeen two French-engineers named Kecn|ie and I .nil tin, and (be Uopubllcof Chill, for the erection and luting up of HH lighiliiJtiseaof diiTcrenl orders on the Chilian coail, from the Mraila of Magellan Up to A rim, Sir Charles Palmer says, thirty years ago, 7 17 men Wore employed in British sleainora per 1 (Ml tuns, m her, us lu-day the riillo is "J.-i men per ti.u In Imo ibe tuinl n( siuvtu Wild Itl7,ti'l^ lulln. .-iinle, hiis iieen tn Washington pleadtng the causuof (be Ameri can ship beforo nientberi of tho ILiuso of HepreflentAllvae. He reports n cordial re ception. Bti attentive hearing, uud goptl grounds for en ouragemeni - Vnnru ./"lirnn/. An inttiroBliiif; fact just asiertaiucnd by govenimeiK ijbnervern is that nl the eilremi- tios of Long Island Sound N. Y., the ijdo begins to flow Inward near tliu bottom ouo mind when he perjTelratud the following Jeu d'esprit; 'The scow Sasaacus went ashore in Lake Michigan last Saturday, and is kindling wnVrd now inalead of a "aaasy cuss." She iras valued sit $1,000, hut wei no( worth ?*jr>0. She hailed from Cleveland, Ohio. An automatic system of gas lighting Isaboul to be given a practical test by the Dominion marine department, and if successful will be a ho in to shipmasters and pilots inasmuch as it will afford a greater varieiy of lighiaj und so render the different localities ^mire readily distinguishable. The system will be tried -op the gas', buoy at the weal end of Bcaujeu channel Tn tho St. Lawrence, which will be changed from a fixed to an occulting light. The Cleveland City Forge and Icon Com pany has a hammHf wbi^^n ||rj^ *'|?*y equaling :i,000 Ions, and has n capacity of forging a piece of iron weighing 150 tons The bed on which (his hammer rests consists of solid masOnrr, and is imbedded llo feet In the ground The bloc'< on which U strikes weight just 100 tons. The Cleveland works cover some ten acres of ground and have ipiite a number of buildings, two of which are 1,000 feel long, and tilled wilh massive machinery. I he new light-house at the end of the pier at Port Colbume, which has just been com pleted, is one of llie best built structures of its kind on (he lakes. The diameter of the |buse is 25 feet, and H rises to n height of tiO [feet. Steel plates of oae ouartorjnch thick ness enclose iU solid founda'iou of rock and cement. Above the bmo the building rises HO feet hi octagon shape. The entire work ihas been done In about two months, and the cost will be between *V>00 and t,000 To give an instance of how very dull trade IB at Kingston Onl., II might be stated lliat some weeks ago a tw left with 5,000 tons of railwuy iron for Uie West, The vessela were compelled to return toa Kingston light. CupUins are being paid otf in sunie cases, there bemg no imniudute prospects of the carrying trade improving Not only llie grain, but the lumber trade la dull Thla ason all the Umber for rafting for Quebec and (he old country was carried in a few monlhi in other words, the work was nishqd for all it was worth. Now timber vessela are being laid up fur the wiuler* Heretofore they laid up_in October - A (iiHKI'i n<)As so much \nluiible space In your paper has been given to the subject of umipuss errors, adjiisluieula, elt., a few lima more on (hla lni| ortaiit subject may nol be out of place II. ('. Pearsons on (he onlwiird Voyage linds himself in his late couununicalion Ift the M MUNI Ul (<>i|H out to the left, nnd tbere- foru he steers so much lo the left from thu purl <>f deMlinmion on tin return course home. It inunt he ill rtiuemhertid, fnnii the port of denllnatioii, afler In has got dure Hm n he ibtiuis ibc same rule for tugs and unlnug In tnnkliig in. pi ri, the cane is ipitte dtf- ler.nt. fur ihem il is to mid (he tmirsn oi er the ground luck, if ihey have steered N. 7" ITi' K. and litid themselves S II(V to tho left, Jho return course H. 7* I>V W. with H" ;iff to the left, that is S, 1 I<V K. will not lake them k to Ihe huine port, < ven if the iiiii'Uitit of as stated by II. C. Pearson*. Not latMlod with thla miscarriage, ho con tinues; "Vciiela sailing on \ny oeuraa "thif niikea northing, have greater deviation than when Bailing on the reverie course making southing. This reiulti'from the fact that la tho two northern quadrants of tbecotnpaas the flrat and fourth, thejwo parte of deviation, aemi-clrcnlarand c|nudranial, comaatogteher by like signs, f. c. by adJltion, wlflo in the second and third they come together by un like aigns or by subtraction. Out of twenty- nine deviation tab lea- submitted to Mr. C. B, Airy, Astronomer Itnyal, for dlKctiuion, only one variedTrom this rule."' , " ' The statement Is only true Bs*respecti(ves^ _____ . aelB In'which, the permanent south pole h|sivc. Eighteen frames are "broken and heX located at or near the bow] If at the Hern, as s.erj. is sprung. Repairs' are being mndol Inagnodma-hy vesseli, l^e greatest itevia- t Dunford A- Alvcrion'O drydocfi '"The/ lions are found on soiith(/rl||[courBeH and pot colliahtn between the Ranney and the e*a on northerly. As an exanuiKiiUl "I ma'ny, ferry was caused by ,|lu i(irn beln h((|1 J d.SMVanior, for-which Evans, rro, ,nken vessel ws's direct- lu.his manual on deviation gives the devia- !y ahead and thai she must come nearer in lo avoid the wreck. In doing so the host struck he'erry, which had just entered her. slip with sleeping cars of a New York ami Chica go train on boar.-!. The occupanta of the ... . . . . .^"" """ftlV'nsleep, and were startled by Here the grea.e,. deviations are of |1|(. |tMm^ Much exciteiuenl ensued, for a few moments^ ji-:rKf)NpKnjo~ CVldrt l.AMt Sept. 10." to lt,> K.lttur t tkt Murine i{,,,,rit. Through the courtesy of the Cleveland manager of the |) ,\. (,\ |me 0f aTcamera I was iu*riiilitefl to accept an luvltalion U>.ai|end (he celebration of the late Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Erie. The fact that seventy- -even years ho^ve now elapsed since that memorable encounter took place is of course well known to all ul your readers, yet, 1 would like to record the statement that I was in close proximity to the icuqe of battle, heard (he cannonading and though of lender years distinctly remember the breath leu suspense which those Dn shore wailed to hear news of the result of the engagement. Previous lo the hstt|e iheTTrTKsbriUet laid Bt the Kings wharf at old ForTXrWen and 1 there saw the cannon now placed ii*. Monu mental park, Cleveland, which was captured from the schooner Queen Charlotte. The Commodore in etligy Hands gazing at the "barker" which caused him no little trouble ovpr three iiunrler* of b ceniury ago, and if It Is possible for the departed to know anything of ilus world he could look back with great j pleasure, lHal is if glory makes n man happy. On November 10th, iSlit Commodore Perry entereu that beautiful t>y, there was o,l (hat nine hut one log cabin on the island nnd that was rucupied bv an elderly mm nud his faradv, who werei the only reaidenU, except ing the rattle -nakee which iould fairly be counted to turn onl about forty bushels to the acre however, when the illuiirious commo dore beheld the stars anil stripes tloating over his disabled Heel, while that of his Isle antag onist was downed and dishonored, I venture lo say that Perrv had a greater picnic on that occasion limn the many thousands which the f At. line boats now carry there 'through out the summer season. While enjoying whB4 may possibly he my Ins! picnic lo Put in-Bay, I iould not help wondering whether I dad an assooiatu or cuniemporarv tn the cruwils wh>c|i visited there on the I0lh., any other, who, while not bearing the brunt of the battle, wbb yet close enough lo luar the cannon booming, if there are any such 1 would feel it an honor to meet ihem. As O1.J1 PifiMMt Maiiinmi oi 1-K erly courses, and besides west deviatioi eaaterly courses and east deviations on wesl- erlyuBiirses.fuelftthat contradict II. C. Pt-nrsom.' I statement in every reajHtl. Trying In amend am,unpractical rule he lint* made matters nnty : worse. Had he applied the chalk on deck thi time appearances plight have been dif ferent JnltN MAfltU II. (The average render-1 should mlmit that we have endeavored to elucidate the apparently existing dilTereuceson the above subject by printing the views of our several correspon dents from week lo week. It la somewhat dillicultrjlo continue a technical umtrnversey in these pages, when the chief points at issue are those winch even the junior ofiicers of coasting vessels are or should be praclicaUy familiar w|th. In all professions a difference of opiniou-on certain suhjccia may he found Joexisl snd are usually courteously acknowl edge among the fraternity interested, such'we perceive must be the ultimate result of the correspondence on compass errors, their ad justment, or application, especially whengoini over the ground of a "besien track " We (rust thtrefore that our esteemed correspon dents will give us due credit' for the facilities offered in these pages nnd by an acknowledge* tiH-nt of ihanks for their past favors we will for the present close the series of letters on this much discussed subject - En. i < The Week's Casualties. nacK in ine inline pon, ven ir ioe iiiU'Oiui deviation on opposite loiirae were ihe Hhll K..r,h IK)' to ihe left of N. 7' I.')' E is NT l.V W magnetic over the ground, the oppo site course of which Is S. 1 1JV E. magnetic, * register, Is. ned bv I C. PiUpalrick of Cleve- The steamer (t Ci. ifadley, bound up, coal laden, grounded about midnight haturdav, just below the St. Clair Fists Canal A ferjj boat worked si her and she whs finally released without damage Vi hen oil Cop'per Harbor last Sunday night the steamer F. W Wheeler broke the plunger of her air pump and wna compelled, with the schooner Ashland in tow, to put back 'o Mar quette lor repairs The propoller C. J. Kershaw nnd consorts ran into the east arm of ihe Cleveland break water, when bound out Isat Sunday nighi.. The damage to the breakwater ia light and the vessels were appareilly uninjured aa they proceeded on, itfler getting clear of the port The steambarge Porter Chamberlain hag been in the Wolverine dry-dock several weeks having ste'ol arches put in. The work waa completed on Wednesday and lire dock tilled with water when the arches broke in three places. She will be .retained in dock a week longer In make repairs. \boiit two o'clock Monday morning the rniiidri al Kurt Oraiiot was the scene of a very lerious murine disusler, whareby one life ua< hist, together with ihe pnitiatdu lotal lost uf one of ihe largest lake schooners, ihu steamer II W lUanchard. towing Ihe ich lomr M. I Tremble, cunt luden, hound up. nrel the nluambargu W, I Wetmure, ore laden, b inn! down. Mtfiiuls to punn to nliiriiiinriJ were * - changed, and the two 'nleauiers pusied mih ,,llier about 'J0O f.ei apart Ihe \\. i more and I ninble then rtpidlv upprum heil eacli other and came together uith inmeinl oils force, the steamer nlrikin^' the Ireiublc <>n the starboard bow, (iitling her domi no that she tilled and sank in less thiiu In. minutes \\ Inch -t ihe. ln vtHmli ihe. red from hi r i oiirsv i aiiiiot he nm ertnitu d, as Ihe lips of both crews an' senled I'lu I retnhle lies nearl> <>u her beam tnds, diredl\ nt rom llie channel,.!!) |u feet of unler, with nh.iui JO feel of her tnpuiiniia ehiiitlug out of ilic water Mie Is about iOO feel abov e the li'-ls ford elevittor and J"1' fuel fr-nn llie i.rmitl 1'ruiils dock .hi Hie \ |ueri> mi nuh >-lie f mix II IIIOSl drtllglTollH I'lHlrillllOll (.....UKMHHI and pilots K,ll"K ll11" 'be river nl.niil.1 uxt . v Ireine catuinii, pnqstttg In the cnnhMird f ihe 'll.jve bright llghu ir. n.>H -h'Hui ii the Iremhlu's spurs W illiiim Mc\[iiugh, ti sen- nmn'on the Tremble, went down with tho ves sel. IllshQiutt waa In Kingston, Out, All nthera of the creweneiped with what clothing thev lool in II is llo npiuiioi if experts Unit inwiiK ii> th. I'MhilMH III nbich the Iremblii lies, and ihe snifltiens uf llie nirreut, (il Hill 'be impossible to raise her. Shu Is of n.'>> ions LAKE FRElOHTs 1 I mights were ipilel j esterdnv in rfml coal and rates were unchanged (onl charters Propellers John |< levelaiid to I'uhitli, I h Kotimaniti, lH MiUatike., >0( 1 red Kellev, l>u cugo, <>" lotua (<harh>tu- t.- ( lu< ho,.ne.r M K W artier, ('level md I. low.n, ilk \|>iiigiiagoti, t lev. land u pruali tnfiii" I it/lnigh, ( leviluid I -to Marl*, "c 'I he m hooip-r > I Itnnien Ink,. Kucaiinlia to Wvstid.iite nl "'n. takes Traill from I Imn^u u< i.iilhtl l iii< v ", "epieuiber In \ earn- in gi.od ueniaml mid liriuer on th I ( wheat. I mi mm nnd I llullalo 11. on corn t. ......r^nut ( n- Tn llntTnl.i v.],,; L-a. I binon. \m. run..! I I t k l)in.ii|>li ran ( ilv 1 Koine, .1- >m p ..or.nil Uat I 1 hnuforili r, m 111 n *i N ^ , September. I rnighis nr( dull and east ^hiy? nbool nil llo 1 'iino;e nee.led I. r ] nk< both oru Mitchell, , lliidalo e lo ( In leago $in. Mam- i PetToil. 1 . ^Hllll ul f ,r I ik. Ni(.ri..r the 1 i, |tfl.M..d ll.r. .. '|o I p I i -l oal rs bad Micbi- d ii.Hli- llaj.r 1'OV I, W.VII 1 Mil N) \l "I'MMI 11, , Bui L'ti Scpiiiuber -('th' to Nlagnrii Fulls via Nickel PI ite leave t levulnml 10 p.m., nrrm ,o 1 >!l<....... S|......her .'Ul i,n iiiin in urml tit I i nm * I ,l(' e vim ' > $ J'ifj ' ( III. ..I......or I'millnr n tivlii^'>lu u> K down lit. (in nccmilll of low water lilt .1 liulM... Nint;nra Klver ^ Damaged Paper SJB&i  and one-lte|t'lt ur helttre it r" {low and applying t4° till’ iu’ um I«lt,tlte ttlilirauiio iltdlwll valuo.i utt25,1mo_ ,,,'._1.'"m_ bill! ii'|lilrt'ti for $29,671, of which ll3,ll7l la Vivi . (utoutttt ‘rm: L.utr.a Vf.‘0'll’t'ttll.tll),l’lt0ll mutt‘ i‘ in :the lame dlreetln tutow.) soptmott ,l ‘. 'afternoon to coneider the further employtttent fol an attorney ll‘ \i'a-irltigton t||lUfllHi ‘hon to an euuel. nvlevtette er ueevweeoetaree er vreItnawv' home. wrtto tawaateriw av we vote rtreoe ve ne- iwrteeev or -waoeie will aim nnIaa.lltlo. llnltalo. N". X’; bill I’ 0. Tnletilll. 0- Datmituilinh, llatrult. .\lleh. [lay City .\ilelt. Chietuto. .Chlerttur. iii. iiliwuttkea. \\' t\iil_wttttitua, \l',la- ..t 'Dttl‘tttlt. .\il_ Dulutb.'t\lltttt. Dfllb VatIca.. (int: GtI_IDt‘l.V. At.I:'}teDnuatt.t. '-' tunttut ._—..jj..:.__—___ The iocaiï¬nanegt-re of the Lake CarrierI' -Aeaoclatlon were ca|led‘to_tner.-t on 'i‘ttctulay {wae not Iecured, but it in underetond ‘tltat the 'nt.7.nagarI arcin litter of continuing tlte etu- ploytnent of e§;.5'ttnntur Conger ttlilli next March. it in neeeaettry to_havc aottte cont- p'etent man on the rpm to look after legtu|I- tlon tor the lake. _{.....___._— AU.\‘lFOitit ttlLt. or l.Al)ll\'(i. The lake line manage lteld meeting on Monday It Buttttlo to tortuulate tt uniform ,lake and rail bill at l_atling. .\iInagerI Cald- well, EvanI,(.iordon, and Drake‘ were rim- enl. .Mr. dwell wae choeen chairman and Mr. Eyane It.-cretary. report on the Iuhject in hand. trout .\ir. Firth, waa read. On‘ uto- tion'.Mr. Cildwcll appointed 1-‘. J. Firth of the Anchor line, John (iordort of the North- no line, and /F. W. lialdwln of the Ver- nionl Central line, II perntanent committee at the lake Itld rail linee on unifornt bill of 'iadlng, they to he Ilao membera oftite perttta- lnnt cotntnlttee of the Trunk Line Aetcciatlon, organized in New York on Augunt 23. The lake line tnanagire have In_ view tlte tortu- |'nolI'pIrt1tInentorganintittnantcng theroé‘ aelvee, the better to deal with queatione attent- iu| their iutere_It.I. *~tstz1.' TRANt§FER.~t. The Iaiela rted from Toledo, Ohio, of .v -. nonab ._l§l.tt3 Gregor. of Fiaglnaw, to hire. Martha aim the email Itt.-Inter Annie Laurie B. lienoe to J. ll. liicire,.ot Cleveland, H.000. She will be’ run between Cleve- Ind Rocky River during"lhe remaittder ti Iaaaon, and open up the excureiott .hnI tneae out of Cleveland next eprlng. .t'pt.Iin 1.. tv. tv...m.u, of Detroit, 1... ht at United Statee .\iIrIitnl’I aale tlte Iteain yacht Seymour for $050. The propeller. Luclilr, owned by i.ittle ‘Jaktt Seiigntan, of Saginaw, ltIe_ been eold to Captain George Jepenn, ct Charlevolx, .\iiclt., The ternta_ were cub, but the atttttunt priv_ate. Attei minor repalre to her machinery tlte Lttoilio. will lcad,eIlt and go to Charicvoix. iiiiii cheii Co.. of Cleveland, ltave acid for Cap in Thontaa Cowen, of Port littron, one- thlrd intureeta in tire eteanter Hwallow to Gap in E. K. i'ertcr. of Lorain, for‘ $11,000. .—— 263%‘ .\iAi‘t.\'E'l‘lC'et),\ll’A§S. 'i‘. t‘. Knndlcn and A. .\'orltoittt,'botlt'ot 37, Store 'jotttttIgergatle, (‘oponltagen ltave in- vent cntnpau uualltl-.-ti to exact the (ol- iowin EHFI, Com eneatihfï¬en '-circular or ear- dinal rror.— vertical eyltttdricttl tuhe ia fixed‘ nder the ctnter ttf the cttlllplll, Iod Iiottedy longitudinally, the ttlota being diatttnt '00“ front one another. .-itljutttttble hearing Dleoee fixed, ae rt-qttirql by at-t-aerewa, wttrk in the alota, anti eaclt carry two ttr more ltori- Iontai magnate, than on one iletaritttt-|Iit't‘e bein at right anglea to titolu on tlto _other. iiett error. tltird Iiot ltt tlte vertical tube aiiowa of the Idjuattttent ttf It vertienl ma net placed axially. Quad-rantal error antfco Itattt are utriea of very aoft iron cyilndera and arranged radt _v to the corti- pnu being Iupporteti ltt their ltigheet poet- tion a'ring. Artoe uoupect the ring with hoee, looeely fitting ecrttw Ipitttiie, Ittd tlte nut Illowe of tlte riaing or. lowering ut the tin and witit it all ut tlte eylindera. Tito "cytindere are 'underttil in their hi pbttttlon, being aupported itt bearitt in rim piece, wltich done not move iy with the ring. The crlindertt ttrtr ltt tn! the ring at varying ltrvela ltr the ed hearlnge. ltt ltlititiilitt to the vertical qthe Cclutnbua dock. Jfoiedo. Ohio. ‘. Btnolal to Marine lleeartl. Captain no r, at the eeltbcner John ll. llierrili, wee married here laet week. â€Ti|o'!III T. Cole barge Zapotec, huiit lit Marine City, irloading her tint cargo It ‘4 W_anted—Same\one to erect iron are docke at line port With-BIOVIEFRIIII or"enme other rapid macitinee for no ng."_A The new teteel ateamer Sequin, built and owned in Owen Sou'tttl,tat-rlvt.-ti ltcre.with luntbur to-day. She la the but Canadian Iteamer we have l|.'Gn ltare, bttt you could tell ehe wee rt "‘C!itlil¢i("'Il _lar-aa -you‘ cottld ‘nee her. ~’ '. .’i‘hc ahipntent ot coal to the upper lake port} have abated ntatuilttlly‘ of hue. .it'-la ittiirttted by tltotte in pnaitinn to know, ‘that 'hati‘I'ltlpntenta been kept ttpitt like prttpor-'4" tinn tn thoea nt',.intta and duly, tlte upper lake dttcittt would have been altatrltttuiy black- ‘tI":i‘l‘li. An it ie Iiliptt|l‘IIil'vi ccntintte fttirly itrottg 't_hoee cftanfteonl lrom_ Unlutttltittt anti iiockl dockaflalone. for tho lttnt ‘week in I\|lRllIi,;IIl1IiIi_lllitIfllt) l't',000 tone. Tiliiioiliti Central ttieo khlptted i2,0tl0V.tona of ‘loft coal during the aante perlot|., After tttnrty tttteucceanfttl atietnpta the lit ttteei eteanter Joltn \\'. .\ioure vltta lniittched ‘from tho. yitrlle»'ol‘tlttt Craig hjhiphttlltllng Corttpatty op :i‘ueeda,v. Nu ttttre or Itettrnera ttitttply iQJltLi'(' taken it notiott to go nntl wuttt. She prelénte tt very littt! tfppottranctt. it will take tthout three weeks to get her rettdy lttr It-a. ’/,,-tr, Till‘) til-‘l“l(.‘lt\l. LOG. The fttttr tnaated acltncner Willie ii. iirttne, lately inuttchetl on Cam iiay, t)r_e., wiligtt into the dlttttka Ialttton trade. ii. E. liuberte,ol New York, Itae received gtn_ inquiry for battery of water tttbe hoilcrtt for 300 font etctttttattip on tlte lakce.‘ The llritielt nttvnl ntanoeuvrt-e which hive jttet ended are not likely to adtl to the itn- preeainn that ilritanniI- elili ruiett the.wavea. The Itettmer llaltic, all the Vail’; tow, tttittck heavy in the Boo liiver on Wédneetiny and il lteviogoepaira ruatitt by diver above ‘the canal. '&/ Preaideut ilarriaon appointed tt cnttttttittalon, tn Ielt-ct Iuitabie Iite tor dry limit on tlte Pacific conet nnrtltoi the northern boundI'ry of _CaiiforniI. .\ici)onald tit iirown, iiellaat, ML, have juet cpntraclnli to bttild the lat-gent ttcltoooer ever built in the iiplfttat diatrict. Shete tohe rt tour tttttater of about l,‘.!00 tone. new life eaving atation to be Iitualed oft the eIIterly end of iloia Blane ielttnd, ï¬trttita _9t_ Aiagklnac, la no'w.ln course of erection, ground having been _hroken Augttet '.‘»t. N. ii. Farquhttr. of Waehington, it, (7. will receive prnpoIalI_until Hcpteutbttr tltlt lnr the iron and totecl work for maejtinc tthop uteneion It the L". S. nttvy yard, at Norfttlk. The Ocean .\lIrlne lneurance t.‘o.. of London l‘Ing.,'ltave appointed iiieeaure. ll. \\'. .\'ewltall ck (.‘o., aa their agenta in Han Fren- elecn CIl., with power to accept tttarine riaka on their behalf. The Puget Sound and Alaeka iiteaueltlp C0tii|fln] will let the contract for the ateumer City of Tacoma ttt a‘l'ttiladelphia tirttt_ aa aoon Ia their new City of Seattle, now nearly tiniIhed_. la teated. tlrayie ilarbur, \VaIh., ltae exported in live montlte ptiet ll,000,000 feet of lumber, prittci- ‘pally to Han Franeiaco. Tito three-maaled achoone Aberdeen wan to he launched Hep- tamber 2. She will ca'rry 050,000 feefttt lum- her. The cruiaer Hun Francipco, after her trial trip to Santa iittrhara, IalIed;.ittto_ San Fran- clean with ettlura tiring, houtttittg.ttf caution, and Ihrielting of ateatu whiatiett. The trip waa auceeeafui attd ‘.’0.tltl kttottr llllilirt to her credit. new propolh-r,_ the i'ant|ter, recontlv iattltclteti irottt the \\'eII_ ilay i'iIV- aitip yaril. will go into tbu nrt- irltio. She il ‘.:.‘t.'l ft-et ket-|,1itl foot bettttt end '.’tIl feee deep it in erl[II'ttll'ti liltti aite will curry eloae on to '.‘.,tlt)U tone of ore. The iianiah .\ierottntile .\'Ivy at tltarend of ib'ti‘.i tttttttharod 3,2 Ill vertaela of tottti tonnage oi ‘.‘ttl,0ii ion», n! which ‘..’,tl:lF were nailing rem-la, of i7T,‘iii7 ttttta, end 8071 tttttatttnra, of ‘till,-')'.'7 ltrtll. Tire lttcrenau ttputr iligltt in per eettt all round. eontraut htte been aitrned i.M'iVt‘,|‘ctl cwu i"retteit-ettgltteertr rttutted lieetqto attd l,aIlutt. ttttd the of Uitlli, tor the t-reetiutt tttttl lilting up ol liti ligltthuttaett oi tiilierettt ttrdera on the Cltilltttt coaal, frottt Ibo -‘itruita of biagellatt up to Arica. Hit Chttriee i’ttittter eaye, thirty yearn ago, -- t, the whole ayetettt may he turned indie,‘ and filed by eui ttert-we, the. ring, and the aprittg rode uttaoitutl rqaittg the eyllndt-re into the, ear nga. Title illitl nrrattpretttettt tttay ed in cotttpaaaea, with email ettrdn by he eyllttdere ott pivoted ttrtm cott- Ilnt atttl Ilili ttetlutt with the rttt it til ——'i‘ht- card in carried ed ltapeti Iitoet met lhiilvwliieti pipe: planet! to rhttt ecap. l"rottt two of tlteee pipue Ihaped eupportr for the need ea. Ill are prettaeti ctttteave fut: light- trength. Tire rteediea have grttttvee nod them near‘ eitlturnttti. ttnd are it the itolee in tire hettd ot the lit roovee rat in -the ltolee., ti than without Iolderlng. T.»|.' men were etttplnyed ill iiritialt tttentttetu per ltltl tuna, wheretot to-tiny tliu rtttio in ‘.'..~~ tttett per ton itt la-"tit the total of tttottrtt tuttttttgeowtteti ill liritattt wttn lIiT,ti‘.|.N' tuna, and iuai your ri.7lT,7:lh totta. t'aptnto hittntttel, nor mnmt-itttt~, hm. been in Wat-ltittgtott plaadtttg the ettttae at tho Anteri- cttn ahipbcfure ntetttltcre oi tlto liouttc at licpreeantativatr. lie reporte tt, cordlni're- ceptinn. att attentive hearing, and good grottrtda for etteottrrtgetttottI.—- .il4lI‘IIlt ./ultrtttlli. Art itttttrttetitq; tact jtnq ttttrortaitteud hy gttvertttttuttt ubaurvertt ta iiIl|i at tho extremi- tioe of Long iaiand Hound .\'. \'., the tide hcglntt to llow inward nepr titu bottom otta tr were puIlirtk‘tttt‘lter at the tittte. Hlto ‘It-eme the Iurface of the ecklngvtug Favorite with ieleemer ‘st. willhe repaired It led out for lturtneee again iiltil.†The iiret at tlte'new eteel Whale beck barge .waI latinctml from Eric ilpaln Yttrd on Augutttflii. The barun wae Itartcd and after moving _eltort tiittattce ,Itrt't'ek hut; ettme away again nnd.tia1hed into the‘ tug iixceleior tittntatring her and carrying away part of the tl'ec_k.‘ 'l‘lte barge received dntnvge to-one of‘ her pidfltt-it.‘ _' i_' ‘i‘honttur Dreln tit Son.-t>t.\\'llmlntrton, Del., have been ttt'tuiunllr'httay', tlnrlng,tlte Iuttttttt-r §t'Dtlttl1,fil|ti tlterti lett‘t tttt_tplt Ilgn_ of Ilttttitnetta there nun, The prottttrit ttrtlera on hand jtllllllilltr It<IIIlo"iiftt!t‘l\"Itifiliiiic life btttttu,'ttteaI- ttri--u.frottt‘.li7 tu‘.'ll [_et-t, two’ large aeaillte mile and fttttr etnttller tltltttt, beaiden tltit ttltttul arttottttt ottranait-rtt and repair work. Eiiztltutltport tttt the ‘.lRtlt_ ttit. '.‘ittmttcl,'L. .\iottre tk Sona are thi: itt_tilderI. The Itt-nmer lI‘ltuiit for renldt-ttta tii'.\it-xt't.-o. .-’i3ltu tlltttL-u- alone of the craft are ti-'t feet long, l."t feet 'i)t!lIlil and ii§"fet-t hnitl,Vot‘ about one-titirti the l|il6(ttf the itltluliitlt (‘I’|li‘t'l' which the Iirnt ie to build for the UliiiI'li .‘-llntes ttovcrnntcut. .,Tht- .lIottlItl_t/ ii’utlher It’t:i'r'rtr prepared under iiIi!__kiii‘l’(llit)l't of Chief Signal tttlieer of the i'ultetl hrrttt-tt army Iayu: "At Duluth, .\ilntt., litre tttirrtge w'aa nharrved irnttt ii a. ttt. to l‘.‘ p.~rtt., -June ltitlt. The \\_'ltoco'noin Iltore for ‘.20 to ill) ntlipa alotttl out‘ in holtl rie- llef: fttreate at tilt ttttkttown tllatttttt-e appenrud inverted; llnli tltetnotttlt of the iirttill lti\'er: ‘.’U tnilee distant, wal plainly vinihle." Ti;e-tttaetlteatl light prtrttitilttg over the tttttrine colttutua of Port‘ littrott .\‘toultt_u Ilttrtritl ntttat have in ll hlppy lrttttte of Jen tl’eaprit; ‘The Icow blatancua went aelroye in Lake didktiflltll Iaat tiaturtlnv, and la kindling wtt ti now inatead of rt "eaaay ettatt." Hhc watt veltteti nt‘_$i,t't00, httt was not wortit $‘.!i'r(_). Site hailed frottt Cleveland, tlhiu. An lIliiDt’liIiil.‘_lVIlBnl oi gaa lighting iaahottt to be given practical teat by the ihtnilnion tttarlrte depttrttuent, Inti it aucceeafttl will he alto tn to Iitlptnttetere anti piloto, inttettttteh ae it.will aiiord greater variety of ligitia, tlitti no rentlrr the different lucalitlee -rmire reitdily dttttingulttltaltle. The Iyatettt will be lrirti-op the gat.‘,buoy at the wet end of lit-Ittjt-tt ettnnnelin the St. Lawrence, which will be eltaugeti from it titted to Itt neettlting light. ’i‘h’e4ClevelInd City l-‘orrre and iron co...- panr haa.a hamnte -wlt.l£lt.aItt.JtI.i.!2Jt..izl9tt equIllng1l,000 tone, and ltae capacity of torzinga piece of iron weighing 150 tone. The bed on which thie hammer reete comtieta of Iolid IltlItfii’|l’V, ttttd ii iutbedded "5 feet in the ground. The block on which ltetrikee weighejuvt I00 tone. The‘ (‘ieveland worka cover Iuttte ten Icree of ground and have qttite number of buildings, two it! whichare l,tlll0 {cot lung, and tilled wilit tttaealva tttacltlnary. '|'ite new light-itouee at the end of the pier at Port (Joihorne, which. iilll juet been cont- pleted, in one ol the heel built Itructuree of ite kind on tlte_lttkee. The diameter of the ibttett ie 25 feet, and it rlaea to it height of (10 heat. Steel piatee of one tuttrter inch thick- ncite eneioae in ttolid iullnllillitlll of rock and cement. Above the base the building riace xotu.-t itt octagon Ihape.‘ The entire work ,hII been done itt about two tttotttha, Indthe coat will be between $‘.’,.'ttitt and f~‘i,tl00. To give an inetance of how very dull trade ia at i\'.ingIton lint., it might'tlilIil?1i* Iltttt atittte weeke ago tow left with !t,t)tlU tom of rttiiwtty iron fttr the \i't:It. Tite vcaaela were eontpellrd to return to. iiingatott light. (‘ttptttintt are being paid oti ill aotttu once, there being tto ittttttt-di.tte prnepeettt oi the carrying trttde itttproving. .\'ot only the grain, itttt the lumber trade in tillii. Title at-anort all the tetttbor for rattittg for -i2llI'iiUI‘ and the old country watt carried itt It low tttottllte: in other wordn, the work wda rttahetl for all it woe wortit. Now titttin.-r veeaeltt aro heing laid up for tho WIIllI‘f’ lieretotore they laiti up_itt lit-t-titer. '1 .o— -— /\ ('l|ii|ii'it"i'iU.\'. .-\e no tttttclt \'a1ttttble apttee in your paper ltna been given to the aul>jttt:t of rutupttaa errora, ntijlldiltldllll, 'it‘., few lines tttnre on tititt ittq<rrtattteultjet:t tttny not Ito out of place. ii‘. i‘. l't-areotte on the outwttrd voyage liltlitt hittteelf in bit: late eottttrttttticatitin to the t\i.\l|lNI: lttzmtutoutto the left, and there- fore he atettre no ltl|lt‘il lo the left front‘ the port ot deutintttiott ttlt the l’\tilll’liCtr|ll'ttt‘ home. it Ittttat be well retttt-tttiturttti, (root the port of dt-ttlittttlltttt, rtller hr htta got there. iitli aw Ite vlttitttn the aattto rule for lttga tlllti tlnlttttg Vt‘ttttt‘iI| rttttkittg rm port, tltu ctttm to quite dit- iI'rt'ltl. for Iltettt ll ta to tittd the rottmt over tire-grttttttd luck. it they have atet-red N. T“ the it!fl,.iilIIl in B‘. i" lt’t' i'I. will ttot take them hunk to the ltottto port. even if the Mill tort of deviation on -tpponitu eoorno were littlï¬tttt. I-'or,‘ti“ lit)’ ttt lltu lttit of .\'. 7*’ lo’ l‘I. in l!t' \V. ttttttructie over the ground, the oppo- alte eouree of whlclt le S: 1" lb’ E. ntttxnetic, at when calling on the revaree couree making p'i'|ttnt'itlog ofilfo lltat tteol Netttel ever_ -« cnttatrttt.-teti in New,.it-"racy took pia,ne~"tit‘ uti_t_td when he perletrntud the lollowttig. l-’t' E. anti tittd thettteelvott 5° till‘ to the. ieft,' the return course 5. 7“, if)‘ \i’. with it" .‘ill' to‘ be ateoreti le f~i..ll° -lit‘ E. and not 8, ii‘ l5'_E. II atttteti by ii. C. l'earInn-. Not Illiriieli with title mlIcI_rrl,ag, be con: tlnueet "Vt-eaeie aitlling on kny urea 'thIt rn'eti:eI nottttlttg. have greater deviation titln eouthing. :riliI reeultl from the fact that in the two northern quadranta of the ccmpaet-— the tint and fourth, iitdjilqplrll of deviation, a‘etttl-élrettiar and qttudrantal, cont tngtcher by like alum, I. ts.’ hy Itldl'lltn, ml in tho Il't.".ittti and third they come together by on- like Iifllil or lty atthtrnctlttp. Out of twenty- nine deviation tablet» Itthtnltted to Mr. C. ii. Airy, Apr ntiittttl‘ Royal, tp_r tiiI¢IltllliO|t,"0n_i‘y-. otttrvttrieti ront thia r_t_t|e."_ )eg|e are cautioned to‘ pm i""' °’""l'|"i‘â€' 0' Hiiliiilt Davie ti Co. Vee'- loiilo ctitttdmteo of the wreak.-_-The Wettnorc euetalrted con- Iideraltle damage, -_iter bcwe bclng- bully """""i,- sit! iflilinetmlr Ind it now itelntr repaired Portllurnn. The Iteemer ii. I’. It John “min hm" annoy thtlte schooner Ileo iloltnthtur, wu' rarptrth etanceaetern of tho'lllancitard and t‘lI||‘ie_, anti, ln ttilrmpting to .",t,] 1|]. ;l_r¢c came in collieion with tltefirenti Tiuï¬k ff?!’ ttrnn. IilelilllflrIllllllinttiiiiilill in- J"',Vti_'_|ti the ii-tnneyltad tlitnio to feel tang ‘W! In her t,wn"how.. “er a.'.....'.',. -tin, tunottttt to eoveral tl_to rand datum, .']"h, '-The ettttemeut la only true. Itreattecta',v_u; aola'iit witic|t.the 'perm pent potjllt ppie it located ttt'or.nettr the how ‘if qt the Item, aa' in tt gttodirttahy H-atoll, re gretttent ttevitt-. tittmt are fottnd ttti aotttltvr ‘chum-I tend not all l'ltlf|iilt'fi_\'. .Aa an ettantp out oi ttttitty, ttiny at-rve ii. .\i. .‘i.-t\\'artior, for which l'Ii'ana ltt,ltie Ittaitttal on ‘tit-t-ialion _trlveI the devitt-' iiilll tttitle: there we tlnd.for-- .. ii: N. ‘I. tit.-vitttlon §l° '.'0'-\\'. "‘ tv.,s. w. '- »\\'.'l\'. ii’. '. _, t~:..~'. ti. t- it an \\'. ‘: Here the t;i"etttt-out deviatiotttt are (Ill"I'IllIllit- eriy,cottraea,and itueitlee wt-ttt de\‘intiutta',ott eruuerly coureca tttlti ettet dttviatintta on weat- Eri)l'Ul1liYwIfa,iMt2iiiliiltiCttlliflltiitii ii. i‘. l't-areona‘ Italetttent itt eveiy kcnpwt». Tryittg to amend omttttpraetitrttl rttle he'lttu< ttttrde tttlttere only} worae. iiati he applied the ehttlk on til‘Ci(,‘ thin tintc pppettrattet-I tttight itavtt been dil- tert-nt. ,itIli.\' .\iAl.'lilt'lI. (The nverttge rrttduu ahttuld tttitltilllillll we have ettdt_-ttrnred to eittcitlate the apparently etttating tiitferencert on the ‘Above etthjrct. by printing the viewa of our aere'rai corrr»pon- deitta iront week to week. it iI autnewltat liiiiiflllihyitt ttieltoicttl eotttrnvereey' in tltetlu pagan: when the chief polttta It ilitttfl are thttne which even the junior otlicere of eotteting veaat-Ia ttrc or Ilmuld be practically letttiliar w’ith. in all'profeattlutta diii'eren'ci- of upiniott on certain subject: may in-:'fottntl to exiet Ittd are Itltfniiy cottrtenttaly aekttowl- edge among the fraternity intorceleti, attclt-we perceive tttlllti he the ultimate remit of the mrrespnntlence ttn contpaaa t-rrora, their ad- -jttattttent, or application, eepeeiallr when gointl over the ground of "beaten traek.", We trust therefore that our eeteettted carnation- denta will give ue due t.-retiit' for the fncilitiee ntieretl in there pagt-I ttnd by In ncknt:wltidge- meat of thanks for their paet tavorn we will for the preet-nt cloeu the Il!|’iEl ol ietteta on title tttueh diacttmn-tt ttubject l£tt.t The llleek'§‘Caéhaititi§ The ataamer tr. (t. ttedtey, bound up,‘ eoet laden, grounded about tttitlnlght téaturtlay, juet below the Ht. (‘lair i"iate (ittttai. ferry boat worked at her and Illa waa iinniiy releaeed withoutdatnnge. When ufi Popper iiarbnr lnat Sttnday night the .tuE...., F. \\'. Wheeler broke the plunger of her air pump and woe cotttpelled, with the anltooner Aeltland itt tow, to put back to Mar- quettc lor repatre. Tito propeller t'. J. Kt-raitaw and conaorta ran into the eaet arm of the (‘let-elattd break- water, when bound ottt ilat Sunday night. The dtttnatrt: to the breakwater in light anti the reuele were apparently uninjured II they ptoceeded on. after getting clear ot the port. Tite ateatttitar-[re i’ttrtttr Uitatttberiaitt ltaa been in ‘the Wolverine dry—dock Iv\'|lrl|i‘ wecka httvittg etlel archer put in. The work waa cotttpleted on \\'edneIdny anti the dock tilled with w_aler' when the ttrchett broke in three placea. She will be detained in dock week longer to tttake repaire. .\ bout two o'clock .\iottda_v tttorttittg the rupidtt at i"ott iiretiot wtta the arena of veryl eoriotttt tlittrilio diattater, whereby one life ll‘l|t iuat, together with tlte‘pruttattlo totul ioel of one o! the ittrgettt lttk't- ecltoont-..., the tttettttter ll. \\'. liittneltatd. towing the Il‘iI.tttlit'l' .\I. if Ti‘l|lIIitiI', t?Illti intiutt, ittttttttl ttp, am the tttttttttthttrge \\'. i.. \\'ettttore, ore ltttlctt. it. ttttti Stuttttltt to prom to tttttrlttnerd were ex- down. eltattgeti, and the two ~eteattii~ra pttttztetl vault other about ‘.!tlt| tt-et Ipttrt The \\.~t- tttttro attd'i'rvtttble tltett rupidly ttppr--at-lte-i_ each other attd cattte together with ift'llll'liti tltlll ioree. the ateattter ltlfiitltlt; the ott Iltetttarlmrtrd bow, vtttttng her down rut that alto tilled attd aattit in tire tnitttttett. \\‘itielt --t" Iitu,two \'t‘ttItI*i't siteeted trottt her t-mtrae t-attttot he l|tIt'I'i'ilIIllt'li, an the lipe oi ltuth erowa are tturtlt-ti." Tit 'i'retni-I.- it'I!l liltttl l'rt-tttltlo liua ttt-arlr on ht-r itttutn ettde, tlin't‘ll}‘ Itt‘rtutl lite t:lIIflllI'i,_ilI itifrllt of water, with ttlmut '_.'t|it-ttt other toptttunlrt altttttittg out ol tit.- wtttor. She in about ft_tttl feet tt_bot't- the ii:-ta ford elovtttor and 2"" luul “Hill the itfltllti 'l'rttttk Iit|t‘i( «tn the itttertrttrt eitiv. Iltttal -latq,-t-rotta t-I-strut-tiott tn II.I\‘lKnllt|ii. and pilots tgotttg tttto the rt\t'r hitllllili utw t'\ 1,-.-....,, tttttultttg to the I'tIKl\\‘tIniVwf tit.- ‘be tnrttt-t .......t '1 t.,.... 1..-.,,t.t iigitia ..r.- ....w .t....... .... the 'i'retttble't~ Dt|ttii’li« \\'tlltttttt .\it'.\lttttga, r_t nett- _l1lli|t'nll the 'i‘retttl-Io, went down with the vea- ael. l-iia itnttte wiut itt iilttgttou, thu, ,\|1 tttitt-re of the crew ettrttpeti with what clotitittt: they iirlti on it in tlt-- opittiutt uf experln iilllii tuning in the p.--oti-ut ttt wltt.-h the i'i’l‘lIti|iIt“ liua, attti tho tt\\'liittI'na of_Iltu rttrrottl. ‘II will kite itttptttutible to rlllltll her. Site in of ti.'t_.N' tottl rttgi-tter, lg mttte-l bv J. t‘. Fitzpatrick of Cleve. with ttleepititr can of tltirttttgemto tltetilttnney lire“ Iiilnltteen frttmaa Irc"ht-niren “mi |.', ‘ï¬ll Flirting. ltepairti are being made '“'- iiillliltfli -\' Alverttott'I dryt'lttck""Tlt cullittlon between the ilanney and the til!’ ferry wan ctiutted hr litu llanney i)t.'it|g_'._i||iIod frottt the dock thttta vttnken veaeel w.“ if flitï¬ï¬‚ti timi that‘ «he llltltti cnttte ncitrer in ""i,ti iintwrttck. in doing an the boat etruck the 'erty, whlcli ltat_i just‘ i'litl‘P0li it|fl'».lii[) rt New York anti QltiCtl_-' gotraitt nrt hoard. 'i‘he'oceupanttt of the “""' "“‘.‘W tllqatlv tult-cp. and were'.t by :l‘.t- litttt'it ttttd erttnltittg tittthertt of the atentttet‘. "°i‘ "‘â€i“""'.-‘Vii Pnenedtor few tttttntetttu ltt-:'rttt>r-‘t'l:t*t'p;_\', ‘v ii ’' ‘'t:t.a$‘tt Sept. 10.. To tin [.':lt'Iur nl'-I/tr .tI'.m... It'r4'trrIl. Ti'â€'iilt'i| the cuitrteay of the tileveittnd to-ttnttuer of the it. (3. line nfktcattteta watt l|A‘I'IiIi|it'i.i to accept an ittvlttttion to,puen_tt the celebration n! tltc late tfotttmudore i’erry'e victory on Lake Erie. The fact that ttevcnty- -even yearn ltqre now eittpeod alone that tttt-tttttrahle eucottnlt-tr took piaee ia of enureo well~known to allot your readers, yet,i would like to record the statement that wae in cloae proxititity to the atone of battle, heard the t-annonttdin_g and tltottgh nl- tender yearn tliattttctly yementlter thn hreatltleu Itiepenea witich‘tIto'et: an Iltore waited to ltear news of the rettult of tltc engagen laid at the hinge wltarf at old Fort and there aaw the cannon now placed .\[onu- tnrnta_| pttrk, Cleveland, which watt captured front the acttooner Queen Charlotte. The Cottttttodure in eiligy Itantie gazing ‘It the “batket"_wltlch enuaed ltim no little trouble over three quttrtera of century ago, and if 1; la poeaible furthp departed to know anytlring of thin world he could look ba'cit with great plcanttrt-'; that ie if glory make: it ruan happy. (in November i0tit, lfllti Cotttttttttiorc 'i’erry t-ntet-en’ that beautiful hey, there waa at that time itut one log cabin on the inland tutti "that was m-cttpied by an t-ldeirly man ttnd hie tIrutl_v. wltu wertttlte only i’£Iit££|'lil.r ease t- in; the rattle-«mtkee which t.‘_uttit.i fairly he ,, counted to tttrn out about forty ituiiteh tn [hg acre_ however, when the iliurtrionv commo- dure beheld the Itare and atripee tloating over ilil dleahled, Iieet, while that of ltia late antag- oni_It waa tlnwned and diahott_oreti, venture to aay that i‘errv ltati greater picnic on that occtuion tltttn the rttanfiltouaanda wh_iclt the it .\ (‘. line hoate now t‘ll’r] there ’through- out the euntttter eeaattn. \\'hile enjoying what tttay paettlbly be tttv lttel picnic to Put- in-llI'y, vould ttnt help wondering whether had tttt aeaooiattt or contemporary in the crewde which vlttited there on the 10th., any other. who, while ttut hearing the brunt of the battle, wee yet cloee enltutrlt to hear the cannon bootuitttr, if there are any Ittelt iwouid feel it an ltttnttr tonteet thertt. As (int: l’tn.\'r:r:tt .\iAltl.\'lZ|t or l~'l.\'. ,_ .,_ l..\i\'l-I l9ill:'ltiii'l‘.\'. i"reightI were quiet )‘!ttlt!l'titl_\‘ itt both out [ittl ‘coal Ittd rate: were utteltttttged. t'ottl chttrtt.-re—l'ropoiiera Jolttt .\iitcltr-ii. t'|t-veltttttt to iittiliiit, l'~<': iiutttttattIa_, iltttialu tq .\itlwaukt-r. -'>U‘t', l-‘red Ix" eilev, line to (‘hi t-ttgo, tillv. I--ttia. tihnrlotte in lm-ago 8|: Itiltouttt-.r .\i. ll Wariter.i'lt-t'el:tttt| hr \itttti~ tow. it‘. .\l--ttgttagott. t‘lt-t‘.-lautl it ilfliflbii. privut l-II‘l|tt'-. l’tt/.|tuglt, (levt~l.ttttl In \'ttt-it ‘it! .\lnrte, ‘me. The ht‘iiItIllit'I' t’. ilttroert ittkvr iimtttalttt to \\'_vattdoIte iii ~-'tt~.‘ tttkt-rt grnttt tr_ottt l' lluiltt|- tlllt um, ‘\'|tlt'IltiIl*t’ III <\ rttaet itt fllglbti-liI'iltt|llIi tttt<_i ltrtttt-r Ull iil lfr wilt-at, iiulittlo: lie on t'ortt it i-I'tIl't.'tl|li'i‘ t-’ ‘t‘.. iittlittitt, alt... grt,t ittrttttt, \tm rtt'n..i ii no |itltttI;!itrIiI‘1i‘ll)'-ti itottu‘, mm on p. i. To <tmr_ttttt [lat-.l Ilntttnrth. et-rtt on p. Hi rt \I t-. .\'. -.\‘., \t-pit-tnltor ltI.—t'oai‘ in-tutti.» an-_ tlttll uud t'ltt~_\‘. Slttpptvrtt ltttti ltittttll ttll llw;e tte-t-tie-I tor ttke .\iit*|ti- gun lllltl t-vr tilt’ ‘tt_, not they \\lIiIit'Ii llliiii-‘ iiililii, .-n,_vtt,_-t-ti ttl-i ll-rl tr. |liI‘fw -.-..t tlll-‘ll t. t-tt Vtlttl tutti i. ilIIl’|t'ltt \\ en- t.. tut; it t- i\'t|'ltI‘ti lltrtt |..~ ‘ta.-.t.v..| |_\‘ t... ~;t,..~u ,_ get. .-t.1_t- '. t. .. out -tr_,_' .. -.t.t.: tutu out V-‘fill In tut rm Iii ‘It-t|ttt»_; the tt-. \i\~itI' ‘I It ~.q-tn... i\lllt'-'|ftilttI', or. -ut|it:t- t.o.\;“t; \t., t~.t~.\_rtt. hi'.\l'. -t‘\t\ll‘li, iittt L'tl St-ptt-tttlmr '.!0th' to Xlugurtt l"ttlil vin .\'iekel |'l;tte: it-ttvo t'i«-vuittttti to p, ttt.. nrrirt-ut i‘:tii~ t. in .I lit, ."t|ttt'tttitt-r '.'ir.|, littqtttn llti|l'I'Ii tt,_-.ot rl‘-'I|itI ~t «Ni t‘\lrtt. nu, II-trut -uu.-r- Alttwttlilii l'tt-~ at'ittoItIIttr l'mttI.t-rtt elili at lltttlnlu, lieitq; llltitllilt to go down the .\'tagartt iliver ott ttecottttt'of low water